Down the Spoctor Hole part 2: All Stories Have an End

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I Loki think this was for Hugh's why else would someone play devil's advocate especially when Ponda normally takes months making videos just seems sketchy oh and she rushed this one in particular [Music] [Applause] [Music] have been a year my cutie pies I bring with me good tidings and accusations of child grooming raise your hand if you expected me to take a zillion years to finish this video what is that like everyone yeah yeah that sounds about right alas I should probably get this out of the way I hear my artist is eager to move on to something else so what's happened why are you here I mean this is the third video on the subject so I wonder why you're hopping in here without knowing what's going on lucky for you I'm willing to summarize in April of 2018 two videos were released with the intent of exposing a youtuber previously named Spock der theorie now named Spock der tech for salacious actions including but not limited to using his subscribers against others creating a porn contest for his underage fans pressuring people into creating not-safe-for-work artwork for him not paying his artist moaning for money in live streams that he was transphobic and the most serious of the claims being that he was engaging in sexually explicit conversations with underage fans and sent to not-safe-for-work images to them unfortunately for sparker one of the people who claimed to be one of his victims had also previously in the year and I think the year before claimed that she was eight years old because of a good chunk of her audience believing this it became spread around that Spock der had been sending nudes to an eight year old and don't worry we'll get more into that in a bit so a lot of people in YouTube videos and on Twitter in particular we're calling him a pedophile about a week after the initial videos were released I did a commentary on five videos related to the subject the initial two exposed videos made by Atari and pentagram a video on the matter by a larger youtuber known as question Turkey a video made by stories the alleged victim of the situation and a video of ice factors ex ghosty it spelled Q host II but apparently it's pronounced ghosties so that's what I'll continue to refer to them as ultimately a lot of the evidence didn't stack up to the claims provided and when you looked deeper at the gaps in the evidence all of a sudden things weren't making as much sense as it turns out the situation wasn't nearly as cut and dry as most people have been led to believe Spock derp wasn't using his subscribers against others he just had a big ego and probably liked how quickly his channel was growing the porn contest wasn't actually a porn contest the rules page for the contest itself specified that it was a lewd contest yes but that contestants couldn't draw any overly provocative nudity and porn wasn't allowed at all the pressuring people thing may have been exaggerated and may just be the result of a bunch of socially awkward kids not knowing how to clue in on social cues or situations this one we'll be talking about in a bit doctor did in fact pay his artists I found out this by actually going to the artists who drew him his character sprites and asking them as much the moaning for money thing was actually in reference to him literally moaning for money while most people interpreted this as him begging for money from how it was presented in the exposed videos it was an in-stream gag where if you donated to him he would moan seductively the argument for him being transphobic wasn't it all presented well and may have simply been a misunderstanding it may have been kids being stupid kids or may have been a joke that didn't go over too well unfortunately a lot of the visual accounts for that don't exist and it was only really hinging on participant testimony without any substantial screenshots one of the artists [ __ ] ur paid for his sprites apparently is trans and another one is dating a trans man and both only had good things to say regarding his behavior so this became more of a case of conflicting testimonies for the final major claims that sparked ur was grooming children through sexually explicit images and conversations well as it turns out these screenshots used to claim this came from only two people one of them was ghosty whom Spock derp had been dating at the time ghosty being 14 and sparked her being sixteen we know this because one of the screenshots ghosty provided was from may 2017 and Spock ters birthday is on April 10th so this would have been right after he turned 16 a lot of people tried to say that there was too much of an age gap but there's really no issue with a 15 year old and a 14 year old dating and that 15 year old been turning 16 while they're dating the other screen shots came from stories the supposed eight-year-old spoilers stories is not eight years old the conversations ghosty provided were from the position of the two of them dating and while different states and countries have different laws regarding whether it's okay for teenagers to text sexual messages to one another I'll get into that a little later the conversations that stories provided were uh yeah that's that's a can of worms and that's not even all of it before my first video came out I ended up getting into a call with Atari and pentagram where I listed a bunch of my issues with the videos as they were presented pentagram removed the video and deleted her YouTube account after my video was released Atari removed her video apologized and ended up making up with Spock derp stories first took to Twitter and discord trying to defend her video and the original accusations and then deleted her own videos and her YouTube account months later she got into contact with Spock derp and myself on discord and apparently she and foster are friends which was news to me and it's something I've been having to deal with the backlash over the past couple weeks it's been a wild ride so this video is gonna be delving into a couple videos on the matter and primarily the screenshots that most people haven't seen yet before we get started however there are two things I want to address firstly I'm gonna be taking the initiative to put timestamps for this video down in the description some people have done that in the comments section of the last two videos and it's super nice so I'm gonna be proactive and do that in this one for you guys you could open the description and see all the topics we're going to be covering and there will be timestamps if you want to skip to that particular part of the video the second thing I want to talk about are the other videos that were made about Spock der as in the ones after the initial exposed videos I covered a lot of them in the second video of the series and I had planned on covering even more of them here but I decided I would ultimately be repeating myself maybe I'll make that a patron only video or something there is one thing regarding them however and this was kind of brought to my attention by comments from a user named Bob Jesus what is this innate bond ah blah bread Missy I'm pretty sure their video on the sparkler situation is gone now but wally was still up i remember to comment that bread left at the time banana bread said that they weren't going to delete the video and pretend like they hadn't made a mistake by believing the initial hype and that was their reasoning for keeping the video up while i understand where you're coming from in this situation i do want to make note that when you make a video that you consider to be a mistake the severity of that mistake is usually what should determine whether the video stays up or not i discussed in the last video how it was bad for users to just remove the soccer videos and pretend like the situation never happened but the reason that's a bad thing to do is because it doesn't seek to correct the mistake it seeks to only hide it there's nothing wrong with making a mistake people do it all the time I made a mistake in my first video and when we come to that point in this one I'll be apologizing for it with serious allegations that turn out to be maybe not as cut and dry as you originally thought or with situations that are just flat-out wrong you have to remember that while you may recognize the mistakes and remove the video for that reason there's no actual guarantee that everybody who saw your video will have that same knowledge when you remove a video without issuing a retraction or making a video explaining why you removed it you're not cluing your audience in on the notion that the information you provided before may have been wrong without doing that they might continue on believing what you had originally claimed this is why I said that removing the videos and pretending like nothing happened was an issue because a bunch of videos were making false claims about things they weren't entirely versed in they threw it all out into the ether and when they came back to the conclusion that they might have been wrong they didn't bother to even try to reel that misinformation back in of course I recognize that you can't go to every single person that saw your video and let them know the mistake there's no way to do that but chances are most of the people who saw your original videos on the matter were your subscribers or people who frequent your content you would at least let them know and that's better than not making an effort at all while I'm glad that it looks like banana bread Missy has removed their video on the matter if anybody else has a video that's still up and they don't think the information they provided in that video is up to snuff then I would encourage taking it down and issuing a retraction also I know I know with YouTube's algorithm maybe you don't want to lose the views but you can private a video and keep the views as far as I'm aware remember just put yourself in the mindset of someone who has false allegations spread about them if a whole bunch of people make videos claiming something about you that wasn't true you'd probably want them to take it down wouldn't you okay that's about all I have to say on that matter onto the videos so after my first video was released people started coming to me with evidence against Penda current stories and Atari when you really think about it lots of different people had pieces to the puzzle they simply couldn't see right enough of a picture to realize what was going on when my video came out they recognized the importance of the evidence they didn't even know they had [Music] one of those such people was Mimi Dix who contacted me on deviantART explaining what had actually happened before the Spock der exposed videos were even made I got a lot explaining to do and a lot of Paula G's to write but I'm just gonna cut straight to the point of why I'm currently noting about this if you check your notes sometimes to start off I was a [ __ ] idiot that this was slide and I was partly involved in conversations where I didn't belong in and this includes the spotter situation and a few others after sitting down and viewing the entirety of your recent video most of the actions that the following people including myself had made became clear to me I was this honest upon myself and had participated interacting with these people to deployment certain when I look back upon my own direct messaging and seeing how often disgusting I became in short I done goofed and talked with Atari pent grinning stories I'm not putting the blame on them entirely since this is also my fault as well now I will take the blame for it regardless I really really hate smooching especially when most of the information about the share proves your explanations even further but no less I think you want to have a look I don't want to make yet another video about this mainly because the drama has escalated so much that I gave up on explaining the truth and spewing out white lies to rent anyone for getting hurt but someone deep end up getting hurt by this conflict and I do not want any more potential victims to be a part of it I regret everything and I do feel ashamed for this and for anyone who feels the same way too so I'm going to summarize what Mimi goes on to talk about through the rest of the note basically she talks about an issue of harassment of a trans individual that happened in smokers server the person in question ash entropy harassing them on the server until ash was kicked off and then proceeded to harass the trans individual on their deviantART page in the server rules there existed a loophole that if something happened outside the server then it was out of Spector's control which you know kind of makes sense but I can also understand why people were upset about this this is the situation that incited me me to be a part of the videos on Spock derp but it didn't end up being something heavily focused on which kind of surprises me actually for as flawed as a lot of the arguments were in as petty as they looked with hindsight in mind I feel like this particular situation would've seemed like the proverbial nail in the coffin especially regarding claims that Specter was supposed to be transphobic we'll talk about that a little more in a couple minutes the other thing she addressed was something called the anti dig Burt collective and this situation is significant for one particular reason apparently before the group decided that they were going to do a rant on and takedowns [ __ ] her they've been planning to do the same thing to dig be the goat here's an image Mimi an Atari talking about the dig me rant from September 4th 2017 and here's an image of Penna grin saying that she wanted to take down Specter in January of 2018 the funny thing is apparently they were also asking Specter if he wanted to be in on the anti did Burt collective like what you want to take him down in January vinegar and in particular but when you're trying to take down Digby the year before and still later in March which was when Mimi was added to the anti dig dirt collective so that's how I know it was going on then you want to pull him in and get him to do your dirty work Atari sent me screenshots of her conversations with Penna grin in November of 2017 where they were talking about getting sucked her in on the dig beer and also side note some of the stuff that penetrant says in that chat is hilarious when looking at it through the 20/20 lenses of hindsight Oh Atari clued in on the notion that the rant wasn't really going anywhere and she changed her views on the matter so she was the one who ended up closing the group so thank you Atari I imagine that the rant didn't happen because you did that to me me Diggs I have to thank you for all these screenshots you've sent me they were quite enlightening and yet all right time to get to work out of my way you discounted edged lord I don't need some mediocre voice actor playing me again I'm just gonna say this right before we start off unfortunately since he wiped out most of my dealings with him due to damage control it's gonna be difficult to grab some solid evidence wait what solid evidence this claim doesn't really make a lot of sense based on what the accusations against Specter were the evidence originally provided were mostly screenshots of sexual conversations were you one of the people in sexual conversations with Specter because that would actually be really bad for you Mimi if you're as old as you sound the answer is no but bear with me here I'm actually curious as to what was in that chat that she thought counted as evidence on this matter but for now let's discuss on why we are here today sparkler doesn't give a single [ __ ] about anyone we all know that by now however he makes people get away with things that they shouldn't in his old server as a moderator on his server I as well as many other former mods and admins had experienced a pretty awful [ __ ] I know someone who won't be named talk to him about this behavior already sadly Bach didn't listen for me personally the thing that bothers me the most now that I have time to let it set through is that the only way to get close to Spock is to draw porn in some kind of way legit feel nasty and I followed him on all social media because of this guilt even to the point of begging me for more porn I tried to tell myself that it's just spot but I feel so gross after drawing it I never 100 cent regret drawing a picture but that's what I did and it's not a very good feeling since I wasn't in the good mental state then either and regarding the transphobia again I've not once been misgendered but it shouldn't be ignored when he deliberately ignored another person's pronoun he excuses let's call them be for safety despite them never caring for mine actions to deliberately attacking and harassing not only me but so many others from all the thing well everyone else were trying to figure out a plan Spock just sat back and mocked us for the situation blah blah be this and blah blah be that kind of attitude it clearly didn't help and especially after that I didn't want to talk to him anymore if he's gonna not defend it what he calls friends and not call out his best friend I want nothing to do with it if he's going to excuse transphobia then proceed to use it himself I want no part if I get found out and attacked for this so [ __ ] be it it just proves how egotistical and swellow headed and willingness to not improve it is one he's a toxic childish member with the bad jokes and makes furries out to be more point as trash - he abused a young girl to do porn and ask or do Commission someone else to do porn for him whatever he wants to do okay so well made me blocked out their name I'm perfectly aware of who this user is I'm also aware of the situation regarding the person known as B that they're referring to I just talked about it the blotted out user here is pega gamer a trans mod from Spectras original server the B person is Ashe entropy what started out as a disagreement in the server itself ended up leaving said server because while it wasn't allowed in there the loophole in the server rules meant that people couldn't be penalized for stuff they did outside the server the earliest dated screenshots I have for this happening are from October 23rd 2017 it has effectively continued for months on October 21st Specter was either told about the situation initially or talked about it in direct messages he seems to be reacting to the situation under the pretense Ashe entropy is acting like a troll and ignoring him or else not eliciting the desired response would make him stop on this note I can understand where Spectre is coming from he probably doesn't want to get involved between two friends who are having a disagreement and even in this screenshot itself he makes note that he doesn't want to take sides for a sixteen-year-old because yes he was 16 at the time I can't really fault him for acting like this he just doesn't want people to hate him for his activity or inactivity I even went to talk to pega directly to ask what he thought of the situation this was his response I admit the first shot was me I was a [ __ ] idiot and was being dragged in and she wanted my opinion I admit it wasn't and still isn't my brightest moment after I flat-out said I wanted nothing I wasn't in the best mental state so it closed my judgment it doesn't excuse my behavior though and I learned not to involve myself in jail I don't know a lot about so I don't stick my nose in [ __ ] now as for ash I still don't like him and think he's an idiot and the bigot like I'm cool with debating and discussing subjects with people who would disagree with me but he kind of it far too personal attack and to the point of harassment on devianart in Twitter even getting others involved personally I have no empathy for him and won't care if he got hit by a car as my opinion I'm full it could have been avoided if people at least talk to one another for once including myself you're welcome ponder I am sick while recording this and I'm sorry for my love you Wow a situation that was blown out of proportions and could have easily been sorted out if people chose to talk to one another instead of venting separately and attacking one another in retaliation color me shocked never seen a situation like that recently I'm glad that people have at least learned a lesson from it that's one thing to be glad for and as we formed a group to discuss situations within the cirrage as to enforces rules he disappeared from the administration table for a very long time he only checks in for time to time to see the condition of the server and to interact with his fans minorly nobody knows what the hell he was doing while he was off to god-knows-where but it was clear that it was very suspicious you know I'm kind of glad that this video got pushed until after the foster Katzen thing because now you guys probably know why this claim in particular makes no sense him not being active on discord is suspicious why the notion that someone might have things outside of the internet to do is just to foreign a concept I mean yeah I know we are talking about we be ins and they practically live online but come on a 16 year old is busy with life that's not online perish the thought as for other news I save screenshots on an incident that happened during my first few days as a moderator on a server eater I encountered during this time was popular him on the server due to her cute voice she was also favored by Spock derp when we started role-playing in dm's however she attempted to the semi nudes getting worse and worse of course I said no and backed off like a good girl and reported this to the administration sparkler was especially displeased about this for some odd reason but he let me off with a warning to never interact with his user again on duty I kept my word and he watched over me ever since just to make sure I wasn't interacting with any other girls see this is why I don't like accounts like this it's all based not only on personal interpretation and potentially since Mimi was contacted by Penta Crenn and incited into doing a rant on stalker bias without providing any evidence to support the claims this would be the equivalent to if I said that I'd heard pentagram was planning on taking her revenge by coming back and secretly weaseling her way into my friend group under a different name so that she could take me down from the inside and then I didn't provide any evidence to support my claims good thing I haven't heard any rumors of that where was I again every time I talk to him you were sound as if he was attacked as if he was hiding something that's personal interpretation people could literally say the same thing about me and you this means nothing he only talks to me when his reputation or his friends were threatened by drama outside the server ah the irony and I wasn't the only one who witnessed this or experienced this that's basically my input on Spock to fury I didn't even know he was such a [ __ ] awful dude like this makes me so pissed off it also goes to show that from my experience alone there are underage minor sigh capable of sending nudes to Spock dur so I wonder if that user in him did something nasty and that straight-up speculation that isn't based on any evidence for one thing if the miner in question was trying to send nudes to people then that wouldn't have been Spock ders fault Nene seems to have this weird guilt by association thing going that she applies to Spock der here without really taking into consideration who would be at fault and we can see that's the case because she also tweeted about the situation and before I delete my contest entry from Spock der theories contest I want to let everyone know that my artwork of a pedophile has attracted other pedophiles nuff said hashtag stay away from Spock to theory from Wonder Girl power 90 whoa whoa whoa wait a minute wait a minute is that my sweet husband Spock date please let it be him please let be him I want to hug and let him lick my chest for me awesome artwork for wonder girl power 90s profile Wonder Girl power 90 Kimberly United States my name is Kimberly I'm 28 years of age Mimi honey that's not how that works for one thing the character of Spock derp you know the big deep voiced green tree lizard assassin man that character is of age a person being attracted to a furry character who is of age does not make them a pedophile furthermore how did you get it in your mind that mature artwork of an adult character would attract pedophiles that's like the exact opposite of how that works I also just want to point out what was said in that conversation Mimi had with the minor so yeah if you want a boot pic or something I don't care I can trust you lmao oh [ __ ] okay no notes for real you could be in jail I could be in jail women no but if you are ever curious winky face no you want to see me in a bra or not LMAO it's better than showing cuss in of a whamon Wow no that'll be a felony offense Waluigi I'm better than that iPad you want to do that frog repeat what show me in a bra yeah because I know you wouldn't show anyone I could if I reported you but yo for sending me nudes I'm like 14 I can't go to jail it's a bra you're also free [ __ ] a moderator here boy I'm a responsible woman thank you but if we don't tell we can be very sweet no no toxic [ __ ] eyes on it okay but whatever you are curious about your wife who in a bra hit me up B this sounds like a joke maybe it's just me and I could be totally wrong but neither party sounds sincere in this conversation I don't know whenever I see someone shove waluigi into a conversation i don't tend to think they're being serious anymore i don't know but it sure was uncomfortable he demoted everyone in search of new administrators probably because as we saw from the last video some of the mods admit to being culpable in not doing their jobs plus if Specter wasn't occupying the server frequently as you've already stated he wasn't he would have had to make sure that the mods he did have kept it up with actually moderating the server if they're not doing their job and he doesn't have the time to keep them on track then yeah it makes sense to switch them out for a more reliable group the nude girl might still be in contact with Spock to theory she got away with it might still be in contact as in you don't know and she got away with what not sending you nudes because as far as we're aware she didn't send any she offered to send you some potentially ingest and you said no beyond that we have no indication that anything of the like actually ended up happening you can't even be positive that the girl wasn't talked to about the matter by Spock derp himself you said that he was upset by the situation but don't tell us whether you know for sure if he acted on the information you gave him you just sort of imply that he didn't no real point I just wanted to make some of my friends voice act that part ha ha Mimi also made a journal about the situation after my first video came out and unfortunately while she's a tad more informed about what Spectre was actually guilty of she still kind of misses the point on a couple things including claiming that distributing child pornography is equally as serious as pedophilia I mean I know where she's coming from but you kind of have to take into consideration the parties involved in this situation and like pedophilia isn't a crime it's acting on it that makes it a crime that that's that's how that works I'll talk about the legality is more towards the end but let's just say while Mimi acknowledges one of the parties and how they did wrong she completely ignores the other party involved specifically she ignores that well they committed the exact same offense okay enough with this on to the next video oh look it's the return [Music] before we start with this section I do need to explain something that happened behind the scenes ghostie ended up contacting me on deviantART while they did want to specify that they took responsibility for their videos and actions they had a couple requests for this last installment firstly they requested that I not showcase the visual part of the video because the character they used as representation at the time now belongs to another artist and they don't want that artist to be affected by the situation which I completely understand secondly they requested that I changed the audio portion of the video to a text-to-speech alternative the reasoning behind this is more personal and so I'm not going to get into it all that really matters is that I'm going to respect those these wishes here so similar to what I did in my recent coop commentary with manga common I've written out a transcript of what ghosty said in these next two videos and I'll be having a friend read it off in the same vein as what was originally presented so please note that what's about to be read aloud is from ghosties second and third videos about the drama at the time that it was still growing hey I know I made a video which is pretty vague yesterday but I'm gonna make a full one now that his apology is out I know most of you have heard about this stuff in Atari and pentagons videos but I'm gonna go slightly more in depth with it and fully explain my side in the case if you haven't seen it I'm not trying to drag this on oh don't worry I'm sure at this point people are gonna say that about me so you're probably in the clear I honestly need to get this off my chest and explain why his apologies [ __ ] as I do think I have the best reasoning as to why should be forgiven and it would just simply be ignored if I were to put in a tweet or a journal people might not know who I am I am Spock ders X we Dave four I'm I don't know until the 10th of May I think it was the 10th if it wasn't I was only a few days off I don't know the exact day we started dating because to be honest I didn't even realize we started dating I told him I liked them on the 26th of April and a few days later he just randomly blurted out oh yeah I told that were dating so I just kind of rolled with it during this relationship he did some very discussing things such as being constantly sexual towards me being 13 turning 14 this screenshot that you years provided is from may 8 you claim to have started dating to your own knowledge by the 26th of April doctor turned 16 on the 10th of April in this screenshot he mentions you being 14 I'm detecting some inconsistencies I mean even if you want to say that you were 13 turning 14 at the time he was 15 turning 16 like it's not like it's a shocking age difference that's an 11th grader dating a 9th grader people did that all the time when I was in school also wait a second you guys dated for less than half a month from a few days after the 26 of April to the 10th of May that's barely a third of a month honestly from the way you've been describing it I kind of thought it would have been longer than that he would constantly brag about a subscriber count and asked me if I couldn't make him smut and then later asked me to make him some explicit smut here's an image of Spock derp on the 25th of April by your own account before you ever told him that you liked him asking if you'd ever drawn smut before and you reply that yes you did here's an image from the 2nd of May asking about your boundaries here's an extension of the conversation where he asks how explicit you can get giving you an out if you're not comfortable with drawing that stuff you saying that you could get as explicit as he wants here's you acknowledging him telling you not to go overboard guys it's ok to regret things that you agreed to at the time but if you don't make your feelings on the matter known then you can't vilify the other person in the situation if you don't make it known to them your issues at the time then you can't be angry with them for continuing under the assumption that you're okay with it the regret on the situation should only be on you and you should use it to grow as a person after the fact with a better understanding of what your own boundaries are now granted if a person deliberately does something in spite of your own boundaries then yeah you'd have a case but that's not what happened here I also just realized this screenshot you showed of Spector commenting on your deviantART was from April 23rd 2017 before you guys started dating and before he came to ask you about smut Wow color me shocked that someone who responded with a link to what I can only assume is not safe or worth material he would then ask regarding their capability or willingness to dry I also just realized at the moment of recording this I'm pretty sure ghostie used this screenshot as evidence of them dating but this screenshot is from before they were dating what told my 13 year old friend to touch themselves while venting and pressure another 13 year old friend of mine to drop porn of us well she said that she was uncomfortable several times and that was pretty transphobic for the sexual stuff I know sexual stuff is bound to happen almost every relationship but not to the extent this dead and certainly does not certainly not was someone who's underage yeah sexual stuff does happen with people who are underaged especially if both parties in the relationship are underage teenagers have sex all the time where did you even get this even just when the people I knew in high school sex definitely happens there were some of the rumors I heard towards my last year about where some of the ninth graders were having sex in the school kind of surprised me with how adventurous people could be I don't know maybe I was just vanilla just because it happens to a lot of people though how does not mean doesn't mean it's justified you just said that it didn't happen now you're saying it happens to a lot of people like these claims weren't even a sentence apart they were directly after one another and doesn't make what justified saying sexual stuff to someone whom he's aware has a crush on him whom he's currently dating and whom as far as we can tell from the screenshots you've shown us hasn't been told that you dislike sex talk that was also something I didn't notice in the first video is that all of these screenshots are from over the course of only a few select days basically a little before you guys started dating up until right before you stopped in such a short amount of time why is there no direct screenshot of you making note that you don't like sexual talk like if you don't make it known that you're uncomfortable with certain topics of conversation you can't be mad when the other party doesn't know and you haven't showcased us that you actually told him this you just showcased him reacting to something that might be that people are not mind reader's I understand that it can be difficult to be forward about your feelings but that isn't anybody else's fault actually even your initial claim that it's difficult to get all the necessary screenshots doesn't make a lot of sense because you've clearly showcased you could get screenshots from before the relationship leading up to the end of it why would you not just screenshot everything from within that time frame if you had to scroll up further on Skype then I'd understand what you've already made know when the two of you started dating I don't see why you'd have to scroll up any further than that and if you told him you were uncomfortable with it within that time frame then we should be seeing the screenshot the only reasonable excuse might be that the conversation was on disk or but we don't have much indication for that considering your Skype screenshots extend all the way up past May 8th without any sort of indication of this conversation happening and the screenshot you presented of Spuckler reacting to what you said was you saying this was on skype there should be no reason why you can't provide that screenshot for example he told me every time he was going to jack off telling me to call him daddy talking about talking about asking about our king saying we should probably try something meaning [ __ ] me of course try something does not inherently mean [ __ ] you yeah it could have meant that but it also could have been just as innocuous as hand-holding the fact that you guys were countries apart probably also spurred on some of the Big Talk just because there was so little a chance that you'd meet up in real life any time soon people tend to talk themselves up or talk big when there isn't the likelihood that they would have to physically act upon those claims if we ever met in real life and tried to have an SFW roleplay with me I did a medley go along with some of this stuff at the time because I didn't want to upset my boyfriend despite myself being uncomfortable such as calling him daddy and drawing him the smut he wanted and the blames completely on me for that but you have to consider there wasn't a lot of pressure on a 13 to 14 year old to make their significant other happy and I am a minor not a legal age in my country meaning I cannot give consent regardless of what I said I mean you just tried to vilify him for this and now you're going back on it and acknowledging that yes you went along with it and didn't reveal your feelings that's kind of a problem Spector's also a minor by the way and depending on the okay so your accent is Scottish right the only sort of laws that I can find with regards to teen sexting is referring to the distribution of images of people who are underaged which as far as you've explained from your time dating spotter didn't happen I can't find any sort of laws that say that teenagers cannot engage in sexual conversations with one another and even if that were the case teens talk about sex all the time in high school and outside of it so how would that even be regulated again I understand the pressure of a teenager wanting to keep their partner happy I was subject to this but young teens you guys need to understand you have the power to say no any person who baits you for doing as much probably isn't someone that you want to keep in your lives anyway nothing significantly bad even happened in this chat from what you've shown us you simply became uncomfortable through certain conversations that's fine it's okay to be uncomfortable but you have to voice that you're uncomfortable and you certainly can't use excuses like this to try and make that uncomfortable feeling into something more villainous than it was I did tell him I get embarrassed and uncomfortable at the mention of sexual topics at one point he told me that dating him would get me used to it which yeah that's not very you can't just say that to someone who is uncomfortable finally something I can work with do need to point out however that in the same vein that you were unable to properly express your feelings and deal with the situation accordingly you are in the same breath expecting spectre to know how to handle this situation accordingly teenagers being teenagers plus even before you guys started dating you linked him to something marked as not-safe-for-work what is he supposed to think at that point you've kind of been sending mixed signals also it's something I just noticed why is it not okay for spock Terr based on what you claim regarding consent and legalities to talk about sex stuff with you but it's perfectly okay for you to send him not-safe-for-work links and draw smut and explicit artwork and potentially send that to other minors and despite your actions of sending and drawing not-safe-for-work material you also act like it's bad for him to one not know that you were uncomfortable with sexual conversations and to suggest the notion of dating him would help you pass those reservations as you have clearly already demonstrated an interest in it with your own artwork this doesn't make any sense the first time he mentioned his subscriber count' my friend and i thought he was joking until he brought it up again and again and again when I didn't answer then he asked a question again and why me to answer of course to do do I need to explain why being a cocky [ __ ] is bad do I need to explain why sending mixed signals and then vilifying someone for something you actively participate in of your own volition and without provocation is bad and the things he asked me was if like when we first met when he when we first met he'd asked me if I ever drawn smut and heavily suggested that I should make him stuff no he didn't we can literally see within the screenshots that he's asking if you've drawn it before you say that you have and he asks if he can see it even in the second one he seems like he's trying to be mutual with someone whom may I remind you apparently shared not-safe-for-work stuff with him two days before being back no I think it was pretty obvious he was trying to manipulate and use me for NSFW are which honestly ties into the fact he thinks he's better than everyone because he has a large fanbase which is easily manipulated oh my god I draw smart and porn in my free time this guy whom I've sent a not-safe-for-work link to also likes my we bond over this perception of our mutual interest in smut artwork therefore he was manipulating me ghosty come on actually you could totally flip the situation around and say that you were trying to draw him in with smut manipulating his interest in it because the link you set was before the earliest recounting you have of him directly asking about it that's that's kind of funny I would also like to point out that this statement is likely in response to the claims that Specter was a child groomer but this doesn't actually make any sense if you know what grooming actually entails when go steamers were counting how their relationship was Spuckler began they specified saying that they didn't know the two of them were in a relationship until spotter told them that he had told someone else that the two of them were dating a huge grooming tactic is to keep the nature of the relationship between the predator and their prey private groomers don't want people going around and advertising that they're in a relationship because they're not supposed to be in a relationship with someone that young it lets them manipulate the victim without others knowing what's going on alienation actually did an amazing job at showcasing an example of a grooming relationship I'll put a link to one of her videos on the subject in the description so you can watch it on your own time but one of the things she makes note of is that the guy who manipulated her expressly said that he wanted her to keep their relationship a secret and all he wanted was a friend but and this is important he told me to never tell my parents about our friendship why because they wouldn't understand us we're like Romeo and Juliet okay based on what ghosty said about sparklers behavior this doesn't make any sense on top of that beyond the abuse child groomers tend to shower their victim with attention and try to make them feel special which actually goes against one of the claims ghosty made in the description of the stache where they kept their screenshots here ghosty says Spock dur halfway through their relationship what does that like six or seven days hinted that there was another girl he liked ghosty also claims that he would frequently compare them to his ex this is the exact opposite of how to groom someone also grooming is generally a long-term thing and you guys only dated for fourteen days maybe at most you were not being groomed chill he NSFW BDSM roleplay with me once and the result of air on screen right now and tried to do that with a minor is shitty once when my friend 13-year old friend was venting I won't say what they were venting about of course instead of giving actual advice he told them to go touch themselves not only is that an inappropriate time to say that it's also very [ __ ] up to say that's what thirteen-year-old then to another thirteen-year-old friend he kept pestering her to make NSFW art despite her saying that she was uncomfortable at least five times y'all do know that groomers are usually a little more tactical in their manipulation right I mean usually there are some dumb ones now and again yeah I don't exactly expect a teenage boy to understand how to deal appropriately with someone venting maybe it's just me I can't provide proof of it because it happened in a private discord service factor made and then deleted however I do have some screenshots of when he moved to Skype to discuss this he's clearly trying to bribe and make deals for her to do it which obviously suggests she didn't initially want to I even tried hinting she was uncomfortable when this but I was too scared to start [ __ ] so I didn't make it super serious however I wish I did and I assure you that my friend did make it serious from the start boom guys offering to pay an artist to finish a piece of artwork we have a word for that surprisingly it's not Ribery the usual terminology is Commission shouldn't this be a good thing doctor was willing to pay the artist to see the finished piece rather than have it remain as a request usually that's a good thing or generally need to recognize that they can be paid for their work so the fact that this was handed to them as a potential Commission I don't know if this artists recognize this but maybe they should attend some weekend classes I know a pretty good one that I could probably hook you up in okay let's just what you've all learned so far ready class all together now can you draw me for free I have a comic idea that can benefit us both can you make an OC for me I can give you great exposure to my 900 followers I'm sorry to inform you that unless you provide me with the necessary funds to complete this transaction I cannot comply with your request very good remember you can still deny any Commission that comes your way but either way getting paid for your work helps you fund your own projects down the line also Kate and get out of my class [ __ ] you I could be a pretty artist too also can we just bring those screenshots up again am I supposed to believe that the artist you're talking about the artist who is supposedly uncomfortable is [ __ ] the artist who says in response to Spock derp asking if he should leave I'm assuming under the impression that they were uncomfortable you are puss shut the [ __ ] up ghosty blissful ignorance because of people not expressing how they feel about drawing something is not a crime also a triple slash and Emmy uncomfortably screaming in the background sounds like you're cracking jokes at the situation you do not get to be mad at someone because you chose to be subtle about something and you were too subtle for them to catch on like at that point just be blunt I know it's hard when you start out but it gets way easier once you've done it a couple times Hey you're into tentacle porn right be volunteer support gets probably into it huh no not really oh I get it you're just shy you should totally draw more of it it'll be fun no thank you oh but if you just pushed him down on me pressing down on you you or an [ __ ] under pressure that brings a building down splits a family into puts people on streets ba-ba-ba-ba-ba be the data it data okay another thing he did once was when I was venting to him about something super personal not something minor I mean super personal I left the server for reasons related to it and when people asked he flat-out said what was going on with me I won't say what it was but he basically released the context of my personal situation to a mod chat full of strangers and people I don't know without my permission or knowledge and never told me and I had to find out myself when he gave me mod for what two hours what oh oh you'd think I have something to say I'm not um nope if he did that it was a dick move I feel like you can be mad at him if he did that I don't know if you could vilify him to other people for that but if it happened then it was totally a dick move I can't provide proof of course since the server was deleted and I never got a screenshot of it he was also transphobic no no I'm not doing this I am NOT going to argue whether someone is or is not transphobic based on personal interpretation of a situation that they even admit could have been based on jokes but which could have had multiple other means of it being interpreted especially when I don't have screenshots to go on we're skipping it and I actually haven't pulled this one out in a long time so uh oh my god I don't care this part is basically nothing compared to the other of their stuff he did but don't give a [ __ ] about replacing private screenshots as he he did the same he uploaded a video which included my friends art which was shared privately in a Skype chat and this was after we cut each other off why would you use your ex best friends aren't in the fan art section which wasn't even fan art it was just generally are based on an inside joke and they were never friends to begin with but why would you do that that's that's beyond me not even that he didn't cry her nor anyone else's fan art in the same video which is against youtube's term servus mind you guys I told my friends I was working on this point micro Mavi read it aloud and now she's threatening to come to Canada and beat the [ __ ] out of me for making her read it and I'm scared interested if it wasn't for the fact that I'm not well you'd see that's why you're wrong and you shouldn't speak I want I want you to read that just oh yeah that's why you never have time to read you don't read oh that's I'm flying do look Henry she's only in like what the second grade taller than you when I was in second okay so if no one has the balls to read it I'll read it [ __ ] off I'm reading it no crickets draw [ __ ] off Shh as part is basically nothing compared to the other other stuff he did okay but I don't give a [ __ ] about releasing private screenshots as he did the same he uploaded a video which included my friends art which was shared privately in a Skype chat and this was after we cut each other off why would you use your ex your ex's best friend's art in the fan art section which wasn't even fan art it was just generally based on it was generally art based on an inside joke and they were never friends to begin with why would you do that that's on me not even on that he didn't credit her and nor anyone else's fan art in the same video which is against YouTube's Terms of Service so okay hang on Nabby dot exe just stop [ __ ] working okay I'm confused what I think I think the implication is like the artists who drew the artwork for him isn't actually a fan of him I think it's they just drew it because he was ghosties boyfriend not because they actually liked him just because they were dating their friend okay ponder I do have one thing I want to add into all this yes I'm gonna [ __ ] find you and when I find you I'm gonna find your [ __ ] family and when I find your [ __ ] family I'm gonna go execution-style on their asses and make you watch the [ __ ] I would become Stalin up in this [ __ ] I'm gonna have a much better [ __ ] I'm gonna beat your ass with the middle foot up your ass okay not just like a metal boot not like a metal boot I'm gonna turn my foot into a metal foot cuz I know how you have a thing for [ __ ] robots and [ __ ] I'm gonna make my metal eyes robot dingdong of a leg up your ass and hope that it comes out your mouth dad that's kinky what's happened hey ponder look if you're not gonna be loyal to me and you're just gonna freakin sleep with this robot like every single [ __ ] week you know I don't know if I can do this anymore I'm gonna tell you this now you show this [ __ ] to me I will [ __ ] your wife and ruin your crops okay you know what you know what the worst part about this is I'm stealing Damona okay so discounting the notion that you apparently have to be friends to showcase fanner of your character in the fan art section which would negate the point of fan art in the first place you're mad at him for featuring your friends art of his character with other artwork of his character that he thinks is good and wants to show to others and yeah if he forgot to link to the artist so other people could see them then that would be an issue or it could be a mistake and he simply forgot to add the credits unfortunately we can't check this because the video you're mad about doesn't exist anymore I went to check and see if spectra ended up crediting the artists in the description and it looks like the video was taken down so not an issue anymore I guess I don't even know if this video was still up in ghost II made their videos on the drama because all they showcase is the discord call where they were making note of the video which was forever ago no but that aside let's not forget that you are complaining that someone drew artwork of specters character and he liked it enough that he wanted to promote it the horror a sixteen-year-old potentially makes a mistake and doesn't properly credit the fan art he's trying to promote pure dread if you haven't figured it out yet I think this complaint is stupid even if you want to make the complaint that Spectre shouldn't have been posting artwork of him made by friends of his ex you guys broke up on May 10th according to you and the screenshot from discord where you're discussing the video is from June 25th meaning that the video was likely uploaded sometime between when you broke up and this screenshot but Spock sure could have been working on it or selected the fan art to be used for it before you broke up I don't know how long it takes him to get videos done but I know that when I plan for a video I usually plan what fan art to feature at the end of it way in advance it also doesn't really help that the person reacting to the artwork is Emme you know [ __ ] that person that sparked her offered to pay to see the finished artwork done likely indicating that he liked the artwork actually is this the same piece of artwork god this is stupid which is against YouTube's Terms of Service mind you so is bullying which would be a tad problematic considering what this video was made in response to but wow I'm not getting into that that's everything on my end I'm going to make a list of everything that spotters done now that you know the context of this and I want you to I want you to tell me if all this stuff together is honestly forgivable when you put it like this when you put it like this huh I think we know why using that phrase here in light of certain revelations about this situation probably wasn't the best choice of words this all just doesn't only include my parts others too I tried to put all of them in chronological order he asked a minor to make smut the minor being you who already made smut artwork in their past time and possibly linked Spectre to not-safe-for-work material before he ever asked you about your willingness to draw it yourself he was constantly sexual towards the minor whom he was as a minor himself also dating bragged about his sub count the horrors of an ego toll a thirteen year old to go touch themselves while spending you know based on what I've seen recently in trying to delve into the situation of young teenagers expressing their sexuality I'm not at all surprised by this try to have an sfw roleplay with a minor the minor he was dating and whom drew smut in their past time pressure 13-year old miner to make NSFW art despite them saying they were uncomfortable they literally did not say that in any of the screenshots you showed us you flat-out admitted that neither you nor the artists in question were able to stay within the conversation as it happened that you were uncomfortable and instead chose to be subtle about it the subtlety clearly going over his head you do not get to revise history now somewhat lead to personal events and a mud chat if it's true then yeah that sucks oh but I'm sorry and going back over my notes I remembered this little screenshot where you actually specify what the potential issue he revealed the people was and look ghostie I completely feel for you if you're stuck in a situation like that but other teenagers online are not going to really grasp the severity of what you're going through it's completely inexcusable if you're going through that but people around your age aren't always going to be versed enough or tactful enough to know what to do when you reveal something like that to them it's better to go talk to an adult about the situation because they'll be able to better analyze what you give them and act on it accordingly a teenager can't do that and you can't fault them for not acting accordingly because they simply haven't learned how to do so yet there's also the problem that some people online especially lie about being in the same situation you're in and they do so for attention those people go out of their way to spread that around so that they can get more attention from more people if Spuckler had been in contact with someone like that before then he might not understand that someone who really does go through something like that might not want it spread around that's the sad reality of the Internet unfortunately because we don't know if you discuss this with him we can't be sure if that's the case but I still want to remind you that an online teenager is probably not the person to right in for stuff like this because they won't be able to handle it in the best way I also just realized that you also publicly admitted it in this screenshot stashed which you uploaded back in May so why are you mad at him for publicly saying it to strangers when you are doing the very same [ __ ] thing here oh my god I cannot function does transphobic kill me and point to a 13 year old okay wait I'm sorry what see this is a problem with you saying that not all of these claims come from you because now you're just throwing random stuff out into the ether and expecting it to stick so for those who hadn't seen ghosties original video at this point they showcase this screenshot a comment I'm assuming on ghosties earlier video or else a different video on the drama from someone named cheerio I hadn't heard of cheerio in the drama before and I can't think of any other videos that mentioned her so I went looking into things to see what I could find and a look if you haven't yet figured out that every time I go looking into something we fall into a rabbit hole of suck then I don't know what to tell you so cheerio claims that spotter centre porn when she was 13 let's not lose sight of the fact that this is presented as is with no other evidence of the claim I don't even think that cheerio made a video on it because if she did I probably would have already seen it when I was combing through the drama videos back in April before my first video was released maybe I missed it that's always a possibility but in any case this comment is the only mention of the claims that we have and there's no evidence provided with it since she claims she was sent the porn when she was 13 I went to Twitter and deviantART to try and figure out what age she was there I was able to find out that she's 15 and her birthday is on July 5th now that's a little weird Spock turd just celebrated his two-year anniversary on his YouTube channel does that mean that she's referring to around the time before sparklers channel exploded in growth because that's when she would have been 13 years old Spectre also would have been 15 at the time and while yeah you might say that still isn't an excuse he shouldn't be sending porn to someone who's 13 I would totally get where you were coming from except cheerio doesn't share in that belief yeah remember when I said I also went to her Twitter protip kids Twitter is public not only are her tweets from April mysteriously all gone which is strange considering cheerio is an avid tweeter and I can still find tweets from her from around that time they're simply not there when you check through her - oh but ponder that doesn't show that she doesn't think that she let me finish while I was scrolling through her tweets I came across the situation that I was personally unfamiliar with I don't know what happened directly but what I can glean from the tweets surrounding it was that someone had been allegedly asking for nudes from a minor not Spock to somebody else Cheerios responds to these allegations well she doesn't demand proof of him doing it as far as I can tell that had already been provided instead she says stop blaming people for past things they have done not everyone matures quickly and people calling him out for [ __ ] that happened years ago is stupid uh-huh really didn't know my ass LMFAO you literally asked if there was proof of him not changing after seeing [ __ ] he did this is so funny can you and the crew please leave me alone y'all are like hate following it's pathetic I got proof and so I understand now [ __ ] off if you make a call out about someone to try and get them to realize their mistakes like that makes sense and I get your reasoning but what call-outs really do is just get the person her ass which hunted and it can lead to straight-up bullying if you want to get me to realize mistakes I have done tell me privately tell me privately so I can apologize to you tell me privately so it will lead to people harassing both me and you mm-hmm see that's a little weird considering this comment doesn't look all too private this almost looks like a public comment in a response to a bunch of call-out videos that were made on Spock derp reminder that those screenshots you just saw were from June 8th and June 9th less than two months after the specter drama yeah I guess it's still kind of frustrating though I wish people could be a bit more civil I know that when people say something that's really offensive it might be hard to be civil I just wish people would talk it out first before throwing labels on me man I'm really thinking about making a video on callout culture I hate it with every fiber of my being oh I'm sure you do one final note about cheerio before we move on found this in her tweets too I jacked off a little bit too hard and I almost had a heart attack how was your day [ __ ] going this is from June 2nd is July 5th she's 14 in this image gee it's almost like teens are sexual or something and don't have a [ __ ] filter ghostie this presenting this in the video as it was only the comment without looking into it this is not okay you can't just believe people at face value like this and then continue to propagate that face value belief across your platform to other people especially with something this serious cheerio gave nothing to showcase that what she was saying was true maybe it was maybe it wasn't she didn't give you anything to determine which it was remember when I just said how you shouldn't expect other teenagers your age to react well when presented with serious information because they don't know how to address it look into it or handle it accordingly yeah it's almost like your behavior right here is indicative of that notion Jesus you kids I also just found out that apparently cheerio used to be called darling QQ and I vaguely know who that was and I have only ever heard bad things so I'm moving on use private art without permission or credit oh bugger off when you create artwork for a big youtuber who has a habit of featuring said artwork at the end of the video the implication that the art you've made is probably going to end up in one of those videos is already there unless you can provide a screenshot from the conversation where the artist said hey I'd appreciate it if you didn't put my art in one of your videos then your complaint is dumb and completely ignores the implied social expectations of the situation order an SF WR of his of a minor which is illegal I apologize for that bad reading ghosties words sometimes jumbled together and I couldn't understand entirely what they were saying here I think they said that he orders not say for work art of his OC while being a minor and that's illegal which as far as I know it's not illegal for a minor to ask for it it's illegal for artists knowing that the person asking is a minor - then give them said not say for work or work even then ghostie do I have to bring this up again and you draw smut yourself why are you propped up on such a high horse you are going to fall held a contest for people to make it suggestive / sfw art for minor without them knowing no he didn't the porn rule stated wait [ __ ] the contest rule stated cheese I think these guys are starting to get to me the contest rules stated that there was to be no porn or overly lewd nudity drawing suggestive artwork is not a crime sending non porn to a minor unknowingly is also not a crime encourage people to make SFW art form despite being a minor was very sexual towards another person a few months later for this point ghosty brings up the screenshots provided by stories and I think at this point we all know why that's [ __ ] if you haven't seen the other videos it's because stories blatantly crafted sections of the conversation and presented them in a way so that she could make spectre look bad so that she could expose him sent nudes to a minor despite them not giving consent this is also stories the girl who sent nudes to sparked her first in an attempt to bait him into sending some back we'll get into that that's all that's out so far now on to why his apology is the worst video - honestly exist now I understand giving him a second chance if this was the first time he apologized I brought up stuff he did to me a few months ago around July or August he told me the exact same things in that video that he changed and realized what he did wrong and it was because of hormones and he'll go on a break and reconstruct himself I I gave him a second chance and he had that second chance he said everything he said yet the same [ __ ] thing few months later no he actually didn't do the same thing a few months later for one thing stories the girl he purportedly did the same thing with was actively engaging in the sexual conversations with him which is the complete opposite of you since you yourself said that you were hesitant to do as much so Spock derp kept his promise to you to learn from his mistake and not do it again Spock to recognized your issue with him potentially being too forceful oh that's right how many of you have seen this image huh I wouldn't be surprised if you hadn't mostly because up until Spock sure was able to find and release the rest of the conversation this was the one that had been circulating and I certainly know that ghosty knew about this one because it was one of the screenshots ghosty showed when talking about her spotter had sent nudes to a minor without giving consent so ghosties justification as to why the apology was [ __ ] was [ __ ] itself because it was based on a lie spread around by the other accuser he was aware of what he was doing this is gonna seem like a really stupid claim when I get around to stories as journals yeah journals he didn't care because he never thought his ass would be busted he only cares now because of his reputation not because he's sorry for way he's done if he was sorry for what he has done he would have changed when I confronted him not when all this went public pretty sure he was mostly concerned because people were calling him a child predator which wasn't true and those are kind of serious accusations that can ruin a person's life and as we'll see in your next video came about because of a misunderstanding from another lie that stories told earlier in the year spoilers the lie was that she was eight years old not to mention the hormone excuses total [ __ ] like I said he's used it before and that could possibly a one-off I'd understand but he's used this twice you can't blame your own action on hormones you do not turn into a completely different person when you're going through puberty and become blind up to what's blatantly wrong that's like saying hey I know I just killed this person but dude I was on my period okay puberty doesn't turn you into a completely different person yes it does that is exactly what puberty does people often make jokes about how teeny are clinically insane because the changes they go through during puberty essentially means that's the case it effectively sets a teenager's brain on fire they don't have the cognitive ability to think forward and plan based on the potential consequences of their actions or the actions of another person they can't regulate their emotions they're horny all the goddamn time they have unregulated mood swings low self-esteem aggression people can develop depression during puberty precisely because of the hormonal and chemical changes going on in their brains like these are all things that puberty does to a person it can turn you into a completely different person it does what are you even talking about trust me once you hit 25 you will look back on your high school self and think wow I was really stupid it's a ridiculous excuse and if this did happen in court it would be voided for how [ __ ] dumb it is oh there are a lot of other things that would come into play if this was in court I can tell you that how many chances are you going to give this guy he's a sexual offender he's not just called someone a [ __ ] over the Internet it's more serious than that he said everything he's done but he didn't change so why would he know you can't just give someone who's done this [ __ ] more chances he's just going to keep repeating himself like he's done I I don't understand he said everything in that video to me before word for word but he didn't [ __ ] change so why would he now I'm actually not gonna say anything about this section instead I'm gonna save it and bring it up again later on either way that's the end of ghostie section on the drama I'm 28 pages in people let's continue if you think you are being manipulated blackmailed are groomed by someone other than you online it is important to send information that people who can help the most the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children is goal centered on helping to reduce the instances of child sexual exploitation and that includes in online cases you can contact them and send the information that you have they will in turn pass it off to the proper authorities who look into the case and see if it has merit those law enforcement officers might later contact you on the matter via email for more information to better help them root out the truth and punish those who need to be punished it can be dangerous being a kid online especially if you think that someone is preying on you please turn to those who have the power to stop it if you feel like you're being victimized send them an email and let them help you you can also go over to their site for more information on how to protect yourself online okay so before we get to the final video from ghost II I want to actually go back and read ress the screenshots that ghostie provided as evidence of spectres deeds I know we've already talked about them before but uh remember in the last video when I said that juicy things exist that's mostly because I figured out a bit of an issue with ghost II screenshots and how they're presented that I hadn't noticed when I did my first video on all of this firstly when I went over that one screenshot filled in the text and surmised that it was the 12 year old that ghost he claimed Spectre had been sexually talking to I was wrong when ghosty presented this screenshot amidst the rest of their evidence I saw that sparkler referred to someone calling him daddy and connected it to the previous claim that ghosty had made saying that Spuckler was being sexually explicit with a 12 year old in fact this screenshot is not from the 12 year old in question it's from ghosty actually so is this one and this one and this one and huh you know it's kind of weird that all these screenshots seem to have come from ghosty themselves however I suppose that shouldn't be too much of a surprise because why would ghosty be presenting screenshots that weren't from them can't even fathom why I might have thought that oh but actually maybe it has something to do with the titles of the screenshots themselves and the description of the main stash they were presented in what means stash I hear you ask well it just so happened to be the one that I got all these screenshots from thanks eff ngrick wouldn't have found them without that link in the description of your video where you also called Spock derp a pedophile here we can see a bunch of the claims that ghosty has levied against Spock tur and we can also see that the collected screenshots have been sorted into folders based on their content two of the folders in particular are of note because they are titled explicit combos with minors and wanting not-safe-for-work for minors well that's a little odd considering every single one of the screenshots go see gives us in the stash are from their conversations with spotter no one else's so wireless the miners in question as plural when you're only presenting evidence from one miner said miner being yourself it's almost like that's worded in a way that would trick people reading the screenshots into thinking that they were from multiple people huh also I just want to focus on the twelve-year-old claim for a bit here I have heard through the grapevine that the alleged twelve-year-old was not actually 12 years old she was instead 14 now granted I've only heard this from other people and I don't have any screenshots showcasing as much funny thing though there exists just as much evidence for the claim that two 12 year old was actually 14 as there exists from the claim that Spock der was being sexual with the twelve-year-old in the first place yeah because if the screenshot I originally thought was from the twelve-year-old was actually from ghosty then that means we don't have any screenshots to support this accusation the only thing we have to say that this happened is people going guys spoke there totally did this sure in that case I was the most popular person in high school I dated the high school quarterback and he proposed to me on prom night I was a straight-a student and all of the teachers loved me I hope the principal catch his cheating wife and so he would bow to me every time I came into school I made honors and graduated valedictorian at the end of the Year ceremony they asked me to come up to the podium and even though I hadn't prepared a speech beforehand I spoke what was on my mind and all the teachers had to wipe away the tears that they were crying and everybody clapped our / that happened [Music] I know this is the third video I've made on Spock derp but it's going to be the less and I'm so it's more of an apology however I will go into more detail later firstly I want to say I didn't know about the story stuff spotter posted something saying she never said no or she encouraged it I don't know about that so I I didn't know it was that sketchy so don't come to me with that see I'd like to not come to you about that especially since you're apologizing but no ghosty no you presented stories as screenshots as evidence for what's Proctor had done in your last two videos yes stories manipulated people she cropped the screenshots to make it look like something was happening when it wasn't what she couldn't crop effectively she filled in those gaps with her own recounting of what happened which paired with the screenshots made people view them as being related and truthful in that sense because of all that happened because of her lies stories is at fault there but you are still at fault for presenting the very same evidence and using it alongside your own claims you have to take responsibility for that when someone comes to you about that it's because you did it and that wasn't the only instance of it you did the very same thing when cheerio came to you claiming that Spectre sent her porn when she was 13 and cheer you not only provided no evidence on that front you didn't even have anything more on it outside of the one comment from her that you showed which you used as evidence of the claim that being said like I said earlier ghosty did come to me Indians and acknowledges their fault and their mistakes on this matter so while I'm mostly just spelling out exactly what the mistakes were for the sake of it being a learning experience you know it's all formalities at this point secondly I'd like to apologize for one thing that everyone is bashing me about for calling spotter a pedophile in one of my videos I wasn't talking about what he did to my 13 year old friends nor me or anything about that I was talking about I was told that he sent nudes and stuff to an eight-year-old which I believed and I should have gotten proof that they weren't that age yet I never thought of it as I don't know stories personally and I barely watch any of their contents I just assumed there was no reason to lie about their age but I'm sure the person who told me this didn't know either so I'm not putting the blame on them oh here we go I knew this would come up again hey guys if you don't know who I am I am just a robot and I'm mostly well known for doing power scaling videos and commentaries one of the commentaries I did earlier this year was actually the one you're going to see pop up later in this video and that video is stories is not 8 and penta Green is stupid while nobody was really able to prove me wrong when I questioned the claim that stories was in fact eight years old it doesn't mean I didn't get a lot of comments about it people questioned why I cared so much that she was pretending to be eight years old and honestly I didn't care the claim itself isn't the problem it's what story could do with that claim that was the problem and the fact that people were believing in our wages claim without any proof and boy did she do the very worst thing with it that she could have ghost II didn't know stories personally they only heard and that stories claim to be eight years old and when it got out that stories was the one that sparked her sent nudes to everyone assumed that meant he sent nudes to an eight year old stories didn't even have to go out of her way to make herself seem like she was actually aimed she just had to say she was and hordes of people believed her with absolutely no proof in that situation when her claims are not being challenged even if they didn't make any sense she's just going to be more and more brazen with what she says and the reality of the situation is that she knew people were dumb enough to believe she was actually eight without any real proof so she probably figured she could ruin Spock derp with minimal proof and people would believe her the fact that a commentary I did on something that could have been so innocuous like lying about your age and it all ended up spiraling into something as serious as this is will telling you should have just believed people making improbable claims online you never know what people are up to behind their computer screens and if you don't question the smaller lies then you're just going to get worse and worse also side note that I noticed GoSee says here probably should have gotten proof that they were that age yet I never thought of it as I don't know stories personally and I've barely watched any of their content but in ghosties first video on the drama they said this I can only speak from my end however the screenshots appearing on screen right now are not mine and I wouldn't be proving them as I physically cannot however knowing the person who took them it's pretty safe to say they're not edited either and can't be trusted you said in your first video that because of who the discord screenshots came from namely stories their validity could be trusted now you're saying that you personally don't know stories well and that you don't watch her content yourself what part of I barely know this person is supposed to be enough justification to say this person whom I barely know can totally be trusted it's almost like he said that in the heat of the moment to try to further validate the evidence against Specter when you wouldn't have had to if the evidence actually showed what you claimed it does thirdly I just want to apologize for the lack of context in my screenshots as I know it was bad and I should have provided more you think also another thing I noticed from ghosties first video why are all these screenshots on old skype clearly edited shaking my head there on old skype because i originally took these back in May before Skype got [ __ ] but I got a nice note from one of his white knights asking me to delete them so I did but I reload them again as it states here these were uploaded on June of 2017 this is months before all these videos came out not just a day or a week you know yeah they were uploaded months before the drama back in May when was it you said that you inspector broke up May 10th ha that's pretty soon after you two broke up for you to be posting screenshots what was that phrase someone used before about this totally not being an ex who just mad that they can't get lizard dick can't quite place it now considering we don't know why the two you broke up it almost seems vindictive on your part not helping this is the fact that the apology that Spectre gave to you happened on the 6th of June 2017 yet despite him apologizing to you then and you at the time having no reason to not believe him still chose to re-upload the images on June 18th I also want to point out what was said during sponsors apology to ghosty especially on ghosties end I wanted to apologize to you before I go and drop out of your life apologize for wronging you I wanted to thank you as well for teaching a lesson to me I'm done with dating for a good while nice to see you actually apologize for once oh my god you guys it's 3 a.m. and I'm putting together at the audio and I had to step aside to do another recording because I just realize ghosty says that spotter apologized multiple times but kept making the same mistakes and yet here in the screenshot ghosty is saying nice to see you apologizing for once implying that he doesn't do it very often can we please pick one just for once can we please and tell him in college I'm sorry for a legit like being forceful on you you weren't forceful he's all forceful and rushed it was rushed I was resting look I know it felt like I was demanding stuff but I didn't intend that and thinking back it probably came off as demanding and that's a problem I'll fix it I don't care about your apologies anymore you've apologized multiple times to multiple people but you haven't changed a single bit so why would you change this time because your reputation is at risk if that's the case it's pretty [ __ ] sad that that's what it takes for you to realize how much [ __ ] you've done if this is how you want to be then that's fine but your friend will have left you and you'll end up all alone I'm only just come back if my presence is truly a pain to people I'm willing to let them go I don't want to hurt people that's not why I'm here the only way you'll know of change is by waiting so give it time you'll see you've said that over and over but there's never been any results how many times are you going to say that before you actually how would you know unless you wait nothing I say here and now will matter you won't get satisfaction from it wait wait do you have any idea how much patience I've had to have you just see you screwing over multiple friends were you saying we'll indeed to have no effect since you're not going to change and pull the [ __ ] off on other people in the future I respect your opinion you hate me I just wanted to let you know I apologize nothing I'm saying now is it Beach nothing I'm saying now is of significance so I'll just let you go damn review have you noticed what's weird about this I'll give you a hint it has to do with the timeline that ghostie established regarding when the two of them started dating Spock derp and ghosty dated for at most half a month that was it they broke up and as far as we can glean from this conversation Spock derp took a break for a period of time and was likely gone ie when ghosty says that Spectre hasn't changed and that he's apologized but keeps making the same mistakes what the [ __ ] is ghosty even talking about you expect me to believe that in half a month Spock derp has apologized for these mistakes multiple times continue to make the same mistakes in between all of that taking a break and screwed over and driven away a whole bunch of people in half a [ __ ] month ghosties reaction here is absolutely ridiculous for one thing we don't actually have any other screenshots outside of the ones that ghosty has already provided to us to indicate the spectre has either continued to make these mistakes or apologize for them in the past for another thing the two of them dated for half a month at most ghosty posted the screenshots after they broke up Spock derp took a break go see took down the screenshots and instructor came back to apologize is that the timeline I'm getting from this freaking where in any of that is there even the room for Spectre to continue to make the same mistakes over and over again like you're claiming he did also ghosty says that they're not going to believe that Spectre can change because they've given him time and he hasn't changed for the better but how much do you expect a person to change in half a [ __ ] month I can't be the only one who notices at this timeline based on what ghosty is claiming happened doesn't make a lick of sense I just went down another rabbit hole of a tangent didn't I thinking this was supposed to be on the apology - good lord back to the video yeah I'm not trying to make excuses but I was going off of things I had sent people before and yeah I'm sorry for the stammering I can't help it I was going off of things I had sent people before and my skype refuses to load after a certain point I physically cannot get them anymore so I apologize for that like I've said and I really don't want to get involved with this personally I'm going to drop all the accusations I made on my end such as the sexual stuff towards me and I don't want to get involved like I said that's not how that works in your first video you showed us where you could scroll up to in your Skype chat with Spock tur when you can be bothered but the conversations you show here was included in your screenshots and that screenshot shows that the conversation is from May 2nd a few days after the two of you started dating even if that was as high as you could scroll up you should have been able to scroll down and show everything leading up to the breakup you chose not to even if you couldn't get all of the context you should have been able to show everything past the second of May so this isn't an excuse I am a hundred percent aware was my fault for originally getting involved in this in the first place and I should have been prepared but I wasn't and it's taken quite a big toll on my mental and physical health so I would appreciate a break I don't care if you make videos on me just don't tag them and spam me with them thank you and so there's only one thing I do stand by and it's a fact he pushed my 13 year old friend into making that NSFW I don't have the screenshots where I'm doing initially but I only have the things of him going on moving to Skype and him begging her to make it such as bribing and such which is here and yeah and she is if he is offering bribes towards her and several times that obviously suggests she did not want to do in the first place and I hope you can take my word for that still not how that works look maybe Specter was doing that the garbage fire that has been this whole situation however should make it pretty apparent that you can't just take people at their word go state it is irresponsible of you to still be asking this of people when so much of what you've provided earlier was completely wrong you even promoted stories as where despite not knowing her personally you already asked people to believe you at your word and you spread false allegations and lies you can't seriously still be asking for that also bribing for art is still not a thing that's a commission but yeah I want to apologize once again overall and for the misfortune and false accusations that have been spreading around it was in the entire fault on everyone making those videos due to the misconceptions that happened yes about the transphobia thing whoa whoa whoa yeah okay um this particular part of ghosties video coming up I'm not actually going to talk about it I'm also not having my friend read it off and it's for one very simple reason the reasoning behind ghosties identifying as non-binary is not as cut and dry as I had originally surmised in my first video on the matter while I'm still of that general mindset and it'll take brain scans revealing the presence of non-binary mentality being a thing to convince me otherwise in ghosties particular case I can completely understand so on that note I do want to apologize to ghosty for making assumptions it was admittedly based on a very bad history on tumblr with lots of people demanding I believe things outright with no evidence to support their claims and the entire experience left a very bad taste in my mouth that however doesn't really excuse it here in my opinion I will continue to respect a person's pronouns and the way in which they choose to identify themselves but to you ghosty I apologize if I offended or hurt you in that original video now if I could give some advice the reason I'm not gonna play this section of the video is pretty simple and it's also the reason I think I was wrong about ghosty situation in the first video ghosty mentioned something that you can tell from the video is quite personal it's vague in its wording but there's enough there that I was able to glean what the personal issue might be and I worry about other people potentially figuring it out too to protect ghosties privacy on that matter we won't be talking about it ghosty I recognize that this is probably a tasking issue for you in your personal life and I understand that you might want to keep it a private matter I would just say that if that's the case be a tad more careful with your wording in the future granted I could be completely wrong in what I got from your wording but just in case I think it's better to play on the safer side of things ghosty just finishes the video off saying thank you and sorry again so we're done with their video on the drama at this point I think I've said all that I need to own ghosty regarding all of this so let's move on to my favorite part by which I mean it's gonna of me getting a whole bunch of people to read off lines for me and trying to organize that is such a hassle the screenshots ponder what sort of screenshots could you possibly have that would express anything more than we've already seen honey let's just say there's a benefit to waiting a couple months to put a video out so for those who are unaware and I believe I mentioned us in the last video after my first video on the drama came out Atari gave me access to the discord server where she Pentagon and stories had been planning there exposed videos it was in here where they compiled and discussed the evidence they had on Spock derp and how they were going to go about presenting it oh oh no wait wait a minute my bad this is actually from the anti Dig Burt collective that you no other server where they were planning to take down or expose or whatever dig be the goat it's a tad indicative that the whole exposed video thing could have happened to anyone it just so happened to be that like sharks a certain couple of people smell blood in the water and they went for that one instead Digby wasn't bleeding enough also thank you again to me me Diggs for providing these screenshots because knowing this group existed a month before the sparkler videos is fantastic especially considering Penta grin seemed all too happy to get sucked her in on taking down Digby I mean she was discussing as much with Atari back in 2017 she didn't even have a problem with using him to do her dirty work but all of a sudden when someone releases a video saying that she's dumb for believing that someone who is clearly not eight years old is actually eight years old and Spock derp the very gall of the man comments on the video saying thanks because he also didn't believe the eight-year-old was actually eight years old and that boy must burn clearly he and just a robot we're in cahoots clearly Specter endorsed the video and helped it get made like I'll admit I can get conspiratorial at times but how the hell do you get this bad so do i collab with me I don't know I would love to a dress-up store he isn't eight but nobody would listen cuz they're brainwashed she's actually knowing same thing you fool you really believe that don't you poor lizard boy was actually someone that pentagram wanted to drag down because he thought that someone was lying about their age online and appreciated it being called out in a video apparently that was enough excuse for her to go for the throat as she herself puts it oh but evidently despite also having wanted to get him in on taking down Digby in November 2017 she been waiting to take Spock turn down for a while well now isn't that a tad telling and isn't it so equally telling that she tried to rewrite history while working on her exposed video claiming that this was a recent development and she hadn't been planning this when we know that you've been gunning for Spectre since at least January of this year you wouldn't need to be so cautious of your reputation if you were a decent human being well this claim is hilarious and deliciously hypocritical in hindsight it actually paints a very naive understanding of just how gross and spiteful humans can be you can be a decent person and still have someone not like you you can be a decent person and still have someone that wants to take you down the passing of Stanley in November of this year is a good example of that despite the joy and Wonder and love that this sweet man brought throughout his lifetime how much he promoted other people to be creative and tolerant and how encouraging he was to young startups and how passionate he was about his own work the day he died people tried to destroy his image by making claims about him that were not true due to the fact that he was successful and had money his golden years were filled with turmoil because greedy people wanted it for themselves he was a victim of elder abuse his friends and fans were worried for him he had been nothing but a sweetheart to people and still there were those who wanted to hurt him who wanted to take advantage of him who wanted to destroy him and who wanted to ruin his reputation a lot of this want to destroy the reputation of someone more popular than you is to get a taste of that popularity yourself some people create things to try and get a taste of that popularity but that is a long and arduous process it's easier for most people to simply try and destroy and then bask in the glow from takling that Empire it should come as a surprise to no one that this actually was one of the subjects of focus within the chat itself penetrant especially seemed quite focused on spotters dwindling sub count not only was this in a reaction to the video being released it was also something that penguin made note of on the 17th before their videos had even been finished and before they had even finished compiling their evidence she was quite fixated on the effect this would have on sparked her subscriber count pentagram can reminisce all she wants about how only bad people have bad things said about them but her own actions and the actions of the person whom she tried to protect in all of this effectively proved her stance incorrect I mean it's not like Penta grin has a track record of having no self-awareness and speak highly of herself only to completely go back on those high standards she set when it's convenient for her also yes that is penetrance speaking with satan quite apropos atari shock of all shocks was the one who eventually came to her senses and decided to close the group remind her even after everything that's happened during the planning process for they're exposed videos atari is the only one who when presented with the knowledge that the information she spread may have been gathered under false pretenses and didn't show what she'd been told they did she accepted fault and tried to learn from it to better herself as a person good girl would draw fan art anyways back to the server this is actually the server i was talking about it was in here that they planned out the stay away from sparkler theory videos most of the pre-planning leading up to the video contained in here as well as a good chunk of the evidence sharing happened in the span of two days when atari first granted me access to the server i went through and screenshot in what i thought was of note but i've since gone back through the bulk of the server two more times most recently it was because of a larger revelation that i came across while scripting for this video we'll get into that in a bit first i want to go through some of the server piece-by-piece in the order of the events took place the beginning of the chat starts off with pentagon stories in atari compiling what evidence they have on spock der so far this is mostly penguin showcasing her own screenshots from talking with him that includes them talking about his ex which yeah penn occur and his ex was blackmailing him they documented segments of their conversation that made him look bad ignoring their own active participation in it uploaded them online almost immediately after the two broke up and then uploaded them again after he apologized to them their excuse for that being that he wasn't changing fast enough when only a month had passed and threatened to expose him if he continued to act in the way that they didn't like so yeah that actually totally was blackmail the screenshots also covered them talking about an eighteen plus room inspector server who inspector made note of an art thief pen Agron agreeing with his actions at the time and talking about ghosty blackmailing him again then we get into the good stuff like stories flat-out admitting when talking to spot her she wasn't expressing her true feelings in fact according to her she was expressing the complete opposite of how she really felt what was that story said in her video on the matter but he had decided to continue regardless of me stating that I was uncomfortable or that I had a boyfriend or even hinting that something was wrong Spock derp if you're watching this in your echo chamber of adoring fans I never want to associate with you again you're disgusting in every sense of the word and looking at your responses to mine make my stomach turn into knots and make my hands turn stone-cold you did this to yourself if you had any common sense you would have turned away but you didn't that's really what disappoints me I partially made note of this when I covered stories his recounting of the situation in my first video but now we have confirmation from stories herself that she purposely didn't express her true feelings in her conversations with Spock derp at the time however she tries to condemn him because she was uncomfortable and supposedly disgusted with how he acted yet if she purposely was hiding those feelings from him then how was he supposed to know that you can't expect people to recognize that you're uncomfortable with a situation if you act too like you're totally fine with it and you certainly don't get to pretend after the fact that the person in question was a manipulative villain who didn't care that you were uncomfortable which is exactly what stories is doing here something I also noticed when going back through the chat a couple times was when at AA read questions stories is one story incidentally stories never responds to these instances since each instance only came up once I can't blame Atari for not picking up on this but stories is unwillingness to answer these specific questions or concerns is quite telling when stories provides screenshots of sparkers messages she doesn't screenshot what she said to elicit such a response she only makes claims as to what she said in response to me saying I'm flustered I asked him if he had a crush story's very deliberately did not show what she said in these conversations there isn't a reason for stories to not show these sections of the conversation if they were truly as a knock you assess she's implying they were if she had nothing to hide with her own parts of the conversation then why is she hiding them we've already seen that stories is willing to cut out the context of a situation to better serve her purpose regarding these very screenshots she cut out the fact that sparked her backed down when she said she was uncomfortable just so that she could push the narrative that he never did and remember when story said that she was deliberately saying the opposite of how she actually felt that she claimed to have a crush on Spock tur that she feels he took advantage of that it was bad for him at his age acknowledging his age to be doing what he was doing with her because of how young she was wouldn't it be really telling if it was somehow revealed that stories was still not expressing how she truly felt that she was deliberately manipulating the situation to get the desire and affected of those involved that she was even making exceptions as to what she did and did not think was okay expressly so that she could vilify Spuckler for them well she would have had to have this plan in mind months ahead of time if that were the case everybody I'd like to introduce you to kardia mente also known as Kyra remember the boyfriend that story's mentioned having while she was talking with Spock der I wish I could have called him out on it the first chance I got I had always warned him to be careful out of peer care for others now considering she had this boyfriend at the time of trying to gather evidence all inspector and at the time of making her video condemning Spock der particularly for his sexual messages towards her despite their age difference it would be really awkward if Kyra and Spock der just so happened to be the same age Kyra is a couple months older than Spock derp Wow weird stories happen to be dating someone who turned 17 months before Spock did and yet she still goes on to condemn Spock derp for being his 17-year old self actually 16 at the time and hitting on her the very nerve of him oh but that's not the only way that Kyra comes into play here you see Kyra got into contact with me on discord and has been very helpful he gave me access to probably the most compelling evidence showcasing that stories had it out for Spock derp and the timing of that evidence in particular really is the kicker Kyra added me to a server that I had never seen before but I did recognize one of the names in that server if you've been keeping up with how things unfolded after my first video came out then you might recognize honey bear as being one of stories as alternate accounts we'll talk about what she was doing on that old account when we further discuss what happened after my video came out now most of what was contained within that server was just not important memes and empty chats mostly there were only really two things of note and only one of them is what I'm going to be discussing here the Spock turd journal there are three entries in here there from December 24th 2017 two of them and January 2nd 2018 they read as follows so you may be wondering why really cared enough to dig deep on spider and find out his secrets and stuff the answer is simple I hated him at first I faked having a romantic interest in spider Spock tour was just another way for me to make my stomp on the little section of the internet history buddies social engineering and all that whether it would be by force or by willing help from him I was determined to make my name known and get to the bottom of what makes this man a boy what does he keep hidden behind his facade what can i pry out of him what would these secrets hold and were they 'value not a no and like any other information how can i spark a fire and burn this proclaimed hero to a crisp I wasn't going to literally douse the child and gasoline and make it cookout using his body yeesh it's a metaphor heroes and gods both hell did the same regard always but everyone has an Achilles heel makes them vulnerable and someone who fakes their persona life personality and talents online they have multiple vulnerabilities that only someone with a knack for manipulating systems and social cracks would see so I got to work but more on that tomorrow I'm tired it's currently 403 a.m. but I'm saying it's a minute ahead because of weird perfectionist that way Christmas Eve stories to add on to the fact that I faked a romantic interest it wasn't real it was convincing it's for my game to get on his good side since humans weaken at flattery weak humans it Garron me it led to my sadness of me expressing my artificially made feelings to spot during and not acting on it which I'm grateful for side note while I promise not to show these particular screenshots for the sake of the other party involved stories freaked the [ __ ] out when she found out that had been given access to her server and she'd been kicked and she demanded that none of what was contained within be shared including her journals Anspach der now while I did read and screenshot everything of note in there I'm not gonna use it because it's not all related but one thing that her reaction to the situation does show stories mildly alludes to the importance of information when she's talking about Spock der and she does the same thing in her other journals going far more in depth there she talks about how useful information is and how its effectively power yet she expects only herself to have this power she freaked out because now all of a sudden I had this information on her she demands to have information on and they're in power over everyone else but screams and lashes out should anyone dare find anything on her just thought that was kind of interesting regarding the journals as a whole I have trouble making an assessment of it not because I'm confused about what's going on far from it but because my current view of stories comes from the fact that I have also read her personal journals and I have promised not to use said personal journals in this video it's difficult for me to talk about this knowing what I know or at the very least knowing what I have read because lord knows I can't trust a single word that comes out of that child's mouth stories freaked out and demanded that nothing that Kyra probably her ex-boyfriend now I certainly can't keep up with that exposed to me be used against her she raged about how her privacy had been violated and how her life had been ruined and how I had destroyed her chance to have a career on the platform but I find it difficult to sympathize with these journals now shown to me stories didn't seem to have a problem with a person's privacy being violated when she was deliberately doing it to Spock derp she didn't seem to have an issue with baiting nudes out of him and then using his private conversations with her to spread around the notion that he was a pedophile in his friend groups she didn't seem to have a problem with cutting out contexts from private screenshots to turn Spock derp into a villain and a child predator she didn't have an issue with reminiscing about how these exposed videos would ruin sputters chances to get his dream career she had no problem saying what she did knowing that it would get spooked her tion in every community he was a part of or that he loved she has deliberately gone out of her way to not respect the privacy of others and so if destroying her privacy is the only way for me to showcase exactly what she's done then I have no qualms about it stories doesn't want this shown not because it's personal but because it shows malicious premeditated intent she had planned on destroying stalked her for months simply because she didn't like him as far as I can [ __ ] tell so why she thinks she has any power or say in this matter is beyond me people have even scoffed at Specter explaining his impulsive behavior as being a result of his ADHD but stories herself has been behind the scenes touting about a mental conditions she has one which her boyfriend has told me he's not even sure which she has been formally diagnosed for which also causes impulsivity and she uses it to explain away her behavior what even is this situation I will fully admit trying to come back and write this script has been a hassle for me I would get anxiety attacks in the middle of trying to work on it even just thinking about it would put a tightness in my chest I don't like the idea of going after some kid who made a mistake online I don't want to vilify a child for making a mistake maybe hearing about child predatory behavior not fully understanding it and then ascribing their own experiences to it but this is not that stories planned this she knew what she was doing she [ __ ] relished in it in this situation she has been vindictive conniving discourteous impudent and she's shown at the very least to me that she can't be trusted and for all that is wicked and sullied in the world it doesn't stop there and considering from what I've read if she seems to have a weird fascination with the number-8 it should be pretty fitting that someone called the octo mama is the one making this video oh good god maybe she was plotting against me this whole time [ __ ] let's continue oh wow what a shock the three [ __ ] times screenshot that we were led to believe was said by stories to Spock there actually came from the server plotting against him and was yet another screenshot taken out of context so far out of context said it wasn't even from the conversation we as the audience thought it was from color me surprised throughout the chat stories flip-flops on whether or not she wants to be named in the implications citing her reasoning being that people could say she lied dumbass anyone could say that anyone lied you're likely only concerned about this because you were lying this ended up going through however since stories wasn't named as one of the victims in the situation that only became apparent when she made her own video trying to prove the validity of the screenshots which just worked out so well stories talks about how she doesn't want to catch a case and to that I'm assuming she meant I don't want to break the law too late on that front I'm afraid and then immediately without any self-awareness infers that the three of them might be able to use one of the photos he sent to her to suggest that he went further not that they were going to provide evidence just that they were going to provide something potentially innocuous and then use it to support an unrelated and far more serious claim I'm not even surprised by this and you shouldn't be surprised because she wants to use this same technique a few days later just on someone else stories sharing what she shouldn't be they scoff at the notion of junky potentially protecting someone whom he thinks as a child on the internet when Penna grin herself is protecting someone whom she thinks is a child on the Internet the [ __ ] sake this entire chat was created for that very purpose and I just realized that stories talked about how she reportedly had crush on Spock dur and she felt that he manipulated that crush but stories also acknowledges that Spock dur had a crush on her and she was faking her crush meaning that she was manipulating his crush on her G's stories projecting much am i done yet oh look story is admitting that she's been planning this since her channel began bro I planned it out since my channel was make freaking born I'm the ultimate Chad I'm fine now my entire channel is made for this here's the dealio I joined this community because I knew something was off and playing stories was just a cover to get into it and it looks like I found what my suspicions led to I originally came here because there was something off about spotter I just felt it you know so I had to work inside huh I see everything on my channel is all a cover man god dammit James Bond kind of stuff I guess that makes sense what does that mean for the future of your channel then turn it into something else something that I actually care about instead of playing a character it was after this flip flopping when stories finally admitted to both Penta grin and Atari that she was in fact not nine years old and Penta Grande the stupid miserable unapologetic raise your hand if you're not all expecting Penta grand to clue in on why this should suddenly be an issue for her despite the fact that apparently the entire inciting reason for Pentagon to go after spectra in the first place was that she thought that stories was telling the truth about her age and Spock derp didn't now that she had been presented with the fact from stories herself that she was in fact lying about her age somehow she doesn't clue in on that maybe maybe spunked er had a good reason to disagree with her and while yes you could probably argue that by that point pentagram probably thought that with everything else that had been presented structure was still potentially a bad person but you would think that when Spock sir had been the guy saying I think this chick is lying and then that same chick comes to you saying oh yeah I was lying but this guy who thought I was lying was totally being a creeper to me you would think that something would have clicked in her head and told her ha she was already a liar and she's just admitted that to me maybe I should look further into this but no of course not this is penta grin we're talking about now I can understand going into a project thinking it's a good idea when it's not but usually when the project is dragged out for a long period of time you start questioning whether or not you should do it I've had projects that I've started working on walked away from for a couple days and then came back thinking huh this is kind of petty and unnecessary maybe it's not the best idea despite pentagram having it in her mind to go after Spectre since January however she never came to the conclusion that she was doing the video for all the wrong reasons she never even stepped back to look at the evidence she was being provided at that time there isn't even a valid excuse for pentagram to be so blinded by hatred towards sparked her in the first place and knows you will knowing those thoughts the thing apparently not spoke to though you stupid [ __ ] at this point the roundabout reasoning that Pentagon tries to use is pathetic she sites to catch a predator saying that while they used eighteen-year-olds to bait predators that was only in person mind you the Predators themselves were still under the assumption that they were talking to minors that was online and that's what ends up being the clincher I understand her reasoning that being even if stories is an eight it's the assumption of her being eight and then still choosing to be sexual with her that is the crime the problem here is that Spectre was not under the assumption that stories was an eight-year-old he was vehemently against that notion that's why you wanted to go after him in the first [ __ ] place she continues to have absolutely no self-awareness and citing that her own boyfriend had to deal with an issue like this where he had been dating someone who was younger than him when he turned 18 she cites it because nothing sexual happened between the two of them after he turned 18 there was no legal issue she also makes note that someone her wording is garbage here I can't actually tell if she was referring to her boyfriend or someone else turned 18 while they were dating a 15 year old and people started calling them a pedophile now not only is this indicative of the relationship between stories and spotter because Pentagon tried doing the same thing to spot her right after he turned 17 the fact that he hasn't actually reached adult age yet doesn't even clue in with her the legal problems that arise from being in a relationship with someone younger than you only happens if one party is a legal age and the other isn't but both Spock Durand stories were under the age of consent she doesn't even cite the exchange of images between them as being the problem she explicitly talks about sexual stuff and if she did try to condemn Spock der for sending nudes then she would have to condemn stories to because they're both underaged and they both sent each other images oh no wait I'm sorry she does try to condemn Specter for everything in this situation and continues to completely ignore the fact that stories was the inciting party it's almost like she admitted to doing as much and while pentagram makes note that they can't call him a pedophile in their videos themselves she still tries to be sneaky about it we at the time of scripting well under the impression that she was nine no you weren't goddamn not you sneaky little drunk night you were just told that stories was not 9 you just made note that you had to go back through the script and reword things you do not get to pretend ignorance now that is irresponsible and is lying by way of omission all the time that this was happening we were under the impression that she was knowing under the impression is the key phrase I hope you see how diabolically sneaky these two tried to be and what they were doing even though pentagram is now fully aware that stories is not in fact 9 years old she still tries to act as though she made the video under that assumption panagra also had the gall to claim to me that she didn't endorse the pedophilia label within her video despite this scar 'bitch having gone on behind closed doors furthermore pentagram that's not how that works you were an avid supporter of the notion that stories was telling the truth about her age and that she was at the time an 8 year old we know this because you made a video about it you remember that don't you the one that just a robot did a commentary on and then you tried to use as a reason to hate Spock tour for if someone goes around saying I'm an 8 year old and you make a video saying yeah they're an 8 year old and then you make a video claiming that someone sent that person nudes even if you don't say they're an 8 year old in that video the implication is there your audience can connect the dots stories claims to be 8 doctor sent nudes to someone that someone is stories they're in Spock person nudes to an eight-year-old you don't have to say the word everything else you promoted led people there I would also like to point out that while the original exposed video claimed that Spock door had been doing this to many people and they had heard about it from these people it was actually only stories and ghosty there was one other person's stories made note of who wasn't actually making any complaints against Spock der so that was also a lie also can we just appreciate the Pentagon saying that someone hate mobbed against an alleged pedophile despite there being no evidence and uses that as a reason to say that they shouldn't use her and she's a simpleton and yet also woops at this point the video goes up heck even before I made note of my distaste for the evidence in the videos someone else message Atari with a similar concern also shut up stories stories uses emotional manipulation within the chat I mean she herself said that humans weakened to flattery so why not respond to someone questioning the evidence by wholeheartedly thanking Atari and Pentagon for helping you deal with such an emotionally tasking feat we hilarious foreshadowing and then smokers apology video came out remember how I told you about how stories freaked out when she found out I had access to the journals where she plotted against Falkner back in December of 2017 stories is really good at projecting is what I'm saying I'd also like to make note of the fact that stories apparently knew sparklers state and had looked into what the consent laws were there oh but why is she talking about that here you may be asking why it just so happens that this is when I stepped into the ring when I first made note that I had an issue with the video and hopped into a discord call with Penna grande an Atari you can bet there was a reaction in the SPOC chat it died down after the call but the very next day was when pentagram bailed off the internet I didn't actually notice that at first he was literally the day after we spoke and like you guys I know that stories you implied it's bad for youtubers to get an ego and makes you want to tear them down and expose them for only being human but how can I not get a bit of an ego when Yela treating me like I'm some big fancy smancy internet personality you can make it girl's head and quite big with how you treated me don't worry I won't forget the little people like you when I'm a big star anyways and then my video came out just suffer every night I can feel my leg my my fingers [Music] if you're planning to take down someone that you don't like via slanders claims of sexual harassment six months in advance here's something to consider don't so while most of what happened after my video came out just seems like children crying and yelling because someone took a knife out of their hands there were a few instances of note that I want to bring up first of all Pentagon also apparently went around saying that I had gotten dulu to illegally record her and I know this to be the case because someone came to me on deviantART asking me about that very thing well gee considering I said in my video that penta grin had acknowledged and been aware that Dooley was recording at the time how can this person possibly have gotten the opposite impression in the note they explained that penta grin said she was aware that Dewey was recording with OBS apparently it wasn't actually OBS but for some reason assumed that didn't include audio why would do lieu ask you if it was okay to record in a call if they weren't recording audio if they were just recording the screen then it wouldn't matter the assumption that the recording wasn't recording audio that's on penguin and no one else when people ask you if they can record the implication is usually that the recording is going to showcase audio because the default for a recording is either audio and visual or just audio ie stuff like tape recordings and whatnot if doula was only recording their screen then why would they ask you if it was okay to record and you can't even say oh well they could have recorded the discord chat you were in a [ __ ] voice call of course it would pertain to audio recordings you can play makes even less sense if we believe that you thought that doula was on their phone and was there and recording the computer screen because that type of recording wouldn't affect you at all and you live what did need permission for that that doesn't make any sense I didn't even know that do have recorded anything with you in it doula came to me while I was talking about working on the script and just went hey girl you said it would have been way worse if they were trying to call him a pedophile right well you want to know a secret I think I have evidence that Atari did want to call him a pedophile um voice no hey are you stupid [ __ ] who want to take this as initiative to tacit re keep in mind Pentagon was guilty of this exact same thing and Atari actually apologized and did fix where she went wrong she's a good person chill let's not forget that a week after it happens you can apparently remember the call enough to be able to say confidently that should the call be played out in full at no point with the fact that the call is being recorded be mentioned when earlier in the chat you couldn't even remember that you'd said the things in the call going so far as to say that you had actually never said that pentagram that's the opposite of how the human brain works your memory gets worse as you get further from the event in question not better though Alicia's ignore the fact that even if it was illegal to record pentagram which apparently because she's in a different country it's not thank you PK Russell for pointing that out I would not actually be legally responsible because I didn't record the call dulu gave it to me and I used it so oops it's at this point the stories goes back on what she was claiming earlier whilst before she touted how they're exposed videos would ruin him that he couldn't ignore being called a pedophile that it would ruin his job that his friends in real life watched his videos and are perfectly aware of who he is online now that my video is out she tries to backpedal now she claims that it's only a persona he could up and leave and nobody would know you know except for his real-life friends who knew about his persona I would also like to oh god okay look I don't want to paint myself as a victim here I'm not one that would be stupid but after my video came out stories and Penta grin started scheming against me first they got themselves riled up with their theories that I had been planning against them which you know irony Pentagon even gets it in her head that I had some sort of gripe against her beforehand which no penta grin I didn't I thought your videos had been kind of hit-or-miss I guess ha no Penta grin I didn't I thought your videos had been kind of hit-or-miss in the past but your recent uploads I happen to think we're getting much better and I was very close to subscribing when the whole drama went down also I never said I hate how when I make a video on a person people more popular than me start making the same video now I can't access the comment because pentagrams videos are gone but if I'm remembering the specific comment that Penta grin is referring to actually talking about how I thought it was funny that at the time I voiced my dislike of a certain creator soon after that a bunch of other people make videos on them I was reminiscing about that notion because it means I get to watch videos talking [ __ ] about people whose content I don't like which is neat background noise I was praising your takedown of deviant cringe because that was the video that this comment was on I was trying to get across to you that I liked it you stupid [ __ ] oh yeah and stories down there there's gotta be some motive to be honest well you would certainly know about that wouldn't you Petr wants to take me down for legal stuff they start off small trying to vilify me for making the video which makes even less sense for stories because even according to her own [ __ ] doctrine by questioning the evidence she provided I should have been in the clear and there in not doing anything wrong and heck according to her I know that I did exactly what she wanted me to because she told me as much yeah we'll get to that she effectively showcases the same mentality Fran did in my last video stories talks about how horrible it is for people to just blindly believe and how bad it is for them to be sheep but she was playing into and utilizing that when she tried to expose Spock derp she was perfectly satisfied that people were believing her because it played into her narrative but when someone doesn't believe her and the Sheep suddenly don't fall in line because of that now it's suddenly a bad thing that they're acting the way she wanted them to act in the first place they get onto my tweets explaining that I didn't like how the videos were worded reasoning that people coming to them after the fact was my fault yet they relied on that habit from others to crucify sucked her Kenna grin goes off in the tweets more and then story starts talking about legal stuff but this point Atari has actually left the chat for a while and she's not a part of any of this it's all stories in pentagram this eventually descends into pentagram inferring that she wants to get the law on my arse they start trying to get me for hypocritical stuff saying I was victim blaming and then saying I was wrong too in their words defend sparked her because he said he was guilty oh wait a tick I didn't catch this one story says here that there are seven victims except she was only able to list three people and one of them didn't considers themselves to be a victim and the two other victims were her and ghostie pretty sure that's not how that works stories even start saying that going to make a video on my video pentagons brings up the tweets again as stories starts archiving stuff to make me look bad penta grin goes on to say check through her Twitter you'll probably find some gold if you can spin it in a way that shows that she's done exactly what she blasted us for doing then it'll make people a lot more aware of this hypocrisy that's been getting masked which on Twitter I was making note of how pentagram didn't do anything to stop people sending porn to someone she knew was a minor is is that the hypocrisy also she says if you can spin it in a way not find the evidence and show spin then they start listing the things I'm guilty of Penta grinned cites a sex joke I made in a video and tries to use that to say that I'm a child abuser because I didn't try to prevent kids from hearing it except knowingly not warning artists that they are sending what you believe to be porn directly to a minor is not the same as putting a visually censored sex joke in a public Internet video they bring up that non-contact sexual abuse list and try to say what Specter and I are individually guilty of they bring up where I live while they're at it so they can start checking my own country's laws and then start trying to get me on defamation under the grounds that sparked or had already confessed therein the accusations were true and they're in from me claiming that stories and pentagram were wrong I was committing defamation against them like I said I do not want to paint myself as the victim and I don't really want to focus on the fact that it was me that they were trying to do this to moreover I want to accent how three days after my video went up they started planning this it didn't matter if it was me or somebody else the two of them Penta grinnin stories had this mindset to them they were mad that they had been knocked from their pedestals and it wouldn't have mattered who did it that's when I want to make note of how quick to go on the offensive they were how quick to attack I feel like it's very telling stories even went along with this despite her knowing if that everything in the video on her end was a lie soon after this Atari came back PK Russell messaged her and in May she booted stories and Penny grin from the group also can I just say judging by what story's typed here I want to assume that she thought pk Russell was on their side and that's just knowing would happen that's really funny to me I was added soon after this point so that's the end of the chat but that's not the end of the Green shots stories had been going on Twitter to claim that those who didn't agree with what was being presented in the exposed videos were Specter apologists mind you this was after she'd been told by Atari that I had taken issue with the videos and then after my video came out she took to discord and started saying that my video was victim shaming but we know that stories wasn't a victim she had been lying from the start she knows this we know this now too so why the flying feck is she still going around pretending like she's the wronged party here under what if she actually did want to be seen as the victim and that's why she stood so firmly by it people lie about horrible things that happen to them all the time it might just be her grabbing for attention oh it's certainly her grabbing for attention but there's a bit of an issue with your assumption that she wanted to be seen as the victim because now we're gonna talk about the Honeybear account and what she tried to pull on there to start off Kyra confirmed to me that yes Honeybear was indeed one of stories as alt accounts he sent me a screenshot of the server where the conversation were going to talk about took place one of the people in that chat even confirmed to Atari that yeah it's stories and I got further confirmation on this when Kyra added me to story as his private discord server and the Honeybear account was in there before he kicked it now let's look at the messages from that account the ranting community was fun for like a month and I realized something needed to change she Bennett where annoying it bothersome long story short I shoved a crap ton of calculated chaos down the drama line and forced everyone to rethink situations and who they follow and look up to and to answer your question yes I have feelings sacrifices must be made for people to realize what's wrong with following without question you did a bad thing for the better I could have gone further shrugging girl emoji I don't know what that means I decided that got the message and honestly I don't really see you doing anything wrong the ranting community itself at people attacking others on their opinions also side note they weren't opinions she was crucifying someone for cap I'm gonna give you the benefit of the doubt and assume that you were in the dark said don't you start with me maybe not up but people aren't gonna just start believing crap on the spot now stop it people are gonna question everything now that's what I wanted in a way it was like a pool with people in it you make one wave and everyone feels it I was just ready to pick up and go that's kind of how I planned this out then you adopted eight maza loci clung to you staying in the community wouldn't have been experimenting and making messages more would have been becoming stuck in the experiment man I had like five known accounts for a reason makes skirting around faster but it doesn't look suspicious I kind of feel bad because I did use people okay but yeah that's kind of a crappy thing to do by your head was in the right place it's not like spotters mouth [ __ ] up [ __ ] oh good you are in the dark kinda know general morality says absolutely I can't brain right now it happened to be him and I ran with it made him an example how the hell are you guys morals now working right now probably because there in your words mindless sheep who believed your [ __ ] on the spot when you presented it segars gets it how the hell are you guys morals now working right now she was luring sparked her out to expose him but needed people to be foundation she used pentagram and Atari so you framed spock derp wait or well Jenna why other than you're a piece of [ __ ] okay who doesn't do that a lot of people I use pentagram and Terry dude why they don't even know what I've done think about it ah I pushed Atari and pentagram forward as pawns and society doesn't like it when people do that in general in hindsight it was a winged idea that would have kept you know who shut but oh well I do feel bad for Jetta in Atari do they know I feel more connected with Jetta than Atari though do they know where or who I am Atari's only had the slightest clue Janna just thinks I picked up and disappeared I ant someone the word me as soon as everything was starting and before dust blew in I was ok so there are only a select few who even know where you are as of right now or like I did some CIA crap like how my commie friend would call it long story short I twisted the community into knots for my own motives to make everyone question what they're told the news says what apparently the CIA baits people out and exposes them so that's what I did in the long run I didn't even like spotter it wasn't exactly targeted either it's like when Thanos says he wants to kill half the population so it can thrive he's right but right to the heart by the crawling chaos let's break down stories as mentality here firstly she's admitting to baiting Specter and manipulating Atari and pentagram into being the scapegoats for the reveal of this information stories claims that the original motive here was to get people to stop believing things on the spot and start questioning things that they had heard but that doesn't it all fly with stories his actions after the information was released stories implicitly went to Twitter and started berating those who didn't immediately believe the claims calling them spoke to her apologists and claiming that in not immediately believing the claims of the victims they were victims shaming when my video came out a video that questioned what had been presented as evidence a video that did exactly what stories is claiming here she wanted people to do all I heard from people was how stories was bitching about me victim shaming there's a whole chat section where she and Penta grande are flailing about and getting angry because of that video what's the matter stories I thought you wanted people to question things even saying that however it doesn't look as those stories had any intention of actually clearing up the mess caused by people blindly believing her and her flawed evidence she was just gonna thrown a bunch of calculated chaos in her words and then dip stories if you're trying to teach people a lesson you have to end off by giving them the lesson in simply providing the fuel for the fire and then running away you've explicitly hid the truth of the situation which upon its reveal only then would show people that they had been blindly following a lie how are you expecting people to come to this conclusion when you're hiding the facts that's like teaching someone creationism telling them that evolution is abhorrent in the eyes of God and then expecting them to come around to the theory of evolution all on their own are you brain-dead you can't punish people for doing what you wanted them to do some people who have seen these screenshots have looked at what story says and come to the conclusion that she's just bullshitting to make herself look as though she planned this from the start that everything went just according to plan and she's satisfied with the results and overall unaffected by it they called [ __ ] but now we know that she did plan this from the start she'd been doing so since December of last year stories did plan this we've already seen through her claims to having been eight years old that stories is willing to lie to the community to see how many people will believe her [ __ ] the case then means that the entire time she was talking to Atari and pentagram all of her tweets and pretty much everything she had said to people leading up to that point was pretty much fake that however leads on to a much much larger problem for stories because she had been planning and calculating the downfall of Spectre for a while remember when I said that in some instances the claims made against him would be considered libel the situation is made much worse when it's revealed that this was all premeditated there's a difference between mistakenly ruining someone's reputation and plotting to do it from the start who remembers that little section of non-contact sexual abuse this is stories coercing sexually explicit material out of stalker with the intent of using it against him for her own gain exploitation is defined as using or treating someone unfairly to benefit from them both as Honeybear and in her personal journals about Spock dur stories made note that she planned to make an example of him according to her she wanted to use him to make her stomp on the little section of the internet history books stories was exploiting Spock der a minor this is child exploitation what makes things even worse for stories has claimed that she was trying to teach the community a lesson she directly accused and punished someone in the community who was already questioning her claims Spock sure was doing the very thing stories was criticizing the community for not doing and she in turn set him up as a martyr even after all of this however stories wasn't done and I say that because on August 5th stories reached out to me [Music] this doesn't have anything to do with stories apologizing to me so if you were thinking that then wipe it from your minds stories contacted me saying that she wanted to help with the creation of the video she knew I was working on at the time this would have been the second video I was apparently very sassy in the conversation story said that she wanted to help in rectifying the situation and by answering my questions considering I didn't have questions for her at the time I thought why not I can test something out so I pulled a bunch of questions off the top of my head one why choose to accuse someone of child grooming slash predatory behavior - how many people were involved in the planning and or were aware of the situation beforehand three in having the evidence proven inaccurate or elicited under false pretences why claim the video debunking said evidence was victim shaming stories replied one liked the motive to just Atari and pentagram three other people around me and in my circles had told me even before I had made my statements about it being victim shaming that it was so I just parroted what they said what you need to know about this is that my questions for stories were filler I wasn't concerned with anything here except the answer to the second question what stories didn't know at the time was that I had already acquired testimony from someone else saying that they knew what she was doing Kyra he admitted that he knew what stories have been doing and he encouraged it since I already knew the answer to this question I didn't need stories to answer it for me I needed to see whether she would be truthful and she wasn't right then I was able to figure out that she again wasn't being truthful I called her out on this stories went on the claim that she has a bad history of paranoia and that she decided to make people hate her so that she could leave I pointed out however that her plan was predicated on the notion that people would recognize her claims being false and therein vilify her for it she claimed at that point that she was depending on either myself or just a robot in that situation to call out her claims see I told you right he or she tells me herself that she was depending on me to make my video and call out the claims yet despite that she called me a victim Shamer schemed against me and berated anyone whose mind I had changed of course not making a lick of sense but she wanted to apologize stories told me that she had made an apology that she was gonna put it in a video but that she didn't have a platform anymore so I offered to put her apology here there were a few hiccups down the line I didn't really like her first apology so she decided to make a new one after my last video went up in October she asked if she could still put her apology in this video and I said yes so stories gave me her apology so I could show it to all of you here hi I'm stories let me start off by saying what am I gonna the answer is no no I'm not and I'm not going to do it for a few different reasons firstly she had been planning this since December she's lied at every turn and when I discovered exactly how far back she'd been planning this she freaked out I don't think her apology is sincere secondly am i offering to put her apology in my video was because she didn't have a platform at the time not only does she have a platform again I also found out again through her boyfriend that in a voice call she claimed that she quote/unquote didn't need my [ __ ] platform and has been referring to me as the enemy behind closed doors so if you don't need my platform then I guess you don't get it thirdly Tech Spock derp asked me not to I view him as the victim in this situation and so I'm going to respect his wishes on the matter not hers the final reason is this how many chances are you going to give this guy he's a sexual offender he's not just called someone a [ __ ] over the Internet it's more serious than that he said everything he's done but he didn't change so why would he no you can't just give someone who's done this [ __ ] more chances he's just gonna keep repeating himself like he's done I I don't understand he said everything in that video to me before word for word but he didn't [ __ ] change so why would he now well the apology segment of this script was less than two pages yes it really shows how empty her apology was [Music] well would you look at the time it's February 28th in the video was supposed to be rendering but also pentagram made a video and I should talk about it yeah guys don't worry I've seen the video sigh back when it only had two comments back before it was removed in pentagram vanished again much like stories has been doing on her new channel for a couple of months now ding I'm here dong now I'm gone ding Here I am dong gone again it should come as a surprise to no one that the video was not particularly great and not received well there are mirrors online and I'm sure provided one still exists I will be able to link to it in the description most people assumed the video was an apology but it was pretty apparent that this wasn't the case especially because as far as I know penetrance still hasn't apologized to spock derp someone spoke to her a few months ago and at the time at least she had no plans to apologize because of other things she perceived spock to be specifically i think she said he was racist therefore she wasn't going to apologize which goddammit nobody ever learns by that logic pentagram i don't have to apologize to or feel bad for you because you tried to ruin a teenage boys life for petty reasons i actually also spoke with pen and grin on twitter and admittedly am a tad disappointed we had an overall cordial discussion but I gave her warnings about what would happen if she was trying to come back people were mad at and were clearly still mad at her for vanishing like she did and refused him to say anything about the matter until now considering stories is the biggest culprit here and she's still hiding in the shadows like a cowardly little monster pentagram would then become the new focus for everyone's anger because they can't focus it on stories herself the same thing happened to Atari when pentagram and stories first ditched I warned her that this would happen and also that my video was coming out soon so that she didn't get blindsided by it and yet she still left God you tell a person the best way to get people to not be mad is to take the distrust and stride apologize and show progression with your actions and she immediately sinks back into the same thing she did before don't even know anymore people have a right to be mad doctor certainly has a right to still be mad about this considering he hasn't even gotten closure on Penna grin side and this ashin could have ruined him he's spoken with stories and obviously doesn't forgive her but at least on that front he got the closure he needed I hate how stupid and serious this whole situation was especially because one of the people purportedly thinking it was serious this whole time refuses to acknowledge the similarly serious matter of her being wrong I don't even care about Penryn trying to rewrite history at this point like some of her explanations and that video seemed to be doing in going over the screenshots it became apparent that she doesn't remember stuff she said a week after it happens so why would I expect her to remember something she typed close to a year ago I'm sure other people will have a plethora of things to say regarding that video so I'll just let them do their thing I spent money on this video isn't that usually the opposite of how internet revenue is supposed to work guess who actually spent money so that they could talk to a lawyer and ask them about the situation it was a very sad before Christmas me I went to a legal site just answer if you're curious and talked to a criminal lawyer about the drama I explained the situation and was able to get a pretty quick answer after she did some preliminary research I'm guessing regarding the specific state laws I was told that because both parties exchanged in the exchange of illicit material to each other both parties were equally responsible on that front one thing I didn't know is that apparently while many states have statutes protecting minors in cases like this reducing it from a federal charge to a misdemeanor a few states don't do that and stories happens to live in one of those states by the way the blocked out words are the state that stories lives in don't ask me how I got that I'm not even entirely sure myself incidentally it was very useful in asking about specific state laws so yay me even if stories wants to continue claiming that she didn't actually send nudes of herself and they were just random porn images that she found online which doctor has said is not the case she's still legally responsible because she still sent porn images to a minor so there you have it an actual lawyer's view on the case that was fun it's been almost a year with this garbage and things just seemed to get worse and worse with every breath yeah pentagram might scoff at the notion of me taking months to release a video but if this experience has taught me anything it's that if you wait a little bit then you might stumble across something you wouldn't have otherwise I've said it before and I'll say it again this whole mess was disgusting in this case in particular I think it's pretty obvious that stories has certainly been the most disgusting cog in the machine by far she's made it so that I can't believe a single word that she said and I would be honestly surprised if other people still did after this her behavior has flip-flopped so many times since she's apparently started scheming months ago that I can't even be sure right now of me making a video like this is playing into her narrative or not one week she wants to be the villain and the next she wants to be the victim who can keep track with this girl even if that were the case however I think it's important to point out exactly what this girl's been doing for anyone who still thinks that stories was telling the truth guys this video is for you she'd been planning this for months she baited spotter and lied about her feelings in chats with him she committed the same crimes and then ignored and hid the fact that she did so just so that she could vilify someone she didn't like she has very clearly expressed how she effectively wants to have power over people and wants them to believe her at her word and respect her privacy when she refuses to do as much for anyone else I mean admittedly taking people at the word ain't the best choice but the fact is that she wanted people to do it for her and then got mad if they did it for other people because stories is the center of the world or some [ __ ] like that this shouldn't be allowed to fly and since I'm done and I think we have put out all of the evidence we need to showcasing that stories and Pender grinned were guilty in this I think it's time for a punishment [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] whoa wasn't that fun it's not like it took my artist a month to make all of those assets oh [ __ ] him no with that honestly I hope I'm done with this as amusing as it can be to hear about how stories is flailing in the background I really do want to move on to other things so can y'all just chill for a bit and give me my holiday I'll see you in the New Year my cuties if you thought I was done no because now it's time for a fan art feature because I've gotten a lot of fan art regarding this and since this and I just haven't had the time to showcase it all and I really want to give everybody some love first up we have all sprocket by the hots of the touch the ceasefire hyena a lot of punters sprocket as all my fan art came about because these videos y'all be drawing me as my husband Oh next we have judge ponder by the sweet and spicy curry curry justice is not a blind woman it's acute octopus apparently zooming into the end of everyone is the ranting community isn't feeling so good by act Sara of dust which is just such an unfortunate name given the context this actually comes with a twin image yeah another thing that started from these videos was fan o sponder sprocket I guess it's kind of funny considering with story said pretending to end on a cliffhanger we have next time on Dragon Ball Z by the sweet evidence-gathering being me me dig seeing this kind of fun had even if you're being told that you're wrong on something is nice I like seeing stuff like this and next we have pecking cute lecture by the HEC adorable digital leo apparently to further quench my thirst on cuties poking fun at the whole thing good stuff swooping in to yell I am here is our savior the almighty ponder sprocket by the teasing me with that name OC 10th aya fan de looks very comfortable all squished in there to bring us infinitely more fun is infinity ponder by the foxy fun at Willow Fox 22 what am I supposed to say when someone sends me an animation of my character I can't make words happen through the tears moving on we have protecting by that could be a dirty name at fuku demon did me cleaning to Spock derp I guess was appropriate given the dig be exposed videos originally planned but overall I just think the image is very funny we've got we're sorry Spock derp buys em zu the kethu lien and that's a hefty name which is a neat compilation piece with a bunch of the events that actually down in the drama Thank You Kanye very cool finally we'll end off with we're undercover buy this sweetly beautiful money play I hope I said that right there you go Penta grin I guess I really was scheming behind the scenes here's the art to prove it if you like any of these pieces then please give some love to the original artists in the description you can also check out my own stuff bla bla bla links links also I'm sure it's apparent that it may or may not be a week later and I may or may not be extremely sick and tired but I actually just want to take this opportunity to thank everyone who's been helping me with this video not just like my general friends but also dulu Babs akin in particular who has been helping me gather stuff and put the video together see some people may not be aware of this but a couple weeks ago my network adapter driver crashed and it is now kaput and my computer can't access the internet anymore so I've been having a lot of trouble putting this video together which is very reminiscent of all the trouble that I went through putting the first video together which I'm not gonna get into but that being the case I did want to thank everybody who helped me out you guys are freaking amazing everybody got their lines in in a ridiculously short amount of time and dulu in particular for helping me to edit this while doodle tones edited another video in the background thank you to both of you I also want to take an additional opportunity to thank my patrons on patreon because they have been supporting me through all of this and they are amazing so to my top patrons in particular Katy Tidwell Adam Villarreal duck detective Amanda Casillas and mr. radiance thank you from the bottom of my heart I'll be releasing some merch designs and some comic books in the new year we're gonna have much more varied video content so hopefully that'll be a lot of fun for you guys with that said that's about all I got Happy New Year y'all Optoma out who was younger than him when he turned 18 she slides a pentagram also had the gall to claim that she didn't endorse the pedophilia label my heart is pounding so much I don't know why pushing on my kids makes that happen easier but does penetrant also had the gall to claim that she didn't endorse the pedophilia label within her video despite this garbage having gone on behind closed doors it whoops books called claim to me she did it to me
Channel: Ponder Sprocket
Views: 814,546
Rating: 4.9307084 out of 5
Keywords: ponder sprocket, commentary, video commentary, spoctor tech, spoctor theory, spoctor, pentagrin, stories, kardiamente, kairah, vabzuycin, kaycen marx, dulu, cosmo stardust, natedoodles, qhostii, mimidiggz, screenshots, evidence, allegations, false, atari, chaoss55t, icyhazard, bubblingbrooke, aerontempest, thenamesjunkie, just a robot, manga kamen, skull kamen, lizard boy, doodletones, feghost, autumn kouhai, pega gamer, hiten mitsuru, micromavi, scarlet otaku, danganronpa
Id: bUL2bKompb0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 148min 20sec (8900 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 28 2019
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