How to Pass CSWP Certified SolidWorks Professional Free Segment 1 Exam

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hi everyone in this video we are going to clear the free examination of CS WP that is provided by Dassault system itself at no cost so since it is the practice segment so in this video we are going to see how to attempt that exam and how to clear it so this is the software ten cheeks tester Pro that you need to download from their website you simply Google ten Zeke's tester Pro for Cerritos and it will take you to that website download it install it and this is the dialog box that you are going to see continue and since I have already created my ID I will just give the input I am just taking it off the screen now I have entered those details and now it has taken me to this dialog box where I can scroll down and you can attempt for two exams three that is cswa and CS WP segment one will be attempting this one select your language and start the examination it's just a confirmation message so this gives you an idea of how that exam would be and what care you need to take so examine Furman examination information like here there are only five questions minimum cost passing score is 75 then just details that you give like oh you know flying examination few rules nothing much to worry about just you need to know about the passing marks and I will start the examination now whenever you give this examination do remember that if there are few questions associated to your first then do have a look at those model like olds eye view like what changes are going to be there I know that will consume your some time but keep that practice so that you can find or say decide how you want to create that model because when you move ahead in these questions you cannot spend more time in editing the model is that your design in tech intents should be such that it reflects to your changes very quickly so like here I am seeing the cutout so the best way to do is like I should create this Linder first and then exclude this part so that we will see how I'm going to plan out this one and so that is the reason like you should first of all see the dependent question I think there won't be such situations where for questions of high question will be dependent on one there will be like there will be one such set where few four or five questions are dependent on only dependent on one question and apart from that there will be hardly sequence of two questions and or maximum three so don't worry about that like twenty questions will be such that there will be main five questions and rest of the four will be dependent on that but when you encounter such question do give it a more time because if you get wrong at the very first step that will be followed in the rest of the models there is no turning back then now this is our model and I am just expanding it so we read the details carefully so here you can see gram per mm cube that is the unit so you need to have the unit system of n n mgs millimeter gram second decimal point accuracy is two and all holes through all done unless shown otherwise so do read this information carefully now ABCDEF XY are the equations they have also given the hint like damaged dimensions that are to be linked or updated etc etc and you can use the equations so that's what we are going to do now I will start new part first of all I will change the okay mmm Jesus is my current unit I will assign the material it is remaining same in all of the questions so I am I can apply it by default do you remember to apply the material that's also one of the key point you can do this stuff initially so that in the end when there is less time you don't penny and which can result in very minor errors and cost you all the marks so here we have a b c d e f XY equations not f except f so what we can do is we can create the equations so first of all i will go for the equations and create it so i will just keep it over here so i can know the values so caps-lock like this so a press enter what is the value 213 ok enter and another enter so be similarly so I let me just interval the values so it can save us the time right now finally I am going to give why enter B then select that variable press enter space plus 10 sorry we have divided by 3 okay divided by 3 space spacing is important and 10 enter so this are our current equations sorry you see I did the mistake over here and divided by 3 so now everything looks good and I will click OK so now I will start the modeling I will start from the base so this is the sketch where all the dimensions are there I will start creating the base rectangular base and do remember don't forget it in this sketch itself so I will start by assigning creating T Square and then assign all the dimensions so just I will move it on to the another screen and I will go into the top plane create a rectangle original is not of 30 importance select this dimension press equal key and go into the global variable that is our B dimension so it select B and ok when it will take the equation sign you can see this Sigma symbol over here similarly it means it is dependent on that equation yeah then and okay so that's it for this sketch you can create all this sketching one and let's do that way then move it back to the end point you can create this arc like this this equation cause a distance is C so equals to C and okay same thing I can assign the constraints also but let's not do that don't take too much of risks C and okay and now let me show you okay so this was the C distance C same outside and we need to find this radius okay that won't be necessary give it a T and our sketch is defined fully defined I need to create this offset also you can see 15 is the thickness over here so I will create the offset so go into the offset select the chain okay good select this change sorry chain and sine 15 I need to keep the ends so I am doing that and click OK so I think that would be not enough or enough let me check okay let me create all all this sketch then we will go this this where S curve you have the filler let's assign the dimension of 60 this is also 60 create leaflet and Philippe's off I'm creating currently this one because you see here that portion is extruded 10 mm up then the common 25 days so yes 60 by 60 and this radius is given more here it is 15 so this fill that is 15 okay now we need to create the offset I think we can do that also in this sketch sure why not offset 9 mm and don't select the chain okay let's we will do it in the another sketch because that will be too much information in this single sketch and we cannot afford doing the mistakes so first of all extrude this portion by 25 keep this 125 there is only one area this one where you have to give extra 10 mm depth so we will go for 25 25 okay now I will just make this sketch visible then I can extrude this portion also now or later also that would be okay now we will be creating these cylinders first the reason being in the for other question I know I have to create this cutout so yes let me create these cylinders so how they are extruded this front cylinder has got X and E equation that we have already assigned and or here it is y and e and in if we see in the top view then you can see it is coming 10mm outside from this face in both the models so I will not go and create extra planes I will simply select this face and create two circles quickly they are concentric I think I mean they are but I have to assign that to as we saw front one is X okay this one is yes II global variables same where click okay then we have height from the base so if you see or hear this one is our front as of now so yes this is 95 and in this side view also another cylinder resolve 95 so from the base to this one is 95 don't worry I am taking too much time in this first one the rest of them will be followed very quickly once your first model is perfect so you need to place your cylinder now this C distance is from this sketch to this end phase and our circle is at the center of those two you can see from this distance is C and the circle are 7.5 mm from this edge so I can give this equation as from here to here you see this is the benefit of assigning the equations initially I don't need to create on T go C minus 7.5 that is remaining constant throughout and therefore I am giving it another equation and escaped now over here I will not create this one but there is region or second to selection reason you will come to know later but for now just follow me now is use as I had shown you like it is coming 10mm ahead from this phase so what I am going to do is major portion gets extruded on the backside instead of creating plane I will go for offset command so what it will do is from this phase or say sketching phase it will take 10 mm offset on the left side so it has moved 10 mm offset on this side and now I will change my extrusion direction so yes this is correct on the extrusion direction so it is starting its extrusion 10 mm of this phase and we have depth is equation B so now I can simply go over here coal key a equal sign and I will assign B confirm it and it is extruded same thing on this phase now you can go and paste it but again I would say don't take that risk it's just a few seconds work and this equation is do make the use of S key it is very handy it is why okay equals to e okay same thing this is equal to c minus 7.5 okay and as we had seen this one is 95 press s key to extrude and same thing over here also offset of 10mm so it will move 10mm of this face I'll change the extrusion direction press equal to a-sine you can play with arrow keys over here and click OK and if I now select this cylinder you can see it is driven by equation 130 that is correct now now this much is done now I need to exclude this sketch you can see from the drawing it is being extruded up to the height of 95 so if I had already created this cylinder as hollow cylinder and now I would have extruded it there would be extra material inside this cylinder also to avoid that I will exclude this first and then I will create the cutout so I think now it would be pretty clear why I didn't create the hollow cylinder at first and yes these things comes from the more and more practice now I will extrude and I know 95 is the depth direction is correct and click OK I created all these kids in the first plane only because all Heights were given from that base plane so that was pretty handy once 99 is 95 height is knee 1 select what this sketch select this one press s key extrude through hole both ok press S key extrude cut through wall both and okay now it's done I can now go for this one press S key extrude now this is T next to you on to do that actually let's go for contour now this height is 35 so again I can give it 35 and okay now that is done we have you can now hide the remaining sketch not an issue now we will go and create our whole again I need to use my screen so that we can look after all the details yes don't forget to save your part so I will go here desktop and I'm going to the CSW be practice and question 1 say so yes I will be creating this F detail so that is nothing but the whole simply follow the instruction to want to be complex over here so details are as NC metric countable this is the counterbore and symmetric hole is b18 2.3.5 yes that is also correct size is m8 feat clothes show custom sizing 15 30 and 10 end condition is true all correct don't forget to uncheck this thing as it will show error do you want to see that select this face place it escape that is least 13 and the type II and I think there is an issue else okay it got created idols I think it should have shown okay by itself it is I'm checking so that is not an issue now in previous shows on I've faced the ratio that's why so now our whole is created perfect finally what remains is the cut out this one so you can see it is 9mm off and there are flat six radius 10 so we will simply go select press s key and with the face selected go folks offset command reverse it 9mm is okay and okay the depth is assigned by five showing the 5mm thickness so let's do that we're only how don't do any maths over here simply go and select offset from surface now we know from this face it is 5 mm it is 5 mm betrayal in the up direction so what I can do is I want 5 a material in the up direction from this face okay that's done check it and now we are left with the same simply going to fill ad don't assign Phillips in this sketch this one is good 10 mm is done okay now what remains is the outer flat I'll create that separately this for and that is also 10 our part is created I will save it and now evaluate mass properties and the mass is 14 to 1 point 5 3 grams so I had made some mistake of like 8 grams because it is nearer to that let me just quickly go through it okay yes I forgot the main detail that is Gen 4 of 4 right 4 places of 2 by 45 so I'll just go into the chamfer select these four edges and now sail to seven evaluate mask properties and yes our answer is matching over here and now I will move on to the next comma next question now here comes another thing going to the file save it is say this copy and continue so what it does is I will select it as q1 let it be the same or here it is not going to make much difference so let it be but we will see the second question now now this question so what they had mention over here is you need to change ABCDF parameters and yes that's the only thing let's do that I will go into manage equations right click and I will start to 25 and and do this with patience you can also create the equations or sorry configurations but that is another thing you need to look out for like if you d do any mistake even if you forgot to assign for the current configuration that would create a lot of mass to be cleaned and a by 3 B by 3 plus 10 that is okay now mass properties will be updated one six four nine zero point fourteen eight there are no other changes 35:25 once you look at drawing so many times you quickly notice what are the changes anywhere if yes that is good and now save it as save as a copy and continue make it cube 2 so if you have noticed you too will be served it will be remained closed and you will be working on q1 only so do remember to save it as copy and then continue it is better to have such copies so that if you feel lost in anywhere then you can go back and simply edit that question only I will now save as q3 and let's say I want to open it I'm just experimenting don't do that in the examination stick to one method so it will save as copy and now it will open so here is the q3 now I can make changes as required so now question 3 is again we will look there are any changes or not I think there are no changes let's make changes to the equations again I click manage equations - 0 9 - 1 8 I am pressing tab just in case if you are curious and 25:41 a by 3 remains as it is and yes rest of the things remains as it is just cross-check 125 and 69 to own a 10209 ok let's go and check the mass properties so 1 546 okay great save it and let's move on to the next question let me go save as copy and open question number four Bart it's open now and let's start working the open date so here are three changes you can see on the front side there is one extrude extrusion earlier there was one extrusion it is gone and on the other side this is the opposite side you can see this is in front now it is in back there is also another cutout and third thing that we need to look after is this cut on this cylinder so let's go for it any changes yes the changes are shown in this slaughtered sketch James 4:4 - but degree is changed that is 30 so look out for such minor changes now the examinations are pretty tough and this is the extra cut out that is changing or that is an additional thing over here and here there were initially six edges now there will be five so this is another good thing like you don't have inter dependency so you don't need to remember like you can easily suppress this feature extrude or believe them as per your wish because this is now separate part file let me get this thing over here so first of all let's edit the equations do also cross-check like if the additional equation that I have given over here is changing or not since that distance remains C and this is seven point five inside this circle that is good now let me edit the equations so two two one two one one press Enter key also tab enter both works 121 37 MIT remain same and here we have another change it is 15 cross-check and ok once that is done we need to avoid this extra feature so let's do that now that is my counter bore and exclusion and suppress it you can see the filete is gone sorry the filete is showing an error because there was one edge which is now not present so first of all let me correct that one since it is not affecting anywhere you need to do that then let don't worry about these missing edges once you click OK it will ask to remove those missing references yes I want to do that and yes these filete is as it is that's good that's why oh it sketches now once we have done that we need to create a pat out over here yes that is another thing but before that let's create cut out on cylinder let me roll that my model and now you can see the importance right if my this extrude over here would have been before the cylinders I wouldn't be able to play around with this cylinder yes another way was another way could be like I can unmerge them like this oh really you can go and uncheck this result so I can perform operation on this individually by going into the future scope and select only one body but since we acted then you don't need to do that roll back and now create a cutout let's see how to do that don't worry about the time you'll definitely feel you should finish it so what is the requirement 10 mm remains same after 30 mm from the front face of the cylinder there is this cutout starting and its diameter no diameter it is same 10mm offset from the outside entity so between the 10 mm rest of the material gets cleared so again let me go into the top view and on this face create extrude cut ow I want this outer entity converted create an offset of 10 mm if you don't want to go and reverse over here you can follow this arrow inside arrow means the offset will be inside outside means outside this end circle I want it inside so now 10 mm is there same thing we will follow offset 30 mm from this face we will start out cut out double click and Direction is OK but offset 30 mm in the another side and this cut out goes up to 30 mm another so this 30 and okay I think or cut out is matching quickly go into the section view [Music] I think that's okay now roll back and everything is as it is without any failure so this is very good example of how you maintain the design intent reflecting to the changes without any error having done that the only thing reaming is now cut out going to the top you same as it is 9mm offset go in this face and mmm let me go like this press s key cut out I just wanted to have the offset I will pin this tab assign 9mm I'll select entities one by one inside inside do I need to change the appearance towards inside you can see it is following the arrow even though it is showing dotted line on the another side and that it let's I think all in bond work now it will not work so and drink this drink this you can give the flats if you want to give in this case because there will not be any dependency anywhere this is the last two questions but let's don't take the bad habits same thing fire them from the bottom phase is the required depth over here this so I will go offset from surface select this phase 5 mm and okay once we have done that you can go and select the edges in the same again no bad habits 310 mm okay that's done and let's go for the evaluation of mass properties but before then as I told don't miss out on these small details 30 okay evaluate mass properties 23 to zero 6.39 yes that is 0.4 39 and point four okay and final question so any changes they have highlighted now 30 30 remains as it is 5 radius yes I think is same so we need to do changes in the equation or the equation side now here it is fine now if you save go into the service and create q5 service copy and open go into the manage equations and let's change this to 2 9 2 1 7 1 6 3 1 1 9 34 fi 3 and yes so the things are same and I think this should be it I haven't typed those answers and I will conclude the examination you will get this dialog box yes and the examination and it is now processing the result and here is the result I have successfully passed with all the correct answers so hope this was helpful if you have any doubts you can ask in the comment section thank you for watching
Channel: CADskool - Quick start your CAD Journey!
Views: 84,840
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: How to Clear CSWP Exam, SolidWorks Extrude, Modeling, CADSkool, fully defined sketch, counterbore hole SolidWorks, Offset from Plane, SolidWorks Associate Exam, Equation, hole wizard, Certification, Offset from Surface, How To, CSWA, SolidWorks Tutorial, SolidWorks Professional Exam, CSWP, Advanced, question, SolidWorks Equation Tutorial, CSWA Solution, pass, design intent, 2d Drawing, CSWP Solution, 3d, exam, Extrude, SolidWorks
Id: 2AWqqpvz-4k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 54sec (2334 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 15 2019
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