Proxmox Virtual Environment - Creating your own Virtualization Cluster

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hey welcome back everybody this is J once again with yet another proxmox video and this time I want to show you how to create a small cluster I'm going to add an additional node to our proxmox Network that allow us to move containers and virtual machines between the nodes so let's go ahead and check it out so here I am back at the console for proxmox and as you can see where we left off I have one container and I have three virtual machines but what I've done offline since then is I've set up yet another server so all I did was set up V host to and I just created it with an IP address that was just one digit higher of dot - 0 - so I went ahead and just installed this the exact same way that we installed the first one so if you want to follow along with me you'll need another proxmox server so go ahead and set that up but now that we have this other node what we want to do is actually create a cluster so that the two can see each other and we can transfer resources between them so what we're going to want to do is click on data center because what we want to do here is cluster wide so we want to make sure we're in the data center section and then we're going to click on cluster so I'll click on create cluster and for a cluster name I'm just going to call it V cluster and then I'll click create and now that we have the cluster created I'll click on join information and then what I'm going to do is click copy information and then I'm going to switch over to my second my new server and I'm going to go here also to data center and then to cluster and then I'm going to click on join cluster I'm going to paste the information here which will automatically set some of the values and then I'm going to type the root password of the first server and then I'll click join alright and that's it basically that's all there is to creating a cluster it just told us that the join task finished and recommended that we restart or reconnect to the web console so to make that look better I'm going to go ahead and do that right now I'll log in you can see that now I am on V host 2 and I see both of the servers there on the Left widowed head back on the first server and just refresh the interface just to be double sure everything's fine and we see the same information here regardless of which of the two servers I connect to they can see each other's resources so for example on V host 1 we created these resources and even though we're on V hose 2 we could still see the same resources so if I was to go ahead and let's say stop the container for example we're gonna see that change reflect over here on the first proxmox server and we can see right here that the container is now grayed out it's not running so now we have two servers we don't need to be connected to the web console for both of them I can go ahead and close this because I only need to be on any one of the two nodes now one thing that's important to note is that it's highly recommended that you have at least three nodes if you're going to be doing high availability I'm not going to be going over high availability in this video it's usually better to have three or more nodes preferably an uneven number you want to make sure you have quorum and quorum responds to vote so basically if one server goes down then there's going to be a vote as far as which server becomes the new master again that's outside the scope of this video but a general rule of thumb is if you're gonna be planning on doing high availability you're gonna want three servers if you have just two servers and high availability then the quorum can get a little messed up and it's called fencing when two servers are basically fighting over the dominance you need a tiebreaker vote hence three servers at a minimum so for our purposes this is totally fine and even in production it's totally fine to have just two servers it's only when you want to do high availability that this would become a problem so now that I have this container stopped I'm gonna go ahead and migrate this over to the second note so I will wreak right-click on this click on migrate and it automatically selects the host - that's the only other node that we have and I'll click on migrate you know what it's going to do is actually copy the container and it's virtual disk file over to the second server and while that's migrating I went ahead over here to V host two and then to the console and I installed IO top and you can actually see the DD command right here that's actually running to migrate the VM or the container from one node to the other and we can see that the process has actually completed which took quite a while because the server that I'm using is actually quite slow but it's done all right so we could see here on the left that container 1:04 named CT - test was successfully moved over to V host - so the migration was complete now I know I've mentioned this before but just in case you didn't already know you cannot live migrate a container you can only live migrate a virtual machine now we were able to migrate this because the container wasn't running now for a virtual machine if you have the virtual disk file on shared storage you can live migrate from one host to another even without having high availability set up because basically it's just changing the server that's acting as the compute node for that virtual machine however with Lexie or LXE containers you cannot actually do that the container must be stopped first so in our case we already had the container stopped so we were able to migrate that over to the second server all right so I just showed you the process of migrating a container so now I'm going to migrate a virtual machine so you can see that process as well so what I'm gonna do here is I'm actually going to migrate this virtual machine right here over to V host to now one of the interesting things that we need to keep in mind is that we can't have a local cd-rom attachment on the server before we migrate it because if I was to do that and I'll go ahead and show you it's going to fail and it even tells you right here can't my great local cd-rom image so what I'm gonna do is I'm going to go ahead and I'm going to remove this cloud init Drive I shouldn't need that anymore and now let's go ahead and try that again and we can see that now it's actually working now the cloud Annette Drive was created and then saved in the local storage because that's all we have available again we didn't have shared storage so we needed to remove that attachment to the local resource before we would be able to migrate that over to be host to so it's actually migrating right now so we'll just go ahead and let this finish alright so we see that the process has completed so I'll go ahead and close the window you can see that the virtual machine test1 is here now on V host 2 so I can go ahead and start it up and make sure everything comes up clean and watch the process in the console here and there we go well there you go guys I showed you the process of creating your very own proxmox cluster by adding a second node and I also showed you the process of migrating a container as well as a virtual machine from one node to another so I hope that was very helpful for you and as always stay tuned to my channel I'll have additional tutorials coming very soon thank you thank you so much for watching my video guys I really appreciate it if you haven't already done so go ahead and subscribe and you'll be the first to see new content as soon as it becomes available if you want to help me out take a look at the links in the show notes below I have a link for my patreon I have an affiliate store where I have a listing of Linux compatible hardware that you can purchase and I even have a $10 digitalocean credit that you can use to set up your own Linux server thank you so much for checking out my videos guys I really appreciate it
Channel: LearnLinuxTV
Views: 41,665
Rating: 4.976387 out of 5
Keywords: proxmox virtual environment, proxmox ve, proxmox virtual environment tutorial, proxmox install, proxmox virtual environment download, proxmox virtual environment install, proxmox, virtual machines, virtualization, server, debian, linux, vm, virtual machine, create a vm, ubuntu, virtual, environment, vmware, virtualbox, build tutorial, how to, LearnLinux, Tutorial, Review, Howto, LXD, LXC, Container, virtualization server, virtualization technology, server room, virtual machines for beginners
Id: s9FODQi2-20
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 16sec (556 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 27 2019
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