critical role clips i saved (spoilers)

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just wait and see it's going to be really fun okay but because the crew drank all our beer could we invite us to the party but can we do it with beer beer we could if we all wash our hands I'd be down oh God right putting stuff and stuff okay okay I mean that was how I felt all the girls yeah like it's alcohol it's killing it anyway yes I'm poisoning myself tonight I don't care about the dirt on the ball yeah yeah my my goal is blackout yeah this isn't going to be gonna be the ones my night yeah I ruined my night my room is my choice my roommate in college was full on like that was we're out right oh we're still we're still good no cut that out cut that off give me the time to say cut back fire why is critical role so popular oh I think it's our looks I think it's I think it's our eyebrows yeah we're just so handsome we're gonna miss you Ashley oh me too sorry I'm such an [ __ ] I'm so sorry amazing all right and you oh you're not oh you're not there I'm so sorry that's purely accidental it's like some sort of terrible demon what's your old campaign so this is how it's gonna be Brandon you son of a [ __ ] it's not called the XU [ __ ] party time okay come on come on we're only like five minutes you dying was pretty sad very sad making out pretty hard work we're we're so hard he's been asleep on my feet for the last long time wait I gotta get my kids that's a really cute picture that is so cutie she's out that's really cute he's fully done oh my God I love it I love that I love him so this is how much I love him so much he's gonna take like a tight 20 on your feetsies and it'll be great and they'll be ready to rally is he still on your feet Danny no he finally he He adjusted a little and uh and and so now he's a little snuggled up and a little a little cute ball oh boy oh I love him he's a good man he's a good man but yes it's very fun playing it first thing that's with my brain Travis and I have had so many conversations with Grog and just Jester like I want my girl what was her name but like it's so much fun to play a character that has no filter yeah it is a blast yeah just so much fun and so chaotic and just so fun to just be like this is just me I'm just a little strange and I'm gonna throw this in here and make a pests hmm what if I eat these would it be a tasty snack 20 years ago oh no you don't ever say all the time sorry Chief I can't take the smell anymore I'm going to jump out this window [Music] and this concludes another adventure of detective Clinton P McDon ginty private dick oh my God what the [ __ ] is the matter with you I didn't I also play Phoenix Wright from time that's his name right yeah yes I had a panic that it was some something else how tall is Travis Willingham Barefoot naked feet your head passes throughout the other side you see you see Jester going like hey hello give me your head I'm sure you pull her into the chamber you guys have been waiting in versus cookie come on you too the second comment nice nice we're gonna go here not my type oh please and finally dog oh wow yeah and then finding out later oh god there was nothing worse than like knowing in my heart that I was going to jack up this tree you're gonna do it yeah and then finding out through Paces like what the tree did and I was like oh no it can't be on a table you can't do this thing they're gonna be so mad at you and they got back and I was like I'm gonna do the thing I'm gonna do it yeah someone had to do the thing someone had to do the thing which is great it was great to do I love it enjoyed it I'd kill I'd kill it again oh God actually going God just knowing what's coming oh oh this is an interesting way to do this maybe don't lay down right there but Corgi Bridge it's just the one like he's like the weirdest choices I don't know why he does this okay that is utter Faith he's like I'm gonna slide off someone better catch my ass I like that you've got the camera and he's just facing away from me it's bad too oh yeah you want to just lazy oh you gotta spin a dog honestly the most pliable he's he's a boy okay oh God could you do me the favor of describing what your husband looked like in life oh God the whole episode is a trigger warning wait a second wait a second I thought that uh hiding was like it's a condition like if you know that shit's on and there's an attack going on I just remember the the shitty end of this as vax like if your enemy knows that [ __ ] is happening this isn't about being hidden it's about being shot by your friend when the door opens all right [Laughter] a few things of surprising in combat than having whatever that's surprising out of combat to be fair yeah who does Laura Bailey voice in Naruto oh that's a good question laughs we're out to the races I know we know I know my voice is Mom ma'am that's how she sounds Naruto Samurai Sam and I have both written and director for that show and I don't know the answer either you're trying to die are you trying to die do you want an air second character campaign too again I was scared and I mean we're gonna have a conversation gonna come back all right social 2021 Laura's calling laughs blessing of the trickster oh that makes more sense this is a one-of-a-kind marriage blessing of the trickster gives advantage on stealth not safe okay [Music] oh sorry Laura you guys weren't supposed to see that you guys weren't supposed to see that piece until after I died so I apologize if you guys didn't get what you wanted in my world oh boy sorry okay all right thank you Sam Happy Pride months happy Pride should we put money on who uses it first Travis so I remember when you were fun this is what responsibility has done to me oh and I just brush out my hair out of the way and look at Yasha oh it's okay pardon me I didn't really Fart it was the chair um I didn't fart I love you it was a chair was it and also this chairs are kind of wobbly yeah okay coming for you Freddie Mercury let's do a little kiss but we [Music] don't know not nice welcome back everyone so uh before we get into it we'll have Lauren Travis running in just a second they're dealing with uh mommy daddy stuff Valentine's Day just a quickie um serious uh Skyrim yarl vibes don't get this dialect too off these days some people couldn't do it Marisha was actually technically too young to run uh talison not a citizen of the United States also not sure where he is a citizen of this country doesn't exist anymore [Laughter] but Travis didn't pass the IQ test so what we're left with was the opponent in the wrong class oh yeah who's his favorite thing about the world that's not true y'all having a fight hey [ __ ] how does Matt mercer deal with these people come up come up with names um just chooses a body part and changes one letter Edith mangina [Laughter] nugget can nugget can also die it's up to you but wow let nugget fight no no no no no no just let you know but yeah good to know yeah God forbid stop it some things never change Sam is reminding me that I need to roll Constitution saves for for keeping nugget no I did that already for nothing too sprinkle you're you're a bad man I feel like sprinkles so much apparently I feel like sprinkles in my clothes so he's got like a filter I'll say for the purposes of fun I'm not going to immediately murder her weasel because of one Aaron spell yeah piece of [ __ ] but not how I would have rules making her hungry I'm telling you everyone is horny over me R Sam Regal this is T3 and Liam O'Brien dating for many many years [Laughter] the rest of the campaign just watching everyone kill each other from a distance as you guys go and like just mark off a beach somewhere North like an oil drilling station and we're just gonna like like trade Bitcoin I know we're not in session but fcg just died natural 20. you go to the cabinet and kind of like inspect it it's definitely a cabinet but at the corner of your eye I trust you wow count all the way up there from here they're really good that's good what is what what is she doing here what does she have to spy things what ah lord I can't figure out how to refocus it since she focused the camera to her dice sit in the middle sit in the middle yeah yeah make it it's an autofocus [Music] and it allowed me an opportunity to dig into some characters backstories that dealt with locations that were farther away from where a lot of this was happening I got to touch on some of chutney's backstory which I remember when he when he gave me his backstory at the beginning of the campaign I'm like I don't know how the hell I'm gonna tie any of this in like you're you're a Santa joke cool and it was everything I could have ever hoped for all right Beauregard I've got Yasha on my ass you do yeah just not the way I've been dreaming hell I say hell sorry Omar oh I'm sorry joining the ranks of the large dementor staring down jester because you're the one that can sue how did Matt Mercer proposed to Marisha Ray oh boy I love all your all your questions are about math yeah I'm just failing failing the Bechtel test she comes alone she comes alone but she comes more with another person through our words yourself
Channel: abby
Views: 121,072
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 18sec (978 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 09 2023
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