Creo Parametric - Cabling | Creating Cable Spools Manually

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in creo parametric you can manually create a cable spool for routing a harness let's take a look at how you do that Here I am in cabling mode I have my active work harness to create a new spool you can go to the spools command this will open up the menu manager first I'm going to choose edit to show you that I have a number of schools already I have some individual wire spools I have a ribbon spool that has 15 conductors and another cable spool that has five conductors in here but let's take a look at how to create your own cable spool I will cancel out of the electrical parameters dialog box to create a new one I will choose create and then we have our different types in here and this is going to be a cable now it prompts me for the name I'm going to create a can bus harness just like to be all capitals hit the enter key and here I am in the dialog box we have a few different columns already set up in here so we have our name the type is prefab that indicates a cable here we have a default thickness value which I'm going to change and a default minimum Bend radius our units are the same as our model they are in millimeters and the color is not defined right now we don't have any number of conductors in here because we don't have the column displayed and we don't have a value set for that let's add some more columns in here to do that I will go to view and then columns and one of the most important ones again for the cable definition is this num conductors let's add that in here and I'm going to use the arrows to move it up near the top because it is so important and here we have a number of other different parameters that we can add in here if we wanted to use them and so for example let's say that I want to account for the mass of my wires and cables in order to do that I need to have a density assigned and be aware that this is a linear density in other words you're going specify the weight per unit length in this case my model is in millimeters and based on the thickness of the cable that's how it would calculate the weight of the object and you might want to have mass units in here as well so this is good for my columns I'll click the ok button here we see that number of conductors is non-existent I want you to pay attention what happens over here after I set a value and I'm gonna simulate sort of like a military-grade version of a can bus harness so let's change the value from non-existent to five and I'll hit the enter key and now all of a sudden we got this little arrow that we could use to expand then we have conductors and I can expand this over here and fill in the values for the individual conductors let's first off change the values for the other parameters in here for the cable itself so for the thickness I'm going to make this about 2.5 based on the number of conductors and how they're going to be laid out in there plus some insulation for the minimum Bend radius as a minimum I usually use two times the thickness and we have our millimeters in here for the color let's use the drop-down list and choose what it's going to be and I'm not gonna fill in density or mass units because I don't have the linear density for that yet to fill in the values for the individual conductors you can choose conductors you'll notice that there are fewer columns in here by default just like before we can go to view columns to add additional columns so for example here we have a density but I'm just going to use the overall density for my cable itself but I want to I could also put wire gauge in here as well let's click the ok button and a bunch of these are going to be the same wire gauge so they'll have the same thickness and same minimum Bend radius I don't have to enter them one by one I can click on multi-select here and then enter in the value this is going to be 20 aw gee and when I hit enter you'll notice that all of them take on the value let's do the same thing for the thickness and the thickness and millimeters for this is 0.8 1 2 8 hit the enter key and again that gets filled in here and once again let's do the multi select for the minimum Bend radius and just doing some quick math hit the enter key and that plugs in those different values but we want to have different names for the individual conductors and different colors so let's call this the can V and the next one or it's going to be the can hi then we'll have our can shield then our can low and finally the ground and a lot of times people just leave them as numbers in there but you can be as detailed as you want now honestly I usually use schematics in order to generate my cables just because you can have more control over how it is being built so let's go and change our colors in here let's see the shield the shield will also be gray and then we have our low that's gonna be green and finally our ground which is going to be black and so now I have all the individual conductors defined let's go back to connections everything is good in here so I'm happy with my CANbus cable spool definition I will click the ok button and then done return now let's take a look at writing this in here when I do routing I like to change to a centerline display let's now click on route cables and in the route cables dialog box you have a search tool that you could use if you are bringing in an XML file from a schematic you could create individual wires or a ribbon cable but we are creating a new cable and so here we have the different conductors for the cable because right now set to the spool called cable let's use the drop-down list and choose the one that we just defined and there we can see all the different conductors with the names that were signed turn on our coordinate system visibility we've got a few different designated connectors in here and right now our from collector for the two is designated one of the reasons that I don't use manually created cable spools lot is that I generally prefer to do pin to pin wiring I get a little overboard in my details when I'm doing cabling but if you're just routing a single big sheath going from one location to the other then it's fine to use manual cable spools and in this case over here I'm just going to select the entry coordinate system over here and then for the two connector let me zoom in over here and see if I can see the entry over there and right now we are in simple route you can see that just goes from point A to point B all the individual conductors are showing up as red but if I click the apply button it's going to end up throwing the cable in here let me hit cancel and then expand the harness in the model tree and there's the cable that I just created and the symbols next to them in the model tree indicate that they're all routed successfully if I click the route command from the mini toolbar here you can see that everything is fine in here because all the individual conductors are set to run from entry to entry let's cancel out of here and now I want to refine the routing a little bit let's turn off our coordinate system display and to add in some other additional paths let's first I'm gonna turn on my axis display so then we can select on the connector excuse me the cable and then right click and choose insert locations I'll start off by selecting on the axis going through the middle just make sure that's coming out of the cable little straighter and then for the next location let's pick on here and then it gets adjusted I'll right-click and choose next location use Direction one of my favorite methods and that way we can have it going out straight over here let's say I'm routing it around the back right click next location change back to on and pick about over here and then right click next location you use directions again one of my favorite techniques and have this go out straight and I like use direction because sort of simulates if I was actually had my clamps in here right now that I was routing in between them and then let's do a couple on locations let's do bad over here and then when I say is like going up on the wall and over there and last one let's throw in one last use direction and yeah that's good enough and hit the checkmark and now I have the cable routed let's change from the center line to the thick cable display we can see it how it is in here maybe not going in as straight as I want so we can again go back to the center line display select on the cable insert locations and use the coordinate system again just to make it nice and pretty coming in there hit the check mark and go back to thick cables and now I have my custom manual cable spool created and routed inside of my harness and assembly I hope you enjoyed this video for more information please visit
Channel: Creo Parametric
Views: 3,239
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: creo parametric, ptc creo, creo ptc, creo parametric tutorial, creo parametric 2.0, creo parametric 2.0 tutorial, creo parametric 3.0, creo parametric 3.0 tutorial, creo parametric 4.0, creo parametric 4.0 tutorial, creo parametric 5.0, creo parametric 5.0 tutorial, creo parametric 6.0, creo parametric 6.0 tutorial, creo parametric cabling, creo parametric spools, cabling in creo, creo parametric manual cable routing
Id: swMnm__53gg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 54sec (654 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 03 2020
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