The NEW AtlasOS For Windows 11 - Best Custom Windows Experience?

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guys it is finally here Atlas OS Windows 11 support is a custom version of Windows 10 it started Life as a simple ISO that you just put on a USB stick and installed on your computer it was really good they stripped out a lot of components out of Windows and made it incredibly good for gaming and very optimized and a very nice user experience however that got a little bit dated so they went over to Playbooks which is definitely the future of installing custom operating systems however even with the atlas OS play book and am Wizards and all the good stuff that bought it was still running on Windows 1022 H2 now everyone was asking including me for a Windows 11 version and they took their time but today it is finally come out so we're going to be taking a first look at it in this video all right guys so here we are on the new Atlas OS website it's been completely redesigned so let's take a quick look at it so we've got Atlas OS a modification of Windows designed for gamers it's time to experience a new Windows Experience designed for gamers with improved frame rates and lowered latency so yeah it's interesting now that they call it a modification of Windows rather than its own unique operating system because we now install this through am Wizard and Atlas OS is now A playbook which I'd say is definitely the way forward for custom operating systems anyway we've also got some recommendations from various Tech blogs we've got Windows upgrade to Atlas Windows is slow clunky and unreliable Atlas brings life back into your Windows system so You' got improved performance latency and privacy now they claim that we've got a 2 to 10% CPU usage decrease we've got a 2.3 GB to 1.2 GB deduction in RAM usage and improved FPS so it's definitely going to be interesting to see how this holds up we got five star reviews across the board it's an open source project and we've even got a bit here from lonus Tech tips himself they've also got a forum as well for people who' have got problems installing and they've also got documentation which is definitely recommended to read through before you attempt to install Atlas OS so we're going to be installing the new Atlas OS version for Windows 11 on my lowend PC so first of all you need to go ahead and make a Windows 11 USB I'm sure you guys know how to do this but if you don't then in their documentation it tells you how to do it so to download the iso just go to this website I'll leave a link to it in the description down below just go to the download Windows 11 dis image ISO select your addition select your language and it should download really quickly straight from Microsoft servers once you've done that use a program like Rufus to burn the iso to your USB you just plug in your USB select it here select the iso and make sure if you've got an older system that maybe doesn't have TPM or secure boot to just bypass those things Rufus has a really good tool to do that so you can pretty much install Windows 11 on whatever computer you want so yeah I'm sure you guys know how to make a Windows 11 USB so I'm going to go ahead I don't have a product key here now it's very important that you choose Windows 11 Pro Edition it's not recommended to use Windows 11 home so make sure you select Windows 11 Pro like I'm doing here and then otherwise it's just a simple Windows 11 setup and boom there we go Windows 11's installing now I can't remember if I checked the option to skip the setup in my USB so I'm going to go ahead and go under my desk and disconnect my ethernet cable because we do not want any drivers or anything installing on this system okay yeah I did select that on Roofus it's pretty much just set my time zone my user account name no password and skipped all the Telemetry questions all right one thing I forgot to mention is because we do not have internet we're not going to be able to install am Wizards or the atlas OS Playbook so I'm just over here on my main computer and I've downloaded the two files from the website which I'll leave in the description down below so it's recommended that you just drag these two files onto your windows USB and then when we plug this in on the other computer we can just open these up and we're good to go let's get back and install Atlas OS all right guys so now we're at a little bit of a Crossroads so we've got our Windows 11 installed we've got am Wizard and the atlas OS Playbook on here thanks to putting that on my USB but now we need to decide which road we're going to go down so we can either reconnect my ethernet cable run Windows update and get all my necessary drivers or we can install my network driver my graphics driver and all of my drivers that I might need manually so I think we're going to go ahead and we're going to install things manually so what you'll need to do for that is you need to go and unzip the atlas OS Playbook and make sure you click on this disable automatic driver installation so what that will mean is we can actually plug in our ethernet cable click on this Windows update won't run and we can just go on annoyingly Edge and find some drivers to install for this system then after that we can run the atlas West Playbook and see what they've changed so yeah let's go ahead and disable this just click on run and it just adds that to the registry for us so yeah I'm going to go plug in my ethernet cable get some drivers installed and let's run Atlas OS play so before we do anything we need to make sure that we have got our antivirus disable cuz this is going to do a lot of tampering that windows will not like so just go onto your Windows Defender like this go into virus and threat protection go to manage settings and make sure you turn off realtime protection Cloud delivery protection automatic sample submission and tamper protection all right now let's go ahead and extract the am wizard from its zip file here and we'll also go ahead and extract the atlas OS Playbook which will transform this install of Windows 11 into Atlas OS so before we do anything let's just have a look at our task manager here and see how many processes we're running so this is a standard version of Windows 11 we've got all this bloatware in the start menu we've got obviously loads of pre-installed apps and stuff as well and we've got 136 background processes so it would be very interesting to see how much Atlas OS Windows 11 Edition can get this downlo to I'm honestly so excited right let's not waste any more time and let's get into this now you don't have to do a fresh install of Windows 11 to run Atlas OS I'm only doing that in this video just to show new people how to install it but if you're running Windows 11 professional and you want to risk your system you can go ahead and download am Wizards and the atlas o Playbook and pretty much do what I'm about to do now however I would recommend definitely backing up your files or you can just do a fresh install in another drive on your computer just to play around with Atlas OS before you commit to installing it on your main drive right let's go ahead here so we've opened up am wizard so running the am wizard is really simple it's pretty much just like a Windows setup wizard you just drag in the Playbook here for Atlas OS go through press next next next as you can see we meet the requirements so let's go to next next agree to the license agreement and we can also configure our options which is a new thing that's been added in this new version of Atlas OS so we can go ahead and choose if we want to enable defender or disable Defender so we're going to go ahead and enable Defender as it's the recommended we're just going to go again with the recommended but yeah really good that they include all these configurable options lots of people in the community have been saying to add this kind of stuff and I'm really glad they're listening and just improving the experience we can also remove Microsoft Edge finally I'm going to be really happy to see that finally go disable Bluetooth and power saving we can also change what default browser we're going to have as well so since Microsoft Edge has been disabled we can choose from Brave waterf fox or Chrome we're going to go waterfox cuz I do like Firefox but I guess waterf Fox is the closest so yeah that's that that's all of our configurations completed all right here we go Atlas OS and it's just finally restarted and boom here we are in Atlas OS Windows 11 edition let's go so first of all we've got a really nice Atlas OS blue themed wallpaper here really nice really clean doesn't get in the way looks really nice so we've got waterfox that's been installed that's now our browser we've got the taskbar align to the left here and we've also got this Atlas folder which has been put as a shortcut onto our desktop now this pretty much is just like what we used to get on the isos you can install software through here as well we can install drivers we can in go into like the configuration here and mess with all this stuff in here we've got optional tweaks as well we'll put all of this in the atlas folder I think so first of all let's check out our task manager and see how many background processes we've got so before I think it was about 135 let's have a look now o 63 wow that is a massive Improvement I mean considering it was a fresh install I literally just ran a Playbook and I've got it down to 63 I wonder if we could take it even further if we ran the Chris Titus tour that would be incredible but yeah let's have a look at our start menu here so we have got the windows 11 sty start menu so we've got all apps these are the only apps it come comes with so we've got pretty much no blo Weare pretty much just everything you'd need really so we've got Xbox if you've got a game that depends on that for example Minecraft or Minecraft Bedrock Edition all that good stuff all the essentials basically and it also comes with seven zip as well which is pretty cool and yeah we've got waterf Fox I've never tried waterf Fox before I'm guessing it's like Firefox but without all the bloat and stuff so yeah it looks pretty much just like Firefox although this top bar looks a little bit different I'm guessing it's based off of Firefox their rendering engine we've actually got search indexing turned off but you can turn it back on here and yes it doesn't search the internet for stuff it just selects it just searches through your files which is perfect that's exactly what I want to search bar for and yeah in terms of our file explorer it's all pretty clean here we've got some pin stuff here and it just opens by default to this PC it looks kind of like Windows 10 like I'm not really too sure if I'm a fan of it or not I was kind of getting used to the windows 11 look of everything but maybe I'll get used to this we'll have to see so if we go into settings here as you can see my local account user profile picture has been changed to an atlas OS logo and also in our system here it actually says we're running Atlas OS V 0.3.1 we can also rename our desktop through here doesn't look like much has been changed here I mean we've got Windows update privacy and security stuff's all still here accessibility gaming yeah this settings looks fairly unchanged we've got still got the generic uh Windows 11 notifications area yeah I mean animations yeah the animations are still kind of here we've still got this option here so we can drag around windows and put them wherever we want on our screen which is a little bit annoying you can turn that off in settings if you want to do that but yeah it just feels super Snappy I mean the background processes just this will breathe life into an old computer for sure this is really good stuff here I'm very impressed with what they've managed to do here I've always wanted a Windows 11 version of Atlas OS and we finally got it if you're not a fan of the atlas OS wallpaper it does actually come with the standard Windows 11 one which is pretty cool sometimes operating systems strip out this to kind of keep the file size down but since this is pretty much just like a customized original version of Windows 11 we've also got this wallpaper as well here which I do actually think I prefer more than the blue one really nice gradient but yeah we can put it on the standard Windows 11 theme if we want that I've actually got a video coming out very soon on an updated version of customizing your windows 11 so make sure you guys get subscribed and look out for that cuz that is a very good video coming out very soon right so we can also go ahead here and we can hide the search bar if we don't want that or just have the icon or the search box and label just like that so that's all good and we can also put it back in the center which is perfect that's kind of how I've got used to having it now yeah I mean I can't fa Atlas OS Windows 11 whatsoever I mean let's just have a look at the processes again look at that yeah let's go ahead and run the Chris Titans tool cuz I'm really excited to see if we can get that down any further just something I want to to try all right guys so let's go ahead and run the Chris Titus tools so Powershell comes on Windows 11 Atlas OS which you'd expect so I've just going ahead and got the code here I think we've got chocolatey already installed which is perfect Atlas o does that for us so yeah we're just going to go ahead oh this has changed I haven't run Chris titus's toour in a while look at this had like a complete redesign here all right let's go ahead and go on the tweaks here let's go ahead and select desktop delete temporary files all this good stuff we'll just leave it on this we'll just go on the recommended desktop selection config I don't think we need to go through any of this and we'll put Security on recommended settings right let's go ahead and run tweaks wow I really like the updated Chris Titus logo and the new color scheme they've got going on here really nice right tweaks are finished boom let's go ahead and restart and see what processes we get down to if anything all right guys so we just restarted let's go ahead and have a look at our processes once more so we've installed Atlas OS we've run Chris titus's tool 72 okay it's actually gone up now bear in mind obviously we've just started up this computer so that probably will go down but yeah it looks like Atlas OS have optimized this operating system probably the best they can and got it to a stage where even running the Chris Titus tool won't make a difference so guys this is Minecraft running on Atlas OS Windows 11 version we're currently playing on 1.2.2 which is the latest version at the time of recording and our FPS is actually really good we're getting about 200 FPS here now bear in mind I do have my graphics card in here so on integrated Graphics it obviously be a lot lower but yeah it doesn't seem like many people play 1.8 anymore which is quite sad lots of people play this new server called hoplight which I might check out and do some gameplay on in future videos but we'll see how it goes but yeah gameplay on here is pretty good you can play Minecraft on here you can get a good FPS with it in terms of background processes while we got Minecraft open we're looking at about 78 so yeah not bad so overall would I recommend Atlas OS honestly yeah I mean it's perfect because it's pretty much just Windows 11 but just done perfectly cuz we've obviously got lots of criti in the community I know Chris Titus himself who made the Chris Titus tool he criticized Atlas OS for not being fully transparent with what it is that they do and made a whole video basically listing his concerns with it and they've listed listen to the community they've listened to Chris Titus and they've come out with something that is really good so not only is it you know a really optimized version of Windows 11 but it's also got all the core Windows functionality in there lots of you know mitigations against you know viruses helps to keep the end user safe and secure while using their computer while also having a really nice optimized Windows Experience so it's super good now would I install this or rev iOS I don't know maybe that might be a future video maybe I'll compare Atlas SOS and rev iOS if you guys want to see that definitely let me know in the comment section down below so yeah like I said just be careful if you do go ahead and install Atlas OS out there make sure you back up your files if you're doing it on your main system if you're doing it like me hopefully you found this tutorial useful and yeah definitely recommend Atlas OS it's been a really solid reliable product and yeah they're not paying me to do this video it's just I've been a big fan of Atlas OS and what they've been doing for a while now so yeah thank you guys all for watching this video If you enjoyed it make sure to leave a like And subscribe if you're new and if you guys want to check out my last video where I tried to see if texture packs affect your FPS on a lowend PC then click here and I'll see you guys there thank you guys all for watching
Channel: NotroDan
Views: 418,531
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: atlas os, windows 10, windows 11, windows, windows 11 atlas os, windows 11 tips, atlas os vs windows 10, make windows 10 faster, make windows 11 faster, windows 10 vs windows 11, windows 10 atlas os, optimize windows 10, windows 10 gaming optimization, windows 10 gaming, windows 11 lite, atlas os windows 10, optimize windows 10 for gaming, windows 11 customization, windows 11 features, revios windows 11, custom windows 11, how to optimize windows 10 for gaming
Id: ZxOvySkvv4M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 42sec (942 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 11 2023
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