Complete Beginner's Guide to Cubase 11 in Just 60 Minutes [Pro // Artist // Elements]

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I am still very much a beginner so thanks for this

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/lil_bulge 📅︎︎ Dec 02 2020 🗫︎ replies

hey craig....nice to see you're here too....really enjoy your Falcon tuts and look forward to more in the future.....

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/commondenom 📅︎︎ Dec 02 2020 🗫︎ replies

Oh man. I need to watch this shit when I get off work today. I'm in dire need of a tutorial

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Das_Turk 📅︎︎ Dec 02 2020 🗫︎ replies

I just started using Cubase a week ago. This is very helpful -- I learned something in the first few minutes that I didn't know.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/doug_a 📅︎︎ Dec 02 2020 🗫︎ replies
what's up boys and girls craig lopez back once again with another tutorialism and today we're going to be doing a complete beginner's guide to cubase 11. in just 60 minutes we'll be going from a blank template to this [Music] explaining every step along the way i will be using cubase 11 pro but every instrument and effect that i use along the way is available in both cubase artists and cubase elements so you can follow along regardless of which version you're using of course we will be utilizing some of the new features in cubase 11 the new scale assistant the new perfect pitch bend features the new sampler and the insanely brilliant new plugin squasher now i will put a list of the chapters in the timestamps in the description below if you want to come back and reference any of this or if you're already familiar with some of these features from a previous version and just want to skip ahead if this is your first time on the channel a big welcome to one and all and you might want to consider hitting that subscribe button for more cubase content in the future but anyway that's enough of an intro for one day let's get into this so when you open up cubase 11 you'll be greeted by this the steinberg hub on the left hand side you can see we have all the latest news and tutorials from steinberg as well as links to deals user manuals forum and support and on the right hand side we have a whole bunch of template projects as well as a list of your most recent projects but for now we're going to create an empty project i would always recommend having a dedicated folder just for your cubase projects as i have here i would also recommend setting up a new folder for every project you begin the cubase workspace is made up of four zones the left right and lower zones can be hidden or viewed by clicking on these icons in the top right hand corner and the upper zone is always visible at the very top of the workspace we have our toolbar and at the very bottom our transport bar our cubase's workspace is highly customizable so if yours looks a little different from mine don't panic most elements can be hidden or viewed by clicking on any of these cog wheels other elements can be expanded or shrunk wherever you see these three little dots now before we get started we want to make sure the cubase and our sound card are communicating properly with each other to do that we're going to go up to the menu select studio and go down to studio setup select audio system and select your sound card from the drop down menu and click ok now we also want to make sure that our input and outputs are rooted correctly so we can record income and audio and here the audio output so to do that we're going to go up the studio again go to audio connections under input make sure you have the correct audio card selected and under output make sure you have your audio card selected again now setting up your midi controller will be hardware specific so you'll have to check with your user manual on how to set that up but once that is set up to test whether keyways is receiving the incoming midi click on the cog wheel in the bottom right hand corner make sure input output activity is checked and you will see this box down here press the key on your keyboard and you should see the meter respond okay so let's create a midi instrument to do that we're going to go to the main workspace and right click in this area select add instruments i'm going to create a halyon sonic sa instrument to find that in your list click on the drop down menu and in the search bar type hallion and click on halyon sonic sc and click add track we can now see that an instrument track has been loaded into our arrangement window with a halion sonic sa loaded into it instrument can be viewed or hidden by clicking on this icon here or clicking this icon here in the inspector we go down to our lower zone and select mix console we can see we also have a mixer channel named halion sonic to keep things nice and tidy i always like to separate my stereo in and stereo out channels from my instrument and audio channels to do that i'm going to click in the lower zone to highlight it and then in the left hand zone click visibility and to the bottom click on zones and then click these buttons to the right the first one will move the stereo input to the right hand side and we open up the drop down menu we can also move the stereo out to the right if we highlight the lower zone once more we can increase or decrease the width of the channels by pressing g or h on our keyboard let's increase those for now okay let's select a piano sound in hollyon sonic we can do this by selecting piano in the category section and now in the lower section of halion sonic sc we should see a list of all the pianos we have available the number of sounds available to you will be different depending on whether you're running cubase pro cubase artist or cubase elements but i'm just going to select this yamaha s90 es piano by double clicking and with my halyon channel selected in the arranged view and record enable selected i should be able to hear the instrument by pressing the keys on my keyboard okay so let's hide the instrument for now and i'm going to begin this track as i begin every track and that is with a chord progression and for this we're going to use a cubase's chord pads the color pads can be found in the lower zone by clicking on this tab if you don't see this tab click on the cog and make sure call pads is checked the layout of your code pads may look different from mine to change the layout click on this cog go to pad layout and choose your preferred layout from the drop down menu click ok our keyboard says code pads allow us to play chords with either a single click of the mouse or by pressing the single key on your midi keyboard the keys on your keyboard which will trigger the chord pads are highlighted in blue here now there's a whole bunch of code pad presets to choose from these can be selected by clicking on this box selecting load chord pads preset and single click in any of the preset names but for now i want to work with a blank template to do that i'm going to click on this drop down menu and select unassign all pads so i'm going to right click in the first pad and select assign pad from midi input i'm playing a chord from my midi keyboard [Music] and now if i press c1 on my keyboard you will hear it will trigger that g minor chord now i could of course assign each of these pads a chord in the exact same way but for the remainder of my chord progression i'm going to use the chord assistant which can be found here now the chord assistant has two tabs proximity and circular fifths but i'm going to stay with the circle of fifths for the purposes of this video now we can audition chords by clicking on the symbols and we can see that each of the chords in the g minor scale has a roman numerical value attached to it [Music] we can of course audition calls from outside the g minor scale to hear what they would sound like but later on in the video i want to show you the new scale assistant and it doesn't seem to like borrowed chords too much not so important for now but if anybody from steinberg is watching this it would be great if he could incorporate that into a future update but anyway let's play about and see if we can find the chord progression that we like okay so i quite like that so i'm just going to drag these chords into the chord pads [Music] and now i can trigger all these chords from my midi keyboard okay let's close the chordae system for now and let's see if we can give this progression a little bit more depth so right now each of these codes is just a basic triad but we can scroll through tensions by clicking on these left and right arrows at the bottom of each pad we can also edit the codes by clicking on the arrow to the left of each pad and we can adjust the visons by clicking on the arrows to the right of the pad okay so i'm happy with that let's record that in so the first thing i'm going to do is set up a loop region to do that i'm going to left click here and drag the cursor over four bars when this section is highlighted in purple it means our playhead is going to loop over that region we can toggle loop on and off by clicking here or clicking on the activate cycle button in the transport bar to the right of the transport bar we can adjust the tempo of our track i'm going to leave mine at 120 for now and to the right of that we have our metronome which we can toggle on and off by clicking on the button so if i press play now we should hear our metronome counting at 120 bpm [Music] now i would like a two-bar counting when i press record so to set that up we go to our menu and click on transport go to metronome setup and accounting we can set our number of bars and keep minor 2 and to hear the metronome during that count in you have to have click during counting selected just click ok go back to the beginning of the project and i'm going to press record press stop to end the recording and now we can see we have a midi clip of what we've just performed to hear that back we can just press play [Music] to zoom in we can either use these sliders are the plus and minus buttons and we can also scroll left and right using the scroll bar now i can hear in the recording that my time was obviously off as was the velocity range of which i was hitting the keyboard so we can fix all that by entering the midi editor we can do that either by double clicking on the midi clip and we can see that our lower zone has now changed to the key editor but we can simply select it from the tabs below we can increase or decrease the size of the lower zone by clicking and dragging and we have the same navigation options that we do in the arrange page i also forgot to mention that we can navigate by moving our cursor up to the loop region until we see the four pointed cursor and we can click and drag up and down to zoom in and out and also move left and right by keeping our mouse held down [Music] the same applies for the arranger page in the editor we can move notes about by clicking and dragging either single notes a group of notes [Music] ctrl z will undo we can change the length of each note by clicking and dragging either the left or the right hand side of the note we right click we bring up our toolbar we can draw a note with the pencil we can erase them with the eraser [Music] you can trim them with the trimmer split them with the scissor tool blue knot together and mute knots you can also use the delete key on your keyboard to erase notes now of course we could just drag each chord into its correct position but i want to use the quantize function which will quantize all notes at the exact same time quantized settings can be found here in the editor as well as here in the arrange page the quantize amount can be set via the drop down menu and you can see the grid in the editor change accordingly so let's set mine to 1 8 and if i press the q button it will apply that quantize so let's have a listen to what we have [Music] now so the timing is better but the velocities are still a little bit off we can see the velocities in the lower section of the editor we can change the velocity by selecting a note and moving its velocity up or down [Music] or we can select the whole chord and move the velocity for all notes at the same time but if we select all of the notes and hover our mouse over the highlights section you see we have these three dots appear the one in the top left will allow us to fade in the notes the dot to the right will allow us to fade out the dot in the middle will allow us to scale the velocities vertically and the dot to the right in the middle will allow us to increase or decrease the dynamic range of those velocities so i'm going to decrease the dynamic range but still keep a little bit of variation and use the dot in the middle to bring the overall velocity of everything up so now let's have a listen i sounded a lot better but i think i want these chords to be played a little bit more legato so i'm just going to click in the middle of the editor to deselect all of the notes and then in the left hand pane i'm going to go to inspector so i'm going to go over to length click on the drop down arrow now if you don't see length appear here you can just click on the cog and make sure you have length ticked and to apply legato i'm just going to click on apply legato i think i want a little bit of a gap between each of these chords just so it sounds a little bit more natural so to do that i'm going to go to scale legato and pull this slider back a touch and let's have a listen [Music] great so that sounding a lot better now so the next thing i want to do is select a scale for our track i'm going to do that by using cubase 11's new scale assistant so that can be found in the inspector up here under scale assistant again if you don't see that click on the cog and make sure you have it selected now in order for scale assistant to recognize the note in the key editor you must have the recording editor button enabled and we can see under scale suggestion from the chords that i've played the key base is suggesting four scales so we click on the drop down menu you can see it's suggesting either a sharp major g aeolian or natural minor or c blues one and for some reason it's suggesting g a only natural minor twice i guess it really wants me to pick that as my scale so i'm going to click on it and now we can see in editor scale gaolian natural minor is now selected so there's a few interesting things we could do from here so right now if we look at the grid in our scale editor all of the white parts of the grid correspond to the white note on the keyboard and all of the dark gray parts correspond to the black notes on the keyboard now if you go to show scale note guides and click on it now all of the white grid boxes represent the notes that are in our scale of g minor and all the dark gray ones represent the notes that are not in our scale if we click snap picture editing now if i want to enter a new note it won't allow me to enter a note that is not in our scale and if we go to snap live input it will snap every node i play on my keyboard into g minor regardless of what note i'm playing [Music] okay so let's go back to our range window and let's label this part by double clicking here now this is labeled our channel if we want the midi part to have the same name as our channel we can just shift and enter as we enter the name if we want the clip to have a different name with the clip selected we can just click in here and enter a different name if you don't see this info line just click on the cog and have info line selected and if you don't see the option for name click on the cog in the info line and make sure you have name selected so now is probably a good time to save our project so to do that to go file save as and in the folder that we set up at the beginning let's give our project a name so just as in the key editor we can right click to select our toolbar and with the midi clip we can cut parts up delete parts glue parts together new parts etc let's control z and go back to our original part and what i want to do now is change the piano patch into something that's going to be a little bit more inspirational for this track that we're working on so i'm going to open up the instrument and under category i'm going to go to synth comp and if i double click on a part i can hear that that sound is now changed to that particular patch [Music] so let's scroll through some of these until i find one that i like [Music] [Music] so i'm gonna go with this juanita sequence just beneath the patch selection in the hallion sonic we have these macro controls which allow us to manipulate the sound let's have a play about with some of those [Music] [Music] very cool but i think i'm just going to leave it like that just for now and i'm going to rename my channel import okay so let's add a bass line so i'm going to close helion sonic right click in this section go to add instrument and i'm going to select prolog click on the drop down menu and in the search bar type in prolog i'm going to click in this top section to bring up the presets select base and i'm going to go with this ax let's close the instrument for now right click to bring up a toolbar and select a pencil and i'm going to click and drag over the four bars to create a new empty midi part down into our editor make sure record an editor is enabled and we can see that the settings in our scale assistant have carried over from our chord track and because i have snap live input enabled so now as i attempt to jam out a baseline all notes will be locked to g minor [Music] let's change our quantize value to 16 and quantize that let's increase the velocity of the second note here let's name our part so i'm thinking it might sound nice if we glide between these three notes and between these three notes so first up i want to see how many semitones between g1 and f2 it's one two three four five six seven eight nine ten so i'm going to open up the instrument and at the top where it says a pitch bend range let's change that to the nearest value which is a 12 and let's extend the view of the editor and bring up the lower section where the velocity is held and when it says velocity i'm going to click and change that to pitch bend underneath pitch bend i'm going to click on this icon which is snap a pitch bend to events and right now we can see our pitch bend range is plus to a negative two and click on set up grid and change that to a plus 12 so it's the same as our instrument i'm going to change the loop range so we're just going over the first bar i'm going to zoom in so we can more accurately see what we're doing here i'm going to stretch this node out and mute these two notes go back to my pencil tool add a node here and let's go up 10 and then from f2 to d2 is down one two three so add another node here and go down one two three and add a node in the center here and at the end of our note let's go back down to zero let's just have a listen to that to make sure it sounds right oh i didn't change the loop markers let's go back and change that there we go add another note here and click on this little circle icon let's change this to a slide add another node here again move this one across and change this to a slide see how that sounds let's have a listen to that nice so we can delete these notes now that we don't need them let's do the same in the later section let's have a listen [Music] so i'm going to switch back to velocity and just raise the velocity of that first note but i can see even with just two instruments loaded that i am clipping the output and i can see that because i have a little red bar here if you don't see this again click on the cog and make sure you have input output selected now if i go over to my mix console i can indeed see that the stereo output has been clipping because it is lit up red i can reset that by clicking on it let's bring down the size of the lower zone here now i can of course increase or decrease the volume of my channels by moving the faders up and down double click and press 0 to reset but usually i don't play about with the volume faders until i'm at my mix down stage so what i'm going to do instead is decrease the pre-gain on each of the channels so to do that i'm going to click on this e button which is the edit channel settings this can be accessed from the channel view or from the arrange view and in the eq section you can see we have a pre-gain dial now if you have sliders here and not dials these can be changed by clicking on this cog and changing the view to show sliders or show knobs of course it's up to you what your preference is i'm going to solo just the synth chords by pressing s for solo and then i'm going to reduce the pre-gain [Music] and then i'm going to do the same for the base channel now of course the overall output is going to be lower so i'm personally going to compensate for that just by raising the output of my speakers you don't have to worry about that on youtube because i will increase the volume in the edit now the reason i'm doing this is because it's always important to have headroom on your stereo out you never want that clipping because that can lead to digital distortion and nobody wants that okay so let's get rid of that annoying metronome sound and add some drums now i have been adding instruments by right clicking and adding instruments but we can also add instruments from our right hand panel so to do this we need to go to the media tab that's not selected just select it and go to vst instruments let's minimize this and what i want is groov agent essie so i'm just going to type in groov into the search grab my groove agent essay and just drag it into the project to get to the drums in groove agent you just click on this folder and all the drum kits you have available will be in this section here again like i say i'm in cubase pro so if you're an artist or element you will have different drum kits available to you but under style i'm going to select electronica dance and to load up a kit you just double click and now if you press a pad [Music] you will be able to hear the loaded kit each pad also has a corresponding midi note so you can of course trigger these with your midi controller i'm going to scroll down and select this drum and bass kit we can of course play in a drum pattern using our midi keyboard or enter one using our mouse what i'm going to do is click on this pattern button and now each of these pads has a midi pattern loaded into it and those midi patterns will trigger the drum hits in the instrument so if i click on a pad we can hear that pattern and i can record that in as midi [Music] which we can see here but in this case i would actually like to see the midi patterns in my project so we can edit them further so i'm going to delete this open up my instrument pull this down and what we can do is just drag these into our project to minimize the project so we can see these a bit more i'm going to label these and give each of them a different color so i can differentiate them a little bit easier so to do this select the clip go up to the color palette and choose the color now your color palette will probably look a little bit different from mine but like i say cubase is so highly customizable and i have a customized color palette so i want to extend my synth chords and my bass line so to do that you can just hover your mouse over the midi clip put your mouse over the center square click and drag i'm going to extend the loop length and then using my scissor tool i'm going to chop up these drum parts i want to repeat this first groove so i'm going to highlight it hold down alt on my keyboard and you can see the icon change to scissors i'm going to left click and drag and i can duplicate the part over let's turn off my metronome and see how that sounds and now let's say i want to edit that room pattern further i can double click and you can see we have the drum pattern in the key editor but cubase also has a second midi editor specifically designed for drums and to access that just click on this arrow and go to drum editor now the drum editor is different from the key editor in a few different ways i'm not going to dive into it too in depth right now but let's just start with the obvious first of all we don't have naught lens because they're irrelevant when we're using drum hits and they're in one shot mode secondly we can see the velocity on a per node basis as opposed to seeing all the velocities for everything as we do in the key editor and finally for now we can change the grid for each individual knot should we need to we can also audition each note by clicking in this section here now we can see that the instruments are labeled according to their general midi norm but i want these labeled according to the instrument i have loaded in so to do this i'm going to click in the arrange page and in this section here where it says drum map i'm going to select create drum map from instrument and now we can see that the instrument is labeled according to whatever we have on these drum pads so right now the only drum instruments we can see are the ones that have midi information on them if you want to reveal them all we can click here and go to shore drum sounds in use by instrument and that will show us all of the pads with instruments on so let me minimize this and find the crash because i think i would like a crash on the first beat of the first bar after that drum fill just do that right click select drumstick and just enter a crash and i think at the beginning of bar five i would like that ride symbol in i'm gonna enter that put it at the beginning of the bar let's label this part drums and let's give the channel a color move the drums up to the top and the bass second and let's give the bass a different color which we can also do here now i'm thinking that that bass lovely as it is might have some problems coming through on smaller speakers so what i'm going to do is duplicate this base channel let's glue these parts together double click to open up the editor i'm going to select all of these midi notes hold down shift on my keyboard and press the up arrow which is going to move all of these notes up by one octave pull this down and let's call this high base let's just solo the two base instruments so we can balance the level between them i'm pulling down the gain on the high base [Music] let's mute that so you can hear the difference cool i'm going to go back to the mix console change the color of the high base i'm going to select the main base hold down shift and select the high base right click and select add group channel to selected channels i'm going to call this base group and what this is going to do is route the output of these two base channels into this one base group and then the output of this base group is what has been sent to the stereo output and what this means basically is i have one fader which will lower the volume of both bases and of course i've got one pre-gain which will do the same thing okay so let's have a look at adding some audio so let's zoom out on this remove groove from our search bar click on the back button up here and let's go to loops and samples in the search bar i'm going to type in percussion and now all of the percussion samples to come in my version of cubase are listed below to audition a sample you just click on it and press play ah okay so i'm not hearing anything and the reason for that is because of how i have my output rooted so i'm going to go up to studio go to audio connections and instead of having my sound card set to my output i'm going to set it to control room go down to monitor and set my audio card to my monitor now i will be able to monitor these samples we can change the preview level by moving the slider up and down we can have it so the samples will loop around by clicking on this button here we have it so the samples will auto play as we select the next one in the list this next button makes the samples play in time with our current project and the final button will only play the samples when we press play on our transport bar [Music] okay so i thought i was gonna have to spend a while going through all these percussion samples but i really like the way that that one sounds so to get it into our project just click and drag now you do want to make sure that all these buttons are now deselected otherwise the samples will keep previewing as you're playing through your project so let's have a listen to that so of course i want to pull down the gain on that make it sit right with everything else and we can cut mute and repeat this audio clip the same way as we do with midi clips move it underneath the drums [Music] okay so i think i want to add some kind of pluck element so i'm going to type in look let's try this one might work might not let's give it a go let's zoom out and i'm going to right click and add a sampler track let's call this pluck and now you can see in the lower zone we have a cubase 11's new sampler so i'm gonna get this pluck drag it into the sampler now we can see in the title of the sample that this plug is playing in f so under root key let's change that to f and now i should be able to play the sample like i can any other instrument let's pull the pluck down below the synth chords and i'm going to go to my chord pads now i would like these plugs to play something rhythmical so to do that i'm going to click on the e button go to player mods in the drop down menu i'm going to select pattern and then click on import midi loop and if i single click on one of these and then hold down one of the chord pads [Music] we can hear that that midi loop is now playing the chord on that chord pad okay so i'm going to start going through these until i find one that fits a little bit better okay so i think i'm going to go with this 1984 crew retro bells sounds like this let's try recording that in [Music] girl let's quantize that shorten it and repeat i'm going to the sample editor and i'm going to change the quality from standard to vintage so that it's going to emulate an old 12-bit sampler and if we just solo that so we can hear it [Music] you can just hear us add in a little bit of grit so let's have a look at how to record our own audio so to do this we need to right click go to add audio track select the audio input on your sound card choose whether you want that to be mono or stereo and then choose the output written and then give it a name i'm going to call this my bad advice because that's what it's going to be now because i have my microphone set up with my screen recording software when i record my vice i'm not going to be able to listen to the track at the same time so i'm going to have to solo it but when you're recording of course you'll be able to hear the track at the same time so the first thing you want to do before you press record is make sure you're actually getting an input signal so to do that click on the monitor button and either talk into your mic or play your instrument in my mind now that sounds a little bit weird because there is a slight delay between the input of your audio card and the monitoring in cubase so i would always advise that you do your monitoring via your sound card i was just simply monitoring there just to make sure we have an incoming signal and to record audio it's just the same as recording midi in my mind let's have a listen to how bad that was [Music] okay so it's all out of time let's zoom in on this and i want the audio clip to start at the exact same time as my voice so i'm going to drag this across and to have finer control and hold down control and have the clip start exactly where my voice comes in and now i want to snap it exactly to a beat so to do that in the toolbar make sure you have this icon selected snap to grid and in the drop down menu select grid and then in the next menu decide where you want that to snap to whether it be to the nearest bar to the nearest beat i like as i have it adapt to zoom so now when i drag this across you can see the beginning of the clip has snapped exactly to where i wanted to on the grid okay so it's in time but it's not sounding particularly great so let's open up the edit channel i'm going to click on channel strip turn the compressor on turn up the ratio and we're going to add a bit of compression to this so we're going to add a little bit of saturation in my mind in my mind in my mind in go back to the eq and do a low cut going to add a little bit of delay on an insert and click on the drop down menu type in ping pong i'm going to change the sync to 8th dotted and let's play about with the mix and feedback in my mind in my mind in my mind in my mind in my mind on this end i'm going to add a reverb by right clicking go to add effects channel to send one and let's go down to reverb and let's get roomworks se we call this vocal reverb and we can see that that has now added a new fx channel and if we open it up in the channel mixer you can see the reverb is right there so let's go back to the bad voice channel and here we have the send amount which is how much of this vocal is being sent to the reverb because the reverb is on ascend channel to put the mix all the way up to 100 and let's have a listen in my mind in my mind in my mind [Applause] okay still sounded pretty terrible but a little bit better also going to make sure that i have my audio clip selected and in the info line i'm going to go to transpose and i'm going to pitch my vocal down by clicking and dragging in my mind yeah that's a bit much let's pull it up [Music] in my mind [Music] okay so i'm going to add a delay to that pluck and then show you how to automate that so select the plug channel insert steinberg and let's go delay and let's go with the multi-tab delay okay so i just want to apologize for using that multitap delay i didn't realize it wasn't available in all versions but towards the end of the video i replaced that with a delay that is available to all just going to solo the channel so we can hear what's going on [Music] change the sync [Music] and i'm going to automate the feedback amount now as a general rule of thumb anything with a knob or a slider in in cubase it can be automated and it's all done in the same way you just hit on the w button which stands for write automation i'm going to take loop off go back to the beginning of the project and we don't need to press record we can just press play and let's move this down so we can see what's going on press play [Music] you can see an automation lane has appeared [Music] so we take right off but we leave r on which stands for read which is going to read the automation that we just recorded in we take that off the automation will no longer play back let's zoom in i'll show you how we can edit automation very simple we can move nodes about if we click between two nodes we should see a circle and we can create curves we can delete nodes or add them let's clean this up and press delete on your keyboard as well to delete nodes if you have them highlighted bring that down there let's create one here and let's ramp that up slowly and let's have a listen to that i'll bring up the actual effect so you can see it move as well [Music] so let's have a look at some of the effects that i've used to really bring this beat to life i'm not going to give a detailed description as to how to use each plugin otherwise we'll be here for 60 hours not 60 minutes but i just want to show you what i've used and how i used it so i put the drums and percussion into one group which i've named drum bus and that's just so i could automate a high pass filter and the resonance using the channel strips eq towards the end of the 16 bars that sounds like this on the base group i added three effects before the effects it sounded like this firstly i added the distortion plugin that sounds like this [Music] then i added a squasher that makes it sound like this [Music] and then i added some side chain compression [Music] to set this up first i duplicated the groove agent essay channel and renamed it sidechain and then in this sidechain channel i deleted all the drum events apart from the kick drum and then i opened up cubase's compressor click this button to activate the side chaining and then to the right of the button hit the cog click down add side chain source and then from the drop down menu i selected my side chain channel i then opened up the mix console by going to studio mix console and then highlight the sidechain channel and then under rooting change the output to no bus because i don't actually want to hear that kick drum and now what's going to happen is every time that kick drum hits instead of coming through the output it's going to be fed into that compressor and then the compressor will duct the base whenever is triggered by the side chain that sounds like this [Music] and if i put that in with the drums now we have a bit more room for our kick drum in the mix on the chords channel i added a chopper rotary [Music] some reverb [Music] auto pan and of course a squasher on the plug channel i adjusted the amp envelope to look like this and added a little bit of lfo2 and on the filter i added some lfo one in terms of effects i added a chopper stereo delay vintage compressor stereo enhancer some side chain compression and finally a squasher [Music] [Laughter] i then added some vocal samples which i got from this bloom sample pack they sound like this [Music] [Applause] [Music] sometimes to the vocals i added some eq tube compressor a squasher of course and a de-esser on the send effects i added room works reverb ping pong delay and then after the ping pong delay i added some sidechain compression but this time instead of being fed from the kick drum it's actually being fed from the vocal itself so that every time the vocal hits it will compress the delay on the stereo output i added a touch of studio eq and of course the squasher and just as one final note if you want to hear what your channel sounds like before and after all of the effects you can just click on this button to deactivate and reactivate all of the effects so let's have a listen to that on the master channel so first i'll deactivate and then i'll toggle the studio eq and the squasher on and off so you can hear the effect of that on everything [Music] in my [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] okay so that's it for now if you did find any of that useful hit that subscribe button now and if you have any further questions let me know in the comments below and i will get back to you but anyway that's it for now i've been craig lopez this has been tutorialism peace
Channel: Tutorial[ism]
Views: 63,398
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cubase 11, cubase elements 11, cubase pro 11 review, cubase artist 11, music production for beginners, music production software, groove agent se5, groove agent 5, halion se3, halion se instruments, cubase for beginners, cubase 10.5 for beginners, cubase 5 for beginners, craig lopez, best cubase tutorials, learn cubase, cubase tutorial, steinberg cubase
Id: -OsUa2_if1o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 46sec (3706 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 29 2020
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