Creo Parametric - Cabling | Networks and Autorouting

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in creole parametric you can create a network to facilitate the routing of cables especially those that have logical reference information from cryoschematics let's take a look at doing that here i am in my assembly let's open up the cabling sub assembly by using the icon from the mini toolbar let's bring back the display of the skeleton i already have a harness in here let's get rid of it i'll just right click on it and choose delete and then click the ok button now let's go into cabling mode i'll go to applications and then cabling and this one already still has the logical reference information for example if i update and compare and then execute here you can see that the cables aren't routed because i deleted the harness but the connectors are still designated and the spools are still in the model let's close out of here quit out of the menu manager now let's start off before i even create my new harness i'm going to create some reference geometry in the skeleton model i really have everything that i need in the skeleton to begin with but i'm going to create some additional points in here to use as references when routing i don't have to do this but i want to show you a few different techniques when you are creating the skeleton all right so let me see let me reorient i'm going to start out over here i'm going to add in some reference geometry to help me sketch let me turn on my axis display let's just grab this axis over here and a circular edge this will help me dimension my points that i'm going to create for referencing and this might be a little bit of overkill but that's okay and let's see how many points am i going to create let's create another one using this and then over here and dimension one off of here now let's do one last i'll do another one over there all right so now i've got my references in here let me go back to my sketch orientation and let me change to no hidden line just because it'll help me see where my references are to create points in the sketch you're going to use the point command from the datum group beware that there is a point command in the sketching group don't use that one because those points exist only in the sketch so i'm going to create a point over here let's create a point over here let's see let's create another point here let's see a point over here point over here and a point over there that's good let's put in some different dimensions in here let's use a value 4 for that one i'll probably use 4 for all of them all right i've got my reference geometry let's hit the check mark to get out of here so now i have some points that i can use from routing let me turn on my point display now let's go back to shading with edges let me close out of the skeleton and now here we are in the harness and cabling mode let's create our harness part let me call this the electronics lru cable harness and let me use my start part and metric it didn't use the default star part because your harness part has have the same set of units as the assembly okay great so now i've got this created over here to start out the network you're going to use the route network command and by default it is going to use on it'll be on some certain object i want to start off coming out of this connector over here let me go to my layers i'll use the pick icon to select the back shell and turn on the display of the axis for that part over there and now i'm just going to get it to oh had it there a second ago okay there's the axis for routing then we can drag it off a little distance so that the wires will come out over here into that location next i wanted to go into the axis over here so i will right click and i'll choose a long axis when you do a long axis and then select the axis you're going to get location points at each end of the axis then i'm going to go into this point over here this allows me to show you another technique so for the next location i'm going to choose use direction i'll pick this edge as a reference and let's drag it out some distance over here so these points are on the surface when the wire gets routed it's going to end up being 0.6 times the diameter of the cable off of the surface so even though i create the points on the surface when the cable is routed there will be a little space between the cable and that actual surface it'll be ten percent of the diameter of the cable all right along axis is still selected that's good let's select oops let me change let me hit the undo button and let me change to on instead of use direction and i'll select this and again i get two location points on there i'm still using the on command let me select this axis over here and then let me turn pre-selection highlighting off because it's just flashing way too much uh file and then options and then selection and i'm gonna uncheck pre-selection highlighting and then for the next location let's see let's make sure that it is set to on and i will query select and make sure i'm getting the point over there and then for the next location point let's do use direction again and i'm going to pick that edge over there let's eyeball this out and try value how does 900 look yep that looks good then for the next location let's change back to on oh yeah let me show you a few of the other options as you have here offset from point and offset from previous i usually never use those i usually just do on use direction and a long axis but again let's change to on and then oh let me undo that let me query and make sure i get this axis over here click the ok button for the next location let me change back to oh still on on and let me make sure i'm getting the point that's good click the ok button then let's do another used direction and i'll pick this edge over here and by the way i try to pick where about where i want the location point to be that way i know exactly what i want to change my dimension to you don't have to change the dimensions but i like to do that and now we'll just repeat the process i'm going to go a little quicker just because i'm using these same techniques over and over again all right so you can see that i have quite a few location points on here i'm at the end of this particular clip i'm going to do one more going into the connector so let me make sure that my next location is on and i don't have to be a long axis let me uncheck that one and then again since i turned off pre-selection highlighting i'm use query to get the axis for routing and then let's drag it out off of here a little bit and i always like to have this last location point on the axis going into the connector so it comes out of the connector nice and straight so those are the main parts of the network i'm going to add a few more segments but i just want to show you that if you hit the check mark you can then go back and add more segments to the network so let's choose route network and right now it's set to on and let me change this just to make sure that i'm selecting a location when locations on here and by the way right now you can't see the network because i am in thick cable display that's one thing to be aware of if you want to be able to see the network you need to be in the center line style all right and so for the next location let me pick there got the location point that's good let me click the ok button and oops let me orient i should change my spin center uh now for the next location on here let's choose make sure that we're set to on let me change to query let's change this to axis just help myself pick what i want that's good i got the axes that i wanted and again just drag it off of here a little bit so now i've got this additional location point uh or diff additional segments so that when it comes out of here it can either keep on going this way or it can go along this way into the connector let's do that for this connector over here so i'm going to right mouse click and i'm going to choose to create a new segment which is available down here some of the other different commands that you have you can edit a segment and you can also switch and so for example right now if i zoom out it's highlighting if i were to create another location point it would be from this point over here but you could switch ends if you wanted to start out from one of the other ends instead all right so let's see let's go to where we go new segment and for the first one again i'm going to help myself pick what i want because i start off with the axis here let me use query and pick over here and there i have the axis routing let's drag it off of here a little bit and then for the next place i want to be is going to be the location and again i'm going to use query just to make sure i'm getting it because i turned off my pre-selection highlighting click the ok button and let me take a look at that yup that looks really really good in here let's hit the check mark now one thing i noticed i think one of my location points might be a little too close to one of the clips over here and this might cause some problems with your uh minimum bend radius so let me select this over here and then you can choose edit definition and change this to like 375 just a little further away from it and hit the check mark and so be aware that there's a happy balance for location points you don't want too many you don't want too few one of the big problems with having too many is being able to satisfy the minimum bend radius let's now turn off the axis display and the point display and we have our network now let's try routing some cables oh yeah before i do that though let me turn my pre-selection highlighting back on i think i'll be okay now options selection enable pre-selection highlighting by the way there's a option if you want to turn that off uh one thing that you can do is you can change what are called your location priorities or network priorities so for example if you always want to force something to go through some location point you can do that so i can select this location point and then go to properties and here in the dialog box you can control the grouping at the location point here we're going to get straight segments through here but here's the priority and the default is primary which means that it'll try to use this if it can you can change it to secondary which means that it'll try to route through the primary locations first and then try this one you can disallow it but i'm going to choose required to force it to go through here and i'll click the ok button and that location point now is red one thing to be aware of as you're routing you may be setting priorities for different location points be aware that it's going to keep that priority until you change it back to primary so sometimes people set location priorities and then forget that they've set them and then they're like hey how come i can't route through my network all right i have got this in here let's go to route cables and we'll use the search tool and here we'll select the first one and move it to the added items list let's click the ok button and so as soon as i select it you can see everything looks fine it's all routed it detected that there was a network so it's going to use via network you could change this to simple route if you want but let's go back to via network and it shows the path along here so again it's a nice way of setting up where you want your cables to go let's click the ok button for this one and before i write the other two cables let's go to a thick cable display i want to show something to you let's zoom in over here you know what let's turn off the display of the skeleton it's just way too annoying all right if you take a look now in this particular case because i have a network it routed with the jacket if you saw one of the other videos where i did the routing and i used simple route we didn't get the jacket around the cable so it's just a little uh weird quirk that you have in there let's go back to a center line display so you can see the rest of the network now let's go to route cables let's use the search tool and let's try the second cable and then click the ok button and again you can see the preview of how it's going over here let's click the ok button or hit the apply button for this particular one we can jump over to thick cable display so again we have the jacket going to the last point on the network and now let's route the last cable let's select this one over here and then click the ok button and again you can see the preview of it following along the network path let's click ok to route that particular one and so there we have it nice jacket and everything we can see how the cables are sort of wrapping around each other over here i'm happy with this let's hit the close button and close out of here and now we can see our cables routed through at the top level of the assembly oh one last thing to mention a option related to those jackets let's go to file options configuration editor let's hit the find button i'm going to search on the keyword jacket there is a option cable jacket termination the default value is network ends the other option that you have is ports if you change it from network ends to ports then when you route using the network instead of the jacket stopping here at the end of the network at the last network point it'll go all the way into the entry port but i like this because you know it sort of represents how wires would be coming off of some of the individual pins before going in here and of course you can adjust those network location points if you want the jacket going closer to the entry ports i hope you enjoyed this video for more information please visit if you learned something from this video please give it a thumbs up and if you like this video please click the subscribe button and ring the bell to be informed when new videos are uploaded thank you very much
Channel: Creo Parametric
Views: 3,857
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Keywords: creo parametric, ptc creo, creo ptc, creo parametric tutorial, creo parametric 3.0, creo parametric 3.0 tutorial, creo parametric 4.0, creo parametric 4.0 tutorial, creo parametric 5.0, creo parametric 5.0 tutorial, creo parametric 6.0, creo parametric 6.0 tutorial, creo parametric 7.0, creo parametric 7.0 tutorial
Id: h0iT2uT9EVE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 49sec (1069 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 22 2020
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