Creating Wrapped 4th Axis Geometry - Fusion 360

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hey guys Xander here at the fusion camp team and today we're going to be looking at wrapped geometry how do you make it well good question so we're going to be making this part for starters and then I'm going to add on a few more features that are going to be a little bit more advanced but to get started let's just go ahead and hop into a new part and go to the patch environment because patch environments awesome they create a new sketch create a circle my stock is 1.5 inches so 1.5 inches it is and I'm just going to divide this into 3 sections because we had three sections on that other part and I liked it so to do three sections I'm just going to divide it up into 120 degree pie slices and then trim off the exterior over here and convert the rest into construction geometry I'm just hitting the X key by the way now we're going to go ahead and do an extrusion extrude point five inches up and we're going to create an offset plane from here half of one five is 0.75 in the negative direction and we're going to create a new sketch on this plane and this is what's going to actually be the geometry we want to have is that feature so let me start off with the line just going to draw some type of geometry here looks pretty good add in a fill it a sketch fill it that is and we're going to make that radius 0.075 so now what we're going to do is we're going to do the body split feature split body same thing click the sketch and we're going to delete the top surface and the hair is our first profile now to create this into 3d geometry we're going to use the thicken tool and we're going to go down an eighth inch looks good and now we're going to hop over into the modeling environment we're going to do a circular pattern we're going to pattern bodies we're going to choose our z axis here and we're going to have three copies we're now going to combine them 1 2 3 and now we have our first geometry and it is wrapped so all these edges are going to be pointing towards the center basically and so now let's go ahead and get into the second way to creating wrap features so I'm gonna create a new sketch on this bottom plane here I'm just gonna project in that circle it okay and we're going to extrude and we're going to go down call it 0.1 that looks good to me and again on that plane we had before show that again we're going to create a sketch and this time we're going to do a circle 0.15 and we'll have this B 0.1 above I guess I'd end up at the origin anyways why aren't you constrained be constrained now we're going to do the second feature so we're going to go ahead and do a split face this time choose this face and our splitting tool is going to be a circle and instead of split with surface I'm going to do closest point it kind of depends on what you're doing or what you're splitting but for the most part closest point can tend to squish geometry while a surface tends to stretch geometry when you're wrapping it to a circular profile like this so I'll show you a surface later and I'll show you what actually goes around there but for this closest point works well hit okay now we're going to do the press pool command click this surface here and we're going to press pool negative oh five that looks good so there is our circle and again you can see it's kind of got these drafted edges on the side but the top and bottom are good you can really see it if I actually change the transparency here and go like 50% you can see it's actually drafting in and actually goes straight towards the center anyways undo that opacity 100% okay and now what we're going to do is we're just going to pattern that so circular pattern again we're going to do circular pattern faces it gets mad if you don't do faces choose that axis and maybe eight so there is that we recruit some more geometry create sketch and we will extrude that 1.5 inches down again showing this plane we're going to create another sketch on this plane now we're going to add in some more fill its again alright and then utilizing that trick again we're going to do split face choose the face choose our tool and this is where you'll see close this point makes it too thin it smooshes it together however split with surface is going to actually stretch it out and elongate it a bit now for this one the elongation is actually kind of what I want because if I do this wished one it looks kind of weird so I'm going to split with surface on this one again we're going to press pool now your point one two five go get into the back and now we have our two push surfaces there and those are also going to be drafted just so so as you look at them you can see it goes normal like that hey guys sorry about that my recording program crashed so I'm going to show you one last feature and that's using the coil command to cut out that spiral sweep profile that it was in the last video and this one's pretty simple actually is going to be the simplest of all of them we create a new offset plane from this bottom surface here and we're going to offset it maybe negative 0.25 it seems like a good number create a coil on that plane circle with radius 1.5 no diameter 1.5 ah almost we might stick there so you can see we have the basics of what we had before in that last video bump up that size a little bit obviously my cylinders a little smaller but that looks pretty good and section position if you did inside it will cut deeper but I'm gonna do on center hit okay and now you can see that we have that spiral profile that we had in the last video so this is basically how I create any wrap geometry inside fusion maybe I'll post this part up on the forums I actually got a more advanced one that I created earlier and see what you guys come up with as far as tool paths go as I work on this advanced video anyways see you guys next time
Channel: Xander Luciano
Views: 31,877
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Fusion, 360, 4th axis, wrapped, toolpath, cam, cad, Fusion 360, autodesk, geometry, model, create, design, generate, revolved, revolve, sweep, cylinder, tube, pipe, how to, tutorial, instruction, guide, patch, surface
Id: 0B88jJ1CG3w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 24sec (384 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 12 2016
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