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hello everyone welcome again today i'm gonna um create an assembly and and to solve a cswp segment three questions so uh let's start let's get started so i assemblers3 segment three is about assemblies so we need to we'll have a series of questions and approximately 10 questions and we'll have 80 minutes to complete that to complete an exam the first question is to create this object this part this base part and check the mass properties of this base part so this is like a part modeling question so i'm not gonna create this i have already created one so if you're interested you can go you can go and create this part so these are the these are the um drawing drawings of that part so the question the main question we need to add this assembly this part into the assembly environment and as well as we need to create a coordinate system based on that and then we need to check the center of the mass of the assembly with respect to this chord in a new coordinate system let's create a new assembly environment i'm going to create a new assembly and over here it will automatically open and let's go to select base and add the base into our assembly environment so based on the drawing i need to add the reference coordinate system in coordinate system one so i'm going to just go to uh reference geometry and create a new coordinate system in this case i need to select the point and i make sure that this is a y-axis x has axis and z-axis as it's given in the question so over here we have y x and z coordinate system one so i've created this part uh so i need to go to mass properties in the mass properties just be careful that you should select the coordinate system one not the default so the mass of the part 562.53 grams so this is the correct answer but we need actually we need to check uh the central mass 5 9.76 and negative 87.42 which is exactly the answer c right so next question is to create this part and create and create this assembly and we need to add all these parts into this pivot sub assembly so i need to create this part so think that i've already created this part but if you're interested you can go ahead and create this very simple part we have three holes and the slot feature and the extrusion is 4mm thickness so i'm going to go to create question number three create a new assembly we i'm going to create this pivot assembly it's kind of sub-assembly and i close this and i open a new assembly environment so in this case i'm going to add the pivot arbitrary position so i'm gonna go and just need to check the mass properties 54.47 grams in this case it's easy question so next is to the next question is to add the arm and also arm slot and create this relationship and check that what is the mass properties what is the mass of the part i just need to select check this that's it and i need to give the coincidence and also concentric relationship between the arm and our arm slot to the with respect to uh pivot subassembly so i'm gonna go to insert components and on c component i'm gonna select with the holding the control key with arm slot and let's click open i'm gonna add the first over here and the second over here okay i'm gonna select this this part first of all i'm just gonna add a new color for this just to differentiate two parts okay first uh let's go to check the question the the arm need to be in this side so i will select these two and i'm going to make them concentric you can hold the ctrl key and add this relationship over here okay i'm going to select this face rotate and this ways i'm going to make them coincident first relationship okay the next is to add over here i'm going to select this and this actually this this one and also this cylinder i'm going to make them coincident so i'm going to select this one and also this one and i will add that the coincident relationship let's try to see our assembly and what we need to do we need to add the 40 mm distance between this point to this uh this this face this phase okay in order to do that i just need to add the point between at the center point of the of the given circle in order to do that i need to select the part go to edit part and but first we need to rebuild and save our assembly so this is just a pivot assembly give it sub assembly sub assembly let's go ahead and click and save all so as you see the part will be highlight highlighted and others will be transparent in the transparent form i need to select this and open a new sketch i just need to go and select point so in between i need to add a point over here let's click okay let's click okay okay as well so i'm going to go to make and select the point and also this face i'm going to go to distance distance should be 40 mm let's click okay let's click okay one more time so what you need to do you need to add the slot feature in this case to make the relationship between this slot and this also this hole in order to do that you need to go to mates i aim to go mechanical mates right click and clear selections you need to select this uh cylinder uh this is this hole and also this slot feature so it will automatically find the relationship between the slot and and also hold feature let's click ok and we're going to see this is the correct position it's now a fully defined cannot move because we have added the 40 mm distance from this phase so what is the mass of the pivot assembly in this case we need to select this mass properties and overall mass of this subassembly is 49.24 grams so we need to save this disabled so next question is adding a sub assembly into our main assembly so we need to use coordinate system one so we need to add the pivot again and to the original assembly created in question two no modification should be made so we'll add as it is based on previous question okay let's go and go to window and stop as assemblies three and i need to save this assembly as well original assembly let's click ok so i'm to go to insert components pivot sub-assembly i'm just going to add over here somewhere in the space so this is just floating the space but this is fixed as you see let me just rebuild the parts if you see that f inside the bracket it means this is fixed and if you see a dashed line that's dash symbol it means it's floating in order to fix this assembly you need to just select and make them move or oh this is already the sub assembly for this one you need to select float in order to move this part in around the space okay let's try to see which relationship we need to add when we add when we add sub assembly to this assembly in order to do that we need to select this one and this this face and i'm going to make them coincident so which we need to focus on this side right so this side and i need to rotate the part just around this side so which face we have a coincident relationship between this face and also this face i'm going to select the coincident and at the part so as you see we have now one degrees of freedom right in the assembly we can only rotate the part around because we haven't had any relationship but in this based on the question we need to add a parallel relationship between this face and also this ways i'm going to select this and also this and i'm going to make them parallel no our assembly is fully defined from top view from this side and our now our job is to check what is the central mass of of the assembly let's go to select mass properties and in this case based on the coordinate system one and we have 5.02 in this case 5.02 for x for y 15.81 15.81 or we have a slight uh deviation we will check that and z is negative 87.28 so i don't know what exactly is why we have this uh slight very slight deviation 15.81 and 15.72 i'll check that one too and make sure that everything is correct in the question now basically in the main uh and in the main exam you will do these steps as you see as you see over here i just need to select this sub assembly over here and need to see the mates that the distance we made should be 40 mm distance and this is 40 mm this is exactly what we need to add let's click ok so no problem in the in the sub assembly and others so everything is fine y direction we have fixed everything in place i think we are good now we just need to let's go ahead and go here activate our coordinate system okay coordinate system one everything's correct no problem at all maybe that's a small mistake in there over here okay a collusion detection the next question is to uh detect if is to see you do we have any collusion so we need to suppress the parallel relationship from the question number five in order to do that in the easiest way we added a parallel relation parallel relationship over here right let's just select and you're gonna see that all possible relationship in this in this phase or you just need to select this if you if you don't find over there you will see the parallel relationship between this face as you see highlighted over here and also this face so we need to suppress this just click and suppress now to means that our uh the pivot assembly is free to move around so we have only one degrees of freedom so rotate the assembly as shown i use the collision detection uh with stop at collusion turned on okay we need to need to rotate over here from top view so we need to stop around here when we see the collusion so in order to find a collusion detection we need to go move components as you see in the second option the collusion detection and we should select stop at collusion and you're going to see the sound sound effect is selected if i select a move as you see so i just need to hear the voice okay i don't hear the voice anyway but it's highlighted now highlighted now that this part collided uh have a collusion this two part has a collusion now so the question is what is the angle indicated by x between these faces let's click ok so between this this face and also this face i'm going to go to measure measurement two i will select this face and also this face so what is the angle angle is 35.81 grams so the answer is 85. 35.81 grams 81 degree i'm sorry so the next we need to add additional components into our assembly this is our next question so we need to add a bracket as shown over here and add that necessary mate and we need to use the same coordinate system in this case so i'm going to go to the insert components and browse and we need to select the bracket and open that bracket part i'm going to add add over here just select and rotate to to see to see the proper position okay as you see this is a pro correct orientation right or this is the correct orientation what i believe okay i'm just gonna go and select this face and also this phase i will add the concentric relationship and we need to add the distance between this phase and also this phase should be equal to distance this ways to this way so we need to use this relationship in this case as you see the width's relationship i i need to go to mate now so i'm going to go to advanced mates and i'm going to just clear this selections and select widths and this ways with selections and now we need to select tab selections i mean this face and also this outside face just right click and right click one more time so we have successfully add this component into our tower assembly so what we need to do we need to add a couple of relationship between this phase the parallel relationship this face and to this edge so i'm going to rotate this like that select this face and i'm going to go and select this face i'm going to add the parallel relationship as you see the part is now parallel we can't move just fixed now okay so we have added all these and also as you see we need to add a parallel relationship on this side as well so i'm going to move this on this side so this face and that phase i need to have at the parallel relationship so now it's time to what is the central mass of the assembly so i need to select the mass properties in this case with respect to coordinate system 1 the central mass is 4.11 and the y is 29.79 and z is negative 98.96 mm with respect to coordinate system 1 and that is our central mass so what is the next question the next question is at damper so we need to add a damper as you see over here and the proper relationship as shown concentric and also weights and concentric relationship so we need to add damper make damper a flexible subassembly so that the mates can be properly added so it means we need uh this sub assembly and this a system this sub assembly should be flexible that we can rotate in the main assembly so retailmates from previous question okay let's go to insert components and the browse so we need to add a damper let's click ok let's rebuild and add this over here okay let's orient this to get a proper position and i'm gonna go and select these two faces i will make them coincident and also i'm gonna go to mate and advanced mate types and i will select the widths so these are the widths that this the order of selection doesn't matter in this case the matter you should have the you should have selected symmetric faces let's click ok let's click ok one more time so in order to add this because we need to move this inside so this assembly is not flexible right now let's go ahead and check how we can add the flexibility into the sub assembly that we can we can use that we can use this uh this like a piston inside this shock housing okay so in order to do that i'm gonna go to this feature manager design tree let's go ahead and rebuild the part so in the in the damper i'm going to go to select and over here as you see make subassembly flexible so if i select this now sub assembly will be flexible as you see in the main part now i will be able to add the relationship between these two faces and also i'm going to select this oh let's give its relationship in this case advanced mates with this face and also this face for tab selections i'm going to select this and i'm going to select this as well let's try to see let's click okay so i'm gonna see what happened okay i need actually i have already done on this side so i just need to rebuild the part so as you see i've completed this and it's not fully defined you might check on this side fully defined and the the answer is the central mass of this assembly is we need to go to the mass properties and with respect to coordinate system one the central mass is 4.3 for x y 30. 34.55 and for z negative 98.70 you might record all these at the end i'm going to share the answer sheet of these segments three questions so what is the next question next question is to detect the interference between parts so first of all we need to change the distance between the arm and the pivot as shown in the previous case it was 40 but in this case it should be uh 10 in order to do to perform uh interference detection so how we're going to do that i just need to select this and i need to find the relationship for that regarding that just try to select i'm going to find this so i'm going to add edit feature it's 40 now i'm going to make this 10. let's click ok it doesn't add because we need to okay we have already added this so we need to we need to see the interference detection okay okay guys so in order to change the distance from this point to this phase just make sure that you give the dimension between this point and also this face not any edge of this because it will calculate the length from this line to to this point so previous i did that that was a mistake you just need to select the point and the face give the distance between these two so in order to find that i'm going to select this select this one and i will see the distance and edit feature over here it's it's 40 in this case i'm going to make this 10. do we have any problem over here so i'll just make this 10. okay let's click okay and see if we have any uh problem so uncheck this as you see we have we need to add this relationship but the housing is fixed on the space so we need to unfix that so let's just to go to sub assembly we need to select damper and open that damper sub assembly housing is fixed we need to float that let's save all so it will update the main assembly as well so i just need to [Music] just let's select this housing with piston okay we have a relationship between these two it should be concentric relationship what i believe and we just need to change the rotation just click ok let's click ok just edit this edit component oh let's try to do one more time concentric edit change the orientation oh didn't didn't so i did not do that let's okay let's try to suppress this concentric relationship and try to rotate that oh that is that is different just just a second okay so this is what we needed to achieve actually uh in the in the sub assembly i just um needed to add that the relationship was broken so between this cylinder and this cylinder this piston and this housing so i just add a concentric relationship that's it so in this case i've added 10 from this point to the face of that as pivot sub assembly so i need to perform interference detection in order to find that i need to go to evaluate and interfere check interference detection and we have original assembly we just need to calculate so we need we will have a highlights in the in the main assembly and which parts have interferences check all that apply so if i select the first one i'm going to see the arm and housing so where we have a arm we have a housing we need to check all these two and also the next interference as you see over these two volumes so i just need to check housing and arm slot and also pivot and housing so over here we have arm arm slot housing and also pivot assembly uh pivot period part all these have interference four we need to check that four applies so in replace components the next question is to replace the component uh the replace base with the base b so that the last question would i remember in cswp a segment three exam where i just needed to replace this part with the new part with the new base delete or suppress any distance made in pivot sub-assembly and make this a flexible sub-assembly and modify mates and set parameters as indicated below okay so this is what we needed what what what we need to add what we need to achieve actually this is the last question uh let's try to analyze this part probably we don't need as it's said over here the later success in distance made simple and sub uh replace with base b base b as you see so we have direct base b component i just need to first select this face and i need to find this it's over here distance made i will uh delete that well first of all i'm gonna go to sub and i will make this flexible in this case as well so this is a flexible sub assembly now uh i'm gonna select do we have an additional mates over here no so i need to modify that pivot is fixed in this case in place so we need to we need to isolate those as well just check all these one by one this is fixed because it says in in the sub-assembly mode this is what i fixed so i just i just need to change the space in this case let's go ahead and try to find replace components okay guys so the next step as you see we need to replace the component uh we need to replace this base two with the base base b in order to do that we just need to write go over here select the base component right click and just go down and we need to select replace component from this list replace component so which component with this one as you see when you just need to browse we need to select base b let's click open and match name let's click ok you might have a problem in the mates so as as i as you see disable preview and let's click ok so i just need to delete some some mates and need to add some um modifications based on our previous one so first let's start with a coordinate system just try to locate our coordinate system over here right click so this is correct for the meats we have a couple of meats and we need to redo it again this one and this one let's make it concentric and also with this face and also this ways let's make it coincident now so what we need to add let's double check yes we need to add one more made we need to modify over here as you see this parallel relationship parallel made okay let's try to edit this one with this face just right click and click ok so this coincident we don't need that so we already [Music] added manually so we have completed our assembly and we changed our assemblies with another one every time when you replace the component you might have some problems and replacement problems means you need just need to redo the mates between the components okay as you see it says modify mates and set parameters as indicated below or delete or suppress any distance means for question or in order to do this so we need to now just go to the pivot sub-assembly let's try to go this pivot sub-assembly and go for the assembly i just need to select the face and also distance i need to suppress this so it's now free to move let's go to original assembly now over here we need to we might see the modifications and changes as well because as i changed on the other assembly it should change on this assembly as well let's try to see one more time let's try to go like over here see and save just need to always rebuild the part just close this save all yes we might have changes on this assembly let's try to see yes we just change the distance we suppress the distance mate okay what we need to do we need just to add uh it's just section we need to add 10 mm distance between the piston and the piston to the and end of uh housing it's 10 mm and we have 70 degree from this line to this way so we need to delete the this relationship as well parallel relationship as well so what we made before just suppress okay so i just want to move this try to move it back the correct position so i will select this i will make this transparent in order to see the inside face i will select and select mate and i just need to select this mate as well this face as well but i don't see that just right click select other so we'll see one by one i just need to select this so distance will be 10 mm let's try to see please select entities oh okay we we have selected the damper face of the piston so we need to select inside face let's try one more time didn't select okay very interesting why it's not selecting okay let's try to see like that first select this from this side okay let's try to select from this side as well one more time okay very interesting that it doesn't allow me to select inside phase i remember that i've done this couple of times but it's so fine i'm just gonna do this make them coincident right click edit select this face it doesn't select actually the best way is to go to the damper sub-assembly and then change this select the inside face let's try to do over here so this is much easier easier than to do over there so this is assembly mode now i'm just gonna go to select mate mate with the face inside select that phrase because those are two different assemblies so same assembly in the other main assembly that's why it might create problems sometimes we just need to make make it 10. okay we just need to select one more time this face and also this face flick dimension just need to delete this so we have one mm distance as well let's try to edit this let's make it 10. let's click ok ok one more time so we have added this we just need to update and save and close this it will update in the main assembly as well as you see it automatically updated so next is try to change this position now and i mean the line let's go to mate select this face and also select this face so we need to have the angle relationship should have 70 degree 70 from this point this line to this actual to this face not this face and i did a mistake again delete and select this face and for degree i need to add 70. another way click ok let's click ok one more time okay so the question is let's see what is the central mass of the assembly so everything as we as we expected beautiful so the central mass regular component uh 13 for x for y 37.66 and for z minus 105.66 so let's let me share the answers with you so i'm just gonna go over here so for the last question 105. so this is correct 37.66 and 4x is 13. so everything is fine you might check other previous questions as well by yourself okay everyone thank you so much if you have a question please comment and like and subscribe for future video tutorials thank you so much
Channel: CAD for engineers
Views: 4,856
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: solidworks cswp, solidworks cswa, solidworks associate, solidworks professional, solidworks certification, solidworks exam, certification exam, solidworks expert, CSWP, CSWA, CSWP segment 2, CSWP segmentII, Certified solidworks professional exam, professional solidworks exam, solidworks professional exam, CSWP questions, CSWA wuestions, learn solidworks, solidworks advanced, CSWP segment 3
Id: mfikqPnv2w8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 5sec (2165 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 08 2021
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