Solidworks tutorial | sketch Bobcat Loader in Solidworks

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welcome back to god damn tutorial today we are going to design a simple toy Bobcat in SolidWorks here we will design each and every part and assemble at the end here you will see here some small sub assemblies like this you will find out here this light serve assembly then we will do the sub assembly of this tire rape veal and and at the end we will do this beautiful any assembly I hope you like it so let's see how to do this in SolidWorks so let's make our first part main body of Bobcat so let's start we will choose here right plane this sketch now this is the our main plane now let's start to create choose your line I start from little above the make little taper not even it keeps some odd connected exit now select here this line make relation vertical that's it now to use origin point and this line and create relation midpoint that's it now let's define it 1800 length of the main body and make width to 600 millimeter okay now this Stamper let's define it 150 by 150 okay now here also the same thing 220 by hundred and thirty five-millimeter vertical distance 135 millimeter okay that's defined let's choose your circle exit now select both the circles equal okay and choose the center point also in horizontal plane now let's define the gap 1030 millimeter diameter let us say 100 millimeter and the distance from bottom line 150 millimeter and the distance from this line let's keep 540 millimeter okay now this is our fully define geometry so just go to features extruded boss and we would like to exclude up to one meter or you can say thousand millimeter keep and condition mid plane now you can see the preview here okay now select this face sketch normal and here we will create a Sai side frame so let's start just better start from here converting into Ark exists choose your line and start from here to here converted into Ark then again convert it into R and connect this up at this point and Chris now it's time to define this geometry 1240 millimeter 280 millimeter 75-millimeter and let's keep this height 175 millimeter keep radius for 400 millimeter here radius keep 20 millimeter exit now here do one thing just select this circle center point and select this circle and make here relation cosine trick now see this geometry is defined now let's define some more distance make vertical distance a horizontal distance keep it 35 millimeter now this is the our geometry and it's fully defined you can see it here now it's time to add some channels fill it 100 millimeter select the fav corner okay now change it to 50 millimeter select here okay this one peep cancel it just undo one process okay fill it this one also keep 100 millimeter okay and here the last one keep 50 millimeters select this corner okay okay now our geometry is fully defined okay so select here extruded boss can merge the body and extrude only up to ten millimeter you can see here okay now again select the same body sketch normal now we need to select this one corner shift key this one this one this big arc and here's the last one oh we missed out something again choose okay let's select one by one convert entities Oh convert entities then again convert entities select one by one because it may be it will select backside background okay let's find select line and extend up to somehow not it's not how much critical now choose your offset keep ten millimeter select this line see it's going outward direction select your reverse that's it okay take little inside select your line and connect it and close this side also okay now here create one more relation select this two lines tangent okay if you like define this eleven millimeter okay now the geometry is fully defined so do one thing go to feature select extruded boss you can see the preview is going to extrude left extrude up to 80 millimeter okay now see now select our previous geometry is sketch to extrude and here select offset keep 90 millimeter 10 millimeter now you can see it here okay now that's it now do one thing we want to mirror this body so choose here right plane mirror and here select bodies to mirror select this body because we are we did not merge this body with this body that's why you are able to select the whole body if you will merge this part with this you cannot able to select you have to select features to mirror and select one-by-one this all body ok that's it now here we will change the color body Bobcat always we wish showing red yellow color let's make little not fully yellow but little orange yellow okay now that's it it's still not satisfied okay that's fine now select this face is sketch normal here we will make some holes choose the circle select this [Music] center point now here select draw one circle exit now let us define it by a 30 millimeter and distance a parallel distance 60 millimeter and select distance from here to center point of this actually that's it make sure it should be vertical distance 60 millimeter okay this is vertical distance and let's define this time meter 40 millimeter okay now select here extruded cut and keep the end condition through all you can see the preview you can see here it's going to cut in both side this is the hol holding hole maybe cylinder and other car other things select this face sketch centerline exit select this line construction line corner rectangle now let's define it thousand by 250 millimeter and let us make the distance from here on 100 millimeter say late 100 millimeter and select these two corners okay that's it now let us try to mirror there are entities now select this all geometry and here select mirror about the centerline okay now this is the defined geometry let's extrude it a neck stood up to 20 millimeter reverse direction select this reverse direction okay now that's it now elect a sketch now here we want to create some slot hole 200 millimeter let's keep the gap 30 millimeter width 100 millimeter and distance from here 200 millimeter okay centerline there're entity select this rectangle and mirror against this word this line okay now see it's mirrored here go to feature select extruded cut keep here through all okay now let us make multiple number of pattern so go to feature select here linear pattern now select the direction so choose this line is access and select here drop down this menu extruded cut keep the gap 54 millimeter 14 number of patterns it is not visible just because okay now see let's the better change our previous color so that we can easily see above operation otherwise it difficult to see in yellow color that at the end we will decide the color select this face again sketch corner rectangle okay now let us define the dimension 500 millimeter 200 millimeter and the distance from bottom edge 100 millimeter and okay now do one thing select the origin point and the center of this whole creator relation vertical okay now it is fully defined geometry you can see it here extrude it now X root up to 250 3 millimeter okay now select this face a sketch normal choose your line 7t okay exit now let us define it 70 150 millimeter this one also let's keep 70 millimeter 140 millimeters not this portion we need to cut it so select extruded cut here keep and condition through all now you can see it here okay this is actually our dashboard fill 8 15 millimeter and select all the faces this phase also okay now this is the fully converted now here we will make some gear handles gear and clutch and brakes handle and everything so let us do one thing we will create one plane first plane select this face 30 millimeter flip side inside we we need inside here okay now choose the plane one sketch take the position and here draw a geometry let's say line exit let's define first angle 140 degree 100 degree 150 millimeter now again keep the length 70 millimeter and the distance from here to this point let's say 80 millimeter okay so now exit from this sketch you can hide this plane now again create one more plane choose your plane first select the line okay then select the point now see we are going to create a perpendicular to this line now select the plane to sketch circle and take the position and draw here a circle that's better view ten millimeter exit now just go to soup to boss/base see here profile selected just select the path here option go to option unmerge result okay you can hide the plate to also now select again the same face sketch circle and row little bigger circle left a 17 millimeter go to feature and exid up to 30 millimeter okay now choose here fill it and let's keep eight point five millimeter again choose fill it 3.5 millimeter and select the bottom face okay now this is a kind of handle look at this now select this last four options and make it dark color okay that's it now we need to make multiple number of these kinds of pattern so choose linear pattern select in any line here here select let's choose bodies because we did not merge this body with this body and let's keep gap 30 millimeter clear and we need only three numbers maybe we selected the body that's why it's showing problem now see here ok that's it now here let's create the handle way a vehicle handle so do one thing choose your right plane is sketch and we will create a geometry select both the line and make relation parallel okay now let's define it 101 millimeter 150 millimeter okay let's keep 50-millimeter 70 millimeter keep distance 30 millimeter from one end just reduce this equal relation okay by default actually actually if you want to keep keep some more gap so this relation now try I still it is not removed delete this equal relation then try the that's it 70 millimeters that's perfect and here it looks more gap thirty two point five millimeter thirty-four millimeter okay now select here extruded boss cancel it go to sketch choose here line and connect it so that our geometric it should be close before expert extruded boss now that's it seventy millimeter and here keep and condition but plane okay that's it now choose this face is sketch okay this is the front face of circle and draw here a circle let's keep the diameter 25 millimeter and the distance 35 by 35 millimeter okay now extrude it up to 30 millimeter okay now here we need to create our handle it gets now let's draw our handle take two so-called bigger and one is smaller let us define it first to make the gap 18 millimeter 270 millimeter and let's keep inside sixty millimeter a centerline exit choose your line select this line keep vertical let's mirror this line against vertical construction line that's it now let's define the gap keep 18 millimeter this sufficient for a project okay now choose here circular pattern select this is the center point we need the three numbers of equal select these two lines where is yours oh it's taken by Oh delete and select this point as a center point now let's see we need three number of equal keep equal spacing so that you will get three number patterns trim and fit ease and here choose power trim and that's it here also delete this line okay that's it okay if you want to fully define select here fully defined calculate okay now this geometry is fully defined now select extruded boss and extrude up to 30 millimeter there's enough force fill it nine millimeter and select face select both side faces clear I think back side clear we will first select front okay comes down and select one two three dark color okay now let's define the full body color go to appearance editor here and select this yellow and here comes down went 200 millimeter 200 so this color is a very similar and matching to the real one okay so this is the main body of pocket let's leave this body go to save go to desktop and create a folder bobcat or they're already a bobcat available save part number one main body let's say let's see the other parts now here we will make our next part cabinet or you can say cabin so let's start choose here right plane is sketch select your line and it starts from just pass through origin connected exit make the origin point and select this line make relation midpoint that's it now let's define it eleven hundred millimeter one thousand fifty millimeter 100 millimeter let's make the horizontal distance four hundred millimeter okay go to feature and extruded and extrude up to nine hundred eighty millimeter keep and condition mid plane okay now select this face sketch normal convert entity now this is converted choose here offset 40 millimeter and select this line keep the reverse direction okay now select at extruded cut here select this portion we want to cut it keep here and condition through all okay now see let's choose top plane convert this also convert entities offset rivers keep forty millimeter see here extruded cut select this face only and not through all we want to cut little okay that's it now select again white plane sketch normal choose here corner rectangle cut from here to this point select extruded cut now you can see it here red plane if 900 millimeter okay that's it he could be here now select inside face sketch corner rectangle exit okay go inside here that's it select here extruded cut and make the depth 30 millimeter only that's it now select this face sketch normal now select the inside lines ok convert entities now exclude it and we want to exclude it up to 10 millimeter but not make it reverse direction that's it let us try to mirror this option so right plane mirror extruded boss okay okay that's fine it's mirror now select off face sketch normal select here offset cancel it select this line offset ten millimeter be worse to three and the last one for we want to cut from inside so okay extruded cut let's say 10 millimeter okay see we make the groove so here roof and glass will be going to fixed here now here let us make the ventilation holes so select this face sketch normal let us make corner rectangle now let us define it keep the rectangle 50 by 50 millimeter vertical and 50 millimeter and keep horizontal length also 50 millimeter okay select here extruded cut tip through all okay now with the help of linear pattern we will make multiple number of patterns here linear pattern choose this direction feature select extruded cut dimension 60 millimeter away 16-millimeter number of patterns here let's choose direction to also [Music] it's going wrong direction so reverse today speak okay this looks perfect okay that's perfect now here select instances to skip those points going outside it is very important command in linear pattern or in circular pattern you can skip those unnecessary points these are going to strike here so let's delete this all point this one I think noted this one it's other swine this one and this one this is also going to strike let reduce this also this point also we're in here select here okay see let's check here going to points three four is all four points going to strike here so edit and check this point this point this point and this point because they are going to strike here select this one also okay now that's fine nothing is going to strike this column a sketch here make a hole 50 millimeter 25 millimeter and keep 20 millimeter okay and select your extruded cut through all you can see it here now select this inside face sketch normal corner rectangle now here we will fix some glass extruded and extrude up to five millimeter unmerge lizard okay now select this face and go to appearance check here glass and any glass we can apply ok that's blue glass select the body and we will apply some dark color to the body not too dark and this one quite bitter okay that's it now here we want to create a handle so first let's create a plane select this face and backside face so the plane going to create in mid bit of this pillar okay select this plane one is sketch normal choose your line exit 260 millimeter eighty millimeter let us define the dimension from upper corner 320 millimeters it seems quite bigger so 230 60 that's fine choose fellate 20 millimeter 30 millimeter okay fully defined sketch calculate okay now exit now here we created a geometry so select just hide this plane click plane hide now select this face sketch circle and to this point draw a circle fourteen millimeter exit now choose here slip to boss/base see it is going to see profilin path we selected here okay now let's try to mirror this part right plane mirror and select this part here and let's see either is okay so handle also we created here so now let's save this part to Bobcat part to cabin save let's see what other party now it's time to create a bucket for Bobcat so let's start choose here right plain sketch now here first we will make the main body of bucket so let's make a choose here line and pass through Connect eggsy now this is the main body of bucket so let us define it mega origin point and line red line that's it keep 20-millimeter 135 degree 122 degree 55-degree make it 400 millimeter 155 millimeter 20 millimeter here by mistake this happened delete this tangent relation okay now try 60 millimeter that's it Regine point and select this line also and make one more relation midpoint okay it's already midpoint so that's fine now here let's check all the things fill it select 50-millimeter and select these two corners okay now let us define this length 600 millimeters okay this is the important relation now see the geometry is fully defined the last one fill it and make radius 140 millimeter and select this corner that's it now select extruded boss/base and keep the bucket length we will keep 1,600 millimeter long and midplane keep this okay that's it right plain sketch normal now we want to cut something inside so select the phase offset Reavers okay now delete this line we will tell you what kind of line you need to delete it select your line connect up to this line and this line and connect to this line exit now here select both the lines : you select these two lines collinear now that's it our geometry is defined here also : here select extruded cut mid plane and make the length of 1580 millimeter okay see we cut it from the inside the sketch normal and here also we need to cut some portions select this outer edges and this convert entities choose here line and connect with up to here down exit let's define this gap distance from here 500 millimeters okay and select both the lines parallel that's it tremenda T and trim this outer it's line extruded cut these only impression we are going to make some impression on the body seven millimeter that is nothing else now we need to make a lifting hook here so firstly let's create a plane right plane plane five ninety millimeter okay now choose this plane a sketch normal now select this curve only convert entities circle draw a circle here now let us define vertical length 150 millimeter the same as horizontal length 130 millimeter diameter okay now choose here line and you start from this point to up to here convert it into arc and connect with this point exit make relation tangent and select this circle point and this point coincide let's define this point diameter radius sixty millimeter so that's it now select extruded boss it is going to extrude up to 80 millimeter T previous direction okay now hide this plane now select right plane and here choose mirror first select this extruded part and the last one this cut out okay see now here we want to make the sharp point of a bucket so okay we will use the same plane that's better a sketch normal here choose hidden line visible that's it - here line up to this point down convert exit line from here now convert it into our exit by default this is ten millimeter 10 millimeter also sixty millimeter five millimeter radius 150 millimeter okay and select this distance forty millimeter that's it this is perfect for our geometry select extruded boss/base multiple a now keep my plane and unmerge the result okay now select this face sketch and here we want to create some hole first define a diagonal construction line then choose so-called 12-millimeter okay and select your extruded cut keep through all okay now again select the same face sketch circle this is the center point and make it 20 millimeter and select extruded cut and cut up to 10 millimeter only not through all okay that's it now here we want to fix some bold sketch Sokol keep 17 millimeter extrude 8 millimeter okay relate one millimeter okay now select again inside pain sketch circle and make it 12 millimeter and extrude up to bottom reverse direction of the 8-millimeter is efficient and merge result okay okay this is maje with this body that's it same face is sketch choose here polygons and set the point five point five attitude cut make the depth four millimeter okay now it's time to no let me finish this select bottom face a sketch centerline exit choose your line and here for you we'll find out one point that's it convert into an arc can tell it convert into an arc again again away now this exit exit choose here line now select both the endpoint and midline symmetric relation okay now let's choose 30-millimeter okay this is by default now select extruded cut keep through all okay now this is the bucket knife so select this knife and make it some color okay we will choose it blue for this not we will choose some orange that's it now it is time to make multiple number of pocket knife linear pattern make it fifty millimeter gap here choose feature and direction - we do not need nine numbers okay we forget to add this one so added here select this all say this a chose or error then clean it select body 1 and 2 let's try this body because we unmerge this result only it will possible by and much okay that's it see this is possible if you unmerge this body then only possible otherwise it creates difficulties now let's see if this make some dark color okay this better safe part number 3 bucket let's see what other parts available here okay this now let us make the next part light board backside light board so front plain Center rectangle draw a rectangle with 775 millimeter by thousand millimeter and extrude it up to we want to exclude up to let's say 100 millimeter okay top plane is sketch select here line exit 50 millimeter and the distance from here but from bottom 20 millimeter the same here 20 millimeter and select here accident cut keep midplane thousand okay now choose right plane a sketch normal select your line connected 50 millimeter again choose your line start from this point to end point and combine and let us keep the vertical and 50 millimeter and select here extruded cut and conditioned word plane if this one 1500 select both the geometry okay that's it now select right plane is get normal choose your line exit thirty then 150 170 this is what we are going to cut let's make 400 overall length select here extruded cut read plain 1200 okay we want to cut it through all actually select 40-millimeter select all the and ages okay ten millimeter okay I think this is not selecting five-millimeter okay we are also balanced five-millimeter now select this fake sketch normal here we will make some light light panel then perfect angle 70 by 80 100 millimeter 40-millimeter that's fine select the whole rectangle okay now choose your copy entities select all start from this point again choose copy entities select this all start point okay mirror entity select this all rectangles and mirror against this line okay now select here extruded boss extrude up to let's say sixty millimeter and angle make it let's try a fill it fifteen millimeter now let me add just this color let's make a yellow post here also okay select the second one greed okay now the here remaining one select one phase edit appearance orange let's keep white okay now we save this backup of it light save it as a back cover with light okay let's here the next part is cabinet tap or you can say cabin cap so choose front plane a sketch select your line exit select origin point and all end point make relation horizontal we cannot create mid let us define it then we will see thousand millimeter by 100 millimeter 500 now it's fully defined choose fill it radius keep 20 millimeter okay offset 3 millimeter and select this line here select chain it will select all the lines okay line and we need to close both the end the same here exit now extruded 200 millimeter bed plane okay this phase is sketch select here line we want to little we want to cut a tape of a 80 millimeter by a 50 millimeter now here in select cut through all okay oh we made some extrude extrusion actually delayed this extrusion now select again extruded cut through all okay that's it this sketch and here make one hole now let us define this hole 60 millimeter from above line and the horizontal line 40 millimeter and the diameter 20 millimeter select extruded cut through all okay that's it fill it thirty five-millimeter and select this corner the same way okay now this is the cabin cap we will fix it during assembly let's save it cabin cap color actually it should be little dark not to save it let's see let's make the next part front light bull so let's start choose here front plane in this sketch start with the line start from origin point exist now this is the our geometry let's define it five point five millimeter five millimeter this all keep one millimeter three millimeter select here these two lines make relation : here the same way here also collinear 0.5 by default 0.53 millimeter 2 millimeter okay now let's revolve it select bottom line is exit okay now select this part and define it as some dark color okay now again choose the same plane right plane difficut now here return line okay let us draw a center line make sure it is horizontal let's start start with this point up to this point okay then convert it into into an arc and connect it with this line exit fill it let's keep radius three millimeter okay now let's define it sixteen millimeter two millimeter radius deep 17 millimeter I do one thing define it 3-millimeter okay now we want to change this dimension they'll eat it now let's change electric coincide now let's try okay by default it's fine for the Volvo bus base its line we selected Ezard here select and merge result okay because we want to allow some different color select the revolver body to go to appearance and here you will find some light LED lights let's say yellow that's it so this is the front front light bulb let's save this part front light but now let's make the upper casing facing four front light and focal lens let's do the next part your front light case out okay front plane is sketch centerline draw a vertical gentle center line now choose your line onwards we want to convert it exit now let's choose here center point up eggs with select fear line exit now let's define it a DFT 70-millimeter 30-millimeter ten millimeter four millimeter 135 degrees that's it okay and reduce this dimension fill it r3 and keep this area three millimeter okay now let's make one point five millimeter select with both corner okay now he'll choose offset entities select chain select this line select one millimeter but make sure from inside okay select your line connect it exit now let's define this make it seven millimeter see the geometry is fully defined now here only we need to close it okay revolvers boss/base we this line we selected as a queen now this is different line out okay make it some dark color not filled up oh that's fine okay let's save this part number seven front light case let's see the full length here let's make the light light bulbs over choose front plane biscuits center line and draw a line it must pass through origin choose your line converted into R if we feel difficult exit now select here three-point arc exit now I send this one now select the center point of this arc and this line exhalation coincident you see here okay now let's define it six millimeter 8 millimeter 12 millimeter five millimeter and let's define the center point from this this line 63 minus 22 is 41 okay let's make radius 73 millimeter now here okay choose offset keep one millimeter and select make sure it is from the inside sorry make it rivers okay now close this jar back sweetie exist now this is the our bulk our outer geometry let's evolve it see this X is selected as a axis of revolution 360 degrees ok let's make some plastic gray plastic or like this high gloss it's quite dark okay that's better Haymitch part number eight gold cover okay bulb is going to fix here now here we will do some anything so Eddie sketch normal and they delete this dimension in smart dimension and let us see distance from here to this line sixty four millimeter okay now that's fine save it now let's do the other here let's make the next part front light length so let's start here choose right plane a sketch centerline and draw a horizontal centerline make sure this passes through origin choose here line now let's start to make our geometry converted into Ark exit choose here three-point are connected from here to this line okay the same way we have to do it here okay exit now increase this line now you can see the center point and line go inside the same way the center point and the line make go inside select both the points coincide okay now you can drag it back side let's define it 64 millimeter 16-millimeter from origin point 95 millimeter 85 millimeter okay let us make make the shape perfect okay now let us define it two point five eight millimeter four millimeter six millimeter and let's keep this angle 135 millimeter now see our geometry is fully defined just select the line and close it from this end to this end exit feature revolver boss/base see this construction line selected as a axis of revolution select here 360 degree okay now lets we will assign some glass because this is your length light length so go to appearance and here you will find out some options glass let's do some thick glass and it's defined some color this is quite better more transparent okay it's clear glass okay that's fine this is more transparent let's save this class part number nine front light let's see the other now the next part is hydraulic cylinder body so let's start select here by plane this sketch select circle and draw two circles outer one keep for 85 millimeter and inside 40 millimeter okay and go to feature and select your extruded boss let's extrude 30 millimeter make it reverse direction okay now select the back surface I sketch see circle draw a circle let's make dimension 65 millimeter okay now select this airport inside circle and convert entities now this is the geometry ready let exclude it extrude up to seven hundred eighty millimeter long ok now let us close from this end so select this face sketch convert entity now see outer circle converted extruded and extrude only up to five millimeter you see so that it will be closed ok that's it now again select the back surface this sketch select your circle draw a small circle and let's keep the diameter 30 millimeter ok extrude it up to 65 millimeter okay this is the extended part we are going to create for the fixing now select your right plane new sketch normal circle draw a circle in midline let us define this circle 90 millimeter from end of the cylinder body 60 by 30 millimeter daya diameter okay and do one thing just connected okay so now this is fully defined feature extruded boss and he or she keep and condition midplane eighty millimeter width okay that's it go to feature here you will find fill it five millimeter select this and and select this face okay so now this is the our cell a hydraulic cylinder body just define some color yellow here make two hundred so this is our standard color with body it will match with body 255 by two hundred zero RGB okay let's say Bach that make it part number ten cylinder body now let's make this Linda rod just make this lender rod so let's choose here front plane a sketch select circle and let's draw two circles a smart dimension and inside diameter keep 30 millimeter and now select both the circles and give the center distance 15 millimeters okay now select extruded boss extrude 80 millimeter and keep and condition mid plane okay now select your right plane plane now we want to create a plane here 20 millimeter okay now choose this plane one sketch circle now here we want to draw a circle make the diameter 40 millimeter okay and extrude it and extrude up to 900 millimeter that's it now hide this plane now let's define assign some metal to this body polished steel let's save this part part number eleven cylinder rod part of lifting arm so let's start choose front plane sketch select your circle draw three circles okay now it's time to define this circle 40 diameter 30 and the last one also be 40 millimeter now define this gap 50 millimeter 130 millimeter now the same let us define this one 560 millimeter and let's keep height 550 millimeter okay now choose your center point arc so one arc here that's it here also draw the same arc exit choose your line exit now select here three-point arc let's connect this dark let's define this radius 60 millimeter 70 millimeter exit tangent define this also tangent one hundred and thirty-five millimeter 80 millimeter okay now here also make some relation select this tool ox and Gent relation select this to of tangent relation now let's define their radius 550 millimeter 785 millimeter okay now see the geometry is fully defined I hope you note down all the dimensions okay now select extruded boss and extrude up to ten millimeter let's make multiple a now let's define the same color here you can directly select 250 by 250 low okay let's save this part number I think is 12 listing part is lifting arm part there is second part of the two types of lifting arm so let's make the second type front plane a sketch and draw here two circles do one thing let's connect this circle with first one okay 1315 millimeter 40 millimeter make it 50 millimeter choose here Centrepointe arc and draw it arc here also throw in our mick do not make it half because this is small and this one is bigger so both going to connect it okay choose the line and connect from one end to this line exit let's define this radius seventy millimeter and this radius forty millimeter okay now let's create these some relation tangent relation select line in our tangent relation here also tangent relation even just drag it select both the lines and arcs here also okay now this drawing is fully defined so let's extrude it keep with the eighty millimeter and end condition mid plane that's it go to edit appearance select the RGB color 250 by 213 lifting arm you here the next part is exhaust cover front plane a sketch choose your line draw a horizontal line exit radius 100 millimeter okay extended three two hundred five point ninety seven let's make the angle eleven 114 point 72 millimeter and let's make the height five eighty millimeter that's it now select extruded boss met thickness 10 millimeter select reverse direction see here midplane and thousand the width it should be thousand millimeter okay that's it now here choose perspective so it looks perfect 3d select the top face sketch and here we want to create some holes for exhaust corner rectangle let's define it 20 millimeter 20 millimeter distance from upper lying also 20 millimeter and distance from this line keep 30 millimeter okay now select your extruded cut and cut through all okay now we will make multiple number of pattern so select your linear pattern select any of this line here select this cut out gap keeps 60 millimeter 40 number of pattern we would like to make okay see now select this face sketch circle okay now let's define this circle from this line 65 millimeter from this line also keep 65 millimeter and diameter keep 60 millimeter okay symmetry is fully defined so select extruded cut through all okay that's it so this is the back cover or you can say exhaust cover edit appearance let make little dark color okay now let's save this part number 14 back cover you excite support for bobcat front plain a sketch line exit choose origin point and this line and create relation between okay eleven hundred millimeter long two hundred millimeter by three hundred fifty millimeter two hundred eighty millimeter now extruded up to nine hundred eighty millimeter and keep here and condition midplane choose your fill it select this backside outer edges and make it radius 100 millimeter edit appearance and we will assign the same color what we give to the body RGB 250 by 200 part number 15 back support exhaust pipe the next part right plain is sketch select line exit now first define it 150 millimeter and 200 millimetres 130 millimeter Filat 90 millimeter okay exit let's create the plane select this line then select this point this is perpendicular to this line okay sketch now we selected this plane keep diameter sixty millimeter exit choose here ship to boss base see here profile and path we selected and select here thin feature we want to make thickness three millimeter inside reverse direction okay now hide it right plane a sketch now we want to cut it so choose here for Center rectangle select extruded cut mid plane okay that's it so this is the our exhaust pipe edit appearance make some dark color okay that's fine part number 16 exhaust five lifting arm pins front plain a sketch select your line connected exit now let's define it 100 millimeter ten millimeter 10 millimeter fifteen millimeter 25 millimeter okay now select both this lines and create relation cooling here now see it is fully defined so select revolver boss/base okay choose here chancel three millimeter 45 degree this is the pin edit appearance and we will give the same color RGB 250 by 200 255 save part number 17 arm you oh we will make one a small pin which is connected with the help of a cab for the cabin and roof cover front plane a sketch select your line converted into our let that's it exit now let's define it 20-millimeter 10 millimeter 16 millimeter and let's keep the height 3 millimeter okay one millimetre so this is by default this perfect no need to give anything else the Volvo boss base this bottom line X is axis of revolution okay we will define some certain finish stainless steel save as part number eighteen cabin save you now here we are going to make the parts of tire and wheel parts the first part let's make axle front plane a sketch now let us define it 180 millimeter 100 millimeter eighty millimeter 50 millimeter okay now here to sketch chamfer 15 millimeter and select this corner okay now choose your revolver boss face bottom line as excess select back surface this sketch keep the diameter eighty millimeter and extrude it up 210 millimeter that's it now select the space sketch circle corner rectangle now let's define it 80 millimeter 85 millimeter diameter 20 millimeter 25 millimeter height select this circle and this point coincide now select this center point and origin point make a relation vertical trim power trim that's it fully defined sketch calculate okay now select your extruded cut make the depth 18 millimeter okay we let keep three millimeter and select this upper edge okay three millimeter try a porridge also three millimeter one millimeter now let's make multiple number of pattern here select this cut out also select any circular face we want six number of patterns sorry let's keep eight numbers okay now here we forget to add one more thing select one okay that's it now select this face sketch so call now let's define this circle 130 millimeter 16 millimeter now we want to extrude it up to 30-millimeter let's make chamfer to millimeter and this Way's okay circular pattern you have cancer and this extruded body also select one circular face eight number of patterns we would like to make ten numbers okay that's it let's get now here we want to make some hole let us define the gap 90 millimeter origin point and Centrepointe should be vertical diameter 12mm select extruded cut and make the depth 35 millimeter okay now let's try 1 fill it let's check out their it selected the whole body that's fine and better okay now this is your axle so let's define some edit appearance some dark color this is better here let's make some design simple design 9550 okay select executed cut two millimeter a simple design nothing else now let's save this part 19 Axl well let's make the wheel rim front plane a sketch centerline exit choose your line now start from here up to this line exit now it is time to define it 250 millimeter fifteen millimeter 30 millimeter 60 millimeter 20 millimeter 40 millimeter define the angle 135 by default 135 degree by default 135 degree okay now select your mirror entity select this all lines and mirror against vertical line okay now choose your offset entity keep five millimeter rivers now see reverse direction selection five millimeter okay choose your line and close from this end exit okay that's fine now here we want to extend something ten millimeter five millimeter and let's make the height from origin point distance from origin point 100 millimeter okay choose from entities power trim drag this drag this okay fully defined sketch calculate cancel it this already be calculated is no need to anything extra select here revolver boss base bottom line as it exists okay now choose 0 fill it keep 20 millimeter okay now select this face is sketch normal now here we want to fix the borehole four volt now let us define it the gap make 130 millimeter diameter 16 millimeter okay both the center point executed cut okay ten millimeter now let's choose your circular pattern here select this cutout and here select one circular face ten numbers equally spacing okay now this is the hole for bolt fixing now let's change the RGB color save part number 20 oh we did not put the name okay we will change it later part number 20 and it this name we Rim party is dire front plain a sketch centerline let's make a vertical and horizontal center line that's it make sure it passes through origin select corner rectangle okay exit now select this end point and this line and make a relation with red lines okay now let's define it to 88 by 90 millimeter and distance from bottom edge 240 millimeter now here choose 3-point arc okay exit select these three lines deleted radius 120-millimeter 400 millimeter now select revolver boss/base okay choose phillyd 60-millimeter select this face that's it now create one plane top plane plane 280 millimeter above the top plane okay now select here this is of is a plane one it sketch normal now here we will make some tire treads any shape you can draw it we will not make any measuring or anything like this we will just draw a roughly okay like some sharpness I think it is not going perfect you okay that's fine no need anything else now select extruded boss and execute up to 120 millimeter okay now hide this plane front plain a sketch cancel it I made multiple number of patterns first circular pattern select the circular face clear here select circular face and here select this extruded face and let's see how much you be required if we will make 20 they will not clash okay that's it but it not looks perfect so let's cut extra spaces front plane a sketch now here we will try to cut select your line and draw one geometry all let's define it 50 by 40 1:20 and distance from this point three hundred forty four millimeter okay if you catch fill it 30 millimeter select this inside okay [Music] we want to select with this line so that's it see it's fixed here and it is fully defined so a horizontal centerline evolve will cut see it is going to cut it in a circular way okay this lick too big make it 320 exit in 320 it's too small also we willing to do last time 325 that's enough 325 define some tire color we have tire material rubber texture tire but better no net rubber let's save this part tire you now here let's start the assembly of front light so choose here new we will do this sub assembly actually this is the sub assembly of folk Bobcat now this is of created parts so first select bulk cover control key front light bulb right click this fix right click this one float let's make go centric relation okay now select this face and this face see here coincident relation now both fixed here let's browse over the parts insert component browse and front light glass flow plus front light case case and glass met select this circular says this circular face for centric relation okay now select this face and this cover face okay now see okay now glass is fixed here see you can see the perfectly fixed and we kept glass transparent so that our ball will be visible now select this face met this say Co centric relation okay now be we have to find out how we will find out this in bed I think this thing's not work so okay select this age back this is coincident okay sorry coincident relation okay now that's it we've all lied everything fixed inside let's save this sub-assembly this is the sub-assembly light give it part number 22 now let us make the edge sub assembly of parent here let's start deserve assembly of Weald so choose here new assembly browser first part axle so by default it will be fixed let's browse our other parts control key rim tire open rim tire select this tire and face of Rim Co centric relation okay the age of tire and this edge cancel it I think it's not going this age we selected and select this edge it should be coincide tangent will not work okay let's do one thing ring right plane tire press ctrl key right bullet select both the right planes see here and select met coincident relation see here okay not select this any circular phase let us say this circular face and this Co centric relation okay now select this face and select the back side to this coincident relation okay now see the hole is not matching select the hole and bolt Co centric relation okay so now this is the over tire of a wheel so just now here we want to fix some bolt go to design library select tool box and here it will ask you add in now select add in and automatically the whole list will come so choose metric and symmetric and here select not hexagonal nut and slash in it where does this nut it's not visible so try it again okay I am 16 we need am 16 no need thread and anything if you drag the nut with this extruded part it will automatically fix just little ideas bring here and go to the surface and it will automatically take the position okay now it is again asking you see so I will just take this and little surface okay this one and the surface I will surface surface surface just first go to this round rod then go to surface and it will automatically take the position this is a simple and easiest way to fix the nut select cancel now see here we fixed all the nut and we selected actually flange in it so that no need washer now let's save our tyre rebuild and save 23 tire assembly now it's time to start the main assembly of Bobcat now here let's start the assembly of bobcat choose new assembly okay let's browse of ass part Bobcat main body select here give origin and select this origin button now check the front plane top plane right plane and now just increase this right plane because it is be very useful we will utilize this plane to fix many things okay hide the original browse over the part cabin met select this bottom safe and bed coincident okay select this face and this face parallel ok coincident now go to add advancement bit select these two faces now here also select these two faces see it comes in the center position ok see the cabin comes in sector position and let's browse the back support we created one back support back support met select this face and this face who incident relation this two faces coincident now this two faces coincident now see the back support is fixed here now let's browse over insert our next component back cover with light that that chooses inside face and this face coincident okay let's select this face and this face that's it selected two faces coincident relation okay now that it's here it's fixed back panel let's browse back cover control key exhaust pipe open now rotate this exhaust panel okay choose your mat select this face and this face coincident relation select this face and the back panel face coincident relation main body face and this side fear he is going to fix course and coincident relation now this fixed here now it's time to fix pipe Co centric correlation okay select the backside of pipe coincident relation okay now see the pipe is rotating its place so we will fix it with the help of some other command select the right plane of pipe control key right plane of main assembly but and choose your parallel relation okay that's it now this fixed here okay now let's browse over the part lifting arm select then control V slender body will enter body lifting up let's select this circular face and lifting arm okay back surface back surface okay course make sure this bigger diameter should be outside select this cylinder body circular face and the circular face okay take it out this face and this side face let's see see it's going to fix this walls wall okay now both the arms and cylinder body fixed here let Browns one we made one pin see arm pin this is very useful press ctrl key drag and make copy met course and regulation select this face and this face coincident oh that's it now the same here we need to fix Co centric relation see it's going to fix it here okay let's browse the other part lifting up rotate it back select this whole upper hole and armhole Co centric relation that's it now select back face and this is coincident relation that's it okay now brows hydraulic cylinder Matt select the cylinder and rod and cylinder slip mat okay now see it's going to now let's fix this here select this face and this circular face coincident relation okay now press ctrl key and copy this select this circle and this circle cosine coincident elation Co centric relation now select this face and here coincident relation that's it this circle and this circle cosine trick relation okay now see this is the arm one arm two lifting up bucket lifting arm press ctrl key and copy this except do not create any relation control key and make one more but coincident is face okay so call inside hole and this rod up in let's say this face and this face coincident so now the rod and pin everything arm one arm - everything is fixed now it's time to mirror so choose your right plane select your mirror component now select one two three four five six seven there are four number of pins hydraulic cylinder and rod and two number of arms here select next now you can see the preview here okay now see both will work together it's time to bring the bucket out but select the whole of bucket and whole of arm Co centric relation the bucket one end and arm one and one phase coincident relation cosine tribulation okay that's enough for this now see press ctrl key and copy one pin digit coffee now select this whole met and select this pin okay select this face coincident relation okay so now we will copy this pin right plane copy select this pin next you can see the preview here okay so our Bobcat body is fully created now see some roof light or everything balance select here this pin and cabin cap met this hole and this gap hole cosine regulation okay now here we need to go advancement within it first select the main body both side now then cap both side okay now it is in perfect position Mette now select this circle and this circle co centric relation now select this face and the back of see here coincident relation that's it now let's mirror this also right plain error component and select this pin next you can see the preheater in opposite direction okay now the cap also fixed now let fixed here light just select the sub-assembly light rotate it okay select right plane and let's find out serve assembly of press ctrl key frontline met choose you parallel parallel and let's create some distance 400 it's 350 because it should not touch to this body okay side to select the top plane mat select this plane keep parallel and let's define some distance also 150 okay go to Matt edit make distance 1:30 but it is going to touch to the gap 140 okay now the first one I did this gap 380 perfect now let's mirror this assembly so just selectively find out this assembly assembly better component and select here right plane next now you can see the preview here okay that's it so we fixed our light also now it's time to fix our bead Brow's the tire assembly okay Matt select this whole an axial course and pick relation that's it now take it out select this face rim face and body face and keep some gap 20 millimeter okay okay that's it the things are fixed now first save our assembly save as box cat assembly that's it we need to bring one one more time tire for backside met select this hole and axle okay select this rim rim face and this face and keep the gap he kept 20 millimeter okay so we fixed our two tires now the other side two times we will just mirror it so do one thing for select those two tires I have self assembly one two mirror component and here select right plane next now you can see the preview here okay so now our Bobcat is ready see we did with the help of many number of parts of assembly we did I hope you liked it so let's see please subscribe our channel for more video and more projects in SolidWorks and don't forget to share and like our videos if you have any comments just write down below I'll try to answer each and every question and if you have any further questions you can ask in section below you can give little animation how-to if you this will be rotate and like this so this is the gyro main let us create one drawing for this mech drawing from the assembly okay first choose right plane now select this one and change this let's say 120 oh this perfect 120 is perfect with our sheet from select one you can select the dimension here select two high high quality so it looks more better than current situation okay select assembly okay so this is your drawing if you like to save this drawing save it so please subscribe
Views: 337,809
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Solidworks, tutorial, sketch, BOBCAT, in, sketch BOBCAT in Solidworks, Solidworks tutorial, Bobcat Toy, Bobcat Excavator, sketch BOBCAT Excavator in Solidworks, Mining machinery, Bobcat Machine, 3D model Bobcat loader, Bobcat Equipment, BOBCAT Loader, how tomake bobcat loader, how draw a bobcat loader, how to sketch bobcat loader, how to sketch bobcat loader inSolidworks
Id: n-3Gcjmir64
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 178min 30sec (10710 seconds)
Published: Tue May 02 2017
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