Critical Role Halloween | 2015-2023

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[Music] we're just just Rat Queens we're we're we're Rat Queens I'm Violet I'm Hannah you should check it out it's an awesome comic book you should swear huh you got to swear oh I'm Conjuring up a little [ __ ] you and we're what is she what does violet say she's like We're going to put the kickass back in team something like that pretty great yeah yeah R Queens hell yeah it's great yay yeah yay Travis what are you dressed at I'm the angry Tavern wench and I only love one man scandin oh that's fantastic other side of the table let's uh let's see uh oh look who just showed up who who are you dressed as Sam I'm either a porn actor or Bert Reynolds I can't smile Smokey and the Bandit can't get him to stay that's okay we'll find some duct tape for you my costume is [Laughter] awesome yeah your monkey been a little rever seen oh my so sweaty our mustaches need to take a oh that is some stash love oh that's that's amazing all right Dirty Dirty Stash love all right uh talison I am uh Quinton choir kid Omega of the X-Men for who read way too much X-Men so this is this is my throw together because he has a mohawk and so few people do yeah he does but we skipped over my brother yes indeed yeah cuz you vanished oh wow stealie I'm the The Dread pirate Roberts and I will most likely kill you in the morning uh or myself because this is actually very sharp do you have a comment about my perfect breasts and a shortage of them no no careful they expensive let's just put that right there I put that right there be careful it's actually stabbing in in real life as opposed to just the game today so uh that'll be fun yeah Liam doesn't know how to use knives or swords at all he'll learn in time uh I'm just as geralt arivia from The Witcher series wi are three specifically for this set of armor and outfit how about costume ladies and gentlemen you all that by the way I did he's a full size action figure I have a problem when it comes to building stuff he made that yeah yeah he did what are you talking about I have a problem uh well the problem is being a huge fan of The Witcher series for a long time um but yeah so that's our crazy Halloween we'll kick back here in just a minute to start the game and see where our Halloween edition where a bunch of us nerdy ice voice actors sit around and play Tes traffic hi tonight we will found you with spooky Tails I don't know what's going to happen cuz we're just going to continue the game that we normally play you're welcome I'm Matthew Mercer the D Master for those who don't recognize my costume you're really confused especially if this is your first time tuning in sorry I am not done Dr mastering like that for the rest of the evening CU I'll have to run into traffic after an hour but I do want to give a quick thank you to Amazon for uh delaying all my orders making me put together my costume last minute out of [ __ ] I found at Home Depot so thanks Amazon fantastic I appreciate it uh all right anyway uh I guess we should probably go through everyone else to see the Magnificent costumes around us uh well let's go and start over here with our fantastic res I am hus the RO and I cannot speak with my mouth [Music] hole uh I'm got I have clarota but the mask is currently on its way here because I didn't have nearly enough coffee so on the break there will be a giant squidy mask that is terrible just terrible it's the worst thinga I am Dr Anna Ripley from Wild Mount uh you suck Ripley this is very heavy this is a weapon not a piercing weapon aing weapon uh right hand to the Bri woods and Uber Percy fan girl that's me cheers oh yeah right hi I I am uh TI I make maps why uh why are you having trouble picking that up oh well I was turned to stone recently and I don't have uh two arms anymore I have one I can still roll dice though and I have mats and I have I have a compass and um I'm the least dangerous person at the tables I'm not level one in anything really except Maps I'm level 15 in maps uh I'm just happy to be here and be alive mostly we've been opening doors for him all night yeah thank you Le that's awesome Laura I'm lady briwood the man I broke the world for she broke it for me baby that's right you should say you are oh right I'm Lord briwood nice yes [Music] Undead betrothed that's right do do you know more than betrothed people who are in love high five [Laughter] nice we be representing the dead [ __ ] in this game I'm not dead just are you not just inside just inside actually me and the only I am de yeah what's up I'm dead no you're dead you're she just was currently dead but you weren't Undead exactly I misunderstood you're both dead spoilers destroyed I'm dead you're dead you're somewh in another plane probably you're having a real rough week right now my arm is dead you're the only person alive cheers uh while Matt and Marisha are off uh on vacation somewhere warm and bright we will be uh slinking through the darkness of Los Angeles uh currently uh gosh everybody looks so pretty actually I'm going to it's really hot in here we we already know where you are the hood is pointless tal when did you get here we're all going to have lists tonight you guys I'm going to see how how long I can last with these [ __ ] in you have really big you've already cut up fall apart yeah I know if I can talk with a Southern accent I'm fine but other than that I ain't good so I'll give you about 10 minutes where these suckers come out good and Ro I I heard I heard vampires burn get the diesel uh yeah that's everybody look spectac that's a great cake by the way we'll see how long that lasts a lift you're you're from Portal yeah I'm from Portal I'm okay and you're Assassin's Creed yes I'm from assassin I guessed on that one Li is hold on let me check my pit boy it's not helping him it really is a pit boy it's so cool oh what is what is Li from he's from Fallout he told me I'm so impressed so far dude and what is Travis that's the only one I know he is Ellie from The Last of Us that's correct y that's the worst cubert cosplay I've never seen yeah you're Kirby I'm Pac-Man oh are you yeah vampire Pac this apparently Pac-Man this was $14 on Amazon this not this is not look like Pac-Man to me it looks like an Eminem it kind guy yeah yeah like a peanut Eminem that's had like like really pretending he didn't have a bad Dayan M&M that's a I've had bad dreams about this it's really intense I I feel like yeah between the two of us with the $15 contest costume contest is is yeah you you guys are a winner I know it's November 1st and Halloween was last night but that's [ __ ] because we would have missed Halloween so we're doing it anyway yeah Halloween's when you want it to be apparently I have a type when it comes to Halloween costumes but after having enough people send me pictures of new Dante going he looks like you I was like [ __ ] it I'm going to embrace it um so yeah yes uh well I guess we'll go around real fast introduce our costumes cuz it's sounds like fun right now yeah um so yeah I'm Dante from devil M Cry 5 um the the best I could do in uh one week's time most of which was spent in London um what about you uh I'm Sherlock Holmes because that's the best I could do in two hours time uh After figuring out that I was supposed to do this while working on another project so yes there you go I am ketchup ironically you did we have face paint that we can help complete the look no this is it $9 Liam I'm kylo Ren perfect nothing sorry Dad I'm Lisa Frank Castle by by far the most put together costume at this table Travis I'm the bargain Benin I had a cowboy hat and I gave you some gloves I think these belong to an Eminem character uh yeah or Pac-Man I'm not sure hey you look like you're trying to sell baked beans yeah I was a panda last night I didn't have a [ __ ] costume I was wearing that again that [ __ ] was hot or a bunch of us nerdy ass voice actors sit around and play Dungeons and Dragons we play Dungeons and I'm doing it now Welcome to our Halloween episode it's all sorts of insanity uh before we get into announcements tonight we'll just go around the table and say say what we are and show off the costume Talis I'll start with Sam Regal The Invisible Man which is very he'll be here shortly shortly be here uh I am uh Barry Allen I'm the flash I'm the fastest man alive from uh Injustice 2 so yeah there we are which which two in case you haven't realized the theme of this is there's a theme the theme characters that we voiced yes so talson has voiced very All In the Flesh which is awesome how you doing Laura hello I am Kate Diaz from Gears of War specifically Gears of War 5 with this particular Ensemble just [ __ ] sweet it's so oh damn it's legit I kind of did your titties broke your no right that's absurdly it is aw so yeah what where'd you get that you handcrafted that right of course or my friend at Microsoft was really awesome and sent it bla I love you fantastic over at this table I'm [Music] gar from the hidden Sand Village I got a gourd what you do it's a backpack I manic panicked my hair for the first time since high school for this bit good man that's it so proud Misha see I thought I would uh pay homage to all the voice over roles that paid my rent for so long you know could give a shout out to a main character but why not some representation that's right for Soldier being we've all been sold so with such classic and Infamous lines as sniper right up ahead or grenade 6 o' or everyone's other favorite grenade 8:00 or grenade 12:00 or get a frag out or I need a medic oh that's good pretty sck that's good did you give us three one close one medium and one long range no don't no no no there it is there we go so bad so bad I felt it thank you thank you and thank you Soldier B for being the hero of my career thank you Soldier B taking that so that we all could live Travis uh yes I am uh uh twoof Face from Batman the Animated Series I that or I stuck my hand in the airplane spil B also viable the make just I just did half my half my yeah no he did this by the way it's killer I thought he was messing with me yeah kids get a theater degree it's not totally useless once a year you might get to use it the more you uh Sam will be arriving here shortly but uh I'm representing the Lo OverWatch hello as McCree and it's difficult to sit in this outfit so uh I feel your pain s did you show it off show off cuz you glow too show little bit some proper Arrangement there God know where come Lucy's going to lose his excuses I didn't bring the uh godamn uh I didn't bring the flashbangs because I figured you wouldn't see him but then they made me stand up so anyway bad mother excited to see what Sam dressed as yeah anyway bringing it back in after destroying that hold it objection God oh my God what what hold it what objection there it is are you Sonic the Hedgehog this is not this is not an official Phoenix Right wig no we know we gather that much Sam I had to hold it while someone glued it down did the audience get a full view of your ponytail I don't think Fenix right has a ponytail but he does now been going some stuff yeah he hasn't done well after the divorce we make my hair actually like okay then you just do that I love it back to you Matt I only have two lines in the video game Miami trial attorney thank you Mr [Applause] Wright if you haven't noticed we are in our Halloween episode uh so yes before we jump into our announcements let's go ahead and introduce everyone's fantastic Halloween attire uh let's begin to my left over here we have Travis Willingham dressed as hi Matt hey [Music] buddy I'm I'm o Navigator of the ball rest in peace oh wait it's over here I got to sleeve and a Cajun tattoo no accent wow oh wow it's really hot in this maskk guys it's covered in spray paint what's really fresh spray paint what what what's what have you got down there what that that red thing that red oh this yeah oh well he plays the bag pipes holy [ __ ] you don't want to see that leaning over your bed in the middle of the night oh we should not have started with you oh my God it's all downhill from here yeah cow Bunga Travis well done and Orly now Laura looking fabulous as I'm my dad I'm the gentleman that's all I got I'm Blue I got a wine [Laughter] glass I uh I don't know that's all I got I would have sprayed water on myself but the paint would have come up so this all I got good call good call you look super hot awesome you look great Laura contouring the Contour so good Liam Liam uh I am dressed as ostd ostd Beck a star pupil of the sutris Academy I received a lot of great makeup tips from Marisha and Laura over the past couple of days thank you ladies I feel beautiful minus the the terrible show off those tattoos yeah yeah oo nice this is made of toilet paper is it really delightful yeah that's impressive and latex little liquid latex it's classic look great mank Sam I Am Kitty yes I'm I'm very sweet I cannot see where's your knife oh sorry I killed people welcome to the mighty nine oh my God perfect thank you Sam go [ __ ] yourself there you have it all righty Ashley uh a man we qu W always ask for consent I love it it's so good I appreciate that's that's a great choice for a Halloween costume well done uh talison I am archist uh I'm archist Zeno from zadash got my book and my scow quite a bit quite a bit yes and you're lovely gorgeous good to see you d yes and I guess while while we're in that that space uh Marisha you like to oh yes I am a uh Celia Celia oesa devout follower of the traveler and um amazing while I know that I was very cold and maybe closed off I really don't know if any of this was warranted I um so good I I just don't know if this was a just sentence for my crimes of just being a little bit too myself but um I will have to deal with this for the rest of my life so thank you your say what does your shirt say oh nice nice I got it uh some some guy was selling on the roadside on the way out I I think it's a knockoff not to be so hard on yourself there though hey just just wondering does anyone have a wish spell yeah just you take you're looking I'm raising money uh you can uh kick in to my GoFundMe to try and buy a wish Bell thank you thank you very much all righty everyone you look fabulous I'm so excited every time in the year we get to do this makes me happy wait and who are you man I am artagon in some places known as The Traveler and let me tell you well actually it's not much of religion anymore is it never mind just go about your business and uh sorry Celia don't worry you look really good you look so good bunch of us nerdy ass voice actors sit around and play Dungeons and [Music] Dragons I am Laura Bailey uh Matthew Merc dress up as Laura Bailey uh and Welcome to our Halloween episode uh let's go the table and see what other people addressed as starting over over here you oh hi I'm I'm the any women oh wow Sam Regal perfect and you oh uh I am Robbie Damon and I don't this is the face pretty sure right uh and I'm I'm I'm Matthew Mercer hold on a second hold Glo Glo Glo Glo Glo don't you make a sound sound effects a lot I don't know I was trying not monsters water I just reminds me I should drink more water thank you Robbie uh uh yes hello um I am Talis and jaffy uh I'm 948 years old um go dance in graveyards or eat pie or something ah yeah yeah impression hey hey hey I'm M Reay I'm M Ray and I'm I'm creative creative director of critical role and uh this is what I'm wearing for Halloween so uh whoop perfect actually uh hello um good voice I'm Willingham CEO of critical role um I'm a dad my wife Laura bil hi baby and um [ __ ] it's coming off that's it my friend over here who was here oh hey oh hey no no oh yeah yeah I'm Robbie Damon you may know me from such shows as oh boy [Laughter] Spider-Man I'm hot [Laughter] boy hello I'm Ashley Jenkins but actually Liam O'Brien but hello star of such things as narrative telephone warlock what about Gail warlock you got Gail what is this mug it's a blind spot thing beautiful well done and finally I'm Liam O'Brien uh Talis and jaffy really I'm uh art dad who you probably know from Twitter it's just lovely to be here and and hello to all the critters out theread I believe it's art daddy art daddy that's true that's true and dangerous well all righty uh well after that little Halloween intro I'll some more serious yeah let's let's make this night completely serious um let's get through some announcements before we jump into uh episode two uh's no instruction I think now Marisha looks like a wicked and divine character why does it work so well it works really well there it is that's it that's it everyone and welcome to critical role when a bunch of us nerd voice actors sit around and play Dungeons and Dragons more or less what that was funny saying but don't you worry about that uh no we're all obviously doing our Halloween episode uh so uh we're in costume we never done that before it's weird um we all decided to be uh X-Men characters uh I of course beginning with Gambit uh a delightful character that allows me to just not have to wear a wig uh we'll start over here talison I am dressed as Mr Sinister delightful character that does in fact require a wig you got I'm dressed as best boy Nightcrawler was too much time and effort for me to do in two weeks so I chose Cyclops instead AKA Scott Summers yeah I'm Rogue nailed it what's up darling there it is yeah I'm Emma Frost I just know so much about her and really just I'm so excited to play this character we all when she's blonde yeah I was like this is this is the least amount of work I'm having a good time though I am uh I am Mr Fantastic [ __ ] [ __ ] you dick not an X-Men the leader of the X-Men get away one Wolverine clog casual this is already somebody M powers to take his hands off I think I don't think he's an expert makes a moon baby stop [Music] it no Marisha wait who are you looking at right now I am the dark Phoenix and apparently California passed a law where you can't buy colored contacts over the counter but luckily I have a post team at my power take it Max Shapiro it's happening I'm imagining that it's happening wait why is she wearing a propeller beanie though you shut up you shut up don't listen don't listen Travis go oh me yeah uh hello I am Peter Rasputin cast playing as my favorite teammate Wolverine he is so buff and I am very tall but so is H Jackman y wow wow okay well um well my X-Men and whoever this douche is uh let's go ahead let's go ahead hello everyone welcome to critical role where a bunch of us nerdy as voice actors sit around and play Dungeons and Dragons Welcome to our Halloween episode where we are ridiculous every time uh have some announcements to get through before we do this should we go around and tell people who we are no what we normally do that some people some people have never seen the Lord of the Rings Sam that's true Sam needs to know who we are I'm just as Hagrid do you know you're a wizard Frodo oh should I that's fun he's Gandalf the Great yeah we'll go he is Aragorn son of aror grandon of ER aorn you owe him Your Allegiance Barber of legol loss the great for taking puppet's eyes and God I am gimly son of what was it glin gloin groin boy I heard I heard I heard Laura say that she's Mary yeah which makes you Scotty [Music] hippen Mickey Dolan from the monkeys Mr Frodo and that is Sam wi Gangi gam G gam fro Mr fro froto Baggins nice he's the grandson of Bilbo bagin is that right you know my full name Pippen long long stalking here I'll help you I'll help you with this you should know this you should know this I'm a what AAG oh I'm still confused you guys are yelling and you're Ice Road Truckers right ice Ro Tru fo you fool you fo next time in R of your stupidity watch it again bro yeah on yes God I watched it once doing great anyway
Channel: TheSweetboy
Views: 221,170
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: CriticalRole, Critical Role, Fjord, Nott, Veth, Caleb, Jester, Mollymauk, Beau, Marisha Ray, Matthew Mercer, Talesin Jaffe, Critical Role Funny Moments, Critical Role Best Moments, Travis Willingham, Laura Bailey, Sam Riegel, Liam O'Brien, Ashley Johnson, Critical Role Series, EXU, Dariax, Opal, Fearne, Fresh Cut Grass, Ashton, Bertrand Bell, Critical Role Campaign 3, Laudna, Imogen, Marquet, Chetney, Critical Role Highlights, Critical Role Halloween, Critical Role Costume, Halloween Costume
Id: 0-y9a0MYfNo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 28sec (1828 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 20 2023
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