Airline: Most Viewed Moments of 2021 | A&E

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at lax yolanda has been called to gate 5 following reports of a passenger's rather strange display are you sure he doesn't have any pants at all on or is it i was told that his genitals were exposed so i'm here and i'm gonna try to figure out who he is and call him up and that'll give me an opportunity to see him stand and hopefully deal sir can you come with me i just need to ask you a question for those of you who are still waiting for it just right over here yeah would you mind stepping over with me just for a second i'm a supervisor for southwest airlines basically the faster you just felt uncomfortable okay they had noticed something just a little different within a passenger look like that he wasn't wearing any undergarments on and he was in decent exposure exposing a little bit of his private parts and they said he kind of had his legs open just not really caring at all and there's a lot of kids running around there and they don't need to see that i mean it's just too much so they just didn't really feel comfortable with that person being on the flight there was a couple of passengers that had some concerns about your genitals being exposed and that so you're wearing shorts or something under that please tell me that's not true i mean if they okay so i had three different passengers so i had to come and investigate it because i have to determine whether or not with the complaints if i can go ahead and allow you on board so if you have something underneath you do okay thank you all right yolanda still doesn't have the answers she needs i'm not certain as to whether or not he has something on under the velour kilt skirt type situation but obviously i can't ask him to lift it up so he said he did the other two passengers said he absolutely doesn't have anything step by passenger so i'm kind of between that it's going to be a situation where i have to kind of watch and unfortunately try to see what i can see for lack of a better phrase i mean girl i don't know when i went over there he stood up i couldn't tell he told me he had something on under it but i couldn't tell because he didn't move in a way where i could tell if he was exposed or hanging loose or whatever you want to call it so she calls a manager to see what sort of procedure fits this unique situation okay so just tell him that he needs to put something else on if he wants to travel oh where did he go okay okay but our kilted friend has vanished and yolanda knows she needs to find him yeah i don't see him i think i lost him sir excuse me excuse me i'm sorry to bug you again but i just had to speak to another manager about the situation if you're going to travel on southwest we're going to have to have you put something else on do you have something to change into sir do you want to just take a minute and change why am i being harassed well it's not an issue of harassment sir there there are a couple of sorry there are a couple of the passengers that that felt like you were indecently exposed in what you're wearing that they're saying that there's nothing under your kilt or and that we're going to have to ask you to put something something on i don't think that's i don't think that's appropriate you know yeah i mean what do i have to do do i have to well no no no you don't you don't have to no you don't need to show me your underwear sir okay you don't need to but if if if the kilt is short enough to expose yourself when you sit down and that's something that you have to you have to tell everybody who's wearing a skull or kill this scene right okay the only way though you're going to be able to travel and i've already spoke to another manager about it is to to put something else on and i'm sorry but what if i had not had a pair of bluetooth then i would actually go out of my way to try to find you something to put on and even if i wasn't wearing anything underneath what difference would it make did somebody go around and ask you if you're wearing underwear well no no no dress or anything right dude but if if they said if i'm in a public place and i sit down and they can see my private parts then yeah they have a right if they're going to fly me on their airplane to tell me that's not okay you got to put some short do you have shorts that you you can wear you have shorts that you're not right that i i'm being harassed i'm sorry i'm sorry i hate because you know what i can i'm going to sue i'm sorry and i need to know your name yeah when you come out i'll give you everything okay okay threatening legal action is fine but first things first better find something to wear on the plane ryan happy brian leverett smith dons a pair of jeans for his flight but he's not done yet i mean i understand did you know do you know the definition of indecent exposure it's a deliberate whirlpool in a lascivious manner to expose yourself in public it's not by a woman walking down the street who has no underwear on or anything and those wind blows or skirt up or whatever she's wearing or dress it's not considered indecent exposure so you're way off base well what i'm saying to you is they felt like they were exposed i didn't say that so you know you know if they can see your private parts when you sit down that's a problem i'm not saying you broke a law sir i'm just saying that in order to travel this is what we needed to have happen southwest airlines for the last five years like this i've never had a problem suitably dressed he heads home to albuquerque colleen has been called to gate b-15 seems one of the passengers hasn't been on his best behavior who's okay i'm going to tell you one time that that is not appropriate and it's not acceptable then be professional be professional sir i will be as professional with you as you are with me to stand there and scream and swear that these people is not excited i've been here okay don't tell me the guy behind me isn't more important than me please don't tell me that i'm not telling you anything sir what i'm telling you is that your your demeanor right now with these employees is not acceptable oh say anything today i'm gonna get pissed okay step back sir and i'll find out what's going on and then we will talk professionally okay but you will not you will not keep screaming and swearing oh screaming that's cool i didn't say a word to them sit back for a minute sir until you're calm enough to talk to me okay this is colleen okay sir do you want to try to speak to me now okay i couldn't be more professional i want to know okay when i was here at four o'clock why i'm not on an airplane you tell me okay my understanding is you think that you should take priority over the other people yes i do sir everybody was delayed today because of the weather you are not weather okay do you see this storm okay if you keep shouting at me sir our conversation's going to be over i'm not married not raising my voice to you sir you're screaming and swearing at these employees you you screamed and sworn at me since i walked up here sir it's not professional it's not appropriate and if it can if it continues you will not travel with us at all okay folks flight 1273 to st louis is now full once again if you were trying to go on flight 1273 service to st louis that flight is now full okay mr goatwyler this flight is full you're gonna have to go to b18 if you'd like to try to get on that list right you're gonna try to get on that phone yes sir if your demeanor is the same at that gate i will deny you boarding there is no reason for you to treat the employees that way you cannot behave at the next gate the way that you have just been the right to do this to me sir i'm sorry in a flight sir i'm sorry you're frustrated and i'm sorry that the weather has inconvenienced so many people okay do you see it raining do you see it raining sir we're under a weather advisory and we have been all day i tried to call a ramsay did i am boarding okay he's done okay i'll be right there colleen arrives to find that bill gutwyler has actually been given a seat on a flight to st louis even after my conversation with him he's come down to the next gate and actually done the same thing to the to the ladies at the gate here so i really think that it's best that he not travel tonight williams you see him [Music] colleen is adamant bill should not be allowed to fly i need you to step off the aircraft sure up there i need to step off the aircraft sir because i need you to step off the aircraft you have a reason yes i do excuse me sir your ticket has been refunded your behavior continued at the next gate and there was no reason for it i understand that sir so you understand nothing sir i've refunded your ticket i've refunded your ticket sir i'm sorry you will not travel with us tonight you cannot treat the employees sir your ticket has been great sir how did it bother anybody you're being a jerk about this i'm denying you boarding sir your behavior at those two gates was not acceptable i cannot allow you to travel i'm sorry you will not travel tonight i'm sorry bill's now going to have to drive home i'm very unhappy i mean i was here at four o'clock to get my flight to go home and now i'm being rejected because you know what i stood up for my rights i stood up for my rights that's all i did we have two kids traveling by themselves they will not let us walk our kids out together you know what southwest don't want southwest it's not about southwest yes it is security rules at midway are making debbie prisbillo angry she's got two kids and only she or her husband not both can accompany them to the gate they're going to see their father for the christmas holidays and both me and their stepdad wants to walk them down because we're not going to have them for the holidays so both of us want to say goodbye to them and they won't let us we have to limit the people that go through security and that's what i'm trying to get to it's it's it's a security reasoning i cannot handle watching two kids on myself i can give you a pass for one person to go down anybody could grab them kidnap them so what's your answer to that you rather get the kids kidnapped during the holidays ma'am me and what debbie's standing her ground time to bring in reinforcements right now we're blocking up this so i'm going to get you checked in i'm already checked in but i want to know about my kids though why can't we walk them down in chicago jenny boner has been called to deal with disgruntled mom debbie prisvillo we just don't give out passenger information on your children to anybody so if anything to anybody i'm their mother so that's not anybody we had to buy two tickets i don't want to walk her down he wants to walk him down what is the difference right now we have um the holiday traffic everything's congested and we do have to follow security where we're only allowed to let one parent go you know what i think your security reason is wrong and i think you're just making this up because any other airline would do it you should have both adults bring their children you know to the gates to board it's ridiculous it's the holidays i want to say goodbye both of us want to say goodbye to our kids i mean it's that first christmas without them we both want to say goodbye to them is that so difficult to ask debbie is a force to be reckoned with and she's not taking no for an answer debbie's determined to stay with her daughter until her plane leaves her husband and son are already through security but she's confident she can blag another security path from baggage services you didn't get a pass at the um no they did not give me a pass for her to walk her down is she traveling with someone else 12 year old brother who's already down there who'd he go down there with his stepfather little does debbie know but shadia is double checking with the folks at the ticket counter hello hey who is this hey phil this is sadio everything gets done upstairs the only reason they do come down here is when they have more than one person walking them through and they denied her the pass hopefully they could get this result or one of them will walk her down and stay with her until the plane leaves but jenny's caught on to debbie's game i was shocked when deborah made her way through bags i was shocked that she left her husband and separated the children she had our back against the wall there is nothing more i can do you know than make a bigger scene out of that situation the debbie does seem determined to make the most of the situation making up rules as she goes along down there there's no legal guardian down there of her that's a stepdad that is not a legal guardian but the state of illinois or any place any federal government a stepfather or stepped parent is not a legal guardian of anybody so you know what you messed up so you will stay with her until she leaves otherwise i will sue you for leaving a child by herself without a legal guardian debbie has put ginny between a rock and a hard place there was no option except to issue a second security pass i saw her heart was breaking because her kids are going away for the holidays so this is my first christmas without my kids you feel better now is that acupuncture the hardest part of being a supervisor is handling complaints about your staff and today susie has been called to investigate a problem that a passenger has had with one of her agents right here i want to speak to you are you right here hi i'm susie how can i help you i'm john zomer how are you good how are you yeah i just paid for a full fair ticket come here he said he doesn't have enough time to put me on the flight so it was a poor judgment call i expect to write a very intense letter okay what's your name again john zellmer john okay john i'll be right back procedure is to close the doors of a plane two minutes before departure time ivan didn't follow the rules and has now left the gate area [Music] hey i've been to susie what happened what time do we close our flights here no we don't who told you that we closed our flights two minutes before departure who told you we closed three minutes before departure ivan you can't make up your own rules you do owe it to your passengers to allow them to get on the flight until two minutes before departure and you didn't do this for him ivan calm down okay i've been i'm not ivan we're not i don't care you do that that's the service we give to these passengers ivan i'll come down there and talk to you but i have to talk with john a face-to-face confrontation awaits [Music] in la suzy prepares for a confrontation ivan has just refused to board a passenger even though he turned up on time i'm saying a lot just because you know i'm stuck between a rock and a hard place many many times okay who told you that we closed our flights three minutes before departure hold on we're not going to do this in front of the passengers we're going to do this we'll just make five 10 seconds by the time i do all that it's going to be 58 and i'm going to put them on there on the plane i've been listening to what you've been saying how long have you been here how how long have you thought that we closed flight three minutes before departure you know what i don't care until 58 i'm going to be the leading board don't make it don't make it this way no because you're making this even more than it is even if i do it at zero zero it will still don't take it please please you need to understand that we're in this business for the customer if we don't have them we don't have anything don't let it it's not it's not worth it that's the way you want it to be out even it's not the way i want it to be it's the way it's done go take your break sometimes it doesn't come out of my page it doesn't come out of your paycheck jesus christ back in la suzy has to make amends with the passenger who was denied boarding hey john i got a chance to talk to ivan i mean i'm glad he was honest enough to tell me the truth but because he was inconsistent with our policy you should have been able to get on that flight sure so i wanted to give you um a 50 travel voucher just because we were inconsistent with our policy the guy probably had a bad day life is like the people everybody has a day yeah ready to take on the next situation i'm ready to take on it whatever i can do to make my agents more comfortable uh susie you got good hands you can feel my nuts what you can feel the nuts tonight oh yeah your tent it's pronounced the same it's the english thing over at the ticket desk a mother and her two sons have arrived late and missed their flight to san diego sharon mcinerney and her sons could be in for a long wait for the next flight if there's nothing at 9 15. i'm going to stand by the whole damn day check another airline for me america west any place anything just check another airline for me i want to get out of your pocket okay let's 10 minutes and we missed our flight and they got nothing available all day you know i'm going to miss a whole day at work for this got here late didn't expect the line to be like this there was a problem with the credit card i guess or something i mean they advise you to be here two hours before departure you showed up 20 minutes before departure because the line the line takes about 40 minutes 40 to 50 minutes well we've never been here before so i didn't know this okay everything's sold out it's monday it's a busy day everything's over that's ridiculous it's absolutely insane it's not like this in san diego sharon and her sons have no choice but to go on standby justin get over here and take this and then she tries to blame it on me for not being here in time i don't think so sharon mcinerney and her sons are now on standby for a flight to san diego will there be three seats left [Music] the flight out the last flight is booked [Music] they want 3 000 some odd dollars to get us the hell out of here and nobody else has got anything we're stuck i mean a southwest rules it looks like sharon's finally run out of options there's no way out of here uh yeah i'm trying to get out of chicago to go to san diego do you have anything available sharon mcinerney has tried every which way to escape chicago without success great we can't get out of here i want to go i want to go home to san diego i want to sue southwest man hey we can't get out of here i don't believe that she ends up asking anita if she can get her on a flight today let me see just to make sure i don't have a better way for you to get to san diego just double check it okay i mean if the girl hadn't screwed around with my credit card so long we could have made her then she tells these guys oh well she came up here 20 minutes before boarding that's not true okay so let's prepare you that you're going to go through kansas city so again a double connection so it changes the planes again in albuquerque to get you to san diego the only way when you do it [Music] it's a roundabout way back to san diego but it's their only option [Music] let me see if i can find sharon back in chicago anita is absolutely determined to make sure sharon gets on a flight today standby passengers sharon mcinerry to the podium police standby passenger sharon mcnary to the podium come on sharon thank you mate honey oh come on guys trust me did you share you didn't trust me oh god at chicago midway angel's been called to handle a dispute between two passengers the ladies jumped in front of me i told her to get out from front of me come on where i don't appreciate this at all seems the woman in question has a b boarding card but as the bees had already boarded she stepped in line ahead of the other passengers in the sea line excuse me i'm not invisible i paid the same ticket she paid jake will just jump in front of me and act like i don't exist let me get this off my chest i'm not invisible she jumped in front of me i asked her that was very rude i don't appreciate it so then she turned around started cussing me out okay i didn't do nothing so then she turned around cussed me out tomorrow i said i think you need to go somewhere else so then she stepped out of the line now all this is because of that what did i do you don't have to yell excuse me i'm upset okay well that lady over there is fine as well we have witnesses i don't understand this you didn't call her over here interrogate her okay she was very upset about what about getting in front of me and cussing me out sir all right i'm sorry i'm insulted and i need the apology somewhere around here i'm a paying customer aina where are you trying to go las vegas home okay let me see the next flight why do i have to have a next flight i can't let you board on this fight why because right now a lot of people are intimidated and frightened of him because people are intimidated and frightened okay i'm not gonna go with two names or anything you know what my brother is a police officer do i need to call him this is ridiculous let me say one thing if he does not fly that woman better not be on the plane either way it's as simple as that lady cussed me out jumped in front of me i asked her not to do it she got out of the way now i can't fly home he's upset because he's a little louder than this one cause this woman went off oh hell no this gentleman is upset because he said a lady in line jumped in front of him she wasn't in line and she jumped in front of me now i'm being escorted out and i can't get my flight home okay andy because of what you say somebody said i'm intimidating yeah i'm mad somebody cussed me out in public because you were louder than she was but i guess they didn't say anything about when she threatened his life and called him remind you what happened first first things first sir you need to come down because we do not transport customers that you know appear to be a threat to the flight or anything like that you need to calm down let me find out from amanda this woman gets on the plane y'all gonna have some trouble with me sir you can't find the plane acting like this so you need to come back well if i'm not getting on the plane then the person that started this mess cannot get on the plane i don't have any consequences i ain't doing nothing wrong okay well let me find out what's happening so far so because i'd ask the guy in front of him are you an ap or scene he said b and i said okay so he's a c then he's a b then i go right here that's what happened okay did you exchange words with him at that point i said i'm sorry that's what i said if he just started talking on my back we're gonna see how he is if he calm down and we're gonna look up the next flight to see if it's available it appears as though um whatever happened over there was it wasn't any more anyone's fault that i guess she asked you what group you were going into and you said see her and she tried to i guess cut in front of you she didn't try she walked in okay and he just said get away from me i'm not gonna be disrespected okay i'm a hard-working man i don't break no laws i ain't got no business being treated like this okay okay but we start we have to make a decision based on what we feel comfortable your situations at this point we have not been able to reason with you to talk to you without you yelling and screaming and you want to help me then you get her over here okay for what okay the only reason she can't catch the flight footage for me your reaction to and from what andy and the obstacle witness your reaction after all this is what we have to deny you boarding for not what happened in the little altercation between two customers excuse me if you were being detained because you did nothing wrong would you be happy about it well i have a choice right now sir to either deny you boarding for the day or to put you on the next flight depending on how we're going to hang out and i guess you need to make your decision okay and i need your cooperation to make the decision what do you want me to do i just need you to tie me up put me in handcuffs no i just need to shut me up no i just need you i'm a bolsterous person i've always been that my whole life well if you're going to continue to be that way so i can't transport you to las vegas today that's that's what i need you to do then i know i just have to get my lawyer then my down because this is not acceptable okay not at all just like throwing threats at me like i did something wrong put my shoes on i cannot put you on my put my shoes on somebody's telling you they're gonna take you not let you go home because they're telling you you can't get on your flight right if you continue to act the way that you're acting yes i cannot transport you on there i cannot put you on an airplane with flight attendants serving you and for the other customers i cannot put you on there knowing that you do nothing wrong to me just the people that do me you're having a difficult time even trying to talk to the sisters you won't even get the woman off the plane the captain has made the decision and she gets to get on the plane and so somebody else wait a minute if he cries will he get big you have to go on a plane too if he cries i bet he can cry through whatever the ops agent andy witnessed or he they they told us he's prejudiced yes it is i'm being treated earlier all right now you've got me man okay well we have to we're gonna have to deny this point okay sorry yes this is this is who is your manager excuse me he was just he couldn't get past the fact that he was being denied boarding on this flight and the other customer was not based on what the ops agent observed firsthand the ops agent felt what he witnessed that that customer the gentleman didn't did need to be denied boarding and the lady did not all i did was tell the lady it was a rude move that's all i did and i wasn't even allowed now they're telling me they might not might not even be able to fly out of here today there was just no reasoning reasoning with him and that we just need to deny him boarding for the night which is a very difficult decision we never want to you know disrupt somebody's flight like that but i just felt it was in the best interest of the customers you know that would be traveling tonight [Music] outside at lax there's a passenger who's been denied boarding she's caught the eye of bronwyn who recalls meeting her about two days ago we got a telephone call for supervisor that somebody was smoking in the gate area so we went up there and christine was up there she was very obviously very intoxicated using profanities things like that christine de hart has been dropped off by her boyfriend and is on her way to oklahoma i'm ready today to go he already bought the ticket last week we called the for the local police because she was just so out of it and before they even showed up she um actually passed out they called the paramedics when the paramedics came they couldn't even bring her too so we we booked it for the 8th which is what next thursday but i want to go today it's already paid for and they're not letting me go on yeah it's a little bit disturbing we were kind of wondering what happened to her so when i saw her outside i was kind of like well i'm glad she's okay although her ticket isn't for a few days christine has come back to try her luck on standby but so far without success they were very worried about you the paramedics they couldn't even wake you up or anything right now i'm okay yes you're trying to get to tulsa right i am okay well i can go try to look that up can i go with you yeah well let me i'm gonna go in the back office actually bronwyn checks availability on the next flight i hope i get on that plane because i hit la hi um my name's bro and i work for southwest and we're trying to take care of christine here and she said you had a new number that has the money in it it's sold out and bronwyn checks to see if she can transfer her ticket without an additional payment i'm going to go ahead and just overbook the fight for you get you on the flight going from here to vegas and then you'll go ahead and change planes in vegas and get to tulsa tonight at about 11 25. i feel happy thank you and then i wouldn't get out of here she actually got me in the flight it's good the other person didn't do that for me it's good i just want to get out of here know you've been crying a little bit so just maybe go in the restroom and you have what you get mascara's got a little money no just you know yeah once a woman just go touch yourself up and you'll be good and then uh gate number 13 for boarding head up there right now because they should be leaving in about 30 minutes okay so where did i go first so um i went ahead and you know it's a courtesy just overbooked the flight got her a seat on it and um just get her on her way to to tulsa i think something bad must have happened to her here she keeps saying that she doesn't like los angeles so maybe she's had a bad experience just to you know send her home at lax christine waits to board her flight to tulsa and get out of los angeles for good i hate l.a i don't like the people how long have you been here my whole life surprisingly enough but like i have experienced tulsa for maybe a couple times and it's just really mellow and i just i want to go probably my makeup stuff down my face but i don't care i just want to go thank you at chicago midway a flight to orlando has been oversold spelling potential disaster for greg and marie's family vacation we have a party of six that needs to get on so we're just working on that we're just getting orlando so hard to over a lot of people don't volunteer we all had reservations for five or six months and they over booked it oversold it and now we're not getting out and no one's getting off their trip to florida is a big family get-together this is our first family vacation with seven like i have four and he has three and so there will be seven kids all together the first whole family vacation that we were gonna take so you know we wanted to be smooth he booked it so far ahead of time every you know everything was copacetic and then this happened their only hope of getting to orlando is if angelica can persuade four passengers to give up their seats last last attempt i have a family of six that needs to be accommodated i just need four volunteers for really really nice volunteers kurt i'm sure you heard all my spiel the cost of your fare plus an additional 200 in the form of a travel voucher no one's going to do it folks we did not get anybody else anybody else i still have two empty seats on this one though i've had these reservations for like five six months i understand that sarah but unfortunately there's no that's your fault it's not my fault i understand that you're upset something like that i suggest you bump things up until you get something yeah no we we don't do that man which is a certain price that we go to and that's that's pretty much the first time i mean i went on on this flight we've got people waiting for us i've got a condo that's rented i mean right sir but like i said i'm not gonna be able to accommodate you on this fight i do have a flight that you can go to you're gonna have to go through baltimore i'm holding the plane if you're not gonna go then i'm gonna have to release the aircraft why don't you guys go on i've been on flight before if you if you offer people enough people that's what i just came from well how much did you offer we could only offer them 200 i suggest you offer more we cannot do that sorry we cannot do that we can only go as far as 200 i'm not volunteering for anything but now they're telling us we have to go through baltimore and get in 11 o'clock tonight i mean shouldn't they you know yeah wait they shouldn't be over that much then i mean what are we supposed to do we paid a lot of money for these flights he fly southwest all the time well i just need to know at this point if you're going to go to the baltimore flight or not it's unfair i know it is unfair unfair it's like you'll leave start giving us some free round-trip tickets or something but are you going to go on this baltimore flight or not today i just need to know because i'm holding them for anything i wanna talk to your manager get me on those flights i don't care what you gotta do i don't care what you gotta do v has stepped in to handle the orlando situation you've got two little kids meeting us on the other side with my parents one is sick i suggest you do something that really makes me happy i've had these tickets reserved for six months i know i know i know this isn't even funny anymore i mean i've been on other airlines where they walk on and they offer enough until people get off would it sound unfortunately sir unfortunately these customers would not move well you didn't offer enough so everybody's got a price unfortunately they would not move that's not that's not the compensation that we offer we need to offer more because i tell you legally you oversold the flight what do you mean we can't legally do it we do oversell flights are all airlines over he's retired and he loves to litigate marie decides it's time to call the family lawyer daddy okay my little lawyer i have a question for you we're all sitting here they overbooked the flight and they wouldn't get us on and aren't they technically they're supposed to offer people money to get off the flight to get us on we booked these flights five six plus ahead of time sir what we're going to do is we're going to put you on a flight it's going to leave here at 6 15. it's going to make a 20 minute stop at nashville you do not get off the aircraft you're going to be arriving in orlando at 10 40. this is 6 15. i'm already pulling your boarding cards we haven't even have any other option do we no no what we did is we ended up over booking flights to accommodate you but we weren't i know you could do the same thing to somebody else you did to me well we're hoping we don't but we might that's horrible oh man i've traveled hundreds of hundreds of times and i'm saying i've never been on a flight where they haven't got somebody to go off a flight volunteer ever when they go over books this is the first i guess it is you live long enough you see everything four hours later the florida bound family are finally on their way see ya i think sometimes they think that the louder they screen the the harder it is we're going to work but we're working i mean the minute that we're over selling we're we're looking for something we're we're constantly constantly looking we're even lucky to have that option so we did the best that we could at baltimore washington international carol is helping a grandmother who has been taken off a flight to raleigh what happened was the ops agent had already boarded her the first officer took the wheelchair down and observed that maybe she appeared under the influence of something when he got in her seat she fell over so i went down i said you know how are you feeling dan she was like okay but her speech was slurred i could smell alcohol i said why are you on any kind of medication she named a couple medications and i said well haven't had any alcohol and she said yeah i've had alcohol too so i said well we're actually probably gonna have you come off the plane and take a later flight it looks like maybe you're under the influence of alcohol we can't have you travel like that at that point she smacked me oh you're gonna be an idiot you know ma'am please please don't hit me again okay well at this point you're not gonna be able to fly on this aircraft why because it appears as if you're intoxicated do anything i have three kids i have four kids okay well right so what we're gonna do is get you on right but what we're gonna do is get you on this next flight in order to travel on that one um we're gonna have to you know make sure that you don't have anything else as far as alcohol yeah they are stupid you know what i came in here going to my vacation very calmly i love southwest and all of a sudden because i've had a few drinks and i can't well i've got a show id i gotta do this i gotta do that you know what guys go out and get the bad guys not me you know what you're right she definitely appears to be intoxicated she now is very upset because i guess it's sinking in that she's not getting on this flight believe me i've had a few drinks i can't say that mary do you have your id that i could see for a moment please okay and that's fine we do want you to be able to get on this next flight which leaves at 705 so that's why we'd like to get you some water or some coffee or something oh mary has a couple of drinks brenda right here would like to take you to get something if you'd let her hey brenda i asked brenda just to intervene just because it didn't seem like we were clicking at all sometimes it's best to bring somebody else in and uh brenda seemed like she had that motherly way about her she'd be able to click with herself we're hoping we can get her some coffee and get her on the 705 plan things have become worse for grandma mary mary apparently took a fall over here attempting to get out of her wheelchair we just kind of sat over here with her coffee i was keeping an eye on her um and uh when she went to get up apparently she fell i don't know if her foot got caught but she hit her nose her nose started bleeding it looks like maybe she twists her ankle so we have paramedics coming despite her fall mary's determined to be back on her feet carol has tracked mary down to the ladies restroom i'm going to compose myself and then i'm going to get married and we're going to go back down to the gate i just needed a moment i have uh mary if you're looking for her brenda i have her with me thank you we thought mary was missing in action well let's watch the cane i don't want you to hit anybody with it here we're going to get you down to your chair mary still needs to sober up to board the next flight to raleigh um it's delayed about an hour which is probably good news because technically she would be leaving in 50 minutes and probably that hour is going to be good for her she's definitely doing better than she was in another hour i think she'll be good an hour later mary is cleared for travel and heads to raleigh back at bwi gina gives some bad news to some buffalo passengers all right all passengers your estimated time of departure is 9 16 an estimated time arrival into buffalo is 10 20. we do apologize about the inconvenience but it is due to weather and we cannot control the weather unfortunately thank you mr singh is on his way to a friend's wedding and isn't taking the news well and i missed my dinner somebody's home this is a big party i miss my party unfortunately sir like i was telling you before when it's due to weather it's out of our control i'm the highest that you get sir and i'm not going to compensate you when it's a weather delay there is a manager but he is tied up at the moment sir bring him in right now i may have seen him here that if you don't bring him he's tied up at the moment sir bring him okay they're gonna tell you the same thing i'm telling you that's why i don't care you just go go over there that's what i'm talking about you want me to be calm you want me to compensate you because the flight's delayed due to weather and i'm not gonna do that we don't fly in unsafe conditions manage it do your best at the moment sir okay i'll do it for you okay that's fine i'll call him and tell him that you're gonna wait for him hey craig craig i know you're busy but can you call me at charlie 13 when you get a chance he's upset because it's delayed due to weather and he wants to be compensated he didn't want to listen to me because he said i'm not compensate him so he said he was done with me that he wanted a manager now what you're saying is is that you're going up there for a wedding is the when is the wedding it's six o'clock this is six seven eight at night nine o'clock tonight right eight nine you know but right now i'm like at 10 o'clock nobody's over there okay so so what you're trying to decide is if you really want to go up to buffalo or not is that what your the question is that's not good i just want some kind of conversation i might go over there and conversate with the family you know that they are friends and i want some compensation some kind of problem well so because this was related to the weather delay we don't we don't provide any type of compensation here in the airport you want to do anything i don't cancel the ticket my ticket too well if you'd like to cancel we can give you your money back if you'd like to you know do that and i understand since you're missing the wedding you're going to help me like anything i i there's not anything we can provide you because this type of a delay no sir i don't want i don't want there's no responsibility to talk and you're not responsible either you said your manager but you're not responsible manager you're talking like you're talking like it just like a past boy i don't want events i'm a manager too i don't i don't deal with like that he's not a manager he tells me he's a manager but he's not a manager he's just talking just like and the other people i don't see anybody responsible i don't think he's a responsible man to talk to somebody you're not helping would you go ahead let's go i don't want you to talk to you go ahead go i'm sorry you feel that way and go ahead if we can help you [Music] i just want you to get out from here not get out i'm sorry just walk away that's it i will talk to you all right i'll give you the number of prizes in the company mr singh is obviously very upset he's got an important meeting to go to he's got a wedding going on in buffalo and he's looking for some kind of a gratification for for this and unfortunately at this point we can't offer him that at bwi carol is dealing with an overbooked flight to norfolk we have to get you a seat right now okay so just stand by we have one for you we actually have somebody come off the plane three passengers are returning from job interviews with southwest they are traveling on free tickets courtesy of the airline but have just been pulled off the flight to make way for paying passengers we got our tickets and everything we've been waiting here since like six something they just told us to get off the plane why we're non-revenue passengers so what's going to happen we don't have any other flights no tonight we're gonna have to rebook you for tomorrow not really so where are we gonna stay yeah um that is totally up to you because you're non-revenue pastor you didn't pay for the ticket on the flight uh we can we have uh hotels in the area i'll give you suggestions [Music] but the terms of traveling for free are lost on them well southwest you all got some issues you all need to um figure out can i just ask you to refrain were you here for an interview with southwest yes yes well right now you're actually representing southwest and i would ask you to just please refrain because i don't want you to jeopardize any kind of situation right now one more comment and you're probably going to jeopardize any kind of feature you have here with southwest so please hi you guys are going to norfolk you guys got pulled off the flight all right did she explain to you carl already explained to you guys what happened i need to know why they did that we did not make plans to be staying overnight anywhere we made plans to be home tonight we don't have ends for accommodations they want to make for us i want to get home tonight no ands ifs or buts about it i want to get home tonight i understand you're upset but i do need to ask you so you can calm down just a little bit how am i going to i understand that you're upset but you were traveling on a space available ticket you're traveling and not as a non-revenue okay well when i got these tickets when i made this reservation southwest never told me i was going to be on standby well i'm sorry about that but unfortunately i need to know how i'm going to get home tonight that's what i need to know there's no other flights to norfolk tonight so what are y'all going to do for me then since i can't get home well we can send you out trying for another flight tomorrow morning and you'll be standby just like you were on this place and so where am i gonna go we can give you a hotel room that you'll have to pay for that kind of technology okay i just want to say something to y'all separately she's real close to actually not having a ticket to fly at all and i would suggest if you all want to fly that that you kind of stand a little bit further away because to be honest with you i'm about to take her ticket and she'll find her own way home because she's actually representing southwest and i'm having a real problem with that they let all of us get our tickets they let us on a plane and then once we get on a plane buckled up and everything ready to go they call us off the plane now we don't have no way to get back home we have to wait till tomorrow i think we're all right okay because this other girl just nicholas has a final word if you guys are going to be future employees that's how it is especially sometimes when you're when you're traveling you'll be flight times you're going to have delays you can get stuck in cities that's how the that's what the airline business is like this is what it's all about you know if i can get home we will get home in the morning the seats look open at this time okay did you have any more questions that's not all right i'll be right back with this video for folks that are thinking about coming with southwest if you want to know the don'ts that would be the don't that you would never we wouldn't want to see that ever like not even your very worst day wouldn't even want to see that my flight leaves tomorrow at 8 10 in the morning i don't have no choice but to stay here and i think that's that's that looks really bad we don't train people to be friendly we hire friendly people and they're not it i guess i don't want to miss this fight where are you going to phoenix hey what time's your father you've already missed it sweetie at lax elise wolfe has missed her flight [Music] who are you i'm southwest yeah you're southwest well why can't i get on this flight cause the flight's it's flight no it's not 10 until it's five o'clock yeah well let's go ahead and get you gone yes it leaves at five o'clock do you know that it's gone yes let's go over here to check in the computer [Music] can are you getting all that on how much i hate this airline my reservation was out of burbank i wasn't able to make that flight so they said just come over here as long as you get here 10 minutes before i got here 20 minutes before listen to me i'm trying to i'm trying to understand what's going on you were in burbank or you missed your baby i wasn't going to make that flight so i called southwest and i said can i go is there another flight they said get to lax if you get there 10 minutes before five you can take that flight at five o'clock i go upstairs and i can't check my i can't bring my bag in because i have gifts in there that they're saying i can't they're not allowed to take they're telling me i had to come all the way back to you and now you're telling me that i missed missing the flight yes we missed that flight unfortunately that plane is gone yeah it's gone you know that performance i'm looking it's gone that's beautiful so what we can do is put you on the six o'clock flight yeah and you guys suck well if you get to the airport a couple hours early you might not encounter this but when you get to the airport less than 20 minutes it's really that part is irrelevant because if he said that i could get there and take the flight at 10 minutes i got here 20 minutes yeah but you had something that was not allowed to go through security and obviously that's going to be something the airport has nothing to do with if you're trying to get through whatever with gifts that that contributed to this exacerbated already difficult situation whatever don't let this one experience ruin your day ma'am it's not working no this southwest ruins my day hi i'm not going to make this flight because it's southwest elise wolfe's outbursts are over and she's rebooked on the next flight did you return tomorrow at 9 30 in the morning back i get you here at 9 50. all right all right all right i'm gonna attach this to here all right i didn't charge you the difference it was gonna be 20 difference but i weighed that and she just can't hide her gratitude there was nothing i could say that was going to make her feel good about southwest about this situation she just she's like a volcano she spews at baltimore washington international carol has been called to deal with a report of an intoxicated passenger okay okay well we had a little bit of concern because i guess earlier there was some concern we you know there was a concern that uh you may have been drinking alcohol and so some concerns were brought up earlier about that and we're a little bit concerned now just because you're demeanor you're kind of swaying back and forth are you on any kind of medication or anything i don't have my glasses on okay okay well i guess i just needed to bring to your attention that we were just a little bit concerned and just make sure that there won't be any other situations yeah all right okay i guess initially the police have been involved just because of a possible altercation between him and i guess his female companion that's with him he does seem to be under the influence of something so just because his behavior his demeanor when he shook my hand he didn't let go of it he just kind of stood there and he was kind of holding my hand so i'm just going to kind of keep an eye on them carol speaks with the pilot and decides to have another conversation with lewis reed can i just talk to your folks for a second over here lewis is traveling to raleigh north carolina with his wife and grandson for a family reunion okay my grandson well we kind of need to make a decision right now if the two of you want to travel without him today he's not going to be able to get on this flight um we may allow you to travel later on today but right now we're not going to happen right and i understand that you want to come back okay that you can do in the restroom but we're not going to be able to let them travel on this flight so you all need to make a decision whether you want to go and we'll get him on a later flight well you have to get him you're going to live like the thing you got to do what i was going to do is explain that to you i just didn't want to do it in front of your grandson i'm not doing it and you're not getting on there we going on the no we're not we can't like okay this is what i'm going to do we're setting the restaurant i'm going to take the next i'm outta here we're going to let her we're going to we're going to take the next flight i'm going to she wants to get on this flight so what we're going to do is going to allow her to do that ma'am if you and him want to go ahead and board that's you can go on because your group is boarding right now and then what we'll do i don't know where you live and we'll put notes in the reservation so that you know what flight is racism all right i get my lawyer can i call my lawyer please with his wife and grandson choosing to abandon him lewis's mood has taken a turn for the worse what you want me to do right okay sir give me my sister's phone number so she can come here get they're trying to lock me up squirrel and you're being stupid i could be i could be where i'm going in in 20 minutes and you're giving me a problem exactly so all right cool do what you got to do sir i'm going to ask you to wait right here right i will get a phone number you can go right on up front rob we're going to board these two right here as his family board the flight carol brings in some assistance it's about the fact that the captain has concerns about you flying so right now what we're doing that they have concerns about you flying the captain has concerns about you flying and i have concerns about you flying so right now we're telling you that you're not able to fly on this flight well we cannot travel well right the concern is i don't know that you're going to be able to travel today it depends on your behaviors um because this is now the second time well unfortunately it wouldn't be good or they wouldn't be standing here i can assure you um i think for right now maybe he needs to probably go back up front to the ticket counter the police were called just as backup just because he seems a little unstable to me they spoke to him and we've asked him just to leave the concourse for now if he wants to try to go later he can go up to the ticket counter and try to get rebooked but we're going to put notes in his reservation i don't know that he'll be fit to travel at all today but for now he's at least been advised he needs to stay out of the bar and get himself together lewis is led back downstairs now he just has to stay out of trouble long enough to make a later flight okay um as they said the next flight is at four o'clock i guess you're gonna have to see what happens until then okay um you're just gonna have to hang tight until at least three o'clock and hopefully while he waits gina steps in to talk to him i gotta i gotta find out which way i'm going that's it yeah i got the ticket for the bus you actually have a ticket for southwest you don't have a ticket for a bus no i can't i'm going to north carolina okay i'm gonna get on the bus i mean the plane of the plane yeah the plane and go to north carolina and get off in raleigh and they're going to pick me up okay guys what's happening i don't know the police are afraid that he's gonna go to the security checkpoint but he just told him that he didn't have a boarding pass he won't get through the checkpoint he just has that ticket but i mean if he doesn't chill out and sober up they'll arrest him right away hopefully he just stays out of trouble so you can get home tonight it's a confusing situation for lewis number one i don't know what's happening oh evidently uh i don't i don't even know that's all i i know i don't i don't even know man i i don't even know man i don't even know and and so true when i get out this airport i ain't coming back to it that's all i got lewis managed to stay on the right side of the police and arrived in raleigh four hours later in chicago denise is dealing with passenger wendy williamson whose failed romance has left her grounded yeah we can try to sell you at the lowest fare but you would have to purchase a ticket why did you come to chicago because this gentleman that i talked to invited me to come up and when he got here he you know i'm i'm not gonna be sleeping in the same bed i just didn't feel comfortable so i said it'd be best that i got home the internet see i thought i'd be safe because he was a chicago police officer yeah he was uh he paid for your ticket yeah he paid for my tick and then he's canceling it so i can't get back home so you went to his house last night and then yeah and he drove you back to the airport today right because i mean i slept today he wanted me to sleep in the same bed with him he drove me he never told you that he had cancelled your ticket exactly denise has found a ticket for the disillusioned internet dater online oh yeah email talked on the phone whatever he could do with 7860. sorry you had a bad experience coming to chicago hope you come back and visit us and it's a better experience okay so she had already checked in she says the guy that she came up meet on the internet she had some kind of controversy with him he brought it to the airport never said anything she checked in and her reservation had been canceled so she was not going to be able to get home but before wendy gets on the flight she's got a little bit of advice don't do it don't do the internet internet dating not a good thing to do at the ticket counter eric stockbridge and angela huddleston have a problem with their rapid rewards ticket it expires 24 hours before their return flight and they want angelica to change it very clearly on the back of the ticket the expiration date and the way that we cannot extend it so basically what you're saying is that even though southwest told us twice it was okay we're now either stranded or we have to fly back early we have to go by the world because if not the next person is going to do it differently and the next person is going to be doing differently differently so we have to be kind of consistent we were up here interviewing for law schools for both students down in austin and put a crimp in our weekend plants this is our little holiday vacation looks like it's a lost cause i think we can find someone who has another ticket okay then if we find someone else who has a rapid rewards ticket that does not expire today can we trade with them you mean here in the line if they're traveling today i don't see a problem with it okay okay do you have one of me no i don't know okay thank you are you going with a rapid rewards ticket no what is that are you are you flying today are you flying with a rapid rewards ticket yeah does it expire today it's not that i know can you trade with me expires today and i'm not flying today why not they said it they said it was fine oh my god i'm gonna be stuck here i'll tell you all i swear to you i will the couple will have to use all their powers of persuasion in the hopes of saving their romantic weekend i'll give you money if you need it but i won't trade tickets please please i'll give you money i'll pay you back at the ticket counter angela's pleading seems to have paid off if i go up front there and they say it's okay then that's fine it's fantastic thank you so much we really appreciate it now that they're going to be able to switch it out hopefully we'll be able to fly out tomorrow like we'd originally planned no deal with this guy why not because he won't show me his ticket and he said he wants me to give him his and then if he gets on his plane he'll give me his i'm not doing it i don't trust him i don't know him well just give him the ticket he said if we tell them then i don't even know that you have one well don't ask me for nothing then i don't need anything from you then don't ask me hold on hold on hold on you can't listen to me so you won't do it is what you're saying no not anymore not with her attitude all right okay you're taking your call all right i was hoping that he would just be nice and we could explain it because they said up there already that if we just find somebody who'll switch with us it's not a problem but he wanted to be sneaky about it and i didn't want to get stuck here so it's back to plan a this time eric tries his luck i'm sorry is anybody here flying with the rapid rewards ticket anyone nothing changes for you why would you help us out as the situation unravels so does angela but maybe a few tears will be all she needs to save their weekend anybody's um in chicago angelica and james have taken matters into their own hands and they finally found a passenger willing to swap tickets with eric and we're gonna eat angelo gonna go to the parade tonight and we're gonna see the fireworks see the sights we've never been to chicago so we're gonna check it out we're very excited so it's a happy ending at the ticket counter there's deadheads meaning that southwest airlines flight attendants that need to go to norfolk to work a flight out of norfolk i have no seats left on the aircraft she needs to find two extra seats on a full flight that's already boarding we're the last two people to check in and i can't get any volunteers and i'm gonna have to pull you off the aircraft sir that won't work that's unsatisfactory um compensate you for it i'm military under orders and i need to get back you're on orders yes i am they're on orders i can't pull them all right where were the last two before that two of the crew marcia james and dad tour please come up to the podium here at v15 yeah okay um right now like i made an announcement i don't get any volunteers i'm going to florida tomorrow i got my son waiting for me right now i can't do it um i'm gonna explain what we have to do to get these flight attendants on the aircraft i don't know why you picked me i'm doing it by the history that you guys checked in on the flight i got tickets here to non-refundable i have to be there i understand i don't know why you picked me my son and i'm waiting for me right now i can't do it can i have your can i explain first please i understand i'm from elizabeth city in north carolina they're coming from this city north carolina to norfolk to get me this is my first time flying i don't know nothing please let me get on there yeah i honestly i can't um colton carlton give him his boarding pass back i need him at the podium please which one the diamond green shirt i got children waiting for me how can i do this sir i'm not trying why you pick me i the order you guys checked in on is ma'am i came here number one that's wrong i'm denying you boarding sir and i apologize you can't have what is your apartment where you picked me for it's from the history you guys should what history man man can i get on the plane please can i see your boarding pass this is what you go by sir can i see your boys man this is not right man you got another one i don't care i paid over two grand look i have to get on this plane i understand that's her but no you're not understanding nothing it's not an option you're not getting on that area why you're not gonna let me talk i'm chinese why i want to know why you need to learn how to spend two thousand dollars now explain to me why okay everyone is nobody else has to hear this sir i don't care about anybody else they don't care about me all i know is i need them you need to lower your voice ma'am i ain't got to do nothing i don't do nothing for you sir i'm asking you to lower your voice you're going to have to make me call the police you call the police tell them explaining them why the hell you pulling me off the damn plane hey i need the authorities to be 15 please ma'am this is not right this is totally dumb to get on this whoever i don't give a damn call bush i don't care i gotta rebook you sir you're gonna rebook me for what you can't stay here tomorrow man oh can i see your boarding pass yes sir this is crazy y'all need to turn around man i ain't got nothing to do with look i cannot be here tomorrow i have to be somewhere tomorrow i understand that and i'm sorry that i have to do this i don't feel you're sorry i don't feel you i don't believe you what you're doing to me is you naughty my family everybody what you're doing you don't understand what you're doing here man what is this is not customer service i know that i spent over two grand to take my son to disney world if i don't go it's over i lose my money i work hard for my money and i promise my son i don't want to let him down if i don't make it i'm mud it's all over the time frame and everything is so crucial and i and i'm sorry start this because they're not refundable i blow it it's over i know and i never had to do this ever sir it just it never it doesn't happen a lot and i've been with the company three years and i never physically had to deny somebody boarding from the history you only do what you have gina has managed to get him a seat on the next flight in an hour's time i'm sorry i yelled at you i know i didn't want to call the police i hate calling you guys calm down no disrespect i'm from new york i'm used to cars gina compensates todd the cost of his flight for the delay if i was a passenger i would have been very upset and i didn't totally understand the way he was acting he just wouldn't calm down supervisor james delivers some bad news to three san diego passengers they've missed the flight because their boarding call couldn't be heard in the bar they'll be there the next one is 5 50. and after that there's a 7 30. your other friend yeah yeah you know he's a mess i know you know he may not get on the plane i'm sorry you may not get on the plane what did he if he if he's been drinking y'all denying boarding getting on the plane maybe he should stop now then oh if he's been drinking i mean seriously you know we're trying to get you guys there but if he's been drinking they probably have a good night on boarding but i've been informed by the uh counter that he's been drinking he's staying there with a beer drinking and he's giving them a little flack so it's a decision where i don't know if i'm gonna let him board or not are you being serious i swear to god they got they have enough time i think to sober up if they if they work at it diligently from this point and you know drink coffee sit down i just let him know that he's not going to be able to get on is he that bad i don't know he's in the bar dave box and his friends have been to see the rock band trapped and he's got a plan maybe if he's convincing enough people will think that they're actually members of the band it's our band trap he is kidding me you guys don't even know who we are well that's not an issue if he's intoxicated when he comes to the boarding door i have to deny him boarding how did you know i was the singer we can go water we can go coffee anything we can do to get them in good condition to fly our new city a little bit different a little bit different we got to go over there over here right here hey dave how are you doing let me start training water right now um my concern is you've had a little bit too much to drink right now to be getting on the airplane i'm fine okay i just want to make sure if we do have a smell of presence of alcohol and everything when you pour it may have to deny it okay thank you all right i appreciate it people could i finish this in the church well that's something if i were you i'd go right to water the plane is delayed so he has a little another hour or so to sober up possibly but i don't i don't know dave's notion of what constitutes being drunk seems to differ from the boarding agents do i seem drunk do i seem drunk tell the truth was i exactly i think i might have handed myself a little bit a little bit kind of naughty i'm not drunk do i seem drunk tell the truth dave seems to have convinced himself but can he convince the airline yeah i'm actually completely sober and i have a shoe right now if you're gonna if you're gonna make me look bad in front of a camera okay i'm not trying to make you like that yeah that actually isn't i'm not mad are you starting to threaten me not at all okay like like show something like i was just watching you and i just kind of what i was saying i'm a scientist okay that actually bothers me i mean you just you seem to be under the influence so how i don't know just by your actions okay well it's not looking so good with dave he's wasted just pickled beyond belief do you guys know where millionaire issues he's gonna try to contact his record label warner brothers to see if they'll contract a private jet for them uh out to los angeles so they can perform at the avalon tomorrow night so they have a show in front of twenty or thirty thousand people they gotta perform where's where's millionaire aviation like how do we get a cab you wanna take a cab a millionaire yeah is it is the i can't i can't be angry anymore i'm not quite sure if there's actually anybody on the other end of the phone if he's trying to charter a jet but i gave him the information anyway the last minute chartered get out of here it's going to run 50 000 without a spare 50 000 to his name and no other flights available dave and his friends will try to get home in the morning sucks thank you i don't know what happened he started chugging water and he got more obnoxious as he drank more water that's the craziest thing you know hopefully he'll be okay in the morning they'll get out i hope they get out lights are pretty cool so we'll see good luck [Music] at lax colorado-based passenger therese grimes is preparing to meet her mother who's coming in on another flight right now i'm doing my eye makeup because she will have a fit if i don't look you know pretty and gorgeous for dinner and stuff she won't be seen with me time is short for therese and she needs a helping hand from a total stranger yep what do you do i'm a professor of planetary science oh my gosh [Music] that is so important that is so important well thanks keep studying oh my god that's great good for you i wish i would have done something like that with my life so what are you going to are you getting so pretty meeting my mom always just for your mom yes all this just for my mom and you should tell her that she must be a special baby oh my god you're so sweet and thank you for your work on mars that is so nice of you what a contribution to society back in la terese continues her routine you did a very good job are you married have you ever once how long 20 years me too really 15. how could you be married that moment i've been married 15 years and i just got a divorce two years for two years two years ago and i am never ever ever ever getting married again yeah get out of pen and take my name and number okay um terese how did you spell it t-h-e-r-e-s-e god are you smart um i'm a rocket scientist remember yeah any help with my necklace okay your bill aren't you teresa's mother arrives in 10 minutes and she still isn't ready this calls for some rocket science phil you have to help me close this honey sure don't lose my card now okay i won't thank you [Music] oh [Music] [Music] now it's off to find mom at lax therese grimes is all dressed up with nowhere to go hi my mom's missing i'm hysterical dude she's 80. would you paige mary where were you guys we were right here they went down to the baggage claim area oh thank you for not leaving well that i stayed you look beautiful oh my god terese and her sister make their way down to baggage claim where their 80 year old mother is waiting for them what are you doing get him out of that wheelchair right now mom get out of the wheelchair right now she takes a wheelchair just so she can get like privy service like ahead of everybody and stuff but she doesn't need one no and and i think she's interested in herself and uh i think she should be grateful that she can walk and get off her fat ass mom this is disgusting you should be ashamed of yourself get up and get out of that wheelchair okay i'll help you no you're not this is ridiculous mom you should be so grateful that you don't need a wheelchair do you need friends i love it don't you ever do that again okay she loves me but that doesn't mean i'm gonna get any thank yous it is good to see you i hear you down here all of theresa's efforts to look nice for her mom have paid off beautiful she looks like a different person different what does she usually look like she likes being up on the bank at chicago midway the last baltimore flight is about to depart and tim brouchard can't find his ticket what flight are you getting on i went over to her she called my name on the standby i went there i gave her the ticket for a standby and she said she gave it back to me and told me i needed to be who's she pinky yes okay give me did you see did you see the i saw the actual paper ticket did he go through the screening and check no we were waiting on security and i knew that she asked for 109 so i knew it was him so i looked around for the young social security coming down yeah security is coming margarita says she's calling them again have you been walking around just in this gate area right here and right here that's it they called my name on the pta and i was on standby and they told me i was on the flight and i came over i gave her my license she checked me and she took my ticket hi sue hi it's colleen in chicago i have to get additional screen this is not this is nutty i don't understand this tim's flight is about to leave without him the hunt is on for the missing ticket we are looking for a security document that possibly was stamped through tsa for his additional screening he's claiming he was screened but a full fair ticket and he was a standby yeah what which i know i mean i saw the ticket and i stamped it in that's how i know everything was on is it in your last were you doing another flight at the time thing i just think this kid this kid he probably dropped it yeah yes where's the garbage bag where'd the cleaning lady go with the garbage bag honey you're the one who dropped your food over here did you leave your boarding i came down i dropped some fries i picked up the fries and i threw them right here what'd you do with the garbage bag i just told her not to take it i just told her not to take all of his french fries attention in the airport southwest airlines is paging one source cleaner return to bravo eight one source cleaner return to bravo eight please bring your garbage bag back tim you need to come over here i need to talk to you if you want to get on this flight yeah i'm helping you out yeah okay you're not helping me because you lost your ticket and you need a ticket to get on this aircraft okay so you need to pay attention to what i'm saying because i know you keep saying she lost it she didn't you're saying you're pretty first off you're putting it at the blame on me right off of the gecko tim i don't need to let you go on this aircraft i'm telling you i understand that you lost your ticket okay you're telling me that i lost myself okay okay i'll go with that as long as i can get on this flight okay with only minutes to go before takeoff colleen decides to get tim cleared by security and allows him to travel um pinky pull a boarding card please sorry juanita wait wait the flight's about to depart but not without a final word from colleen hi sorry where's mr burchard where'd he go mr burchard i just want to let you know your ticket was laying on the floor in the hallway we were able to find it thank you hey thank you thank you turns out mr prashard had actually lost his ticket in the concourse like we told him he just didn't want to listen to us and i don't think he understood how much we were trying to help him he didn't want to listen so the tsa screener was walking away and found his ticket laying on the floor in the hallway like we tried to tell him so anyway a miner on board has developed a far from minor problem i don't think she wants to go [Music] it's just a little girl she just doesn't want to fly she's not cooperating she's not uh she's just i'm not sure why if you're flying scared i'm not quite sure so find out in a second the taylor family was on its way to a family reunion but their plans are on hold until daughter leanne calms down [Music] they've never been on a plane before and so they were fine coming here we get her here and she didn't want to get on the plane we gave him drama means so that they supposedly was supposed to help him relax and we didn't give it to it soon enough i guess seems mom deidra is going to have to wait even longer to see her sister i was pregnant with her the last time i was in indianapolis so she's five years old so it's been five years since i've been back to see my sister what are you afraid of sweetie you don't have to sit out the window you can sit on the aisle and then you won't get to see how high you are it'll just be like you're driving it'll put you to sleep we'll call we'll call cindy and my dad you guys want to try i mean for that next three o'clock bites you can change your mind sweetie if you want to okay if you want to brave it we'll try it again okay do we want to send anyone do you want to go i mean there's no problem with walking you down we'll give it one more shot and then if not walk right off just to give yourself one last chance let us know we'll be around in the trouble thanks all right good luck guys leanne's brother chad's not too sure about flying either are you ready go to school tomorrow chad he's ready to go no way do you want to go do you want to go to school tomorrow or want to go on the trip no i don't think she's going to go she's going home he's going home i'll get somebody taken to school i'll go to work tomorrow they have about 50 minutes and i don't think that the dad wants to go because i think we're going to give it another shot but i don't think they're going to be able to talk her into it has the family reunion ended before it's even begun my son and i are gonna go and he's the other two are gonna go home with dad so we're just repacking the switching everybody's stuff [Music] i have something to read i'm disappointed that we're not all going because i wanted to go i wanted them to meet their cousins i wanted my sister to see them we had a good time plan so as soon as everyone will start boarding here deidra leaves husband matt to take the non-flyers home that's right now we don't have screaming children and he's really excited no brothers and sisters it'll be fun it'll be nice deidre and her son luke are finally on their way to the family reunion or are they what happened my husband took my son's bag [Music] now it's up to yolanda to help out what's in the bag and stuff his stuff hopefully my son's clothes everything for it even though he doesn't recognize my sister my it's my sister's house actually where are you going indianapolis well if you want what we could do is if you have them call me i'll give you my card and i can expedite the bag if he brings it back up to the airport okay well hopefully she'll be able to get a hold of her her husband and what he can do i'm here till closing tonight he can bring the bag back to the airport and i can put it on a flight to indy for them either today if he gets it here soon enough or tomorrow so then she'll get the bag she'll have to go back to the airport to pick it up but at least she'll get it as diedra heads down the jetway once again will the third time be a charm for the taylor family the indianapolis flight has finally left minus two passengers what's wrong we're not going though what's wrong we misplaced it it's just too stressful it's just too much do you want to want us to book you later or tomorrow i don't know so honey don't worry huh what would you like to do do you want to call i've been trying to call her since i figured out that the suitcase was gone you know it was a really good day until we drove up to the airport despite her best efforts deidra decides to get a refund for her tickets it was just one more thing that went wrong and to me that it's i know maybe that's silly but it means maybe you're just not supposed to go for some reason you're not supposed to go not that that means anything bad to the plane i don't believe because i didn't have that it was just it just means that we're not supposed to go okay let's go [Music]
Channel: A&E
Views: 919,037
Rating: 4.7293568 out of 5
Keywords: a&e, aetv, a&e tv, ae, a&e television, a&e shows, a and e, a+e, a&e full episodes, airline, airlines, airport, airports, southwest airlines, passenger, passengers, flight, flights, flying, fly, flight attendant, air hostess, pilot, plane, travel, traveling, trip, trips, vacation, vacations, airline scenes, airline full episode, airline episode clips, airline clips, airline episode scenes, pilots, flight attendants, airport employees, airline kids, airline children, airline crying, crying, chaos
Id: Hp8rBaZuNdg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 87min 50sec (5270 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 02 2021
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