HOW TO turn yourself into a METAHUMAN - MSI Stealth 16 Studio Laptop

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is this real is it fake we're going to find out in this video how you can turn yourself into a hyper realistic metahuman for free using Unreal Engine and an iPhone I'm going to be doing all of this on a laptop which is the MSI stealth Studio 16 coming in with the GeForce RTX 46d GPU combined with the Intel Core i7 processor quick spoiler this thing is a beast and it handled it just as well as my pc at home did and to show you guys how power efficient this is I'm actually going to do this whole edit in a cafe Okay so we've changed location to another Cafe because I can first of all this is super lightweight very feather light so I can carry it around anywhere and continue my work whether it's from home or from a cafe just like that and it's powerful enough to do that while I'm moving around first we're going to 3D scan me using the iPhone and convert me into a metahuman and lastly we're going to attach all of my face movements to that metahuman to create a scene first things first we're going to create a new folder we're going to store all of the Assets in here along with our project next you're going to open up epic games launcher and download and install Unreal Engine if you have never used it before this is going to take some time to install that's fine now when you're creating the project you can enable rate racing if you're using a strong enough graphics card and we are using the GeForce RTX 4060 for this so I'm going to be enabling that now after your Project's been created go back to your epic game store tap on the marketplace and search for meta humans here you want to install the metahuman plugin after you've downloaded tap on install and make sure the version of your Unreal Engine matches and tap on install you can launch up your project there's going to be a prompt telling you that there's new plugins tap on manage plugins and enable metahuman tap on yes and then restart now now during this process you might see it asking you to enable a bunch of things or restart a couple of times make sure you do that this is perfectly normal this next step is pretty important go into your settings project settings search for cache and turn up your cash size to 2 gigs instead of one this is going to run things a lot smoother now before we do anything else I need to scan myself in 3D and for this we're using the polycam app it's very simple to use instructions are in the description you're going to create a 3D model of yourself next you're going to tap on upload and all of this is going to be done on the cloud later in the app you're going to get a 3D model of yourself along with textures but remember to close your hair if you don't this is what you're going to look like so I did this again with a shower cap on my head because if you don't you're going to end up looking like a mushroom and no one wants that next up you're going to export that 3D object as a gltf file and import it into your computer go into your assets folder and there you should have it have two versions one without the cap one with the cap we're going to be using the cap with an Unreal Engine open up your content drawer here you're going to right click create a new folder and we're going to call this metahuman from the assets folder you're going to go into your 3D scan and drag and drop in the cap version straight into this folder now you're going to have a bunch of assets that this created on its own text Tes normal maps all of that don't worry about it create a new folder and drop it in here we're going to call this the 3D scan folder no cables nothing and I'm able to easily look at that look at that movement not even plugged in love it love it now with the MSI Ste 16 Studio you're getting the GeForce RTX 4060 GPU combined with the Intel i7 processor which is why I'm capable of making metahumans in a cafe right click metahuman animator metahuman identity rename this whatever you want and then tap into it once you're inside click on create component at the top and then choose from mesh here we're going to bring in the 3D object that we created earlier so make sure you find that tap on it and it's going to import that 3D object right here for us to choose and optimize first thing you want to do is turn off lit to unlit next thing we're going to do is go into your field of view at the top with the camera and change that to 20 tap on the plus sign at the bottom click okay rename this to front then you're going to right click on this and turn on auto tracking with that you can already see it recognize my eyebrows my eyes my mouth and the lines next to my mouth right click again and lock camera tap on body and select a body type that makes sense after you're done with that go back to your neutral pose and tap on metahuman identity solve give this a few seconds it's very very quick next tap on mes to meta human and select the second option which gives you the full head and skeleton this takes a bit of time so just be a little bit patient after that's done just tap on okay and click save and close out of this and with that you should see a few objects appear in your content drawer now at the top tap the Plus and tap on quickel bridge go into your meta humans on the left and choose my meta humans now the object we created is going to be up here you can see Omar meta that I created earlier tap on start MHC this is going to launch up your browser and here you customize your meta human okay so now the metahuman that we just created we're going to take it to the metahuman website where you can actually configure add-on skin on top eyes hair all of that going to be done on here this is browser based so let's get it to that there we have me without anything so so first we're going to go into skin and assign a new skin tone just go into what makes sense to you this is like a video game you can basically customize and make it look exactly how you want your metahuman whether you want it closer to you or not as similar to you you can do all of that here very very easily go back to the quel bridge and download this version of the metahuman after it's done downloading tap add and it's going to add that version into the project make sure you enable anything that you need to missing projects whatever and restart if it prompts you to do that okay so now like I said we are going to be using the iPhone to get the tracking data a lot of other people will be using proper tracking suits with a face tracker and all we can't afford that so what we're going to do is find a cheaper Alternate which is using the live link app on the iPhone to get the tracking data using the face ID from our face which is pretty simple go into the live link app and it's very straightforward go into your settings you're going to change the mode to The Meta human animator start recording and what you're going to do is neutral face look at the camera then turn right very slowly make sure sure both your eyes are visible come back turn left very slowly make sure both your eyes are visible come back again and then open your mouth to show your teeth which is going to give us all the tracking data we need later you're going to tap on export export this as a zip anywhere on your phone and then you're going to transfer this over to the computer with the name training now within unreal you're going to create a new folder and we're going to call this train right click in here metahuman animator and click on capture source and rename this capture data open this up and then in the drop down menu you're going to select live link face archives click on the source path and choose exactly where you had saved the live link data that we got from the iPhone application hit save and close out of this menu next you're going to tap on tools and then tap on capture manager now we're going to feed in the footage we just brought in tap on capture data and you should see your training footage right in there add to q and then tap on the import button this is going to take just a few seconds and it's going to import in that video clip next you're going to right click go into your metahuman animator and choose on metahuman identity this is what we're going to assign the training data to so call it train ID double tap on that and then on the top left again you're going to have create components and there going to be from mesh and from footage you're going to choose from footage this time and choose your footage you should see your footage load into your timeline there's going to be a proper scrollable timeline at the bottom where you can see the Expressions you made along with your teeth what you're going to do is go all the way back to the first neutral face frame click on the plus button and then click okay double tap and rename that to front tap on the camera move button and we're going to navigate forward a little bit when I turned right make sure both of the eyes are visible press plus again double tap on that and name that right do the same thing again but this time find where you turn left again make sure both eyes are visible when you do this tap on the plus button and rename this to left once you've done that you can see that we have created these three key frames that you can go through to see all the different looks at the top tap metahuman identity solve this will take just a few seconds then you're going to go on the left side to body and choose your body type then go to mesh to metahuman select the second option go into your poses on the left tap on ADD add pose and add teeth now scroll over on the timeline where you showed your teeth in the frame what you're going to do next is tap on the plus button like we did before it's going to create a frame again click okay double tap on that and rename that teeth next you're going to go onto the right side where it says teeth you're going to turn off the lower teeth and the lower two at the top you're going to click on fit teeth and this is the last step of the process you're going to tap on prepare for performance now this process is kind of slow and it takes a while because it's using a lot of your RAM luckily with this laptop I'm getting 16 GB of RAM which is pretty good what is recommended is 64 gigs of RAM with my PC back home I have 32 gigs of RAM and that one takes about 10 minutes to complete while this one takes about 10 to 15 minutes as well which is pretty impressive the process was definitely much better because of this laptop and it coming installed with Nvidia Studio drivers it comes with a range of benefits first and probably the most important is faster rendering times Studio drivers help your graphics card with features like Dynamic Boost 2.0 to intelligently shift power in your system to give you maximum performance the drivers have been optimized to run creative software like video editing and 3D softwares so combining the Nvidia Studio features with the GeForce RTX 4060 GPU was good enough to handle something as intense as onreal engine and create some really cool looking results okay so one thing I noticed while creating this metahuman is that the laptop didn't heat up as much as I expected it to especially because of how heavy Unreal Engine is but that's because of the cooling and the ventilation in this laptop so when I turn on the fan keeps the laptop cool and lets me do whatever crazy task I want to do and with that your training is done now you have a train ID which is going to know exactly how to move your mouth when you're speaking go into your metahuman that we created earlier the blueprint the _ meta which was done from the website you can import drag and drop that in it takes a few seconds and then you should see the full body appear here this does look odd but that's fine because we have no textures yet you're just going to click on restart now so you can apply all of the shaders and textures make sure you save that but once you come back in again you can see it right there now it looks odd that that's because we're still unlit change it to lit and there you go it looks very very similar to what I look like if I have long hair so now I'm going to record the performance which is the final thing that the meta human is going to follow the movement of my face and with that obviously I'm going to be doing that with the iPhone once again so I'm just going to put it right up here and we're going to open up the live link face app the more expressive you are the better it's going to be in the video because your meta human is actually going to move like that and not look lifeless so try to do that if you can after you transferred that over to your PC create a new folder and under an engine within that folder right click metahuman animator and capture Source once again you're going to call this final performance open it up change the drop down to the live link face archives and then for the source you're going to select the final performance clip that you just recorded using your iPhone once again tap on tools and capture manager here we're going to feed in the final performance footage just like we did before add to q and then import it's going to take a few seconds after that's done close out of that right click metahuman animator and metahuman performance rename this to whatever you would want it to be double tap on it and then on the right side you're going to find footage capture drop- down menu select your final performance this is going to show show you the acting that you just did at the end and then for your metahuman identity drop down and we're going to select the ID train ID that we created earlier tap on process on the top left and you can already see the metahuman is moving along with my facial expressions which is pretty cool once it is done you can tap on export animation rename that to whatever you want I'm going to call it final acting and click on Save and then for your drop- down menu here make sure that face archetype skeleton is selected because this is what's going to output your animation once that's done you can close out of this menu after saving click on the little slate button at the top and add a level sequence you can name this whatever you want I'm going to call it final sequence you're going to tap on your character and it gets an orange outline around it which is good tap on the green track button at the bottom actor to sequence and select your character give it a few seconds and you're going to see a few things appear at the bottom a bunch of controls for the body parts but we're going to focus on face first tap on the track button animation and choose your final acting delete the face control board control rig and just like that you can see the animation has been applied to your face lastly you've got the MSI Center which is the control Hub of this laptop so everything from monitoring your CPU and GPU usage to the ram percentage being used to the temperature The Thermals of the laptop can be controlled from there this is also where you put it into performance mode or gaming mode to give you the best out of this laptop essentially it's the brain of the laptop especially when you're creating really good job with the design as well everything looks great and it controls the laptop really well okay so that's pretty much almost completely done the only last thing left is to match the environment kind of like our office environment so I'm going to make a very quick scene to make the three-point light setup like we have here within the meta human world so that I can light him up exactly how we light our real videos in real life so this is going to be a quick time lapse you guys want to know how to do this everything is going to be in the description okay with everything done we're finally rendering the scene and this is what it looks like come check it out uh 29% done it's rendering each frame one by frame and we can already see this is in low quality preview and it looks that freaking good if you want detailed instructions the links are going to be down below those are the tutorials that we followed and honestly I have to say this in the video this would not have been possible without Tarvin who's behind the camera right now Tarvin wave up and down that's Tarvin Tarvin is the reason all of this happened he figured all of this out so huge shout out to Tarvin and that's how we created all of this using the MSI stealth 15 Studio thank you guys for watching we'll see you again in the next video Until then take care And subscribe for more content like this
Channel: ProductNation
Views: 144,585
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: metahuman, meta human tutorial, turn yourself into a meta human, metahuman animator, metahuman creator, unreal engine, how to turn yourself into a meta human, metahuman unreal engine, metahuman unreal engine 5, metahuman unreal engine 5 tutorial, msi studio 16 stealth, productnation, become a meta human, metahuman step by step, metahuman rig, metahuman iphone livelink, metahuman iphone, metahuman 3d scan, how to 3d scan yourself, polycam metahuman, polycam 3d scanner
Id: IavrwB85I7Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 5sec (845 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 18 2023
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