Crime boss Paul Ferris - The Business Years - part 3

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[Music] you can now follow me and all my social media platforms to find out who my latest guest will be and don't forget to click the subscribe button and the notifications button so you're notified for when my next podcast goes live of course i'm meeting people who might be stolen i mean just because i said i'm going straight i'm not going to walk away from these people but in the same breath i'm not getting involved in any criminal enterprise i'm going straight the mental health that i had at that time was something which right-minded people wouldn't accept i reverted back and a all right they want to fight i'm going to give them a fight the next two people that come to this farm i'm going to injure one of them and i'm going to get another one awareness what the injuries and then they came back and tell their voices i've had enough take what you want i'll go to prison don't come here and threaten me mission was my dining table with eight chairs all had armored armored vests or a nasty it's about like i'm somebody's uncle when i'm not you're having a cunt's uncle and they did come up and troll i noticed how they looked like scs a flatbed camouflage big rifles and i was thinking i don't know if you were done with your chips that second one i don't know i shouldn't have done that my head was tonight [Music] are you doing james yes and we've got a man himself mr paul ferris how are you paul great james good to see you again it's good to have you back oh man yeah first two interviews over two million viewers high in demand as always everybody loves the way you talk your stories the first podcast that we've done was made about your life right back to the start through everything all the stuff you've done like the unsolved murders or a second podcast was a orb your prison life all the jails you've been in which was many funny stories uh about comic or at one that they were going to stick to the business years yeah you're 20 years at the jail you've managed to stay it oh there you go for all officer sorry i can't take a call just now while discussing some business aspects brian i'm on it live with the james english i should have had this phone switched on sorry brian sorry but thank you bye-bye and just for the benefit that that was brian anderson who's got our production company he wants to focus on the documentary dramas he's involved in jack pepper media should have had my phone switched off apologies for that and that that's the legitimate part yeah uh it's people that want to focus on documenting docudramas on the basis of what is sunday life and how can somebody from my background involved in what you'd call maybe serious organized crime disengaging and and going straight for the best part in the anniversary which is next month on the 24th of january uh 2022 which is 20 years james unbelievable especially for the life that you've came very well respected i'm done in the uk and for the wrong reasons and the right reasons as well especially if you've been out for 20 years it shows that people can change the business years you are you've many businesses over the years especially books films like if anybody knows about business it's yourself paul but you've been over a few times as well which we'll touch on but let's let's start at the very last time you were in prison with joey uh the last time i was in prison uh was finishing off a sentence that was handy done for the old bailey it would be franklin prison in in durham and i was just about to get released but i had to provide some documentation on what my lawful employment would be when i get released and in conjunction with my licence conditions initially i said i'm going back into the security sector and uh some of them acted like that was sort of an exorcism you know twisting their head and their faces and going no no you can't go back can't do that i never knew what was happening in scotland at that time i were in glasgow uh there was security was kicking off even before i get up cut people get shocked couple of things going on so it was just an environment for me to give our country and the probation services said settlement if you feel that you want to give back and get involved in this industry you will be recalled can you find our other means of lawful employment which it did to is that hard to comment paul especially if you're ready to then what was your mindset coming up paul for the very last time did you think to yourself i'm looking back in here or were you thinking i'm just going to take it day by day well before the franklin frozen i actually looked upon some of the documentation that i got from my solicitors when i was on remand before the trial in belmarsh and the documentation i got was about what you would call personal defense statements and what the crown position was and when i get given the crown documents it became relevant that 12 of the documents that we're looking at was security service operatives mi5 operatives that never gave the name they were witness a witness b are they all the whole alphabet gyms but what they had was an operation on me uh since 1996 1997 the photographs wiretaps on my own personal mobile phone my landline phone my my own house and there was loads of stuff there which was true and accurate and i thought you know what see if you can pay attention to these people you might as well give up crime because i never intended to come to attention to mi5 at that stage but they were kind of dormant on their activities because people looking back would understand that the good friday agreement was invoked so the mi5 and the security services never had much to do with domestic terrorism so they were focused on a series in organized crime in the uk and i was the first one along with arthur city and mother co-defendants [Music] for the investigation and kind of surveillance what was on and when i looked at these documentations and and velma people asked me when did you decide to go straight or go legit it was quite clear for me when i read these and seen these in uh 2008 even before the trial i thought how can somebody let me come to the attention these powerful organizations so i decided to accept my fate i decided to to take on with my prison sentence and move on and when i was pre-released for franklin frozen it became apparent that what i said when i got released in 2001 uh was that the whole the whole basis on it was uh i'm going straight there was official a police statement saying that a leopard can't change his thoughts because that's fair enough but ain't an effort this only spots i had with psoriasis saying that's why i'm wearing a heart sometimes so i like i can't change his fault it's fine i've now got the brains to go straight but here we are 20 years later and near enough 20 years and been a hard process and something which to focus on the business years i had to prove lawful employment before it was released uh on the basis that they wouldn't accept the fact that i'm gonna back into the security industry so i was uh given uh a position uh sales executive and consultant from an individual who was an iranian excel diplomat called ben allaga on a project called dennis marina what sort of security did you get when you came out now i was just going back into security that i was previously involved on before i was arrested the security was 90 percent uh construction making sure that there's no thefts there are no fires uh site agents turn up and give you the keys no me personally giving me the keys but give the keys to our agents on a friday and they turn up on the monday and are in school and they go back and do the work and that repeats itself over the month we also done some pubs clubs and events uh which was kind of different but we always decided that if we can provide a peaceful environment and a safe environment for people who worked and were providing a valuable resource to that industry was that a strong business to get into at the time i set up a security company with a friend of mine called archie rolo who was a bank rangers man and and brickton and his family the royal family and victims when they said with loyalists but they were loyal sympathizers and for me as a catholic boy to be invited and this it was something which they knew my dad my dad was a protestant and my dad was never a loyalist but uh they focused on demolition and archie rolon is in himself and anybody knows the the old shawfield stadium uh the the council was the adjacent to it was getting pulled down and actually had the contract for it so he took me there one day and he said fall we're going to start a security company and a demolition company and i looked at this building and i thought the steel shutters on it it's just a mess it's something that i used to be brought out in battlefield and eastern things like i thought with it swelling with the money and this you know and that you'd say no no we can reclaim the slates we can reclaim the timber everything else and then we need to get what's called a grinder something which it takes all the rubble that converts the stone into grade one grade two and grade three they get sold back to the roads departments and uh i said what do we get this machine we hire it it's a thousand pound a day and that's where the first thing we came to security because we need to secure the machine and that's where the first company came involved in called dem security was an abbreviation a demolition dem that's what we set up and the security aspect it was looking after the machines looked after materials and i had the offices set up and and demand and a few other different places but what i never knew was archerolo had a long-term illness and unfortunately died before i could proceed with it so i had a company i had admin i had offices i had vehicles uh i never knew the way forward until i met another guy called tosh walker who had an involvement in premier security based in demonic i never seen him bluff that i said was i'm involved in security he didn't want any competition and we made a formal agreement that as long as he takes on my sister and anybody else who i made his employees to make sure they don't lose their job and he would take them on and and and wrap them up and [Music] i kind of weave in between his company and the demolition company see the the security the game it's obviously top boys top families who've run that did you ever come ahead with any big families for certain thoughts and money no none at all i've always found out that the premier security ended up being the biggest independent security company in scotland not just in glasgow that would be preceding my rest in 1997. i did find a big change when i get back out on [Music] 2002. uh where you had to have a passport for the south side a visa for postal and some other forms of approval would go elsewhere and i thought that's no how it was before i went frozen other people had took over there was a feeding frenzy that if somebody had a bus stop that their grand used to get that bus for 1960s then that's their area all became territorial for a situation i found it funny because one of the first jobs i got when i got up for frontline security i got a phone call and i answered that the admin should have answered they were wearing lunch but i answered that nobody knew who they were speaking to and the phone call went along the lines uh what you doing in canvas lang i thought can you give me any more information on this yeah we've got a sign it's your job and your signs are on on these harris fans and where do you work i said uh we work throughout scotland and the last time i looked at the map canvas language down the map storm scotland what is your problem ah we're not too happy but then other people phoned all of you on and i got a phone call said for we've got somebody who's answered the phone and your company frontline security giving other people about a cheek i said what was that it's a a job in canvas line i said it was me answer the phone canvas laying still in scotland the last time i looked would you like them but we've got the contract and the reason why the strength was there was because i knew contractors for premier security when i was in there they know the confidence level they get the keys back the friday they turn up the monday and everything's cool on the site so what the mouth they would rather deal with as rather than unknown entities do you think you got the number one company through business strategies or because your reputation no i think about a boston a reputation don't it gets your contract gives people a peace of mind but i think because of the way we treated the professional aspect of the business because the new point then our business of you know going to be a professional viewer yeah either done it properly you didn't you ain't doing it at all so assuming you're granted a business you become the biggest in scotland do you make does it ever make you look back and go me what was that then involved because you've been charged with the gun running and all these the gun running was after that preceding that premise security was the biggest security independent security company in scotland for saving your day not at the jet does it make you think uh because people i don't palpate claire's getting off get business mains man but then they rang they're working in a ranked field if you just change the strategies and went onto something different they would make me earn money plus it'd be legit so see when you're doing that poll that do you think like cover man so do you think that we should have been med educated instead they can do the other part as well no not actually i used an asset and the asset that i had was because i'd been in the prison as a young offender and then as a young adult you get to know all the more the main people through scotland so when there was a a security contract crop not in perth aberdeen dundee uh dunfermline whatever as i knew somebody for prison and the biggest problems with the security was kids going on site so if you get the main individual for that saturday and you're offering them cut 100 pound a week to be a consultant in my consultant to say don't mess up that that site they're part of your part so it's like a subcontractor subcontractor thing that they all get paid money to move on that was his success yeah treating people with respect in their own area nobody can unlike johnny bravo and said um whoever has johnny bravo and this is your scientist then no we give people the respect in their areas uh and luckily for us for me personally even if i never knew the main head in that area the people who i knew would know so it's all about the thing in the house gave them what they would do or what i asked them was let these guys go and crack on with the building don't be thieving don't be burning don't put them at your turn and and that that that went on for quite a number of months number of years and it worked well it's a good formula what about when you came to prison for the last time what about getting setting up bank accounts that was difficult james to be honest with you because when i get up on 2002 the requirements for the probation or the social workers because i mentioned that was going to give back kind of the security industry it was a bit like the an exorcist movie you know the faces all went and the disapproval was noticeable and then what i never knew it was because of an angle's present those scottish issues going on with what they call security wars people getting shot contracts have been intimidated building sites being reduced to rubble and set and fire i never really knew about it because you don't get that information when you're in in england so i had to concede the fact that i couldn't give any lawful employment in the security industry because they would refuse i would get recalled in a contentious industry so uh i got a friend of mine's son-in-law who was an iranian ex-iranian diplomat to give me a position here sales consultant uh on our project to as an employee that's how i did it for until my license was expired then get involved back in the security industry in scotland was there a lot of police intelligence on you especially in the security well there's been a lot of police intelligence but one of the things i've got a frankly attention anybody else together as the intelligence the intelligence is a purely designed to make sure that somebody who's good through the judicial system gets punished for the digestive system and should be free to go on with what their business life doesn't work like that there's a lot of politics involved in it people didn't want me involved in a variety of different businesses the police intelligence shot with natey deyes if you and i were cops new phone crime stoppers and i've got the file then that's your intelligence and then we go towards other agencies let bank uh bank officials and use your intelligence reports and massage things and it's just it's a fantasy most things are you still getting watched for the couple's polling probably probably you don't get access to it james but no doubt there would have been and if they did produce true and accurate reports of course i'm meeting people who might be stolen seriously organized crime the friends of mine just because i said i'm going straight i'm not going to walk away for these people but in the same breath i'm not getting involved in any criminal enterprise wrong i'm going straight i'm going legit is that hard for the corporals as well because they're all doing question marks all you had that because that's truly a matter for them james it's not for me to decide which they decide to be evidence gatherers they've decided to be involved in police activities if they get the evidence get it don't massage the evidence and don't manufacture it because you've gave us our list here obviously a lot of people don't know your business years a lot of people know your stuff through books and all this other that's been on your papers films but the business stuff is kinda i definitely have what you never spoke about before we've got a lot of stuff done here so we can have the target which the court security speed camera is tagged well yeah that a lot of media reports on saying ferris is now gone garden uh dumbarton sheriff court uh pharisees companies now garden speed cameras on the m8 the reality adds that my son paul was given specific instructions to be a junior supervisor who had a load of signs on the back of the car who was then in a marked vehicle frontline security vehicle where proper driver who was a supervisor and the rematch was giving him any harris fencing that he sees not signed target and he done that for monday if sorry for friday saturday sunday we were getting phone calls on monday saying the happened to you why are you guarding the barton sheriff caught whenever i just heard his fence and these signs was put up sunday mail jumped on it strathclyde police jumped we might have a guard cannon any public buildings courts or speed cameras and anybody who thought we had had the contracts on it was misguided good pr for the newspapers good source material for salicious media reports but whenever i had that it was just two people one the supervisor who was a driver another one with my son was too eager to look at the specifics and the scope of walks any fencing that you don't see has got a sign put our signs up and they've done it for dumbarton to edinburgh i know all of a sudden because it's signing up we've got the contract it's not it's just it should never happen but it was a good bit of pr they mentioned it in the newspapers and people thought we had government contracts than whenever did you ever get people using your signs but when we did find that they were getting bullied for other security companies and we never really minded it so much so we never took any money off them but there was a few no as many but there was a few the fair play you know but they got is that bother you no no no it's about like i'm somebody's uncle when i'm not you're having a uncle me and glasses and sometimes people had terrace fencing and went bang we'll put frontline security up it gave them a bit of confidence but and our business says i couldn't allow it if they want to come under an ireland front line and get a contract fine if they don't want to use frontline come get the signs off put their end signs up but we never minded that whenever you must have been meeting good door number one in scotland the security what was your plans were you trying to settle down get a gap outside the game just something which uh i looked on it i was involved in security for a wendy present uh when 2002 became about the employee status for myself to get involved in dennis maria project which purely to satisfy the the probation and not get involved in the the main security aspects but after that time scale was up i did get involved in it uh what was the plan the plan was to make sure that we can get back to being the best and the biggest security company in scotland independent security company scotland before and what it was before i went to prison i know you like your farm who says was that one of your first plans was to get a fire no to be honest with you james i got the first property ever bought was a flat in uh the hadrosan marina uh called mariner's view the reason why i bought a flat on there because my mum after 40 years he'd been involved in black hill eventually moved on if uh stevenson and i'd rather uh my family's been in stevie's my mum actually got a house under arson and i used to go in the visit and one of the things she used to say was it took us 40 years to get for black hill and all the chaos i don't have quite a place in other arson and i was welcome there anytime but it was a rule if i'm in there before nine o'clock the front door's locked if i get there after nine the door's locked if you're on your own you're europe that's what typical glaswegian mommy would say sometimes my business took us after nine o'clock so i bought a flat down in the in uh uh the marina uh in addressing uh marlon's view purely allowing me if i was coming back didn't you see my mile after nine o'clock i sleep up there i get the kids and i go and see my mum the saturday morning but the farms was totally different the farmers which uh ended up involved in a relationship do to get married uh my partner was was pregnant at the time and she looked at the farm as an acquisition and i looked to a georgian prophet that you could renovate and do it and and make up make it nice and what it was so we had a dual uh decision and both would go and see different properties the problem was it with the georgian property the affect when i went to visit her uh i couldn't see that it was in a gulley somewhere done in a valley the photograph that was online made it look really good but the minute you looked down you thought night for me let's go and look at this farm i don't want to buy a farm i'm not a farmer but it was something which was five acres the farmhouse was built in 1737 my wife at that time wanted to buy it and settle down and i thought i'll buy it for her and that's what i did but i could prove legit me how i could buy a reasonable source of income reasonable uh reasonable source of funds uh and and i did that but it was a big job a lot of people said to me paul why don't you buy a plot of land and get a new build done my wife never picked a florida land in the new village and she picked us farm and i'm gonna be a farmer and that's what i've done i loved it i absolutely loved that what was people who sent me then obviously when you said i was on there for about two or three weeks right and uh it's a friend of mine it was time begging he turned up your gift cardboard box i never knew what a cockroach was i knew what pigeons were i knew people used to fly to do's and the schemes and things but as a farmer i got a hen and i got a cockroach and then a couple of weeks later i've got loads of chickens and a couple of weeks after that i've got 25 chicks cockles so i became the enforcer and something on a view on it and said uh what you doing now the beautiful hangar but a lot of people fit man background and anybody that's been involved in concrete jungles and maybe deprived areas getting a fact that you're on a farm and you've got this shell that's an egg that's making a noise and your video and are checking comes into in your own hand it's a beautiful experience never ever experienced any luck in my life and i've done it about four or five times but that we did lose quite a lot of chatting's because we never knew one of our knew how to manage them they died through i don't know maybe starvation maybe there was probably 95 we saved but there was a failure rate uh and and for me it was a humbling experience getting a live thing like an egg that transforms into checking that you grow up to feed and they get it was just brilliant for me it was just immense do you ever get the foxes i'm eating them hi well what happened was uh i forgot to shop one of the the doors which cut outside weldings that were designed for livestock but we put the chickens in there and one of the occasions we went up to stalin for a view on uh it was an antiques fair and i remember driving up thing i never shot that door and it was on a coupler earthly and come back down we lost about 20 seconds i used to think foxes were curious and kind of sultry creatures that you could maybe look at and go they are about flying about mischievous about what they've done they've done 25 seconds i've had a shotgun there rather shot dad i've shot that fox i would've because i took my daughter in the next day feed them and there was just fellas everywhere and matter of fact i actually had a chicken had a chicken that had escaped the fox that much it lost its back plumage i kept staring at the wall at post-traumatic stress and when i talked to people that are checking with post-traumatic stress they'll laugh and go what the you talking about how do you know because that's checking cat looking at the wall it's there it survived the fox it survived the fox but my whole attitude changed this fox decimated my pets and they all had names the kids all gave them names like spike jail anyway they're all gone because i never shot this this door there you go if you'll go here i don't know what i did was i ended up saying to the next farmer could i get some of these pest control people up and they did come up it's all i noticed you know they looked like ses flatbed camouflage big rifles and i'm thinking right they're going to get plotted up on this farm all it takes is a helicopter up there with a heat sensor on it to think which ferrous down down there with these sniper rifles i gave them 50 quid to go away i should just forget foxy's leave it they're talking about triangular killing zones and i thought i don't want to hear anybody that's 50 because when i get released for president i signed a document that i could never have access to firearm for my lifetime otherwise i get tenure i'm allowed to look at them but i kind of clap them or touch them and i don't want anything remotely saying that us has farm and that could be him with a camouflage on with us that's rifle so for me move in the morning saying leave the fox let things i'll just shut the door just air your 50 quad go away hmrc put a bag investigation on you in 2012. how was that for you to do with uh i feel accepted james uh because when i get uh for president in 2002 i was an employee for a company called denny's marina project that should have paid my pay and nic and it wasn't until maybe 2002 2003 there's a guy called james martin that took over frontline security and because i was attached as a consultant they gave me a p60 form to say no i never knew but i'm just learning about normal business uh trans transferred that my payc c py uh she and nic was never paid with this denny's uh marina project and i thought that's strange though and then i i dismissed that because the person who i was involved with was a an iranian a diplomat and it turns out to be a customs agent that turns it to the hmrc and i thought actually just a big game here if they weren't paid come and tell me how much i owe them and i'll pay them but unfortunately rumbled on it in a few years so when they're when i get the farm is ready in 2012 it was kind of surreal uh by that time i'm i'm married uh i've got three kids my wife's in bed three kids are in bed i've opened the door very several i might say but the door never get put on it's not one of these mad reds like gasketing edge and on the floor and all this stuff no somebody did the decent itch out the door now the decency oh no but what i saw was quite surreal oh big rugby players we armored the vests on and i asked was who's who's in charge and somebody stepped forward and said well i'm in charge we're here to investigate butler i said can you give me a minute i'm going to go and wake my wife up she's still in bed i don't like i don't want my kids frightened it's a family environment you're more welcome hey come on and thanks for the decency champ they don't know cac nan so every time i walked my wife up and told her that people are getting ready she's asking all sorts of questions why are we getting ready and i don't know if i knew either told her so eventually she gets up and gets a kid sorted there was loads of people there and response but allah is with the main guys in charge uh and he indicated follow there's a female wpc there it'll give you a wife uh there's another uniformed cop there that looked it was just a young boy he was like oh he was a police officer just young boy so they too got allocated to look after my wife and my kids and i've looked at these other guys walking about with the bulletproof vests on and earpieces and it was like a problem i swat red and i'm thinking what have i done and i never done nothing at that stage and then people don't want to hear you've done nothing in that state they're there for a reason i don't know why they're a big big becomes quite apparent so i ended up speaking to the one in charge and i went look you're in a family environment here uh what i would like as a request to de-escalate the visual stuff that i'm looking at because it's quite aggressive can you get you guys to take the the vests off the stalin uniform and engage in a pub a family environment here with frightening my wife and my kids they don't know i know i'm accustomed that's but it's a request can you ask them at the escalator not a problem and one of them it's a big rugby player one i went walked past me went nice one wee man so this whole surreal situation was my dining table with eight chairs all had armored armored vests all on this table the time my wife's up she'd get separated on another room the wpc in the uniform the wpc was looking after my daughter the other piece he's looking after my kids and they're pulling me bowden blocks and i'm thinking this is surreal here go and do what you want whatever you're looking for then i'll tell you what long for but it was a an hmrc investigation on a money land on proceeds of crime season computers documentation they don't announce when they're going to come and see you they just pounce like but they've done it in a very dignified and professional way that i accepted and and the professionalism that they were shown uh on the day and de-escalating the aggressive visual stuff be taking the body armor off was uh was well received and they went and done the duty they were there for i don't know six years later see if they show your respect are you happy that i i think it's a matter of james you know there are there job they've targeted me for whatever information they allowed me to get my wife and kids sorted out without coming in uh there was a meeting of mine i'm dealing with the main guys involvement he's dealing with me i'm the guy in the house he's the guy of the raid they've de-escalated the kind of aggressive uniform nature to off the anward waistcoats and and just became normal people doing a cert there was also a cutler uh female hmrc that was out and they kept looking through my my book collection and one and i would say to me i love your collection of books have you read all of them and i never they would just do an antique show that i put up there and i told an honest man i think they were a bit disappointed disappointed they thought it was well read it was just a stage prop but she did turn around and said your kids are beautiful you've raised them well and having that for a point of view during the raid it was just nice a lot of people think they came up and smashed a door on and they could have but they never and that's why i complied with them so it was uh a meeting of mines it was an equilibrium they've got to investigate and i've got to comply yeah assuming you're going through it when you're active you can throw a life a crime and then you can throw the business years paul try to go the jet what side of the coin do you feel as if you end up with me because i'm legit but i feel as if i'd deal with my i'm legit than i did i think the honest value james is i know what speed on about but there was another investigation further down the line uh i took control of a situation that when a client was involved and it was drew three and three million quad back i got that the guy who was involved in that he declared that he's two other partners with been a big too long story he admitted liability a million pound and he wanted me to negotiate terms with a creditor to say paul i'll give you five grand a week if you can negotiate and talk give us a bit of breathing space and because i get involved with this one there was a lot of madness involved that involved another situation but getting back to being involved in legitimate enterprises i i felt in the last two three years the stress value for me being threatened by agencies that what they're going to do financially and i just felt personally attached towards i've never walked away for a challenge uh maybe i've accepted a few fights and maybe i won and maybe i don't want but this is something which it was seriously affecting me that my wife and my kids moved because you know all the household was going on and domestic hassle so i was left in the farm on morn uh my son was ordained at the time and there was one occasion where i just missed two agents either hmrc or other agents had been sent to force their views on what they're going to do and seize the farm and see the accounts and kind of put me in my place sort of thing and i'm thinking all right so i missed there too and then i was on the the farm and i've got cctv and i just missed another two at the same time i'm getting letters through and that's later on that's a brown letter and brown envelope and people understand that when they get brown envelopes there's no follow cash under the table it's we this is an official thing and i opened up i read it and it was more or less a threat you don't do this we are taking this and i thought i need to phone this number because privately i've done a deal with hmrc on committing the fact that at least between seven and ten million quad had been paid to them through a variety of different companies in my control my personal liability was probably high six figure some but the problem was i was dealing with uh a case agent and in liverpool who dealt with the uk uh hmrc uh payments but what i never realized was scotland got his devolved powers to deal with its own taxation and collection i mean i phoned this number up at a an angle i saw a glaswegian accent i thought that's good make me understand maybe there's something there that a glass region is speaking to a scouser that there's a language barrier somewhere so a glasgow guy speaking to i've been obviously glad but scotty sanction and our goal was threat after threat after threat and i thought you threatening me yeah if you don't do this you'll do that and it wasn't you looked at the the address it's in gat kosh this super mi5 headquarters that they've got hmrc seriously organized crime uh and other agents she's under the one umbrella and i'm speaking to them i found this number which i thought was liverpool i've been dealing with when i noticed the change in numbers i understood the change in attitude and uh no longer after i did have properties on the market i was selling them on the base i had to sell anywhere else the escape for that i had to prove where the source income was coming from pay these people because i could have asked frenzy mines but the problem was for me he asked for 200 quarter million quad on a payment transfer and the payment reference would be hmrc to company me to pay hmrc i don't know what other business people have done they might have nobody paying the tax they might be dead after ants might cause them with different issues the only person that could pay these things with me and i had to relinquish assets to fail them because i had that and approved it there was never any mortgage fraud i was on a sufficient income bracket that i could easily afford all this that's for the hmrc investigation there was never any mortgage fraud i was getting a sufficient amount of income every year to prove that i could buy these things so for me to dispose the assets to pay what these people were looking for i had to do it but it took too long you're only as good as the goods you put in the market you need to find the people in the market that want to buy it and but that time it was a year down the line the properties were still on the market and i found that people weren't when they believed in me what i'm trying to do and that was a hard i was getting stressed out really much did he try and do you for one uh not too much trying to do him it was my liability james i had to pay and i was reliable for paying these figures what i didn't like was the threats and what they're going to do and it came to a situation where i was waiting on another set of uniforms coming up and i had an offer at that stage because i probably had about mental health issues that i know about know how to deal with but at a time there was just loads of stuff i felt as though i was getting back to an economy i felt as though they want me to go and commit offences to raise that revenue i would be prepared to do that people might say well that's your involved and it was but the mental health that i had at that time was something which right-minded people wouldn't accept i reverted back auntie all right they want to fight i'm going to give them a fight the next two people that come to this farm i'm going to injure one of them and i'm going to get another one i want us what the injuries and then they come back and tell their voices i've had enough take what you want i'll go to prison don't kill me and threaten me don't send your foot soldiers to come and threaten me and then that train i thought i seen two uniforms one day and i thought all right here we're going i actually told my son i felt my son cosmetically because i didn't want him there to see what his dad's carefully done i told him he'd give back to his mum i wanted to be on my mind because i'm going to deal with us james it's just another void i i'm no begging myself up i just had enough and there was occasion well there was two other suits that came out the farm got them on cctv i've got a weapon on me and i'll tell you what the weapon was but the weapons effort to be used uh and i'm gonna use it and i'll open the door and i should tell them what the you want now and this one turned around with his chest his arm on his chest and i noticed it's a gideon's bible the jehovah's witnesses and i thought what the and what was running through my head was i've gone in fact violence in his field he's gone involved in the news he's done in the men of god and i thought it was a divine intervention at this stage to say you calm down here this is not for you and usually these people i'm not being disrespectful if people with religious beliefs and things like that but normally they came in and wanted to spend two hours talking to you i did invite the man i put the weapon away and i thought you want to coffee i'm totally calm after that and i thought well i could have made the biggest mistake in my life uh it's funny knowing i'm laughing i shouldn't be laughing anyway uh and i go at the moment offer them tea and coffee and the mindset for me i took this weapon and put it in the table well they're having a coffee and they've looked at it and i thought oh sorry that wasn't for you i thought he's with somebody else after 10 minutes they want to go okay i don't know funny 30 and i'm laughing i shouldn't laugh it's terrible but that's the corner i was pushed on a that was something in which uh it's not right it's my fault i could have reacted differently but i i took a lot of lessons about the fact that these people came into my life at that time for their religious beliefs to come and visit me i thought there was something else and i was ready to deal with that situation and people might think he's not changed he's still got that santa said but people must understand if you don't give somebody a fire accident what they expected there he pushed through what near corner he sent agents to threaten you're going to take property you're going to disrupt bank accounts you're going to seize assets don't send soldiers because they're alive what you get answered we've had enough thought we had the deal it's even you seen no paul ferriss community yeah did that part and about a billion that you probably felt yourself did it was berlin james um i know jumping on it it was financial brilliant it was the bullying i had as a kid i could identify the individuals i can go and deal with them when you're dealing with an organisation who'd you fight with except that the thousands of people involved not if they're silly enough to send foot soldiers to me i'll do it i'll deal with two of them one's got a witness which i've got i have to another one is that that right no it's no i know it's not right but to me it was right at the time that put me in a bad place was that how far it took you that you wanted to go to the jail pool too oh yeah and that was the hmrc that was just a couple no problem not falling this was a new hmrc investigation uh that should have been 2018 18 19 minutes i remember speaking to you um that i know if you were done with your james that second one i don't know i shouldn't have done that i don't know my head was tonight i'm just glad you were taught different things gave me a release to go there but i couldn't duck they don't have you because it was a request no i can't say it james i'm not involved in this but anybody who's looked at the new book that i've done with steve wraith and looks at any of the photographs my face was like i've not been racist here looked like a red indian of america it was full of psoriasis through stress the people might say well good for you hope it was worse some people might say let's understand this guy where he's came for how he can come for a back and i'm not playing the violin james it's something which if i can't look at the bullying aspect and focus on who's going to get about a treatment whether it was hmrc was involved in that i they want to send foot soldiers down that's from fortnite scoring weight v i've not it was a fight it was something which we're going to do last year and i'm just glad my wife and my kids weren't there at times because they would make him passion or they come out and go in a couple of black bags it that's my fault i've been a failure in business not to comply with payments and they talk about i'd rather sit here just know talking about what i've paid and what i've helped you pay rather than having cracks jumping on and saying he's about rich that have been so many nurses so many doctors so many police so many fire grade so many emergency services that could have been employed i paid enough for a full fire brigade crew for food i don't mean this faster when i say that anybody wants to fact check go and check hmrc frontline security star law biometrics pro-vue cctv gia recruitment all these companies that i was involved in that helped pay payc and nic millions of phones don't get any credit for it but because they flipper and scotland gets its uh own devolved powers it the taxation they want to crucify me good see the investigation in 2012 was that is that linked to them no no 2012 was uh the one with the body animal it was something which retirement got a financial advisor involved in it and they looked through or the words were for all you've been given as a financial aid mot here all the properties you've bought is sufficient your income sufficient donation you have no paid is your paye and you're nic when i told them that when i discovered as an employee that this didn't happen with the p6 reform i've just made a transition for coming through what people call a serious and organized crime environment and a legitimate environment and i've got to go and then make a complaint and tell authorities that this guy's not paid my attacks and if i'm prepared to go and do that which other people that's going to think that's alive and well that was involved with me in criminality before i walked away they might think well if he's going to talk about that he might talk about something else would have put a threat on me so when i explained the reason for a little delay in this explanation is because you're here now i'm now explaining to you i fully accept all these these monies tell me how much i owe you and we'll pay that's what the deal was and they were happy with it and you sorted it done done deal done and you think that's the end there no no i could only fail them so much it was a three it was a six figure sum i gave them sufficient amount but the time that deal was i was dealing with a case agent that dealt with the whole hmrc in the uk by the time i get done it'll last maybe 25 grand scottish development and powers for taxation they want to jump on that and make me bankrupt for 25 grand after everyone has been paid and i thought this is just no right that's you know i'm waiting on assets to be sold i'm at the mercy of the market that saw us and i felt under an extreme amount of it's gone new james i can talk about it now i sold the farm and the properties for 400 grand less than what i bought them for just to get the deal done i've currently lost 72 grand a year in an income through security because if i want to get the individuals to give a statement under oath that i'm involved in the company and when i had that i shook their hands and said i don't want you go through this process i've had wedgies look at this for 15 years i'm doing one thing now shake your hand go and activate the sworn statement under oath and tell them yes i was involved in security but i ain't now because i tried to take the license off them try to take the bank account so because of me it's just vindictiveness but the flip side of the coin james had been totally honest if i'm a cop looking at me i would have done it i'd have used every resource to squeeze me whether i've been right i don't know is it is it today because of how they've been exposed in the past they don't like it probably it's not my fault if they get paid for a job today but then they don't produce witnesses that are going to purge herself against me don't put drugs in my pocket and become a drug dealer don't try and me up for guns and become a gun dealer and jump behind a badge the kid on your stellar cop didn't know what do you feel as if they squeezed you may have because of who you're calling i saw it with politics james it's went beyond me it's went beyond exposing a rancid regime to the public through books trials and all the rest they've got to go over it no me do they think even though you've been up for 20 years now do you think there was a party in fact he'll make a mistake he will eventually get him and he'll be injured the the famous the famous one is a leopard can't change its thoughts good i left it as an animal i'm not an animal people think i'm an animal i might have spots it's called psoriasis they'll change where do you feel the mere pressure on life comes to paul that the pressure's the legit business or the pressures of the streets legit business 100 it's times of humbling experience when you're on the streets you've got assets to if you need money you won't get money uh i don't want to speak too much about other things that are not being mentioned but in order for us to get money was the best place to get money ready cash banks it's mad doing it but you learn a lot about you and it shows you how fast you could have slept back into that with the price i couldn't idea i'd like a lot of people done did you feel that failure at that time paul uh not so much a failure i'm i'm involved in new business it's called uh legit my business i'm learning i'm learning about the pressures i'm learning about struggles and i thought that it's a hard transition and full respect to anybody who's attracted that but what i couldn't understand was weird that you've got to declare your assets and your your income and pay them up front before you julia that's about like sheriff i know and i'm sort of a thing you know i mean get your door before you even then you've got to pay them before yeah it's it's no it's called pay as you on no pay before you that's what i couldn't understand and the mistake i made is i never had financial advisors but i did ended up with one who was very good done the deal for me no mention is them but his ex-hmrc that told me paul draw a line in the sand and get this done and i did and i thought that was done and then when friends of the family came up to visit who were going to northern ireland for commercial reasons to buy tractors and plant machinery they saw my my face betrayed how i was my face was uh unsightly but unsightly just now but no it's bad then because people say your eyes are the murray you saw my face betrayed how i was i'll to maintain a confidence but people who knew me looked at it and go what's wrong with you i mean i might have told them about the threats for hmrc you know the rest of the event stop use your financial advisor and i did and i'll mention this guy's name andy green he's for england he bought me a couple of weeks because these conversations remain these people don't get anywhere seriously and when i told him about having to tell dean to go back to his mum's because something's going to happen she was worried about me but she offered a remedy and a business sense now i'm trying to find a transition you're getting involved in i don't like threats for anybody especially with facially fatal and letters and i just had an offer but this guy andy green bought me six weeks and that six weeks allowed me to get my head together and see things a bit more clearly and do what i'm doing but it's the same factor still arises i've got properties on the market the market's only as good as a buyer you take fresh fruit to the market maybe you know somebody's wanted to buy fruit fresh fruit but you'll get the belief in what you can sell you're subject to market market conditions that's all it was because you've got the jail for it paul no no for that there's nothing there was nothing illegal involved that they just they could have seized our stats and different angles i could have went to jail for what my actions were going to do but if they had a tax break you didn't pay no no it's not it right it's the taxpayer just do you get back black last year there's not no prison time involved that there's never james i've been in prison since i've been a teenager prison don't frighten me uh the financial thing it was to do with the threats they said they were the bullying the corporate brilliant we're going to do that you don't do that good i i i could have made a massive mistake and then spent a massive amount of years for them someone that should never have been merited so uh there's always good fortune somewhere down the line nur can reflect and look back on it give you the exclusive position that could have happened but never but the style that elements say pressure for understanding what the business pressures are about make sure you pay your taxes make sure you come out yourself but i'm not going to have anybody in government jumping on the board and saying he never paid we lost police nurses doctors fire brigade emergency services look at the amount of people who could have been employed the fee paid as well i thought so surely it's fair for me to say what our fed is i've got all these people jobs i'd rather have been a position to say i've paid 95 percent in my commitments don't crucify me for the other five percent and make yourself a big deal only because you've got executive hours in scotland that's why i'm in england james scotland's caught me up there on the top of the christmas tree you just get it you're getting you're getting whacked we're taking you the whole road and it's not for my tax possession it's today with politics that their colleagues threw at the judiciary through the police force and through the prosecution service that never had the evidence to convict me other than the procured perverse fabrications and what they've threatened today they exposed themselves i helped to do it for them so there's politics involved in it especially with ronda juan roof and garth kosh and when you mentioned caution people fact check who's anger cost who's doing this fbi act headquarters gently go to canteen and don't talk to each other you kidding me on always a casey get ferrous get this bankrupt someday that's the is it i had a position where i was getting information back for financial gatherers who their rematch working for the crown was to recover finances the minute they made somebody bankrupt they'll not get any finance because they've done their job they've done it but what they get subject to was evidence gatherers and the same building who were seriously organized crime who were sent here to the evidence gatherers were saying either financial gathers put him down liquidate them and they'll say no you're there to collect funds and he's got assets and what we're trying to collect why are you telling us to put i'm done because you've now got the evidence and your evidence gathers for you to put them down yourself don't tell us to do your job that you can't do yourself so those decent people doing the right jobs at the right time under that same roof and i do believe that whatever criticism people think i've got about the police and all the rest here they're not awkward some more than others the same way the prosecution service did he manage manufacturing procure perjurers together of course they did but know them all the judge with the cd he sits and listens well there's a jury to listen to eight debates like this james and read books and other trials no just about me but other things that went wrong they decide when they sit and listen now that's what they don't want to corrupt future jury members to sit there and listen to the evidence that they'll question about more so for me i have challenged that the politics in scotland look they're too vicious i've no run away i've just accepted a position in england to help people work because they're physically and all capable of doing it themselves when i say physically no cable they're old and frail uh some we have transplants knee transplants some health issues that i've known for many many years and asked me paul would you see yourself in the future and i couldn't answer them i was under combat fatigue for 18 months trying to resolve my position and i said to him would you want me to uh would you like to start as a yard management i'll not show you what it is i'll tell you in private with us but i took it on it was a humbling experience i loved it and i'm still doing it and have no finish yet and i'll continue this still here with you all right move on the next chapter that's a one hour let's go we'll touch on the film first the man main character i know we kind of touched on the first podcast but we'll touch on the following the books makai what about uh the following idea came up were you excited for how what was your emotions to me it was just another oven to you to help expose the corruption uh if there was 90 percent nonsense in the movie and 10 percent shown the corruption i'd have been happy with that anyway it's to shine a light on things that they don't want to shine a light on it's about like earning the dirty laundry in public and seeing the big scad marks and going oh the neighbor's going to see without big martini and roswell's that that was that may be vulgar but that's just the way in which how i saw it so the film for me uh it's not a lot a lot of people are fortunate to get a movie made about them uh to me it was never ending at all it's just can you get this bit of corruption on if you get that and i'm happy with the rest that that's basically what it is and how would the you must be proud of martin newman that his career if somebody's wanting me i'm not a movie martin compton stock because just through the roof and you better have a big checkbook to make sure he's 20 day part two but really was never a sequel anyway it's a separate entity it's something in which martin was approached to do the second movie uh he's moved on with the bbc done line of duty it just finished that we thought that was a good time to contact them enough for me to contact in which to do it professional etiquette where ray builders and his agents contacted martin thompson and has the agents for the time we got some feedback he then done another six part series with virgil the funding for the film style there but that people would build that around martin constance then the lead role britain fortnight and we respect martin's view it's not something that he needs to do because you've done the first one no it'd have been easier but there's probably an opportunity there for a new up-and-coming lead role activity but whether that's going to happen in the short period or not i don't know i've always seen robert kelly you're playing a pole fair as well i think he's too old for me i met i met bobby a really nice guy i think i think robert kalel would play a massive mass of rab colorados really so watch our space that could happen hi i know you've got a lot of things in the pipeline which will no mention but reg macau who will get a mention to paul you're very close to registered speaker but until this day he's been in tweets and he's kinda when you talk about people getting your platforms and stuff like that you owe him a lot because he put everything in your business what a lot of people might not know is reg was my social worker or probation of the years in england when i was 16 and he'd done two or three reports and obviously what because he admonished and never heard of him for many many years and so he was wanting to write about a new book about the black hill fatalities on the early 50s and 60s were the local people in the area were making their own alcohol and there's a few people who died and i thought at that time i've read an intelligence report on the data protection act and i thought you're right right let's write a book about that so we engaged in that reg believed in me and i i gave him enough encouragement to show that his belief was right uh it was a sad loss uh the memory style continues he gave me a platform i never wrote the books for any financial reason because i know a lot of money you're not going to retire for rain books gave me a platform to to counter back my views let me have my say and and and discuss what needs to be discussed and if there's any elements of slander and the books then surely i haven't even brought a quote for anything that's the snoring because that's the way it goes and then the platform goes for yourself james you've given me two platforms for me speaking of it it's cathartic red uses the word cathartic when i was writing the book it helped me you helped me allowing me to discuss me on your platform for other people's to go and fact-check and say he's talking absolute bang on or he's not it's not for me to decide that it's the the audience is a jury to decide what they want you get enemies throwing things on and saying there's no money and i don't mean to laugh about this but most of them are dead are retired anyway you get the odd what we call trolls want to throw a couple of things and we've all had issues with with things like that but people who are genuine enough looking to uh explore is this guy right as you're wrong what evidence can we check that then answer and even if the internet's not there go to your local library go to the micro first we'll go in and look at the newspaper reports and you'll find how wrong the daily record and the sunday mail have been for years because they were the mouthpiece for strathclyde phillies that made my mum crying on sunday and now they'll be crying because they're new exposed but all the journalists are all retired and moved on but that was a deliberate propaganda a force to demonize me in the public with the nature of the internet search so anyway go in search on media reports i'm not saying i'm an angel what i'm saying is i was reading stuff about me it was never true and my mum was crying because of that and i don't forget that either are you a man who certainly doesn't forget paul would you think your biggest fight in life is being drinkers against the coppers er no that's funny stuff was done i would say it was a school draw there was never the one in and out which either one each or two each uh the biggest fight i've had to know is going straight that's oh it's so nice i know i'm swelling i shouldn't as well because one of the podcasts that i've been involved in is gritty night you know like you swear you swear to go how are you finding that paul it's weird james uh get invited onto a panel were ones that i won't spoil in for the audience but i'll make it available later on you may even be subject matter for an interview james because it's a panel it's totally different it's something which i thought you know what i'll mention it's gritty nighty and the fella who mentioned the title i said why did you call it that he says because it's a bit above getting to the nitty-gritty we supply the answers so it's good it's an open debate and i think podcasts are should be designed anyway for educational purposes moving on what is the message your message is quite clear you get to the core meet to who you're uh who your subject matter is james you did well you've you've got 100 million viewers in downloads shortly in the next three years but we have had a good rapport uh and i'd like to thank you for the the last two for podcast the the feedback i get as uh very positive james but i like there's not a lot of criticism when i don't know if you edit maybe the supply is coming back but some of them are you look through them but they're all too good i like you this one run uh i think it's only fair to let people go and fact checked what's right and what's wrong what you don't find online you all get in the library yeah what about getting married always did you get married uh truly i've only been married once was that in a good job of your life that was when uh 2006 2007. uh i was that was brilliant that was private first time i had a a real family i felt secure uh moving forward the farm was bought because my wife planted the farm and i got it there's been a lot of things where i've actually never seen my kids for maybe 18 months now it's that hard paul ah but kovitz played a partner finances he played a partner but uh it's pressures that you've got to deal with and how are you dealing with things new then moving on i oft i've got a new opportunity a few male challenges i've got my cousin kim and her husband lewis that's just threw me right under a bus and said get this yard sorted out for me provided me with that security but financial stability uh i just an etl james i need to get back into the game it's about like you you're boxing and understanding what boxes are but uh it doesn't matter how many rounds you're in there if you hit the car i've got the canvas two or three times like some orthodox moves that's been put me in attack but i get up the fight's not over yet whether it's 12 rounds 15 rounds or whatever fights no furnace yet i think that's if it's no for you throw the child one walk away on the basis that you had enough you recognize you had enough because that's a learning process not to be resentful that you're a loser no you took part in something you're either going by wondering you're gonna lose her i ain't a loser yet i've lost a lot of money feeding a lot of people with taxis and during that process there's a lot of people that phoenixed companies gyms and when the phoenix companies a lot of people don't understand maybe what phoenix the company is they use the word phoenix like the fictitious bulb that came out the ashes and how they use the phoenixing for companies as they dissolve companies and put the company onto actually and then create something new with the same client assets we never done that never have done it other companies that didn't play them for dinner but we always get to play there was always media reports about the phoenix and company and it was just follow-ups for years and years and years that we had to put away any company that i was involved in i never owned them i was involved with them they never spoke to the people who were registered in company service they just dismissed that was always the point having company house registers and directors nah nah it's not theirs it's us so on that basis trial by media these companies are all mine now if they're phoenix it's me it's phoenix and we've never had that with a lot of rough times to smooth it over that's why there were so many companies and that's when we get into the lakeside royal bank of scotland the main directive fred the shred good one we got a check back fair royal black scotland saying there's your balance let jog on with what nanny davia and for the benefit if people don't know what joe gone is it's you not getting on first well no lively tell you what's going to happen so i thought okay we'll go to the competition the bank of scotland nope clydesdale no eddie savings bank will graham pearson attached it no flip a coin let's go and see the taliban no directly but let's go to the habit it's a bad day we knocked back for them and then it came a situation where people got to understand the business concept about factoring and if people don't know how to factor invoices for company for me it legitimized myself to get involved in business you need a business account and have i got one i get refused three times that i thought i ain't asking again does and then the business accounts resorted they were if i'm doing business for you and i've got a factoring service that factor and service needs to check your credibility that you're going to pay me before they take that on we dealt with big multinational companies in scotland that had to be cleared by fact on sale and just how it works james for the benefit of people who don't know the invoices that we get for the client that we do the security work for the invoices get collected and put back towards a financial institution called a factor that will take these invoices and charge you charge me at that time one and a quarter percent over base rate just for producing the invoices they'll only give me eighty-five percent of the totality in the invoices at that time because we've got to get wages to pay security representatives every week so they gave us 85 percent yeah so technically every time you get it fourth week the invoices get cleared and it moves on when you get people at the spurious intelligence reports saying that were involved in money london technically that means that you've got money to put in a bank to london we never put any money in a bank we were relying on the credibility getting paid for the factor for the client that gives us the money and when they did give us the money i could have went through that out in cash because i've proved where the clear source of funds was and it got a stage that because the banking facility would never accept us the factor facility said fall see if you're money london son you're the worst one we've ever come across weird know your bank we'll take your finances on and they died until we had to change the company and then change another cap wasn't phoenix it was just because weak positions were bank managers who was lusting at a police propaganda that we're doing a lot of things and if we were doing all these things surely i'd be in jail right now for all this crime phoenix and threatening money london no i'm sitting here talking to you know explaining what happened in the past was that other stuff that came in the papers and do you feel like uh you were a target i mean target especially if you've got directors there and they're getting passed out it wasn't one one of the sad things james was one of the guys that was brought on board i never knew him uh i'll just mention his name is joe all right joe was a financial guy involved in a an offshore company called the keystone valves adrenaline multinational company oil company middle east he had a few personal issues where no for me but i think he lost one of his family and lost his marriage through an on a drink uh somebody had recognized his past uh wanted him to get involved with the finances with a security company which he did and one of the things i remember with joe personally and an operational situation was he used to chase off invoices up on the basis that invoices should be paid within 30 days they don't they get paid maybe 45 days if somebody's no looking at the invoices it could be 60 days could be 90 days so when joe para shooted himself and he'd be the financial guy he's demonstrating to me what he's capable of doing right there's a multinational company that he's wanted to chase for hey it was 96 round and he got the letter showed me the letter and then said to me paul ain't even putting a stamp on this i'm going to hand deliver enjoy you sure because i was concerned we're going to lose a client i said what makes you don't want to put a stamp on it joe he says because they're upstairs because we're not not hand delivered two days later we get paid and i thought you know it's magic uh we got my flat uh got my car got my fuel card got my nice wedge there was nothing for business side that that should have disrupted his flow but there was an investigation with the bbc scotland on the exposure of the security awards and there was a female involved now i don't mention on them but she bypassed joe bypassed the directors wanted to speak to the owner of the company which is me which i wasn't the owner of the company they're saying it was i was only one of the company and i went down interview when i spoke to joe after that he made a complaint he said i'm going to make a complaint to the press complaints and i said joe you're wasting your time no no no i'm i'll jack my business man and this is what i want to do i'll say he's all right go and do it and he done it put the complaints on and just bypass them and there was a few other things nasty things about the company and all the rest joe was found in a bath one day he committed suicide no long after he got up one morning got himself dressed suited up short and tie that let me know that he wanted to be found the way he was dressed and cut his wrists and i went under the path never left or not but i was conscious of the fact that there was other troubles on his mind and i don't think that exposing an investigation health matters any can't put any blame on that's the real cause yet but these are the kind of casualties that that happened when people don't want to talk to the the main directors that's involved in companies they want to bypass it because they know better they know better than customs house they're no better than who the directors are they want to listen to the title chart all the way sam pauliner's on him i shouldn't have mentioned that but i called her sam apollon for what she'd done and she was also involved in an underground exposure with russell finley [Music] sunday mail journalist and i hope they've done they went and done an exposure and a variety of security companies there was a girl nancy jones who said i owned the company nancy was brilliant in sales dance of his gain feudal comfort valve nancy's only remedy was she got a contract it was a louis vuitton bag or a chanel bag she'd have told anybody exactly what it was but she did sell on the company which was wrong technically so they latched on to the whole element of the the propaganda i never owned them i wish i did on them because i should have got the respect for the professionalism and how they conducted their business so these documentaries and films and say that you're in these countries but you know yourself probably media kill people look at the poor last academy in flack or videos i said you've got a budget for this documentary and you've got to justify you you're saying no then for that then for folks the problem is and for your audience some of your audience might know and the other parts won't know people like me who have got convictions and went to prison are technically devoid be any character in law because we're ready by definition of bad character by our convictions and even though i've known the conviction for nearly 20 years i'm still all barking character the convictions will never be spent that's why they pushed it with the security industry authority that's why i've now got a license to be involved in pubs clubs taxis anything to do with that licensed industry and the threats to people who that i was involved in that license industry was they'd go and approach them and say you better remove that security you're going to lose your license we'll have an adverse effect for your license insurgent they'll put in front of your committee so somebody spent maybe a million quad regenerating a nightclub that's been told get me off the doors of course i'm going to do it that was all propaganda i can now sit back look at her and let people wonder what it's all about and how i survived it always i blame myself my background was to deal with me my ripple effect is the things that i've done in the past i can't erect a fire but don't crucify me for going straight what i'm trying to do and make amends for stuff i'm not going to make amends for other people i'm going to make minds for myself and my 20th year anniversary is a testament towards people saying what is rehabilitation i'll tell them next year on the 21st of january rehabilitation is a math i don't need the government to tell me i've been rehabilitated i know i've done it myself without any of their help and if they're prepared to leave me without that vacuum what they've done for other people who are trying to be rehabilitated so fast what do you think new program do you think you've moved past that you've grown in our chapter in your life uh i i i think i've moved off i've got to a level where when i was 16 to i was criminally involved in serious and organized crime to when i wouldn't know there's a there's an uneven violence i've spent the last 40 years 20 have been involved in criminality and turning you going straight so and people ask well what's the trigger mechanism for the tiger mechanism for us if you've wanted to spend the rest of your life getting present you've not learnt nothing that took me 20 years alone better late than never but what i'm not expecting is to be threatened to get put to prison for anything at all i'll go to prison for something that i believe in but don't worry let that threat to go on day some physical to prove a point through a commercial situation that you were getting bullied i was mentally no in tune with rational people would be down but i'm sure that anybody want to listen and look at my circumstance he said you were lucky you know what i've done it and i was a lot of rumors about the paul ferriss the follow-up of the wee man i know we spoke a bit briefly there but what as the plans for it we're going to be seeing that in the screens in the next couple years there's no follow-up terry man it's not a sequel it was something which is a standalone the investors looked at it and said can we get six series that covers glasgow newcastle uh liverpool manchester london and then a spanish one one well it's about funny it's like what you call the tartan mafia that was over there absorbing crime that was done wrong it was more a humor it's a serious and organized crime uh but very funny true stories and i think we apply that to crime story uh it's funny than than glamorized do you donate glamour that's so funny that there's a sixth part yeah but what we're now looking at is because martin coxton is now fully committed to the bbc as a new upcoming lead actor to come and take the role in it so that that's no done to me that's done to rebuild this and the investors thinking from yeah we'll go with that so it's not a sequel it's a six part thing that's going on so moving forward for the future as well paul what's what's the plans well i've been asked to get involved in the podcast again the the great united sort of four-man team thing can people watch this and saying uh oh beyond i'll be on youtube uh there'll be a variety of different links i've asked to get involved in well which is another project called the street pulse group it's based in stock stockton trent um there's a mission statement and a business statement be put to for investors it's basically focused on uh not so much reoffenders or people who'd be involved in crime it's the deal with people with mental health issues uh substance abuse issues and it's going to take a bit of fun and don't get us wrong but we're trying to get bobby cummins and a few other massive people to come on board work and it's something i personally believe and i would actually pay to get involved in that but if i get paid for a consultant then it's fine but something in which there'll be more information forthcoming james so do you think you've learned a lot then all the last few years about the business side of things uh not enough i know enough i should have had a proper advisor at the financial advisor at the start maybe i know i had half the problems but again even if i did have there was still been the political views on it's him he's embarrassed as in court he's embarrassed as in public he's embarrassed as in his books he's baristas in his film so i am a target for them and if i was them they would be target for me as well so but justify remember their employees i'm my own boss they want to make myself up the level and get more your attention for getting the guy that got on the guy that's seen the guy that embarrassed the guys that's their problem no man i don't justify myself to anybody apart from my family my friends and people who believe in me but there if you all should understand that don't go your rematch for what you get paid for because it'll come back back in the ass one though yeah what about another book for the future not about content on the 20th anniversary uh it going straight initially we were going to call it unfunny's business the business years but because of recent issues where this is what happens you get involved in contracts james we're publishers that you've only got 25 percent you'll save it's my life if i want to do an audio book i might do another book about my life then don't tell me about my percentages on what i can say so and then the fairest conspiracy to book my book my self-publishing book my self-publishing audio book that's going to cover the last 20 years and i'll be a conspiracy on the same one that the initial fairest conspiracy was about the criminal conspiracy with the judiciary of identity me it's never been addressed it's been really in public people don't want to know but there's been a few comments on it but the ones and the power that they don't even call it they don't want to get a review uh unfinished business the putting the conspiracy to rest was a tribute to red again they don't want to review it because the secret audio tape transcripts are in there about threats to kill for senior official members of strathclyde police police officers talking about melbourne members of the republic and i'm a member of the public at that time but i wasn't acting as a member of public i was involved in criminality does that justify talking with somebody killing them i don't know it's there for people who read and judge and fact checked again the next book run is the first conspiracy two is about fred goodwin all the other pretentious people the pink mafia in glasgow who were getting all the contracts and for building new towson estates and all the rest yet and i'm supposed to have that on them i don't want any dart in them only that i had was on my shoe and i recognize that sometimes you need to clean up the problem they had they never cleaned that and i get blamed for political insurgency financial insurgency they'll read that in the new book and people want to fact check it again i'll know better i just want to put my views out there and leave it there it was last time you're in black cultural uh i've done a review uh for donald mackinton uh for one of his uh his documentaries what's that i did i showed them where i was actually born in black i was born in 19 hogan's fuel street and the bedroom you know it's not you don't go to hospital i was born in that bedroom and all that for me was brilliant growing up total memories so the last time i said uh and then i noticed and i had to phone my sister and say you won't believe this they're getting new houses done at the the waterfalls it was it was called pass alley if you used to commit the problem i won if the the public toilets were foolish passion um you know it's valley few falls it's brilliant it's a good regeneration but they took the heart out at the place but i think there's a lot of good people still in there and uh and in full respective black hill and it's mastery and it's moved on a bit and fair play to them would you think the glasgow in the whole mate it's a rough set do you know what it's run with uh the serious organization cook which was strathclyde police uh they fitted up that many people why did go on research el nivari tommy campbell joe steele uh raymond gilmouth loads and loads of people if they never got you one way they get another way for me they knew i was doing things and get away with it so that's the pious purdue aspect but glasgow in itself there is a lot i'm not going to shot in glasgow gladstone's a beautiful city i'm part of that beautiful city where they like it i know politicians two-faced sorry for swelling but but they are they should elect people tommy sheridan totally assassinated uh verbally his character he could have been a big guy for the city but now they want people in there they can massage and manipulate uh glasgow makes people does that no people make glasgow and that disney made me a pink sign mm-hmm i know you drank and posted a lot of things i know you know also i know some of your family attends it was just people mistakenly get yourself involved i know you came through these three so maybe that's why we get such a rapport that you know i'm for the streets i know you're philly streets and for clarification i've only ever met you two or three times during the podcast but i know your family respects your family james and you've got a few personal issues for yourself that growing up as much as you interview people as well james that have got issues that you want to cultivate and bring up to explain there'll become a time for you meet sat down maybe for that audience and gritting that and say right james i saw this podcast 1 billion views or but you never know so it's something which you get you get subject matter james and you you get the core material up for the audience you're an entertainer you're somebody who's got a podcast for your agenda i know everything else is exactly and i think we've got a good company so it's good if i'm going to go on anybody's it'll be ourselves probably out [Laughter] before we finish up brother would you like to finish up anything yourself paul i i think uh to reflect on the request that you made james online on twitter about asking any questions to come forward the one at leap search of it was ask him why he shot max healy's stereo if you're getting a city to have a serious discussion with somebody the last thing you want is irritating your ears is some music blasting it so maybe to neutralize that that might have been the right thing today but matt kaley go address them turned out to be a really nice genuine guy and i'm going to move on and speak about further things during the trial for the bank robbery that mckeely was involved in because blink wants to do an interview with me all in here i've never seen them for 20 years and i think a lot i mean he was friends with my dad's and done a few other things so i think it's only fair that i explore a variety of things so watch us best yeah after no before james but i knew that you wanted to do the third and final one of you with with this one uh and it would be a total disrespect if i go and do something i don't do it i appreciate that probably but that shows you a lot really i say that's a trilogy yeah we've done three parts now yeah we've also got ideas and plans for the future feel free to go and talk to other people exactly you're free knowing me no i appreciate the love you've always gave me the respect you've always gave me you've always had my back as well and that's how i know you're a hundred percent man that's why you respected all the uk we've also got your first live audience in glasgow which we'll be doing in march with me and yourself james i never knew that until you declared that i just wish you've done that but this is um uh live audience for yourself that would love to have started the events company why not bring paul ferris to the staging and and show people meet and greet tell your story and um it's the first minute so why not bring it up for that you can only check you're relying on the audience well you've got an audience that's read the books you've got audience there's seen the documentaries audience that's seen the film uh do they want a personal thing if it's their commercialized that then sorry your business why not do it i'll get joe kozakie and january and for yourself i would love paul ferris and matt i like to check my diaries here paul again brother phenomenal story very deep the day quite emotional as well at times but i see you're in a better place as well and but you can also see that paul ferriss is always still get that fire i'm not a it's a controller influence that i don't like bullies i don't like to be put in a position with really so if i can accommodate a an expedite a decent remedy for everybody to move on then that's sensible that's the way to do it paul it's been an absolute pleasure brother thanks again god bless you i'd like to see what we do for the future with the books and the new problem comes up man watch our space exactly take care good luck thank you
Channel: Anything Goes With James English
Views: 359,934
Rating: undefined out of 5
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Length: 102min 54sec (6174 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 07 2021
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