J'er'em'ih being the best boy (J'er'em'ih supercut)

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you're not going to believe it I think I think Jeremy's about to get burned what I think he's about to give birth where is he um you uh uh he says come on come on uh you rush over uh to um to the wonderful Jeremy your animal companion the last scream Beast that you rescued from the death uh from their possible death and Extinction of Jeremy's species uh and your bonding moment all those long years ago you see that Jeremy who looks just hellish he is a he is quadrupedal kind of but is like a lizard frog beaked squid crab with like he's got prehensile eye stalks where his two eyes move around and his head is like a weird Blowfish like it kind of inflates a little bit and he's got a beak on the front of it and he's got two wings but can't fly because the wings are like atrophied and too small and two tails Hooves and he's got a pair of clawed hands above his hips on his hind legs with no arms so they can't reach anything unless he moves his butt up against them but he's got like butt hands uh but usually I can't believe these creatures nature um you see that uh uh Jeremy his head is just swelling enormously he's over in his pen right now there's a bunch of dead Goblin parts around problems he's been eating and you see he just go is going you doing okay there you start to stroke him you help Jeremy start to breathe birth is a very difficult process for screen beasts because number one they mostly don't give birth to other screen beasts yeah and they also have no birth canal so the thing they have a functioning womb but no way for the thing in there to get out um so these things should exist definitely it's it's a tragedy that so many people have tried to wipe these things from the earth um can't the butt hands help oh like easing pulling it out um you do see that the butt hands appear to be flailing for something they want they like want some ice chips in there oh you see they start to rub ice chips on the back and you see that a bunch of just huge blisters start to form on his ass from the ice like the ice is burning him but he seems to like it it's gonna be so hard to understand uh you see that uh his head swells and swells and swells even more uh and you see bezo looks on and says I mean groggy that's just beautiful to watch look at him and you see the head swells and a little steam burst on top of his head and just green poison steam escapes truly sounds like a train approaching uh and um uh you see that um a fully formed uh it looks like a goblin crustacean Centaur like a goblin torso on top of like a crab body but with two Goblin heads uh one of them has eyes and no mouth and the other head just has a mouth and no eyes uh and you see this thing scuttles out of Jeremy's head and you see that the one that has no eyes goes I was just born um Jeremy it's a boy Jeremy I see Jeremy looks over at the thing and goes and like nuzzles your chest and begins to cry out of his eyes dies with just a sort of uh maternal slash paternal Pride um and he scuttles off um and you see Jeremy kind of cries and like dabs its eyes on its own for hey buddy go on somewhere sometimes someone is going to have a nightmare about a screen beast and they'll be another screen beast in this world you know you can't know everything about your partner do you know everything about Jeremy is it Jeremy looks into a mirror and you see that the reflection of him walks out of the mirror and becomes a sort of translucent slime version of him balls on the ground starts to steam and he starts to lap it up with his tongue see did you know that I mean I know a lot about Jeremy did you know he could do that I mean the scientists aren't sure everything that that the screenbeat Jeremy [Applause] [Music] oh Jeremy has a little Shield that has a big J on it [Music] for Jeremy he's got a big old like a little little bandana this is Jay oh um uh so far in Jeremy you're just like light okay you see Jeremy just goes I agree [Laughter] um as you do the Thunderclap you see that Jeremy looks over at you and goes and you see that his eyes shrivel pop out into new eyes popped up the stalks back into sockets and he goes so I you're welcome Jeremy anytime I can bring you back to the bog from when she came incredible if anyone he doesn't do that for everyone see even Jeremy looks at it and goes [Music] you could also Mount Jeremy and Ryan in hell yeah use your movement to mount up and ride out yeah forward Jeremy that was very Noble that you gave your pet the six because you did not have to decide that coach and then Jeremy goes and you see that there's very slowly in painful Jeremy two bone spikes emerge from the pupils of his eyes and he goes uh boom and injects them in to the bottom elf the elf turns sour green and starts just Violet Beauregard swell it goes I hate this I hate this I hate this I hate this boom burst explodes into slime and this elf is flung up and smashes into a stalactic and his dad okay you see that uh Jeremy is standing perfectly stocked still and there is just this enormous [ __ ] smoking tumor that is moving around like an air bubble in a balloon just like no the thing with Jeremy's I'm never sure when when there's something wrong with him or whether it's just a thing he does love comes in many forms and there's a many splendored thing I kind of like kneeled down to Jeremy it's like I need you in your best form today buddy so I take a potion of heroism or maybe villainy if we're depending on how Jeremy opens uh his beak and a a horrifying uh wet proboscis with a smaller beak on it Jabs and batavian's chest it's like a cuckoo clock oh God uh uh incredible it's my boy you see that Jeremy goes jumps up in the air sits on uh uh sits on tavian's shoulders with uh his hind legs and his butt hands come around and choke the life [Applause] just just shoves David's whole body into his ass is no more yeah he got eaten by assair oh um just just for flavor not for anything in game I just think would be very cute if Jeremy had his paws sort of resting on the house I'm going to need Jeremy to make a piloting check right now pretty good but you see that Jeremy just goes like and he said that he's sort of internal understanding it but just starts to spit acid onto the wheel it starts to dissolve a little bit you see Jeremy goes and a bunch of weird uh she had a bunch of weird rashes start bubbling all around him and he just ejects very firm bony tentacles so that he is like completely harnessed and insecure as the new captain of the siren um no no no no no no no no no no Jeremy nice generous he can mimic the voices of those he kills you guys also see that uh Jeremy appears to be steering this [ __ ] uh you guys have been sort of like I don't love Jeremy piloting the ship that would do any better job um however it versus the big wheel is deteriorating and I not love you more than anything but I'd love can my little hands well anyway back away please uh you see that Jeremy goes flattens his whole body out into a like a 40-foot wide parachute of just thin mucousy membrane and disappears into the sky um Jeremy what what you said back away um you see no uh no but you see that he's just a like fluttering 40-foot Kleenex of mucus out in the sky um parasailing um almost like focusing on being the Steam and Mist together you feel a as a membrane of mucus wraps around you and you feel so what Adventure is all about balloons I'm just a cloud of gas inside of Jeremy's skin [Music] you kind of look like a snot green Glinda bubble from The Wizard of Oz scintillating the Jeremy bubble lands and pops and Jeremy is fully restored to his normal form um uh next to uh you're right next to Leland and I I oh I take off Leyland's element and open his mouth I'm covered in Jeremy mucus still smell vaguely of like wow oh here you go buddy uh incredible but well that was what happened where are we what hi Jeremy saved you [Applause] I'm a kiss and like the soft Haze and somewhat just completely Bell rung Persona that I am right now I look over at Jeremy 5x come out they all they smile and all the mouth like belt together in one it wasn't until this moment that I think uh Leland ever appreciated the true beauty of its magnificent Beast who crawls out of the crater he's left in the wrong floor thank you so much [Music] um you see that uh Jeremy um uh takes a little bit of your vinguri blood and uh pocketed away uh in in his body somewhere and he said he sort of changes color for a second into this weird gray and then you see who pops into a translucent goes from your see-through for a moment and then goes back to normal make six great friends on the same day Sorry Seven Jeremy I'm not even certain why Jeremy thought to bring me back from the ground though I Leyland first of all Jeremy's an excellent judge of character oh how does Jeremy feel about this like doesn't Jeremy share oh you see that yeah Jeremy looks over and Petty with one of his eyeballs um you can do ice chips [Laughter] he runs over um you see that he goes and uh uh he like uh sucks his eyes after his head for a second Sprouts a bunch of fur from his slimy head and uh uh vomit up a ward head he ate before and partially reanimates it and bites the war with this other warm head that he's vomiting up [Music] um the ward looks so sweet looks non-plussed um so sweet he's real he's always my special little black guy I know you're a good dad these guys are trying to drag Jeremy and throw him into the thing and you see that he just goes uh and a weird like flapping mouth that was on the top of his head and he sucks a bunch of rocks from around here like a vacuum and his stomach distance and Booms he just weighs down the spot as the wargs tear into him they do deal 30 points of damage you see that um uh Jeremy has like been he's been having a rough day too he's pretty but he's pretty easy going um he uh looks uh at these words that are all biting him and dragging him he goes and um he erupts into hundreds of eye stocks that fully little you're like touched by a bunch of them um they look at these wars and all hundreds of little green and purple and blue lasers this one is fully eviscerated and the rest are deep cuts and lashes into all of them and he sucks them all back into his body and his back in his regular form this work is dead um you see that uh Jeremy uh goes and looks at that Ward you see that his wings flap a little bit you've never seen him even when he was like flying around jumping he barely uses his wings he just goes oh and this little bit of sparkling purple like glitter comes out of it and covers this Ward and you see that the war goes becomes a two-dimensional drawing of itself and then floats off into the board uh his uh tail you see that he uh he took multiple Little Triangle spikes on it Jeremy's [ __ ] God man um and you see that each tastes like sort of weird cow drops stacked up on his tail he just goes oh that shakes his tail it makes a rattling noise and each one goes and trails of fire come off each Spike as they do bam and just missile into this war and [ __ ] destroy it it's just like Mega missile dude yeah [Applause] and they're all damage to Enriquez yeah he's like as old as time you're so precious you go in Jeremy turns around and just uh his tail goes about to 60 feet in length and he just flings each of them into the void um and then he's just kind of like just just sort of just sort of struts his way into the blood and starts you see that Jeremy has both eye stocks trained on you and goes killing me [Applause] I lost his eyeball uh my only hope is that the number of people we terrified out there that someone will still be having nightmares of Jeremy and maybe another screen Beast will come back into this world as you say that the little pocket of vingery blood in German spreads machine goes down into his throat opens his beak and they scream that ruptures Earth and actually causes lightning to break out throughout the clouds all around you frequencies that some only some of you can even hear my ears just start bleeding it's like staring all the way uh and as he does so in the reverberations of his screen Realms to nightmare split open as the fabric of reality itself lends love crafty and Nightmares emerge from Realms Beyond things that move with strains geometry from Aeons Beyond Time and 12 little scream Beast pups appear all over you [Music] and all around you they're just biting me [Laughter]
Channel: mushroompoet
Views: 9,437
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: kkS7zU0QErI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 12sec (1152 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 30 2022
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