Creating your own Virtual Machine with Proxmox Virtual Environment (VE)

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hello and welcome back this is J once again and in the previous video I showed you how to create your very own proxmox ve virtualization server and in this video I'm going to walk you through the process of creating a virtual machine so let's go ahead and get started so here I am on the web console of my proxmox ve server which we installed in the previous video so go ahead and check out that video if you haven't already installed this and what I'm going to show you how to do is to create an abuti 18:04 virtual machine and in order to do that we're going to need an ISO image now normally you would think that you would download Ubuntu server for this which I'm a big fan of but I actually prefer to go a different route so what I recommend that you do is go over here to this URL hopefully that comes out in the video but basically this is for the minimal CDs so if you scroll down we have a boon to 18:04 right here so I'm going to go ahead and click on that it's just a 64 megabyte ISO image called mini ISO and all that is is a something like a net install it's going to download everything it needs off the Internet and that's going to basically give you a fresh install but it's only going to include the PAC packages that are absolutely required so by using this install media you're actually going to result in an installation with actually more hard drive space free and fewer packages installed so it's a cleaner install alright we can see that the downloads already done again it's only 64 megabytes so of course that's going to go by pretty quick so I'm going to go ahead and close this tab and now what we need to do is upload this ISO image to our server so that we can use it alright so in order to upload the ISO image I'm going to expand my server right here and then click on local and then content and then I'm going to upload the ISO image so I'll click upload select file and I'm going to go to my downloads directory and you can see it right here on the screen it was mini dot ISO I decided to rename it so that way it makes more sense because this may not be the only mini ISO I have on the server for example there's also one for a Bluetooth 1604 as well so I went ahead and renamed it you don't have to do that I'll go ahead and click open and then upload and it's going to upload quick again a very small ISO image and that's it now we have an ISO image on our server ready to use so now that that's uploaded I'll click create VM up here at the top and now it's going to walk us through the process of setting up the parameters for our virtual machine now the first of all it's going to ask us what node do we want to run this on if we had a cluster we would have multiple nodes here but we only have one so we don't really have an option there and then it's going to ask for a VM ID every virtual machine in container has an ID number that needs to be unique you can't have the same ID on two different virtual machines so you could just select the ER basically allow it to choose the one that's here which is this going to be the first available or if you want to come up with your own naming convention that's fine I usually do one the 100's for containers two hundreds for virtual machines and I'll go to 900 s for templates but it really doesn't matter I'm just gonna leave this as the default and what I'm gonna do is name it blue to 1804 clever name I know I'll click Next and then it wants us to select the ISO image so I'll click right here for ISO image select the one that we downloaded you can also use a physical cd/dvd drive if you want to but I have the ISO image so I'll use that I'll click Next now for the hard drive we basically choose how big of a virtual hard drive we want it defaults to 32 gigabytes so if you want something less or more feel free to change it accordingly I'm actually just going to change it to 16 because I think that's fair we're not going to be installing any software on this virtual machine as it's just a demo and then for the bus device I recommend that you change this to vert io block that's going to give you better performance in Linux now if this is Windows that you're setting up I believe you probably want to leave that as the scuzzy option but since this is Linux we're going to benefit from a performance increase by choosing vert IO which gives us a raw disk image now the raw disk image will actually allocate all 16 gigabytes all at once so if you prefer thin provisioning you probably don't want to do this but in my case I prefer to allocate all the size all at once because there's a far less chance of being over allocated on storage so that's just not something that I'm gonna need to worry about and also again this gives us better performance so I'll go ahead and click Next now for CPU you could choose how many sockets or cores you want so if you choose for example two sockets it's going to trick the VM into thinking that it actually has two physical processors there's really not much of a gain or a reason to do that unless there's some kind of licensing restriction I can't think of a scenario in which that'll improve things for you but the option is there if you need it if you have the number of cores available you could just give it two cores for example this server is a little bit older it only has four cores so I'm just going to give it one for now that's fine for our purposes but depending on the use case of your virtual machine feel free to allocate more cores if the workload is going to be higher or fewer cores if it's lower I'll click Next now for memory I recommend a minimum of 512 megabytes and that's typical for an a boon to server and of course you can go higher or lower depending on your needs and I'll click Next now what it's going to do for network is default to a virtual bridge VM br0 which was set up automatically when we installed proxmox it's smart enough to bridge the network card to your local LAN now of course you can set up virtual switches and things like that and have your own virtual network but that's beyond the scope of this video I'm just going to accept the default and click Next and then I'm able to confirm the changes I'm gonna go ahead and click here start after created otherwise we'd have to start it manually and then I'm going to click finish and down here we see a new task is on the list VM 100 create and VM 100 start so it went ahead and created it already so I'm going to go ahead and click on this and then I'm gonna click on console which will give us a window to allow us to see what's going on here so now we have the boot menu for the minimal ISO image so I'll press ENTER and it's going to go ahead and start the Ubuntu 1804 minimal installer now I've already gone over this installer in a previous video so I'm not going to go over installing Ubuntu again here so I'm gonna kind of speed through this I might stop if there's anything worth noting but again I've gone over this process so we're just going to simply accept the defaults for most of the options here if yours are different such as language or whatnot feel free to choose whatever option is relevant for you so I'll press Enter enter again just accepting defaults it's going to get an IP address from DHCP from the local network via the bridge so if you're looking at your firewall you should see a IP address from DHCP listed in your list of IP addresses so for hostname I'm just gonna leave it as a boon to but you would name this server accordingly again just defaults all right I put in my user info and now a password for the VM I'm just gonna use the entire disk and I'll just accept the default hard drive there which is the only one we have anyway and then I will arrow over to yes and press ENTER to accept the changes it's formatted the hard drive already and now it's going to install the base system all right so no automatic updates needed all right so here we have some options so since this is a server I don't want to install a desktop environment I won't need to do that but of course you could because the options are here but what I do want to do is scroll down here to OpenSSH server I'll press space to select that I do prefer to have a way to SSH into my servers but that's the only thing I need from this list and I'll go ahead and press Enter alright so again I'll select the default by pressing enter press ENTER again and installation is complete so I'll press ENTER to reboot the VM alright there we have it we have an Ubuntu 1804 0.1 LTS virtual machine on our proxmox server so just for good housekeeping we can go over here to hardware we can click on the CD drive click Edit and then we can click do not use any media to effectively remove the iso image from the server so we don't have to worry about it booting back into the installer at any point but it automatically changes the order of boots so if we go over here to options we could see that the option the first option is disk so it already went ahead and did that but it's good to remove the disc from the vm since we're not using it so now that we have the virtual machine we can go ahead and login with the username and password that we gave it during installation and we can also get the IP address to make sure that we have networking which we do and I have an IP address you can see right there so if I wanted to use SSH for example I should be able to open up a terminal so I'll go ahead and do that ssh 172 alright so i'll go ahead press enter you can see that I can reach the virtual machine from the local land so now I can configure the VM from my favorite terminal emulator so I'll go ahead and close that and that's basically all there is to it we set up in a boot to 1804 virtual machine and in the next video I'm going to show you a little bit more about the interface and then after that we're going to go ahead and create a template to make this process easier going forward so stay tuned for that thank you so much for watching my video guys I really appreciate it if you haven't already done so go ahead and subscribe and you'll be the first to see new content as soon as it becomes available if you want to help me out take a look at the links in the show notes below I have a link for my patreon I have an affiliate store where I have a listing of linux compatible hardware that you can purchase and I even have a $10 digitalocean credit that you can use to set up your own Linux server thank you so much for checking out my videos guys I really appreciate it
Channel: LearnLinuxTV
Views: 54,523
Rating: 4.9896994 out of 5
Keywords: proxmox virtual environment tutorial, proxmox virtual environment, proxmox ve, proxmox install, proxmox, create a vm, virtual machines, virtualization, server, freenas, linux, vm, virtual machine, virtualbox, desktop, network, virtual private server, open source, how to, LearnLinux, Tutorial, Review, Howto, Guide, LXC, Container, Containerization, virtualization server, virtualization technology, virtualization tutorial, build tutorial, home data center, home server setup, home network setup
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 28sec (748 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 13 2019
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