Creo Parametric - Cabling Overview - Manual Process

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let's take a look at the manual cabling process in creo parametric first there are a couple setup items that you need to know about you have to have connectors which are creo parametric part models and the geometry you will typically get from an imported file like a step file or a nyjah's file and digi-key molex and TE comm are great sources for those different files that you could use for making your connectors and a variety of other suppliers provide model files for you to use also grab cat comm it's always a great statement but I have come across situations in which I could not find geometry on any of those different websites so I had to grab one of the connectors break out my calipers and take a bunch of different measurements and you don't need really precise geometry for example that looks like a de 25 connector over on the right that's probably way more detailed than you need for cabling the connectors are also going to need a coordinate system for your entry port or entry ports and the important thing is that the z axis is going to point along the direction that the wire is going to be routed the x direction and y direction of the axis does not matter and when you're setting up those coordinate systems there are two different ways to go you could use a single entry coordinate system that all the wires wrap into or out of or as in the example you can see that we have a number of different coordinate systems one for each point and actually that model has both set up depending on which method that you want to go for the routing and other optional items that you could put in your connectors are axes for helping route the wires maybe even point to use as locations for the wire routing and typically that point would be on the axis if you are creating your cabling harness part in a cabling sub assembly oftentimes you will create a skeleton model and in that skeleton model you will put data sharing features to grab references for routing your wires and cables and typically those are shrink wrap features and copy geometry features to perform the manual cabling process first you'll go to the applications tab and then choose cabling typically what I do next is create my spools or read in pre-existing spool files then I will designate my connectors to tell creo parametric that I want to use them as starting and ending points for my routing and when you designate the connectors you also decimate which entry ports you're going to use then you can create your harness part and then you'll route your cables and after you do these simple routing the cables typically you'll adjust them using the reroute command or you can click on a segment of the cable and you'll get eight mini toolbar that'll also have the reroute command and if you hold down the right mouse button you'll also get the ability to insert locations and then once you're down your routing and adjusting of the routing you might add in additional cabling accessories for example you could take a bunch of wires that go along the same path and create a bundle or you might add cosmetic features like markers tape and tie wrap all right here I am in creo parametric I've got an assembly open and it's got a few connectors and I'm just gonna wrap a few wires and cables inside of here first off though let me show you one of these connectors I'll open it up in its own separate window I'm gonna turn on my coordinate system visibility for a moment you can see that this particular connector has a number of different coordinate systems you can see the names over in the model trim there's one called entry that's currently hidden I will show it and that one called entry is typically used if you're going to route all your wires and cables just into one entry port but we also have individual entry ports for pins one through five and also SG and in P inside of my assembly there are a couple of structural components and then we have a harness sub-assembly that contains all the electronic components and the connectors and I'm going to perform the routing inside of here when I expand it I see that this does not have a skeleton part and in order to facilitate my routing let's start off and activate that sub assembly you can see in the lower left hand area of the graphics area that it tells me the active sub assembly is that particular sub assembly and I'll click on the create command in the create component dialog box it already has gelts model selected it's suggesting a file name to me I will click the ok button and I will use let's browse to a different start part maybe I want to use my metric start part and then click the ok' button and there my harness is created as the very first component and i want to grab a couple of routing references from the two structural components just a couple of different surfaces so let's activate the harness sub assembly and if I use the copy geometry feature that will only allow me to reference surfaces from one individual part but let's say I want to grab surfaces from two different parts two or more parts when I'm doing cable routing I'm using shrink wrap more and more with the manual collection option as sort of a way of creating a copy geometry at the Assembly level from multiple different components let me show you what I mean with the harness skeleton activated I'll click the shrink wrap command and instead of using outer shell or auto collect all solid surfaces I'll use manual collection in this particular situation there's only couple surfaces I really need in order to perform the routing first I've grabbed one surface from one part now hold down control can grab this other surface I go to the references tab you can see where we have those different surfaces added in here and that's really all I need as visual references for my routing but there are some other datums like axes that I knew I want grab I could go ahead and add them as well but really this is all I want and let's call this I always like to rename this with the name of the source model and hit the enter key so takes the name now I hit the checkmark and our shrink-wrap feature is created let's open up the harness sub-assembly in its own separate window and there you can see the components that were brought in plus I've got my skeleton part which added those two individual surfaces now I've done all the setup let's proceed on to the manual cabling process first I will go to applications and then cabling and if I go to the spools command right now I could read in a spool or create spools rather than create them I'm going to click the read button and it automatically goes to my spool directory there is a config dock Pro option called Pro underscore spool underscore dir you can set that to a folder where you have a bunch of different spools I'm going to use the shift key to select all of them and then click the Open button and if I click on the edit command now I can select the select all icon then click the ok button and in the electrical parameters dialog box you can see all the spools that I just brought into my model and they've got a number of different columns in here for the various properties you'll see that we have a number of different wire spools looks like about eight or so plus a cable spool and next to the cable spool there is a triangle that can expand then I'll expand conductors we can see that this has four individual conductors in this particular cable if you change two conductors the conductors radio button you can see the properties of each individual one of those fibers that are in the cable spool but we go back to connections and there we can see the properties for the individual wires and the cable itself until we different see different values in here like for the minimum Bend radius Wow some of these have really small values they're really really thin wires over here let's cancel out of here and then click done return so now I have my spools reading the next thing I typically do is designate my connector so I'm going to turn on my coordinate system visibility I'm not really only going throughout a couple of wires and that one cable so let's turn on our coordinate system visibility for a moment and the first connector that I am going to designate is going to be this one over here so let's go to the drop-down list that says Auto designate and here is the designate command and now in the message areas to prompted me to select an assembly component for connector definition now I'll click this particular connector now it asks me for a file name to read in connector parameters and there are some connector parameters associated with this particular model that you could use if so desired generally I find that unnecessary so I use the default values later on I'll show you how you can see the parameters for these individual connectors now it asked me for the entry ports that I want to use so I'll click entry ports and then add and it prompts me to select one or more entry port so let's select entry one I'm holding down the control key just grabbing a number of these and I'm really only gonna use five of them but let's just grab let's see there's my grand actually last grab power and usual ok click OK and now it asked me for the internal lengths inside of the connector and these entry ports are on the front face of the connector really I need to add in a bunch a little smidgen of wire to represent how far inside the connector that is going to go I believe I am let's see I think my sub assembly is in metric units so let's use about five millimeters lengths inside there and hit the enter key and for each one of these entry ports I could specify that it's capable of taking a single conductor which is the wire option or if I'm allowing each of those ports to take multiple different conductors do I want a round or flat layout for the wires that go into this and I'm going to use a round layout in case I want more than one coordinate system to be listed inside there so that's good let me hit the or skeeving one more than one conductor to be routed inside of there and hit done out of there let's see another one that I want to use I want to use three four of these for the cable that I am going to route let's choose the designate command and I'll pick this particular component and again I'll hit the check mark to accept the default parameters and for the entry ports I'm just going to add in this one called entry and then okay and for the internal length inside there let's use a value of five again this is just going to accept a single individual wire and then I'll click done and done again and I need to designate a few other different components I'm going to repeat the process that I just used what I do want to make a few other different wires available here for routing so I'm going to do that and we'll come back in a moment when I am done designating my different components and I am done when you go into cabling mode you automatically get a column for designation you can see how we have a number of these different connectors that have been designated I have purposely designated fewer than I actually need for the cables I'm going throughout and there's a method to my madness and I'll show that later on you can also see here we have these spools that we read in and those are assembly level features in our cable harness assembly so now we have our spools we have our designated components I mentioned that you could take a look at the parameters of the different components if I go to the cabling parameters command and then I can select one or more of these items let me select these different ones that I designated and then click the ok button out of the menu here we can see that right now we have the component and its reference designator which is right now that same name was the model that's being used because it's unique I can expand over here and we can see different entry ports that have also been designated as well and if you go to the view drop-down menu and choose columns here are the other different parameters that you could have for a connector so for example you could specify the maximum number of pins you could specify whether it is male or female there's this option attached to harness that you could use as well and I'll mention that in a moment and let's add one other one in here let's use type and then I'll click the ok button so that way we have a bunch of other different columns in here so for example if I select the clip and this for the gender and go to the drop-down here's where you can choose female or male for this other option here for type if you go to the drop-down list here you can specify whether it's explicitly a connector an inline connector or whether it's going to be used as a spliced component again you really don't need to fill that out now this other column here attached to harness this is if you are using Pro harness which is the mode that allows you to create the flattened harness sort of the nail board version that someone would use to flatten this out and by default when you create a flattened harness it doesn't bring the connectors along with it but if you attach the connectors to the harness then they'll be brought over to pro harness modes that you can incorporate them into the routing of your flattening of your wires and cables alright I have change anything let's just hit the cancel button over here now I'm ready to create my harness part inside of myself assembly let's click actually before I do that and I always like to make sure I what the set of units that I am in in my assembly earlier I'd guess that I was in millimeters actually I'm in inches that is good to know because that way when I go to create my harness part I can choose the correct template and for the part over here let's call this harness underscore 2360 4-1 just using the name of the assembly - 1 and then click let's uncheck use default template because again I want to make sure that I am using the right set of units and let's try oh here we have inch-pounds harness part that's good click the ok button and [Music] now we have our harness part listed down over here and we're ready to route some wires and cables so let me turn on my coordinate system visibility again and I'm going to start off by clicking the wrap cables button and let's just do a couple of individual wires and so I am going to click on this button here to create a new wire feature to route and from this drop-down list we can choose what spool that we want to use and I want to use let's see let's use which I had a 20 gauge in black but I don't let's just use let's see I'll use some non-standard colors let's use and blue 18 gauge and we'll use that to route from and I'm gonna choose this particular coordinate system as the starting location and then it automatically goes to the collector for the two location I'm gonna have that route over to this particular entry port that I already designated and you can see a preview of the routing of the wire so that's good I can click the apply button and what that'll do is I'll create that particular wire or cable and then set the dialogue box so I can create another one let's create a another wire and for this particular wire I want to use something of the same gauge let's just use the orange option and again I'm going to choose an entry port to start from we'll use the N from that particular connector then we'll route it over to this particular location and right now if you go to this drop-down list we have the simple route option you can also follow a cable if you already had a cable that was routed or if you have pipelines in your model you could follow along a pipeline but we don't have any of those different choices so I'll choose simple route if you have something called a network in your cable harness you would have that additional option but again I don't have that sorry I can't use that so we're just using a simple route where it's taking into account the minimum Bend radius of your spool and just basically routing from one coordinate system to another but in the moment I'm going to alter the routing of these wires and cables let's click the apply button one more time so that we can reset the dialog box and this time I'm going to create a cable and for the cable here it automatically selected our only available spool but you could actually create a new spool while you are inside of here and this particular spool wants four conductors and so I'm going to start off by routing the first cable inside of here let's click in the two collector I'm just gonna route from the entry one coordinate system and one I'm just gonna go down the line from to these other entry ports that already designated so that's good for the first cable for the second conductor inside of this cable let's go to entry two oops let's click in the from collector by the way besides clicking in the from collector you hold down the right mouse button from the pop-up menu you can also activate the from collector and let's wrap from entry to two this particular entry ports and let's go on to the third conductor and let's right-click again and activate the from collector and choose three and then the two collector let's go to this other designated connector that I have in here now this Cable will only be complete when I wrap this other one and so let's activate the from collector actually to be different let's activate the two collector first and if you go to the options drop-down menu you can allow an undesignated coordinate system and so for example this coordinate system was not designated for the component so I'll go ahead and select it and it tells me routing to this coordinate system will cause the parent component to be designated as a connector so I'll click the ok button and again it's a sort of like where does mating it on the fly enter file name tree connector parameters and now we need to click in the from collector and I'm just gonna have this route from this not that one here from entry for that's good and so everything is showing up without the red dots got the little sort of yellow star next to it indicating that it is new and that's the only other one that I'm gonna route in here so I'll click the ok button and there you can see my wires and cables and if these wires and cables had names that correspond to the names of colors I had in my file it would automatically update to those colors but I don't have that so they don't let's uncheck the coordinate system display and right now because I didn't have a network and I just routed the individual connectors one by one it sort of routed all of them together as this particular just sort of like individual conductors so let's take a look at how to do some minor modification of the routing before I do any modification I'm going to use the in graphics toolbar to change the display style from thick cables to centerline cables because this allows me to collect on click on different objects and then route them and for these two particular wires over here I'm just gonna route them so that they go along the floor of this panel and then through these two clips and then between these components over here so to do that I'm going to click on one of these wires and then hold down the right mouse button and I can choose to insert locations let's go to the items tab over here right now for the first new location it is going to be on an entity I'm going to pick on this surface that I chose for as my reference that I brought in and then for the next location from that one I can choose to use a direction I'll pick this edge over here just get a nice little straight segment that is good for the next location I'm going to change to the on option just pick another point over here and I I'm a big fan of using use direction let me pick say like this edge over here just because I think it looks really neat for lining up the wires and cables in those positions and let me choose next location I'm going to choose on and let's turn on our axis visibility and for the next location let's choose a long axis and I'll pick that axis over there so now it's on that axis and if I hold down the right mouse button long axis is still selected so let's pick this one over here something some nice routing and now let me uncheck the option for a long axis and I'm just gonna pick a location on the surface over here and then another location over here and I can grab that location and move it out a little bit and if I'm happy with that as the route and I can hit the check mark and that wire is routed and you can always toggle between the centerline and the thick cable display and for this other particular cable over here rather than redo all that I can use what's called the reroute command which is available from the mini toolbar I believe it's also available from the I'm not just a mini toolbar the rear a command and the reroute command says basically you're gonna pick up one existing location a starting location and an ending location and this wire is gonna be rerouted between those different location points so there's my start location but this is my end location and now both of those wires are following this routing so I like that for that particular one for this the other wires and cables and I can go to a center line display and let's select this and then hold down the right mouse button in insert location so I'm gonna do this one quicker I'm just gonna pick a few different locations in here just to route along and then let's choose a long axis there we go oops you hit the undo button didn't like that and when you choose a long access I forget it automatically creates two location points along both ends of the axes for you to use and that's the last one I'm going to do for that particular one so I can hit the check mark and just like before I can select other different wires and use the reroute command for all these and have ajiz route from that location to that location along there and then hit the check mark and there we have these particular wires routed in the model so that's an example of the manual cable routing process also I just want to mention that after you do the various different modifications you'll notice that we now we have the ability to create markers tape and tie wrap as our different cosmetic features here is the bundle command if I wanted to add some bundling around the different cables in here and I'm going to take this same assembly and I'm going to repeat the process except I'm going to do do it using what's called logical referencing you see this area here for where we have logical data group we can import what's called an XML file that's generated from cRIO schematics and use that to automatically generate our spools designate our components and then create our wires and cables and help with the routing front with their starting and ending locations I hope you enjoyed this video 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Channel: Creo Parametric
Views: 14,724
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Keywords: creo parametric, ptc creo, creo ptc, creo parametric tutorial, creo parametric 2.0, creo parametric 2.0 tutorial, creo parametric 3.0, creo parametric 3.0 tutorial, creo parametric 4.0, creo parametric 4.0 tutorial, creo parametric 5.0, creo parametric 5.0 tutorial, creo parametric 6.0, creo parametric 6.0 tutorial
Id: VOg5wjVpZ-k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 9sec (1629 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 21 2019
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