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hello again now we are in segments three and segment three is all about assembly so let's quickly start our uh question number four number one we have a base part so we need to create this following part and with these dimensions okay let's start our part we have a base shape 200 and 120 let's go to and open a new part let's click ok and a top plane and open a new part sent upon rectangle so don't forget to change to mmg ips to mmgs so we have 200 now and 120 120 and enter and so we have fillets a couple of fillets let's try to keep those fillets and this is 10 probably window selection right click and let's click ok and go to features extrude and as you see 125 millimeter up type 25 and enter enter one more time so we need to cut this side so let's go to top plane again we could create the same same sketches on boss extrude one but again it it's all depends so how you start the start the part okay so these are 60 60 60 60 again so 120 for this side 120 for this side as well so this is 60 an enter so this one and this one is equal okay we'll cut those let's create circle again the diameter is 20 and enter actually could be good to um what i see because we need to add this we have a throw over here we it could be good to start uh first this shape but anyway i am closing this we can start now let's go to boss extrude on this face uh hold again the diameter of the hole is 45 45 go to features and extrude and we have a 15 degree draft 15 degree draft and overall height 25 and we have overall 40 so we need to type 15 and enter let's click ok so we can just remove the sketch tool after extrusion so let's go to extruded cut cut extrusion so sketch contour i'm i select this as well this one and this one so right click through all uh other side let's click ok so in street step we have completed this so we need to add this cut let's go and select this face the line from here to here right click and select and the height is 12.5 enter the distance from here to this point is 60 again but the feature cut extrude one more time will have us through all and other side to decide to cut up we need to get rid of this portion let's click ok so we have completed our part as you see we don't have any problem at this point but only we need to give this phillips 10 millimeter fillets to inside let's go to fill it let's check this one if we check first this is connected one yeah this internal fixture other three edges so we have added those the material should be brass material should be brass two decimal places let's go ahead and change select plain white just to clearly see our part so we need to save our part save base base 1 something like that and click ok so we have only base 1 over here so what is the first question first question what is the mass of the parting grams let's go ahead and check our parting grams and add over here later on we will check if they are correct or not okay second we need to create an assembly based on this part so let's go to position is arbitrary so we need to create a new coordinate system over here let's click this and make assembly from part and let's add our part over here so we have added our part so we need to create a new coordinate system a new new coordinate system to this edge so let's turn our part and go to reference and coordinate system so we need to just click the point in order to insert our new coordinate system y x and z z x and y so let's click so we have created our coordinate system hide our coordinate system or show a coordinate if it's not shown again you need to go here you need to check the v coordinate systems okay this is correct now uh what is the central mass of the over open assembly let's go to properties and from here instead of default coordinate system we need to select coordinate system one but first of all again don't forget to change to mmgs or more times coordinate system 1 this is our current coordinate system that we have so 95.68 don't forget again change to decimal places to 2. then you will have again correct central mass add over here let's delete this okay now this is correct so we need to save our assembly the start main assembly main assembly and click save again we are in question number three and we need to add our mount to this assembly so let's go ahead and insert components and we need to browse so arm our mount check yes our mount and click open let's add our mount over here and as you see we have a couple of um relationships that we need to give concentric relationship parallel relationship and coincident relationship let's first try to give this a relationship concentric relationship and we need to turn around this side and let's try to select the face and hit the control select this face and say coincident and again one more time let's add parallel relationship excuse me to add a parallel relationship and this is fine so this is our assembly now and then what is the central mass of the assembly select and this is the central mass of an assembly based on a new coordinate system okay so the next we need to add arm lower arm and arm center between the tabs and widths mate we need to give one of the advanced mates a width mate okay let's go to insert components and browse you can add the lower arm okay over here let's add okay so we need to add uh our lower arm to this this uh concentric uh with the concentric relationships and this needs to be parallel again um let's turn it around just right click hold the right click and turn your part to this side like that okay let's select this and this make them concentric so let's go to at mate and again instead of standard mates we need to go advanced mate and select we need to select weeds mate go to width mate we need to have with selections with selections and also tab selections right click and close this so we need to give the parallel relationship like that so i believe we have completed this um yeah parallel to this one and concentric and leads to this so let's check our part as part of a central mass again put the central mass over here okay let's not go to next question collusion detection delete the parallel relationship from question number four okay we have we have given parallel relationship to this or this that you need to in order to find that just click this and you will see the parallel relationship then there's to suppress it so now part is free to move so we need to perform collusion detection so use the collision detection we stop at collision turned on we need to stop over here and find the what is an x-axis x x degree in order to do that we need to go move component and collision detection and stop at collusion should be selected and i select this and go down and it will you will hear a sound at collusion let's click ok let's go here and turn the part and let's go to measure the face and select this face and the degree between them uh 11 point 11.8 degree score here let's add a degree over here 11.8 degree close the part so next part is create a new assembly and this will be a sub assembly uh to the main assembly so the new assembly will be referred to as shock okay we have this part and which one yeah we need to add the shock housing to our assembly so let's go ahead and create a new part assembly and click okay okay now we need to browse we need to select our shock housing and click open so we have added our shock housing turn our part okay we have short housing so uh we need to save this as a shock save okay and we have created this what is the mass of the shock assembly let's go ahead and click this and this is the mass compound don't forget to change it millimeter again i always forget options to select this and over here 117.32 grams of the mass of this shock housing let's move to next question so we need to add a piston to subassembly so now we have this relationship so let's go to insert component browse select piston and click open let's add piston to over here we need to give a concentric relationship first of all so let's try to see inside face click inside face first inside face is hard to see select all these i made them with uh distance made distance should be 40 millimeter let's click ok copy one more time let's select and see the transparent transparency of the of the part yes we have a correct dimension now let's select this and this make them parallel okay what is the question now so what is the mass of the shock assembly let's save our assembly first and check the mass 358.19 gram grams so this is our answer so answer is c means this is correct and probably previous one was correct too let's move on to our next assemble next question so it says adding a sub assembly we need to add subassembly to our main master assembly no modifications to shock sm should be made so we need to preserve this 40 millimeter distance let's go to window and main assembly we have a main assembly now uh insert component shock let's add our subassembly over here okay so we need to as you see we need to add um upper arm and knuckle as well let's go to insert component browse and upper arm and also knuckle and open this is the first one and this is the second one okay now this is the view is better now okay we'll add a concentric relationship between these two but first of all let's add this this concentric relationship all right excuse me this and this they will be the same actually so we need to add again widths mate advanced mates with mate select the width and tabs again this time doesn't doesn't matter which one your your so you select okay check this let's add again concentric relationship between them check our part okay we need to add upper arm we need to add knuckle over here let's turn it around move it over here select the face or edge doesn't matter and again with smell with uh made we need to give advancement of profile center and with selection you can select inside face as well doesn't matter right click so we need to give fits me to these two this profile this profile to this profile and also this profile we are in okay we we forgot to select advancement okay let's turn it around let's first give the symmetric relationship this coincident relationship so now we can go to standard main instead of standard advancement first is this selection clear all this one also this one tab selection this one and also this one okay okay again uh let's go to standard mate this cylinder and this one make them coincident and click ok and click ok one more time if i want to move the assemblies it should be fixed now now it is fully defined you can see over here let's check what is the question so what is the central mass of an assembly let's go to mass properties this is central mass of the part of open assembly let's check our answer 79 42 and minus 20 minus 30. so this is the correct answer interference detection the next part is interfere interference detection change the distance between the piston and shock as you see like that note that the distance meat has been flipped we need to flip the distance made and then we will use interference detection to turn it to determine collusion between the parts okay the only box that should be checked in the interference detection option is make interfering parts transparent okay let's go to in order to move that and check the distance we need to select the pop but first of all right click go to the properties of subassembly not face properties we should have a properties of assembly okay we'll do this window shock right click should have a properties of an assembly okay we'll do over here main assembly we will have a shock right click go here you will see probably yeah we'll use replace components later on but we need to see assembly properties subassembly properties okay we'll i'll check this later on because we need to make it flexible otherwise it will be fixed so this is not flexible now let's go and select and try one more time it should be somewhere over here but uh anyway subassembly okay let's try to change it we can change from here or we can select open a part like that or let's try to open the shock assembly first so dimension is changed now let me transparent we need to go the distance mate and at the distance mate distance is 10 millimeter now check 10 millimeter but the dimension is flipped so we need to flip dimension to outside click ok click ok one more time okay we have changed our part and it will automatically update in main assembly and then you will see uh the part is updated now let's go ahead and go ahead and check interference detections so interference detection we need to go to evaluate tab and select interference detection and main assembly plate you will see the main interferences so and the question says that and the only box that should be checked this box should be checked the intervene detection option is make interfering parts transparent so make interfering parts transparent as you see we have only these parts uh interfering each other so well we need to check uh piston and housing so we need to see this as well yeah we have this interference with lower arm and piston and also we have knuckle we have interferences over here as well and the next one this one probably this is this side and this one is the other side so we have four so answer should be checked and knuckle and upper arm and the lower arm with i think except base and with the shock housing we need to check all of them okay the flexible assembly flexible subassembly so uh we need to create a new part and it says a suppressive distance mate in shock will suppress the distance made and that will allow the piston to move inside of the shock housing and flexible in the top level assembly okay let's go to assembly select this one uncheck this select uh we can select from here as well distance made and suppress okay click ok we need to suppress the distance made now click this and this is fine so we have suppressed the distance made but um we need to select again okay so uh we need to make our par assembly flexible and we need to add this so let's first make our shock uh flexible assembly so let's go ahead and check and make subassembly flexible so flexible means now we can move the par piston like that okay let's go ahead go ahead and check a new part and create a new part click this and click ok so uh the dimensions 50 22 3 and 8 and 15. change it to millimeter the front plane and we need to create a new part right click start from here to here 22 from here to here should be 15. from here to here should be eight overall 50. and this one this should be coincident and thickness should be let's add the chamfer as well and chamfer distance is 2 milliliters now click ok features revolve let's click ok what is the material playing carbon steel let's go right click and play in carbon steel save the part so name of the part should be just new part spindle spindle let's go to main assembly let's add our part as it is given just turn it on and give the mate like that and also concentrate made and this is fine so what additional mage should be made is 10 degree from this edge at this side this face and the space let's give the angle relationship and click okay so what is um additional stuff that we need to do that we have done already this what is that a mess that is of the part rebuild the part so this is the correct answer replace component so we need to replace component and change our piston distance to 80. so first we need to angle mate should be eliminated now select angle the suppress and also question 10 is eliminated so we need to change this first of all and we need to rotate our part from this to this side as you see like that so in order to do that we need to select this we should have a parallel relationship let's suppress this as well let's turn the part around from here okay this is fine or fix this so what is angular relationship 15 degree from this edge to this edge so this one and this one there is a 15 degree angle between them click ok see from top let's check this as well go to select assemble sub assembly go to sub assembly and let's try to give the 80 degree 80 millimeter distance between these two step 80 and enter click ok let's rebuild the part go to main assembly so it will automatically again i will update like that okay from top view need to see top here okay let's see our part coordinate system at 15 degree so we should have 15 degree coordinate system at 15 degree to other side let's go to angle mate again we have 15 degree over here between this and this so this is 15 degree again the same the same version so it's time to replace the component so the the component that we will replace is called base dash b we can move and the easier easier way is to use replace component let's go to base and right click we should have a replace component over here replace components and let's go to browse and base b and open and click okay okay we we actually differ okay let's try to isolate empty and made parts okay we don't need to isolate at this point we just will do just a couple of uh changes based on this relationship so let's go to coordinate system edit coordinate system because we need to define the way that our coordinate system is angle made let's add an angle made again so we have replaced the component we have missing face now click one more time and concentric relationship speed feature this one and also this edge edit click one more time let's edit this one as well what else do we need to change over here actually we don't need coincident relation oh okay we need coincident relationship this face click ok click ok one more time so this is our final assembly now should have 18 millimeter distance 80 millimeter distance i believe this is 80. okay but our part is doesn't look like 15 degree because we shouldn't have that um we need to change it to this other side and the flip dimension select angle edit angle let's flip dimension to this side click ok click ok now this is the correct version let's check ms properties of entire assembly just add and so we have completed our assembly and these are the solutions that you can check for segments three and from question number one to question number 11. so question number 114.28 so this is the correct answer
Channel: CAD for engineers
Views: 15,079
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: CSWP, CSWA, CSWP segment 2, CSWP segmentII, Certified solidworks professional exam, professional solidworks exam, solidworks professional exam, solidworks exam, CSWP questions, CSWA wuestions, learn solidworks, solidworks advanced, solidworks professional, CSWP segment 3
Id: wvTyemyAnWU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 18sec (1998 seconds)
Published: Sun May 17 2020
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