20 Reasons Why Cubase Mixer is the BEST! -MEGA Walkthrough🎚🎚🎚#mixer #cubase #mixing #console

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hello everyone and welcome back dome here and thanks so much for stopping by for yet another video on this video I'm going to talk about 20 yes you heard it right 20 reasons why the mix console in Cubase in my opinion is the best da W mixer out there now no no no no listen to me if you're using another DW this video is also going to be very relevant for you because many people that I know many producers that use another DW because they like the way it works or it has some features that they need like live performance for example they still use Cubase to mix and this is very valid there are some really good reasons to mix in Cubase now another thing that I want to get out of the way as quickly as possible is that I don't live in a Cubase bubble I have used pretty much all da w's out there I've used them professionally I've mixed with a birdie W's and I still do I'm mentioning this because there are quite a few people out there that they've only used one DW and that's all they use and they say that this DW is the best in my opinion this is really not good information of course you shouldn't listen to me you shouldn't listen to anyone you should try all da w's and see what works for you and by the end of this video you will see that the features that the Cubase mix console has are really unique and for many of them I haven't seen any other DW that even comes close so without any further ado let's jump into Cubase and let's start reason number one is the amazing gain staging options that you have inside the Cubase mix console this is not to be underestimated most people cannot get their mixes to sound good because the gain staging is not right now Cubase gives you a very very quick way to do your gain staging to do your filtering very quickly with no plugins no no plugins I cannot stress this enough so let me show you how this works let's say you want to start a mix and you have quite a few channels right the main thing that you want to aim for is for your master buss not to be to heart in terms of levels a good rule of thumb when you are starting a mix is that your master bus doesn't really go over - 12 dB I would have it around this area okay and sometimes you might have very hot signals on your individual channels because you're using software instruments and you have stems from a client that are really hot so what do you do most people in most DW is what they do check out videos on YouTube they add a gain plug-in on every channel on every channel a filter plugin on every channel as well see what I'm going you're already sacrificing to insert slots just to do the housekeeping okay check what you can do in Cubase you go to your pre section right here let me zoom in by the way you can zoom in and zoom out it's completely customizable grab all my channels like this and now I can set up a low-cut filter see so I'm cutting everything below 70 Hertz it depends apart from the kick drum and my bass pressed alt shift to do all channels at once and activate it deactivate it and now you can look look at that how easy is that that's one of the main reasons why I find it's such a pain to mix on our systems and let's say that we want to change our pre gain level so that we have a nice starting point I can go like this play the C and hitting more than -12 now so what I would do is I would go to my pre game check it out and again see and I can get a nice healthy level with lots of headroom to play with I do this on all channels at once this just this saved me at least if you're fast 15 minutes of work right there I can do this like that okay and of course I can change the face the pre section is really invaluable I have no idea why so many other systems don't have this but it's there and that was reason number one reason number two metering metering is so important when you're mixing not only when you're mixing but also when you're tracking when you're recording yourself you know what I'm doing many times I'm over there just behind the camera I have two sins so what I do see that nice meter right there if I'm playing over there I can see it from across the room it's amazing now on a mixing session you have your faders right here you can resize them completely see and you can see your metering very clearly the meters are customisable I've customized mine so that at minus 12 the change of color and on minus six I have a different color and I know where I am I don't have to be so close at the screen and look at little icons and all these things you know what I'm talking about now with the meters in Cubase and you have quite a few apps see we have these nice view meters here as well but what else can we do that's extremely cool and I don't see many people use it you can change the meters from ppm to wave and check what happens now look at that you know what I mean I can see what's going on in my project without actually being into the project see I go back I scroll back all the waveforms update and I can see exactly what's going on the other thing that we have is the big meter right in front of the screen so this one right here see again when you're mixing when you're producing I always have this on so I can see exactly what's going on and if I don't have it here I have it on my project always there so I see if I'm going over you know now if you're going to upload your stuff on iTunes Spotify all these things another really invaluable thing is the loudness meter right here and this basically the way it works is it gives you the LTSs values that you want for iTunes it's minus 16 L u FS for Spotify is minus 14 au FS these things change I would take it with a grain of salt but this helps you get a great idea of what's going on in your mix so what you need to do is you need to reset and then play your track from the beginning and let it play see this is activated and now this will give us the integrated loudness for a track without any plug in an external plugin this is all built-in and you can check it anytime anytime you don't have to add anything ergonomics that's what I'm trying to say and I won't even mention that you of course have all these scales you know Bobcat scale K 20 K 14 you know these are all things that you would have to buy expensive plugins in order to have them into your DW and again you would sacrifice one more slot reason number three multiple configurable mixers how many times are you into tracking mode and you're recording yourself and then you want to go into mixing and for your recording you want to have your input channels and for mixing you want to have your all the channels in your DW and maybe you want to focus maybe on drums or maybe on just the busses Cubase has three mix consoles that you can configure completely differently in my case I'm using this main console right here okay which has pretty much everything then I have my input bus let me put it on the other monitor so you can see this I always keep on my second monitor and here I have all my inputs I have my camper my ob6 my loopback my need all these things my ax our inputs all all these things and this I can have it I can keep it in a completely different screen and then I can have a third mixer where I can configure it to do things in this case I might want to have just the group channels or maybe just the group channels and the effects channels and I can focus on exactly what I'm doing maybe just the drums maybe just my sims so this mixer is separate this mixer is separate and my input mixer is separate so it's so easy to be focused whatever stage of the production you're at incredibly useful I cannot live without this reason number four is that the mix console is completely resizable and modular now let me show you GNH the standard zoom keys for key bass they work in the mix console like this okay you can make it super narrow okay and super wide if you want to very very and see if I want to focus on some channels I can see exactly what's going on with my meters how many do double use don't have this why doesn't every DW have this so that you can actually go and see that I'm on minus 12 I'm hitting minus 12 you know all these things now see right here it's completely modular I can close all these things have routing I have the pre section that we talked about inserts 16 inches per channel by the way EQ and we have the channel strip with compression gate all these things built in no plugins required the sense and the cue sense so completely modular if I only want to show a few things I can say I want to get rid of the channel strip I want to get rid of the EQ so the pre is the sense I can also turn off my meter bridge and now I only have my beautiful inserts right there so reason number 5 is the control room and I won't go into much detail about the controller because I want to make dedicated video for it there's a very cool video by my amazing friend Chris Allen I will link in down below if you want to check out what control room can do for you but control room is the thing that allows you to have this beautiful master section meter right here you can also check out your loudness you can turn up and down your click volume you can have reference mixes you can set up different monitors you can set up your cue sense for your artist it's really incredible and again it's one of the things that I'm missing all the time if I mix in an hour DW number six is the configurable modules for example as you can see here we have our freeze we have our insert you have our eq's then we also have our channel strip all these things now look look how beautiful I don't know about you guys I mean this is like an objective thing but for me this is like I feel like you know this mixer talks business to me it's not a toy but one of the things that you can do is you can basically reroute all these modules let me take a channel for example like this one this crash and in this case as you can see I have my inserts now sometimes you might want to have your channel strip first in the chain and then your inserts in this case and you can configure this like that so you go to your channel settings you go move channel strip to pre inserts position and now this is pre inserts okay or you might want to have it the other way around and for the channel strip you can move these things around see let's check the update there as well so you can say my EQ I wanted to be after the compressor or my envelope shaper I wanted to be before the compressor see and all these things are completely configurable reason number seven is so so important and this is the spectral comparison EQ and this is one of the things that was introduced in Cubase and point five I was so happy when I saw that this was there so what this allows you to do is you can compare the spectrums of two channels and EQ without leaving the view ever in this case let me see I'm going to find a kick see like that and let's say I want to make sure that this kick doesn't clash with my bass now check this out this is how you do it you open your channel settings kick and then you go here and this long list I have a very very big project here what can we do this is one actually one of the other reasons let's go for base type base I found my base how quick is that I go base and now I can see both the kick drum and the base and I can see if they're clashing I can go to my base and a start you know tweaking the sound go back to my kick drum do the exact opposite so they have a clean mix like that you know I can go like this go base and I can see exactly where those frequencies are clashing I don't need to say anything else incredible feature if you want to do it in another way you have to use a plug-in like isotope and it also works really good but this is built in you know reason number eight is the agents function now this is one of the most amazing things that you can find on a mixer in a DW let me show you what the agents are the agents are right here channel visibility agents okay so when you click on that you can determine what channels you'll be shown on the mixer now right here you can have different configurations so you can say I only want to have I want to have all channels or I only want to have the input channels boom or I only want to have the audio channels boom or I only want to have the instrument channels on the in this case I don't have any so no boom or I only want to have the group channels and the effects channels and maybe I want to have the VCA faders as well but it doesn't stop there you can even say check that you can say right why don't you show me only the tracks that have data at the cursor position so where my cursor is it will only show me the tracks that are playing how cool is that I am honestly excited guys you know check this out boom at this place of the project these things are the only tracks that are playing so I can focus on that because I'm maybe I'm only working in the chorus and I want to see what tracks are playing now if I go a little bit you know let's go at the beginning and I go and do this again show channels for tracks with data at the cursor position see just two tracks are playing I don't have to go and scroll between channels and channels and channels in order to find these two tracks that are playing at the moment I can focus on that now if that doesn't make you wanna mix in Cubase I don't know what I mean you will spend more time mixing that's fine you might like that I prefer to have a very creative mixing process and scrolling between hundreds of tracks is not creative for me okay or I can say show channels for tracks with data between locators so in this case it will be this section and there is a shortcut for this as well so boom there we go this thing has saved me so much time when I'm mixing a mix every day and I cannot thank the guys that program this enough reason number nine is the zones function and this is very similar to the agents I'm going to go show all channels here and I'm going to show you how it works it's actually right here this is the visibility tab and as you can see I can just hide channels like this very very easily by the way done the other great thing that you have here you know you have channel and you have zones so zones is extremely useful because you can say hmm I want to keep my reference track always to the right and my stereo buss always to the right or maybe I also want to have my drums bus and maybe my synth bus also to the right so no matter how I scroll check it out they always stay there there are docked reason number 10 is you can create buses and effects channels or sense whatever you want to call them super quickly in one click let's say we get these channels and we want to put them into a bus on most systems you have to create a bus send them to the bus and then name the bus and make sure it's stereo and blah blah blah blah blah and then you have to remember which bus goes where and all these things check how you do it in Cubase you go like this you select your channels right click and then you say add group channel to select the channels now not only it gives me this I can I can do everything in one go I can say it's gonna be stereo and this is going to be a group called guitars boom done everything is routed correctly I don't have to remember what buses sent this to if I want to send let's say these guys to a reverb sent again I can of course I have shortcuts for all these things but if you don't have shortcuts is still easy add effects channel selected channels boom add a reverb let's call it sin free verb boom everything is done it's routed correctly if you go to our sense say they're all now they're all routed correctly to this reverb and I can select how much and of course and of course of course of course I can select all of them click all shifts I can send them to the reverb in the amount that I want straight away all of them and speaking of sans reason number 11 is the very clean representation of the sent effects look at those when you go around your project and you navigate like this here are the sense I cannot stress how important that is I can see it very easily without having to go ok where is this this dial is it like there all right there I don't know it's going at a magnification glass no I can see exactly what goes where I can see that this channel has no sense it's cool like this let's add a little bit of scent right there or these tones maybe I want to add some reverb to these Tom's straight away no cryptic icons you don't have to wear like your your your glasses in order to see all these things very very easily you can do all these things if I want to have more precision I can zoom into the mixer and I can test very very very very finely tweak my level for my scent number 12 is the cue sense and again that's a massively useful feature when you're tracking mainly sometimes you have several musicians and you're tracking them and you want them to give you the best performance so you want to give them a great mix that works for them so in this case what Cubase does is you have your cue sense so maybe I have a singer and you know he or she wants me to send them a little bit of drums so I can find my drums here now normally on another DW you would have to create a send channel and send every channel to the musician at a specific level and route it to a separate bus and all these things now in Cubase the cue sense are so much easier to use they are designed to do exactly that so let's say I want to have a starting point for my artists I want to select all my channels and say okay let's activate the cue for my artist and of course now I can send all of them at Unity gain alt shift you know and I can go like this but what I can also do is go here to this functions menu and go to my control room cue sense and what I can do is I can say use current mixed levels and what this will do check it out I'm just gonna click it boom and now the mix that I have for me as an engineer is copied exactly to the headphone mix for my artist I don't even have to worry about it now if I also want to give them the panning I can go again like this and I can say use current pan settings and check this out boom done immediately in one click number 13 is the mix history basically whatever you do in the mixer you can undo it okay so for example let's say I want to grab this pahala reverb see here's my mix history and I can go and do things and you will see that all these actions that I'm doing are added to my mix console history even this even my valhalla room settings third party plugins it doesn't matter let's say I want to add a Neve let's say I would say I want to add a portico here on this channel this is also added if I want to go back boom boo-boom boo-boom I go back number 14 is the snapshots extremely useful feature if you want to try out different mixes and you want to have different versions and see which one works better for you snapshots are also found right here so for example I saved one snapshot here which is mixed number one let's say I do some changes let me grab my this again like that do some changes and now I can go ahead and save another snapshot and maybe this snapshot is mixed number two now this is different to saving a separate version of your project this is all inside the same project so if I want to go to mix number one and activate it boom I have my first mix if I go to mix number two I have another mix so I can check different mixes very very quickly reason 15 is the search facilities that we have so let's say you are in a project like this that has quite a few channels how do you find a channel very quickly you go here boom and let's say I want to find my bass and I can find my bass let's say I want to find my kick boom selecting let's say I want to find my ob6 synth okay here I have quite a few let's go for the intro melody boom selected that's it amazing number 16 is the incredibly easy and flexible sidechain that you can do in Cubase let's say you want to sidechain your bass to your kick drum now if I want to sidechain this to my kick drum let's say the only thing I need to do is I'm going to add a compressor okay I'm going to add the Cubase top compressor now if you want to sidechain you activate the sidechain button and then you click on this and then you go ad side chain inputs again you don't need to search let's find kick ok kick drum boom and now we're getting the sidechain from my kick drum so let's say I want to sidechain 0 DB as loud as possible done let's say you have to kick drums you can go ahead and add another sidechain input for example it's gonna find a snare I'm going to sidechain with a snare as well okay boom there we go zero done now I'm sidechaining this bass to the kick drum and the snare with zero effort everything was in one window it's super quick I can even click E here and go straight to the channel that we side-chaining from bliss I mean Cubase was a little bit slow to get this cool sidechain feature it was really hard to do sidechain in Cubase but now the sidechain feature rocks big time reason 17 is the combined panner and this is one of those things that you know some DW they have it some DW that don't Cubase does it in a very easy way now this is a standard panner if you want to activate the combined panel you go like this as you can see there is an icon here and now we have a combined panner now this will allows you to do not only it allows you to pan left and right but it allows you to narrow the stereo image of that specific channel so for example I can have the left channel pan to the right and the right channel pan to the left or maybe I can make it narrow and move it across C like that so I'm going with my mouse up and down with the wheel and see I can place this instrument exactly where I want on the stereo field now this is very important especially if you're mixing orchestral music and you want to have the valance and you want to make them a little bit narrow and move them in the stereo field I mean film composers they use this feature a lot because it allows you to place something in the stereo field very easily and narrow or widened the stereo field reason 18 is that the Cubase mixer is a great educational tool the reason why is that it works pretty much like a traditional mixer so if you're trying to learn how to mix and how a real mix console works the Cubase console is a great virtual mixer that works like a real console you have the pre gain section and you have your EQ s that you have your channel strip the signal flow is very clear and structured you might argue that this might not be relevant anymore these days but in my opinion it's very relevant because if you're a producer at some point you might end up going into a nice recording studio and you might want to record your album there and you probably won't want to rely on another engineer to do everything for you so if you're starting out and you're like 15 years old 18 years old and you want to start understanding how a console works qubits will give you a great understanding some other dwu they have a less traditional way of routing things and you have no idea how this is done you just know that you click there and it kind of works but you have no idea what's going on behind the scenes in Cubase you can actually see the signal flow and how it works so I think this is really important and that's why I love teaching mixing in Cubase because it works like that reason 19 is the super quick bypass of plugins let's say for example that I want to listen to this mix without any inserts now all you need to do is go to this icon right here all click and boom all my inserts are gone let's say I want to listen without any EQ boom all my keys are gone let's say I want to listen to my mix without any sound effects boom no send effects only reason number 20 it sounds great I know there's a massive debate about whether DW has a sound or not I'm not going to go into that debate today but basically what I want to tell you is that the Cubase mix console has pristine audio quality is 64-bit precision and one thing that I want to say is that you can push it and it doesn't sound bad I won't go deeper into this but download different programs different DWS and try and push the mixer the master out see what happens see what happens Cubase is really clean you can push things really loud and actually there are quite a few tricks that you can do with mastering to make your track sound super loud that I found sometimes only work in Cubase so there you go guys these are my 20 reasons why I personally believe that Cubase mix console is the best mixer in addy aw out there now in the comments down below I want to hear your reasons why you like the mix console in Cubase or if you're using another DW let me know in the comments what is that feature on your DW that you love and you can't live without I'm also wondering how many of these things you already knew I'm pretty sure that you knew quite a few of them but in my opinion sometimes I just forget so thanks so much for joining me for another video guys I had lots of fun making this video because I love this thing I just love it you probably know it by now I'm completely honest with you give this video a thumbs up if you enjoyed it a thumbs down if you hate me because you use an avid DW I'm joking please don't do that okay and if you're new here I would really like to see you back so don't forget to hit that subscribe button and not only that he'd also have bill notification I can because it's really important until next time have fun mixing guys I'll see you the next one
Channel: Dom Sigalas
Views: 67,797
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cubase, cubase mixing console, cubase 10.5, cubase tutorial, how to mix in cubase, cubase 10, cubase mixing tips, mixing tips, can I mix in ableton?, can i mix in fl studio, best daw mixer, best daw for mixing, mastering audio, how to mix fast, how to mix in a daw, mix like a pro, mix your music, cubase workflow tips, cubase 10.5 pro, dom sigalas, steinberg, best daw for mastering, why cubase mixer is the best, mixing, mix faster, mix better
Id: 9_BMvSmZaoY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 12sec (1812 seconds)
Published: Fri May 29 2020
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