Before you upgrade to Proxmox 7, please consider this...

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proxmox is my current choice for a hypervisor it's served me well for years now and all of my virtual machines run on a combination of three servers two of them are one use servers while the other is a smaller intel nook surprisingly it's one that supports virtualization so i just use it to establish quorum and after running proxmox 6 for about a year now proxmox has released version 7. this comes with new features new bug fix and performance improvements and i just realized that's the same generic release notes you see on every single app that's released but in a little more detail than that here are some of the highlights so it's based on debian 11 or bullseye seth itself has been upgraded to 16.2 while they still support 15.2 the linux kernel has been upgraded lxc is now 4.0 qemu is now 6.0 zfs is now 2.04 and now it supports butterfs as an install target but only as a technology preview but at least it's there there have also been some ux and quality of life technical upgrades for us single sign-on is now supported with openid connect this is huge for any other auth proxy like authalia that supports openid connect and if configured you can use one set of credentials to log into all of your systems the notes field now supports markdown which i'm super excited about and it's nice for those like me who want to add some formatting to their notes field within proxmox downloading images directly to proxmox is welcomed i mean how many times have you downloaded an iso only to upload the iso directly to proxmox and now proxmox supports downloading that iso directly to the server itself but before we explore all of these features you're probably wondering how we're going to upgrade it's actually pretty simple but we should talk about a few things first first it's probably a good idea to backup your proxmox installation this will ensure that you can roll back in the unlikely event that something goes wrong but that's why we have backups for the unlikely event that something does go wrong you could use something like clonezilla to backup the proxmox installation and set it aside for later it's also a good idea to back up your virtual machines and your containers to external storage something like nfs this is something that i already do so i don't need to take this additional step next you'll want to back up everything inside of etsy or slash etc now if you're doing a full system backup you don't need to do this but within etsy contains most of the configuration for proxmox like slash pve slash password slash network your resolve.conf so i'd advise just backing up that whole entire folder and you can do that easily by sshing into your server and making a backup of slash etsy and since i have an nfs share already connected to my proxmox server all i did was copy the contents of etsy out to my nfs share you'll want to do this for every server that you have then you'll want to download the proxmox iso now we're not going to use this iso to upgrade proxmox but it's a good idea to have this iso handy in case something goes wrong the reason i do it is because if something goes wrong i lose dns and some other critical systems within my home lab and if i don't have dns and some of my other critical systems when something goes wrong i'll have a really hard time downloading this iso so i'm going to grab it now and that might be the same for you if you're running pi hole or pfsense within your proxmox server you might want to grab this iso now just in case something goes wrong okay now that all of my psas are out of the way we can start the upgrade but we need to check a few things so the requirements first you'll want to make sure the proxbox is at least 6.4 i would also apply any outstanding updates that you see before upgrading if you're running ceph you'll want to make sure that you're running at least 15.2 i'm not running ceph so i don't need to check it but if you are it needs to be 15.2 next you want to make sure that you have access to all of your storage and so you want to check your local storage as well as your remote storage and things look pretty good here if you're running a cluster like i am you'll want to make sure that it's healthy and mine looks pretty healthy so we can continue next you'll want to make sure you have a backup and that you've tested it i know i've mentioned a few times but it's important a little backup goes a long way and then last you'll want to make sure you have at least four gigs on your root mount point and that's temporary space that it needs while it's upgrading and if you have all that done we can start the upgrade so the first thing we'll want to do is remote into our proxmox server and once you remote in we're going to run a command first to see if our upgrade will succeed so we're going to run this upgrade checker called pve six to seven and then i add a dash dash full on it to do the full suite of tests and this will go through and check to be sure that our system is okay for upgrading and let's see here so it ran some checks all the packages are up to date proxmox is okay has the right version cluster is healthy nodes are okay totem settings are okay whatever those are glad they're okay checking ceph no ceph so it skipped it checking all of my storage and it's okay and then a whole bunch of miscellaneous checks and if we scroll down to the bottom we can see a total of 24 ran 20 passed three were skipped and one warning and zero failures so this is a good sign but let's check to see what the warning was the warning is right here one running guest detected consider migrating or stopping them and so that's something you'll need to take care of before you do the upgrade if you're running a cluster you'll want to migrate this machine off temporarily to do the upgrade and then migrate it back when you're done but if you're not running a cluster or you don't want to migrate them off you just need to shut down the virtual machine so let's go into that proxmox node and you can see this one server that's running aku o3 so let's shut this down then we'll verify it's shutdown now let's run this command again and the warning went away okay so now we're ready to upgrade another warning so there is one more small warning so proxmox warns that after you upgrade to seven the mac address on the linux bond may change so they warn right here with proxmox ve7 the mac address of the linux bridge itself may change as noted by the upgrade to six to seven mac address change that they weren't about here and so if this is something you're worried about say if you're in a hosted environment you might want to read into that but for me i'm in a self-hosted environment at home and i could care less if my mac address from my linux bond changes but if you care about that check this out and now if you're ready we'll start the upgrade so first we'll run an apt update then we'll do an app dis dash upgrade say yes here after that we'll want to upgrade all of our repository lists to bullseye and that's as simple as running this said command so we're going to set or replace everything in sources.list that contains buster and point it to bullseye so let's run that then we'll want to be sure we comment out any proxmox ve6 repositories so we'll edit etsy app sources.list and we'll just check this list to make sure that none of them are pointing to six and you can see our said work is now reporting to bullseye even the one that i commented out here so that looks pretty good but we'll also want to check the enterprise list too just in case and you can see here that i have this commented out before because i don't have a subscription so this looks good too now we're going to add the proxmox repositories with this command here and if we go back to the enterprise list we should see the list here and that's okay if you don't have a subscription we'll take care of this later so let's close out of here and there's one more command to run just in case you have your non-subscription lists somewhere else and i got an error here that i can't read this file because i didn't put my list here i put my list and the main sources list here but you'll want to run that command if you store your list somewhere else and as a reminder i'll have all of this in the documentation that's in the description below if you're running ceph you'll want to run one more command and that's updating ceph's repositories 2. now i'm not running sap so i'm not going to run this command but this is what you would run and another thing you want to check is just be sure there aren't any back ports listed here they shouldn't be here but if you see something referring to back ports you'll probably want to comment that out because it has not been tested with the latest version of proxmox okay so now that we have new repositories let's update them with apt update and you might see an error about the enterprise list we're getting a 401 because i don't have a token or i'm not authorized or have a subscription to get these updates but that's okay so you could ignore that if you don't have subscription then we're going to run app disk dash upgrade and this is going to upgrade us to proxmox7 along with the latest debian say yes now along the way we might be prompted to upgrade our config files or a package has been upgraded and now the configuration needs to be migrated this is not normal but when it happens to me it's a little bit scary because i never know what to choose but choose what's best for you in your situation side note i usually say don't modify it and carry them over but i don't know if that's the right answer if that's the right answer or wrong answer let me know in the comments below but as you can see i didn't see it and it looks like we're upgraded already took about 30 seconds say enter to continue and here it's showing us a list of the changes we can hit q to quit ah so we weren't done upgrading yet and this is the scary prompt that i see that i usually don't know what to say as you can tell i haven't upgraded yet so the default is no so i feel like no is okay so let's just say no okay so another prompt this prompt here is just asking us if it wants us to have the system restart the service automatically it looks like the default is no i kind of want to say yes so i'm going to say yes that sounds good to me as you can see i've never done this upgrade before and these are some of the things that you'll run into but i'm going to say yes because we're going to end up rebooting this at the end and i don't really mind if the services get restarted now because nothing's even running and so you can see that this is going to take some time this is actually upgrading my intel nok i decided to go with that one first so the upgrade is going to be a little bit slower for me a lot slower than my one use servers so let's just let this run well well while we wait introduce you to my puppies this one's nano it's a little snorty all right and this one you see him on stream sometimes his buddy he's wild right puppy yeah we're waiting for it to upgrade right puppy right book still going should have upgraded my one use server first okay so another prompt do you want to change the home directory of user irc no clue who that user is i didn't create it must be something for proxmox i'm going to say yes and so these are those scary prompts i was telling you about earlier now i know that scary isn't the greatest most descriptive or even a technical term but to me not being a linux administrator is kind of scary because i've had this go wrong before in the past by making a wrong decision so hopefully if it goes right you can make those same decisions here that i'm making now if it goes wrong just do the exact opposite okay yet another question so a new version of some temp file and some config file is available but the version installed has currently been locally modified so i'm just going to keep the defaults of keep the local version currently installed sounds like what i want to do for my ssh config we'll see okay it looks like it's totally done did it work we'll see so all we need to do now is just reboot and give this video a thumbs up so let's reboot it went down now i'm going to ping it to see it come back up and now it's responding that's a good sign let's go back to the website hey this is a good sign too so it looks like it's pretty good so far so we can see proxmox virtual environment is 7.0-9 you can see my virtual machine automatically started up because it was set to start automatically if i go into the console it's actually starting up and responding that's a good sign too my storage is reconnected and it's still a part of my cluster so so far this is looking pretty good so let's check out some of the new features so the one i keep hearing about is a better way to manage our packages so now we have updates and we also have repositories so it looks like we have an easy way to manage this enterprise list now as well as our non-production list or for all the people who don't have a subscription list and you can see i have those both checked but let's disable this enterprise one and i think this looks okay so i get debian updates here then i get my proxmox updates and this is the no subscription list says not for production use but i've been using it for quite some time and then we disabled the enterprise list so if we go to updates now and run refresh we still get the nag screen and that seemed to run okay so no updates obviously i just updated the system but this is kind of nice i mean i've been managing in the terminal before it's kind of nice to see it here but we'll take it hopefully this is the first of many updates that come to the ui so we're not always digging around in a terminal so let's go see the notes field the other one that i would guess i was kind of excited about so let's go to vm and we'll go to summary and we'll go to notes and we'll go to edit and i thought you could do markdown here now so let's try a title and let's do a subtitle let's do a unordered list hey there we go so markdown works so pretty cool so if you're used to writing markdown you know md files like you do for github or a lot of documentation is in markdown that will work here so pretty cool the next thing we want to check is the other feature and that's downloading isos directly so here we go download from url let's click it so let's grab the proxmox iso i know you would never do this but let's copy this link address paste it in here i'm gonna query the url i guess okay so it found the file name nice oh and then we can check the checksum here so the hash algorithm so what did they use sha 256 i think let's check so they use sha256 checksum and here is the checksum so let's copy that paste it in here and then checksum and just say download cool so now our server is downloading that iso directly and then it should verify the checksum afterwards and this isn't a huge feature it's just a nice quality of life upgrade it skips a step for me from downloading on this machine and then uploading it directly to that machine right away okay it's downloaded and now it's calculating the checksum which could take a while on slower systems and here we go task is okay close out of here and here we have our iso pretty awesome and so this is just a couple of features that are included in proxmox 7. there are a whole host of fixes and performance improvements underneath the covers and while i can't really show them all i'm sure you'll discover them over time and let me know and with one server done i still have two to go so what do you think of proxmox 7 are you going to upgrade have you already upgraded or are you just going to hold off for a bit let me know in the comments section below and remember if you found anything in this video helpful don't forget to like and subscribe thanks for watching totally an aside but anytime i get the same question five or six times that's where i know that okay i i skipped over something or i glossed over something or didn't explain something well enough so i really appreciate it so if you ever if you ever like i don't know um hesitant to ask the same question in the youtube contents just ask it because our comments just ask it because i see those and uh when i see the same types of questions that's where i know that i have some problems and just you know i'm just saying like don't assume oh well this one person asked so i'm not gonna ask feel free to ask away uh so anyways
Channel: Techno Tim
Views: 93,445
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: techntim, techno tim, proxmox, homelab, home lab, how to upgrade proxmox to 7, proxmox 6 to 7, pve6to7, best way to upgrade proxmox, proxmox new features, new features in proxmox 7, what's new in proxmox 7, tutorial, how to, how to upgrade proxmox, hypervisor, vm, virtual machine, hyper visor, 7.0, new features, bug fixes, performance improvements
Id: RCSp6gT7LWs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 18sec (1038 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 10 2021
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