Proxmox VE 6.0 Beginner Tutorial - Installing Proxmox & Creating a virtual machine.

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welcome to a proxmox tutorial for beginners proxmox is a hypervisor which you can use to manage your own virtualization server for example proxmox can be used to create your own cloud in this video we are going to cover a very basic setup of proxmox which will spread the load of proxmox of virtual machines over three physical hard drives this video is split up in the following parts prerequisites to following the instructions the end result how to install proxmox how to set up a separate physical hard drive to upload iso images to how to set up a separate physical hard drive to create virtual machines on how to create a virtual machine and the end summary this video is meant for beginners who have no previous experience with proxmox is the it is the equivalent of a QuickStart guide one prerequisites with these instructions we assume that you have a server with at least two physical hard drives one to install proxmox on and want to create virtual machines on for this tutorial we will be using three physical hard drives one to install proxmox on one to create virtual machines on and one to upload the ISO images to that the virtual machine will use to boot if you only have two physical hard drives you can still follow this tutorial by skipping chapter 4 in this tutorial we are going to use proxmox ve 6.0 - 1 please be aware that things may differ with future versions - the end result the end result of this tutorial will look like this you have one hard drive dedicated to uploading ISO images you have another hard drive dedicated to creating virtual machines on and you have one working virtual machine for this tutorial we use the Center installation now let's start with the installation of proxmox three installing proxmox go to proxmox calm and click on the download section here you can download the latest proxmox version for this tutorial we'll use flexbox 6.0 - one put proxmox ISO installer on a USB disk and boot your server from it you'll see the following screen press enter on install proxmox ve this shouldn't take very long if you get a message here saying hardware virtualization is not supported please enable this in your the bios of your motherboard because this is different for each motherboard i unfortunately cannot show you exactly how to do this you can find instructions by googling how to do this with your specific motherboard on google after reading the end-user License Agreement press I agree here will be choosing the hard disk to install proxmox on for my server I have a 60 gigabyte hard drive a 120 gigabyte hard drive and a 4 terabyte hard drive I will install proxmox on the smallest hard drive proxmox does not need much space we recommend not installing proxmox on a usury device because of device degradation go ahead and choose your hard drive and then press next enter your country timezone and keyboard layout for me they are already correct press next choose your root password you use this password to login to proxmox then enter a valid email address this email address will be used for important notifications press next proxmox should automatically detect your network settings advanced users can make changes here but will press next without making any changes the next step will be a summary of the settings you entered please check if they are correct and if they are click the install button proxmox will now install itself this can take some time the footage is sped up for me the installation of proxmox took only about a minute the so very depending on your system specifications the last step of the installation should say that it was a success let's reboot to make the server reboot and boot into proxmox you see this blue screen do not press any button proxmox will continue by itself once your server has booted you'll see this screen it will list the IP address you entered before which you can use to access the proxmox UI in a web browser on a computer in the same network please go ahead and do so use a web browser on another computer in the same network to access the proxmox UI make sure to use HTTPS otherwise it may not work enter what's shown on the proxmox machine in Chrome it might say your connection is not private this is OK click on advanced and press continue you have now reached a proxmox login screen you can login using the username root and the password you chose during the installation press login you may see a no valid subscription message this is fine you can ignore it congratulations you have successfully installed proxmox for initializing a hard drive for ISO images and uploading an image in the main screen of proxmox in your web browser select data center and go to the node you want to upload iso images to by default this is called PVE click on it then in the menu that appears right next to it move down to disks open the menu and click on directory then click on create directory we have to create a directory to upload ISO images to a window with several options will appear for the first option you have to choose which disk to upload ISO images to this should list the remaining discs in your server I'm going to choose the 120 gigabyte disk because I'm going to use the other one for virtual machines select the disk you want to use for file system we're going to use ext for you can use XFS but for this tutorial we will not be covering how to do that now enter a name for this directory you may see it throughout proxmox I'll call is OS make sure add storage is checked then click the Create button it should not take very long now you can see we have created directory to upload ISL images to you are now ready to upload an ISO image to your proxmox server the menu on the left expand that's PvE menu you'll see an entry with the name you just created click on it go to content and then press upload a pop-up should appear where you can select the ISO file you want to upload to your server in this tutorial we'll be using and sent us 8 ISO select the file and click on upload it might take some time depending on the connection to your server wait until the upload is finished you'll be ready for the next step of the tutorial five initializing a hard drive for virtual machines to create virtual machines on a hard drive we first have to initialize it we can do so by going to data center and clicking on the node you're currently using the default is PVE go to disks I click on LVM by default there's already one entry that is created on the boot drive of proxmox we have to create a new volume group by clicking on create volume group in a pop-up that appears you can select a disk that you want to use for virtual machines I'll be using the four terabyte hard drive that's left in my server the name you choose will appear throughout proxmark several times so make sure to give it a name you can recognize I'll call it VM 1 make sure add storage is checked as well then click create it should not take very long and it should show a done message the disk is now ready to be used for virtual machine storage 6 creating a virtual machine to start creating a virtual machine click on the blue to create the M button that is always visible throughout proxmox it's in the right upper corner give the virtual machine a name you can recognize and click Next I'll call it sent us because this is the OS I'll be using then click Next make sure you use the CD / DVD disk image is checked and the storage you just created is selected as well I called it is OS next expand the ISO image menu and you should see the ISO image you just uploaded select it make sure guest OS settings are correct as well you should be set automatically press next for now we'll skip the system tab everything should be correct by itself press next in the hard disk tab make sure you assign an appropriate virtual disk size this should not be larger than the size of the physical dish your virtual machine is on so for me this would be four terabytes but make sure to leave enough space for the OS to install for my CentOS installation 32 gigabytes should be enough but I'll change it to 64 for this example will not make any other changes on this page what's next enter the number of course you want to assign to the virtual machine and select the type of the CPU you want to use the type of the CPU is very important if you need more information about this you can always use the help button that is always visible throughout the creation of the virtual machine in the left down corner will be using host because this provides the best performance it's at the bottom of the list for now I'll assign 4 cores to this virtual machine if you don't know which CPU type to use we recommend using host this will often guarantee the best performance now press next here we'll be allocating Ram to the virtual machine the amount of RAM you want to enter depends on the operating system you're using for now I'll use 4 gigabytes press next on the network tab you can configure advanced network settings for now we won't change anything your virtual machine you should have full network capabilities and get its own IP address in the current network however keep in mind that in my example in CentOS you have to do several commands to get an IP address will not be covering our to do this in this tutorial click Next once you're done make sure all settings are correct then press finish and the virtual machine will be set up wait until the virtual machine is created this can take some time depending on the performance of your server you'll know it's done once the VM create tasks in the bottom of the screen says ok you should see it appear in the menu at the left congratulations you have just created your virtual machine in proxmox select the virtual machine and click start in the right upper corner then click on the console tab and you should see the screen of the virtual machine seven summary in this video we did the following we install proxmox on a server we set up a separate physical hard drive to upload iso images to instead of the default installation hard drive we set up a separate physical hard drive to create virtual machines on instead of the default installation hard drive we created a virtual machine using the true to previous points thank you for watching this video for a written tutorial please follow the first link in the description below all links to additional information can also be found in the description if you have any questions please comment them down below and we can try to answer them
Channel: Proxmox HHS
Views: 160,865
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Proxmox, Installation, Hard Drive, Server, Hypervisor, Cloud, Datacenter
Id: I-e1_CTa4s0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 57sec (837 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 30 2019
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