TRAVIS IS A GOOD F*CKIN' FAIRY! | Critical Role Daggerheart - Ep 1

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we see the warmly lit interior of the humble cabin the Flames crackling in the nearby fireplace uh we shift over to uh s Dante if you would mind describe to me what you look like and what you are in doing within the cabin oh oh my God you're real good oh my God I not bad no uh well I am a uh approximately 5' 10 turtle um wearing a corsair's hat in brown leather with a with a lovely feather on top um a blue and white striped tunic and a half Cape of Royal gold of gold and royal blue uh leather gloves uh leather boots although the toeses cut out because turtle um I mean of course I have a very fancy Rapier and a uh chained weapon of some kind with a with a claw on it and at the moment I am attempting to oh I also have a scar on my face just a little one of those just something for some character um and I'm at the moment using my hat to Fan the the relax a minute now what I I'm just curious about you all um you um you there big fella I'm sorry the accommodations aren't quite to your scale as we shift over to see Pango hello hi yes I'm Pango um I am very tall I don't really know Heights too well uh it's either seven or eight feet um my feet are bigger than yours so I don't know how that factors in um but uh I'm big and I kind of I squint when I'm outside a lot because I'm not used to being outside I I grew up under underground um and now and now I'm out um uh and traveling with my friends and having a grand old time uh you might also notice uh that most of my purplish skin is is covered up with um uh some armor but which is also Tastefully covered up with some very green and very fancy Duds that my that my friend sweet pee and Opie stole for me in in the next last town over I'm looking pretty fresh they they say I look fresh I don't know what that means but it's um and right now I'm just sort of staring over uh zaro's plate just wondering if he's going to finish all of it because it looks I need more how about you dry sh are you hungry still oh my God I mean I don't want to impose but like I could yeah I could I could I can make plenty of biscuits if that's what you need no need fig if that fcker fell over it'd be halfway home well I'm happy to get you a bit of food as well I suppose uh whatever brings all your own I'm a fcker does that mean I fck what my grandfather always used to say to me is zaro don't say [ __ ] it's not polite say fcker instead oh okay I'll I'll use that sort of a cheat I've learned that all right fcker I'm writing that down as he goes and walks over to his bookcase as you kind of sit back and cross your arms confidence uh what what does zlo look like well zaro is is sort of the Elder Statesman of this group even though he's not that old uh he's been with the larger organization our people have been with uh this group has been with for for quite some time and uh while not a mentor per se sometimes he has to be a bit of a babysitter they get into trouble a lot um zaro is about 4 feet tall he's a simea uh lots of brown fur uh has a very Regal uh twined mustache down the sides of his face little bit Scruff of a beard and there's a shock of white in his brown hair he has an always active tail that is as communicative as his hands uh tend to be and he is wearing like burning man pants and a pair of stashes going diagonally across his chest holding yeah those a lot of people think Burning Man pants are no pants Donald sometimes it is those pants but not today in the trees no less by the way I am also perching to in character like a monkey but I am I feel like I might fight at any minute but I'm living on the edge and I'm going to do it anyway and his his cheeks are a little little red right now cuz he's probably had one or two cups too many today fair enough he glances over towards the uh the the regall looking Beetle figure who's been stoically standing staring into the [Laughter] flames slap do so Regal oh my God I'm sorry the Smoke's getting to you too here some more tee swallow and he comes up and hands you a hefty mug of hot steaming uh his accent a little thick uh Kon uh is standing there holding on to uh his staff um he has a hard shell that's got uh blues and purples in it kind of shiny with lighter bluish green eyes and large mandibles pointing out from his face very much like a stag beetle uh he has some kick-ass like armored pauldrons with points just for for flare and maybe a little bit of protection and he has larger shells that are hiding uh translucent like light blue wings underneath his work his back shell um yeah and he's just that's one sexy bug sure is and I just I'm just kind of I'm kind of moving like a little uh a little trace of Arcane energy in between uh my my fingers you FS as well I I I may not have enough to feat all of you but you know what I can find goad okay yeah we pretty light uh I think the majority of it went to your big friend over here that's okay I'm sorry I I could try to barf it up if you want some I don't know I don't know that's sure okay I'll work on it yeah all right in the back in the back oh God in the back oh um I'm going to look for a bucket as the to begin to scramble looking for a bucket uh can you describe what we see running around running around you see one girl who is um short but she looks like very tall compared to her her friend here um very slender with a giant cap um she is a Fung girl um very like pale almost to sea green color um and her clothes are very flowy she wears like a big oversiz cardigan and resting against the wall is her long I think it's a long staff with a a couple hooks on it mhm um and she just looks very free and floaty how short her tall is she again about 4 foot you might have regifted yourself well what are you doing on oh I I I'm looking around too I'm trying to help find a bucket um so I I'm I'm I'm just a little ribbit um just sort of sapphire blue skin with with a a smattering of of of yellow freckles everywhere and and huge yellow eyes and my cloak is made out of leaves and and a little hat uh made out of leaves as well and uh my staff which um I found at the bottom of a river and it's so sparkly and it was so shiny and I just had to get it and it constantly a billow smoke um what I don't know is it's a cigarillo but it's magical to me um I have uh little little little overalls and uh they're they're striped and you know little tops of the overall that he calls his little penders and uh little shoes that kind of that that that I shove my feet into uh so I look real nice and and and smart and uh [Music] H my name's Opie um well thank you Opie I appreciate you both helping out I'm sweet PE sweet pee Oh pleasure to make your acquaintance as well sweet pee sweet pee and opy that's a that's a pair pleasure to meet you y pleasure's mine again even though been here for me you have a perspective uh leader of your troop of the Menagerie uh you seem to be rather um a presenter in indidual oh oh goodness M it's it's not always this chilly in the west and I go over to uh to Sir Dante and I take out my bladed fan and I just start helping them fan the Flames just a little bit and what you see is like a stacked Caked Up Fawn let's go she is she is curvy she has kind of like a light Dusty Rose uh fur tent to her and even though she is a fawn she has bunny ears almost like a Jackalope and uh she has really like strappy leather armor um and a little like cropped leather jacket that barely covers anything but she goes and she covers up are you are you cold Miss bunny I can give you my scarf it's just a little chilly oh no I wouldn't want to take anything from you you're so you're so dainty um She's Got like a lot of like a kind of a garter that she has a little dagger built into and then you see on her fan it's like serrated and has sharp edges for it that she uses as a weapon as well as has a little a whip that she has wrapped around and fastened to her belt here Dante thank you D thank you we go good I'm I'm bunny by the way bunny yeah pleasure to meet you bunny becomes this odd kind of segmented creature looking at you with big eyes we were sent from The Velvet Grove for help we'll do it will'll help you for free free samples free samples they all look at each other and the two open figures go that that was Far easier than we anticipated y that's very kind we're still sort of trying out our whole Menagerie thing think of it like a like an open Beta sort of a we just we're just testing out oh while you're heading out there keep an eye out for uh wild Cullen uh he's a kind of a rugged Ranger and he's a warden of Andre Southern wood he's an old I certainly hope not sh on you sh on you color reference Jesus mark [Applause] [Laughter] he warned us he warned just fear for no reason uh did Cole tell us what the CR sounds like e e Al e caral yes that one that's what it sounds like car no it's a little difficult to describe it's kind of like a like a a ghostly crying sound you'll you'll know it when you hear it It's oddly humanlike you you you can't you can't like that at all give us your your impression of it though just so we have some sense of it yeah I'm not much of a performer and an old Soldier but um [Music] they sound so sad I don't know i' never seen one I never went that deep in ever cold don't sell yourself short though well thank you I I took some improv classes when I was younger clearly tell a wallet picture a picture on left transgression see bunny kind of she loses the thread a little bit of what she's doing and you see her kind of like dancing a little bit as she she goes through the forest do you hear that it's almost like music what no don't hear anything do we hear it you do not what is what what's it sound like no don't stop I I mean just the sounds of the forest you know the chittering of the bugs MH the Wind wisping Through the Trees it's beautiful it's got its own little rhythm I'm trying really hard to hear the Rhythm I hear everything but the Rhythm at the moment it's going to getat you I think I got it the the best you can God as you listen out there is as the day begins to shift into night the type of sounds that fill the air begin to become even further from welcoming well it it it sounds scarier now it does sound scarier yeah can hear yeah I'll uh I'll mark a stress and uh my the back sort of covers of my my wings will open up and right when they start fluttering they they kind of flash for a second using a little pressed digitation to just create a little light as I lift up and I'll just try and go up and around the tree are you bioluminescent maybe that's pretty cool that's great only when I drink alcohol the come and I spill out the puppies a little bit one the head's kind of like looks over towards it he's going to e the puppies no he's not the other head kind of shifts and and is kind of glancing glancing past all of you The Entity we have food if you need it they're just biscuits oh we know don't not me don't eat me please you walk in Andre's realm just going to shout out maybe Z's right maybe we shouldn't make Andre angry [ __ ] that uh I I come around see an you will in a second I going to take my turn now as is his fashion kiss his palm and hold it out and then instantly start to Monkey lope towards Opie and run up behind her and place uh run up behind him sorry changed from the play test till now from a little guy it was a little guy Z right and I'm going to place my hands on the top of his slimy head and use uh my Divine wielder uh uh ability sparing touch it just works works once prolong rest you can touch a creature and heal take two he hit points back I just look I just look straight up in your eyes as you're doing just big eyes staring at he has pretty big brown eyes as well your eye I feel my hands start to go a little bit numb and I just start shaking off the Slime from them all right all right all right all right thank you Mr thank you side out shout out to every artist who worked on these cars and there's still more to come beautiful all right so much more to come who wants to come next all right I'm going to um look over at Pango and I instinctively Look Away Pango listen to me Pango look at me okay I don't you were destined you were destined for greatness you know me you're looking wa you're looking up and you're just seeing boobs and then like just try not making eye contact no no no make eye contact that's just look at me listen to me just in me and you I think we would make a great Duo act and first you're going to hear a heartbreaking song that starts to play me and all my close alleys can take a hope done let me see all right I just want to try to use my staff so I'm just going to get it going again yeah try well no it's like a it's like a adults to I got my uh uh baggy pants and make sure the pups are tight and I start to swing through the branches we should walk you take take the high road oh that's terrible no too real finally shaking your accent off talking like a normal [Laughter] person the odd Cadence of Sir Dante's cackle echoing through the shattered expense that I have and um I'm going to down whatever water is left at it very quickly and I'm going to see if there's a way to just get a scoop a bit of this Gunk into it without touching anything I would like to ask for a finesse roll on that this is specifically a a challenging test this may be your control absolutely hilarious listen this [ __ ] [ __ ] right here you gotest I can't dagger fart on oh my God that's basically what I have oh my God this guy you know zlo I just keep wondering if all this is connected like to that seep stuff you were talking about well I thought that too I mean it was liquidy oh Pango what you call me I called you Pango it's I mean whenever she talks I just kind of sort of listen do you want some there's something kind of floating in the water but it looks like it's caught on one of the heavy roots and it's just kind of snagged and hanging along the edge what does it look like what is it the shape of a person you take a moment to focus and it does indeed look like a body as You Yank and pull it hits like a rock and then flips over onto its back revealing what looks to be a a humanoid male figure um slight bloated from being in the water for a bit oh no it's wild Colin is it is it you take a glance toward it and see the familiar hair slicked the piercing eyes and the human and Elven mixed lineage still recognizable beyond the face of death ah go oh no drag him away from the water I want to make a knowledge rooll to see if you can analyze the extent of the wounds probably not be the one to do that uh uh go for it no uh you're you're clever and you're a beetle does this look what what would you make of this of this wound it were just aband it killed him yes but does it look look it killed him does look like it might have been a rock it might have been a bite might have been an axe man I'm just I'm nervous and I'm going to go for it just straight out I'm going to I'm going to warm up my staff again and I'm going to unleash chaos okay so unleash chaos unleash chaos so not me what I'm going to do is I'm going to make my spell casting roll yes all right dude all right what did you really good I think I've decided that now uh that kxen is going to be he's about 5T tall but the pauldrons that he has are magically Enchanted and we're given to him so it increases his size as long as the pauldrons are on that's cool otherwise he would be smaller I dig that so wa 5T is his grown size yeah okay that's cool I don't know why but all I care about is Heights you're 5T tall how tall are you I'm I'm a fun so I'm I'm I'm pretty tall 6 foot 6 foot so second tallest in the group and but is us with or without the ears and horns oh yeah to the ears at height yeah yeah okay what about you sir oh about 10 5 about 51 so tallest normally be very close one and a half to two and you go up to five a fairy the fairies that came in landed on her staff white feet though I love that differential that's F their sizes can shift all over something I like to do at night is I've been starting to make a map of everywhere I've been and so far we started at the sermon TS yeah sermon TS and then we went to Ubie and now we're in Emerald sky so I got a long way to go but and right here I have an asteris that says found half a dead body killed a snake and some crabs so you know I'm just going to keep adding to it it calms me down it's good it's like a diary map it's like a diary map I'm I'm like I'm going to see the whole world you should write down here that's where we found is the borders of the yeah found a giant found a giant named Pango that's me that's you yeah you see the spring right there before you with the strange abscess pulsing supposed to just attack the thingy is there a way to plug it perhaps and somebody have some magic when I going to take my little soy Satchel off with the dogs and I'm going to put it over Opie's head I got him we're going to use the puppies to plug it of course care genius I walk away from Opie I'm going to walk forward towards the source of and uh 12 with fear where are you where are you where where are you though are you across the way Bo under Boo's Tain that this counts as um yeah I could use luck Bender we once per session uh it's a fairy feed after you are all and close range makes an action roll you can Mark a stress to allow a roll of Duality D okay are within close range the pencil has ruled that's so much better it worked I'm a good [ __ ] fairy I believe I well donea with hope 21 with hope I don't get that fear so there you go that's a success you go ahead and take your hope to that point power couple move where you out we uh nine with hope Ribbit I'm going to reach deep and I'm going to use from my Splendor spell reassurance once per short rest after an ally attempts in action rooll but before the coner taking place you can offer assistance or words of support Aubrey you can do this what you do they may reroll their dice they may accept the result of this new roll in the splend baby come on you got this you got this oh okay okay uh is it fairy good it's fair good so we got I'm going to destroy you cooking them up with hope 17 with hope does [Applause] succeed all right all right all right all right insired by their Tag Team Action uh I'm gonna do it also and I'm gonna I turn over uh to my my friend sir over here and noticing that his that his shell sort of forms a frisbee shavee I'm going to pick him up I'm going to put my I'm I'm tucking my feet in and I let's make a mo mold Hill out of this mountain and I'll spin around and I'm going to throw like a discus hell yeah coming down like [ __ ] buz that's uh that's a crit oh wow well [ __ ] that means you both get a Hope and you both clear stress wow and it's an automatic success come on so go ahead and add your damage up on this okay get clear stress and if I recall if it's a crit or an attack you get uh one of your you get add an additional full damage die a Max damage die yeah you add it in add I'm still adding they both do right they both do yeah I'm adding my dam oh my God this is this is this is the optimal [ __ ] scenario for AAG I don't roll a third die I just add the max third die oh my God this is going to be bad I love this so much so many dice right here uh 21 points from me uh 16 20 cuz I'm using my Unstoppable feet to un feature I believe mine is 18 you did check so total of 9 10 11 12 14 yeah 18 18 and what was yours 21 21 oh yeah that's 39 how do you want to do this the two of you together please describe the scene as you build momentum swinging swinging your turtle friend turn around the other just so like I've got the two blades I pulled my legs arms and head in as far as it can go just blue fabric and blade uh and as as I release a single tiar from the loss of Wango just sort of propels him even higher into the sky and almost like you know how you throw a frisbee too high and it goes too far but then it comes back wef it yeah land blun like Levi acrian just slicing into this [ __ ] abscess into it uh you are both completely just coated in in some odd alien visera and they're in the middle of this no longer pulsing growth that is currently kind of slowly separating into the nearby and freshly emerging clean spring water from beneath you see your now deeply coated and now kind of bobbing turtle head comes out legs arms no one dies on this hill today this is on Blue rivet [ __ ] boo stands up angrily fists kind of raised and is about to reach to try and like slap and smash zaro on the back before the purplish coloration of the eyes begins to fade into a pure white It Slam fist turns instead to a platform Wild [Laughter] Flame I am sorry little friend how long has it been this way I don't even know I sent away my children places you on the ground I want to to know why but then I lost myself we are sorry kind of like sits [Music] down you can already hear like the sounds of returning chirps of nearby creatures that have been in hiding that can sense the shift and energy it slowly looks around with each turn you hear the crumbling and scraping of stone on Stone the thick patches of moss that surround parts of its body as it sweeps over and Scoops both of you up from within the the brackish Waters as they slowly filter out and you as well and sets you all onto the ground before I hope to one day repay you for what you have done for us Forest is made up of many trees you're not alone never heard one looks back over towards the spring I should have been more careful you know it's no use blaming yourself it's not your fault careful how I've been known to be too trusting did someone betray you I don't know there are those that travel here seeking Gardens seeking peace a man came through a week before sheepish OD pitiful we were seeking to commune with Andra with nature I offered guidance and he refused took his own walk about he seemed confused at best and du and worst but we kept a distant eye as we wandered the perimeters of our belt he left without issue thereafter and not but a day later this began to grow it reaches out and grabs like the still kind of lingering husk of that growth and like rips it from the center of the spring I reach out I grab a little pouch just a piece in case we find more of it tears a chunk of it and kind of sets it on the ground for you and then just crushes the rest in its Palm until there's no nothing left and you can see like that anger and fear as it clenches its jaw what did he look like did he give a name no name and as it looks to you to answer your question its face breaks into a hundred small stones that shift they seem to SW swirl and rotate and then form a new face an image of an older man well detailed in stone uh kind of sagging jowls balding head foreign to most of you except for you bunny you know this man a con man and CAD named Dylan broch who is an occasional patron of a ly locket Lounge in lale and that's where're going to end tonight breads bread crumbs have you ever come back to something we can pick up there [ __ ] awesome dang you can't dangle I was the fardan is awesome that was fun this was so much fun it was really fun I forgot there was so much stuff I forgot to use in my Foundation that I doing this again have to play again no this is the last time we ever and I was like maybe we level up and the managerie continue could be play this again a maner wower [ __ ] H as a more timid player sometimes I was nervous about not having an initiative but I love it you were not timid at all you were killing oh who me oh hell oh hell opy with this are the dogs okay they're fine all right yeah Twix and Twix are fine up in the tree yeah a all right well yeah maybe the uh the audience can tell us if they want to see The Return of uh the managerie of the Grim wardens of lock Spire let us know what you think it's layered d off the Dome y that that's all that's all the time we have for this one shot tonight uh thank you all so much for joining us for this I hope you enjoyed it along with us yeah good it's been a bit I know but yeah hope you all had fun and I'm excited for all of you to have fun playing this uh so to learn more and join this made to play test go check out dagger so gather your party make some characters just create all sorts of chaos play a ribbon and other weird [ __ ] uh or bring in all the classics bring in your elves bring in your humans bring in your dwarves they're all there uh and all the cool kids are doing it so uh just be sure to tell us uh your thoughts about the system the things that you like the things that you think could use some work some things that you know uh could could possibly see some shifting or some tweaks like we're so thing about our official deer hope and beta uh and using those surveys is it helps us make this game better for all of us um but we are determined to make this game as good as possible uh and those surveys are invaluable part of that process so so team I know all hail the god of the seep chat the SE turning on a no that's what I call my dick on that note good night everybody we love you very much and is it Tuesday yeah I don't know thday never go by
Channel: CritRole Clips
Views: 40,712
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: critical role, dungeons and dragons, bells hells, matt mercer, matthew mercer, marisha ray, laura bailey, travis willingham, sam riegel, liam obrien, ashley johnson, taliesin jaffe, critroleclips, critrole clips, daggerheart, dagger heart, daggerheart critical role, daggerheart one shot, sir dante terrapin, sweetpea betabean, oppy betabean, oppenheimer betabean, xarlo grandall, bunnie, pango small, kexon peros
Id: XFTlnQumpUg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 10sec (2170 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 16 2024
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