Proxmox VE Full Course: Class 11 - Integrated Firewall

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today's video is sponsored by crowdsec crowdsec is an open source and collaborative intrusion protection system that brings a whole new meaning to the phrase knowledge is power this solution protects your servers by blocking unwanted behaviors including but not limited to port scans cross-site scripting brute forcing and more and it does this in a very exciting way by making security a community effort rather than a personal one you've no doubt seen the impact that collaborative processes have had on businesses and end users but have you ever seen a collaborative security solution well neither have i until now and that's what crowdsec is it's an intrusion prevention solution that takes real security events into account and leverages that information to enhance the protection of your servers whenever krautsec prevents an intrusion attempt on your server it actually allows all the other servers out there in the wild to benefit from that as well because any time a server with crowdsec installed sees an intrusion attempt it helps other servers also prevent attacks from that same ip and one of the best things about crowdsec is that they follow a scientific community-based approach to help make the industry better and safer for everyone by just installing a few packages you can start protecting your servers immediately and the best part about this is that crowdsec is free and by free i mean actually free not free for a certain number of servers there's no trial period you can literally install it right now without so much as signing up anywhere to get started all you have to do is simply add the repository to your server install the required packages start and enable the service and you're literally done that's it for further information and documentation check out the url that you see on your screen right now and in addition to that you could also check out the installation video that i did on this very channel that goes over the entire process thank you so much to crowdsec for sponsoring today's video i really appreciate it now let's go ahead and get started [Music] hello again everyone in the previous class we went over backups and snapshots and that's really important but security is also really important and thankfully proxmox actually includes an integrated firewall feature by default you don't have to use it especially if you have another firewall that you prefer that's ahead of proxmox but it doesn't hurt to have a firewall feature within proxmox itself and it's worth checking out setting up a firewall is very important so if you don't already have a solution the proxmox firewall is pretty effective and configuring firewall rules is almost like an art form especially when it comes to administrators that you know are into that kind of thing but even if it's not your cup of tea it's still a very important thing and we're going to explore in this video we're going to take a look at the integrated firewall feature of proxmox in more detail so let's do that all right so let's start exploring firewalls now the first thing that's probably the most confusing to newcomers is that there's firewall settings well all over the place right now i have the host highlighted pve one and you can see that we have a firewall section here if i click on a container we have a firewall section if i click on a vm you guessed it we have a firewall section if i click on data center we also have a firewall section so if you want to add some firewall rules where should you put those firewall rules that's what i'm hoping to break down in this video i'm going to show you exactly where you need to create those rules now first and foremost it's easy to think about this as a top down kind of view so if you add a firewall rule here to data center it's going to apply to the data center if you add your firewall rules here underneath the host then those firewall rules are going to apply to the host same for containers and vms so where you create those rules kind of depends on where you want that abstracted now the thing is though none of what i just said will actually matter if firewalls are disabled altogether so here i am on data center view and underneath firewall and then options firewall is set to no now you shouldn't actually enable the firewall just yet just understand so far that when the firewall is turned off it doesn't work but if you turn it on without actually creating firewall rules then the issue is going to be that you'll lose access to the proxmox web console and we don't want that now you don't actually have to follow along with what i'm about to do but what i am going to do is lock myself out on purpose which is why i don't want you to follow along i think seeing this will help you understand how the firewall actually works so what i'm going to do is edit this i'm not going to save it just yet i'm going to drop down to a terminal and i'm going to start a ping to the proxmox host itself and now we can see that the ping is happening and back up here in the web console again don't follow along with what i'm doing i'm going to enable the firewall i'll click ok and then if i go back down to the terminal nothing is happening the ping has stopped and now i have a connection error i've actually lost access to the web console i can't click on anything nothing is actually going to work it's just going to load and i can't actually disable the firewall here so again i'm locked out now thankfully on my end i have an easy solution for that i can actually just access the ipmi console which i'll do right now then i'll go to remote control and now i have a terminal right here i can use to re-enable my access to the web console and thankfully that's actually easy to do i can run nano or whatever text editor i want it doesn't really matter and the file that i want to edit is slash etsy and then slash pve firewall then cluster.fw so this config file right here allows me to enable or disable the firewall for the entire cluster it's enabled right now so i'm going to change that to a zero and this is nano so we have our options down here as far as saving files and whatnot i'm just going to save it ctrl o and then enter and then control x and that should be everything that i'll need to do now i have access to the web console again notice that the connection error is gone if i go down here my pings have resumed so i have restored access to the server that's pretty cool so what you just saw was me locking myself out on purpose and that just goes to show you that when you enable the firewall and data center view it's going to enable it for better or worse so we shouldn't actually enable the firewall until we have the rules created that are important for us to retain access to the server the default policy right here is to drop traffic this is the input policy and it's going to drop everything incoming and that's why i lost access the default is to drop and well it dropped my traffic so i guess you could say that it works now what i want to do is create some rules here just to show you some examples so i'll click on firewall and i'll add a rule so for incoming i'm going to leave it on accept which is what it is i'm going to enable this particular rule the interface i'm going to set it to vmbr0 that's the default bridge that proxmox uses if that's different on your end you might have to type a different interface name here for the source i'm going to leave this blank right here but if i did want to set a particular source like an ip address i could do that here but what i want to do is actually select the protocol i'll select tcp and the destination port is 8006 so essentially what i'm doing is i'm trying to create a rule right here which is going to accept traffic that is going to port 8006 you'll notice that 8006 is in the address bar right here so essentially what i'm doing is i'm creating a rule that is going to allow access to the web console i didn't actually type a source or a destination so right now i'm allowing everyone access to the console in the future i'll probably want to dial that down and not allow everyone in but i think it's good enough for now i'm going to add this rule and now it's here now i'm not actually going to lose access or anything because the firewall itself is disabled as you recall when i enabled this i lost access pretty much immediately but now i have a rule that's going to hypothetically or at least i hope allow me access to the web console so let's go ahead and enable the firewall right now and see what happens i'll give it a few seconds let's see if i lose access to be on the safe side i'm going to click on something else now so far it doesn't look like i lost access i can still click on things that's a really good sign if i go back down here to the terminal well i did lose access to ping but you know what that's actually okay because i do have access to the web console and i knew this would happen because the thing is when i clicked on firewall right here for the data center i created this rule right here which is allowing me or pretty much everyone access to port 8006 which is of course the web console but that does not imply access to ping or icmp traffic so what i could do is add yet another rule i'll set it to accept and for the protocol i'll set it to icmp now let's have a little bit of fun i want to allow only my laptop to ping the server then slash 32 and the slash 32 limits the scope to that one ip address so so far so good i'll enable the rule and then add it so we have another rule right here and actually i should have put the interface here let me go ahead and adjust that i'll click ok and let's drop down and as you can see pings are restored so let's go ahead and ssh into the server let's see if that works it won't but we may as well try it so what i'm going to do is attempt an ssh connection to pve 1 which obviously won't work it's just going to time out that's expected so to allow my laptop access what i need to do is add yet another rule so protocol is going to be tcp destination port is going to be 22 that is the port for ssh and actually i click up here and scroll down this is even easier instead of manually creating it what i could do is click on ssh right here then for the source i'll type in yet again the ip address to my laptop i'll enable the rule and click add so we have another rule here i'm going to cancel out of this connection attempt right here and try it again and would you look at this it's working now i'm not going to actually connect via ssh we'll cover that later but we can see that it's working it's asking for my password if it wasn't working it would just continue to time out so that does mean that the firewall rule that i created is actually working now let's see how this is actually abstracted when i go down another layer i'm going to actually create some rules here under pve one but before i do that i want to remove this rule right here and now it's gone and that should also mean that i won't be able to ssh into that server anymore and as you can see i'm no longer able to use ssh to connect to that server that's expected so what i'm going to do under pve 1 is create that particular rule i'm already on the firewall section so i'm going to add a rule i'm going to accept let's just use the macro of ssh because that's easier to do so i'll select that when i can find it there it is let's enable it and again i'll type in my ip address right here and there it is so the interface vmbr0 yet again let's add it and it's added let's cancel out of this let's try that again and now it works so what just happened here now so far we understand that in order for any firewalls to work at all you have to go here on the data center view to firewall and then options and then enable it but you shouldn't actually enable it until you've created the rules that you intend on creating so in the actual firewall section here i have some rules here that allow me access to the server so this rule here icmp allows me to ping the server so this is going to apply data center wide so if i added yet another host here this rule is going to allow me to ping that host as well so this saves me from manually adding this rule right here to every single host just makes things a little bit easier and the same is true for this rule right here it allows me access to the web console because the web console runs on port 8006 now on another level i did have an ssh option here that's not here now i created that here under pve one and that's why i'm able to ssh into pve one if i add another server to the cluster this rule will not be present because i created this rule underneath this particular host so it applies to this particular host it's not going to apply to pve 2 when i go to add that if i did want it to apply to the entire data center i should have created that rule up here in data center but because i didn't it applies only to this server and now that i've added it i am able to ssh into the server now we do have this particular server here if i go back to the console what is the ip address let's see i'll log in and i'll type the right password this time now i'm in so what's the ip address 249.250. so what i'm going to do is attempt to ssh directly into the virtual machine and it actually works as you can see i was able to ssh directly into the server so what i'm going to do is actually remove this rule right here and now it's gone and sometimes it needs a few seconds to apply but anyway i'm going to try to connect to that particular virtual machine one more time here and it still works why does that still work let's actually make sure that it still works because again it takes some time for firewall rules to apply i did remove it it still works so when you get to this level if i add a firewall rule to pve one it applies to pve one but here on the web server underneath firewall firewall is disabled and the reason why i was able to ssh into the web server despite the fact that i removed the firewall was because the firewall was disabled on web server one so i just enabled that i'll enable it here as well and it's enabled so what that should mean then is i should not be able to ssh into that server if i go to try it again and as you can see i'm not able to do that if i go back up here to pve one and re-add that firewall rule that i had here previously i'll set it to vmbr0 i'll enable it now that's enabled let's cancel out of here and let's run a little experiment do you think it's going to work i'll give it a few seconds to make sure that all the firewall changes have been applied i think enough time has passed now let's try it it's not working but wait a minute i've enabled ssh right here and i'm allowing traffic from the ip address for my laptop that's odd let's try to ssh into the host again and that was 249.4 and that works and the ip address just to make sure that i'm typing in the correct one here under web server 1 the ip address is 249.250. and that was the ip address that i tried i'm not able to do that so i'll break out of here let's go back to the web console and what that's done is taught us yet another lesson about the firewall so when you get down here to this level basically any level that's not data center the firewall rule is going to apply only for that particular object so when i enabled ssh right here i'm enabling it only for pve-1 so if i want to allow access to web server one what i need to do is do the same thing right here and add that firewall rule to it so i'll enable the rule and let's go ahead and choose ssh i'll select that and for the source yet again i'll type the ip address for my laptop and now it's added as you can see here i have a password prompt so that means that i am allowed to access ssh to this particular server just to make sure i typed in the password and now i'm definitely in so as a quick summary i want to make sure that you guys understand this in order for firewalls to work at all you have to go to the data center view right here and then underneath firewall and then options you have to enable the firewall again you shouldn't do that until you have the rules created that you want to have created elsewise you risk locking yourself out so to fix that again i added these two rules right here this one here is just a test you don't have to allow icmp but anyway i have these two rules right here and the one that matters the most is this one the proxmox web console uses port 8006 so i've enabled that right here after i did that i then went to options and then enabled the firewall it was safe to do so at that point because i've already enabled the web console so i didn't actually risk locking myself out so that's pretty cool now down here on the host itself i have some firewall rules i can also enable or disable the firewall it's enabled currently and now that it's enabled i created this firewall rule right here that allows me to ssh into this particular host now that does not actually apply to the vms underneath that host they have their own firewall settings but if i actually wanted to use a firewall on the container i would have to enable it same for vms right here it's enabled then after you enable it or even before you enable it you create the rules that you want to have applied to that server right here so hopefully that helps you understand how the firewall rules are abstracted and how they work you start at the data center you enable the ports here that you want to have enabled especially port 8006 turn on the firewall and keep just drilling down here and adding firewall rules as you see fit to increase the security at the end of the day it's important to block everything to all servers unless something actually needs to connect to a specific server so hopefully that helps you understand how the firewall works in proxmox all right so at this point you guys should be well on your way to creating firewall rules to help secure your proxmox installation that's definitely a very important thing to do now in the next class it's going to get even geekier because we're going to take a look at the command line in proxmox which is going to be especially fun for me because i love the command line so make sure you click that subscribe button if you haven't already done so and that video might already be uploaded right now so go ahead and check it out and i'll meet you there [Music] you
Channel: LearnLinuxTV
Views: 7,802
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Tutorial, Howto, Guide, Learn Linux, open source, gnu/linux, LearnLinuxTV, virtualization, linux, proxmox virtual environment, firewall (software genre), software (industry), computer, firewall, tutorial, virtual, vm, server, home server, homelab, homelabs, security, it security, proxmox 7, homelab ideas, opensource, proxmox getting started, proxmox tutorial, proxmox ve, proxmox install, virtual machine, virtual server, proxmox ve 7.0, proxmox 7 tutorial, proxmox ve tutorial, homelab setup
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 25sec (1345 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 05 2021
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