Create Vocal Harmonies Like a PRO in Cubase (from a single vocal) #cubase #vocalharmonies #variaudio

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tell me babe wanna leave this town I'm saying love if you want gone now baby thing hello everyone I welcome back dome here and on today's video I'm going to show you how you can create vocal harmonies inside Cubase from one single vocal with literally one click intro [Music] so let's get started guys but before we do if you haven't subscribed to the channel already hit that button down there it really helps me create more videos like these for you now let's get into it I have a vocal right here let's play it tell me pay only this time I'm saying if you wanna go now so right now we have no chords we have nothing but I'm going to show you how you can create harmony voices out of this single vocal very very easily so let's see I have this nice pad right here so what I'm going to do now is I'm going to do one of the most important steps if you want to create harmony voices inside cue bases literally with one click what you need to do is you need to go to plus here and add a core track okay that's very very important now we have our core track right here what I will do is I'm going to mute it because I want to be able to play and record the chords inside the core track okay so I'm going to go to my nice pad right here and I'm going to record those chords into the core track okay so I'm going to record enable it tell me baby won't leave this town say love if you wanna come now [Music] Stellaluna the-- [Music] this place keeps killing okay so now not only I recorded my lovely pad that by the way comes from retrologue - love it but I also recorded the chords inside my core track this doesn't mean that you have to do it you have to play it on a keyboard you can also add your chords like this you know just grab your pencil tool and add chords like that if you are not a piano player don't worry about it but if then if you're not you can find a MIDI keyboard and just play the chords one by one you know now let's say that I want to go ahead and create those harmony voices right so what I'm gonna do now is the first thing I want to clean those up in terms of timing a little bit so I'm going to hit Q to quantize because we're going to generate those chords I want them to hit exactly on the beat so now let's get to that one click that I was talking about select the audio your vocal and then go to audio and then you just need to click on generate harmony voices and here are just a couple of things that you can check right how many voices do you want you have up to 4 right 1 2 3 4 but I'm gonna show you later on how you can add more to this the next thing that you want to check is your reduce vibrato strength why is that now here's the thing a normal human being a singer will have a vibrato now if you ask that singer to sing the same part twice it's extremely unlikely that they will hit the exact same vibrato curve ok so if you set this to zero okay that means that the vibrato is going to be retained exactly like it was on the original take we don't want that why because it will sound unnatural it would sound like all the voices have exactly the same vibrato this is not what we want so so I tend to add a little bit of this maybe around 70 percent something like this okay and then you can choose if you want to open the sample editor after the whole process is completed so let's hit OK and boom there we have our four harmony voices and check something that's a little bit of a detail but I really really appreciate it the voices are called soprano alto tenor and bass now if you read the basics about you know harmony and you know bar curls and all these things you will know that these were the four voices where everything began right soprano alto tenor and bass and that's what I love about Cubase it speaks to me in a very musical way so thank you Cubase for speaking to us in a musical way speaking to us like you're musicians and you don't name these voice one voice to voice three voice for that would make no sense soprano alto tenor and bass I understand exactly what it is I know that this is going to be my low voice this is going to be my tenor you know also the film a voice the lower female voice and the - my voice soprano so now here's the thing Cubase makes this incredibly incredibly simple but I'm going to tell you something let's play it first I'm saying if you wanna come down now Cubase has done all the hard work for us but here's where the human element comes in and here's what you can do to make this even better because right now it sounds a little bit synthetic okay but that's not because Cubase didn't do the job right I'm going to show you how to make this sound more natural okay now the first thing that I would do would be number one to go into my mixer and pan those voices left and right okay why number one because they're all in the center right now so this will sound congested even if you had like real vocal harmonies they would sound a little bit weird if they were all in the center these are supposed to be background vocals so we need to spread them to give them a little bit of space a little bit of air to breathe the second thing that I would do is I would take all of them alt shift and pull them down a little bit because they're too loud right now now let's listen to this now and let's see if we improve things a little bit okay much much much better now there's another thing that will improve this even even more and this is a little tip I want to give you and I want you guys to get perfect results out of you know the harmony generated in Cubase it's such a simple trick but it will make a difference so let's go to soprano and what I'm going to do is I'm going to go to the inspector and I'm going to go here see there's this track delay in milliseconds and I'm going to say okay the soprano I want to delay it for around 25 milliseconds also around let's say 35 okay let's go for tenor and delay it around 20 milliseconds actually let's go with bit further with the tenor of mess a 45 and bass let's say 21 milliseconds you know random you know don't go too far because it will start sounding like a delay now why do we do this because the thing that sounds still a little bit unnatural right now is that all the consonants are exactly in the same place for all vocal takes and even the best singers they cannot do this you know it's very very hard to do and people spend hours and hours in editing to make the vocal sound tight but because this will all generated through one vocal we don't want this why because all the consonants are going to be in the same place and because they're tuned up and down we're going to get these phasing artifacts so if we spread them in time then we will get a way more natural result let's listen to this now much much better right it's it's a massive difference and I think that this is one of the things that even if people know the trick about generate harmony voices in Cubase they miss that that's one of the things that you have to do manually but it takes like literally just a few seconds and it makes a world of a difference massive difference so now if you want to click away from this video you're free to do so but now I'm going to show you some really really cool stuff when it comes to changing those harmonies making them your own very very easily with just a few clicks let me show you first of all the very cool thing that these harmonies have right now is they're not like static harmonies that were generated and we cannot do anything about them they're actually dynamically linked to the core track steel okay so for example let's say that I'm not happy with one of my course let's go here okay let's mute the pad for a second and let's say that I'm not very happy with this a major chord here I'm not very happy with it let's go here double click on it and let's make it an E major instead and now this how cool is that the harmonies follow the core track and I don't have to lift a finger let me show you if I open these in the sample editor right let's change this course right now okay let's go for a boom let's go for e boom let's go for e with the major seventh boom done right let's keep it only for now how cool is that if I make a video about the things that I love about Cubase this will definitely be in my list so okay we have this this is great we can change the chords if you guys know of any other DW that can do that let me know I think Cubase is the only DW that can do this so fast okay and in no way I'm suggesting that this will substitute real vocal harmonies every single time I'm working with a singer I'm always asking for real vocal harmonies I'm always asking that they sing them because they're always going to sound much better with more feeling I don't need to say that right some singers not all of them some of them are a little bit lazy they know that you can do this so they tell you you know you can do this later on right I'm just gonna sing the lead but that's fine but this is also a very contemporary vocal sound that you can hear on countless pop productions right now on the radio it's it's everywhere this sounds so even if it's not like a hundred percent natural it's a very contemporary sound so it's always good to have the tools to achieve it right so now let's do something that's even cooler let's say that we have these harmonies here to pay and we like them but maybe we're not very happy with the voicing maybe this this is very low you know I mean I understand this as a base but you know the singer here is a tenor and he sings at a higher register as well so this is a little bit too far-fetched for this what can we do check it out now all you need to do I'm not gonna play anything I'm just gonna show you what you can do with the core track you go to your core track okay and then you can see that you have the voicings here so we have voicings we have quite a few options right here and maybe I'm gonna do a video explaining all these things at some point but at this stage what I want you to check is that you can say I want to have voicings for piano basic check they change straightaway or guitar they also changed okay that's very cool I'm gonna keep it for piano right now now this this cogwheel is the magic button I don't know how many people know about this if you know about this feature let me know in the comments down below I'm gonna show you though okay now what this allows you to do is it allows you to change the voicing of your chords and of course it goes for the vocals as well so let's say I want to duplicate the route okay boom now if duplicated the route down I'm going to get a different sound to see a little bit more minimal this this time let's go and change this and fatten it up what this does is it duplicates a tenor one octave higher so immediately we're changing the character of our harmonies now check what else you can do that's completely gonna change how your harmonies sound you can change your voicing range so the lowest root note the lowest note and the highest note so let's say I'm going to change the lowest root note so see before we had the bass right there the bass voice and now we can just move it up because it doesn't allow it to go that low which sometimes might be something that you want let's listen to this now tell me and why don't we try and change this in real time this is gonna be fun [Music] see how many different sounds I can get the voicing in vocal harmonies is extremely extremely important so with this options I can change all those different things so let's play it from the beginning from the top and let's see what we can do tell me pay one of these time see if you wanna change okay so I mean you can have loads of fun with this and you can get so many different options but the last thing I want to show you is that you can add more voices even more voices right so the function generate harmony voices gives you four to choose from but that doesn't mean that you only need to use four check what you can do you can go to Alto and let's say I want to duplicate this or maybe I want to duplicate the soprano so for me the shortcut for duplicate is shift and J done and let's go and duplicate the tenor as well shifting J and now what I'm gonna do is I'm going to pan them on the opposite side of their brothers and sisters so let's go like that great now these two that we just created they have exactly the same voicing like the normal soprano and the tenor that we had initially but what you can do is you can go to these specific channels and go to your chords and assign a different role to them for example I'm going to say soprano two for soprano and for the second tenor that we created ten or two okay now we have these guys right here if I open them you will see that I still have the same voicings but now I can go back to my core track go back to this amazing cog wheel and now I can start changing those options so now instead of four voicings I have five or six voicings depending on the chord right here you can see one two three four five six so now I can add more voices and depending on the settings that I have here I can change again all the voicings now as a last thing what I'm gonna do let's give them some polish I'm going to select all of them create a bus alt shift G in my case let's call it B V back in vocals and now on this bus I'm going to add reverb a revelation and let's listen to what we have this time [Music] all right let's bring in the pad [Music] see love if you wanna go now baby this place keeps killing so there you go that's how you can create vocal harmonies in Cubase very very easily but the most important thing is you can make them your own I hope you enjoyed this video guys I hope you found it useful if you did hit that like button down there yes it really really helps subscribe to the channel if you haven't done so already and share it with any Cubase user you might know that might like it until next time I'll see you on the next one guys bye bye
Channel: Dom Sigalas
Views: 108,555
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cubase, vocal harmonies, cubase tutorial, cubase 10.5, variaudio, vocal harmony, pitch correction, chord track, vocal production, harmony, best daw software for windows, best daw software for mac, vocals, autotune, how to mix vocals, cubase how to, variaudio cubase, vocal melody, auto tune, vocal harmonies tutorial, how to harmonize, how to use chord track in cubase, create harmonies from a single vocal, cubase 10, melodyne tutorial, create harmonies using melodyne, dom sigalas
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 58sec (1138 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 26 2020
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