How to get Your First Design Clients

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[Music] yo what is going on guys it is your voices oh here Bri you guys yet another video here today bring you guys a video how to get your very own clients from complete scratch now actually this video a very kind of a long time ago this is actually a little story line I would say so if you guys want to know really quickly a little a little just before you kind of get in there and then it just actually in a second ID so pretty much I made a second ID called yuxi designs no one in the entire community that I was that was creating a commitment like I was no one even knew I was going to make a new account no no I was gonna be even doing this video so no one even knew that the tie between sessile HQ and juxta was there i want to make this very apparent because of people who were very kind enough to even do the things that they did for me is that's just that's just them that's just on them and I really appreciate those people are very very very very much so in the video I just sort of I sort of show you guys excuse me okay that it's very very easy to sort of I guess get your first clients it's not too hard whatsoever I actually got my first clients and under I think it was twelve hours I put twelve hours of actual work three days in total the entire project and I got three clients in the entire thing and even to this day a month later I'm still gonna be within the DM saying hey do you still do logos for you know I'm looking for one for my company here's my budget I'm I'm still even getting those clients I swear to you I promise you that I am I'll even show you guys my teams I'm still getting those people who are still asking me and it's really really awesome first of all it's humbling because I feel like I'm still I'm still a pretty good designer if I can get some clients right so that being said I guess before even starting off I guess watching this video just know that if it's if you're asking yourself also when is it time to charge make sure you guys put your best foot forward even like you don't start starting right away put your best foot forward first practice practice practice and make sure you guys understand that there's actually standard out there that you should be meeting before you even do something and I and that sounds kind of harsh but make sure you guys put yourself in a good standard that way you don't have to have this weird price jump to when you know that you should be working for a lot more money right so those people being you know you know you know who are asked like hey when do I start charging that is what I believe you start charging and I also do believe that I guess it wasn't really unfair because no one knew that I was just so when I actually sort of doing work I was ready at this level that I feel like I practiced very very much and it really helps and it very just very much work because as you can gonna be seeing it's it's honestly as easy as just being consistent making sure you have a really nice presentation you're approachable and you just know how to talk to people right so with that being said hopefully guys enjoy the video here today and yeah I guess do not follow Chuck Steve because I'm gonna be closing that thing immediately as soon as this video goes up and if I forget make sure you guys remind me and also I don't even think this is like video so I'm like Sigrid allo so basically if you guys like the video overall at the end make sure you guys leave a like on it if it helped you out even a little bit right alright so hope you guys enjoy peace alright guys first things first that's creating your own a social media now that is pretty much a given I would say nowaday but for some people it's kind of hard to sort of step into its I know it's kind of scary not knowing what's gonna happen but I had done this for more than one reason it's course of course I wanted to make my new second ID so that I can prove all of you guys that are watching this video currently that like it's possible and I did do it and I'm not lying I'm not I'd no one knew that I actually made the second idea at all and it was sort of a fresh start to see what happens when I apply this stuff I'm gonna be telling you guys today's video and I it works it not spoiler it does work right I get my first client now that being said it's it's sort of like it's sort of scary like I said before but it's very very doable it's very easy to just sort of manage a little bit but at the same time you do need to manage it and you do need to make sure that you're staying on top of it with that being said once you make your own social media you need to of course brand yourself with a really simple logo it can be complicated but you can of course I will just go ahead and link some tutorials on how to make your own logo design and you know some tutorials and whatnot and the screws now below so you want to find anything of these I guess the things I talked about in the description down below it should be there so when I'm talking about logo designs I branded myself with a shard it was like a sort of a shard shape because I don't know I thought a shard it was pretty cool it even in it doesn't need to be a letter it does not need to be some sort of text logo it doesn't even need to be something that you spent hours and hours upon it was just something that I wolf I guess I would say that's kind of I would say it's kind of cheap to say because I've been doing it for so long so I can make myself something very I guess average in a very short amount of time however that being said it's not the whole point is you don't have to spend five hundred dollars or you know how to spend X amount of money on something that you just you're not sure about just yet right you suddenly experiments with it so with that being said just give yourself an idea for what you can want to do like I said watching tutorial find something they're just gonna brand yourself very simply you can even use a shape like I did myself with that also being said as well I would say the number one thing you have to have on your Twitter if you're gonna be using Twitter as your social media is have some sort of price list I see a lot of designers do this I don't do this currently because I have sort of a different outlook how I look like I but I can appreciate the whole thing of priceless right let me explain why I did this and why I would price it or do it this way right so I know from experience it's very hard to say hey this logo design I'm gonna do it for $30 and it's hard to say I'm gonna do $30 where every single time that's at the start I did about 25 dollars for a logo design that I move my way up to like 35 then I move my way up to like 55 and now I'm pricing myself at 100 in $100 plus basically right and I'm getting clients consistently and that's something because I've already made a name for myself but however what that being said of people who are starting out it's very hard to be like hey I'm gonna do this logo for $30 and then someone says hey I saw you do logo for $30 can you do this for amount of $30 you like sure yeah it's a client you're all happy but you're not understanding how much work you're actually doing you're not valuing yourself and that's something that you really need to understand and taken grasp of so if you gonna do price lists make sure you give yourself a range for me I chose $30 to $60 for a little design because I'm just starting out and also trying to build my portfolio and I was gonna I'm gonna get more into that in the second version or second uh I guess phase of this little video but priceless are very complicated make sure you give yourself the buffer right give yourself the minimum and give yourself the maxim that you're able to work with right so with that being said let's go on and head on to basically building your portfolio and building your brand basically alright guys and let me tell you what I mean by building your own portfolio now I actually mean building it building it as in like I guess choosing a science sort of how to actually construct it I have videos on that outpost in description down below for you guys as well that we can see which sort of site is best for you what fits best and how to actually build it what I actually mean though is building your portfolio as in a strategy to basically I guess increasing your your your interactions increasing the amount of you who know your name like that what I mean by this is on Twitter you should follow a lot of you that you sort of love and cherish and just sort of understand or love the work just people that you get inspired by basically right so I did that myself on jutsu designs i falled me be like 41 people absolutely none of them follow me back but that was okay because I just get a really awesome feat of just I guess inspiration consistency and just like someone who's actually made it and just seeing that person do that should just be enough for you to sort of it's not always enough but it's sometimes just enough to further just you to continue right but what I mean by this is you take of those people I guess those individuals and you might just practice practice right practice will definitely make perfect guys and the craziest thing about practicing is and using Twitter for your practice is that you can make something for someone that you love so very much and then they can sort of give you their tips upon what they think about it so for me I made a logo for two individuals I guess I'm gonna be showcasing the V I've made a lot more trust me but that was basically this is this is basically what I'm talking about though so I I made one for expect but I also made one for mix so in the beginning the one I made for mix so I guess he responded back to me and say hey this is pretty cool he didn't really follow me anything like that but he sort of just gave me that how do you say just give me that feeling like hey that guy I could do some really good work and with that being said as well I went ahead and added someone else and said hey who should I do next I do expect next and I use him for an example and he like I said none of these people know that I was who I was but I was like hey should I do you next for his example and he said like these really little googly eyes you guys know I'm talking about like the looking eyes like yeah I'm I'm ready to see this so I'm like all right coming right up so what I ended up doing was then making another logo design for that person who just because I felt like making and I like who he is I he inspires me and stuff like that then this should be people that you you should have names in your head that you probably ready know of if I'm one of them I have thank you very much for even appreciating I appreciate you very much for even appreciating me the way you guys do so very much I see it on Twitter all the time but what I mean by this is you just take that person and just make something really just fun for them and then you might just get as lucky as I did and when I tweeted out to expect he immediately DN me and said hey like did you actually do this or did you use a phone and he was just like it looks so professional so clean and he actually called me out almost like yours is your second ID I didn't actually tell him right there I was like no I'm just trying to make something I'm trying to make a name for us first retweet and then he was so very kind enough and it's his own person his his own person right because that's what these inspirator they're just looking to help sometimes honestly right so what he did was he was like he retweeted the actual original posts which got me I guess to this day I think it's like maybe like like 36 likes and like maybe like 14 or something like our scuse me 36 like retweets and then like 40 or plus or something like like something like that which is a pretty good ratio for someone who's just starting that's a very very good boost it's a very great confidence boost and I just helped me sort of continue my way into like basically making something that I know I hope I'd ask people would like and with that being said is that's how I sort of plying my way to getting my first clients that alone was me building my portfolio help me get more clients to then I could actually build my portfolio with also client work but that's a very it's a very it's very risky in a way because you might get people who are like hey see so I are you know not in this case but hey Chuck steed did you okay can I get a logo as well I saw you do what's-his-name's for free and straight up defend yourself be like no I did that logo because I was trying to build my portfolio don't lied I'm not lying to myself I'm not lying to that person I'm saying hey I do this we go and try to build my portfolio so if you're looking for a logo that you like because you like my work that I did for this X amount of persons or whatever I did for other people be like hey my prices are this you can you know if you have if it's your budget I will gladly want to do this logo for you or something or design for you whatever right it works guys I'm not kidding it does does work I promise you that very very very much however not everyone's gonna get that lucky but in order to progress you need to make sure you take advantage of the time that you have and the opportunity that comes with consistency which actually happens to be our next topic all right guys now what I mean by the word consistency it is actually not like me saying hey your designs always have to be tip-top yada yada yada it's not what I mean by that right even though that it should be a given but just know for the future reference guys you're gonna make things that you hate before you even finish them okay that's like a given just just know that so if you hate yourself right now for like not having this really good design that you thought in your head honestly as long as a client loves it as long as you deal with that client asked for I'm guaranteeing you surely you're gonna you're definitely gonna progress right but what I mean by the word consistency I actually gonna put two other words in there so I'm gonna say these two words here are what I feel you're gonna be putting forth into the wor consistency so might see words are gonna be using his professionalism and presentation now I'm gonna start with professionalism first what I mean by this is if you are one of those people out there who are retweeting really hot super hot half-naked chicks you know I mean I understand that I understand I understand that we're sometimes or half and maybe having a guys I know how many girls watch my stuff but we're gonna go with half-naked individuals right that are just super attractive right so you guys know those people out there you guys know those you know weird memes that might offend people right so honestly if you look at yourself and you are what those two actual people turn it down a little bit I know there's personality out there I know those people who want to see I guess in a different light right they want to be like funny they want to be you know approachable and stuff like that but there's a way to be approachable without also I guess ruining the atmosphere of your actual like social media so for me if you were seeing my name on Twitter you're gonna probably think three different things we're gonna think hey a new video either came out new pre-made paper coming coming out or maybe he's gonna do one of those really cheesy quotes you know you don't think of me any other way I don't think I hope so you know I mean so but if you one of those people who are retweeting out these really you know super hot super hot chicks um I can see it right I can see but if I see your name I had a mealy thing like hey where's I where's that really hot girl yeah I mean I'm gonna probably forget you're even a designer so you want to keep it consistent in that manner now that might have been a really weird and sort of like out of the blue or example but I does make sense right because I know there's people out there the Cooney's very fun there's a lot of young people in the communities a lot of older individuals in the community but there's there's a way to show off your personality without being just like odd about it if there's an odd atmosphere that just sort of kind of ruins the vibe of how your I guess your your brand is right so you want to build a brand but you don't want to be you want to be like that guy you don't want to be that guy so if you one of those people just make sure you're not one of those people and if you're not one of the people make sure you never be one of those people so besides that it's self professionalism there's also a way to construct your tweets what I mean by this is if you want those individuals who are tweeting out maybe like things that I've been previously saying before how you're using like I guess an inspiration these are my air quotes that you can't see or inspirations or maybe just people that are really popular you want to really help them out or just sort of use their name as your way of leverage I guess you can say but also building something really awesome for them so you're one of those people make sure you construct your tweet in a really cool way as well because first impressions really really do matter like matter right but that's also moving into the presentation part but I mean by this is sort of like maybe constructor treat with like halo a design made for blank no insert name there you know and then also then add in like you know whatever your like little things that you did made it like maybe how you thought about it or maybe like why you did it for them some sort of like I guess cheesy line it's gonna be like oh it so cute like retweeted and favorite you know what I mean but you don't actually have to do that I'm just saying like there's also ways to construct your tweets don't make it very lazy don't be like hey new logo design like if like and appreciate it thanks like this that doesn't say like hey I care for what your opinion is for what I my projects are right so that's gonna help me move into the word presentation right so what I mean by this word here is everyone knows presentation is how you're gonna be your first looked at right heads your first impressions how is this gonna go so if you're one of those individuals out there who were liking me in the past I do apologize for even leading people on but I use the word logo concept so when I use that word in the past what I meant by lower concepts is it's a logo and those this word concept here like slid into my mind it was like hey this is a nice easy way to like make sure I don't have any color in my logo and I can just say you know hey there's your logo but color is a very big part of logo design now I'm using a low design a lot for my example but that is what I use to sort of bring out my name in juk see and sort of get my first clients right so with that being said if you are those individuals who are using black concepts or white concepts on a black background are white background and there's no color in your logo it hurts two different things it hurts the clients brand because then they have to figure out this color and if they don't have a consistent color then they can't really be note like notified or Susan being noticed right away with the color that you are using right so when you think phase you think red right red blue or red blue and yellow or some like that right what do you think so I'm sort of maybe if you think me maybe you think orange I'm hoping you think orange because I'm trying to using that color a little bit but regardless you see what I mean like you can see a color if you think google boom you think yellow orange and blue or that whatever the hectic color it is but I know I see yellow in there so that's what I'm saying right so make sure you guys understand that logo design and color makes sense they go together so what I mean by this is when you're actually present a ting may be a logo design itself choose even if it's night if it's even if it's a gradient a gradient actually matters as well so if or even just a solid color it does not matter just make sure you have some sort of color in there because it'll help one thing and another thing it'll help the brand itself that you're doing it for and it'll help yourself when you actually do a presentation for it so what I mean by this is let's just say that I'm gonna be using I guess the formula lower that I did for example right so I have a formula logo I had a really cool orange --red gradient in there it looks really cool so I made sure I had a white background for half of the actual document and then the actual gradient on the other half so either one can be flipped on to each other right so I had the I guess gradient logo on that white background and I had a white logo on the gradient background so that also gave me hey look how it looks like with two different leverages of color right also it also helps me out if you also do more than just one or two colors and might even if you like I'll say like max 4 or 5 so it's not crazy to look at but it really really does matter so when I made my presentation help yourself right so it's more than just first impressions how would you show people the way you think right it's also it's a kind of attractive thing to do is it's also another personality thing right so if you say for example Mikey be lower than I did I had a logo for light say I think I cut out a Kiwi I said I said I said that I did that right so what I mean by this is I put K + Kiwi + like starburst and like that right so I showed them a little construction not even just a very simple way of doing it I said hey I did this K logo + this Kiwi image that I use what the starburst was I combined it together and that's how I created this logo that's how I thought about this and that's something that people will really respect we really appreciate and understand that hey this logo is actually more than just a logo I see how he did it he wanted to really enhance the brand etc etc right so present ad work is not only making it look pretty how would you also show people what you think and how you created it it's it's a very attractive thing right it's it's very easy to love you after that right when you just like show the the amount of work that you actually put into it so with that little simple trick I guarantee you you'll get a lot more people like really appreciate your work and also having that same I guess outcome when they go ahead and order from you themselves right I think that's pretty good way to put it let's go let's go ahead and go on to like I guess the if all else fails now if you guys were wondering what my all else failed actually happen to be it was actually how I got my first client but I did get two other clients so trust me the whole method that I was talking about before it does work but also this method does work as well so what was my all else failed now this is pretty simple so there are clients out there who have no clue what they're looking for how to look them so you have to sometimes be the person if you're running alone clients you just want to help I guess build a portfolio some of these clients that are out there that just don't know where to look are some of your best examples and best I guess foot forward to actually get a client also build your portfolio as well so what I mean by this is using the Twitter search front search function and is tweeting out or sees me our guests putting in the search function looking for a local designer or media logo done so that's very tag heavy that you'll get the people that you're like she's looking for and that's how I got a lot of my sort of responses back in forth and DMS I went ahead and said hey I love it as logo for you here's my budget here I love this logo for you this is what you can be expecting I just maybe link one of my works and stuff like that so they can see you know right away what they're actually gonna be receiving right or what they're gonna be hopefully getting that standard that you're at right but what this DM it actually started off with him asking me for my best logos in the esports right and I immediately told him after that I do not have a portfolio but I do have it on my media now this is one of those examples I was saying it's like telling you guys to keep it professional maybe she have all these you know professional-looking tweets and stuff like that so that when this actual thing happens if you were to go to my media and what he saw was this really high I guess work ethic really awesome presentations really awesome concepts how I actually created them he saw all this in his mind he immediately had this really cool like I guess I would assume that he had this really good mind said that this person is trying their for your hardest and they're gonna really push the brand to like how I want it right but if he saw in between half-naked girls and on like weird 911 jokes that are just like not funny for everyone it's it might have put him off cuz you know you know what if something happens there and he just automatically says like it doesn't seem professional anymore right it is not seen like this person's really gonna try their hardest it's not seen like this person is gonna give them the best I guess brand I guess from other people that I can choose from right so with that being said that example right there might be another way of like looking at it for making sure that you understand what you're putting on your social media does actually matter it does influence the people that you're gonna be getting and who are you not gonna be getting right so the following that he asked me hey can you like tell me what the colors are thinking of so I told him the colors and for a lot of other actual dm's and I went ahead to I gave them visuals as well some guy came out with me like a weird light I guess fixture company thing he was like hey I'm looking for something a little light a light example or light light company logo and I was like hey I can I have this example here I kind of worded it outright but as well as boarding it out I also gave them a visual almost like a little small little brief and it was it was even even the smallest thing and paint or even in using a brush that I quickly draw it out and then just like showing them some sort of visual will give them that next steps of saying like hey I can see how the local house is gonna look and I can also see like what work ethic is gonna be put forth because you were - gave me something without even paying any like a penny so once he said that he immediately said let's do it that's what he said like it was that it was that simple I showed him what my work was I showed him the ideas I told him what my ideas were and he loved it so once he did that I said okay send me your paypal email for a invoice and I'm gonna make sure emphasize the word invoice because you actually be using invoices if you're using PayPal as your method because sending money back and forth it's not the way to do it there's no sort of like there's like that fine line because if honestly if they charge back those nasty nasty little charge backs if you guys are know my little secrets to them using invoices it's your invoice it's honestly because people who do charge back there are people out there who just gonna try to just I don't know why these evil people do these things but they're gonna try to ruin you and just trying to like get things out for free right because people love things that are for free but with that being said it was very very simple because sort of charge backs are 50/50 until someone can shows that extra proof that invoice is the extra proof it's so weird like I almost got a little mini contract within PayPal so that way they can help you a lot more when I guess a chargeback happens that's like very unfair and not actually the truth of what the chargeback was actually meant for right so an invoice should be constructed I hey I'm gonna deliver by this date hopefully if any exit and time is needed back and forth examples we're trading into trading from to one another then I can extend that time right also with having that make sure you also give them hey if I do not get it by this time I'm not I I lost contact with you hey go ahead and excuse me charge aback because that's gonna help that that client itself be further protected as well right so just understand that it's gonna protect you and the client and it just makes everything just feel very very good when you go ahead and say yeah uh you have to pay up for like upfront I always do that myself because I feel like it helps me just why not right why not I'm gonna get the money anyway so just why not I'll pay it forward and also you know if you want to do half and half sure just I think you should always demand the money right there and then because it's a service that you're paying for so they should always pay ahead of time right so once it's at the invoice once I constructed it we went ahead and he just paid it off very simply right so honestly that's pretty much it thing there's no real secret to it it is just consistency and you also want to make sure you protect yourself as well and with that being said I guess that's pretty much it I don't know I want to say too much else because it is really I want to ramble on too very much because I know it's a video summary I'm like I'd like to live she wasn't like that and like answering a question but this is how I believe that you can get your first clients from scratch I did at my very very self I maybe spent maybe three days in total I party of course it's been like maybe a month after I've done this actual sort of whole experiment but I did it and I'm still getting DMS to this day without even posting or tweeting for like the past two weeks that people wanting actually at logo designs and I of course I declined them because I no longer need the client right now right outside I've settled me hey I'm actually sis HQ doing a video later on you'll see in the future yada yada yada you can go over here thank you you're not gonna get my logos for no cheap yet I mean so I'm getting that because that's what social media does for you it really really does help and making sure you keep it consistent and professional I'm gonna keep saying these words because they really do matter and you will definitely honestly get your first client so thank you very much for watching and I'll talk to you guys later Cisco HQ out
Channel: Seso
Views: 54,793
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: seso, sesohq, first client, how to get your first design client, getting your first payed client, how to get your first client with proof it works, working method to brand yourself and make money, how to brand yourself as a designer, how did sesohq become a popular designer, how do I get clients coming back, how to run a design business
Id: 8pljS9gLzLA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 33sec (1413 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 29 2017
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