Critical Role - Campaign 2 Character Introductions

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lene if you would like to describe your character please I'm pretty filthy I have a mess of reddish brown hair and really filthy Road clothes I wear a long coat that I slept in I slept about 20 hours last night geez unshaven a bit of a mess so far you're just talking about that's it was a rough day yesterday and that's that's it and your name is Oh Caleb Caleb widow guest alright as your smaller friend curls awake Oh same would you like to describe your character yeah I am a little goblin girl I am a goblin so you know the green skin the green hair the yellow eyes and she she wears not great clothes just like her traveling companion there she kind of hides in the shadows a lot because she knows goblins aren't kind of welcome in this part and that's about it I mean she's a little skittish and right now she's she's probably stirring the wake as well right well what's your name oh not the brave so Caleb is you come to consciousness you glance over and can see slowly snoring and rousing at about the same time knots eyes blink open or kind of slowly groaning face looking over towards you oh you're uh you're finally awake I see oh yeah [ __ ] it's quite some time there rough day not our best day no no I mean usually you're so good at everything but yesterday you were just maybe you needed the sleep is what you needed thank you well um don't thank me yet I should probably tell you what happened while you were asleep uh I mean you were asleep for so long I I got bored frankly I was going through my pack and reorganizing has anybody seen you seen you seen you I mean many people just he goes you run might might I sit please and as he sits down in his chair I would ask each of you to please describe yourself to play starting with oh well okay well I'm just you know a little blue tiefling that's all I'm with blue hair and um you know I'm wearing like a pretty cute dress that's all good time you know we're just having a good time here at breakfast yeah yeah I'm you know simple girl simple needs just wearing like kinda nice baggy clothes some monk vestiges there and of like the nice blues and grays you notice have a blue sash around my belts got a nice shave kind of going on little undercut um looks like maybe I put on makeup like two days ago and I'm like yeah I'd still hold them I and thank you and Travis like describe yourself please yeah I'm on there too I'm a half-orc sitting there and kind of beat up leathers have a big scar across my face green skin tone and kind of got some like piecemeal armor put together stuff but uh my name's for Bridgette which is when all the sits down clutching his hat still his Hans's and I thank you for your time I for it and I apologize I forget your names Beauregard yes sir justice thank you um you you all came when no one else would yesterday and because of you might my daughter is still alive kind of for being like a pessimistic [ __ ] by the way when you first came into town oh that's okay I do see things like turning out good you do well with this side of the everybody the other staying a few feet behind tells me like this before I'm neither did I neither but here we are um a laughing I met Travis a lavender tea fling with with with red eyes and curled very pierced extremely ostentatious horns that are just pierced with little gems and little bobbles he's got a tattoo that seems to be running up the side of his face a kind of peacock tattoo that goes off into his very ostentatious ridiculous / overblown robes that he wears and his two swords and pouch dangling at the side of his hips he's yeah he's very very broad in literal and figurative oh yes I know mine as this tiefling drops from table to table a few feet behind you see I didn't say my nail hasn't looked okay so there is a woman behind him taller than your average yes she's very very very pale skin she has her hair is black that starts to turn white as it gets longer its matted its dreaded it's braided her clothes are a bit tattered but just sort of she's a bit of a mess and she has two different color eyes but one of them is sort of a light greenish blue and the other is a violet color and she's very sort of very standoffish kunchi arms folded you watch as these figures slowly move from table to table the tea fling engaging and some distant conversation and then leaving a slip of paper and then walking into the next table gauging the atmosphere not leaving a slip of paper and quickly moving on and then eventually your eyes meet what looks to be two tables with a very motley crew of individuals that are both kind of awkwardly avoiding their own tension and currently trying to figure you out can I tell if where are they in the dispense 'men of the coin can I tell they have a little coin on them did I catch any of that they've they've completed distributing so you don't see any coin unfortunately well I don't believe I've ever seen a group of people more in need of a good time in my entire life monarch TV of the fletchling a moon drop traveling carnival of curiosities if there was ever a group of people that needed a good time to go out have a laugh see things that you've never seen before and my god take my word for it one month's time people will be buying your ale to hear the tale of what you saw at the traveling carnival of curiosities this night we saw your tent going up yeah we're actually gonna go without the Flyers like now we also have a flyer it's just five copper steel it's a five silver it would be a steel five gold worth every minute but if you've got the five copper to spend we would happily happily have you all do you put a form ah I'm less of a performer and more of an intermediary for these parts I do on occasion perform I I can read fortune if you read fortunes can you do what now I knew you were gonna ask that I'm gonna sit down at the table okay there wasn't sits down at this table finishing his presentation one of the barmaids kind of comes up to you and looks up you upstanding almost a solid seven inches taller than her as I don't lose I'm miss can I get you a drink yes could I have a drink please just a male stay clear of Baumbach their bigs just a big household orphan yeah she wanders off well who has coin for a fortune do you know my name what is your name gestured I know your name now oh my name is Marley to my friends and we're friends now aren't we Molly Mark Molly for short uh Josh uh she's the charm [Music] that was not not magic okay Kate knows everything about magic he's been even teaching me some he's real good you should see him he cannot Caleb are you going to go to the Academy could if he wanted to he's really good at magic he can make a cat appear and disappear whatever he wants really mm-hmm he watches just beneath the table this kind of orange kind of patchy tabby kind of leaps up well it is a he this is my cat from Caen you can call him pumpkin [Music] made in England [Music] [Laughter]
Channel: Eponymous Rose
Views: 175,868
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: critical role
Id: Tz5IiwlN2S8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 32sec (692 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 14 2018
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