Transforming Tones: Masterful Color Grading for Dark-Caramel Skin in DaVinci Resolve | Jidefilms

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hello YouTube so we'll be continuing the other videos that we discussed about and um you know I promised us that we would be working on this you know wedding portrait as well so in this particular episode we would be you know working on this man's um wedding video portrait actually is Portrait for his wedding without Lots just like we have discussed if you love content like this Ure you subscribe to the YouTube channel and Ure you you know like the video share your comment as well if you think it is really nice as well to ensure you appreciate you know by dropping a comment in the comment section so thank you let's get right into it I tell people to always ensure that they get their exposure right whenever they are shooting their video you can see from my Instagram that my exposure is really right my you know colors my exposure is not clipping you can check from my you know black level down to my ey highlight and if you do not you know understand how histogram Works Ure you you know drop a comment in the comment section so I can share with us how to understand your instogram so I can explain how to understand Instagram for you in my future videos but if you already know you know what Instagram is you would be able to know that you know this exposure is really correct so I would be you know we would be working through this together so like the previous screenshot I have said you know I made a video on you know how to get screenshot how to get screen grabs from your video you know this this was from the previous video that we did you know if it is even though it was shot in a different you know um space b in a way if I'm just trying to scrub through you know this this I think this even really really looks well this was from this particular L's portrait that we collaborated together I might even choose to stay on it you could see the white let me you know drag and drop let me uncheck this this this pretty looks amazing you can see the skin you can see the skin tone and you can even though it needs one or two adjustments that's one of the jimmick things that you may want to do I like this brown that is going against the color of the brown you know on the chair that you know is sitting on as well this may not be the perfect and then I think the grain is a bit too much that I can drop down and then maybe just a little correction on the skin tone you know that's just with you know copying from the previous slot that we have you know done let me see if we can uh this was for the late night drone shot definitely this can't work for it but this tone really looks pretty amazing for it but for the sake of people that might be watching this tutorial for the very first time I need to collate this from scratch and also if you miss that particular video I made on how to you know screen grab steals from your color grading you know workflow and sure you tap on this you know link showing by this top right so that you'll be able to watch you know the video if you had missed it so now let's start today's tutorial so I'll be canceling this even though I like this so let me you know just save this as a reference for you know what I may come back to so uh no that's pretty much so I will delete all the notes and I will just leave one so that I won't be doing too too much of a manual work so this is my image now you know really really really looking flat I'll be resetting all the notes and now we would start you know our color grading so I usually love to create more nodes you know that is how to create more nodes and if you want to make a node before this second node you can just double click and you go on ADD Sera before so which is going to make it two so I'll be creating I love creating as much as you know nodes I can you know make even though I may end up not using everything so let me make them 3 by uh three and like I said in my previous tutorial if it is possible I always want to make my CST my last note and um you may not want to work that way but it is usually advisable so the first thing I usually would want to do is to you know take out our noise from this particular you know footage if we can you know if we check it you will see some you know noise when you zoom it it's pretty close you'll see noise in the in the video so I'll be reducing my Noise by coming to my you know motion effect I'll switch my motion you know type to better and then I would you know bring this up to 18 I think the 17.2 looks pretty well I would unlink my spa threshold and then I would increase this a bit to 11 so my footage is looking clean already just one B which means um just one B the sharpness has really been toggled with and that always one thing about removing noise from you know your footage so I will drag this down a bit 47 looks amazing so that's just what we have been able to do with just one node and then this second node we would be coming to uh just search for your color space transform and let us convert our image from you know flat profile to Rex 709 which is what your eyes can see so uh I would first do my input color space which is Sony Sony gamut 3 S 3 so let me zoom out so that we can see the way the transformation is coming and then I my input gamma space is s log 3 so depending on the camera you sh on if you shut on another camera and show you you know your input is just as correct as you know what you shot you can see the way my image is transforming now so this is going to be on my output color space is going to be on Rec 709 and the same thing for my output gamma as well Rec 79 so we can see the difference that we have been able to made you know with this transformation I was going through my older clip and I found out that you know whenever we short on slog 3 those times I I will just go to Premier Pro and I'll just increase my saturation which has never I would now notice that my videos are you know having extra it's just extra you know dirty I don't know if that's the right word for but I found some of those videos here let me search for one of the videos in my Google Drive if I can get it yes you know this used to be the way my video usually was let me play it that's how far I have grown you can see the noise in this footage there was nothing we just wanted to shoot s log and wow see the running movement you can see the noise this is what this was shot on Sony A7 R4 this is what we could have toggled on with you know easily but because I didn't know how to do all of this things a similar transition so all these things are understand now and you know trust me if I could lay hold on this rushes of this previous video I just showed us I would still you know grade it and it would not look like what was shot in I think that should be like 20120 if I'm not mistaken so you know just with this convertion you know it has helped my footage to translate from a log footage to now to to what Rex 709 can access let's proceed so I would be resetting this note I can rename it to this this might be my white balance and um I can make this my uh color my basic correction correction this is where we fixed our noise we did our noise here and we did our CST here color space transform you can just you know abbreviate it just to make it easier for yourself so my white balance even though I like it because the light that we use in leting in this day was on uh was a tongen light so I really do not sure I'm not so sure if I want to do anything to okay uh this looks pretty cool to me and then you want to adjust all your highlight that seems you know blown out here so I can just do that by coming to my lift you know under your primary color whe so I'll reduce my wheel exactly can you see how better those walls this particular wall is looking we've gone from here you know to to this then I would be reducing my eyl light now now exactly that's really fine the image is looking beautiful already exactly so we've gone from this wow so this you know just in three noes by removing Noise by doing our color space transformation by adjusting our color balance by our white balance by adjusting our our wi balance and then you know by doing my basic correction pretty so much um you know I'm loving this already all right so now we'll be qualifying the skin personally for me I like I said when you have exposed right you don't have to spend 20 30 hours you know I never understood this until I'll see that I'll give jobs to colorist and they've delivered you know the next day they've these guys have collected money from me already and they are delivering the next day I'm always like wow so but this is just what you can do yourself you know without you know paying anyone just for your basic you know projects so now I'll be moving to qualifying the skin now so I can zoom this closer and this is and this all the images I've been work working on they are you know just 8 bit foot ages clip so you know you can't expect to do as much as you can with footages from arogy you know from Red you know from bigger cameras like Cinema cameras that will give you better quality all we've been doing as just been on you know Canon R and then A7 three so now I'll be qualifying this man's skin now so let me tap on my qualifier then tap on a skin I think I love this part then I'll check my highlight zoom out a bit so that you'll be able to you know properly select where his skin Falls and like I said always make this in between your red and orange because that's where your skin is so for this I'm not scared to select this brown chair as well because this brown chair you know has yellow and has red as well too which is very close to this man's Skin So if this is going to benefit from the color I want to do for the skin I think I it shouldn't be a problem at all so let's see if we can you know adjust this a bit okay this pretty looks like it don't forget to you know always the noise so your image can blend pretty pretty well okay I we still need to toggle this a bit okay let's check his hand and ens sure his hand are properly selected as well let me see okay so I'll be adding Parts where I can SE and okay this is cool P already then I would switch to my log and then I'll be working with my offset like I said if you are missing out on if you're not seeing your skin tone indicator you know come to your Scopes and you know check that your vetto scope and check that in so the skin is properly lined on where it is but we just need to you know saturate the skin a bit without saturating all the body that's what this masking does for you that's what qualifying the skin does for you I have been able to select only the okay let me give you a difference between this and that so imagine I'm leaving you know my clip this way and then I'm just goinging to saturation to saturate my image everything you know just gets I'm doing that on the wrong note let's say we are doing this on basic correction and then I am coming here to do saturation you can see everything now I'm getting noise and I'm getting some unnecessary gamma in my video let me Zoom closer can you see how blown out you know this is just so unprofessional it's looking like what was shot on maybe 80d 70D standard camera so but we would not be doing that that is why you need to you know qualify your skin properly I'll take this back to 50 and I'll come back here to the work we are doing so I'll come to my offset can you see where the skin indicator is so I will just push it towards the same place more just follow the same line if you push it this way it is going to affect your skin and if you want to see it very well like I taught us in the previous video you can easily just select this and uh let's say here you can deselect your highlight so this helps you to focus on just where you are working on so come back to your offset and follow the same follow the same line that your skin falls on can you see if I should move this it will be playing with my heel and saturation but now we won't do that so if you want this person to really be saturated but you know you don't want to blown it you don't want to do too much especially with the kind of skin that the man is having so I think I'm liking this already don't forget your meone should be pushed to almost the extreme it should be touching the bar between the yellow and your red your meone your Shadow I love just touching that just a bit and then my highlight is always coming directly opposite you know where my skin tone is then I'll uncheck this can you see that it is over saturated now but now don't be bothered so I could easily just come here and you know check this back and I will drop I'll drop this down and see what my image looks like now now look at what the skin has done for you this is this is pretty too much and I'm seeing that the part is not selected also uh a part of e so come to your qualifier and you know had this all right that's fine so let's blend this properly now uh if you're checking very well you see that this is becoming too red let's check out before and after so which looks too much what we need to do now is just to blend our mid tones with our shadow so that these layers can really it is just like painting when you are painting two shades together you need to come to a space where you are able to blend the two lines together and that's what we would be doing just here and you achieve this by adjusting your high range and your low range and if you feel like this is overly saturated you can still check this back you can still drop your offset can you see how this is affecting my Vector scope now see but it is still having so much red in my Shadows so what I would do is to you know first reduce this you will see the way it is blending now the saturation is getting much more do you notice so when you crush it down you begin to bring it back to see how better it will do now can you see how that clip just took it back to that point it was without our skin qualification but now it is properly Blended well so I think I love this already and then I would now adjust my high range can you see this has taking away my shadow I will bring it back gently to see how I can blend both together this is looking good already and I would like to add saturation maybe just slightly 55 yeah so this is the way we have been able to qualify this skin without authoring anything and this is our before and this is what our Clips looks like now in after I would still like to blend this you know more let me uh let me increase this a bit yes and all right so just with five notes we have been able to move from here to thir spot just by using five nodes which can still get better if you really want to still do extra on this clip but you know for wedding this is really awesome already and if you want to continue this same style in the same frame if you want a this way this is going to be my you know powerful shot I'll come here I can easily just select this and you know I just apply the same grid if there are more scenes you know from just short except from the fact that this part is dirty which you can easily just mask out you know from this to you know this so but we are not stopping here let's see let's see what more we can do to the first image especially I'll try and see if we can I'll be deleting this I would be uh I would leave this here and had you know a new node just to be able to convert just to be able to see how best we can do you know use timeline and then uh use timeline do no worry I would had another color space transform and I'll be changing the output gamma to senon fil log so senior fil log allows me to be able to you know hard film look to be able to adapt a film Look to You know my video I explained that in one of my previous video so if you missed it and sure you go back and check I I'll leave a link in description and you can you know tap on this link popping to be able to do that dent resoles gives us some film look that comes with it I really do not see them as a look but it is just a way of adapting you know Cinema colors and you'll be able to you know make your video looks amazing you know pretty well uh we'll be looking for I think this kind of make the video to look Moody let's look for okay let's see what we can do with this that is if you really want your video to be [Music] moody okay so I'm going to make this my master you know short let's see what we can let's see what we can do with this I me create a new node okay so this new node I'll be adjusting my offset then I'll drop my highlight down a bit okay so if you feel like the film look adaptation is pretty much and I'll still need to drop the saturation on the skin so come to you know your key output and you know reduce the impact of the film look adaptation down a bit so you easily can you know just come to your skin so that your skin really Blends you know so well with what you can see with the level that you know your care output is also I just drop my saturation on the skin qualifying node to 45 so it's it would be able to have a blend you know this is the first style that we created let me look for the best shorts and you know we can if I want to adapt this on this as well I will just come to apply Grid it's automatically would effect the same change on on this so you know there is no magic there is no any special wand that was used this was you know all done right here you know that's how much you can do with color grading and if you need extra like I usually would say extra is what makes your clip to really be outstanding if you need extra I will be color space transform I would I would really like to add vet to this Clips so uh it looks so it can really looks our our subject can really be outstanding I would create a you know node around him okay all right this is pretty fine and then I'll soften I'll soften the edges as much as it can get I have created a mask around him and I'll be making an outside node as well an outside node where I'll be able to create the vnet properly exactly you can see how this looks pretty amazing you know like I said just one extra thing you are adding to your video could just be the reason why you know people are coming for more let's add one more effect to this before we wrap up this class uh I would be adding uh glow no let me just add fil green for this I'll be going for 3 mm 35 mm for this I'll be going for 35 mm 500t then I'll increase the grain size then the strength of my could be increase more beautiful will be increased more and um uh what else can I do on this maybe alion for the light that I'm seeing let me see if we can add alion view as soled regions so I have isolated places I do not want the the alation effect to you know have effect and I'll be increasing the strength of the alation the saturation and then the spread awesome awesome before and after uh in my white balance let me my basic color correction let me still see what we can get by you know dropping our eyl light down all right so so let me save this I really love this look I don't know if you if you do so I just grab a steel to screenshot you know what it this was a previous option we wanted to go for which is still another filmic look if that's what you you know prefer depending on the preference you want for your video depending on how you want your video to be graded let me see if if this looks good on this so you know this Blends so well like Blends really really really really well we have been able to make a lot of difference from this clip we have traveled all the way we have traveled all the way from this down to this point that you know the video is now I hope you enjoy the tutorial so if you love the video and sure you give it a thumbs up if you want more tutorial like this and sure you drop a comment in the section so that I'll be able to know the future videos that I need to make if you're new to this Channel and sure you subscribe to the YouTube channel so that you can get notification for future videos and tutorials that will be sharing together and if you love this tutorial please ensure you give it a thumbs up make sure you give it a thumbs up so that you know the channel can keep growing thank you so very much and also if you want a oneon-one class with me ensure you send me a DM so that we can work through you know so that you can get extra advantages you know have oneon-one class things that we cannot do on YouTube together thank you so much for watching this particular tutorial I will see you in my next video
Channel: afilmbyJIDE
Views: 4,355
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: davinci, davinci resolve, jidefilms, dar skin, color grade, colorgrade, color grade in davinci resolve, CinematicGrading, EditingSkills, ResolveColorGrading, ColoristTips, rofessionalVideography, VideoProduction
Id: ueGiJlh-wvY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 20sec (2060 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 08 2024
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