How to Defeat Bobby Fischer with the French Defense

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hello everyone in my previous stream there was a lot of talk about the French defense I said about how I hated it you know how I always lose against the French defense and you asked me if I could show a game where the French defense was played really good and were black wins and I told you I have just the game and this is the game this is the game from 1970 it was the Tournament of Peace in it was played in Zagreb and in rovinj in Croatia it was played between Bobby Fischer and Vladimirovich which are Croatian Grandmaster although he was the Grandmaster at the time this game was played I think he won his international master title right after this tournament but I'm not sure he might - he might have wanted right before the tournament but I think it was after now allowed me to Karachi which learned to play chess when he was 15 years old and already in the next year he won sixth place in the junior championship of Yugoslavia a year after that he won the junior Croatian championship and in that same year he won third place in the junior championship of Yugoslavia so he's definitely a talented player always was and he chose to be a chess player after as his career some even referred to him as the the amateur world champion because later aside from being a chess grandmaster he was also a chess reporter for the radio in Croatia and this is quite an interesting game because Fischer won this tournament the tournament of Peace in Rome in Zagreb with two whole points ahead of everyone else and in tight second were glia rich last in the whole - Viktor Korchnoi I can't remember who else was there Tigran Petrosian was like sixth and there were 18 other players with ten top grandmasters from in the world and the vitamin Camacho each one 10th place so it was quite an amazing tournament and this is the only game Fischer lost in this tournament this was around 8 against Vladimir kolache which and prior to this game Fischer didn't lose the game for 3 years though his game fish were lost before he lost this one was against f'ing Geller and I think in 1967 in Skopje so you know the Fisher didn't lose a lot of games he before this game was like 5050 official games during his career so okay that being said let's see this game how does one play the French defense efore by Fisher ecigs d4 d5 Knight to c3 and we have Bishop to b4 the vinegar variation and the problem for Fischer in this game is that Kawachi which played the French defense his entire life and although Fischer knew probably like 95% of just theory a lot of America watch which knew the French defense better than Fischer so we have 83 Bishop captures on c3b captures on c3 and D captures on e4 Bishop sorry Queen to g4 by Fischer now eyeing that g7 pawn but this is a variation it's a black often gives this pawn he plays Knight to f6 attacking the Queen so Fisher captures the pawn Queen captures and g7r up to g8 and Queen to h6 and for for the price of that one pawn black will have a lot of development his pieces are in the game this rock is already owning the G file and it's a it's considered to be an equal position depends what you prefer Knight B to d7 Knight to e2 and now here comes a move that that Aladdin cahuachi it says that he read in a Russian magazine that he considers this to be a great move in this position I think it's by this is a move Russian Grand Master vladimir alterative i think it's up or it's our authoritative the move b6 developing the bishop to b7 like this and after develop the Queen you Castle queenside so Bishop to g5 by Fischer Queen to e7 we have Queen to h4 now adding more pressure to the h2 the f6 Knight Bishop to b7 preparing to castle Fischer plays Knight to g3 and here allarakha white rich plays a most brilliant move the move is h6 and this move gives a gives Fisher so much trouble the problem is you can't really grab this pawn I mean you can but you'll see what happens if you do if you play Bishop captures on h6 you get rook to g4 and this pretty much traps your queen well you don't lose the Queen the Queen just can't move the Queen has to go to h3 and after black castles even if you attack drew you can't really attack the rook with f3 or something you're gonna completely destroy this pawn structure that will protect your king in the end because white doesn't really want to Castle queenside that the Queen side is busted open but even if you attack the rook with a move like Bishop to e2 after work to g6 that that Queen is still not leaving h3 so this would be very passive for Fischer to play and after h6 if you capture with the Queen this is actually an extremely vibrant variation you get Knight to g4 now attacking the Queen on h6 and also this comes with a double attack from the Queen and the rook to the bishop on g5 so white has to grab the Queen Bishop captures any 7-9 captures on h6 and this is the problem now white loses the bishop the bishop has nowhere to go f6 is covered by the Knight g5 is covered by the rook if you play Bishop to h4 you get work to g4 and the bishop is trapped if you don't go to h4 if you go to for example before you get a 5 and again the bishop is trapped so one crazy variation where Fischer would lose a piece as well after h6 Fischer is forced to retreat with the bishop he plays Bishop to d2 kawatche of each castles and Bishop to e2 now Knights to f8 preparing Knight to g6 and here Fischer castles this does seem like a good opportunity now to grab the pawn on h6 but but if you capture it with Bishop captures on h6 Rock to h8 and again you're giving black too much activity for this extra pawn as we have tonight to have fate Fischer decided to castle so here it is nice to g6 attacking the Queen Queen captures on h6 now rook to h8 Queen to g5 and rook D to g8 so okay the g7 pawn was given as a variation and the D H bone was also now given and now Kawachi which has this beautiful rook pair owning the G file in the H file and this Bishop on b7 will become an excellent piece once this pawn on e4 disappears and here a Fisher played a move that he probably thought was winning him the game Fischer played f3 it's very hard to find a move here for white the best mode would probably be something like c4 and then wait for black to decide what to do at least you're not allowing this night to jump to d5 but Fischer played 8 f3 and he thought this was completely fine for him because if if black decides to play something like Knight 2 H 4 it seems like he's going for the Queen but unfortunately white can simply capture F captures on e4 give up the Queen and after rook captures Bishop captures now you're attacking that night and f6 twice and it's very hard to find a move for black here the best move but by the engine is Knight to f5 but now we simply capture the night and after something like rook to g8 and Bishop to f4 and Knight to e4 white does have compensation for the Queen as he does have a rook rook and the piece for the Queen but the position does does seem playable so this wouldn't this wouldn't be a problem at all and if on f3 you decided to play something like capture on f3 you simply get Bishop captures on f3 Knight to h4 now doesn't work unfortunately because now the bishop can capture would check King characters and you simply lose a piece and if you don't don't go for this knife to h4 idea then the whites position is simply great if white manages to change this Bishop on v6 first bishop on f3 then this is perfectly fine you can play something like Bishop to a6 but after Bishop to b2 you know a perfectly fine position for white there's a still a threat because the Queen and the rook are attacking the knight on f6 no problems professor here but Fischer missed one move after f3 a lot America watch which in this extremely critical position plays a move I don't know very few people would probably consider even he played III and this move is so great that there are even some stories going around by some you know Fischer fans that the Soviets were actually giving moves to Vladimir cottage that they were using Rona petrosyan demon Petros and the wife to tell Kawachi which moves and that that is the reason why he played such a spectacular game against Bobby Fischer but you know that's that's complete nonsense he played this III move and this is this is amazing what do you do here is white well obviously your Bishop is attacked on b2 if you play something like Queen captures on e3 you get 9th to d5 and this Queen really doesn't have a lot of squares to go to for example Queen g5 f 624 f5 now Queen back to g5 Queen to h7 threatening h2 this is this is completely losing position for white and after and after e3 so Fischer played Bishop captures on e3 now nice to f8 was played opening up a discovered attack from the rook to the Queen Queen to b5 and now Knight to d5 and again that that Queen doesn't look good on b5 the knight jumped to d5 and now is attacking the bishop on e3 Fischer has to defend this and he defends it which came to f2 would unfortunately given up the h2 pawn a6 kicking the Queen away Queen to d3 and we Ruka captures an h2 rook to h1 now official wants to exchange rooks but Queen to h4 rook captures Queen captures and night to f1 because there was a threat of Queen captures on g3 and there is no way to protect the night so the knight has to move Knight to f1 was played and now rook captures on g2 with check King goes to e1 will Queen to h4 would check you can't block the check so the King has to move came 2 d2 was played and now Knight to g6 preparing to jump to f4 Fischer tried rook to e1 but now Knight to a4 with an attack on the bishop and Queen Bishop captures Knight captures and Queen to e3 here allowing the kawatche which played rook to f2 and in this position Bobby Fischer resigned and lost the only game in this tournament even though he wanted with two points ahead of everyone else what's the deal here well the material is completely even here all the pieces are the same on both sides and each player has 5 points but there is not a single piece Fischer can move you can't you can't move the rook because rook has to protect the bishop if the rook moves rook captures Bishop you win the Queen and the game the Knight has nowhere to go the bishop can't move because it's pinned and the Queen can't move the knight is guarding d3 and the only square you can move with the queen is a 5 but if you play something like 25 you get Bishop captures on f3 adding one more attacker of course the bishop can't capture because it's Bend so there is really nothing for Fischer to play here if you try to move like sorry if you try to move like King to c1 or something to get away from the pin you simply get Knight captures on e2 you lose a piece and there is nothing you can do you can't capture the net because then rook captures on f1 winning the night and there there is nothing nothing Fischer could have done here dr. rook to f2 this is the famous position 1970 Tournament of Peace in rovinj were Croatian Grandmaster Vladimirovich which defeated Bobby Fischer and even though pretty much everyone in the world considers this to be kawatche it's immortal Kawachi which himself does not think so you know I'm sure he's very glad he defeated Bobby Fischer and that he is the only one and that managed to do it but he actually considers his game against Milan Mutulu which that was played three years after this game well not he's a mortal game he doesn't call it his immortal game he says that that is his best game so if you want if you would like me to show that game as well I will show it but it just heads up I will call it then Kawachi which is immortal game so yeah that's the game I do hope you enjoyed it I would like to thank Mendel Jacobs for a contribution to my channel thank you a lot as usual you can check two of my previous videos here thank you all for watching and I will see you soon
Channel: agadmator's Chess Channel
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Keywords: agadmator, chess, best chess channel, best youtube chess channel, fischer vs kovacevic, fischer rovinj, bobby fischer game of the century, bobby fischer trap, bobby fischer vs donald byrne, bobby fischer, bobby fischer interview, bobby fischer anything to win, bobby fischer analysis, bobby fischer attack, bobby fischer best game, bobby fischer best sacrifice, bobby fischer best game ever, bobby fischer brilliancy, bobby fischer chess game
Id: QtaL2ucpw8k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 21sec (861 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 20 2017
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