New Method For Windows 11 Unsupported PCs (Easiest Yet)

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well it's that time again Windows 11 23 H2 has just been released so I need to do a video on how to install it on unsupported Hardware so that's what we're going to do today stay tuned so in my ongoing protest against Windows 11 system requirements we're doing yet another installment of installing Windows 11 on unsupported Hardware each time I do one of these videos I like to find a new way to achieve the same goal which is installing Windows 11 on unsupported hardware for one because it's kind of boring watching the same method in a new video and for two it gives tons of different options for when Microsoft starts to block these workarounds but before we get into that we've got to pay some bills so check out today's sponsor is your copy of Windows 10 unactivated well it doesn't have to be because with today's sponsor VIP SCD key you can can get a valid Windows 10 license for under $20 stop dealing with that stupid watermark on the desktop the valid license for Windows 10 also with an activated copy of Windows 10 you can upgrade to Windows 11 for free just go to the link in the description below and pick up a valid Windows 10 license key during checkout use the code cyber CPU for a 25% discount once you have your key go to your activation settings in Windows 10 and click on the link that says change product key enter the product key you just purchased and hit ACC activate now you don't have to deal with that stupid Watermark that come with running an unactivated copy of Windows 10 now on with the video luckily though from my testing I have found that the previous way of upgrading to 22 H2 works just fine with 23 H2 also however it would be pointless doing a video showing exactly the same process so I found an even easier way to essentially do the same thing however though while I Was preparing this potato here for that video I had problems installing an update I wanted the 22 H2 on this system to be fully updated in order to do this video and I had one update that just would not install eventually though I solved the problem and got the update to install but while I was doing that I found an even easier way to upgrade to 23 H2 then the easy way that I was planning on covering in this video so this video is going to cover two extremely easy ways to upgrade an unsupported system to 23 H2 however the really really easy way only works if you're already running Windows 11 22 H2 so if you're planning on doing this from a Windows 10 system that's unsupported you're going to have to follow the easy way I'm covering first not the really easy way that I'll be covering at the end of the video the potato here that we're using for this video is an AMD FX with 8 gigs of RAM and a system that fails every single contr Rial system requirement for Windows 11 it's not UEFI so it doesn't support secure boot this system does not have a TPM chip and the AMD FX processor is not on the list of approved processors this system right here is the perfect platform to use to install Windows 11 on unsupported Hardware because you can't get any more unsupported than this potato right here so let's stop talking and upgrade this potato to Windows 1123 H2 but first I guess I should probably hook it up I'll do that and I'll see you in Windows okay so here we are in Windows 11 and just to show you I'm going to right click here and go to task manager and we're going to click right here to see that right here we're running an AMD FX 4300 quad core processor so as you can see I'm running an extremely old quad core processor that is not supported by Windows 11 however it's ironic because clearly I'm running Windows 11 however we're going to go ahead head and click the start button we're going to go to all apps and we're going to scroll down and I want to run the PC health check right here just to kind of show you that we literally fail every single Windows 11 system requirement so if we click check now as you can see this PC must support secure boot the PC doesn't support TPM 2.0 and the processor isn't currently supported for Windows 11 so we fail every single controversial system requirement for Windows 11 but we're going to go ahead and install 23 H2 anyway and to do that the first thing that you're going to need is the 23 H2 ISO so to do that just go to Microsoft's website where you download Windows 11 now when you're downloading this you can't just download the windows 11 installation assistant because it's only going to give you the 22 H2 ISO what you have to do is scroll down right here to where it says download Windows 11 dis image and the dis image will be the new 23 H2 and to do that you just go ahead and select what you want to download go ahead and hit the download button here and then you need to select the product language and then for that I'm going to pick English myself and then hit confirm and then at that point right here you can click on this button where it says download 64-bit and it will download the iso but as you can see if I go ahead and open up my downloads folder right here this computer is a little sluggish but it's because it's an AMD FX anyway as you can see right here I already have the windows 11 image downloaded so this is the one we're going to work off of rather than downloading a 6 and 1/2 gig image you know just slowing up the video so I'm going to go ahead and cancel this one right here and we're just going to use the dis image that we already have all right and then from there all we have to do now is Mount this ISO and to do that you just double click on it it might take a little bit to mount because you know you are running a unsupported PC and this one unfortunately is a little bit sluggish in fact it's taking a really long time to mount this ISO but it didn't again it is a 6 gab ISO so you know it is what it is I'm going to go ahead and Skip ahead until this thing is actually mounted okay you're going to get the security warning right here once you get it just go ahead and hit open and it should Mount your ISO for you and there we go now we're mounted and as you can see if you come up here you'll see that we're actually sitting in the D drive right now so if we go to this PC you'll see that our drive is actually mounted in D drive because you know this computer has no CD ROM so the virtual cdom is D you're going to need to make note to that for the next step and that is going to be to click on the start menu and type in CMD and from there you want to right click and hit run as administrator go ahead and hit yes to the user account control and you should get your command prompt open right here now from here we want to go to our D drive and we'll go ahead and run a directory here and as you can see here is the setup right here for Windows 1123 H2 now what we're going to have to type we're going to have to type one Command right here and it should install and ignore all the system requirements it's what makes this one a fairly easy way to install it and to do that all you got to do is go CD sources and then from the sources directory you want to type in setup prep. exe and then you want to do forward slash product space server and go ahead and hit enter and it's going to take a second but it should start the windows 11 set up and as you can see there it goes so at this point we can go ahead and close some of these windows here but go ahead and leave your command prompt open got that all right there you go now what you're going to notice right off the bat is it says install Windows Server well it's because that's what you asked it to do you asked it to set up the product server and that's what it's doing and we're going to go ahead and go through these windows right here through the rest of the process it should be essentially like it is installing Windows on any other device so this is the point where you normally will run into trouble by running a unsupported PC because it's checking things but clearly it finished so now it gave us the license agreement we can go ahead and hit accept from here we want to keep files and settings go ahead and hit next and then it's going to go through and check for updates and this might take a minute to check for updates but depending on the speed of your internet connection it might not be too bad but I'm going to go ahead and Skip ahead until all the updates are checked for okay now it's to the next step right here making sure you're ready to install this might take another second too keep in mind that you're doing this on an unsupported system so obviously you don't have the kind of processing power that you probably should have to run Windows 11 so a lot of these steps might take a little bit longer than you think they should but unfortunately it's one of the downsides to running unsupported Hardware but we'll go ahead and wait it out until we get to the next window all right so right here it says ready to install so we can go ahead and push the install button and it should install not Windows Server it's actually going to be regular windows but the installer says Windows Server now as you can see that's an incredibly easy way to install Windows 11 on unsupported Hardware now this is essentially the same process that I did before to upgrade to 22 H2 however in that way it required a script to do it this way it's simply running a command from the command prompt to initiate the server install like you would do to get around the hardware requirements the old way but this way doesn't require downloading a script so it's going to take a little bit for this to update so once it finishes updating I'll meet you back in Windows okay as you can see we're back in Windows 11 and if we go ahead and hit start we're going to go into settings and then from settings we want to click on system and then scroll down to about and as you can see we are now running 23 H2 now as you can see that was a pretty simple way to install 23 H2 on unsupported Hardware unfortunately fortunately though now that we have Windows 11 23 H2 installed we got to go back to 22 H2 so I can show you the other method and if you ever want to do that it's relatively easy all you got to do is go to system go down to recovery right here and then right here where it says go back just go ahead and click the go back button and then from there it's going to ask you or it's going to get things ready and things of that nature and it's going to ask you why you want to go back just check for another reason and hit next and then hit no thanks and then at this point you go ahead and hit next next again and then go back to the earlier build now for this next method you're not going to believe how easy this is in fact it's so easy that I'm afraid Microsoft might break this work around so that's why I wanted to cover both methods in this video once you see what I'm talking about you'll understand why however this second way has some prerequisites that your system has to meet first off it needs to be running a fully updated copy of Windows 11 22 H2 most specifically you need to have the KB 503 1455 update installed now this is the update I was having problems with on my test system here when I Was preparing for this video I simply could not get the update to install eventually what I had to do was run check disk and then dism and then after that the system file Checker then I was finally able to get the 1455 update installed now I'm pretty sure that my issue had nothing to do with the fact that my system was unsupported I'm pretty sure the problem had to do with the fact that this system is kind of abused and somewhere along the lines I corrupted something while using the system to film videos however if you have issues like I did then I've done videos in the past on how to run the system file Checker and I'll refer you to those videos if you have any issues I also found out that in my research that if you're running malware bytes it will block the 1455 update so if you're having issues with that's another option you can check out but just make sure that you have that update installed and let's go ahead and jump back on the computer and I'll show you how to get 23 H2 the really really easy way you know you're going to be blown away at how easy this is but first I guess we're going to have to wait for Windows to restore to 22 H2 so once it finished is I'll meet you back in Windows 11 so we're back in Windows 11 and we're going to go ahead and click Start go to settings click on system and then scroll down to about and you can see we're back on Windows 1122 H2 now like I said this is a really easy method and just to prove that I am still on the same system just in case someone questions me on that one I'm going to go ahead here and you can see I'm still using an AMD FX 4300 quad core so like I said the most important thing about this method is you have to be on the KB 5031 1455 update that's critically important for this to work and the reason why this works is I'm going to show you right here we're going to go ahead and open up Chrome and we're going to click on the update that we're going to install we're going to up we're going to install KB 502 7397 and what this is is it's an enablement package you see the way that Windows works it least current versions of Windows is that while you're still on 22 H2 they kind of slip in these updates with your previous updates so that when 23 H2 comes out you've actually already installed all of the different feature updates that need to be installed for it to be 23 H2 however they're simply Switched Off and in order to switch them on we're going to install KB 502 7397 which is the enablement package right here and to do that unfortunately all I have is a direct link to the enablement package itself I couldn't find another link from an official Microsoft site however this is a direct leak from Microsoft's update servers their it's their update catalog right here so all you got to do is I'm going to go ahead and leave a link to this update in the description below you click on that and it'll simply download this one and it's only 179 kilobytes it's an extremely tiny update so it shouldn't take any time at all for you to download it and once it's downloaded all you're going to have to do is go into your downloads folder so we're going to go ahead and close this and open our downloads folder and as you can see we have KB 502 7397 and we're simply going to install it nothing special no other things that we have to do just simply install this update so we're going to go ahead and hit yes it's going to in install it and like I said this is only a couple kilobytes so it's not going to take very long to install so once it installs we're going to go ahead and push the restart button and restart Windows okay our restarts done we're back in Windows so let's go ahead and check to see if we're on 23 H2 we're going to click Start settings then we're going to click on system we're going to scroll down to about and as you can see we're on 23 H2 so there you go you're now running Windows 11 23 H2 on unsupported Hardware I have to admit though that this old potato is getting pretty slow on Windows 11 so it might be worth looking into upgrading your Hardware soon if your system is as old as mine also I heard some rumors that Microsoft may be planning on blocking a lot of these methods on running Windows 11 on unsupported Hardware there's currently a beta build of Windows 11 that will not install using any of these methods now of course that's a beta build and it doesn't necessarily mean that Microsoft's going to implement this in later builds of Windows 11 but it does mean that Microsoft has been working on blocking these workarounds maybe they'll Implement these blocks and maybe they won't but if they do I guarantee you that I will do everything that I can to find a way around installing Windows on unsupported Hardware but in the meantime check out my latest video on testing Windows 11 gaming performance it's getting pretty good and starting to become a pretty good rival against Windows 10 as always you guys have a great day
Channel: CyberCPU Tech
Views: 379,539
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: windows 11 on unsupported pc, install windows 11, upgrade windows 10 to 11, windows 11 23h2 on unsupported hardware, how to install windows 11, how to install windows 11 on unsupported pc, windows 11
Id: ug__CVQQQsc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 47sec (1007 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 27 2023
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