CSWP - SEGMENT II - Configurations, Design Table, Part Modifications

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hello everyone today we are going to start over segment two so what we have in segment two will deal with configurations design tables and design modifications and so on I mean these three topics so we need to take into account so we have a sample questions and if this part contains nine questions so we need to complete those questions within 15 minutes okay this is a sample part that I have the question is how many existing configuration are there in the part let's go to the par and go to configuration manager over here like that so as you see we have only four configurations so our answer is just 4 so what is the mass of the part so we need to activate configurations see let's go to configurations see as you see it is different and materials are different so let's go to mass properties as you see 167 point 83 gram is there is a correct answer let's go to question number 3 question number 3 tasks create a new configuration based on configuration a and create a through-hole as indicated like that diameter is 15 in the image below that will be suppressed in all other configurations except for T and Z so we'll add this whole only configuration T and computation is V so and this feature will only be unsuppressed in combinations C and C so what is the mass of the combination Z so we need to find a way to go a right click over here and add configuration let's type Z and description we can the based on a just a and we have now new calculation see we're in configuration Z so we need to add this whole let's go go ahead and check select the face and open a new sketch on this face so let's create a circle where is the circle yeah we have we need to create a circle over here so the dimension of the circle diameter is 15 so when they did there's a distance from the center of this hole it's 40 so we need to add one more relation they need to be a straight line horizontally was the origin point so we have created the hole let's go ahead and check cut extrude and click okay so we have created our hole in configuration C so it's time to check the mass properties let's go ahead and check mass of the par three hundred and ninety nine point ninety nine grams so enhance the key we need to select this so this is our correct answer so it says activate configuration D what is the mass of the configuration T in grams let's go ahead and check configuration D and mass properties 142.2 sir - two grams it's ad over here okay what is the next question and this question we have a new material it has a relative density so create a design table using Auto create options click new configuration e by copying the row for configuration P and pasting a new row okay let's do call configuration B and B so let's select computation B control C and control V paste the configure a new configuration and right click the rename tree item we will just add E and enter so we have a new calculation based on configuration B so within the design table assign the following dimensions to configuration E so we need to go to material properties and change it to material to nickel and so did which is different now let's go to again configurations so we need to go to design table you can type your design and you can select design table or insert tables and design table so auto create option should be selected let's click OK and now it's excel sheet we will be over here and it will allow us to add our new dimensions to our features or sketch and sketch entities so it says sketch number one for this is our new configuration II and it has a material nickel so let's go ahead and check our values over here sketch one and these three sketch one 126 so this needs to be 126 let's change it 126 hit the tab to change it to the next and D 429 just double-click over here 29 and enter the next 125 502 so 25 25 5 okay this needs to be 25 25 5 check one more time oh this is outer diameter this is different so twenty nine twenty five twenty nine twenty five and five and five and five outer diameter sketch number 142 let's go to outer diameter 42 and enter so so we need to find what is the mass of the computation in grams so let's go ahead and exit this so our dimensions they are updated now automatically so we need to go to mass properties and this is the 453 point 86 grams is our answer we need type over here so now let's go to move to next question so the next question is related to park modifications so we have finished our coming as you see configurations they're related it isn't just you need some practice to modify your correct configurations and also adding a design table as you see just insert design table tables and design tables so let's close this part right now so we have a new part over here and the decimal place is 2 again so make the proper change the part as indicated below so we need to change as you see the part this is 15 now we need to change from 1 to 2 we need to cut that part like that or will will use different technique to modify our part so again the question is the same the mass of the modified part so let's go ahead and we can select we can open a new sketch we can convert entities outside or inside shell and we can use cut extrude or the there is one more option and it's more efficient than that one a credit direct editing go to try the editing and use move face now let's select the face instead of offset you can use yeah you can use translate so translate down will type in y direction - let's say 5 hit enter your - 5 and this trick we do type all holder the - 5 so let's click OK as you see we have we easily change the change and change our part without any problem so let's check one more time this is 10 15 we just modified to 5 millimeter down so what is the mass of the part now let's go ahead and check our 7 - 4 point 55 gram and copy and paste over here so again check change shell thickness and make a proper change again change from 1 to 2 this is first first one and second one shell is 2 millimeter now we need to change to formal we have only yes yes shell is over here if you see the shell shell modifications like to go to the shell just don't don't add anything else just go to shell or roll back until shell command just select shell and edit feature and instead of 2 millimeters we need to type 4 millimeter 4 and click ok so we have changed our shell just roll back so our part is changed now let's go ahead and check our mass properties so 112 point 80 to cram this test announcer it says only the shell thickness changed so the next question is feature history so make proper change again from 1 to 2 and we need to go we need to add a couple of changes like that as you see so it's a shell again for we need to go back make changes change it to 2 but don't add it immediately this one otherwise we'll cut the shell we need to change shell first and at when also we need to add this before the shell command lets go shell again edit feature instead of 4 we'll go add make it to click ok so we'll go back before shell and now open a new sketch on let's say from clean open a new sketch so we have yeah changes 18 millimeters the distance and 3 millimeter like that let's go and select line command draw a line a distance from this point to this point is between and from here to here again it's 3 millimeter we need to change on will have all of these changes you see on this change so let's go ahead and features extruded cut so just extrude cut instead of blinds through all and flipside cut to cut down on the part what we have and click okay so we have cut a cut the object if you go back shell as you see now if you put this after shell if you cut the shell and we'll have a different thickness over here but we need to preserve this shell thickness so let's go back so we have modified our part so we need to find again what is the mass of the part let's go mass properties 75 point 52 grams it's out over here again when you do we need to have a mocha more modification again from one to two probably this is the first one and this is the second one that we need to change okay so we have a distance 70 the initial sketch needs to me to modify assume symmetry unless otherwise noted okay indicates parallel and we have 80 millimeter distal cuts through here as well so again let's go to before shell command all we need to start from here will have a distance is to be 17 let's go to check our sketch first of all we have 70 again a problem on this 30 millimeter from the center of the circle to here check one more time we have this is correct we need to cut like that with 80 millimeter let's go add an top plane and open a new sketch you can line command from here to here we need to check the center of the circle you can draw a line like that make it construction line you can connect this here you can connect this to submerge option okay let's draw a reference line right click make a construction geometry okay a team a limited eighty degree now so let's draw this twenty green o 10 degree sorry just a teeny a degree over here we need to ten degree from this side okay we have drawn this one and what else do we need it is good there is seven millimeter from the center we can throw and check just to confirm from here to here we need to add seventy seven millimeter let's check it should be like that oh it's not directly going from this side okay let's try to suppress this this is driven dimension now make it seven okay this is correct so next I don't understand why they key they have given seven from the center line against seven against seven again they're the same and they gave eighty degree as well I can try 82 degree it says means what there is no connection over here so we cannot assume that it goes directly to the center center point we need to rely on the dimensions that we have okay delete this and we can have okay eighty degree and seven so we have completed this side we can select this this and we recommend so now we need to cut go to extrude cut again and flip side cut through all both side just draw I wanted to change the direction to so okay I think we just need to cut from one side sketch features extrude cut and to all flip side this side and click okay so we can go to Mirror Mirror feature now we can as a mirror plane we can select front plane and there's a feature I want you to select this cut and click OK so we have cut away part we can double check the sketch one more time 7:13 let's click OK let's roll back to it is this stage later stage so we have we need to cut from this side as well you see we need to cut from this side I'm going to modify this to is to like that so the later fill it was the problem on this fill it okay we need to add those bullets as well there's a way I modified this okay first let's try to modify kadis-kot extrusion let's go to edit sketch instead of these I'm just I'll delete this one and I now I'll create a new sketch should be five and forty from here to the side forty and enter let's go again close this and let's go to fill it again probably we have a missed page we to check this edge need to check this edge one more time okay okay okay we have extrusion cut on this side okay so means we need to pull it back to over here okay before shell command okay we have completed double part without any problem so everything as you see modified from this stage to this stage let's go to mass properties and we have six to seven point zero one gram oh this is our last question I believe there is a there is an easier way to modify this part so I'm gonna go to I'm gonna just delete this feature now because we need to what I realize we need to just keep the fill it fill it and do this and we need to go to main get main main part first because it says initial skip needs to be modify so we need to modify this sketch so let's go ahead and add our part like that your line right click and select so the distance from this point to this point is seven and from here to here it is eighty degree so this is correct we need to delete this part now all we need to just uncheck this option let's try to delete it and only here a line okay we can delete this as well let's go ahead and click this part okay the center of the circle and this again 80-degree and seven okay now this is correct way how to modify this sketch score the mirror feature mirror about this line and right-click let's click OK so we'll have a couple because we changed our part over here we need to do more modifications still like one of them click close this again another problem now first let's go to cut extrude I need this sketch so we don't have these points that's white it creates a problem just need to put clicked again or let's try to draw a line like that just delete this one click and delete this yellow one so let's add our second sketch over here so we don't need to add the sketch again let's give 5 and the distance from here to here is 40 and click OK and we need to check because we have selected flip side cut we need to check which side I don't need to check it click OK so let's try to add our Philips we have missed fellas over here and over here check all click ok yes replace them now this is fine now our part is correct now like that so this is a previous answer we need to check Italy because we need to modify our initial initial sketch let's go to mass properties so answer is six to nine point 95 grams is the correct answer ready to check our answers so we have solution six to nine point ninety five grams so the next question number eight it's 72 point 52 grams question number seven 112 point 82 grams and 74 point 55 grams check this one 453 point it is 453 or we need to modify this as well okay we need to check what we have missed over here but we need to open that that question again okay we will do this in another video thanks
Channel: CAD for engineers
Views: 19,803
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Keywords: CSWP, CSWA, CSWP segment 2, CSWP segmentII, Certified solidworks professional exam, professional solidworks exam, solidworks professional exam, solidworks exam, CSWP questions, CSWA wuestions, learn solidworks, solidworks advanced, solidworks professional
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 44sec (1424 seconds)
Published: Sun May 17 2020
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