Unreal Engine 5 Metahuman Animation Tutorial

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okay boys and girls in this video we are going to be taking a look at how you can animate neural engine 5 metahuman now this is june update because with the recent metahuman update they added an ik rig for meta humans so we no longer have to do this manually so this is perfect timing and if you are just starting out with unreal engine i know a lot of people are starting to jump in on real engine 5 meta human stuff even more so now with the recent edition of mesh the metahuman this is going to be an easy one for you but basically this is how you animate a metahuman if you don't have a mocap suit or you don't want to manually animate it by hand you can always go to the marketplace and find some pre-made animations and just retarget those animations to your meta human and that's pretty much how i got started year and a half ago alright so the first thing we're going to do is actually go ahead and add the animations we're going to be using in tour unreal engine project now whenever you're purchasing animations from the marketplace you have to make sure of one thing now if you're a newbie you got to make sure that if you're getting an animation and you want to follow along with this tutorial you need to make sure that your animations are rigged to the epic skeleton now eventually in the future pretty much majority of everything is probably going to be rigged to the ue5 skeleton so we don't have to worry about this but for now this is how you do it if you have the older versions okay so add this to our project and the title of our project is called mixed meta because it was in my for my meta human tutorial in miximo and i'll minimize this and we'll go back to our project now i just change it to lit mode now this is not really all cinematic i just put a wreck light on top of her i'll press g here and i'm using the crowd character close from the matrix demo which i made a tutorial about check it out in the top right corner of this video so i can show you now i didn't do any masking or anything like that so this is pretty sloppy and additionally this is the girl that i made in the mesh to meta human first things first we are going to go ahead and check out our finisher animations so i'll double click this and i'll look at the animations make sure that everything is good and that looks good and then we'll go to our skeleton right here and we're just going to do a couple of things show retargeting options and we'll make sure that root is animation pelvis is animation but everything else needs to be skeleton so go ahead and press that shift click right click and translation to retargeting skeleton all right i'll minimize this now and then after that let's go back to my root folder content and now we're going to add a feature so add feature content pack and we're going to be adding the third person now we're doing this because this third person asset template has some ik rigs and retargeter rigs so we don't have to create from scratch which is amazing which i'll show you that right now if i go to content and i'll go to characters go to ue4 mannequin you're going to see that there's a rig a retargeter and a retargeter which is perfect so i'm going to go back to my mannequin new e4 i'm going to go to the mesh and i'm going to double click the skeleton and then i'll make sure that this one is also set up correctly animation animation okay everything is good now there's a couple of ways on how you can do this next step but for me just go to windows asset details and compatible skeleton put a check mark on there and choose another ue4 mannequin skeleton and if you type your e4 right here you're going to see two mannequins for ue4 you have one from the hand-to-hand finisher volume and you have one from the third person template so we're gonna be using the hand hand for this one save it and then close it and what we're gonna do next is go to the hand to hand mannequin and basically what we're doing is we're just combining the two because they're all compatible they're all in the same post and they all pretty much share the same bone names so this is pretty easy press plus and again i'll type in ue4 and again i'm going to choose the other one now which is from the third person template save that then x and then minimize and then if i go back to my content folder go to characters ue4 rigs and i open up the ik rig you're now going to see that it has all the animations from the pack that we downloaded from the marketplace now i know this is a lot harder than it used to be but this is just how it is now all right we're gonna have to face the facts that you can no longer just right click and retarget this is gonna be it for now so this is good the ik now is working and now if i go to content this is the thing that they added recently whenever they release the new meta humans if i go to metahumans common common now you're going to see that there is an ik metahuman rig now created so again we don't have to do all these crazy stuff from scratch it's already here so i'll minimize this because what i want to do is i want to make sure that that skeleton is also set up so i'll click on the meta human go to body and i'll click on the skeletal mesh right here this brows and i'm going to double click this go to skeleton of this go to this gear and then go retargeting options make sure root and pelvis is set to animation and everything else is skeleton so hold shift right click retargeting skeleton press save i'll close this now so that's good and now i'm going to go to my metahumans common common take a look at this so that's good and we have the preview already set up so that's good as well okay let me go ahead and save this in case we crash i mean that rarely happens in unreal but we just kind of make sure alright so let's go back to our content characters folder ue4 mannequin and we're going to go to our rigs we're going to go to the rtg ue4mani to ue5 manny double click that and now you're going to see the ue4 mannequin in the ue5 mannequin but we don't need that one we're actually going to go ahead and replace that with ik metahumans yay so that's already set up and the target preview mesh you can change this to f medium but it's already here but it's okay if it's not there that's how you do it right here all right so now if i click on this oh my gosh what in the heck is going on here well as you all know the e4 manikin has less bones than the metahuman so what we're gonna have to do is go to chain mapping and if you look at this chain mapping you see root is going to root spine spine head to head left clavicle to left clavicle those all look good but whenever you start going to the metacarpals this is the issue go ahead and start taking these off go to none and again this is not documented people this is just me in here messing some stuff up and i found it to work again this is not the official way i'm just in here you know how i learn things i just break things and see what works so if if this is not the official way i'm sorry but this is how i got it to work all right so i'm going to take off the metacarpal for that as well and then the middle and you're gonna see something really funky here in a second take this as well i'm gonna leave the twist is okay [Music] clavicle clavicle arm and i'm gonna go ahead and change this here and if you look at this right ring metacarpal it's tied into right thigh twist one that is a big no no so right middle so sometimes whenever you're getting some funky results go ahead and check your chain mapping here so we got right ring metacarpal is okay and then the index we're also going to take that off twist twist twist right leg because the ufo mannequin does not have those metacarpals bones the the uh meta humans do so right leg is good left leg all right so i'm going to save this and now you're gonna see that fist is correct so if i go to the superman punch now play this back now those hands look good alright so what i'll do is i'm going to go ahead and click one that i like i think i want a fist storm attack this is a really dope one you see that fist is now fixed with this fist save it and now all we have to do is export selected animations and i'll create a new folder here for the sake of nicety nice and i'll okay and that's gonna export that animation save and i'll minimize this and now if we double click this that unreal engine 4 animation is now retargeted to our meta human okay and to test that out since i do cinematics in that game i'll go ahead and click on our character here and i'll create a new sequence add level sequence uh tutorial is okay and then i'll add her in here track add actor to sequences lara 2 hopefully we don't crash and then i'll delete the i'm going to move this up so i can see better delete this and then the body i'm going to track the animation and then put attack and now she bam bam bam look at her she's like fighting that customer she's like a barista and she's fighting that customer who ordered like a mocha cape maca latte malte with a hint of mint man look at this yo she is she is not happy with that order she's not happy but that's pretty much it that is how you retarget unreal engine 4 mannequin to a meta human using the new ik metahuman rig what i really want epic to do next is a t pose for a meta-human like a post asset that puts the metahuman into a t-pose because majority of the motion capture animation suits and devices use t-pose and not apos so if you work for epic games and you're watching this video please add a t-pose asset for the meta humans and lastly before i leave i'm gonna go ahead and take care of this shadow problem that you're seeing right here so you can see it looks like poop and scheizer all you have to do here is go to r dot ray tracing that normal bias and you can play around with the number here you go to like point two actually let's just go to one and that i'll get rid of all those shadows for you okay so if you learned something new in this video go ahead and like and subscribe to the channel i'm trying to reach 100 000 subscribers this year so i can finally go to sleep like always thank y'all for watching and i'll see you later you
Channel: JSFILMZ
Views: 48,048
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ue5 Metahuman Animation Tutorial, unreal engine 5 demo rtx 3090, ue5 metahuman animation, ue5 metahuman retarget animation, how to animate metahuman, how to fix metahuman fingers, unreal engine metahuman mocap workflow, Unreal Engine 5 Metahuman Creator Demo, unreal engine 5 metahuman creator, metahuman creator ue5, metahuman retarget ue5, jsfilmz, retarget ue5 metahuman, how to animate metahuman in ue5, unreal engine 5 rtx 3090, Unreal Engine 5 Metahuman Animation Tutorial
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 18sec (678 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 12 2022
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