Creo Surface modeling: 14 Ways To Create Curve

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hello everybody in today's video tutorials I'd like to focus on 2d and 3d curves with creo parametric 4.0 again I will start directly from scratch and I will create a new treaty model and I will set to specify the name and I like to focus on the 40 different ways how to create curves directly in Creole the first example is create from 2d sketch so here is the base example how we can create a 2-d curve so we can set a directly the sketch and select the sketch plane and in the sketch you can create standard line yet so you can specify the line or lines or you can specify the different shape for example spline and you can continue and create the necessary shape if you specify the spline you can edit any this information in the sketch its mean you can move the point or you can specify the dimension so you can set the custom dimensions here or you can edit a spline if you would like to work with spline you can select double-click and system will activate the ribbon for the spline and over there you can really easy move with points or you can add the another one and select and specify better visualization of the spline you can Li use the different kind of moving points so for example like this and you can see here that the system allowed to you to specify the different kind of movement or you can run the analyze this tool and you can work and specify the visualization of the tangency or curvature of the spline so if you finish this feature the system will create to the curve directly in the creo on that curve you can or this curve you can use for the exit feature or for example sweep feature of different kind of features I think that you have seen a lot of examples in previous tutorials or stay in touch and I will show you how we can reuse these 2d or 3d curves wait creo parametric modeling the second example is we can create the curve between two datum datum points so what we need to do or what we need to create is create a datum point if you would like to work with datum points you can create a datum point of existing curve yeah and you can specify the offset this offset is possible to specify by ratio or rail it's mean the system will automatically set a reel of the damaging for you and you have specified the first point you can see right now if I so switch on the visualization of the point I can see the point here if you would like to see the tag for the points you can select the view and specify this point tag display and the system will always show you the naming of the points or datum plane boat and datum features I said that we can create a curve between two points so if you would like to create this curve you can see here that over there is a drop down menu in the group datum and we can create curve between three points the first point I have created directly here or I can select the point exist Inc on the 2d curve so you can see here the system will create points between created point or existing point the created curve is possible to edit what does it mean if you select the definition again you can specify the tangency of the point so over here I can select the right mouse button and I can specify the tangency or curvature or normal specifications up for example I will select tangent and I will specify the connection you can choose the tangent point it will be this way or opposite way and I can continue on the second side again here and again you can change it so you can really easily create your custom loop and then you can trim the existing curve and then you can use for example the bounder blind this was a second example how we can create the curve between two points if you work with 3d many times you create your custom for example exit feature and you will specify the shape here and if I will create so I will create directly here only for example 150 I'd like to focus and create only surfaces yes so you can see here right now I have created only surfaces and again I'd like to create a curve between points so again you can create a point on the line here and specify the dimension or created here okay and then really easy create the curve between two existing points I'd like to finish this example so you can see here that I can use the boundary blend feature and select to existing curves and in the first direction it will be you know between two lines and then I can specify the second possibility you can see here that is possible to create a trimming of the line and you can select specify that point and the system will create correct datum or correct boundary blend surface for you so it was a second example that we can create a curve between two datum points the question is people would like to create a curve between more than two points okay I will start almost on the scratch and I will create more than two points I will create point here or for example another one on the second curve and then I would like to apply the curve directly on the surface what we need to specify this of the dimension for that point yep this point is placed on the surface and again I can continue for example on that curve okay perfect so right now we have a couple of points here and what we can create is create diet and curve through the points so if you select more than two points the system will allow to you the specify if you would like to go straight on yet straight on on between two points or you would like to go off spline so right now you can see here the system will create a spline for me between two points or straight line if you would like to go back you can see here that is the possible select between point one and point two again the straight line and you can specify the another point for example vertex here don't forget the select control button and then you can continue like here so right now I have created the curve place it on more than two points and I have specified that I would like to create a straight line know spline what is good between every point you can add fill out so we can specify your custom fill out here and again you can continue where you would like to create a fill out and specify the group yeah the system will allow to you specify out altogether or you can switch on and you can specify different radius here and the frame here then you can continue at fill out specific cited for different ladies here for what is it good again I have specified my boundaries or base shape this paste shape I can hide and the system will create for me 3d curve based on the first extra feature and datum points know here you know that is the possible to use the sweep feature for example and specify the custom shape we open shaver close you can use the palette for a really quick example I will show you that is the possible to create something like this for example diameter will be 8 and if I will finish it you can create the closet loop or you can specify the thickness yeah so again it was a quick example how we can reuse the lot of points or a couple of points and datum curves and sweep feature at the end of system created for you something like pipe so if you don't have the application or licensing for piping you can really quickly create pipe like this it's one example if you will create the points on the coordinate system yeah so I will start again from the scratch so I will delete this information from other tree and I'd like to create a couple of points on the coordinate system so I will switch off so join my coordinate systems here this is a default you can create your custom one offset it from existing it's quickest way so I will create my custom coordinate system if you can specify the offset dimension and orientation and then I like to create the point offset from the coordinate systems you can see here that the system ask you from which coordinates which they would like to go and you can really quickly and easily create new placement for the point and is necessary only select the new point here here so you can specify the different placement different position and so on so I will create a couple of points one two three plus another you can rename this point here or you can import the existing one how to work with this datum point affected by coordinate system you can have a look on my youtube channel and you will learn more how to work with these datum points okay so right now we have a couple of points in the in the 3d I will switch off everything because I don't want to see the nose and spin Center so and right now I like to create a curve between this point you can select right mouse button and the system allowed to you to select all points and you can see here that I can really then quickly create curve between points of sorted by coordinate systems if you have a more than that one line so I will go back and I will create the the curve again the Sketchup curve here yeah and I will create a sketch it curve here I like the focus and show you how you can I will use the ctrl D yet because we have to define and see the default visualization and right now I will switch off the datum plane or datum features and the question is if you would like to connect connect these points so you have seen that is really easy because you can create a curve between two two ends of the curves so another example is that if you would like to create a curve between two curves it's a really easy select two points and if you want you can specify that in right mouse button if you would like to place in tangent curvature or normal ya finish an opposite way create another curve place it here again that curve you can right now useful boundary blend so with control button select two second reference and in the second side I like to follow and create my boundary pliant base it on the curve to the 3d and connected for what is it good for example if you would like to specify this type of the shape you can select and create a boundary blind feature and then you can specify the thickness so in this video tutorial you will learn more not only how to create the curves based on a different kind of features but you will learn more and you have seen for example sleep boundary plane and so on you will see I have prepared on this on the list only the list what I would like to show you so I have subject you like my example and stay tuned okay so it was example how to create the curve place it on the two existing lines download example is if you would like to create and place curves on and connect these curves between for example another surface so this is the first surface what I have created and I'd like to create for example really easy shape here and I will create on the arc between two existing one yeah and right now if I will create extra feature base it only one straight line Oh only one line or one entity or done not close a loop the system automatically switch this expert feature the surface modeling so it's really cool you can continue specify the depth and finish I said that I would like to show you how to connect the existing surfaces and existing curves yes so over here between two points and two surfaces I'd like to create a correct shape so you can create a curve between first point and another point you can specify the for example the curvature ya here and opposite way and the second side curvature here if I will specify the curvature on left side and right side okay maybe a better example will be if I will select edit definition and all on the right side either the curvature and on the left side will be tangent connection I would like to show you more maybe for example the surface modeling with creel if I would like to continue with another curve I will select and specify the curve between two points and again really quickly curvature over here yes specified on the surface edge and over here I will specify tangent on that edge but opposite way so right now you can see here that system will create for me the curves which is connected directly to the surface and that edge and opposite way it's the same and what you can do with that type of the curve is if you select the end conditions you can see here that over there is the option same as on the right mouse button or if you select the option tab over there is the possible to tweak the curve and if you would like to tweak this curve you select the subscription air subscriber and select and over here is the movement or you can add another points and if you add the point here for example then if you can if you would like to move select the movement and go back and you can see here it right now you can specify the movement of the points here and you specify a different shape yeah so you can choose the custom movement if I were confirm okay so I have changed a little bit my shape of the curve here you can see and then I like to continue with boundary blend between two existing edges or lines and if I will select the second I would like to from left to right okay and here is the option for the boundary blend in the right mouse button you remember that on the left side are specified the tangency for the curve so over here I can select the tangents and the system will automatically tangent existing surface and create a surface on the right side I will select the curvature and the system will create a curvature connection between these two surfaces what does it mean I like to show you on the analyzes and if I will select you have the possibility reflection analyzes if you select more than one surface it means two and three surfaces you can see here that if the surface is our pungent between two surfaces you can see here something like breaking yes so you can see here that it's not so smooth yeah over here but if you start will specify the curvature the transition between surface the surface definite by curvature it really really smooth and so you can see here as well I like it it looks good so it's the same like designers create a cause and if you have a look on the cars you can see the connect that surfaces really smooth so we would like to repair this tangency you have to go back in the model tree you have to select specification and select the curvature on that curve go back and another one select the curvature here and then if the curve is curved ated the surface can be calibrated to so over here right now I can select the curvature and in the analyzes you can have a look here right now the it will be really smooth between two surfaces right now the another example is how to project a curve any times you will specify and create the curve or something and then you would like to make a projection on the existing surface for example I will go back to the sketch and I like to create for example circle here but what you need to do is make a projection of that sketch so we can create a sketch and then you can select the function project and the system ask you where you would like the place or project this sketch so we can select a surface and I would like to project it here or you would like to select the alum direction or you can specify on your mantle surface so it depends what you can do this is the first example you can have a look that if you use this projection the system will automatically hide the existing sketch again why do you want to use it because you would like to create a hole here really quickly based on the surface modeling you can select the surface and trim function and you can select the project that the curve and the system will show you what will be find a result and it looks it looks good okay okay okay I'd like to finish this shape here so what we need to do is select these surfaces and merge it as one quilt and if you will finish it you can use the thickness and the system will allow to you to specify the thickness here you can go outside or inside or top and bottom specify thickness and right now you know how to work really easily with surface modeling and some merge function thickness and so on so I hope so did you like it and your stay watching my video to tell about the curve model link or some example for surface modeling if I will create another shape have a study gaining almost from the scratch so I will create exclude feature here and in this over here I'd like to create the only surface the specification will be only like this for example okay some dimensions I don't care okay I finished my sketch of I finish my extra feature here here in the model tree you can see and right now I'd like to create new datum plane and this datum plane will be suitable for this new sketch so we can directly solve the sketch but on the fly you can create a plane so you can select and create a plane on the fly you can specify the normal orientation for this datum feature and I'd like to go on the outside of that cylinder yeah and on that sketch I'd like to create for example rectangle I think that will be a really good example how to make a dropping of the curve on the existing surface I like to explain to you what does it mean that if you will create right now the projection of that sketch the system will automatically project it that the length of the line will be not same like in the sketch but I like to see here if I will select that the definition in my sketch that my length of the line is 100 millimeters for example that line and if I will confirm and if I will use the function rap yep so I like to wrap the sketch this sketch on that surface of system we will select for me my existing surface if I will finish you can see here right now that system will pro not project the system will rub the curve on the surface and the length of the projected curve is the same okay when the curve is okay we'll select the control button the total length curve is 100 millimeters so you can see here the difference between projection and wrapping is that the brought action light the length of the curve same as original sketch so it was really quick example how we can wrap the curve on the surface what next if you work with your 3d data many times you need to create the curve definite by equation so the system creo parametric 4.0 allow to you to create a point by equation and you can have a look here you need to specify the reference so you need to specify the coordinate system for example here and you can choose what type of the equation will be definite by this coordinate systems if it will be Cartesian cylindrical spherical and if you select for example Cartagena you can see here that the system show you the information window that if you would like to create a circle you can write some equation for example the radius of the circle will be 4 so I will use the same function and you can have a look here that it's the possible to use the input from the keyboard or directly you can choose the the information here it's a similar like relations what does it mean T it's a time from 0 to 1 so at the beginning if the system will count this information the system will define the information that at the beginning is time 0 and at the end is time 1 so if you imagine this parameter T is the time from 0 to 1 and I don't specify the Z offset so I will use the same and it will be Z zero you can combine your equation with local parameters so if you specify the local parameters you can create your custom one and for example radius radius will be four yes and it's mean I don't want to put here ready the number four but I'd like to use the parameter radius yeah and same I will put it here and I think that you can use the right mouse button and function in that two relation so I change it a little bit so you can see here that's right now the system will create for me the curve definite by equation and specified by my local parameter you can combine the local parameter and you can specify any type of the equation what you need okay you need to specify them okay so right now you can see that I have specified the every information here yeah change it to casinos and sinus finish come from okay and finish okay and you can see the system will create correct curve for you and again if you would like to change it you can change the parameter no problem you don't need to go in the in the model tree and select the definition and edit this parameter you can go here directly to the parameters you can select the feature and directly you can select the feature here so feature has a parameter radius and I don't want to use the radius for I'd like to use the rate is 150 so I will select okay and regenerate and analyze this for example yeah so you would like to see the measurements so diameter is 300 and everything was changed yeah so the system will allowed me to change the parameters directly here yeah so for the feature again I will change it from 150 to for example 25 okay any files will regenerate and I will run the analyzes one more time you can see the diameter is again smaller okay so right now you know how to create the curve definite by equations and how to use the analyzes for created features right now here is the questions if it is possible to create a 3d curve base it on the 2d curves okay for better explanation I will eh - to the care of curves so the first one will be here and for example it will be only straight line okay and over here I will create the another one so you can see here that we have a this is the third line and I'd like to create for example arc and over here I will specify the arc so if I will have a look here from the top the shape of it will be the arc and another one will be straight line so what the system do if you imaging the sometimes you need to create intersection between two curves you can select the first curve control second curve and then in the ribbon you can select the function intersect and the system will create for you 3d curve yes so you can see here right now I have my 3d curve what does it mean if I will change the original one from the straight line I will add some lines there yes a little bit complicated for example like this and I will do it and maybe for example I will create a field here give change dimensions and confirm okay the system will create for me the 3d line then you can see here it is a 3d line they sit on Turk curve the first one and second one from this side is the one shape and the another one so this was it was example how to create get to 2d curves and intersect and create intersection and another option is if you would like to create intersection not between two curves but between two quilt so I will create a quilt definite by sched one so I will exert this over here and again I will select sketch two and exit and make something like this and the question is if it is possible to create intersection of the grilles if I will select the function quilt here so I will select the filter I can select the first quilt and the second quilt it is possible to choose the intersect and the system will create for me the 3d curve base it on the existing quilt the final result will be same same to recycle hide the quilt you can see the system created for me the 3d curve pays it on to quilts another example will be how to produce and reuse the existing geometry for example if it creates easy shape for example rectangle and I'd like to specify the depth going on to 150 and I like to reuse the existing line or existing edges for example for the round or for on a feature or for example for the sleep yeah so you know that is the possible if I will change the filter back to the geometry I do not see it again you can select the edge and if you use the function copy and paste copy and paste the system will create the copy of existing edge and create a curve for you if you use the shift button you can continue with selection and the system allows you select the chain or if you go to the back with the ship button you can select the one by one and select the different lines okay so we have to specify the existing lines and if I will copy this one I can finish it the system will make a copy and create curve for me again we can have a look here and we can select the curve for the sweep feature and over here for example we would like to create that shape and confirm okay what we need to do is a cut okay so it was really quick example how you can reuse existing edges and copy and paste and create 3d curve the another example what I would like to show you is how to create the curve base it on the sections so I will create maybe more than one extra feature here and I let the specific we can use this one and like this yeah so for example I like to cut and I'd like to go for example for here so I will select the shield Batman system you'll select to select it right now what we need we need to create the correct shape inside so we can create in the View tab you can select the create a section and you can select the surface and move inside so sis now we will create a dynamic section for you and you can set that for example 150 yep okay in the section in the model tree you can set the name so if you will select right mouse button to rename the system allows you to rename the feature here and you can deactivate it and you know that somewhere inside is created the sections and in model tab and datum group is the possibility to create a curve from cross section and interrupt that menu you can have a look here it's a cross section a just create it and if I will confirm the system create for me the oops skim SEC I would like to hide this curve and just create that curve is this one and again you can reuse it for the sweep feature or boundary blind or surface modeling and so on it's up to you so it was quick example how to create and use datum feature based it on the cross section and the last but not least here is the example how to create the curve from the mechanism so for example I have created really quickly and easily shape of the mechanism I can move okay so if it is possible to move in mechanism you sometimes need to create a mechanism and set the maximum and minimum I will transform and jump to application and mechanism and you can see here that in my motor I have specified if I celebrate the definition that I don't want to go to the consent but I'd like to go by cosine function if I have a look here in the graph you can see here my specification what does it mean if I will specify not cosine by constant and you will specify the velocity the system will spin the model around and it will be goes left and right but I don't want to go with this bar around I'd like to only make us some small movement so again in my analyzes you can have a look here if I select the definition that I have specified a snapshot and I have set some end time so if I will run this analysis the fist I will move weight my mechanism a little bit but question is what was the maximum and minimum of this object okay we can do it and we can analyze what I have to do I have to go back I don't want to save it here because it's not so big and I will select the for example this point though or this object and in this object if I will open it I'd like to specify the point here dialogue directly in the center of that cylinder so we can create a point on the curve but I don't want to place the point on that curve I like to place it directly no here but here on the center and the system will play directly on the center of that selected curve again if I was for John I can see my point I will go back to mechanism and I will select mechanism and what I need to do is run analyzes one more time but it looks good and now you have a in the mechanism tab you have a group analyzes and the other is the possibility to create a trade curve and what we need to do is select a point so I will select the point and result if I will come from ok the system will create for me 2d or 3d curve base it on the mechanism analyzes if you would like to see one more time you can have a look here and if I will play yeah I can set the speed and play and you can see the system will create correct shape of the curve based on the mechanism in today video tutorials you have seen couple of example how to create and use 2d and 3d curve with creo parametric 4.0 I try to show you 14 different ways how to work with curves thank you and bye bye you
Channel: 4K Side - Creo Tutorials
Views: 65,032
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: creo, parametric, tutorial, proe, proengineer, Pro/E, Pro/ENGINEER, video, trace curve, wrap, project, surface, surface modeling, ptc, 4.0, creo tutorial, creo tutorial for beginners, creo tips and tricks, creo for beginners, 4kside creo tutorial, vladimir palffy, creo modeling tutorial, 3D basic modeling, creo basic modeling, 3D modeling, creo tutorial for mechanical engineering, surface creo parametric, creo surface modelling tutorial, creo surface modelling, creo tutorial assembly
Id: 71E6aeVR9Ig
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 25sec (2665 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 09 2017
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