CSWP - SEGMENT 2 - Solidworks certification ~ Configurations | Modifications | Design Table

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hello everyone today i'm going to move forward to sec uh to segment two uh as you see configurations and also uh modifications it's is it it's these all are about segment two configurations and part modifications assemblies are uh we will see in segment three in our next uh video tutorials but today we are going to work on configurations and also modifications so first of all i would like to thank you for each of you for watching the tutorials that i made um please let me know if you have any questions uh just write in the comment section i'm happy to answer uh the questions from each of you and do not hesitate to like and subscribe to my uh channel uh i appreciate that so let's move on question number one so this is all about configurations in the real exam uh you will have this question it's not that a hard question uh but you need to understand some some tips and tricks regarding that and you will see the question number one as existing configuration so it's it's easy you you will just need to answer go to configuration sections and try to count how many configuration you have as you see uh determine how many existing configurations there are in the part you will you will be able to download the part from the virtual tester and you just you need to go to configurations and you're going to see the number of configurations on the left side so in in this case we have only three configurations yes this is as it is as you see it's very easy you just need to answer three just i believe that this is just five point uh question so this is question number one i'm moving on question number two as you see but don't uh if you see the image as you see you will see the note the color shown in the image may differ from your part depending on the material assigned so this is just a reference image you need to see in the config uh what is that color of the part in configure in different configurations for example so configuration c so it means we we will use the part from the last question and we'll switch to configuration c and again it is shown part in configuration a this is not for configuration c so again uh that we need to measure the mass of the part this is i mean we don't need to do anything anything we just need to go to configuration c they they want us just how we show the configuration or how we change the configuration and what is the mass of the parting configuration uh configuration c so let's try to measure the part because as you see over here the configuration some features are suppressed in configuration see let's go and check and we have a material type always try to check these because for each configuration material type might be different let's go to uh check mask properties so in the options make sure and be sure that you have uh two decimal places so over here 651.921 grams is the weight of the part so need to know it's time to go to question uh number three in the question number three you will see the new configurations like configuration d so you need to add a new configuration and modify the uh and modify your part based on that configuration so using the part from the last question create a new configuration d based on configuration a so in this case you just need to go to configuration a or you the easiest way just ctrl c and then control v so as you see it will copy right click and show configurations and right click you can just go to name tree item and make it d so now your d configuration is ready now based on configuration a if you see uh the properties you will see a configuration a so this is this is challenge a okay so what is the question now uh the hole is concentric to the bus which it is created so we need to create this hole that means we need to modify configuration a by adding this hole and then we'll measure the proper mass properties in grams so let's go to click this face and on open your new sketch and now i'm gonna go to select my circle command over here i will define the center so this is automatically defined as a concentric so i'm gonna add the 10 mm and and then i will i will go to features and extrude cut and just right click and through hold and right click the part is ready now so let's go and double check the material type alloy steel it was same with configuration a so let's try to see the property mass properties 552.70 grams let's go to and check the answer five if you see if it's multiple choice questions you might see you you should exactly see the same answer like five five two just point seven so this in this way and i mean you will be comfortable that you're in the right way so on other questions you might not have multiple choice questions you will just have the one box entry box so you need to just type uh what is the gram uh or what's the mass of the part so uh we need to go actually they just want us that uh what is the remaining uh what's the configuration uh in indeed mass properties in in configuration d but you will you might see this which is the indicated unsuppressed in configuration d and b but suppressed this whole feature will be suppressed in configurations a and in configuration sc so you might see go over here so as you see it's not it's unsuppressed in configuration b you might have this feature unsuppressed just unsuppress in configuration configuration in configuration c so let's go to configuration d now and let's go to configuration b now in configuration c you don't have that feature in configuration a you don't have that feature so it means you suppressed this will affect in in design table you will see these options in design table table so let's go to next question and next question is about configuration b so using the part from the last question switch to configuration b and just measure the part of the because we uh we should have that hole in configuration b as well that's why they are asking from us in this question because we unsuppress this one right so let's go and check mass properties mass properties is 286.06 grams we should have the same answer uh we we we unsuppressed over here yes this is this is the correct answer because in in the image this is unsuppressed version uh but the the correct answer is 286.06 so next question is uh about feature e so what they want us to check using the part from the last question stay in current configuration like in configuration b uh so look at the feature e7 in the e7 in the feature manager design tree so determining which configurations the feature e 7 is suppressed so we need to see this in which configurations is the feature you might have a number of options like from a b c d e f g uh and you need to go to configuration b and feature manager design tree you might see uh configure uh the feature like e7 is suppress this whole sub suppress or not so you might go to configuration c and let's see and as you see in configuration see this feature is suppressed but but other configurations they're not suppressed so in this way you will write that configuration c e7 only is the suppressed one so answer is c in this case and this is just a reference image uh in the in the main question don't refer this image when you solve the questions so you just change the configuration and exactly see in that configuration this feature e7 features suppressed or not okay uh the nut and the last question is about design table this might appear in the real exam or not but it's good to learn uh in the previous years they were asking this question but the the year last year that i uh that i passed this professional design mechanical exam so i didn't have this this question so let's try to see how how can we add the design table and the question so keep the configuration be active so let's gonna go to configuration b okay so we need to add a design table so insert design table with auto create options add a new configuration e change the internal diameter dimension on the body to 24 change the whole diameter to 16 so this is 16 and this is internal 24. leave the suppression states as suppressed so we don't need to change all these activate configuration e and we need to measure the mass of the part so let's go to insert and we have a tables and we have a design table so auto created let's click ok so you might see all these configurations and all these configurations in this way okay so we need to based on configuration b right so we need to right click we need to copy and just come here right click and just paste and instead of configuration oh i just uh mistakenly hit the escape key so if you did this you just need to go over here tables just right click edit table okay let's just wait a little bit okay this is configuration a that's configuration e sorry so we need to change this sketch d1 and this one and this one this is associated with internal diameter and this is associated with just a hole let's type 16 oh this should be 24 this should be 16. you just need to uh need to add all these so you don't need to change anything else leave the suppression stays as suppressed so you don't need to change anything else let's go to so we have added all these and we need to activate this let's click okay okay so we have a new configuration e it it's automatically added so we need to show configuration as you see this holes changed automatically right so if i click this i will see 16 if i click this i will see 24 24 so we need to go now uh check the mass properties so material is titanium as you see now material type is different than the other configurations so so then the answer will be different so what is the what is the mass properties now we need to just check uh go to mass properties so we need to see 410.53 grams uh for this configurator for this configuration a so we just need to write this answer over here over here that's it so now we need to okay actually for configuration e this should be suppressed in suppressed mode right i mean this hole what i believe should be suppressed and this should be unsuppressed wait one of these just okay yeah it's in configuration b uh okay let's go to c for 20.12 gram for 25.12 gram so anyway the method is important over here uh in the real exam so you should know how to do all these by yourself in the exam so now uh what i'm going to do i'm going to move the question number five this is the next question so you need to activate that question uh you can you might save that part as well so you will see the question like this it kind of seems easy easy part but you will have a little modification so what what what we have over here so we need to modify the part by adding removing or modifying the minimum number of dimensions or features so that the post indicated is removed so we need to remove we need to change the the part from as you see from image one to image two we need to remove this boss from this area okay so the the part before the modification is labeled one and two the symmetrical pockets corner so from this side another side we have symmetrical pocket a corner should be modified and this should be modified as well so that it no longer follows the contour of the boss so we shouldn't have this feature so no other parameters or features dimensions will change we don't need to change anything then measure the mass of the part after modifications so let's now try to remove this so we need in order to remove one feature from the word we need to see uh how it is associated with other features for example if i click this i will see e4 right what about this so we have this this part so as you see if i have an association sketch association of this feature with this pocket so i will have error over here as well so if i want to remove this so i can't remove this directly so what i suggest you you just go to sketch of this part so this is a hole right so in this case we don't need a hole we need to remove i'm going to make this construction geometry let's click okay just to this is just to reduce the number of errors i'm just going to select this edit feature and i'm gonna go to select uh just up to surface up to this surface and click ok so i have removed the bose easily right and then i have i see some errors because because of the sketch association with other features but let's try to remove this boss first of all i'm gonna go to edit sketch and i will see this over here so in this case i don't need all these i'm just gonna delete this and i'm gonna select this one and this one and i will merge them together so let's click ok so it's expected you all these errors in your in your exam so as you see i've successfully removed the actual but let's see what is this error does it significantly affect the part uh features or dimensions as you see this the reference of this uh dimension was before was about was to the center of the uh that feature so we need to delete and we need to create it again this is just eight you don't need to change anything just create the same sketch again so as you see we have successfully modified the part within just five within five minutes and that's why you should have uh think before where you should start where you should effectively modify your part as you see now it's time to measure the mass properties of the part so let's go and check so mass uh the part we pay attention this as well should be brass so let's go to options from the custom customize settings make it to two decimal 4612.60 grams is the answer of these questions as you see over here and in this 3d it will look like this that one of the questions in the modification section you might see something like similar similar to this so again after this i will have more modification questions because it's uh kind of complicated you will have two modifications uh modification questions in the real exam one of one of these one of them should be like that and one of the will be something like something like this but you will have a lot of uh changes in this first modification question so after this i'll move on to assemblies so therefore uh try to subscribe to my channel i will post more videos regarding these after all these i will move on to speciality exams like sheet metal design weldments mold making and so and others as well so thank you for watching
Channel: CAD for engineers
Views: 5,217
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: solidworks cswp, solidworks cswa, solidworks associate, solidworks professional, solidworks certification, solidworks exam, certification exam, solidworks expert, CSWP segment 2, CSWP part modifications, CSWP configurations, solidworks configurations, solidworks part modifications, segment 2, cswp, cswp segment modification, cswp segment 2, cad for engineers, seymur hasanov
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 58sec (1078 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 07 2021
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