E1 Creo Parametric 4.0 - Tutorial w/Training Guide

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exercise one Creo parametric 4.0 as you can see the manual here has not been updated this is a 3.0 manual but if you'd like you could grab it and I hope to have it updated sometime soon in the future um you should be able to grab it on vert one.com and then just click on instructional manuals and you hopefully will just find it there and you could just download it as PDF our goal though is to create this part let you see here so let's begin first of all let's go to the settings and learn how to set up the the software so that it works very similar to how I have it set up you'll find this if you go to file and options first of all go to model display make sure the default model orientation is trimetric and then down below here we could go ahead and um the set shade quality again if you're um if your graphics card or you're doing this on a tablet or a laptop that's just not very fast you might want to leave it at the lower settings but note that you could bump it up to a higher quality I'm going to leave mine at six um there's also here entity display again if you have a laptop that may not have a very good graphics card in it uh don't set this to anything above zero or no anti-aliasing but that this well I'm going to set mine to four I have a professional graphics card which could handle this and then also tangent Edge display style I'll keep it at solid Edge uh display quality high and shaded with edges is actually a very nice setting here I would recommend setting it for that okay also in Sketcher if you click on the Sketcher Tab and scroll down this Sketcher startup make the sketch sketching plane parallel to the screen is a very good idea I would recommend turning that on once you have these you could go ahead and hit okay there's many more options but we're not going to go through them all right now okay let's begin with a new part file and we're going to go ahead and name this Capital E1 for exercise one keep it on part and solid and use the default template hit okay and what we're going to do first is now there's two methods we could first start our sketch and select a plane the planes you'll see here on the left are in What's called the feature tree and this is basically enables or they call it the model tree here and it essentially gives you a road map of everything that you've done or are working on on your model and it enables you to right click on those features and edit them or sketches you could edit them from there or you could edit them from the viewport right here in the middle the planes front top top and right are your your paper that's what you sketch on you can also sketch on any flat plane or Surface that you have in the um in the model or assembly let's go ahead and we'll first start off by just clicking on sketch and when you click on sketch first you get this little b dialogue box that comes up just go ahead and select this front datum plane you could select it here or from the model tree and then over here just go ahead and hit sketch in the advanced class we get more into the reference information there but for right now just hit sketch and you'll see it will Orient you normal to the screen that was that setting we set up in the options menu earlier now let's go to the rectangle tool if you hit the little arrow to the right of these icons by the way this is the ribbon bar up on the top here um if you see there's a little arrow that usually gives you other options that you have and in this case we're going to go to Corner rectangle click on that now Creo by default actually is zoomed out very far so when we click and drag this out you're going to see um even though you don't get much feedback here as to how large you are go ahead and click and then to end it middle click so and what I mean by middle click is your middle Mouse button or if you have a scroll wheel click on it as if it's a button the scroll actually Zoom Zooms in and out and if you press it and hold it you could rotate but don't do that at this time um in this case if you middle click just one time and release it you'll see Dimensions will appear and you could click and when I say click I'm referring to the left Mouse button um the right Mouse button we do use from time to time is for editing typically but uh we'll get to that shortly so now you could drag these Dimensions out if you would like move your pointer to the center of that box and use a scroll and scroll backwards towards yourself and you'll see it will zoom in to it for you and if you find a focal point you could zoom up to that just by scrolling with your pointer fixed on whatever location you want to zoom up to as you scroll okay so we have these Dimensions you can see this is a very large box uh by the way the options also had U there's also an area where I'm going to show you in just a minute where to set the actual um settings as far is your um not the options but the actual dimensions and we'll get to that in a second but let's go ahead and change this right now I'm in inches I'm going to double click on this Dimension here and I'm going to go ahead and type in um three in just three you don't have to type 3.00 just three Works double click over here type in five and hit enter and now it has brought that to that size at this this point you need to hit okay when you're done with the sketch and now we could go to extrude and you'll see it will extrude it it might actually extrude it much farther than mine but you see here there's that little white square if you get your pointer over it it turns black and now you could depress the mouse button and drag it in and out and this enables you to lock it in in this case I've got it to 0.5 so a/ inch thick or else you could double click on that Dimension and type in an explicit value in this case 0.5 and that will give us the depth let's go ahead and hit the green check mark up here to apply that and now to rotate to get your mouse in the center of the screen and hold down the middle wheel the scroll just push it down and hold it move your mouse left and right up and down and you'll see you could dynamically rotate the model there's also the ability up here to change display styles to wireframe or shaded with edges that's what I prefer and then saved orientations front right and standard orientation which is uh like a tri metric okay so now that we have that let's go ahead and we're going to sketch now on this front face so um instead of going directly to sketch let me show you another method you could do you could click on extrude and then select the face you want to create the Extrusion on and that automatically opens up a sketch now go back to the rectangle tool and move your pointer to the bottom left hand corner and click and drag this and you'll see it will infer this is a new feature for the latest version of Creo which uh even in 3.0 they did not have this you had to um use the references button up here to activate this but now just Glide up to this Edge click and it will snap to it automatically references a coincident relationship to that edge middle click one time and now drag the dimension out that's there and you might have noticed I went a little too quick there my apologies um it said it was a weak Dimension uh Creo has a couple different types of Dimensions you have the ability to actually lock them into a specific Dimension you have the ability to leave them as weak therefore or if you use a different dimension it will override that or you could make them strong Dimensions by just double clicking on them and type it in a new value so in this case I want this to be 1.5 and I hit enter and the color actually changes and if I move my pointer over it and click um sometimes you could actually see it will say like weak or smart Dimension these little boxes that you see here those are the automatic relationships that were established a vertical line and a white box indicates a vertical iCal relationship it means it cannot vary left or right in terms of an angle um and this is a horizontal and these little ones down here are coincident relationships as well as the one in the upper right means that it's locked on to that edge okay let's go ahead and hit okay again and if you rotate with the middle Mouse button hold that down and move your mouse to the left and now you could type you could double click over here or go to the very top and type in 0 five and hit the green check okay at this point we don't really need to see our planes or WCS some uh users who've been using this for 20 plus years as I have um they typically like to leave their planes on but um if you don't want to you just go right up here to this little button here and you could deactivate the plane display or all those different options select all and that way they're out of the way and you could always bring them back very easily by going right back up there and reactivating them okay now what we're going to do is we're going to go to the round tool another name for round is a radius or a fillet or a blend you'll typically hear those terms used uh in different CAD systems but in in a Creo they call it round so let's go ahead and up here we get to set the radius of that round and we want it to be 1 in so just type in one and hit enter and now move your pointer to this Edge and it's kind of hard to see on my screen because I'm in a 4K resolution and I don't have very thin lines here but it highlights that edge and that's the edge we want to hit just imagine like if you were going to file it down that's what you would file down that particular Edge to get to the radius now you do see you have drag handles and you could adjust it by dragging these um sometimes it's a little difficult to get back to one that's not too bad and go ahead and click on this Edge right here and now hit the green check mark up here or you can middle click okay now we're going to go ahead and try shamer click on the shamer tool and over here you have distance to distance um varying distances equal angle I should say uh angle times distance so you could put and then 45 to distance if we just go distance to distance or D to D um and set it to 0.125 hit enter and now go ahead and select this Edge it autom Al makes a 45° angle for us on that edge at 0.125 now when you do see .13 show up there it's all it's rounding it but honestly if you were to double click you see 0.125 it's just rounding to do decimal places in the options menu we have the ability to change that so we could see a higher decimal Precision okay hit the green check mark now rotate this again and let's get it to this view that I have right right here take your time if you need to pause the video um it's very important to learn how to rotate the part also the um shift and middle Mouse button pans if you hold shift down and hold the middle Mouse button you could pan it okay now go to the Shell command we're going to make this into a thin walled part set the wall thickness to 006 and now select this face right here you get a preview of what's going to be removed uh you could hold control and select this side face here and while you're still holding control go ahead and select this face and hit the green check okay as you can see we've put in uh we made this a thin walled part now I'd like to show you how to cut into this part we've added material and we've also used the shell command as well as fill it in shamer but now let's take a look at how to draw something and remove material so let's say we want a hole in this upper left quadrant click on the surface and go to extrude go to the circle tool and locate it right about there and click and then drag out a circle and click again and I'll middle click and some Dimensions should appear and there you could actually see they says in parenthesis weak drag those out you want to keep those as weak uh at least that one there um but this one right here double click on that for the diameter it's supposed to be 75 double click on this one change it to one and now this one we actually don't want we want to reference a 1in dimension from the center point to the top Edge so we use the dimension tool up here to override the weak Dimension by clicking on it selecting the top Edge and select the center point move your pointer to the left and this is what is very confusing for many people um most C systems you left click to drop the dimension and Creo you have to Middle click want that is click on the wheel if you have the wheel on your thing and it will actually put in the dimension so it's a little different than most systems out there type in one and hit enter and then middle click a couple times to exit editing that and let's hit okay and as you rotate you can see it's adding material here but if we want to reverse that see that little arrow you could click on that and it automatically goes to a cut feature now it doesn't always do this depending upon the geometry you have that you're working on it could vary but um it automatically selected this remove material button just remember that sometimes you won't have that as an option when you want to click on remove material where it automatically does that so you might have to click on the button from time to time all right and instead of an explicit value um there's something called design intent when we working in a parametric modeler such as Creo and design intent is your plan and how you want it to behave as you design it so for example let's say we have a block and we have a hole in it and the hole is always supposed to be a through hole now if you say you made the Black 1 inch thick and if you made the hole 1 in deep the hole if you ever change that block because updates always do occur if you change the block thickness let's say to 1 and2 in and you updated it the hole would then have to be updated as well you'd have to go in and edit that whole depth and change it this method I'm about to show you eliminates that so go ahead and hit that little arrow up in the upper left corner and find this this is basically through all it's extrude to intersect with all surfaces that will ensure no matter what change occurs it will always be a through hole hit the green check mark now you don't have to do that but it's a good practice and as you become more fluent with the software you'll find that those practices really help you as well as others who might be working on your models in the future again that was called design intent and we'll look at that more in the future okay let's rotate this around and now what we're going to do next is um I wanted to show you how to change some of the colors on here so let's say we want to go to the view tab up here and you have the appearances hit the little arrow underneath appearances and you'll see there's a a nice selection of presets let's say we want this to be PTC metallic aluminum this is a very nice aluminum color um before you select anything down here is the filter it allows you to select what you want to be able to maybe you just want an individual face or Surface as they call it here or the entire part select part click one time on the model and then release it then middle click on that wheel and it should adopt the properties of whatever material you selected in this case you don't see a whole change because it's basically it's gray was Gray before it's gray now but now what we can do here click on perspective view perspective gives you a vanishing point on the screen it makes it just like in real life when a photographer takes a photograph we see that distances things in the distance gets smaller that's what this does for us it makes it look more realistic now we could go ahead and go to Applications and click on Photo realistic rendering now if it's this being perhaps cloud-based it might take a while to load the module or um actually photo render it but as you can see here mine worked very quickly and it gave it actually a nice appearance here the floor is on the base later and exercises we'll discuss how to change that or transform it but you can see you can make some pretty nice renderings here for a portfolio for yourself uh by practicing this um you'll notice the minute you um when you rotate it is set to re real time here and we could give it a different appearance if we like um what I'm when you're ready to make the final render you could click on render to file um you could also turn off perspective you could also change the scene here um click on this one and it will update and it also has to um render this as well and in this case um with that scene it doesn't look like it did what I was hoping to but regardless um when we do the final render usually it picks up on that now another thing um I'm going to hit control alt delete here and go to my task manager and here we're going to explore how much um CPU utilization is taking place right now as it's rendering this because it actually is and look at this um I actually have a process processor that has um 24 logic processors or cores it's actually a 16 um but uh but here you can see it's a Zeon um we could also go here to the resources Monitor and you could see the utilization of all the CPUs on the list there and you could actually in the settings modify how much of that is being utilized so for example if you go to the um there's actually the settings in here you could tell it to use like in this case I'm using 22 cores but I could tell it to use only half of those or whatever I want and that enables me while it is rendering I could be doing other projects and processes and by changing the lighting effect you could enhance it even more but be aware the finer quality takes longer okay now I'm going to hit close on there and I want to go back to the view and appearances and let's say I want to add another color here I'm going to go to PTC um painted um we'll go with uh gold now down here I'm going to go to the filter and I'm going to select surface and I'm I'm just going to control select hold control and select the shamers that we put in and then middle click and now we could go back to Applications photo realistic render and you could see it really enhances the image quite a bit or now it stands out a little bit more mix it pop another little thing you could do here I'm going to cancel there U if you go to rounds and put very small rounds on there like 0.001 rounds on these edges it gives a a bit more realistic appearance let me put one more on there and you could barely see them if I were to zoom up you could see the very small little radiuses um keyshot I believe does it automatically if you have that software application which is for photo rendering and here you can see it breaks the edges a little bit that way you get a reflection and it doesn't look so um continuous okay so that is the end of exercise one that concludes this uh what I'd like to show you next if you um are the two Labs that are in the manual lab one and lab 1B both of those I recommend that you give them a try on your own and here I'll grab the manual bring that up so you can see see what I'm talking about okay might have a little tough time downloading here but basically there's two labs and uh usually I recommend trying them on your own and then you could pause the video as you try them and then tune into the video after you completed them or if you really need help you could look at that and see how they're done so go ahead and pause right now if you like okay now what I'm going to do is I'm going to go ahead and start on them so I'm going to go file new and I'm going to name this next one L1 for lab one and hit okay and this exercise is just an extrude of half inch thick uh and it's like it's basically the letter F so I'm going to go ahead and select the front plane and it's just resting on its side let's see if my manual came up here there we go here's the lab one so it's a 2X 3 and 1/2 in uh F and it has some of these other parameters here if you download the actual manual uh you'll find you can actually open it up and rotate the print so it's a little easier to read and again um these are all in inches here okay so I'm going to go ahead and get started on that 2 by 3 and A2 so I'm going to start with the line tool and notice this is my the center I'm going to drag my pointer over here and click drag this across and drag this line up here and middle click twice I'm going to change the height to two and this to 3.5 five and it will automatically scale for me so that's really nice now I'm going to go to the line tool and we're not using rectangles as you notice this time so um click and drag this across about one inch drag it down about halfway click and drag it across match this one up here notice you'll get a little equal symbol in this case the equal is a good choice because it's the same depth on both sides so um see that little equal symbol in green to the right that's an automatic relationship making the two lines equal in length now I click drag across here don't get any of those EXT those try and avoid those equal symbols most of the time it was only in that case it was a good thing I'll click and drag this across drag this down a little bit farther than the last one drag it across and you can infer to that line there you'll see it will turn green and now you can close it and midle click two times and now you get the dimensions so here here I'm going to change this to 1 in and then as we look at the print um the next one is 1.75 so we'll use the dimension tool because I don't like what's given us here now I do have an equal symbol there which is concerning me because that is not good if watch this if I go ahead and click here and click here and try and put that 1.75 I get a resolve sketch issue cuz it wants to make it two cuz those are that's one inch length there and this is one inch then because they're both equal so what you could do when this comes up youve basically you have to tell it which one you want in this case um it's not showing me the equal option there so I'm going to um just cancel here and middle click to get out of it all you have to do is Click one time on the equal and hit delete on your keyboard notice the 1 in appear now now we could go to dimension and dimension from here to here and middle click and that will be 1.75 the next Dimension is 2 and a half so click on this line to this line and then up here middle click 2.5 now we don't need to mention this because it's Dimension at the base but we do need to put a dimension in here so from here to here and you could click over here middle and that will be 1 in and now this one I just need to double check the print shows 85 so from here to here that'll click 85 and actually we could have selected just the vertical line too and it would have given us the height too so there it is fully dimensioned and now we could hit okay and it goes to the Extrusion and this is only going to be a/ inch thick hit the green check mark and you're done that's lab one now if you want go ahead and uh have a little fun with it I encourage my students to modify it a little bit like go to the rounds tool and Tinker with it and put in some different sizes and this is how you're going to learn quite a bit on the software just playing with it have a little fun with it and try some shamers again you could drag the little handles till you like what you see and if you want you could even flip it around and go to the Shell tool select the face set the wall thickness to um 06 and apply again that's option those are all options you could do there you don't have to do exactly what I did there okay now the next ex the next Lab is lab 1B is this like brick with a cutout in it so it's 3x5 and it has four holes this time which we haven't learned about mirroring yet um we learned that in the next exercise so i' prefer that you just put them in individually and dimension each one but I will show you in this video how to mirror because um it is something that's very useful it's just I don't want to throw too much at a student the first day they're they're using the software okay so let's start the next part new and this will be l1b hit okay and now we could go to extrude and I'm going to select the front plane and for this one we haven't used this tool yet but I would definitely recommend the center rectangle because it's a symmetric part you'll see there's advantages especially for mirroring you drag it from the center out middle click and go ahead make a five by three now I'm going to go ahead and add a circle here click on Circle and right about there click make sure it's not not touching don't touch any of these edges that's bad see it's going to snap and lock in so let it just float there by itself middle click two times set the diameter to 0.5 and this Dimension drag that up there make that 75 but this one is not what we want so we have to add our own dimension in select the center to the top Edge and the middle click over here to the left 75 and again it's a it's a good practice by the way to Dimension these lay them out as if you're literally making the drawing right now because nine times out of 10 when you make the drawing you could call these Dimensions up and they appear exactly how you left them so if you left them as a mess you're going to get a mess otherwise you could bring and retrieve these Dimensions saving you a nice amount of time later on okay so now that we have that let me show you how to mirror now remember mirroring is formally covered in the next exercise if you don't want to learn this part just go ahead and draw that three additional times you're going to get some great experience if you do it otherwise here's the cheat go to Center Line center lines are required in order to make mirrors that's how you mirror across so I'm going to draw one from the center up and then from the center to the left and now middle click select the circle after you middle click to get out of whatever you might have been in and and now select that Circle go to mirror if mirror is not active middle click a couple times out in the middle of the screen and then it will clear out your selections and then you could go ahead and select the circle and mirror should appear click on mirror and then select the center line you want to mirror to cross unfortunately you can only do one at a time or one Center Line at a time I should say um here's how you could do both circles across the base now I'm just going to click and drag a fence to surround the two circles or you could control select them both and now go to mirror and select the horizontal Center Line and there it is hit okay and this is going to be 1 and 1 12 in thick hit the green check mark you rotate it now it looks like this now here's where Not only was that an advantage to draw it using the center point rectangle for this but for the pocket that we have to cut out here so I should say the cutout select this face and go to extrude go to rectangle and click on the center and drag out oops I try that again drag this out and it should snap to this Edge click middle click and go ahead and change that to 1.5 it's automatically Centered for us rotate hit okay flip the direction and set the depth to 1 in so it doesn't cut all the way through hit the green check now you're done at this point again you don't have to make drawings for these sometimes I have students they try to make the drawings we didn't cover drawings yet or detailing detailing is covered in exercise six so we have ways to go before we get to detailing the next these four exercises first four exercises are all about modeling the fifth exercise is about assemblies and then we get to drawings after that so uh don't bother doing a drawing unless you want to skip ahead and take a look how it's done it is nice to learn um I'm going to touch this up a little bit just with some fun things again this is there's no extra credit given or anything like that for this but just um I encourage my students to play around a little bit so I'm going to set this to a/ inch radius I'm going to select these four edges hit the green check I'm going to go to the shamer again select this edge here and we see it's very large I'm just going to squeeze that down a little bit actually I'll just change it to 0.125 and then do the same over here we could also put um counter syncs on these edges there is a hole tool that puts those in automatically if you use it which we will learn in exercise 4 hit the green check and now you can flip it around and shell it I'm going to set that to 0.006 again and hit the green check now again if you'd like to render that remember you could go to view appearances I'm going to go ahead and make this let's see um I really like the metallic aluminum I'm going to go with that again I'm going select part select the whole part middle click and then you could go to appearances I'm going to go with the gold again and this time surfaces and you could do whatever you want with this I'm just having a little fun um touching this up too you can make a very nice portfolio I'm just doing this to highlight the features that we've learned today just holding control hit the oh and then uh you could just hit okay up there or middle click all right now we could go to perspective view go to Applications and photo realistic rendering and realtime rendering is turned on and we could see makes a beautiful rendering for us excellent for a showpiece in your portfolio and again don't forget you can put see there's no Edge there we might want to put fillets on there if we close that go back to the fillet I should say the rounds tool set it to 0.01 something very small and we could just select some of those edges there highlight those that will make it look a little bit nicer now watch once we go back it breaks the edges so you could kind of like it's adding a little bit of highlight to them okay um turn perspective view back on to give it a more realistic appearance and you got a nice little photo realistic rendering and that concludes exercise one
Channel: vertanux1
Views: 141,177
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Creo 4, CAD, Beginners, Beginner
Id: AdlHQYHr4L8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 51sec (2211 seconds)
Published: Fri May 19 2017
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