FreeCAD Project / Attach Sketches Traces and Logos onto Curved Surfaces. 3 Ways including parametric

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hi viewers and welcome to the channel and welcome to a question and answer session so this is a video in regards to a few comments i've had on my channel i think there's been about three people that asked me how to create geometry or faces on curved surfaces from sketches or wires and this video will show you how to use three different tools to create basically the same effect so you can use one tool that's in the part workbench and there's a couple of tools in the curves workbench as well so you can choose any of those free tools whichever one you like you can use in there and you can mix and match them throughout your models but this is a quick tutorial of how to do that well i'll say quick i'll go through every single one and show you how to use those so i hope this answers the questions and let's have a look at these tools and see how we use them if you like this video please hit like and also subscribe to the channel i also have a cofi site where you can actually donate to my contributions to the community and that's at ko hyphen mang0 so i'm going to start with creating a new document and i'm going to jump over for the first demonstration in the part workbench we're going to create a number of curved surfaces on here so we're going to say can have a ball or a sphere and set that to something like a radius 100 millimeters zoom out a bit and also we're gonna have a cylinder just transform this sphere move that out of the way that's our cylinder there and we'll make that a radius of moments twos i mean 100 and a high of 200 and just transform that out the way also i'm gonna have a different curved surface so we've got a spherical cylinder and i'm gonna create a sketch in here and i'm going to go from the top and i'm going to create a sketch that's y plane and we're going to create just a curve in here with b spline something like an s curve like that so we've got our curve there and we'll create something across this as well let's close that let's bring that round and what i'll do is i'll just jump over to the part because that's where i'm going to be for the first demonstration which is extrude that by something like 100 millimeters there we go let's do a bit more 150 there we go so we've got three surfaces there and we're going to look at projection for creating like a logo or a shape on those surfaces i've already got a logo that i can actually import well it's just basically a shape and i'm going to import that as an svg you can create something in sketcher we'll go through that as well create a sketcher you can even create a face to place on those curved surfaces and we'll just import and i've got one called mask there and let's take these free and just press the space bar on those just to hide those because i want to work on this first because there's some geometry in here that i don't want and it's this path we can get rid of that and i've got some pieces there um let's go to edit box selection and get rid of those so we've got one path there this is what i'm going to place on to these different objects and first of all we need to get this around the right way i normally use mouse when i'm demonstrating normally i use shortcut keys but if i'm using a mouse you know what exactly what i'm doing i'm looking from the top it's okay so that's fine and where do we want to place it i'm going to place it over here cause we can transform it in a minute let's bring back that sphere and cylinder and let's have a look where we are so to get this onto one of these surfaces i'm going to transform it into position so i've got the camera looking straight at that cylinder at the moment so i'm going to transform that and place it where i want and matter of fact i'm going to bring the cylinder down a bit in size in the radius so we're going to go for about 75 there we go or even further 60. so i want to cast this mask onto this cylinder here and the way to do that is we get ourself positioned how we want it to be placed on that cylinder so we're looking at from the camera projection so if i'm looking for say in the front here i will be casting straight through this object and straight onto this surface so you have to get this in the position you want so i've placed in the position here it will be placed on the top of it here i've placed it like this part of it will be coming off the bottom so i use the front view and place that on that surface on that so we've got that there there's no icon with a little f in there little green f same project edges wires or faces for of one object onto the face of another object so the camera view determines where that's going to be placed and that's the projection the camera projection it's also available from part crate projection on the surface so we just use that icon and use that menu item there and the first thing it's going to ask us is if we follow this down let's follow it from top to bottom select projection surface click on this so go click that button and then it will ask you to well it's not asking you it's you you have to select something so you need to select the surface that your icon your sketch your geometry is going to be cast upon so i'm going to select the cylinder you can see the cylinder has gone see-through so just click on the front and because we've already selected from the front so we can come down here and get the current camera direction which is zero minus one zero which has already been selected but if we move slightly say we wanted it down here click that again you can see it changes so i'll be casting that along that area there and i don't i want to go to the front so i'm going to get camera direction again and there they are all set so now we need to add either the wires or the face or the edges so i'm going to add this face here so i'm going to add face and select that face take my mouse off it's gone purple if we just move now you'll see a green shape attached to that cylinder so that's been cast upon there now we've got some other options so you can move move this now it doesn't matter so you can move this out the way because we've already casted that upon that cylinder you've got this extrude height which you can change and you'll see that extrude will change in height so if i put 60 here you can see it'll come out like so or if i put 10 there i just come out 10 and you've got the solid depth as well so if you look at this solid this is a solid at the moment if we change this depth to 10 let's set it inside that cylinder because it's 10 height so i'll set it to something like 18 then that's going to be inside there and if i say to set to 5 that's going to be protruding out slightly there so hit okay and that's on that surface there so we can hide this one or we can get rid of it if you were so so desire it's not parametric so if anything you do to this will not affect that surface there is a parametric wave doing this and it's inside the curse workbench and we'll get to that in a moment so that's sitting on that surface there i'm just going to hide this one so i'm going to press space on that and it's created a projection object here which can be transformed up and down or moved off of there so you can see how that's curved there and also i can get it back into position like that hit ok and we can take that so we take that surface cinder control click this one and you've got your boolean operations here here if you so desire so i've just inset it into there like so and if you look at the view you'll see that there's the cut and inside here we've got the projection object you can see the reason why it's green because the shade color is green so we can change that if we so desire to the same color as these objects but that's indented in there as you can see it's just indented in there so it's good for curving any logos around objects if you so desire let me just remove that let's get rid of the cut get rid of the projection bring back path and let's take it from a different direction so i'm going to have it so it falls off the bottom like so let's bring this up a bit so this is falling off the bottom there and again if i press the f the box select the projection surface this one i'm happy with the camera for you i'm going to go with that camera view i'm going to add the face this one and i just clicked it again there's add that face again there we go and you can see what's happened it's fallen off the bottom there i'm going to cancel that because i may have clicked that twice so let's try that again so that's the projection set the projection surface which is this one add the face this one and you can see how that's projected part of that face on there let's cancel that and try it from this angle something like that so select the projection surface which is this one add the face this one and you can see how that's been partly wrapped around there so you have to be careful with your projection because it will skew it around there if you're not careful because if you think about it it's to do with projection of light so if i shone a torch through this object here the shadow will be cast around the cylinder like so if we just take that and move it over to let's transform move it over to this way okay that and project it on here i'm gonna just change the size of the sphere slightly so come down looking at data looking at the radius about 80. and we can do the same on here as well so just clicking on the icon select projection surface which is your sphere add the face adding that face there it's gone purple and you can see that's been added there let's cancel that and go through the others so click on the path cells positioned at the face matter of fact i'm going to instead of adding the face i'm going to add the edges so we can select these edges around here and that will get projected upon there so you can see how that's projected on there and if i select the other one as well and those are being projected upon there and we can select the others because we've already set our camera direction because you can see it's greyed out it's already selected so we can move around this if we so desire unfortunately you can't come up and use the boxlet in this mode so you have to actually click each of these edges and even if you use the shortcut just shift to knee and select those that won't actually work so you have to actually select each of these edges to get them on there i'm just going to do a few of those edges so you can see those edges have been added there and we've got the projection object there that's not closed shape so we could extrude that and we want to stretch in the y direction because that's not going to add astrud at the moment so we've come down custom direction and why it's only part of that face there but we can extrude that and if i hide the sphere you can see the extrusion has gone forwards i didn't have it coming out this way let's get rid of those and the projection object and bring back the sphere so we looked at projection on the part workbench we're going to jump over to the curves workbench now and look at some of the projections on there now there's two tools on there there's the trim face and also there's the sketch on a curved surface and if i jump over to the curse workbench we can see where those are if you look at the scene and wondering why that's different i've just had a computer crash i'm working on quite an old laptop so i have at the moment and it has a tendency to run quite slow and also crash a lot so it's nothing to do with freecad i even get this in word so we got the scene in front of us we've got our face that we want to project and we're now in the curse workbench we've got two options in here we've got the trimmer face with a protective curve so again we're looking at projection and also we've got this one here and this map a sketch on a surface the first one we're going to look at is the trimmer face with the projector curve now this has got some parametric capabilities about it so to use this tool we need to make this into a edge or a wire so to do that we need to make use of the draft workbench because we can't project a face onto this it requires edges or a wire to do that or even a sketch so we're going to get rid of this face and we can do that by the draft and we're going to use something called upgrade and downgrade to do this to upgrade an object you make it more complex to downgrade it you take that complexity away so you can click on this path here and we've got modifications and downgrade and if we come to our toolbar and look at the downgrade this tells you what it actually does so downgrade selected object into as simple as shapes and tells you what will happen with the results there if i click it will happen it'll turn it into a wire and then if i click it again it will go into even more simpler shapes which are edges and i don't want the edges so i'm going to control set that if i took those edges and upgraded them they'll go actually go back to a wire so we've got this here and what we need to do is come back into the curves workbench and we're going to make use of the selection in here now this is quite important so we need the panel up so go to view panel selection view this is really for shortcuts if we had a more simpler object here so we had less edges on here then just control clicking those edges would work but you can't select that wire and what would you what you would actually do is select the edges and then get yourself positioned so this is this positions this projection's okay for me and then i'll control select the cylinder and hits the trim face you'll notice nothing has happened because we need to select the individual edges of this shape now this is laborious and and you can see that in the selection view we get those edges there so we need to select those edges without going through and control selecting all of these there is a way to do it so if we go out to edit and look for box element selection we can use that as a little gotcha here if you select part of this and just leave a little bit out so you've left those two edges out you get all the edges in here and you can just let those two like so and that's what we want because when we go and control the cylinder and use the tool then that will actually work so you can see that's where that's removed that face from there undo that worry about cylinder actually gone too far pressing control z doesn't really work very well in the curves workbench so i just can go back to the draft and downgrade that again there we go downgrade that to a wire and go back to the curves so we've got these edges now and we're talking about selections so edit box selection or shift e so box element selection you want but if we highlighted all of this you can see that we've only got the wire i've just control selected that to take remove it for selection you can see we've only got the wire selected it's actually taken because we've highlighted the whole lot and that won't work so if i control select this and use the trim then that's not going to work it doesn't actually do anything so we need to select just the edges so we need to miss an edge basically when we do the selection so edit box element selection and then come in and i'm just going to see if i can miss saying that edge there and you can see we've got only cylinders come in here which we don't want and we can what we can do is come in here and right click deselect so that cylinder has gone now and i can come back in and control select that edge like so so we've got low selected now and then we can make our selection against the cylinder and do the removal now it matters where you place your mouse pointer just placing it outside this cut and you can see we've got the trim face there which is parametric we'll get to that in a minute you can modify this if we so desire so we've actually got this face removed from the object now what i want to do is keep the space so we do a different selection for that let's get rid of the trim face and bring back the cylinder now for that i'm just going to do the box element selection again and miss this a bit so that's miss so i've missed those two vests it's down there but we've got all those wires so i don't have to select anything but i've just missed those vertices so those that one there and that one there so that's giving us those wires there so we've got those wires selected all those edges selected and this time i'm going to control click inside and what this will do is that will remove the outside of the object and keep the inside so we've got that there again if we come in you can see we've got the cylinder in here so we've got this ability here to bring back the other shape and do operations against that one it has created a face so we need to give it some offset or extrusion in the part so i can offset that fill offset and let's give it a bit more of an offset there so let's go for five and okay that and there you can see we've got that there so we've got a nice curve where that sits now and if you think about it if you've got a curve behind here that's the same diameter as your face we just made a mask there so you could use that to make masks etc so that's quite handy to know and this was just an svg that i've pulled from the net and place that in there but that's easy to create in some like inkscape or or even create your own through the sketcher so we've got this here if i get rid of this and that face and the cylinder bring back the cinder because it hides each time we trim the face then we can go back to our draft and i can select that wire when i said face i meant basically a mask but it's it's why it's not an actual face as in 3d face and i'm going to convert that to a sketch so i'm going to use a convert by direction between draft objects and sketches and that's also available up on modifications draft sketch and you can see what's happened in the background if we just press spacebar on here we've got another one that's sitting here and it's sketch so double click this and we've got a sketch that we can come in and edit if we so desire we've got an object behind there let's come back in get our model we've got sketch let's get rid of that wire there we go so if i use this sketch now and then made my modification afterwards what you'll see will happen is bring back the cylinder and i'm just going to take that sketch and move it forward so you're just using the placement there or because it's not got any support we could even come in to something like the top bring this in we're still in the draft and i'm going to click the sketch use the move tool click and move it over here like so so i can do that and then do the same again in front get a position so i'm just going to use the properties to move this now so we've got the placement we've got the position and we've got the z axis and we can move this along the z-axis and place it into position there so i've got the projection right i'm happy with the projection so i'm going to project onto that plane with that sketch so i'm going to select the sketch and i'm going to use the inside of that and i should be in the curves workbench they're in the curves workbench now so we select the sketch control select the inside and we use the trim see it can't work because we haven't selected the edges so we're going to use our box selection again edit selection and come in and select and miss a couple of verses down the bottom something like that there you go so that's selected now and then control select inside or the outside wherever you want and then use that trim so we've got that now you can see our sketch in front there and because we was in the draft workbench we've got the grid behind we can get rid of that by going back into the draft workbench if we so desire i'm going to hide that sketch for a second so that's gone so you can see that face there now if i come into the sketch so i'm going to modify this a bit so i'm going to pull out these ends like so and close that you can see now that's modified and it's actually gone round the other side as well because we've gone beyond that point there so let's go back in so let's bring this back in these edges here and we're going to do the same with this one and close that and you can see because we haven't gone beyond cylinder which is inside the trim face that's there like that and it's on that trim face so the last projection method we're going to be using is again in the curse workbench and we're going to be looking at creating a sketch on a curved surface so map sketch to a curved surface this works by selecting one of the shapes let's take the shape here and it will unmap this shape into 2d space and you'll get different results depending on what shape you're using so for instance a sphere it's gonna unmap the sketch so we've got the sketch here and you can see it's got map sketch if we double click on that it'll unmap it into 2d space so we're in the sketcher now double clicked on that and if it looks a bit strange over here it's just because i've got these closed up there you go that's more like the default view so you can see our sphere if i click on the spheres press space there you can see we've got this cross hairs here this is sketch and it's unmapped part of that face there so we can wrap this round and if i place say a couple of circles on here or whatever sketch you want to do on here and we'll come back over to tasks and close that you can see those sketches have been placed around that invisible sphere there click on that sphere bring it back you can see them there and with those what we can do is come into the sketch on surface not the map sketch on the sketch on surface will have all the parameters that you can change on the data and if we come down just pull this over a bit you can see filler structures is true and fill faces is false offset at the moment zero so these all the defaults so if we fill the face so that's true and click off and i'll update you can see those faces are filled now and if we want to bring them out we add a thickness so we either one thickness on there that's pull those out so you can see them they're extruding out if i put a 10 on there see they're just coming further and further out and they're following that sphere there they're following the curvature of that sphere so the more thickness i had to it the further they're going to come out i'm still going to follow that we can use an offset to pull these in so if i put 10 on here that will push those out sorry let's push them out positive pushes them out so i did a hundred now let's push them right out here and if i did minus 10 then that will even set them in so minus 10 on there so we've inset them in because they're 20 thickness and they've gone 10 in so if i hide that you can see those are in there what this means is also we can use booleans on here so part workbench we can come into here i can select the one that i want to keep and the feature that i want to remove now it's only selected one face it's actually selected as a sketch on surface there and we can use a boolean on that so let's remove them from there like so as i said we get different effects depending on what shape we use so this will unwrap a lot more easier than the last shape to come out to the curves and we'll unwrap that sketch on curves you can see that one's there so double click that sorry come into it and double click it and you can see we've got something a bit more better now so we've got how many millimeters and the height so this 200 millimeters high and this conforms to the should be the height of that cylinder so you can see it's 200 radius 60 so that's unwrapped there this is a fully constrained sketch in here these lines are construction geometry so this is the reason why you don't see these lines on the sketch so anything in here will be placed on that sketch so for instance i can place a slot on that sketch hit close and that will be placed around there and we can use that sketch on surface come down to extrusion that's true at the moment let's just make an offset okay so so so i'll set that by 10 and do a thickness of 30. you can see at the moment that extrusion is set but it's not filled so we just fill those faces click off and that's created that shape along there so we can do even do jewelry so desire so any tourist designs you can put i've got a video on my site on my channel where i've used this kind of effect to create a ring a celtic ring and you just sketch upon this surface so we're starting to see the different ways that the map sketch on the surface actually takes that surface and extracts it out now we're going to see something different and pretty much unusable with this one so this is the reason why i've gone through three different methods of doing this because this method won't really work so if we go to the map sketch you'll notice that if i go back to point zero zero we've got this unmapping here which is impossible to use for this i'm not 100 sure what it does here even i've even tried taking this shape and doing it through the part design and creating a similar shape in there and the unmapping is the same we get the same effect there so it's advisable not to use that there i just close out of there and we'll get rid of that and what i'll use is a projection on there so we could use the normal trim tools if we add this as a edge or we can come over to the part and transform this over and just use our projection tools on here so we can get ourself positioned okay and just undo the normal projection and this should work just fine so you can see that's projected on there so i hope that's answered the questions keep an eye out on the channel because we're going into more on the curves workbench also we've got a new programming series for animation coming up so that's animation in python we'll be going through a lot more in depth into python in that but we will still be keeping at our beginners level so if you missed the first mini series you can go and watch that but the new mini series will take it from a beginner's perspective as well so you don't have to worry about watching the other one but we'll be looking much more into animation because we use python with the animation it's best to go down that road and join those together so i hope to see you again i hope you're enjoying the channel bye for now if you like what you're seeing please subscribe to my site and also i have a kofi site where you can actually donate a few pence or a few pounds dollars whatever your currency is and that's at ko hyphen ming0 and there you'll be able to help me fund my site and all the money that i actually get from any funds will actually get pushed back into the channel thanks a lot for watching and subscribing i'll see you next time
Channel: MangoJelly Solutions
Views: 3,521
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: CAD, three, 3D, CNC, Printing, solidworks, autoCAD, project, wrap, curve, uneven, skirt, curves, freeCAD 0.19
Id: bMhMiPaqH3U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 28sec (2248 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 03 2021
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