Crush Opponents with the Rozman French Defense

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in this video i'm excited to share with you a  very unique and not well-known idea in a very   popular opening the french defense and i've used  this idea many times against very strong players   successfully including anish giri but first did  you know that i accept fan mail i have a p.o box   in the description if you want to send little  things but i just want to shout out harley who   built this harley has a woodwork shop i've linked  it in the description below it's expensive stuff   but you can go check it out you don't have  to necessarily buy if you don't want to   and he made this himself it's amazing it's  like a wooden king with a detachable batman   bat amazing just i i'm i'm grateful beyond  words i'm going to put it up on the shelf um   yeah just wanted to shout them out properly let's  get into the theory here um if you would like to   jump around in the video you are more than welcome  to do that but today we are experiencing the birth   of the rosman french so this happens after e4 e6  d4 d5 now this is considered the french defense   sometimes white can play with the two knights  even in this kind of mainline position white   has options in particular we're going to focus on  the two knight moves so knight d2 the terrace or   knight c3 the weapon that i'm showing you  is pawn takes pawn which if you put into a database will say it's the  rubinstein french rubenstein french   but most of the positions here will place  a move that is not the move knight to f6   knight f6 immediately offering a trait of  knights and if white takes there is pawn takes f6   this was the thumbnail this was the picture on  the board on the thumbnail uh and this is the   position that we're after now this wouldn't  be a very good video if i just left you here   so i'm gonna show you small ideas that you can  explore a little bit you know more deeply if   they don't play the knight for example if they  play the advanced french the best thing to do   against the advanced french is the move c5  followed by knight c6 pressuring the center   and getting this knight to f5 so something  like knight h6 knight f5 or knight e7 knight   f5 those are kind of the general ideas now there  is theory here which i recommend you look through   an openings database but this is how you play  against the advanced french you look at this base   of operations here and the exchange french i  i actually think a good way to play this um is   is to castle queenside it's the castle queenside  this is what i'll recommend for you if they don't   play the move c4 very early you should castle  queen side so for example knight f3 knight c6   something like this bishop to g4 queen d7 long  castle and try to create an attack on the enemy   king because they're gonna go this way and this  is this is a way for you to fight in an otherwise   boring position if they do play c4 uh just go  knight f6 develop the bishop and castle this way   there's no way to avoid this uh beginners will  be playing ed5 a lot because people don't know   what to do so they'll just take and then they'll  kind of go here but you know you can look up   some exchange french ideas exchange french  is not dangerous whatsoever for black uh if   you know what you're doing if you don't know what  you're doing any opening is going to be dangerous   so the the main thing that we're focusing on is 92  knight c3 now if you do come across something else   you got you know i i can't solve all your  problems in this video i'm not pretending   to be a therapist or anything like that uh but  you're gonna take against either of these two   and knight f6 and even here white can do some  weird stuff like white can just avoid the trade   what i like to do here is i i really like to  play h5 and h4 that really confuses people but   just going c5 is already good enough um and of  course if take now they can't castle anymore and   you have a lead in development so nothing to  complain about here uh as well as just like   knight c6 and bishop and like you're fine you're  totally fine uh one variation where bishop g they   can play bishop g5 uh here i just go block if they  take with the bishop you can take with the bishop   or the pawn if you want to stay similar to these  positions this is called the burn variation like   ow that burns burn um and if they take  with a knight you can go here here and here   and this is completely harmless castle b6  bishop b7 put a rook on d8 pressure the center   life is good we are going to focus primarily on  this position so first things first why would   you do this if you double these pawns it's very  unlikely you will castle this way you're right   your next few moves will be a combination of  knight c6 b6 bishop b7 queen out and castle   long you're castling long many positions your rook  will go to this file and it will pressure on the g   file the bishop on b7 and the rook and g8 together  in many cases will deliver a nasty nasty mate on   g2 nasty attacking possibilities there especially  if you bring your bishop there so in a perfect   world this looks something like this knight  f3 knight c6 bishop d3 b6 something like this just giving you kind of you know the  possibilities right and now you can kind   of see this in action this knight oftentimes  needs to make way for the bishop it can go to   b4 hitting this it can come back like this and  then rotate to the other squares this bishop   i mean basically always comes to  the square if it's going to come out   um and the queen sometimes goes to d5 and  sometimes you can play e5 opening the door   the games in the later part of the video will  hopefully kind of put it all together for you   in a lot of different positions white is going  to attack like if white is playing this correctly   white will start a queen side pawn attack you will  see in the games how to stop that but generally   the a pawn is the one that's going to hit  your pawn here the b-pawn doesn't matter   because let's just play some random moves even  if the b-pawn gets here you just move the knight   and now your bishop is just super active and the  pawn is blocked right the really the attack here   let's you know again we can take this but  just speaking hypothetically this is really   what's a little bit more scary and so what  i recommend is if you end up in a position   you know let's say with with b4 coming let's  say they play a4 b4 a5 you'll see later that   in a lot of positions a5 is just a good move  because it stops the white attack with b2 b4   now there are some very nasty traps also one of  my favorite traps is after knight f3 knight c6 g3 anish played this against me so here e5  is a very good move just striking the pawn   if white takes you take take and bishop to g4  with a pin next move you will castle queenside   hitting the king and i actually beat a very strong  um indian grandmaster uh krishnan sasikaran in uh   in the variation where he pushed and  the game went night before hitting this   he played bishop c4 to protect i played c6 he took  i went take take bishop g4 and when he came back   i castled queen side with check bishop  came to block and now bishop to h6   and his position is just basically collapsing  here the pressure here is too much and he   ended up resigning a few moves later one of my  other favorite traps here is after c4 which is   very natural and bishop f5 is winning because  white cannot stop the knight from coming to c2   uh if queen a4 check here there is b5 winning a  tempo on the queen of course if pawn takes knight   c2 so people will go check again and now look  at this c6 they can't take with the queen they   can't take the knight because it's protected by  the way if dc6 check here and now we don't even   take the rook we do this and it's mate i've won a  handful of games like this against strong players   too grand masters very very tricky and venomous  line and actually you know recently i played some   bullet against the nishigiri mr 3100 himself and i  caught him and it was actually the only game i was   able to beat a niche i mean because he's a better  player than me not because my openings are bad   but he played into this and he realized quickly  that his pawn was falling so he just gave it up   and you know i did what you're supposed to do  in this opening i just played for the attack   on that side of the board and watch watch what  i did i traded off his piece and then i used   the expansion on this side and i'm and i managed  to break through with my pawns and my bishop and   uh anish just basically you know he had no  no defense for this attack that's not to say   i'm somehow you know a genius or something  i'm just saying that if even against the   super gm anisha's in an you know incredibly  strong player the position that you get can   be very unpleasant if you do you know if  you fall into kind of this position um   and you know there's there's other you know  there's other features uh like for example   bishop b5 against bishop b5 i like to play queen  up hitting the bishop there's some positions where   queen up is good some positions were queen d6  and bishop d7 is a little bit better and if   you have a chance to like get this bishop so for  example you know like this this is fine but now a6   get this bishop if you can get this bishop the  light squared bishop to be the only light-squared   bishop on the board you will win a lot of  games as you will see from the game's section   i even would recommend to do stuff  like this just go for the bishop   knight a5 the way you practice these positions  is you is you kind of get the flow for them   you look at the games that i've played here you  check the database for to see you know how um   how other folks are playing these positions uh and  you fill in the gaps with a computer you analyze   and you go what did i do wrong how did i play  this uh correctly how did i play it incorrectly   this might be a little bit of an easier thing to  play if you're like 13 1400 because the structure   is so weird right like if you're a beginner  you're much more used to castling kingside here   you can kind of navigate a weird pawn structure  better but give it a shot if you're you know   if you're a newer player as well because we're  all tired of e45 obviously uh i hope this helps i   hope this helps and uh pete you know i will put  the moves in the in the description obviously   and feel free to drop games in the comments  for example uh you guys can start conversation   in the comment section for example about  different games that you play so now we will go   uh through the games that i played on stream  against subscribers enjoy okay it's game time let's play uh kleiny peter 971 we'll start things  off with 971 e6 if you want to play the advance   or exchange you are welcome to but for the most  part i would like to focus on this knight to f6   and if you'd like to play bishop  g5 here you can give it a shot so there is knight d2 in knight c3  and it's interchangeable so this is   he's already thinking which  is a good sign and the good   thing is this gets french players  out of their comfort zone quickly bishop d3 b6 should be seven again bishop b4 not  too scary a lot of d5 stuff is met with a knight   move okay so far so good hey three's a a move you  will see stuff like this okay the the this is this   is common and this is not a problem because it's  just opening another line so if he takes that   great i get two open lines h7s this is the most  disposable pawn that you have you do not care   you do not care and i'm not worried about b5 um  because then i'll move my horse and i will be   happy play c3 i know his idea he wants this it's  a good idea see these guys know what's coming so   they're well prepared now we need to cut we  need some we need some big brain stuff here   um do we play bishop d6 or knight e7 i definitely  like this move that this move looks very natural   but maybe 97 first was better just not even moving  this piece so now we have one piece two pieces   maybe a third when we move the knight we have a  fourth this knight will rotate toward the center i think we're doing quite well i think we're doing  quite well this is already a pretty decent example um play c4 definitely a valid  id and he wants to play c5 hmm shall we go for a double stack g7 i guess there is bishop to h6 how about this let's go here i have an idea famous last words famous last words i have an idea might be a little bit premature  so first i had i had one idea and that idea involved sacrificing a lot of things this next idea this was my idea so if  this there is this if this i will go here   which is always a useful square for the queen  because then you can transfer the queen over and   right now because every pawn is on a dark square  my light squared bishop is even more valuable   so queen to d5 i'm down a piece he should be able  to defend this with precise play but it's kind of   tricky to do that okay so first things first  it's already very hard for him to play a move like it it's because he can't move the g pawn he  shouldn't move his king he can't move his knight   he can't move his bishop he can't move this bishop  he probably has a move here which is fine but it's   incredibly difficult to find because i don't  even see it and i don't know what it is you know   he could defend with rook to g1 which looks  very natural so he he's just going straight   forward but he's missing that i have queen to  h5 and now we see the true power of the position   he can go c6 somebody said c6 c6 i just take  and now bishop f3 and we just win we just win   because of the pin the queen and the bishop this  is hit this is a mate threat and it's game over   i mean just look like you see how quickly it  falls apart on the king side crazy right which   is crazy bishop after your game is over even rook  g2 and queen g4 there was probably something so   chat you guys have slowed down are you  are you still alive you still good guys   because this is some premium content here  look at this queen d5 queen h5 bishop f3 bam and now we have something even prettier  we can go here here and i believe we   have forced mate after rook to g8 i'm not  interested in the bishops i am interested in   mate and the combination of checkmate  threats seems to be unstoppable i think he had rook maybe rook coming this way  but this is just mate vicious he played great   for 970 i mean you you know like this 970 is very  deceptive he played great and this is so brutal   this is so brutal i i honestly before  i jump to the next game i want to see what his defensive move was wait this is winning the engine is giving this minus two the engine is  saying this is winning this whole idea was winning   even though white has a full turn  to stop it white can't do anything   wow okay no but that just  shows the true power here   i mean i thought that white had a move this  is unstoppable according to the computer   wow that is brutal so knight to h4 defending this  is met with rook takes g2 that's the beauty of   this because if it takes this is made and if  you don't take i mean okay if you don't take   like i mean i don't know what you want i just  bring my next you know you know what i mean wow   wow and i know he's nine like i ended oh he's  970 of course he was gonna guys it's very easy   to go like oh he's 970. but at the end of the  day anybody is capable of playing his moves   he played very very natural and very decent  looking moves i mean i would not predict he was   970 if i didn't know his rating and turns out that  this whole sacrificial idea is just i mean that is   that is unbelievable wow what a game to start  out on what a game to start out on that that is that is going to be good that is going to  be really good um let's play their nomad wow   we are off to a good start the this is yeah and  amazing amazing amazing amazing so hopefully this   and again you can kind of play this similarly  if they don't play the two pawns in the center   but uh okay here here take take no  i haven't watched the hikaru video   yet but we will once we're done with  this that is my that is my next plan   so takes what's this gonna do last guy  played like this i mean some people   okay knight c6 let's see if he plays g3  somebody should try to play g3 for content play c3 yep people do this yup yup  yup and then they will go like this   yup that is the thing that they do for sure and  try to guys when you're playing try try try to not stream snipe you know don't don't listen to me   trust yourselves what are my  thoughts about semi is that is that a serious question i mean guy's  great what do you want me to say you want me   to secretly admit that i really don't like him  like some a is amazing man makes great content   really really good content i want to go queen d5  i like it because here is there's some weird like   i'm gonna go queen d5 because c4 we give a check  we're okay we're completely okay with c4 his diss   tracked his diss track is excellent it's a  it's a it's a genius piece of musical work   it's it's brilliant okay now  we give this check he blocks   makes sense i want to go a6 now somebody  said why not a6 well now i'm playing it i don't go a6 because i'm completely okay  here th this is really not a position you   need to be so worried about now i will go with  this rook g2 okay so of course he should castle   because that is definitely the best move of course he should castle   ah man no uh castling would result in a very  brutal defeat very brutal first of all queen   f3 and second of all rook takes g2 um he's into  he's in trouble now but he can kind of avoid   you know losing immediately immediately in fact  i think i should have just went for the queen   okay i can sack the queen and get two rooks and a  horse um but let's go here let's let's anticipate   that he's going this way and let's  just start an attack there oh no oh no   no now this works oh brutal oh bru oh no oh  goodness aha he thought he was tricking me though   so if rook there yeah so this is gonna  be oh oh okay so luckily i have check   totally didn't see that before got lucky  there no i did this is the idea oh no no   what his rook he had to play yeah well  now now we're just upper rook okay d5 is d5 is d5 oh no my bishop and there goes the queen sadly  he's playing very confidently   to his credit he is playing very quickly  he is very quickly running out of pieces he at least he's playing you know confidently but  now guys i mean this is two games now i mean these   are good players these are good players and this  opening is just very tough to deal with next i'll   play kind of pink jake he's 1400 for today's  climb i wanted to play really i wanted to play what's what's up finton how are you how are you  how are you now he is pinned um for today's climb   i wanted to play like more 16 17 1800 because guys  i've played this opening with tremendous success   and not like you know not like  you know tremendous you know   not like that tremendous like like  seriously against like two thousand   twenty twenty two hundred you know twenty three  hundred oh man all the pieces are gone now i mean again like this guy didn't play anything  insane we played a couple of accurate moves we   got the bishop safely and then we just we  just went to work that is just what we did   you know that is just what we did  all right jake you're up next um you are up next please play normal stuff okay now again bishop g5 is possible and if they   play knight to g3 i like to go h5  that's what i like to do knight c6 welcome guys welcome a lot of people watching  on youtube make it over to twitch ultimately   so welcome to the stream and now  e5 is jake doing this for content   is jake doing oh i think jake is sacrificing  himself on the altar of conte of content   oh jake might be oh jake or play bishop c4 if  white castle is long we don't give him a chance   we don't give him a chance bishop c4  maybe so c4 bishop f5 is game over   c4 bishop by 5 is game over i showed that line  in the theory portion of the video well those   of you watching on twitch haven't seen that but  those watching on youtube this is all one video   so c4 bishop f5 this will be up  on youtube so bishop c4 and c6 and he's okay he's just giving me this if here i  would have just taken um i guess i will just go   on takes this should be five bishops now we  just have an extra pun big center extra pun   okay so we'll have to play an end game   we'll have to play an end game up two pawns  i've done more difficult things in my life   so you know at least if if if you get an end  game where you are doing quite well then actually   that's a great move she realized that's a very  tricky move he's attacking this and if i go here   he takes and i can't take because of the pin  so i have to play the move a6 be careful about   your king be careful about your weaknesses uh  watch his weaknesses i need to consolidate here   can i go bishop d6 i think i can  because if he pins me i just go king e7   okay so king e7 he doesn't have this oh he did it  very confidently but i just took it yeah knight   h4 knight f5 looked very good but luckily i'm  it's just covered it's just covered let's just   cover is this a sub battle uh sure if you want  it to be a sub battle it can be a sub battle put the bishop here i don't know if he's gonna do how come i'm not a gm because i'm not   how come you're not a polar bear because you're  not right i mean it's tough you know it's just   like certain things are just factual you are a  polar bear wow it's a guy in chat named filipino   refugee but he also is a polar bear incredible  now is being a polar bear your full-time job or   your part-time job i want to go here to trade the  rook he checks me i'll just move my king up one square and now we will we will clean this up we'll  play the a pawn easy peasy a4 i can't quite   push but i will play bishop here also bishop  bishop b6 was beautiful but this also works   or not okay it doesn't work never mind   he's putting up a fight bishop b6 takes and  i was promoting but this is this is good the a pawn keeps the king over there i i did see  your question there was a question in chat about   do you think certain openings should be banned  from top level tournaments to kind of keep the   game interesting i love the idea i don't know how  they would conceptualize it uh but i love the idea   the same way certain characters in overwatch get  banned i don't know if that's true for competitive   you know but that would be great  like no e4 e5 you know for example   but not everybody likes that idea they  don't like the interference with the game   okay this king's gonna go on a little bit  of a journey somewhere here give him a check check mate oh i'm stupid he just came  from that square international master   can't check mate in a plus 23 position how  many maids do i have here one two three is that it just three that's boring all right gg he played into the poisonous line   with g3 e5 the immediate break and  then bishop g4 ideas e4 etc etc you know for example some people here go like  this i like to go bishop g4 here queen d5 e4 ed4 etc all right let's keep going play nitro tibble  next nitro tibble why do i have the white pieces   sir why do i have the white pieces you are  officially being farmed for youtube content i am supposed to play with black sir do i have a youtube channel uh no but  but i but i will be making youtube   videos soon on my youtube channel no i  don't have a youtube vid uh channel yet good question though definitely looking  forward to it okay so what is he gonna do   so if white council white does castle maybe he'll  castle queenside who knows bishop f4 that is a   move knight c6 bishop f4 is a move now we we go  for this guy uh-huh now personally i actually   like to go with bishop d6 here as a move order  but i'll go i'll go with b6 it's completely fine bishop b7 someone in the chat is very confused i do indeed  have a youtube channel yes it is gotham chess   and those watching on youtube right now might  must be extra confused and nitro has castled   queen side okay this does happen every now  and then brother mike gave 10 tier 2 subs   wow what a generous donation that is a massive  donation i'm not sure you guys can do the math   on that but wow crazy thank you let's go queen d5  except that's a terrible move i was just i really   wanted to attack this pawn but it's it's not a  good move it's not a very good move but it's okay   it's better to just go here and go for a  castles probably but it's tough to castle   even because a6 so yeah long castles by  white is a little bit less fun but uh oh interesting oh this is very brave by him this  is very very brave okay now he can take this but   it's not super advisable that's an incredible sub  bomb thank you cross 300 on the day unbelievable   queen c3 well i want to give a check but the  king is going to escape so why don't we go here and whatever is blocked queen a1 and um this is bad this is very bad for him   this is very bad very very bad we  have locked in the king's escape queen a1 he would have went king d2 and and our  king our queen would have had to move queen e3   there there is a way out here there there is a  there was a way out there is a way out is folks   saying guys what does queen be one he does play  this he did have a better way he could have played   knight to g5 and then if bishop takes he could  have played pawn to f4 defended by the bishop   that would have hit my bishop and this guy's  would have been accurate but he does this and   and now now we clean up so now let's put the rook  on this file move the bishop move the queen and   then we'll win um knight g5 thank you for the  raid parthenope thank you um so now we have this uh check take take the bishop and we are  we are in cruise control now bring this bring this guess he's  he's making me prove that i can win   i respect it i say below 1500  you should not resign he's 1497. he fits that criteria as long as you're playing and  not stalling out the clock   if you play till mate they  should mate you you know let's check me so he canceled long which is  interesting normally what i like to do is   just get rid of the bishop and then and then  do the developing this is this sometimes can   be a little bit better at the same time  there's also uh another way to play this   with like 9795 or knight g6 to go after the  bishop but beyond that i mean this bishop   h6 idea that that i mentioned in the game uh  was missed super daniel let's go guys again   just two people in a row challenging with the  come on guys what what is this i mean i'm i'm   i can start the game myself but come on guys but  gg nitro okay now he's gonna play d4 or something   he's gonna play d4 he's gonna do  something else tozano thank you for the   three months of tier three supporting the  stream today where the last three days on   stream has been unbelievable on youtube as well  you know on youtube we hit half a million views   in 48 hours doesn't understand what that means  that is an astounding number to me okay he takes g3 ah but knight c6 anyway now with bishop to g2   plays like this maybe e5 anyway but now d5 is  actually not bad okay let's go let's go here   you believe i'm the best learning channel  thanks i also believe such a thing   thank you queen d7 so this is the first time we  have a guy who successfully fianchettoed i'm gonna   castle he'll probably castle yep okay this is  going to be maybe the most constructive game today   thank you by the way for the bits  thank you should i let him go a5 let him go a five or should i play five  myself let's go a5 so he doesn't play b4 because a lot of people play a4 and then they  want to go b4 so we just don't let them and some   people will sacrifice everything on the queen side  and then we'll just end up two pawns up and not   nothing to fear so this is common you say well  levy i castled there why why would i do this   it's because it's it's completely fine for you  because it's completely fine for you that's why h5 a5 h5 beautiful beautiful beautiful beautiful okay h4 very very fitting so now bishop to d6 and   the point is that at some point in the future we  will absolutely wreck it ralph on the king side   that's what we're gonna do secret crocodile thank  you you know i made those 10-minute youtube videos   about openings because i felt like there was  a niche for that you know there was a niche   uh watching one hour pre-recorded live lectures  just wasn't great the same way that i got mater   discovered that you know no one did really  good well-paced recap videos you know not a niche geary guys a niche  like n-i-c-h-e wrong niche   let's go here he is really preparing this  b4 move i am really preparing to end his existence so that's what we're gonna try to do last game i played here let's double up let's  double up i feel like my rook's the only piece not   attacking i am so happy that he prepared this move  which accomplishes almost nothing 5500 bits from   brenda mike look at that beautiful cheer badge  gorgeous unbelievable thank you he's gustav geary   gustav guys gustav guys i'm not gonna lie after  yesterday's stream with anish and uh and vidit   i was walking around my house just saying  gustav geary gustav gary gustav guys gustav   gustav guys i was just walking around the  house saying it was like some really weird   experience like transcendent out of body  experience okay how about bishop takes g3 now here and and and we have reached actually i  just realized that was a slight inaccuracy i think   but it's okay i realized he had  something i got a little bit too hyped let's queen takes but if he's not  gonna take me then i'll be very happy yeah mike mike is on fire he he's uh  mike's a huge supporter of the channel so   who's here can i sacrifice my  queen do we want beauty points   do we want beauty points well i play here  i think we do i think you guys are here let's go here so now he can't really move  his knight he's got something in my throat in times of covet getting something in your throat  and coughing a lot is like the scariest feeling there we go it's like it's  like everything we've practiced it's everything we've practiced queen  f3 knight moves bishop activated   yeah anytime i have to cough in public i'm  like you know i don't want to get killed and then t says came from watching youtube  you've given me so much free info that i felt   bad not being a sub dude you never have  to feel bad that is an interesting idea   he's saying if takes that he's going to  take my rook and you know what i'm saying i'm not saying anything right now um i'm  just gonna go here because it defends my rook   and it activates my bishop and my queen and uh  it's about to be bad news so now a lot of people   do that a lot of people watch a lot on youtube  they come over to twitch and then they just   you know they donate something huge and i'm  just you know i'm just happy to be here so   can i wince in some beautiful way here  there must be some beautiful victory kind of sad there isn't maybe there is hold  on i'm looking i'm looking i'm looking here   now some rook g1 take take take no  he's always getting out somehow i mean   just just just oh no that's a queen  trade i don't i don't want one of those there is this that work but then he takes my rook wait a second then he  takes my rook then he takes my rook then he takes   my rook and i look like an idiot so let's not  do that let's just go here and let's not let's   not let's not no no we're not gonna be we are  making the content on youtube we are not anyway   yeah rook g4 threatens this and and and and this  by the way this this this which also leads to   mate this bishop guys this bishop guys is a  million dollar bishop b7 op in the chat guys he can play queen f7 that is a great move  which loses the game immediately bishop b7   is so okay and he you know he he takes  but now we just this should be 7 0p i'm kind of disappointed he's making  me convert this but now i can go here   if he keeps coming forward it's made and  actually i'm just gonna play here no matter what actually there's something  else i can take this guy   and then take this guy when he takes but in  general oh no i also have check i'm seeing a lot   of stuff check could i have just played that am i  terrible at chess i could have just played rook h4   whatever whatever whatever whatever we made it we  made it okay we got there this guy's 1570 okay we   didn't do anything special we played in the style  of the opening we stopped the attack and we went   to work on the king side boom boom boom boom boom  okay now we will start moving up in this world   i want to from here on out basically  play people who are like 1700   no disrespect if you are not 1700 um i'm  also getting challenged by 2 500 but uh no uh and and the reason i wanted to do this is  because i want to show that this opening you can   play this opening at a very high level so let's  start with this guy let's start with this guy   you know because some people think oh gotham only  makes these silly meme openings like jalalabad no no gotham makes good content is the rosman  french if anyone's just getting here yeah bishop b5 so like i said here  there's queen d5 which is a fun line now he's thinking this should be  fine bishop b5 if he thinks i'm   just very happy so i'll play this  but obviously queen d6 bishop d7 he's deep in thought now most people  hear okay well i mean this is not good   you you don't want to do this  with black this is not good   this is this this is not good i mean because think  about it look at the power my light squared bishop   is going to have once he trades his light squared  bishop no c4 is not terrible it's actually the   only move you have to go c4 and let me check you  a few times and it's equal it's equal it's equal   the other line which i showed in the beginning of  the stream was queen d6 bishop d7 in this position   and it's not good to play a6 because you don't  want to damage your structure but you can still right so i have this which will force this move because it's check and bishop is hanging and  i'll play rg8 so the usual we're do we're doing   the usual stuff here the usual stuff now now g3  just loses to this uh but frankly how else does   he defend rogue g1 rg1 is a terribly depressing  move to have to make but it might be necessary   it might be necessary i'm not sure  i'm not sure maybe it's necessary he honestly i mean king f1 bishop a6  and i'm not so sure he's so happy there   oh he should go king f1 because then  there would be something beautiful   hey jean-michel grenier can you please play  king f1 just do it for content it's okay if you   admit that you're stream sniping i want to show  the chat something beautiful oh he's doing it   he's doing it for content oh my goodness this  is gonna be so gorgeous unless he goes back guys   do you see what's coming or maybe he's  not because i don't know maybe he played   i don't know maybe he's not snipe i don't  know i don't know continue for content   youtube will be oh my goodness rook g2 and quintu  g4 mate it's mate it's made guys move 14 checkmate he did it for us oh my   that is so nice it's literally mate  it's just it's it's made on the board but you know what the crazy thing is you want  to see the evaluation already after rook g8 minus one after rook g w it's worse than  that by the way i think it's even worse   so just bishop b7 here and if queen to  d2 like queenie two let's say queenie two   just trying to look at this  guys look at this queen takes f3 and i get two rooks and the  knight and we're winning   we're winning the bishop on b7 is killer and  here this is not a scary check just here and   what about castling will castle next week castle  next why wouldn't why wouldn't he castle ah   well he's been watching castling leads  to devastating things rook takes g2 check and the gorgeous bishop on b7 how  does white prevent this white does not   prevent it you sack a rook you play bishop b7  and the game is still over even with castling   this is why this line is so vicious it's  so i have beaten so many strong players
Channel: GothamChess
Views: 259,367
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Gotham Chess gives lessons, Gothamchess lessons, gothamchess openings, gothamchess caro kann, gothamchess guide, gothamchess e4, gothamchess, gothamchess rating climb, french defense, french defense chess, anish giri french defense, anish giri, anish giri french defense chessable, french defense exchange variation, french defense classical variation, french defense tarrasch variation, french defense for white, french defense traps, e4 e6, french defense gotham
Id: vLH1Yw6skaI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 47sec (2867 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 15 2020
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