CSWP Segment 3 Sample Exam 1 HD

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hello my name is Nicole Skylar and in this tutorial we will go through CSW each segment the example exam so let's begin we have a PDF document with ten problems that we should solve in 30 minutes you probably know that segment 3 is about ourselves so let's begin to the first question the first question you should make a new part called the base part and we have some dimensions here and we should find the mass of the part and please pay attention to this you have to make sure that you work in a right to exist so let's start open and your part document and first of all if you have to change your unit system to millimeters you can do this here so just track millimeter or you can do that options document properties yawns and here you can also do that of course you can do that before start to mix them to change this and say document or like a template like apart millimeters or assembly millimeters and if you need that in the exam you can just start that template I also recommend to change material before starting modeling so if you have material to this list you can choose that here now you don't have that here so go to edit material steal and find al alloy steel to apply and close now start sketch on top plane I use s key shortcut on my keyboard now in this boss extrude we also need to draft 20 degrees and when you do a real exam double-check all dimensions and at this moment I want to show one thing now you can see we have to make four arcs and on the internet I found some interesting solutions then that are not good they're wrong I can say I want just to point that out so let's let's first make one box and now let's let's go on making cups so you can say it like this I won't make mental plane extra okay let's see just make a simple sketch like this place your pensions and exit sketch to our mid plane extrusion make a circular pattern we need four pounds so just compare and you can say now this part is finished so just what to evaluate if you don't see the value tab you can go right click and check this so evaluate nice properties and you see your maths now go to question and they don't have right value to track so you think we have a right mess and your rock why if you zoom in you'll see some extra material here if you go to PDF document you can see that we don't have this arc and straight line again a straight line and so on here we don't have this maybe it's easier to see I'll make no circle is karate on this one and here it is here is this extra material and because of that extra material you have a round mass now I will show you how to that do that in lightly you have to do that two stacks make sure this is precedent place just a few conventions start sketch on this face and place a couple of dimensions and now you can see a difference we don't have extra material here now everything looks right you see from this side via an arm and straightway so just go up one one circle and make sure you have selected both features music student tactics good and now your interests so to evaluate mass properties and now you have the right value just say this as a base click Save and move on the next question the second question you have to create an assembly from this part make a new coordinate system and find the center of mass relative to this new coordinate system so let's do that make assembly apart okay make sure you work with millimeters and because this base is outcomes you can just click to confirm this and make a new coordinate system if into that from assembling reference geometry coordinate system make sure you worry at all axis the right way so if you don't see coordinate system like me now you can go here just check this and now we see this coordinate system and you can now evaluate mass properties and make sure that here is not to default coordinate system here you need to track this you need this coordinate system one to show right well if you can this default coordinate system you'll see wrong values here so here on the right lens and if you track here now you see that obviously C is the acid bath X and y-axis are okay but sub X which is frog now you can see this value of minus 87 point 42 and we have minus eighty six point nine six Wow very valued is not right it's very logical because it is the motion here we kept our coordinate system on one arm like here and obviously not the sound but this arm on the side this extrusion so here obviously from here to this Center is eighty seven point zero four like you see here and obviously our center of mass is not here but closer to our coordinate system and it can't be this value greater than eighty seven point zero four and the answer is greater eighty-seven point forty two so obviously this is not correct so you can be sure that this value disconnect now pull third question so we have 3a and just make a simple part hold on and they gave us a hint to create reference point to make easier later mating part in this case I think it's not necessary so let's do that and I will show why it's not necessary so again make sure you are millimeters and your bed material and now we have this fella here so just check here and let's start close catch just place a few dimensions and you can see here now I will exit sketch and to extrusion of four millimeters but but neatly and now we have our origin in the center of this hole in center of our so origin is really centered in center of this path and that's right we don't need that reference point if you want to be seen differently so origins is not in the center probably a good idea is to make a reference point but now I will leave this just on save and move on the next question now we have just to make a new assembly and insert one part and find from s motet assembly called beyond drawers or pivot and trust compare now only thing you have to do is find a mass and here it is you can learn the next question now adding to arts and to find the mass of the whole assembly so let's do that you can clean this because we insert two components just browse for us our slot because are still open and compare place a couple of mates and I really like to use this select other to both some eights to confine I think it's easier and it makes think faster and now you will see five in it origin he set apart here to make that two lane of armed SWAT and it is going to the top plank and make this coincident and you can see you can still note this so we need one more mate mate origin with this and it is going to appear Tristan's mate in the distance of port compare this to evaluate mass properties and Glau you can see right mess let's move on just say is divert now you should to vent this pivot service entry to our main set and to find centre of mass so let's do that you can go to control tab documents so through this and the ends you should save this for example yes no assembly and insert dispute place of you mate and now we have to find center mass and you can see this here so make sure you use a coordinate system one track here so let's sum B and again this that axis is wrong but the same reason as in second question so this is okay and you can move on next question and here we have a collision detection or if you have to determine this handle here and let's see how to do this so first of all you have to suppress this panel right so we can freely rotate this and go to assembly component rotate component and instead of standard drug track collision detection make sure you stop collusion and you can highlight faces so it was for already providing so just it's it's easier to position position so like this again collision detection stop collision and now be stopped and highlighted basis just reinvent and don't rotate components now we have to find this end of here and I want to point out one thing of course you get to use magic to evaluate measure by like to use em on my keyboard for measure if you track this to faces you can see this angle but if you do this go to normal to just rotate try to defeat holding out key and pressing arrow keys you go to this video select measure and track these words you can see bees this is a wrong dialogue because you truth address to truth truth edges and that's a mistake you have to be sure that in your right hand so instead of choosing a dress you can do this you can make your sketch love this and convert those edges in this sketch and get the project results I just do the same plane and now you can see a right angle so we don't make schedule for this cut this and make sure do you measure the right back it's really important so we can move on the next question here we have to add just one more part and defined set of mass and first of all and suppress this mate we need one of center named log and doing it one bit mate so you can find it mate not in standard mates but in advanced mates and we don't need this space so and everything is fully defined so go to last properties and find a center of mass that's all from this question lower now we have read one more sub assembly called damper and be here to make down per a flexible sub assembly so let's do that so we need to make this splitter flexible because of lates you will see that in a moment so first you have to make this flexible and you can do depth from component properties and so as flexible or you can do that with this icon here let's say make sub-assembly flexible and now you can see that icon next to name is changed so it indicates that this sub assembly is flexible and that means that you can move this pistol housing relative to each other and that's important for placing some mates and this sub-assembly wasn't flexible it wouldn't be possible to place both concentric mates so let's live in it flexible sub-assembly and we need one more to be made again amongst mates and now you can find center mass or tasks we build this document and here is our center of mass in the mind question we have to use interference detection to determine collisions between the parts and the only box that should be checked the firm's detection options is made interfering parts that's bad so let's see how to do this first of all you have to change see we have to change the distance late so go to pivot and it mates so edit feature make this 10 millimeters for theorem close or exit edit assembly mode and just rebuilt and clarity is final go to evaluate interference detection make sure only making the filling buds just palliative striped and say calculate if you track this component view you will get answer your questions now you can just read files what our housing compute our answers to this question and just check left here so we can close this and go to the last question here we have to replace components and we can obviously delete some mates like peril late and we have to place a distance mate here and of course we have to find center of mass of the SM let's see how to do this first of all you can collapse your picture treat it shift C and let's let's replace this space so if you right-click and if you see don't see here it weighs control install it is double arrows and find replace components replace this base with and then browse Phase II so make sure that reattach mates is tracked and it shows some arrows but that's okay that do it properly mate some things and to fix this coordinate system you can see here our accounting picture and it shows previous space and highlight faces that we need to find on our new base and here you can see the Niska free basis so let's start with this first so you can see it applied concentric length but we get to intimate alignment like this and with this arrow you can move on now you can see his face is tracked correct we need now this face that's here so on and this space this little paste is here for parallel mate and everything is collected so we can tell this and now just to fix our coordinate system and now you can see everything is ok you can work on other editing thanks so just a blanket you should suppress or delete this power mate and we what we don't meet this distance mate just a bit assembly delete make exit Altamont and make this pivot flexible like you have done to tamper and now you can see we can freely move this sub assembly and now we need to trust a few mates and can adjust angle matrix what's that and go up seven degrees 70 degrees and not like this but like this you can play it with dimensional net alignment to get to meet mums be everything is in place just one more Nate and this one to distance my pants I can see it's going to be easier if we use section you'll like this because now you can see this base is that we need for make this face and this face yeah you can't do that from from top level assembly to edit assembly mode and again we don't let insolence mate once it is consummate this come here and tax it and load and exit section go and now you can see usual shift see to collapse three and everything is in place so you can find our last centre of mass from this exam and here it is so you can see that it's not too hard but you get to be familiar with commands and features that we mentioned in this tutorial and you get to be sure to double checked all dimensions and not to make mistakes like in this first part if you remember and I just to say channellock and thanks for watching
Channel: Nikola Svilar
Views: 37,203
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: SolidWorks (Software), solidworks, assembly, certificate, CSWP, modelling, tips, hd, segment 3, sample exam
Id: ZW2gu2LWp5k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 4sec (2224 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 18 2015
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