Creature Battles! | Every Creature Showdown Part 16 | New Compilation | Wild Kratts

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[Music] K steer the M for up closer so I can activate crack Powers oh missed him faster Ki he's heading out to se he must be after something on it what this Croc is attacking a tiger shark go k go this is a neverbe seen moment crocodile versus tiger shark I can't believe it incredible the crocodile is going right at the shark em a shark's not backing down wa crocodiles are aggressive get us closer K I can almost touch him wa waa he made one of the most aggressive sharks in the world back down the crocodile is so much more aggressive than an alligator because it lives in a bigger tougher envir ironment a point for team Croc the crocogator contest is tied 22 woo yeah wow whoa what giant reptilians Croc with around 68 teeth in his mouth Gator Jaws hold 8T Crocs and Gators do meet each other where their natural habitats overlap and sometimes they face off usually the size of the crock or Gator determines which one backs down and which one wins Crocs grow to 6 M but these two are pretty evenly matched maybe this Gator is even a little bigger I don't want to fall into that croca Gator fight Jimmy's Tower isn't going to last long with those bruisers going at it okay what do we know about crock and Gator behavior that could break up this fight [Music] huh what Me Maybe we already have the answer both Crocs and Gators are cannibals meaning they like to eat their own kind who are smaller than them we're in Croc and Gator suits and we're smaller than them okay now I get it that's why they're looking at us like that and if we get even smaller I bet they'll really come after us are you thinking what I'm thinking bro uhhuh the me izer here you go guys okay so now let's get out there and look delicious how do you look delicious to a cannibal I don't know but let's try walking around real gorish and crackish you know sometimes our plans sound great at first and then I'm not so [Music] sure [Music] yikes [Music] deactivate deactivate pH that was close uh-oh Hey where's everybody going well I guess when you're a predator you don't make a lot of friends everybody runs fleas hides flies uhoh or just stands tough and strong uh look I I'm just passing through you see it's a race I don't want to cause to St peed or anything oh hey Martin Excuse me just in a little rush have a great day see you wolfpaw okay I'll go [Music] around yeah it won't be long before that trophy is ours you mean ours they're coming where [Music] there go Eva go Martin got to keep pushing okay so a wild dog has great stamina but we can't run forever I'm burnning up oh this is going to be close do you have the camera ready Jimmy check here they come you got him aiva go go go go Martin go come on keep running keep running Martin come on you can do it Go AA go [Music] go Jimmy who won it's Team FAST feed by a tip of the horn woohoo aome close woohoo what a race way to go Aviva congratulations guys you earned it great race you won fair and square Hey sir you're already here you beat everybody guys according to the numbers from the race and results I've been getting from scientists studying animal speed the best allaround runner is the pronghorn antelope when it comes com to running there's really nobody better than a pronghorn analou the second fastest animal in the world in a Sprint with loads of stamina too yeah the Pronghorn is probably the quickest longdistance runner in the world and the secret to the stamina part is here special heat exchangers in the nose that cool the blood so he doesn't overheat Pronghorn analo the Real allaround Running World champs this is yours Pacer [Applause] y woo yay Pronghorn yay prorn I never even heard of a pronghorn and it's the best runner cool Pronghorn [Music] Pronghorn I've been hanging with this prairie rattlesnake for about 2 hours now I mean how hard can it be to find a prairie rattlesnake you just look for a big sunning Rock and boom there's a rattlesnake where is everybody what's that oh it has markings like a rattlesnake but not a blocky head uh-oh it's a prairie king snake immune to rattlesnake venom and a predator of [Music] rattlesnakes w W look at all those little ground squirrels you're right Aviva they are a kind of ground squirrel popular name prairie dog one of the largest ground squirrels in North America a prairie dog town can be huge the biggest one ever was 65,000 Square km wide and home to 400 million prairie dogs that's a lot of meals for a coyote hey where is our coyote I don't know he was here just a minute ago do you hear that that that's the jump Yip a prairie dog's warning call so that means there wait that's not a coyote that's a k yep what's she doing a jump Yip but I have no idea why all the prairie dogs are wondering [Music] too there's tracker see how smart coyotes are he's using Ki as a decoy while all the prairie dogs are distracted by ki our coyote is sneaking up on [Music] lunch K what were you doing Ki I was in some kind of prairie dog TR it was like those sounds the jump yips yeah we're contagious I couldn't stop jump yipping let's get out of here before they start jump yipping again huh what were you doing wandering around in Prairie Dog town anyway well Chris said meet at the prairie dogs didn't he they're the most common animal that's why you're here right well actually I started at the prairie chicken and I was chasing a prairie falcon around at first until we joined up with this prairie wolf AKA coyote whose name is now tracker and he led us here to you we think the prairie wolf will lead us to everybody no matter what animal they thought Chris said to meet up at sounds good to me let's keep following your prairie wolf AKA [Music] coyote now this is a rarely seen before moment a face off between a venomous prairie rattlesnake and a predatory pray King Snake most animals will heed the rattlesnake's warning because they won't want to receive a venomous bite [Music] oh rattlesnake venom doesn't even affect him making the king snake a deadly predator of the rattlesnake and like he does with all his prey the king snake swallows the rattlesnake [Music] hole WAOW Jimmy was right this is weird who did that hung all those insects up like that I don't know but we've got another creature mystery on our hands bro a weasel got to be some kind of Predator only one way to find out a Ste out we'll get minized so whoever it is won't even see us spy in on them miniature eyes all right the mystery of the Prairie thorn bush has begun woohoo [Music] woohoo okay all is quiet right now just a cute little gray birdie at the top of that bush oo check it out a prairie king snake basking down below huh wa he got the snake what that little song bird thinks he's an eagle or something I know he just has little stick legs not Talons and he's tiny who is that [Music] guy oh no it's another one hey wait no [Music] that one's taking Martin clear across the Prairie help what is with these little great birds oh you again with a snake I don't believe it it's him that's the guy who's been thorning things the little Mass Gray song bird mystery solved uh-oh Martin those great song birds they're the ones doing the thorning what uh you're not going to uh Chris I've been thorned look I don't know why they're doing this but I've almost got an idea on these [Music] birds aha it's a longer head shrike
Channel: Wild Kratts - 9 Story
Views: 162,328
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Kratts wild, wild kratts, wild kratts episodes, the wild kratts, kratts tv show, kratt brothers, zoboomafoo animated, wild kratt, wild krat, wild krats, krat brothers, martin kratt, chris kratt, wild kratts official channel, wild kratts full episodes, full episodes, animals, wild animals
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 55sec (775 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 18 2024
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