Fusion 360 Tutorial: Text on a Curved Surface! FF104

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hi folks let's walk through how we can easily put text along the curve of a cylinder and how we can use our fourth access to machine this welcome to a diffusion Friday [Music] we'll start by hitting C for circle and I'm gonna click the Y Z plane the one between the blue and green and are our settings look a little different than yours we've got a video up now on the new NYC CNC site under fusion 360 getting started card here which walks through our recommended settings and preferences sketch a circle and another circle D for dimension we'll say this is 1.5 inches and the inside one we'll say is one point three seven five stop sketch e for extrude click that ring and we'll say six inches I've got a tube let's put NYC C and C on that sketch text so this is important I need to click the XY plane that's the plane between the green and the red I'm gonna left click that highlighted it there but if you're not sure let's click and hold down the left mouse and that gives you the option of picking in this case the XY plane this might seem weird but bear with me and why CCMC I'm gonna make this text large so that you can see it really is wrapping around the cylinder click OK now where's my text well it's right there in the middle of the cylinder that's not where we want it hold on one second create extrude what's the profile that I want to extrude the text click once on the NYC CNC clicking once on any of it should select the whole group of it now this is where you got to pay attention this is important what's this start well normally in fusion we start with where what's called a profile plane that's that plane that we sketched where the text lives right now it's not what I want I want it to start from object click that once now it pops up and lets me pick well what's my object I'm gonna pick the outside of our tube click once what's the operation well I don't want to create a new body I don't want to join I want to cut because I want to cut into the tube so I'll choose cut and unfortunately right now we're not getting a maybe we get a preview see her so distance negative 0.05 or oh one yeah we get a preview great so there we go it's that simple right if for some reason you're not getting a cut switch your negative to a positive but negative should be what works click OK fusion automatically hides the sketch that we created of the text because it assumes we're done with it and they're right we are done with it for now and now I've got text that hugs around that cylinder if you wanted to pattern it let's say I wanted to put my CC and C on this other side as well you could do a pretty complicated process of sketching it again and mirroring it and extruding it a better way create pattern circular pattern my pattern type is feature and that's a little bit of a strange thing because now what I have to do is go down here and I need to pick that feature down on the timeline what's my axis any of the circles will work as the axis and I'll say two and I'll click OK and now I've got NYC NYC and it's not backward which is what's good let's machine this hop into cam we'll do a quick set up stock I'll say is relative size cylinder with no additional stock pick my axis of the cylinder so one of these you gotta pay attention to is like if we were going to run this on the tormach or really any fourth axis is we're holding it on the left side across the table so this is our X that's correct our Y is this way and our Z is up toward the spindle we have to use 2d contour to do this my preference would be Trace and we'll come back to that in a second if you don't have a fourth axis we can still use trace but if we want to actually have our fourth axis or our a axis rotate right now 2d contours the OP we've got to use which we can make it work so click 2d contour I'm going to pick a chamfering tool from my tormach library click OK now two important things geometry tap before you pick any contours this is really important click rap to a path that gives me an option of wrapping the cylinder and I picked that cylinder that's a really important step in you know Fusion is normally so good about giving you things in order you know you have to go top to down or along this toolbar you kind of go left to right this one you just got to learn it's just a random you know selection of wrapping that tool path around that cylinder to activate our fourth axes if you don't see wrap tool path it means you don't have fusion ultimate I'll come back to that at the end so I'll go up to contour selection click nothing now sometimes when you hover over you get lucky like on this why when I hover over the Y it picks the whole thing which is great we're done with that one this n is not being as cooperative here's the trick this is awesome I'm gonna click once on one of those edges that's part of what I want but I want it to be selecting the whole N shape I'm gonna left click on that blue line again and hold down for a second with my left mouse button when I do that I get this new pop-up box close contour open accept cancel or delete all I have to do is change from open to closed now I've picked the wrong one it thought I was wanted to close it around that side box but if I let my mouse hover over to say here see how it auto updates intelligently and it realizes oh that's the closed contour that you want so now if I click it this is one more thing you've got to do which is the green plus to accept it I say that because I often forget click that now we've got the N the right way let's see if the C cooperates nope it's not so this is a pretty quick workflow once you get the hang of it click it left click closed there plus I'll do it slower this time left click and hold let up change to a closed contour it actually automatically fixed it correctly that time so I'll just click the green plus whoops that's not what I wanted so I'll you hover over there click plus nope not what I wanted okay this is a great example I needed to delete back so I left click hold down let up and pick the deleted current contour that's the trick to not having to click the X up here and start over from scratch left click hold down let up switch to closed hover over here plus great click OK so we're gonna have some problems with this tool path what's the error lead out ok like I mentioned a second ago trace is the better tool path but trace doesn't support the fourth axis rotation so one of the problems that we have with a 2d contour is it's doing a traditional lead in and lead out which is a great thing for 2d contour but because we're engraving text here I don't want that right click Edit the last tab linking just turn them off click OK let's see what we got ok that's better it's wrapping which is awesome and if we simulate it like most camp simulations that moves the tool not the part that's ok your parts gonna be rotating actually the tool obviously is not twisting unless you've got an amazing 5 axis you know tilting head machine one last thing though is that we're actually not engraving right now we're just touching the surface or tangentially kissing it so we've got to add some depth to it now if I had selected the bottom edge that would have assumed the depth from CAD and done so in a parametric manner which could be a very smart thing to do for no good reason I tend to just select the top and then come in here edit passes turn off chamfer actually we don't need that although I don't think it would cause a problem check stock to leave and no radial and we'll say we'll go 5,000 and go to the end and you can see if I turn my part off it is engraving NYCC and see around that cylinder which is exactly what I want if you don't have a fourth axis you can still do this the steeper your pitch angle the smaller the circle means the steeper it's got to come over the side so it's going to affect the look of it but the other way to do this again without a fourth axis will do a new set up to trés same tool works trace tends to pick the contours out better why I have no idea but maybe we can get that technology brought into to T adaptive and I'll just say stock to actually here you can use axial offsets a negative 0.005 so again what's gonna happen is that the tool the tool stays perpendicular so in fact here I've got the NYC CNC tilted slightly to the right or clockwise so as we simulate wouldn't be a big deal here but you're cutting a little bit more on the left than you are on the right and the closer you are to the top area the better off you are but we did a video a long time ago I think where we engraved some text on a barrel and it was it was pretty acceptable obviously fourth axis is the way to go if you've got it we will have this file available to download on the new NYC CNC web site we are really excited about this we've got various fusion 360 videos CNC videos speeds and feeds a lot of it is free and open we're also creating pro level content with online training classes and online business information about getting started as a manufacturing entrepreneur and the library we're really proud of you've got the ability to come in here and find the help you need if you need to find a fusion 360 video on I can't get that 3d toolpath working you can click three access cam and you can go through the videos that we've created on how to get your parts made how to get help with cam it also gives us a place to keep the latest and greatest information up so if we find new information about this we will keep it posted on this fourth axis tab video here it's not up at the moment but we'll have it up when this Fusion Friday comes out thanks folks [Music] [Music]
Channel: NYC CNC
Views: 71,680
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tormach, fusion 360, how to, cnc, machine shop, nyc cnc, DIY, machining, milling, CAD, cnc machining, cnc milling
Id: XjjAqf94yZI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 4sec (664 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 02 2017
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