Cubase 11 - Major New Update [REVIEW]

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hello everybody today is an important day it's the day cubase 11 has dropped and any day you get a whole digit upgrade to your main door is a day of great excitement it's like santa has come so what i'm going to be doing in this little video is going through some of the main deep differences showing you how they work in a live project because i've been using it for the last week and so you'll get the gist of how it could make a difference to you and if you're on another door is this the thing which tips the balance all those kind of questions and you'll see across the bottom of this video there's all kinds of little channel you know chapter markers so you will be able to drop in and out where you wish if you don't like a particular feature and want to go over another one you can go and click the bottom here is cubase pro 11. now the first thing you'll notice is it looks almost identical to cubist 10. you're absolutely right if you were waiting for the sequined dolphins jumping across your screen version of cubase that's going to be uh cubase 11.1 you have to wait for the upgrade to that in the meantime it looks pretty much the same as cubase 10. and that is a good thing because in a world where things change quite fast i mean the most annoying thing in the world is when you go to an update to a piece of software you know really well and they've moved everything around so you open the cupboard to to get some you know cereal out and you find you're staring at the loo and you go wow who moved the door who moved the door what oh and then you have to relearn your own software and that's so irritating uh fortunately steinberg didn't do it on this occasion uh while it's loading up they do also give you another piece of software to go with it it's called spectral layers one oh look at my little thing flashing in front of me nevermind i don't mind um spectral as one is a slightly stripped down version of a piece of software they make called spectraless pro and if harry potter made audio software this is the kind of thing he would do it does literally magical stuff music software you say harry yes okay let me show you here is uh this is a little demo of a song for an animated project i was working on here we go okay now let's select that bit there now go to layer down to unmixed vocal yeah it's all driven by a i okay so go naught point five i'm going to put in a sensitivity and go okay let us unmixing stamped this is all kind of like magical thinking isn't it okay are you ready let's have a listen oh it sounds the same i forgot [Music] devoxxular [Music] if you tweak it you can get it pretty i tried putting a beetle's track in and it's awesome there's paul mcconnell used to do all by himself it's just wonderful made me laugh anyway okay look um so it is quite powerful and if you do remixes and things like that and you want to make your own acapellas do that but if you do it on a youtube channel then you'll get your channel taken down for a copyright strike so that's why we're not doing it on paul mccartney hi paul nice to see you good good of you to drop in okay right let's let's press on shall we um no okay here's one of the most significant upgrades for a lot of us if you i mean this is a small project this is 97 tracks i didn't use my big um template for this which is a thousand tracks but even so if you look in there i'm not gonna i don't want to use every single track but i may well want to uh render them out as uh some of these out as audio okay so i'm going to select i don't know four or five of them something like that like that now normally you'd either have to bounce a whole lot one by one or you'd bounce you'd go into the export thing audio mix down and have to select them all one by one what you can do now is click this button here look there's the long list of all the things this is all the tracks and it can import export tracks individually that's what we could be able to do in cubase 10. now if you click this little link thing it just allows you to export the tracks you've selected that might seem a small thing but it is huge it is huge and the other thing you can do is you now add to a queue so you can have a whole queue of different exports which just go on in their own quiet time yet more harry potter-esque magic going on before your very eyes so this then gives you if you then uh yeah yeah yeah okay here we go down to the bottom and then you'll see there's all your audio tracks all ready to mix all nice and neat and tidy and we like neat and tidy have you seen my shed don't go there neat and tidy neat and tidy okay right moving on um so this is a really powerful tool if you like the reason you might want to bounce everything out to audio is because it's easier sometimes to mix when you can actually see what you're mixing and b you're freezing all those um effects and everything else so if you lose those effects if you you know you lose your eye lock or whatever else or it's all baked in and if you're gonna move stuff between your main rig and an orchestral session or something like that this is very powerful uh very very powerful and it'll save you an awful lot of time right moving on to feature number what is this number three yeah everything's probably feature number three okay right um leaping right in um they've done some really cool stuff with control now controllers are the lifeblood of making anything sound any good whether you're working with orchestral stuff like this or cynthia staff it's the ability here we go here's a french horn line to get in there and start drawing lines and making everything work so that you're changing the mod wheel and you can look if you listen to this little this it's all right but it sounds a bit flat we want it to crescendo towards the end now what you can do there's a cup if you firstly if you put in a little let's get a pencil put in one of those okay take that out just put one point in to start with select that end point you notice up here comes a whole load of instructions oh what's this curve type step step will get you like it will give you something like this step will do this like that just goes up in a single thing if however you select rampant curve people have been asking this for ages okay you put a thing in that now you get a straight line like look look at this this little dot in the middle is very significant look you pull it down push it along and look you're getting a curve you're getting a curve so now it goes that is cool what's more cool right click on this little area over here oh select all events in this lane oh now right click again cut copy paste what what's all this copy suppose i thought i needed a trumpet there as well [Music] but the trumpet is not following that crescendo so i've copied the um controller information from that pasted origin and now look at that so i've got a synchronized crescendo just like the musicians were in the same room that is really good and that will allow i mean if you're not working if you're working in sort of synths and things like that and you've got several scents and you want them all to have a synchronized filter sweep this is another way of doing it so they don't get sort of out of kilter and all that magic stuff i really like this i think this these two things in particular the exporting of the uh tracks and the um copying and pasting and all these controller things for people like me who work a lot in these sort of orchestral mock-ups are really exciting so exciting in fact i broke my chair yep i broke my chair oh i've broken it more now oh dear okay so it just went ping there's bolts gone all over the shop so cubase cubos 11 broke my chair right now there are quite a few uh there's loads of plugins and things like that one thing i'm actually i'm not going to look at it in great detail today but they have also massively upgraded the score writing side of this so um if you are a fan of written notation if you want to edit in written notation if you uh export your music to other software programs there's quite a lot which has gone on um this isn't this as you may know steinberg produced something called dorico which is a really powerful score writing piece of software it's a real sibelius killer to be honest it's um we've started seeing it being used on big a-list films recording with huge orchestras so dorico is a big deal and dorico we're waiting for the moment when dorico and cubase dock together just like some slow motions just like that sequence in 2001 and they come together in one one hole hello hell i'm afraid i can't do it okay no no no no no no okay okay right so let's look at one or two of the plugins okay here's a plug-in um here is a piece of uh synthesizer this is zebra and it's a very fine separate okay let's uh solo that out and do i want to do that one yeah okay why not we'll show it okay what we're going to do is we're going to stick a little plug-in on there where are you zebra right they've got it's fair to say steinberg are pretty keen in this upgrade on um dynamic stuff here we go so look if we look at frequency this is their new plugin it is a dynamic eq with up to eight bands of eq so you've got eight bands of eq got a whole lot of presets here and let's find a synthetic one where's a synth synth type let's put that on okay now if you start messing with this you see this little button here dynamic okay let's where is it [Music] the eq is look do you see the little line bobbing up and down there that is there you can see it that is that eq is being driven by the level of the signal and just that one band now this when you start thinking it through can be incredibly powerful there is so much you can do with this in a big and complicated mix where you may want one part of the signal to be boosted and the other's not or you want to use a side chain or you want to do the mid-side thing or any of that stuff dynamic eq is a really powerful way of going about it um another good they've got a number of related uh plugins along these lines so let me just uh tell you what let's have a look oh where's the drums where's my drum bus gone um i must have i've got all these massive great drums let's try putting them through there's hang drum have we played with hang drum hang drums good one i wonder what happens if i okay just for the sake of argument i'll play with hanger okay now let's get my mixer back up right let's put squat uh what's it called where is it dynamics here we go is it squasher there it is squasher this okay is multi-band uh compression but not as you know it jim okay so look um i just love watching all this stuff going on so look you can compress and you can adjust all kinds of stuff going on with each particular band and change the sound completely [Music] this is a very powerful sound design [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] tool [Music] now maybe we decide that that's going to fit into the mix better it's got a little slot thank you okay if we take it off where is it just disappears and it's not just the level listen i turn it down and it's found its uh little niche in the thing you know so this is yeah this kind of tool really helps both creatively and from a technical standpoint to make your mix better i mean this is a music this is a as i said did i tell you this so this is a news and current affairs program for the bbc which i've been um they've been using my music thank you very much indeed bbc for the last 20 something years and every few years we refresh it and make it sound more interesting and this is uh a bed so he goes tonight on spotlight so all that kind of thing going on yeah um now quite a something we haven't looked at yet is the improvements to the um sampler which is dead useful really really good okay so what have i got going on here um if we okay let me remove those tracks let me put in a add an audio track to start with we'll make it we'll call it loop and we'll go and find a loop to stick in there and we'll go import audio file and where are we going to find one of those shroom that'll do one of them new okay okay so we're gonna loop that uh we'll setup it [Music] now obviously you can just you can make it sync easy enough just in the aldeny audio uh editor however if you really want to get the best out of this you add a sampler track okay loop sampler st now oh you will be saying to yourself oh look there's some interesting controls i don't remember they were there before you're right drag the audio on okay every time you unmute it [Music] right so you play it back at a pitch at c3 [Music] okay right so far so good turn on looping yeah now look at all this stuff across the bottom let's try slice now what this does it chops it into little tiny so you can either make it make a sort of quasi kit out of it or you can just mess about audio warp you can have it uh synced tempo you can then uh do all kinds of wacky stuff with the pitch you can filter stuff that sounds terrible [Music] that's that's not the worst thing ever yes it is guy who are you kidding so look you have an enormous amount of control going on here which you didn't have before you can do all kinds of sort of pitch envelopes you've got all sorts of wonderful stuff going on so this sampler track becomes a major sound design tool i mean it's a sound design tool anyway because you can just stick anything in there and anything guy okay here's an idea let's try this uh let's just go cb and record some audio can i record audio i can right let's uh record something just going no no no no no no no didn't like that right let's do this cubase 11 cubase 11. creepy was that i mean honestly scale 1-10 it's a straight 11 isn't it yeah exactly right so now let's create a sample track uh sampler there we go here we go cb now we put that in it like that uh we just the start uh take the cubase 11 cubase and it's the creepiest thing ever cubase 11. cubase 11 cubase okay so taking this eleven cubase eleven cubase eleven two base eleven two base eleven two base eleven two base eleven two level two all right let's get the let's get the mixer up need a bit more oomph to that well i tell you what uh when it comes to mix i mean let's let's try squash on this weird sound of me saying i like that let's get rid of that okay here we go there's way too much of that [Music] okay this is silly this is silly in the extreme i now find myself trying to write it properly which is even more silly right and now i'm going to quantize that and now i'm going to render it to audio and we now have a truly wonderful piece of music and normalize uh let's go the whole hog up to make it a bit louder sorry this is off-screen so you can't see it yeah sounds like a syndrome doesn't it okay here's let's put the loop in okay this is really silly okay look um what else haven't we used on this oh lord um actually i tell you what we haven't used on this uh let's go back to normality for a moment no you don't worry about it you would okay let's get the let's get the mixer up let's get the mixer up um we've looked at that we looked at that what we haven't looked at i think is where's my mixer gone sorry all over the shop um right uh there's a very interesting plugin called imager now you've yeah i've seen images before it makes mysterio thing more stereo or more less stereo yeah but this is an imager but not as you know it jim okay it's where does that phrase go is it it's there's life but not as you know it's is it star trek in the comments please in the comments oh and while you're here uh have you subscribed or please subscribe go on then we can let you know when we do sort of weird and wacky stuff like this and you know you never know you might have fun yeah you might you never know right um what am i looking for oh imager that's right imager um right here we go let's so that's a limited number okay expanded wideness now here's the thing with what with this and we're putting also on the x on the output bus right so what we've got going on this determines the width this button so if you decide that the low end stuff all your base and your drums and things like that should be like that right down the middle which a lot of people do and then you can turn these up to taste so it's bonkers let's see turn it down turn it up but it's it's by band i told you the steinberg people were really keen on this band thing yeah look so you've got imagery you've got frequency you've got compression all now is banded so once you start getting i'm and to be honest you know i'm i haven't completely got my head around the best way of using it yet but um it's so much better to have more power rather than less that's what i was saying that sounds horribly machiavellian no no no take i take all that back yeah anyway um so is it time to do a bit of summing up have we gone on long enough i think we probably have look um cuts to camera rally he thinks okay this is an evolutionary rather than a revolutionary update um it is focused on workflow and mixing in particular um there are a lot of things in here which people have been asking for for a long time particularly the controller thing uh is incredibly powerful for people like me doing film television stuff but also people like you doing electronic music doing rock and roll anything where you're going to need to get in there and massage those uh sensor samples and that controller power is big thumbs up to that the workflow they're being able to export things synced to your main tracks they arrange pay is huge i will be able to sleep at night rather than spending all night trying to bounce stuff out which is really good or at least my assistant will sorry brad um so what what good thing moving on um there's a lot of new plugins most of which take advantage of this sort of discrete banding thing there's imager frequencies and squasher all of which are just as powerful as sound design tools as they are as mixed tools um there's loads more stuff there's big there's there's tons of um advance you know stuff going on with the there's meters there's delays there's a lot of stuff but there's only so much you can do in one video isn't there yeah i know anyway um and there's this uh utterly wonderful and weird and wacky uh spectral layers thing which is as we remember the software brought to you by harry potter dvoxulo etc look um i hope you've enjoyed this found it useful um if you are a cubase user then upgrading is an absolute no-brainer um it just is better and you know it's got more powerful the thing is with something like cubase which is already one of the most powerful doors on the planet if not the most powerful door on the planet what do you add to it you know you don't want to make it gimmicky which then makes it harder to use and less stable you want to fix things make them better make the workflow so it's a really even more gargantuanly powerful piece of kit and it runs on a mac and a pc so you're not locked into the mac world you can go where you like and uh it that's really one of the main reasons i ended up on cubase uh okay a lot of people ask it why do i move on cubase i was on digital performer and i just found at the time it was very much locked into the mac platform and i was losing confidence in apple producing affordable mac pros and i thought you know their pcs are a third the price why am i spending thousands on these macs and q based even on a mac cubase was running more efficiently than dp and i thought right why didn't i go to logic um at the time logic was quite difficult to use i mean it's very songwriter orientated really good for songwriters less good for composers to be honest particularly using gargantuanly large templates which is what i was very much into at the time cubase is brilliant for that much better than logic to this day but now i'm tending to work in a slightly different way and i just find there's so much going on in cubase which is just so customizable so intuitive it's rock solid and it's incredibly powerful and if i want to write a piece of sound design if i want to write a piece of orchestral music if i wanted to write a song i just go it's just easy it's all there and now there's even more plugins built in so i have to spend even less money on all everybody else's stuff so look that's why i moved to cubase and why i've been really really happy ever since i moved and so if you're on another door um give it a whirl um there are trial versions of things like cubase essentials and things so you can get your head around it you can see how the whole thing starts um the actual interface and everything if you're on logic it's not that dissimilar i mean people moving logics to cubase uh don't find that particularly hard pro tools and dp are slightly different paradigms and that's a little bit harder but um it is pretty intuitive anything like this will take you three months to get three or four months to get back to where you were on your previous door you just have to accept that and not be too frustrated the other thing if you're moving from one door to another don't try and replicate your old door in the new door don't go through all the little key switches you know because you can customize all the key switches on any of these doors but don't go down these key commands madly changing them all to the ones you're used to on uh logic dp pure pro tools whatever you know just accept that you're in a new universe and you're now living in iceland so speak icelandic don't speak english with an icelandic accent because that doesn't work um no it doesn't work and you know before long you will have forgotten where you came from and you will become more and more at home with this learn one bit of at a time just learn what you need to do don't try and learn the whole thing and have fun so thank you steinberg this is a really good update uh it's rock solid as i say i have been using it all week and it hasn't gone down on me hasn't given me a single slightly which is unusual because i normally have this rule that i never upgrade until point one because normally people can say here is voicing 15 i accept it doesn't work properly but 15.1 will be great and uh but this is 11.0 and it's nailed it right that is definitely all i've got for you today and uh so come back and join us again soon we'll have another exciting thing to talk about i'm sure if only i knew what that was going to be okay leave suggestions underneath thanks very much see you soon bye
Channel: Guy Michelmore
Views: 63,516
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cubase 11, cubase tutorial, steinberg, cubase 11 review, cubase 11 new features, guy michelmore, thinkspace education, music software, daw software, home studio, recording studio, best music production, DAW, music production, music production software, new Cubase version, new Cubase, Cubase, Cubase 11, Cubase Artist, Cubase Elements, simpler stems, personal scale assistant, score editor, supervision, imager, visual editing, ui improvements, avid console
Id: kGvv6ELX4EA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 52sec (1852 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 11 2020
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