Unreal Engine 5 Mesh to Metahuman Plugin Tutorial

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all right so last year i was telling a couple of people about what i thought where the meta humans were going to go and i said hey you know honestly epic is probably going to be working on a one-click auto rigger tool that's going to let you convert photo scan faces and heads into meta-humans and majority of the people i talked to thought it was crazy you know one individual said it was impossible but to me meta humans were great last year because of their facial and body skeleton not just because they look photorealistic fast forward to today june 9 2022 here we are there is a plug-in called mesh to metahuman and that's what i'm going to be showing y'all today all right so to actually download this plug-in go ahead and go to your marketplace and i did not expect this to be free i knew it was going to come out i didn't know it was going to be free but honestly i love free stuff right so if you look at this medium plug-in go ahead and install it to your engine obviously it's going to be 5.0 and mine's already working and once that's done go ahead and open up your project which i already have opened up right here this is a blank project with a photo scan girl in here and this is really the reason why i was photo scanning people last year oh because i thought it was going to come out last year to be honest so i have a scan mesh here and what i'll do is go to plugins and then i'll type in metahuman here now if you had the window open when you installed the plugin go ahead and close that and then reopen the editor and what you're looking for is the meta human again this is very much so experimental again so kind of use it carefully here and that's pretty much it so i have a single static mesh here with an eyeball which i think the eye didn't catch so let's go ahead and import the eye texture just replace this one it's okay this is the one i was kind of trying out just to make sure everything works because this legit just came out so go ahead and minimize this and now we have this character this is a photo scan character you know 30 000 triangles pretty good right so again you can use your photo scan from iphone reality capture address off whatever you have you can do this now alright so the next one we're going to do is actually create a metahuman identity right so if i go click right here click on metahuman go ahead and click on meta human identity right here and i'll just name this lol that's fine i'll double click this and then what i'll do is actually choose this component from mesh and then we're going to go find that static mesh which is going to be right here now i'm going to change this to unlit because apparently it works better and unlit and what it's going to do is track the face to create some markings so i'm going to try and get it as much as i can in the the frame here and then i'll click on this neutral pose and then i'll press this plus button and then what i'll do is right click and i'll have auto tracking on and it's going to do its thing it's gonna say loading trackers usually your first time around is gonna take longer but this is my second time so i'm not even gonna touch anything i'm just gonna lock this right click lock and that's pretty much it and the next thing we're gonna do is after i lock that i'm going to go ahead and just click this and it's going to create an identity soft and just like that with one click we'll just transfer this mesh into a metahuman and the last thing we have to do here is go to the body and just i'll pick this one because this is the one i use all the time normal weight i'm pretty sure this is because this one's skinny and then i'll click on mesh to meta human and what this is going to do is take my mesh right now and take it to the meta human creator now there is some updates that you have to do as far as the bridge go quick so bridge so if you haven't done so go ahead right here go to your library and click on plugins obviously i have unreal engine 5 running because you actually have to make sure that the coaxial bridge is updated here and make sure that the meta human plug-in is also there so if it's not working for you make sure that your quixote bridge is updated so this is going to be doing its thing right now and what i will do is actually go to quicksort bridge while that's doing that thing i'm already logged in here and i'll go to my meta humans right here and we're just gonna have to wait for this now they did add some clothes in here and things like that we're gonna look at that in another video so stay tuned all right and you're going to say it's going to say your medium is now available in creator and bridge in the meta human section so press ok and that's going to go ahead and give you this little meta human icon i will double click that and i'll say start mhc which is the better human creator now one of the hardest things about the meta human people i mean originally in the beginning it was okay we had 50 free meta human people that we can use but now it's like oh my gosh i can recognize these guys from like a mile away you know like like the biggie movie i recognize those meta humans but now with this i can potentially 3d scan faces myself and turn them turn them into a meta union with legit like four or five clicks and this is the power of this because now i can get some unique faces that i'm not gonna recognize as meta human well i might still this is really powerful even if not a main character even just extras on the background so we won't recognize oh yeah man that's vivian you know like we're not going to recognize him right away because it's unique right so now that i have this open you're going to see your character actually here floating with the gray head you can actually edit this if you want to and if you go to custom mesh you can actually adjust how you want their head to be but to be honest that looks fine to me it's like the default whatever it's okay uh and then the next thing to do is obviously get some skin in there so i'll just click on the skin right now and i'll assign a color and it's gonna automatically apply some skin in there which again is freaking crazy now obviously depending on your mesh it might not look like the original mesh but it's pretty close and again it's generating a new unique face instead of us recognizing oh it's a metahuman and from here you just customize them like you would usually when using metahumans you can add freckles and stuff like that and again what is crazy about this is that if i do a face room or range of motion now this is all rigged facially and body this my friends obviously was meant for video games but when i saw the meta human last year during the commercials when they were released this to me is a very powerful filmmaking tool that's it for this video i'm gonna be doing another one where we're talking about all the new clothes and all the new hairs in my next video once again i hit 57k subscribers today and i honestly i made a big risk last year when i switched over to unreal engine content and i do truly appreciate you all who pretty much stuck with me this whole time and for my new subscribers thank you as well and yeah see y'all in the next video you
Channel: JSFILMZ
Views: 41,729
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Unreal Engine 5 Mesh to Metahuman Plugin Tutorial, mesh to metahuman, unreal engine 5 metahuman plugin, ue5 metahuman plugin, ue5 metahuman tutorial, mesh to metahuman tutorial, ue5 mesh to metahuman tutorial, unreal engine 5 mesh to metahuman, unreal engine 5 metahuman update, ue5 metahuman update june 2022, unreal engine 5 metahuman, unreal engine 5 metahuman creator, unreal engine 5 metahuman creator tutorial, jsfilmz, photoscan to metahuman, 3d scan to metahuman, mesh to meta
Id: QCHNs6viatc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 32sec (452 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 10 2022
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