Creo Parametric - Cabling Cosmetic Features

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in creo parametric cabling you can add cosmetic features to your harness design including tape tie wrap and markers to do this let's go to applications and then cabling and when you are adding these different cosmetic features to things I recommend first turn on the display of your points in the in graphics toolbar and secondly change from a thick cable display to a center line cable display when you are creating the different cosmetic features when you want to see them switch over to the thick cable display here in the ribbon we have the cosmetics group where we can create our marker tape and tie-wrap from the overflow you can perform modifications to them I'll show you some of that later on but first I'm gonna start off creating a tape feature and tape requires you to create a spool to create the new spool we'll go to the spools command and then click create and it's going to be of the type sheath for the name of this form I'm just gonna call it tape and here we get the electrical parameters dialog box you'll see that it has a bunch of columns in here automatically so for example we have the type that we specified then it's the sheath type which we will change instead of using shrink this is going to be of the type tape and we have our wall thickness let's change that let's use something pretty thin I'll use 0.01 for the minimum Bend radius and we can use 0.05 like five times bigger than that here we have our set of Units it's in inches and here we have a column for the pre shrink in our diameter that's something that we do not need for a tape spool and one column that we do want is the width and we don't have it in here so let's go to the view drop-down menu and choose columns I'm gonna select the pre shrink inner diameter and remove it then select the width and add it and I like my different columns being a different order so I like the unit to be down on the bottom I like color to be higher right after the sheath type and here we have the wall thickness minimum Bend radius so forth and so on let's click the ok' button and with the color if the color matches up with a color in your palette then it'll use that color when it creates the feature so let's see for the width let's also change this to a value of 0.25 and for the color I'm gonna click OK for now and then go to my View menu and then go to my appearances and here I have all my different appearances and let's say that I want to use the black color for this well I can see that it's name is BL so that's what I'm going to use let's edit the spools again select the tape and click OK and for the value up let's bring that color back in here let's go to the view and then columns and our colors just all the way on the end let's get rid of that pretty shrink in our diameter and bring the color back up for editing click the ok' button and for the color let's use that value of BL and click the ok' button so now we have our spool created let's place the tape on a few different locations so to create that let me go back to my cabling tab and here we have the tape and it asks us for a name for the tape feature and I'll call the first one t1 and it asks us for the spool will select the spool that we just created asked for a number of wined let's use three lines of the tape around the location and then pick a location to use as the center of the tape and so these are going to be the different locations that you use to define the routing of the cable you might be able to see that I have the label and here T let me zoom that in and that's because I have datum points displayed on here if you turn off your datum point display you're not going to see those labels for the different tape features it's actually represented by just a very thin straight line in here and similarly if we want to create another tape feature let's click tape and for this one I will call it t2 and we will select the spool for the number of wines here it's giving me a default value of 2 let's use that and then for the location I'll pick this other location on the other side so there I have a couple of different tape features for the next one let's throw some tie wraps in here and for the tie wrap click on the command and you're going to get a nice ribbon for creating this and so for the placement we can select either a location or a segment to place it on so for example select this location over here from the options tab you can change the width and the thickness and right now the width is a value of 0.05 we've got a thickness of 0.05 I'm gonna relieve those and here we have the name of the feature and maybe I want to call this one TW one you'll see that later on and if I want to create other additional ones while I'm in the tool you can use this icon in the ribbon as opposed to just the okay so this will build the feature you can see that we have a little TW one over there and it resets the dialog box then I can say hey you know what I want to create one let's create actually use that one later on just selecting another location hey let's pick in the middle of this segment over here gives us a distance value that you can change for the location again we have the options and the properties and let's call this one TW two and those are the only ones I'm going to create we will click the checkmark for o and for the third and final kind of feature that we're going to make it'll be a marker and for the marker for the placement and you can see that you can if you hover over here you can select a segment so I'll place it right in the middle of this bundle over here gives us a distance value from the options tab here we have the expanded diameter and the reduced diameter maybe for the expanded diameter makes sense for that to be bigger value than the reduced diameter and there we have the thickness for the length of it right now is giving a value of six and some change which is really really big let's change that to 0.5 you can see the preview of it on the screen just like with the previous feature the tie-wrap that we created you can build the feature and then make another one in here so for example let's say that I then wanted to throw in an additional one the marker over on this segment and for the options in here it's giving us an error about the reduced diameter now let's see let's change that to 0.025 and it likes that let's go to the value for the length that is a value of 0.5 that looks good let's hit the check mark and if I scroll down in my model tree you can see that here we have our tape feature our tape spool listed in here I'm going to expand the harness part if I expand them and scroll down over here you can see the different cosmetic features that we built in the model and let's switch over to a thick cable display and so there you can see the marker the markers just on that one individual wire here we have the marker located in there and we have our tape and our tie wrap so you can see those various different features that we built in the model and again by turning on the point display you also get the labels that are associated with them let's say now that I want to make a change to one of these cosmetics you can go to the cosmetics drop-down and then choose modify cosmetics and it prompts us to select a tie wrap marker or tape feature I can select this tie wrap over here and then click the ok button and this will bring up the electrical parameters dialog box where you add another spool you could change that here we have the number of ones it's using a value of 3 if I change this to a value 4 it's going to end up even thicker than before so that is good and if you want to see it let me deselect everything and then regenerate and it'll actually end up making it bigger for showing these in a drawing you have to change the information in your repeat region so I'm gonna swap over to the window that has a repeat region with a bill of materials in here create this in an earlier video we turn off the point display while I'm in my drawing and recommendations you should always use layers control the display of different entities on the drawing so for example having the display of datum should not be controlled by whatever the user has set in the in graphics toolbar from the datum display commands but anyhow let's say that I want to report the values or excuse me I want to list those different cosmetic features inside of here I'll go to the table tab and then repeat region and in the menu manager I'll click attributes now prompts me to select a region and we're going to pick this region over here and in the region attributes down at the bottom it's currently set for no cable information and I want that to have the cable information and so then I'll click done return you'll see right now before I click done return we have 13 items listed inside of here when I click done return the list expands and let me move the tables around since now this table so long it needs some additional space in here and grab my spool bomb and move it over here and if you take a look at the other additional items that we have in here we are getting our spools in here as well as our cosmetic features let's say that I did not want to get the spools in here in that case I am going to go back to my repeat region command and then let's use filters and I'll pick this repeat region spawn for me to select and I'm going to add a filter using a rule and I'm gonna type in the ampersand and I want the assembly member type not equal to spool and I'll hit enter once hit enter second time and then when I click done return out of here and done you'll notice that the number of items decreased because now it is currently only listing the original components that are used as my various connectors and the harness and here we have those different cosmetic features created so in that way you can create those different tape tie wrap and marker features and then have them included in your bill of materials you'll notice even though we have multiple different tapes they or markers or tie-wraps are getting their own separate line they're not summed up together one other thing to note about having these different entities in your bill of materials is that you can't create balloons for them so for example if I choose create and balloons all let's select this region over here we get a bunch of different balloons in here and the highest one is number 13 I don't have anything for 14 through 19 for those different entities and even if you try to do it by record and then select one of these entities it's not going to work because it only works by record for bulk items or included items that are in the of materials it does not work for these different cosmetic features I hope you enjoyed this video for more information please visit WWE windchill comm if you learned something from this video please give it a thumbs up and if you liked this video please click the subscribe button to be informed when new videos are uploaded thank you very much
Channel: Creo Parametric
Views: 3,877
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Keywords: creo parametric, ptc creo, creo ptc, creo parametric tutorial, creo parametric 2.0, creo parametric 2.0 tutorial, creo parametric 3.0, creo parametric 3.0 tutorial, creo parametric 4.0, creo parametric 4.0 tutorial, creo parametric 5.0, creo parametric 5.0 tutorial, creo parametric 6.0, creo parametric 6.0 tutorial, creo parametric cabling, cabling in creo, creo parametric cosmetic
Id: sdPL78tkze4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 40sec (820 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 04 2019
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