CS:GO but we can’t stop laughing

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hey oopsies why are you guys just looking at me from up there it's so creepy imagine shooting someone in the head with a desert eagle and saying whoopsies after yeah it's [ __ ] um I like Baldwin moment [Laughter] I feel like he at least said oh [ __ ] war was probably not the thing I should have joined your your head is like a squishy meet a babies me actively pushing a child's skull what's up drama alert Nation I am your host killer game start let's get white into the news this time dare is a Whittle bit of drama bloggy fresh got formed a quitter quash but then wowie goo guy fids gumbag with a NADA video good fits you are insulation to us all giving them away is like probably the best possible thing you can do funny there's another one here oh my God he [ __ ] killed me that [ __ ] we got the [ __ ] yeah okay Italian man we got to the [ __ ] I'm holding my gun to the side like a gangster I wish you could I'm ready for these fools we're there oh swag you look so cute oh thanks man you're just saying that because because you want to get canceled with him no you just look cute I just look generally cute little man yeah got big lips oh what sorry what do you mean by that that's a little that's a little Rachel he charged off right there dude right there nice ways yay dude that was so fun I just hit it with a yay everybody tie yourselves to each other so we can't get too far I'm scared that sounds real nice that's all sit around a campfire and touch each other's heads [Applause] he's on site dope ass dude in a coat killed two enemies with headshots it's a positive headline okay complimented murderers and newspaper headlines snazzy 12th grader kills School the entire [ __ ] school I'm going to kill School Mr Bean can I please has Tesla is there a pain he would only give you a mini it's it's [ __ ] Rowan Atkins well I want to be in this alternate universe [Laughter] surgery oh I'm very rich he literally only says one word things or two uh now you haven't seen his Joe Rogan episode dude he was he was talking about covet vaccine he's myocarditis out climate change [Laughter] would you find out why they never let him talk on the show it was presumptuous of me to assume you guys have bread that's a big word and [ __ ] a you understand that one Rick what bread damn that was a layup and you just [ __ ] smash it in though he should have knocked out the pocket chest bump chest bump let's count the syllables one hey guys I know it's a pretty rough game but um just letting you guys know that I love you and I hope you guys get some real nice Dome thanks I hope so too and I appreciate that Jesus I don't think anyone said something that nice to me in the Cs game before sorry my main mic is stuck in auto-tune it's okay it's funny can you give us a yell I can try no I mean it doesn't work in CS I can switch it to oh those hops are cool Discord can can you guys hear this yeah you sound normal it's very nice do I I sound the exact same you sound like yeah you sound like clear it's no it's [ __ ] annoying a little bit give us an effective fluctuation yeah give us a tune give us a fluctuation go like it's so subtle though that you might not notice unless you try sing I can switch back but it's gonna piss me the [ __ ] off I like this better they do yeah yeah purple Hello what hello Kill Em wait what the [ __ ] more like dick salad hit a perfect tone he had he had one HP he had one HP [Applause] [Laughter] why are you getting on my case about the guy with one HP well no I'm not I didn't say anything to you you [ __ ] idiot creamy but creamy died he said he hit him I'm like how much damage did you do and he said I did 18 I'm like oh I did 81. he has [ __ ] one HP it sounded like you were upset no I was upset because this game is dog [ __ ] why why are we all so tilted this game man just relaxed this game [ __ ] sucks can't be shot yelled at me you said some [ __ ] [ __ ] to me yeah it's so obvious to me that you haven't read the Bible and no absolutely zilch about Matthew chapter 18 verse 6 which reads it would be better a large Millstone hunting around your neck and be down drowned in the depths of the sea if your Metro don't trust you up that's a crazy verse for Matthew though he said you're the son of my morning babe [Laughter] I [ __ ] this model her ass guys can I change back microphones I feel like I'm being annoying not at all I mean it's not annoying us okay I got two guns you guys only got one cause my dad's rich [Laughter] oh didn't you say anything bro it's gone I said hey I thought in my head we had like a conversation if I die nice because you're playing music just by the way [Music] I'm gonna bring it back for you bye now you should have come out from your mouth but you gotta do I do not believe in anybody they don't feel the ways [Music] back to Ainsley I was five years late I love that character aims at least [Laughter] I've been subscribed to him for half a decade is that black Elon Musk wait what I thought that was Idris Elba wait am I tripping it's like someone else I thought it was Idris Alva okay yeah no it's definitely black yes [Laughter] but creamy really said oh black guy this must be Idris Elba yeah I don't know Denzel Washington can you confirm whether or not this is who we think it is is it it's really lucky I don't know what do you mean you don't know I just someone sent it to me and I laughed and put it as my profile picture blue is that you and your pfpf Elon Musk it's Edward Elba do you guys reckon you have any autism in you um I reckon I'm probably 78 yeah he's got the strangest Tick Tock feet of all time it's not that bad are you on autistic a test talk too what do you mean it's not that bad not that bad yes it's an objectively false statement watch that Tick Tock and try to tell me that my Tick Tock gets bad come on man I couldn't I couldn't have that in my video just watch it it's so good good night midnight snake what is midnight snake Jay you are definitely on autistic for real what makes you save that I don't know it's funny it's like what I don't I Think It's upsetting like watching it and me like huh is one thing but saving it is just like another step yeah but it's not that bad no but it's like it's like it implies that you want to watch it again and again is that not normal does it make you feel better about yourself if you laugh at something I'm not even gonna say anything about that man do you think talk is negatively affected your mental health yeah no I'd say mine's pretty fine actually one more video and then I'll stop okay maybe just one more High yuck hike oh my God I can't stop laughing wait hold on guys I'm getting a call hello oh [ __ ] it's the tick tock man calling me he just sent me more Tick Tock to look at [Laughter] holy [ __ ] straight up demented McNasty we've been uh this has not been like a real session this whole time this has just been like AI we've just been like doing AI so yeah we're actually just collecting samples of your voice this will be the last time we hang out with us yeah keep laughing we need a lot of those wow them boys are tricky little [ __ ] aren't they sure are what slippery little things I'm just running them all over me and a Dodge Charger after getting discharged from the Army meet a peaceful protest in my Ford F-150 [Music] [Laughter] still on stairs she's still there don't let him oh Christ off yeah this reminds me of the time I was on a horse when you're on a horse you know what you flashed back to the fortnite clip green eggs and ham is entirely based on racism reread it green eggs oh yeah Green Eggs and Ham is a metaphor for anything that someone does not like many things people have an aversion to something but there's no real reason for it for example if someone says they do not enjoy woodworking but they've never tried it and woodworking could be a version of Green Eggs and Ham let me replace woodworking with a marginalized group I do not like them Sam okay sure that just didn't oh that was really normal iron man that was really normal I'm lagging it you definitely shouldn't train it at least three hours a day man it's a ping Ting it's a ping they actually do be on seven to five it's like when you drop a fork down a flight of stairs that's so specific bro how often does that happen to you how's zero guys libidos lately awful not good ain't that a dance move from fortnite libido bomb is ridiculous you just humped the air for a few seconds dry humping everyone I saw a tweet where they got one of the fortnite girls naked shut up hey dude that's such an old man sentence what it almost doesn't look good for me holy [ __ ] that was a [ __ ] fire bro you be working on that no it's just every every white man can do an impression of Kermit wait let me try oh boy I can do it as well you're telling me that oh the white man what's going on yep the whole time I thought I was doing a Jordan Peterson impression it's not the bloody goal you have to start somewhere right so you have it what do you guys usually say when people ask you what you do um depends if they're if they're like friend of a friend I'll tell them but if not I just usually say like advertising or something like that normally I just lean right back and say yeah I make the big bucks I make the big bucks and you take a smoky a cigar yep if someone said to me that they make the big bucks I think I think that there's something wrong with them I wouldn't come back to that house and murder them no further elaboration yeah if you think you're getting this off you're kind of dummy sorry if this is like um too like I don't know high brow dicks for arms or dicks for legs yes because I'd have to get my [ __ ] dick legs horn every time I want to take a walk in the wheelchair bro yeah dude but but for the orange like conk arms there's a lot of Versatility you can do with it every time I get into a physical fight with someone I'm literally con slapping them no my answer to this hypothetical is wrong it is wrong it's like all time every time my legs because dude you imagine just having two [ __ ] sucking your legs it's true true all the [ __ ] are below the belt if you had dicks for arms you could jack off your dick with the dick kind of gay yeah okay you mean like I reckon if my dick my legs were dicks I would just put fleshlights on either leg and then use those as like kind of pegs to walk around on yeah and it probably feels great but you could become a non-step nah nah my stamina would be insane here's a hypothetical for you guys would you rather have prostates for toes or no prostate salad strikes again are you ready like salad big salad in Chicago murder shot dead in Italy dude no quiet Stanley dead imagine Stuart Little getting hit by a bullet bro that was literally obliterate him I jerk off to make the stallion futa porn okay oh dot board my friend what the [ __ ] are you saying I say I feel like that point let's go baby we do those we win those we always find them and we take them out like it nothing baby let's go get me a new chain [ __ ] really spectacular I really enjoyed that thanks who's aave like a really new to him what does that mean he's like an insurance company African American vernacular English oh like Ebonics like [ __ ] 10 years ago the ubonic plague everyone talks cool now oh my frames per second are quite low anyone else no hmm interesting I might be subject to a DDOS attack my family might be in danger it's all good I own a sword now you do on a sword Jason with the funniest video of his new sword why did you bought a sword I bought a [ __ ] big sword it's like it's definitely not compensating for anything I know when I see your sword man oh I'll show you myself just put the video in the chat it's so good [Music] oh damn [Music] what the [ __ ] awesome sauce you do that huh ending is good oh my God oh my God it's heavy and it's sharp ass I [ __ ] said as a joke like if anyone has any scripted bits they want to throw out the last game [ __ ] Jay's like oh yeah I do actually I got one had a story look at the [ __ ] production trailer to go with it the snow affected everything again would it be all good if I sanguinated you what does sanguinated mean Jay I don't think it means drain them of blood [Laughter] the most polite vampire [Laughter] 1v2 1v2 situation these guys are literally playing like the actual FBI yeah I don't blame them after what I've been Googling I hope it's some cheeky like dildo bomb and like you know little kids or anything [Music] foreign
Channel: Fitz
Views: 2,374,973
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: counter, strike, csgo, funny, moments, contagious, laughter, best, of, fitz, CS:GO, counter strike 2, cs2, try, not, to, laugh, challenge, satire, comedy, smii7y, schlatt, jschlatt, swaggersouls, guitar, music, improv, meme, memes, 2023, cringe, compilation, hilarious, tiktok, react, reacting
Id: l-LG74ykKE4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 37sec (1297 seconds)
Published: Mon May 22 2023
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