Creating Spiraling Holes with Fusion 360

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hey guys flat Amir here with desktop makes I've got another at fusion 360 tutorial for you and this is another one that came in as a request so in my last video I have a comment here from RV Jim D who says I have a potential topic for you I would like to make a tube with a pattern of small holes in the wall of the tube the hole should be in the spiral pattern around the tube hope that makes sense thanks again for the videos ok so let's give this a try we need a tube with holes that spiral around it so let's open up the fusion and you can see I've already did this and so I'll show you my approach here's one example that I did and kind of played around with this all kind of different whole sizes and tried different variations so I'm actually gonna show you what my first approach was which was to use a coil and then tried the pattern and a path around the coil so this didn't work so well but I want to show you anyway so I actually ended up going through three different approaches which made for a bit longer of a video than I wanted but I felt it was important to not only show you just the part that work but show you guys my process of how I got there what I did was I brought in a coil so we'll go to create coil and I'll draw this you have to choose a plane saw which was my XY plane start at the origin and let's say will come out a hundred millimeters enter and we get this coil for now the size really doesn't matter the section size but we'll make it then say five millimeters and I'll hit OK now the coil the body of it I don't really need what I want is just this line here that kind of spirals around so I can bring that in as a sketch so what I'm going to do is go to sketch and then go to project include do include 3d geometry I have to choose a plane here so I'll choose my use e-explain and then I'm just gonna hover and select or highlight the and I click on that and you'll see that it turns purple so now I'll click on stop sketch and I really don't need this coil anymore so I'm gonna go to bodies select it right click and just go to remove okay the next step I thought I would do would be to create a cylinder and and use that to pattern around the spiral so we'll go to create another sketch here and I'm gonna choose the ZX plane again because that lines up right at this point here of the spiral so I'll click on that and I'm just gonna draw a line and I wanna go ahead and snap to that endpoint there it's not working so I'm gonna hit escape and press P for project and then like you can see I can select it my selection filter here is just set to a specified entity so I'll choose that point click OK now I'll hit L for line I grab or started at that point just go up draw a line the size doesn't matter click the checkmark I'm gonna go to stop sketch and now I can go to construct do a plane that angle select my line and I'm gonna turn that 90 degrees and click OK so now I have this plane going this way following this line here so we'll go to create another sketch here and I'm gonna choose that plane and a c4 circle I'm gonna start right at that center there in that origin and let's make a cylinder solder like a five millimeter cylinder enter stop sketch e for extrude select my profile I'm gonna extrude this in two directions or actually I'm going to go symmetric here and just extrude this out a bit click OK and now let's pattern this so I'll go to create pattern pattern on a path my pattern type is bodies object is going to be the cylinder I just made the path is gonna be the coil path here and we can take this arrow and drag it all the way up so we'll get it so that it'll actually snap you know right into that end point so we go the whole extent distance type is sets extend now we can choose the quantity I'm just do 30 and I'll click okay let's see what we have so right away I see a problem in that this doesn't it doesn't sparrow perpendicular to the coil path right so the edges here you can guess the next what I want to do is create a tube and then use a boolean operation here to subtract these cylinders from that tube but in this case here it's fine but on the edges you know it's not gonna work because it's it's trying to create these cylinders along the path the only options I see that I have with the Edit feature so what I did is just double click here on the timeline to bring back that feature and I can change the orientation from identical to path direction and that changes the direction but it's still not what I want because now and they're going in all sorts of crazy directions so so this way didn't really work for me it didn't give me the outcome I wanted but if any of you guys know how to change this if there's a setting here I'm not seeing where I can get these direction to be perpendicular to that coil direction I'd love to hear it so what I'm gonna do is board this mission and let's go back now instead of doing the cylinders here I'm gonna take my time line here I'm just gonna drag it back let's say let's go back to where we have just a coil and this time instead of a cylinder let's try using a speeder so we'll go to sketch create sketch and we'll choose again this plane and I'm gonna project this point again so P for project selected click OK and I'm gonna go to create and then and down to sphere make a or select that point to make my sphere and let's say I bring it up to like 30 millimeters and hit enter and okay now let's try this again so we'll go to create pattern pattern on a path choose my sphere and then my path is going to be my coil here take my arrow drag it all the way up to the end and let's again make a bunch of these 30s a bit much for that size let's do 20 and we'll go click OK okay so now that actually so it doesn't matter with the sphere that looks fine that would work so let's see how let's continue I'm gonna create another sketch here and this let's do the ZX plane and I'm just gonna draw a line from the bottom I'm gonna reference the origin here but I'm not gonna start there I'm gonna start below and you'll see I get this dashed line showing me I'm lined up to it so I'm gonna draw that line straight up and then go to stop sketch now I'm gonna grab my pipe tool so go to create down to pipe and I'm gonna select that line and let's go to a top view and I'm gonna use these arrows to increase the size of that pipe so I'm just gonna eyeball it now but you can you know enter exact dimensions here so we'll make our pipe instead of doing it as a cut we're going to do a new body and then we'll click OK and you see what we have so next we just do a boolean operation what we'll go to modify combine target body is going to be the pipe and tool bodies is everything else so the way we select that is that will select the first body here after the body 52 which is our big pipe make sure to bodies is here highlighted blue and so I'll select that first body hold shift and then select the last body and it'll highlight all of them operation is cut so we'll click OK let's get rid of sketches and you can see how that would work the problem here though is and look it's a problem but these surfaces here because it's a sphere it's gonna be curved you know instead of having straight surfaces if you would have just done the cylinder okay so that's that approach using pattern on a path but I'm gonna show you a different method of approaching this which I think actually it works a bit better let's start with another new design here so I'll click the little plus sign with this next approach we're gonna start by creating a sketch on our XY plane and we'll begin by drawing a line so l4 line and we'll make this 50 millimeters hit enter and next we'll create a circular pattern from this line so we'll go to sketch now it's a circular pattern I'm gonna choose my object as my line and my center point is gonna be the origin here then I can just increase the quantity by moving this arrow or changing it up so let's say you want six you can click OK and you've got six and here's a tip if you didn't know if you change your mind and use for example let's say you wanted three instead of six patterns you can just hover over this little icon here that's the circular pattern icon double-click on it and get your window back so let's bring that down to three and I'll click OK and that go amends it for you so okay we're gonna stop there or I'll stop sketch and we'll go to create and we're gonna grab our pipe tool here so click on that and we will click on one of these lines here and I'm gonna keep my section size there as 10 so I entered that and if you don't have it and sometimes it lets me select two at a time so I'll select another one it won't let me do a third one so what I'm gonna do is click OK right click and go to repeat pipe I'm gonna have to bring back that sketch it disappeared on me so I'm gonna expand sketches here and click the little light bulb now I can select it and I'm gonna have to change it to join instead of cut make sure the section size is 10 and click OK so if you select the join you should see that you should have just one body here alright next what we're going to do is create a copy this and rotate it so let's get rid of sketches we don't need to see that anymore and I'm gonna hover over body one here on their bodies right-click go to move / copy and I click on this little widget here first make sure your move object is set to bodies and then click on that little widget and then we're gonna position it right to the center here and here's an important part don't forget to hit this check mark I always forget to do that click on that check mark and then go to create copy and we'll orbit to this front view here and I'm gonna bring or drag this up and we'll do a 20 to 20 millimeter distance and next don't answer yet because we're gonna rotate this and I'm gonna go 40 degrees here so we'll go 40 degrees we'll just type that in and I'm gonna now hit OK so why 40 degrees well because I'm gonna make another set of these and that's gonna give me a total of 3 6 9 arms and basically you want the number of arms times your angle to beat 360 so I'm gonna have total of nine arms times 40 degrees which will give me 360 degrees so you can play around with this play around with the angles the number of arms when you make your circular pattern to get the look you're looking for so we'll click OK and I'm gonna repeat that one more time so I'm gonna right click on body to go to move copy click on the set pivot go ahead and center it click on the check mark click on create copy don't forget to do that and now we're going to rotate and move this up another 20 degree so 20 millimeters will do negative 20 there and then let's go back up to a top view and we'll rotate this so I can move it notice 40 degrees this way we'll line it up to that other arm or I can move it back 40 degrees this way so we'll do a negative 40 degrees and I'll hit enter and now I've got these three different bodies here that are staggered 40 degrees apart next we'll create a rectangular pattern of this so we'll go to create down to pattern and we'll choose rectangular pattern change our pattern type from faces to bodies objects is going to be everything here so we'll draw a box around that the direction will click on it and choose our z axis because we're gonna go up quantity skip that for now distance direction is one direction we can take this arrow and start dragging it up and we can see how this will start showing us a preview of what its gonna look like the default is set to 3 so we see three sets of that basically I want this that first body here to be right above here having these same spacings so for distant type let's go to spacing and I know that the distance between these two is 20 so that's 20 40 and then another evenly spaced would be 60 so I want it to be 60 millimeters where it's gonna start so for distance type I'm just gonna highlight that in type of that in 60 millimeters from that one and then I can change the quantity if I want so we'll do like five of these and then I'll click OK and there's my pattern now if you saw my Christmas tree tutorial you'll see the resemblance that this is kind of the approach I took to make the sort of spirally leaves or I guess it was pine tree so spirally branches okay so at this point we can continue the same way we'll create a sketch here and doesn't matter which plane really will choose the Z X and I'm gonna draw a line again I'm gonna hover to reference that mid origin there click below it and then go what make sure it's a vertical line you'll see your vertical constraint and we'll click that check mark stop sketch and then we'll go to create down to pipe and we're going to do a pipe we need to bring in that sketch so I'm gonna click on that lightbulb and we'll select our line and next we can let's go to what's HAP for you and we can make our pipe here so we can just use these arrows or the this arrow here let's say we'll make that 90 millimeters and if you want to make it hollow there's a box for that we can check it and make it hollow we can answer what that section thickness we want it to be so let's say 10 millimeters and we'll change it from a cut to a new body click OK all right now we just have to cut away these these holes and you can see our spiral effect there so that that's looking good that's what we want so next is just a boolean operation so we'll go to modify and down to combine our target body should be well we can select it from here or actually can just grab it from our design here so we'll choose our big pipe as our target body and then our tool bodies is everything else so once it's highlighted we can select it on our bodies here under our browser click the first one hold shift and then click the last one and then it'll grab all of them we're going to change this from a join to a cut and then we're gonna click OK and there it is will remove sketches and so there's our spiral to be effect all right let me know what you guys think if you find the other approach or if you find a way to get the other approach to work where we do a circular pattern or pattern on a path around a coil let me know but for you know now I this is really the the best approach I can see well it gets me the desired results so and it's pretty straightforward so alright I hope you guys enjoyed that and if you have a question or a suggestion on a tutorial you'd like me to do maybe a process you're struggling whether you can't figure out let me know in the comments below I may go in and review the comments and say ok that's a good one I can do just make sure it's actually a a question about like a design process I'm not gonna go in into a tutorial for example I get requests like hey can you model me a stormtrooper helmet I am NOT gonna do that but if you have a specific question on a process that you're looking to do with fusion 360 I may go in and take a look and do a video on it alright guys take care thumbs up if you like this and don't forget to subscribe and check out my website that's tap mix calm where I actually revised the website and added some new courses on there so make sure to take a look all right take care you
Channel: Desktop Makes
Views: 21,072
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: autodesk fusion 360 tutorial, fusion 360 for beginners, fusion 360 help, autodesk fusion 360 guide, learn auto desk fusion 360, 3d printing, fusion 360 for 3d printing, 3d design, pattern on a path, pattern, coil command, coil, spiral, tube with spiral holes
Id: xKDogFyfjuA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 37sec (1117 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 05 2018
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