CSWP Segment 3 Sample Exam HD

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Oh hi my name is Nicholas Villa and in this tutorial we will go through questions from CS WP segment free sample exam so here we have a PDF document with instructions so the the segment 3 is about the cells so here we have instructions and we also have some already existing parts so we don't need to go to them and let's get started so the first question is go to order one part some dimensions here and the point of the question is to find the mass of the part so let's begin we start on your part and pay attention to this it is really important to to set your system - mmm GS you can do that here or you can go to options document properties and yawns so it's really important to do that before everything other so double traknet and if I also recommend to set material at the beginning so now we need brass and here you can pressing in these materials if you if wanted material isn't here you can go to that material and down to the material in the tree so unlike Cox and let's begin with motor starts capture from plane just a few lines and escape and execute the sketch I press S key on my keyboard to get this rocket Rose back through the boss place value right click mid plane and I can right click to come here so packs sketch and dig in litigates involved and they need some minutes radius of 10 millimeters apply and exit back and this is a completed part so here we have the main this part as base do this and now to find its mass value it if you don't have to see values top you can always call right click here and check this so in value it stop trying to mass properties and here you can find the mass of the bat so it was the first question and let's move on the second question because we don't have too much time we have to finish this in 18 minutes in the second question you have to make an assembly from the part you have created before and find the center of the mass according to new coordinate system and let's make this truth file and to make assembly part and make sure that again unit system is set to n mg s so if you normally use inches you can close every time this and change to millimeters but you also can change that before you start exam and say that there's templates for example part millimeters or assembly millimeters and if you need that you just open that and you don't have to change this one exam so that's your choice now let's let's continue so we need to make a new coordinate system you can find that in assembly practice geometry Jordan exists one point so this is everything is set ok so right click to come here now we have this content system quality we have to do is to find the center of the mass so to evaluate mass properties you can define its center of the mass but this is according to or relative to default coordinate system and we don't need that this is really important we have to change this coordinate system one and now values are relative to this coordinate system and see we have different values here than before so this is the solid question and you can track that here so answer is a let's go on the third question now uses the at our mount to place some mates and to find the center of mass of the center so let's do this assembly insert components browse and find this place and our selfies will define so long again last properties and make sure you observe is to coordinate system one and now this is the sort of the question so math next question is to add another band called arm lower and I can find the center of mass of the assembly so I can the same thing insert component Lord oppa I like to orient this the right way so we need took place this and now we need to beat me so you can find that not in standard mates but advancements so we make for truth this I use select other select hidden faces because it's easier you don't have to reorient your part all the time and in my opinion is fast your choice to use that or not is me and so again you need a center mass you can see this here okay we don't have values to track and now in the fifth question we came to use collation adduction to find out to find this angle we need to seek out how much you can rotate this are lower so we have to click file plate from previous question and let's do this so find in our lower mates this panel and do it okay and you can see now we can freely rotate this component and to find collision detection load assembly component and this little arrow and rotate and instead of using standard drag choose collision detection track between all components and you need to stop at collision so let's see we rotate this and you see it stopped here and it highlighted faces could collide so now just pyramid and everything just stay in this position and now adduce a measure tool you can kind measure to evaluate measured measure or just press M key and you can find here angle between two faces sometimes in some cases measure tool can show wrong tackle and you can see this obviously that's not angle between two bases or ledges whatever you truth and to be sure what is the right tackle you can put this this is very simple and it doesn't take too much time so you just make sketch and convert to n2x just practice so this is the right get the discount what's more here you can click assembly use this already existing component and it is going to be a subset and the sub-assembly so let's go no assembly Housel okay and now this is a simple question so so the last shop assembly just go you can see the mass next thing to do of course that part again already existing part to the subs and that's a beast and I can find the mass of the colossal assembly components draws his thumb trust remains distance me and I I think it will be easier to make this length in videos section so I'll see the faces here so distance and country that's fall and exit section you'll now find the mass again here is the mass you can see here is our answer now you have to add this sub-assembly and couple more components to our main assembly so let's do this and I use control top to go of open SolidWorks parts and just to save this file up call this say now components and in this because set all again on centric and again advanced so everything is in place and let's see again in some dogmas and make sure use the coordinate system one don't finish transfer and now we can track this so here is the answer is B 1201 interpose the action so to change this distance mate you can see that here and using two terms detection to determine collisions between the part so first let's let's change this distance in a speech and to change or dimension like this just to fill and everything is in place you can find interference the function in evaluates done and here you can see this is the only box through the track detection options is make interpreting parts transparent so make sure that's your own box and now calculate so you can get this this control and this you can see all components entering into that's it now you can easily find out the moments so pretty much that's all for this question and now we have to make new part so press this let's make and everything in place you can see some angle mates and I can find the centre of mass so let's just to make it is flexible you can make this flexible if you go to component properties right click component properties and say so as flexible you can do that in that Lane box faster way is just you can see the cycle and make some assembly flexible soul that's that's what we need truck just click that and now you can see like on between before the name it's changed so change is suppress assembly and surplus this means and now you can see we have some moving parts so much makes this and made to change my alignment here so everything is fortified and making part again this is pretty simple part just again pesky and many truths from old boss and just compare and don't forget trap so close and 45 degrees research right click and you can see you kept to say his as Spain Tomas people that say now you grow in certain bonds and previously created and just a couple of snakes also you can do occupation if you want we forgot to change material so you can see here we need plane come from steel and not specified so change to plane and that's it's really important to remember that to change material because it affects everything into accent-less and ruralness yes play field now in this episode just cook Shack ok and you can see what the center of mass so let's move on to our last question and we have more changes here you can see that we have to replace the base we have to change this distance mate we delete some mates and lace angle mint and of course find the center of mass percent okay let's do that let's delete some eights now shift C to collapse picture 3 and see yes everything everything is fine so just fill and now we want to replace this component so right click and if you don't see here replace component click on the arrows and find this so replace the base to do this draws base I make sure three attachments please tract and up gaily some others some because of mates and one with coordinate system and not involved not problem so you're here kept image that helps you of you see a previous base and see what we don't have here so he can't find his face you just click here so just click my alignment and even click on this arrow to see what is in the next make the team count salute so this face click here and everything looks fine so right click to compare and exit and now we get only one ever connected it coordinate system we will sort this just notes point so parenting looks fine to the doctors now let's change to distance so make this rigid I can have it assembly late distance answer press now this eight so that's it and rebuilt now you need just one more angle mate between this and this face and angle this 15 so how violent this okay and everything is fully defined so we can find mass center of mass and here it is so it was the last question else that's pretty much fall off this sample exam so you can see it's not too hard but you need to be familiar with commands and features within actions here and you have to practice by yourself so here a lot and thanks for watching
Channel: Nikola Svilar
Views: 54,112
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: SolidWorks (Software), certificate, assembly, CSWP, modelling, tips, hd, segment 3, sample exam, solidworks
Id: qsNYn8LJ7RY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 58sec (2398 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 14 2015
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