Hands on with Copilot for Microsoft 365!

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] a [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] n [Music] [Applause] [Music] hey hey everybody how's it going happy Friday uh Happy December almost the end of the year um how you doing Andy doing well man flying by the seat of my pants today all things co-pilot how are you doing oh good yeah same thing with me it's been like just backtack meetings like talking about co-pilot just over and over again uh from you know 6 o'clock 7:00 my time all day all evening all co-pilot all the time so both of us just came from another meeting into this uh into this live stream so sorry we're a few minutes late but um we're excited it's the much anticipated followup to our last segment about co-pilot we talked about co-pilot like I don't know oh it was like three days before it hit GA so we couldn't technically show anything yet just kind of talking theoretically about it now that it's live we want to take you on a deep deep dive Journey where we're going to show off co-pilot talk about what it can do and I want to take a collaborative slant to it this time because we talked about you know um Word and Excel and PowerPoint and Outlook and like those things are kind of like personal productivity stuff but what we haven't covered yet is things like whiteboard Loop uh Microsoft teams meetings stuff like that so I I kind of I'm hoping that we can you know focus a little bit on that and like actually show handson does that sound like like we can pull it off Andy we're going to try and we might crash and burn along the way but I think I think we can deliver yeah let's let's see how how warm we can get these data centers going with our co-pilot prompts um so we're going to be demoing from your environment Andy uh because um Mark Cashman made a a joke about this like oh you're get a demo from from John's and ey like no we're we're not uh Andy has a nice clean test area in his environment uh at work that he can do things a little bit safer than I'm able to so we're gon to we're going to live vicariously through Andy's uh co-pilot fingertips and see what we can do today um before we get started I do want to plug something um that I mentioned Mark Cashman he he may be joining us at some point in on here but uh Andy was recently on the intro Zone podcast that Mark Cashman is a host of and um good friend of ours we've known we've known him for years and I've followed the I've followed the intro Zone podcast for years even before I knew Mark before I became an MVP um so it's it's really exciting to see you on there andy you did a a great job represented uh yourself in the community very well I thought so um congratulations for for being on that well thank you I really appreciate that um that was a fun conversation with with Mark I really appreciate the opportunity to be on the in zone that's something that uh was a bucket list item for me uh it was pretty pretty cool to be able to to do that but it was a great conversation um if you haven't heard it go and check it out um had a great time talking all things co-pilot and we even threw in some power automate and some AI talked a little bit about some of the mid Journey stuff uh that I that I've done U thanks John for getting me turned on to to Mid Journey that was was pretty cool but appreciate the the shout out there that was a that was a great conversation had a lot of fun with that one yeah I'm finding a link right now if anybody hasn't watched or listened to that episode of the inter Zone um I'm going to drop that in there obviously subscribe to it don't just listen to that single episode but it's a good one to start with hey and a big shout out to all of our friends in the Community join in Phil Ralph Heidi there's uh there's Daryl Michael I saw Will in there a little while ago um yeah we got we got a bunch of friends turning out for this one this is this is really exciting um glad you're all here seems like I I've been blasting social media for like the last week or two on this and like the engagements have been really really good so um I'm I'm really happy everybody's here to to check this out and see it live yeah awesome and as always it's going to be recorded um I I don't know if we've got quite as clean of section breaks but if we got a section break maybe we'll we'll do what we did last time which is we'll kind of take a pause and then do a little bit of an intro um another follow-up just housekeeping before we get going is um one if you watch the recording of our last session um or our early November session about co-pilot on my YouTube channel I put chapter markers in there cuz it's too 2 hours long so there's a chapter for each product and then if you subscribe to Andy's Channel if you search for Andy um then uh he has been uploading those segments he chopped them up as short individual Standalone videos that you can take uh you know a little bit more bite-size type of chunks from so um just want to also plug that as well that we're trying to make it a little bit more consumable you know rather than just simply long form content and saying good luck 2our video cool all right I'm going to go and turn off the overlay throw it in the in the conversation for everybody yes yeah please post your link to your uh YouTube channel we'll get that going um and then as always you can also follow me and Andy on LinkedIn as well um Andy's posting lots of things on LinkedIn there's the QR code to connect with him on LinkedIn if you want and then um I'll switch it over to mine if you guys want to connect with me on LinkedIn as well I'll periodically kind of bring those up and uh there's a new feature Andy that actually showed up in restream if somebody scans the QR code while you're live it actually um it actually comes up with an alert on the stream that says that somebody scanned it so that's kind of cool if somebody wants to test that out um we can see what that little uh thing looks like there we go it comes up in the middle of the screen says someone scanned it so pretty neat stuff okay Andy you are driving you're are our pilot for this co-pilot Journey today where we'll pick up where we left off so where do you want to jump in man well um for everybody joining in um feel free to ask some questions along the way we we kind of have a loose outline that we're going to talk about like uh the different apps and services and we're going to step through some stuff and some and some lessons that we've learned we haven't really had time to rehearse this uh so we we're we're going to be piloting and building this ship you know as we're Airborne um so ask some questions in the you know all the various chats um that's really helpful for us if you want to see something we'll we'll do our best to accommodate um but with that we'll do an intro here so we got a nice clean chapter and break for the videos we're posting on our YouTube channels and then um we'll we'll go from there so welcome to 365 Deep dive he's John I'm Andy and today we're going to do Hands-On with co-pilot for Microsoft 365 this is a continuation of our conversation back at the end of October uh where we talked about what co-pilot was capable of at a high level today we're going to try and get hands on with that so um just kind of getting started um the point of this deep dive is we want to show you what co-pilot for Microsoft 365 is capable of we're going to concentrate on Microsoft 365 chat co-pilot in teams co-pilot in Office Word Excel PowerPoint we're also going to try and cover co-pilot in Loop and in whiteboard over the course of the next two hours so if that's cool thanks for being here like And subscribe to our channels I think it's uh obligatory that we we say that now but um with that um we'll just dive into to co-pilot for Microsoft 365 as if you're new to this and you've never seen it before um co-pilot is uh the evolution of the modern workplace for lack of a better term combines large language models with the Microsoft graph and Microsoft 365 apps and services we are right now celebrating the one-year anniversary of chat GPT and I think that's really where this AI explosion came from uh and here A year later we're starting to see some real um integration of this in the real world use cases uh in the Enterprise as well as in our personal productivity so over the course of probably the last six or eight months Microsoft has introduced co-pilot name has changed a few times I think they've kind of settled on co-pilot for Microsoft 365 uh I haven't even had a chance to update the slide deck yet um this is you know relatively new but they're leveraging open Ai and large language models um basically um uh GPT uh 4.0 and um the chat GPT model um against the Microsoft graph that provides a grounding model so what that means is you can use natural language and you can ask a question hey summarize this document or I don't understand the language that's being used in this contract or can you analyze this data uh and give me some insights and you can use natural language to do that but what Microsoft's doing is taking that large language model and its capabilities and leveraging that against the Microsoft graph which is your data so they are security trimming it it only works with the data that you have access to none of your data goes back to train the model it's not even accessible by Microsoft uh Engineers uh but the Microsoft graph takes your prompt your request and leverages that again your your data it then sends that to the large language model for processing and then the output comes back to the graph and it uh reviews that one more time does a final Security check and then it sends it back to the app where that request actually initiated from whether that's Microsoft 365 chat or uh co-pilot in PowerPoint or co-pilot in word and so the co-pilot service for me what is the is the game changer here I can use chat GPT I can use the graph I can use these apps and services but co-pilot brings it into one single unified experience and that I think is the is the value proposition that you have for working with co-pilot in Microsoft 365 uh it's it it really is Magic like once you get into it it's embedded across all the different Microsoft apps and services um we're going to dive into those in just a moment this went GA for um uh General availability November 1st but there's a minimum of 300 seats that's today um there's a blog post that says Microsoft is looking to work with smaller businesses in the future but there's no date on that uh but if you are in an organization that uh can uh purchase a 300 um minimum license you can get co-pilot in your environment today so if you're a company of one you can't use co- pilot today but hey you can live vicariously through us as we we drive through this and look at our previous recordings and you know what we're going to talk about here uh today um and and learned from there um but it did go ga on November 1st and for smaller businesses that is TVD but Microsoft has publicly said on a Blog that they are looking to roll this out for smaller businesses in the future so with that what can co-pilot do and this is kind of where we're going to start our journey uh here today so co-pilot is deeply embedded into Microsoft teams Outlook uh word excel PowerPoint and additionally uh OneNote whiteboard Loop and we call it out Microsoft 365 chat twice because in our experience and I think we agreed on this last time Microsoft 365 chat is probably the most powerful co-pilot experience that we have today for Microsoft 365 it's it's your virtual assistant this this is the closest thing that I've seen to Iron Man's Jarvis it is that powerful and I think that's where we're actually going to start off our journey uh here today is um working with um Microsoft 365 chat show you some ins and outs there and then uh we'll step through the other um apps that that you actually see on the screen and we're going to go through the capabilities that are here the capabilities are documented on Microsoft's uh service um descriptions and there's a couple other blog posts uh for the most part we've summarized that here in our PowerPoint and we're just going to use this as the basis of of the presentation as we as we move through it so I think this is a good place to uh transition into Microsoft 365 chat and then um uh go from there I did notice there's looks like a few any questions coming through in the chat before we move on yeah there's a pretty good one here that I think leads into the actual live demo is hey is it as fast as chat GPT they've noticed that like Bing chat is pretty slow um I answered this in the chat but in my opinion uh I've been going through like the Early Access program and stuff it's been pretty slow and and it had some you know some timing issues and some you know sorry I can't do that right now I've noticed since it's actually hit GA things are working a lot better um I do get more you know reliable responses obviously um but it's gotten a little bit faster for for me what I've noticed personally is that the M365 chat experience seems to be the faster responding of all of them um it usually I was playing with it this morning actually and um it was bringing in entire paragraphs at a time like rather than you know chat GPT it does like a word at a time and you watch it type with M365 chat it was doing like whole paragraphs for me um which is a little bit quicker than watching it type um but we'll show that live you'll you'll see nothing is sped up that's the nice thing about a live stream like this and to add to that um keep in mind it's leveraging the Microsoft graph so you you go into uh into the service to to work with it it's going to the graph and and then like um you know going out and pulling that data depending on where like where you are um um whether you know I'm in the the co-pilot for B Enterprise experience or if I'm in you know M365 chat so that's why you might see some slowdown inside of there but to John's Point um it's getting smarter every day and it's getting a little faster every day um you know we we are literally on the plane in the air and they are still building the plane as we are as we are uh you know embarking resources like crazy um one thing I've heard a lot uh there's not a question in this chat but I've gotten questions from my own organization is like the Microsoft graph what is that it's a little bit complicated of a technology or you know a topic um so I actually today I find that you know it's best to try to explain things with an analogy so I threw that question at M365 chat maybe that's the first thing you can try Andy I asked it to explain the Microsoft graph with three analogies and the best one that it came up for me if you're struggling with like what the heck is the Microsoft graph um Bing chat or M365 chat said think of it like a spider web you've got a spider web with all of these threads in there all like kind of interconnecting right they have all these connection points those connection points are your data right it's a file you've been working on and that is connected to three different people that you're working with that that file on and that person that you're working with they are also connected to you with all of these emails that they've sent you over the past 30 days and you know you just had a chat yesterday with this person all of that kind of web of stuff that you're working on and who you're working with those relationships that is the Microsoft graph and co-pilot acts almost like a spider on that web where a spider can basically Traverse or it can move around that web using those threads and hitting those connection points that's what co-pilot is able to do is it's able to go through the graph through that web and find all of the little relevant pieces that give you back a better response and then it's able to present that to you with like here's my answer but in addition to my answer here's where I got these answers from so that you can check my work and make sure that it's accurate so that was a a pretty cool way to to kind of get an intro to the Microsoft graph I thought this morning awesome yeah that's a great use case so using co-pilot to explain that in U in some simplified terms and the you really hit the nail in the head I think when you asked it for three analogies this is a conversational tool and you can tailor the responses to Output in a whole bunch of different ways explain it to me like I'm a fifth grader explain it to to me like I'm writing a level 300 presentation for the European SharePoint conference um explain it to me using baseball uh terms uh and it does a really good job of uh of being able um to do those things so yeah um with that why don't we um do the intro here this will be our cut point and then we're we're going to dive into M365 chat and kind of talk about what's uh what's going on there so welcome to 365 Deep dive in this video we're going to be talking about Microsoft 365 chat this is the co-pilot for work experience uh that is the closest thing to your virtual assistant that you're going to get from the Microsoft co-pilot um Services the Microsoft 365 chat actually surfaces in a couple of different ways and we'll showcase those different ways first and then we'll step through some of the capabilities so just to point out I'm actually at Microsoft 365 home and along the lefthand sidebar uh there with a co-pilot license I see M365 chat and that takes me to the first .4 our co-pilot experience so I'm able to access and work with co-pilot uh or M365 chat and co-pilot here if I'm in an edge uh browser though I can open up a new tab and then um if I go into what was formerly the the Bing chat uh for Enterprise it's now being rebranded um co-pilot um Bing chat Enterprise if I'm here there's a toggle up at the top and I can click on M365 chat and it opens up that experience right here inside of my uh web um so that's the second endpoint that we have if you're uh working with Edge also you can open up co-pilot in the edge browser if you're organization supports that that brings up uh that M365 chat Bing chat Enterprise experience as well this can travel with me so I can go from here to you know other apps and services and and that's going to travel with me in that in that sidebar versus this is a a destination I have to go to the page and actually work with it um and then the last endpoint that you're going to get uh with this is actually inside of the Microsoft teams so if I'm in um my Microsoft uh teams client uh we can actually install this as an app so you go to apps along on the left-hand navigation Rail and we're just looking for like M365 um and then you'll see the chat and you can install that and when you install this particular app it shows up in your chat experience on the LEF hand navigation and from there you'll have your um your user private chat and you see you can pin the Microsoft 365 chat and you can have a conversation there this is very similar to chat GPT you have an initial ask or prompt and then it has a response and then you have a limited number of responses that you can go back and forth per conversation so I have two um U replies back and forth in of the 30 for this particular conversation but I want to point out going back to here recent activity this is actually relatively new um it shows previous conversations that you have had and so now there is a chat history this just showed up a few weeks ago and I can now go in and see okay here are all my co-pilot chats and I can go back and pick up a conversation that I've had previously and continue that conversation or I can start a brand new chat conversation and I can go from there so that gets us started breaking news is that your dog that's barking or is that mine I think it's yours it's my dog okay I'm gonna have to throw her out sorry so I'm still sick I still can't hear out of this side so I thought it was coming from your house I'm going to throw her in the bedroom after I get to this point breaking news there are now five ways that you can get to M365 chat and there's a recent change to in the team's world so the five ways to get to M365 chat it's kind of crazy Microsoft teams as an app that application is now replaced with a new experience in quotes new that is an application that's pre-installed in your team's client uh when you get licensed so it's no longer going to be a manual install you will manually pen it if you want that includes the chat history and co-pilot lab the second place is office.com which you're showing right now the third place is bing.com when you go to chat and you flip that toggle fourth place is The Edge sidebar and to Echo what uh what Andy said or what uh Daryl said I like that you say the sidebar travels with you that's really cool the fifth place is co-pilot microsoft.com if you go there there now is a toggle at the top of that one along with the new branding for co-pilot powered by Bing so yeah go to co- pilot. Microsoft and yeah you'll want to sign in with single sign on all right hold on one second let me stop sharing my as we freeze his screen here there you go you're safe I'm going to throw my my dog in the bedroom real quick just a second so I'm just signing in of course I would have to sign in multiple times in the demo it wouldn't be a demo if I didn't have to do that so just bear with me for one moment okay sorry about that the the FedEx guy came by so that's why she was barking all right I am now signed in there we go coop pilot. microsoft.com so now that toggle says work and web web is Bing chat Enterprise work is M365 chat so for your bar trivia there are five play now to get to M365 chat so what's what's actually dive in to um uh to the M365 chat and the The Experience here I know there's a couple of questions in the sidebar about the sidebar I'm gonna Circle back to that in in Phil's gonna find number six it's also coming to Windows good call Phil um we we have said this is the most powerful co-pilot experience that we have why is that because this one is a central place that allows you to connect in all the different apps and services you can catch up on your messages and chats from Microsoft teams you can get information from your outlook Calendar you can summarize email and conversations coming from Outlook you can um reference content and files that are in one drive SharePoint uh and um and Microsoft teams uh you can have it catch you up on information from specific people whether it's emails chats files and more and then you can also have it do things like summary um um and interact against files and content that you have if you don't know what to do here don't fret it's actually super easy go down here and click on view prompts this this is going to open up a preview of co-pilot labs and these are some prompts to get you started that's what these are these are initial prompts to get you started but you can click on view prompts and there are more prompt ideas for you to uh to sort through and if you find one that you like you can bookmark that you can save that then it'll be in your save prompt section and you can go back and you can reuse it now the other thing to point out about this if you're getting getting or if you're new to this or if you're coming from like maybe the chat GPT world and you want to know like how do I talk to it you can go to co-pilot lab and then with that um you'll see featured prompts you can explor by the various products that you have and then you can leverage these prompts and it'll tell you like the application that it might apply to um you can even sort by apps and there's U prompts that are tested uh to generally work across like all regions and um all scenarios um so these are great starting points to kind of learn how do I talk to the uh how do I talk to co-pilot wherever I happen to be so take advantage of co-pilot Labs yeah yeah two gaps that I have on co-pilot lab for anybody from Microsoft who may be watching in the future um first of all Excel is not in the drop down list so um if you go there expecting some Excel prompts they're not there today um second of all I'm really hoping that Microsoft builds this out to maybe be more customizable for your organization um right now out of the box you can filter by app and you can filter by category I'm kind of hopeful that like maybe we'd be able to add like user personas or you know things like that that are kind of more like specific to your organization or if you could have an organizational library of prompts that are specific to like the company the business that you do um I I hope that Microsoft's going that way I don't they I don't know of any path that they're doing but I do know that this authenticates if you go to it like on a phone or something it asks me to log in so I'm suspecting that Microsoft is probably going to enhance co-pilot to be a little bit more personalized than hopefully just you know saving the prompts that they give you but uh definitely co-pilot lab is something to bookmark and be able to have at your fingertips when you're new to co-pilot yeah I would agree I really want to be able to do some customization there but I love the bookmarked prompts like to Daryl's point there but I also like it just gives you an idea of how to talk to it prompt engineering is it's an art and a science it definitely takes some back and forth and and some and some time to to be able to learn it but they're giving you a starting point and that's what this is all about getting you over that starting point so let's actually dive in and see M365 chat so the first thing that I'm going to do is I want it to get me caught up on something so I'm just going to ask it I'm just going to ask you what's the latest on Jolly Roger Java now bit of um background on that that is an email conversation that I generated using AI uh I had assume two personas and go back and forth about a marketing plan for a fictitious coffee shop that uh uh it also helped me to uh imagine called the dolly Roger Java Coffee Company it's a pirate coffee shop it has a memorable experience for coffee lovers I did this live in a workshop at a conference not too long ago uh it promised that not only were we going to have a pirate themed coffee shop but we were going to have a life-size pirate ship in the coffee shop so hey Andy can you do me a favor and zoom in on your browser a couple notches yeah okay before somebody posts in the chat I was going to say like let's make it a little bit bigger hopefully that's easier to read yeah so what's the latest on Jolly Roger Java now what it actually did I'm in Microsoft 365 chat I'm Microsoft 365 Home it went and it actually found that content and it's given me the references and tell me where that's coming from I have a document around that I have some interview questions for an ad campaign I have a PowerPoint presentation um around that there was also an email conversation around that and so uh it's able to go and and pull all that uh all that information um together um so as I'm doing that notice it's giving you some follow-ups automatically it knows Contex hey you're talking about a coffee shop what are the most popular drinks I'm kind of curious to see what it's going to pull from that because I had co-pilot helped me create a fall menu for uh for drinks as part of a presentation I'll show you that in uh in just a little bit so it's telling me that it can't find any from here here and that's that's a very common part of the experience um you're going to ask it for something and you're not always going to get a return off of it but this is one conversation that we've got going in here it's part of the chat experience and we can go back to co-pilot chats switch over to a new conversation or go back to an existing conversation and the sidebar there and if you go to that existing conversation go back to the Jolly Roger one there um you'll notice at the end of the prompt where say AI generated content may be incorrect there's a one of 30 and a two of 30 those are called turns so whenever you send something and it comes back and you send something and it comes back you have 30 of those basic turnarounds that you can do before it forces you to do a new chat so that is a way that that it's designed in a way to keep it on the rails if you will um after you get past like 30 the current models of large language models they tend to hallucinate wildly and kind of go in in weird places so um they do limit you to 30 and at any time that you want to start a new conversation you would hit new chat at the top that doesn't mean that you can that you have to get to 30 and then start a new chat if you want to kind of Go a different direction suddenly it's best to start a new chat because otherwise it's going to constantly be trying to like understand the context of what you were talking about before and if you completely changed gears you might confuse it a little bit so um that new chat you want to use that kind of strategically I like using multiple conversations I start one conversation here and then Take Lessons Learned maybe go to a new conversation and kind of pick up from there or if I know I'm going to have a pivot maybe I go to a new conversation have that pivot over there and then come back to this conversation and take those love lessons and then continue within the turns to minimize the hallucinations all right um so I'm just going to bounce back to to new chat I just want to show a few different things here just some of the capabilities so we just saw I I asked it you know what's the latest for uh Jolly Roger Java um you can have it reference specific files and and do some things so like I'm going to say um I want to write an email to my team you know about priorities for the next quarter now it's given me some recent relevant documents here um but you can just start typing you can't see it underneath here but it says just start typing to um to search and so I can do that and now you see it's like narrowing that down um so I'm going to tell okay let's reference this particular document um you can also do a forward slash and then it'll um as part of the conversation and it'll pull up that uh that same menu it defaults to files but notice people meetings and emails so the forward slash is kind of the let me add something to this and yes it is possible to use this across multiple files which is really powerful yeah we'll go ahead and send that it's just going to go to the document pull back some some key points and draft an email and I'm going to fact check this not going to read this verbatim but I would go back and and fact check this um to verify that the information is actually correct looks pretty good just at a glance but you can still prompt against it you can go back and say well can you add more detail on the new locations or the customer um retention or um you know there's a couple of suggestions that are contextual but you can go back and continue to prompt uh against uh against that so that's an example that I just wanted to demo here um that shows where working with um uh having it help you to interact with existing content I think that's kind of um what I've seen as part of the the program that I'm in and trying to like roll this out is people are trying to leverage it against existing content but they're not really sure how to go about doing that um whereas Microsoft is like hey this will get you over the blank page and people are like that that's a barrier in and of itself like what do you mean the blank page I don't start from a blank page I start from you know an existing template or a statement of work or you know we have a predefined contract format that we want to work with so I wanted to show that example you can use it against something that you already have in that way but you can also you know brainstorm and have it um help you to to um come up with new ideas and then use that as like the starting point to go and and work with something else using existing content is really power powerful especially if you had like what you were saying Andy like I've I've told people in my own organization as well like what does good look like try to identify something that like this is the best RFP I've ever done it's been super successful then what you can do is like you know where that's at in your co-pilot prompts you can say write me a new RFP for such and such client use this one as inspiration and then it will like you know kind of pull out like some of the things that were good about that other good deliverable that you had and it will use them um two things I wanted to point out as well uh I'm just going to like do quick fire tips at you as I see them um open up your recent chats here I am so glad that Microsoft brought the recent conversations because like it I was really struggling not being able to go back um two things about this first of all I Andy I'm hoping that you can show that you can rename those chats um so if you go to the dot dot dot next to it you can click edit and you can actually rename that chat if you want to it's an issue there we go yeah is it not coming up there we go so you can edit and rename it um and you can also delete but the rename is really helpful for my fellow technologists that are watching if you are the person who does demos um what I've done so we don't have to like sit here and wait for it to you know um to to wait for it to generate um I've created like my top five favorite prompts and I put them in a chat message and then I uh I renamed that chat demo so that I can always just go to My Demo and it's like already pre-loaded for me so that's a tip for the technologist the second thing I want to point out about recent chats is the lifetime of those chats relies on your Microsoft teams chat retention so if your organization is set to 24 hours of retention for that particular chat those chats will go away pretty quickly if you're 30 days you might be able to keep those chats for you know a little bit like a month um or if you you know have nothing then they'll just Stack Up and stack up so I did want to point that out as well for the admins that are out there this follows chat retention um in teams so that's a good one and uh I'm checking for like more questions and stuff yeah I think that's that's a really great point out to to make there while you're checking for more questions a couple other things just to point out that are really helpful it can help you uh summarize my last meeting it can go and pull um meeting notes if there were maybe a transcript or something available it might be able to um to um to pull that and then get you ready for the um maybe another meeting in the series that that you have coming up but you can also just ask it things so like you can go in and say um um I'm doing this like on the Fly yeah so don't correct that spelling just send it as is you'll notice that like he spelled Microsoft wrong that doesn't matter like K doesn't care um it still figures it out uh for you um while that's loading there is one question here Andy from Daryl darl had to leave us to to go to something else but um he asked about the sidebar chat when you're using M365 in the sidebar are you able to use the context of the browsing window the website that you're currently on so I'm going to ask it and I'll just leave that up so the video knows what we're answering I'm just asking it to summarize the page that I'm on and you see work content and chats cannot be seen outside your organization it's it says it's coming through documents in chat and it's looking for summarize the page and it's telling me that it's not specific enough to provide a summary of the content that is that is here uh in the testing that I've done I haven't been able to use the Microsoft 365 chat to be contextually aware of the page that I'm on but I have been able to use Bing chat Enterprise to be contextually aware of the page that it's on okay we disabled that at my organization so I didn't know the answer to that one yeah if if that's changed I haven't I haven't seen um M365 chat be able to be contextually aware of the content that's on the page that it's on from the sidebar MH Okay cool so here you see we just did kind of like we would with like chat GPT we just asked it for something it's not specific to any content that I own it's not specific to you know email um files or anything like that it's just a general query against information and that also brings up um another point I'm going to expand this and it's pulling some of this information um it's referencing a document the um Early Access program there was a digest on October 13th where they briefly explain how co-pilot actually works with the graph it didn't make a call to the internet to do that and so that's another thing to point out you have plugins available and one of those plugins is to turn on web content and that will allow you to prompt against the the web so I'll just ask it you know the same question and I wonder why it's grayed out yeah didn't activate it so now I'm asking it the same question but I've enabled the plugin for for web content and see this one we can compare it to you know the the previous uh response it looks like it's going to be pretty similar but it should be able to pull back from web content now this particular prompt it didn't ask for um uh or it didn't give me any references like any blog posts or you know Micosoft docs articles about where it got that but you do have the ability to turn on web content and I believe admins can turn that off if they want they can can you turn can you try like asking something like what's the latest news with Joe Biden or something like that to see if it can pull like current news or something like that um and while you're typing that so there's a good question from Abdul here that he was saying um you know with the co-pilot like extensibility and plugins and things like that we're talking right now about the plugins in co-pilot um that is one side of the equation right so there are plugins that you can deploy that are either um I know Microsoft said they're going to support open AI plugins they're going to support uh there's plugins that have message extensions so like a traditional teams message extension um in-house co-pilot plugins that will be able to have like adaptive cards and stuff like that as well as graph connectors so if you're if you use Microsoft search in your organization and you're doing graph connectors to connect to like service now or other types of things like that you will be able to extend co-pilot to use those other sources that's in an M365 world if you want to be able to use co-pilot type of functionality but outside of the Microsoft ecosystem potentially somewhere else there was a new feature that was announced at uh ignite two weeks ago that is co-pilot Studio that's basically the the Rebrand and kind of the future of power virtual agents with that my very limited understanding you'll be able to create a co-pilot using co-pilot Studio that then you can one you can train it on specific websites and specific uploaded text files and things like that but there's an entire plug-in ecosystem there where you'd be able to plug in other resources then you publish that co-pilot chatbot as a website or as a a chat experience that you can embed on a website so I don't know much of what I'm talking about right there but hopefully that kind of helps you at least with what you can go search for I think Andy you've taught like workshops and stuff about Power Platform so you probably know more yeah the capabilities are going to be a little bit different over there I think you um you you pretty much hit the nail on the head copilot Studios is is what you're going to want to look at and then there's some believe Craft um connectors that you can use for external sources um but that's that's the area that you're going to want to go in and maybe even look at Power Platform in order to connect with data that's outside of the Microsoft ecosystem so what we found here is that it looks like the web plugin doesn't work not right now for you yeah it looks like it's disabled by my administrator so that's what that's what's happening if you disable it um at the admin level it'll actually gray out that switch um so for those of you guys who are administrators there's a new admin dashboard I personally don't have access to it at ey but um those plugins do show as toggles that you can turn them on or off for your organization and there's like very few right now but you can disable the web plugin if you want to one reason why you may need to in your organization is the web plug-in um the like disclaimer or terms for that says that it uses uh the consumer Ula basically for Bing to make those searches so it's not the same protections as Bing Chad Enterprise from what I understand so that that may lead you to kind of reconsider if you want that web plugin at this time or if you want to wait for that to be a little bit you know more on a more secure channel so yeah Phil co-pilot Studio I think is g to be really cool I created my own co-pilot to this week like Wednesday where I pointed it at uh learn. micr moft Tech Community and adoption. Microsoft and then I uploaded uh or I like attached some of our like Privacy Information like uh about you know requirements and stuff like that and I created my own co-pilot that I could ask risk and privacy questions about co-pilot so it's pretty meta but I was like ask I was asking it questions that our countries were asking me in able to you know to give me some ideas of how to answer those questions from the various countries so uh let's keep moving forward because we got a lot to cover and a number of other Dem go through um I did want to put this is from the service descriptions of the uh co-pilot um Microsoft 365 chat experience summarizing chats emails and documents um prompting against that conversation and then um things like brainstorming ideation it's really powerful for that but from that one entry point you're able to connect to your files your emails your chat your calendars your content and that can really serve as a as your as your virtual assistant the thing that I do want to point out is that it's limited in its ability to create things so like it was able to help me start drafting an email but notice it did not open Outlook and create the email it gave me the option to copy that go and start my own draft it will not add an event to my calendar and it'll summarize information coming from that it will not respond to a chat but it will summarize a conversation that I've had it will not draft a brand new document for me but it will allow me to brainstorm and ideate against that so it uh the creation of content from there is not possible but it gives you information and ways to interact with that content and that's very very powerful that is something that is coming soon though uh Microsoft announced at their surface event in September and I don't think they gave it an actual name but I'm calling them action buttons where basically co-pilot is going to be able to detect hey you're drafting an email so it's going to come up with a button at the bottom that will say open an Outlook and it'll send that output to Outlook or hey I want a slide outline it will detect that and then offer to open it in PowerPoint so that is coming at some point in the future uh something to look forward to along with like the Outlook sound like me feature things like that yeah all right so we've done briefly um our intro into Microsoft 365 chat I think what we need to Pivot into next is Microsoft teams uh that's from my experience when we're rolling this out and working with new uh colleagues in this platform the next logical place to go is to Microsoft teams and so we'll pivot over there and um I recommend you start off with um uh co-pilot in teams meetings so what we're going to do is I'm going to get my screen set up we're gonna briefly do an intro so we can cut this and then we'll move into the next part all right so in this this episode of 365 deep dive we're going to talk about co-pilot in Microsoft teams we'll start off with a co-pilot experience in meetings and then we'll talk about what co-pilot can do uh in chat as well as some of the other experiences that are native to Microsoft teams so with we when we talk about co-pilot in teams the first logical starting place is to take advantage of it in teams meetings there are a couple requirements uh for that currently uh but once you start working with it inside of teams meetings you're going to find it super helpful for things like in meeting Recaps generating um meeting notes actionable items and then being able to ask questions against that meeting a requirement though uh is that it needs to either have a transcript running or uh you have to have the co-pilot without transcript feature uh to to use this and the co-pilot without transcript feature is actually relatively new so with that let's go and take a look at co-pilot and teams we'll start with teams meetings so John and I are actually in a meeting right now with one another uh hopefully um it's uh the recording was actually started uh and that should have been you forgot to start recording ah it's okay we'll Circle back to it all right recordings going audio is being picked up and our meeting's actually um actually running so in the meeting experience there's a call out at the top you can bring co-pilot up and what that's going to do for you is allow you to do the things that are going to pop up in this menu bar here you can recap the meeting list actionable items suggest follow-up questions uh what questions are unresolved list different perspectives list list the main ideas and generate meeting notes it's pulling that information actually from the transcript and as I mentioned there is the option to um use co-pilot without transcription I'm not exactly sure how that works because it's something that's relatively new um but um there's a couple of um meeting policy features we'll talk about in in just a moment but as we're in this meeting I'm the host of the meeting so I'm actually able to use and Leverage co-pilot against it I invited JN to the meeting and Jon is a user that is not licensed for co-pilot so he's not going to be able to leverage it he shouldn't be able to see the co-pilot option at the top and he shouldn't be able to use co-pilot against the meeting however I can use it and as part of that I can share what I've what I get from the co-pilot panel maybe through chat or maybe through you know a Word document um a one note page followup Microsoft loop I can share that content uh with with John now as part of this you'll see it's telling me these are the key topics Andy demonstrated how to use co-pilot to recap it tells me where that is in the transcript um it tells me um the time the time stamp that's specific uh to that and it gives me three main uh topics and then it's got a auto suggestion uh list the actional items suggest any follow-up questions but I could also ask specific questions uh against that for example does does it work for non-licensed users I just mentioned that a moment ago so it should be going back to the transcript and pulling information related uh to that and you see it says Andy explained that John who is not licensed for co-pilot cannot access to co-pilot in the meeting so yeah let me let me throw my screen on real quick just to show you guys so I am Megan Bowen I'm in a different tenant different organization and you can see up at the top here I don't even have a co-pilot button so you don't have to worry about like oh if I license my users is it going to show co-pilot and then they're going to get an error message because they're not licensed you don't see the button if you're not licensed and you don't see the button if you're external so um that kind of clarifies like what does the other side of the house see versus what is the person who has co- piloty um now Andy he can take that that response there he could copy it and he could put it in the chat and then I'd be able to see it you know it's kind of a a takeaway artifact at that point but um yeah you won't be able to see it uh if you're not licensed um so I'm thinking Andy do you want to end this meeting and then we can show the recap of using co-pilot after the meeting's over and then I'm happy to take you through the ephemeral transcription version if you want to and we can show the differences because this is something I've been testing in my organization as well is kind of that co-pilot without transcription so I can kind of speak to that if you want um and we can show recap after this meeting's over but you can see like oh my gosh he was we've been transcribing for what like 2 minutes or three minutes and it's already pulling out that much detail of like oh here's what Andy said and here's the action items and all that like holy cow imagine a on- hour long meeting that you don't have to take notes for anymore because co-pilot's got you like it it's gamechanging this is in my opinion this is the biggest value ad for co-pilot right off the bat um it's just kind of mindblowing how good it is so so yeah go ahead and end that meeting and then we'll take a look at the recap and see what happens it might take a little bit for it to generate that recap but one difference is if you're using transcription so let's call this traditional transcript because this is like just recording and transcription you've been doing this for years if you do that then the transcript is part of the meeting right it's a it's an asset in the meeting you can go to the recap you can see the actual transcript you could download it whatever you have a button at the top that says co-pilot when you have a transcript so Andy can click that and he gets the traditional chat experience along the side and what's cool is it remembers what he was chatting about be like during the meeting so it retained that according to your chat retention and teams um but this is personal to Andy so that you're not don't worry that like oh my gosh is somebody going to see someone else's prompts and all of that that's not what's happening what what it is is this is his personal chat is brought into the recap as well and he can keep chatting after the meeting is over which is pretty cool so you can ask it some other things if you want and it's going to only know up until the point the meeting ended right or until transcription got turned off so if you stop recording the meeting you won't get a transcript anymore which means you won't be able to ask about that part of the meeting so it's dependent on whether or not you're transcribing so yeah list the action items or yeah he's asking for like what's the next steps I just ask it for what are the next steps for non-transcription learn how it works and share it with the team show the differences and benefits of using co-pilot without transcription and another meeting and that actually came from Megan which is John exactly yeah which is which is John um okay you want to see uh co-pilot without transcription briefly before we transition to that okay this is a private meeting this was scheduled from the team's calendar it's a private meeting me and external to John outside of the organization I was able to use co-pilot against this as a private meeting for those of you that use Channel meetings this is uh as of recent it was not available in Channel meetings you can use co-pilot during the channel meeting but when the meeting ends co-pilot's not available through the recap tab like you see it here in a private meeting that might change in the future but at the time of you know today uh it's not available in a channel meeting after the meeting is over so Pro tip yep capture your co-pilot summary and meeting notes and action items and everything you want to do before you close that meeting out because as soon as you end that um that meeting and and that experience you're not going to be able to co-pilot against it anymore now manually you know meeting's over maybe you did transcribe it that's a file you can download it as a word doc drop it in your one drive and then you can use co-pilot against it there so you can go back and you can have that experience there that's kind of a work around for it but today or as recent with the channel meetings um you can't use co-pilot after the fact yeah so that that Pro tip is very important it also is going to come in handy in co-pilot without trans description which is the exact same rule applies um Phil said he's he's teeing us up I think um Phil said hey Microsoft's going to allow recap without transcription and I think that's what we show next is like if your organization is worried about transcription and like I don't want to people doing this and all that um let's schedule a new meeting and then we'll not transcribe it instead we will change a meeting option to allow something else so he's going to call this like I don't know something else like co-pilot without transcription test so um do that we're going to add like Megan to it or something then it's G to fail to send to me probably um I'll let you set up the meeting there I just send it to myself okay cool okay so Andy is setting up the meeting and and this feature is part of meeting options so he could either go to the meeting options at the time of scheduling it or after the fact if it's like on your outlook Calendar you can click the link in the body of the invite to go to meeting options only the organizer and co-organizers can adjust these types of settings so don't worry about some random attendee adjusting this only the organizer at the very bottom you have this new feature called co-pilot and you can choose do I want co-pilot with transcription or co-pilot without transcription this is controllable by your administrator to set a default so you can't disable it at this time in the admin Center you can just choose if with transcription or without transcription is the default option now what this is going to do if you select without transcription is that it will create what's called an ephemeral trans transcription or it will transcribe the meeting while the meeting is going on but when the meeting ends that transcript it goes away immediately so there's no getting back to it it's not retained it's just it just goes away it's like ram versus ROM right um so what happens is uh also you cannot get to this transcript inside the meeting Direct corly so if if Andy goes into this meeting he goes to more at the top um and goes to where he would actually open the transcript so go to like record and transcribe there's no open transcript right there because you can't access it so um so it's doing it in the background it's going to get rid of it when the meeting ends or the last person leaves but he's able to uh to you know like use co-pilot during the meeting while it's active only um couple other things to point out so in the top Corner the top left corner you see the little Shield icon you see the little sparkles that means AI is here so if you Mouse over that that is going to let everybody in the meeting know that has a a co-pilot license it's going to let them know hey by the way you can use co-pilot in this meeting so that's your visual indicator that someone has turned on co-pilot without transcription and that co-pilot is there to help you during the meeting only um the other thing to note is the little Banner right there at the top of his co-pilot chat it points out that co-pilot is only available during this meeting so um that's reminding the person if you go away from this meeting you won't see your chat anymore you won't be able to ask questions of the recap all of that type of stuff it's literally just while it's live and you're part of it um it's it's a little bit like captions in that way where it's like if you leave the meeting and then come back into the meeting and start captions it's going to only help you from like that you know that that little window you're not going to have those captions after the fact right so um totally transitory totally you know ephemeral um what else about transcription one thing uh whether you're transcribing or not transcribing if you have scheduled a meeting for a block of time say you've done like 30 minutes when there are 10 minutes left in the meeting everybody who has a co-pilot license is going to get a popup Bubble at the top of their window that says hey did you know you can use co-pilot to recap this meeting so you're actually going to get like a nice prompt that's helpful to your users to say hey do you want to use co-pilot it that happens 10 minutes before the meeting ends whether you're using co-pilot with transcription or without transcription um what else is there anything else that you can think of about this that you're wondering Andy no but I can't wait to get the transcription of this from YouTube so that I can summarize this into a howto document in my environment right yeah no problem uh we've been doing a lot of groundwork to figure out like what is going on here um Abdul has a great question again in the chat which is does copad have the ability to detect languages the region I work in people use English and Arabic for conversations sometime in the same meeting for somebody like me um will it be able to record uh the notes in that other so I have not been able to test that Abdul um that is something I definitely want to test with my users so we're getting ready to expand to more users than we have in the past in other countries so um I definitely want to check that out if anybody is using co-pilot and knows right now in the chat if you could let ABD will know um I will send that on so he can see it I'll put up on the screen um but I don't know what languages it's able to detect and you know understand like hey if this person was speaking English and this person was speing speaking Arabic is it going to say oh so and so said this and so and so said that is it going to give it to you all in English or is it going to mix it um that's a really good question hopefully somebody from our Global audience can help with that so yeah that's a lot with transcription or with meetings in general basically the big takeaway is you can do it with transcription you get the benefit of using the recap after the fact to ask questions um and it saves your your conversation according to your chat retention there's also co-pilot without transcription that is helpful if you've got concerns about enabling transcription at your organization you can still use co-pilot in that type of world uh with that other feature in meeting options so hopefully that clarifies things for you guys and yeah so Andy's able to to pull that from the transcription it's mentioning the transcript but Andy if you like click on those references it's not going to take you to it to actually say like oh here it is the other thing is um I have found that you can't trick it into giving you the transcript so I've asked like what you know give me word for word what was said or or what did this person say like it didn't give it to me exactly that way so it's it's smarter than you being able to like prompt engineer your way around stealing the transcription so and last Pro tip because of the uh temporary nature it is um helpful to copy and paste that into whatever your documenting um tool of choice is but note when you copy it it will tell you hey this was generated by co-pilot be sure to check this for accuracy yeah yep Phil says multilanguage on the on the point of multil language co-pilot started talking to him in French without asking so I guess uh it can speak multiple languages that's pretty funny keep keep that in mind in in in a in a bit okay uh Dave has a a question is um you know you're talking about the transcription like what was spoken in the the meeting um what about the chat meeting or the meeting chat information itself um in my experience and Andy yours might be different in my experience when you're talking to co-pilot in a meeting it's only using the transcript not the chat messages um but the chat is like a separate thing in the meeting what I have done because I don't transcribe hardly any meetings in my world um what I've been able to do is use co-pilot in the chat interface that we're going to show here probably next um to ask questions of the meeting chat so for instance I did an onboarding this last week um and there was a ton of questions coming in the chat my team was helping to like answer the questions as we were going um I went to the meeting chat after the meeting was over I opened up co-pilot and I said create me an FAQ and it like just basically grabbed everything out of the meeting chat and gave me an FAQ so in my experience it doesn't mix it together but you can like do recap and that's using the transcription you can chat about the chat and it knows about the chat so I I hope they bring that together a little bit better have you been able to get it together or is it the same for you same for me okay and to I I was as we were discussing that I I was demoing that I went from co-pilot to chat and I put in a message over there and then I came back to copile and I want to point out it cleared co- pilot out it cleared the conversation out when I Clos yeah you can't even close and reopen in the meeting and it'll wipe it so and I asked it a question specifically referencing a keyword or phrase that I used in the chat window and you can see it doesn't have any information uh that it can reference we haven't mentioned out loud what I said in that um in that chat conversation it it's not showing up over there as part of it it is strictly against the trans transcription or the temporary um transcription that that that it has now now can you end the meeting and go back to the chat and show Dave where that's at in the meeting chat so we'll end this okay all right and then I'll go over here to chat and we're looking for this conversation and there's the thing that I talked about right over there so you see the there is something there and then I can open up co-pilot here and it needs it needs more conversation there's not enough chat yeah to to generator response so let's see um I don't there there might not be another safe spot for you to do that um but basically if you've got a chat that's nice and long um you will be able to ask even if there was no transcription you'll be able to talk about the chat so no I'm going to do one more thing uh we're getting very meta with this you know now we're transitioning for meetings over into chat and you can summarize and and work with a conversation so if you have a group conversation it you can open up co-pilot as part of that group conversation this one's actually based off of a meeting but I could bring it over here that being said I'm going to go into M365 chat and I've had a conversation uh going on um so I'm going to say like um summarize my last meeting and I just want to see what it's going to pull back from that even though we didn't have like transcription enabled but there was a chat associated with that so we'll give this just a second yeah and I actually did this uh yeah it's not doing the very it's not the most recent last meeting but it did pull a recent meeting the title's correct it does tell me that there was an external guest that doesn't have a co-pilot license get named them by name I never said their full name in the uh in in there uh and then we explained the Insight so it was able to go back and and find that now I'm gonna ask it one other question and while you're typing that you can actually use the slash command to mention uh meetings as well so I did that earlier today in my M365 chat I mentioned the meeting I scheduled on Wednesday and asked for an FAQ and it just did it for me I didn't have to go find that chat and ask I did it in the you know Central interface that Andy's showing so in that particular meeting where I asked it a thing about something that's near and dear to my heart uh it's not finding that that reference cool um all right let me um I want to transition one more time so let me stop sharing my screen for a second okay so we we we briefly covered chat and so the the the chat summary can be accessed from M365 chat or you can go into the chat itself in the upper right hand corner you can select the teams icon and you can use co-pilot against that group chat that you might have had but you have the um ability uh in some cases U or or people are going to have this question rather U Can you use the co-pilot against uh teams and channels and I just wanted to pull that up on the screen and and show um in my tenant currently not available so like I have you know files and conversations and you know I have things um going on um in um uh in you know this team um in the channels that are here but it's not going to be able to um it copile is just not supported there yet but that is on the road map Microsoft has said they are going to be bringing co-pilot 2 channels to summarize your threads and your conversations and you know the sharing of documents and the content and maybe understanding into the channel meetings but it's just not available where I'm at right now wasn't that shown at ignite I think you guys might want to go look at ignite yeah to see that you know what that's going to look like all right um are we ready to Pivot to the to the next part yeah yeah what do we got on the the slides to keep us on track yeah so we need to um we need to head into the office apps next so we've done Microsoft 365 chat we've done some with teams high level but we want to spend a little bit of time on the office apps uh we're going to start with Outlook and then we'll transition word excel PowerPoint and we'll wrap up things with whiteboard and uh in Loop cool so I'm going to go to the Outlook section we'll do our kickoff intro so we can chop up the video nicely for everybody and then we will pick up from there in this session of 365 Deep dive we're going to be talking about co-pilot in Outlook copilot Outlook is going to allow us to do some really helpful things such as drafting a a message getting started uh crafting a reply to an existing message helping us to summarize a a long uh set of uh threaded um responses but copilot's also going to help us to coach to work with our tone and uh the formality of the response that we're going to generate it so let's dive in to co-pilot in Outlook so I'm in uh outlook for the web now you can do this in the new outlook desktop client but that client is relatively new uh it is an update that is very similar to outlook for the web uh the one uh Outlook Vision that Microsoft is currently rolling out I'm going to do this from the web experience but the desktop experience would be similar for those of you that are using an older or classic version of Outlook it is not supported co-pilot's not supported there currently but it is on the road map to um be released for that client sometime in the future uh that is TBD so with that let's dive in and talk about some of the capabilities that we have with co-pilot here as uh it relates to um maybe a conversation um that we have now I've generated a whole conversation between two different people with AI um just going back and forth um and they're talking about um some some um capabilities um as it relates to Microsoft 365 apps and services so let's say I wanted to generate a brand new message go ahead hit new mail and when I start to draft my message right away I can hit the forward slash or I can draft with co-pilot right in the body of that message but I can also go up to the command bar at the top and you see I can draft with co-pilot there and I can also do uh coaching suggestions to write better uh emails so we'll just start off with the um with the draft option here and this is the equivalent of talking to chat GPT I can tell it what I want the email to say um and so I can start delivering a a conversation um now this is very generic I'm referencing something that I have some documents on but I'm not referencing the documents specifically I'm also mentioning hey we're going to do coffee and we're going to do you know some winter specials so there's going to be uh implied some creativity some gener um um some ideation in this so let's see what it says now we're experimenting live in front of a studio audience uh with this but we're going to try to tie it into some existing content in in just a minute um but this is kind of how you're going to step through it whenever you get handson with it so right away it's AI generated content uh it's pretty generic hey everyone hope you're all doing well and staying warm um want to bring some exciting news to you Jolly Roger Java has just launched their winter specials now I didn't tell it any winter specials it went ahead and took the liberty of and let me see if I can zoom in a little bit um it went ahead and took the liberty of creating some winter specials the peppermint mocha the gingerbread latte uh the caramel brle and the eggnog chai uh hot ice or Blended versions um so you know it's accurate oh we're apparently offering a 10% discount to me don't miss the opportunity we're open every day from 700 am to 7 pm and we hope to see you there uh and then it did sign that as uh as me now this is the starting point for for this content if I'm not happy with it I can regenerate it right from here uh I can discard it entirely if I want uh and then I can go back to the original prompt right up here I actually kind of like what it did I think that was actually pretty cool um but you know it's yeah now you're G to have to go now you're gonna have to go to M365 chat and ask for recipes for those different drinks how do I make these hold hold on to that thought okay all right all right so I'm gonna keep that all right so um you you see um it gave a greetings it gave a salutation it gave the body it used bullet points where appropriate Prett good yeah it it's pretty pretty smart like getting started now going back to this um not only did it give like the recipes but I mean it it said hey you know rich and creamy ch with a hint of peppermint and some whipped cream on top like you know you can tell it's been trained um pretty well um but going back into that um you can see uh you know that's that's the initial content there now what I want to do is I want to go up here to the co-pilot option and I want to go to coaching by co-pilot I want to get some suggestions and now it's analyzing my message now it created the first one this could have been something I created you know just something that I did a brain dump on but now it's going to go back and it's going to offer suggestions on how it thinks it can make this information better so it's telling me the to be more G to create our robot war having co-pilot critique co-pilot gonna create Terminator right now so it's saying uh the Tone's a little a little too casual and informal for a business communication and it can um it's saying that um we could we could update um off of that U so I keep that in mind I'm going to go back and do yet another um um new message so I'm going to close this out um but I'm going to go back to home and I'm going to do another new email now I'm GNA go back toot coaching is is really really cool I also wanted to point out that as you're writing an email there's a nudge that will pop up at the bottom that will tell you hey you've been writing for a while do you want to use co-pilot to coach you so um it is going to recommend itself to your users uh this is something that came out about halfway through the EA AP program and um I think it's a really awesome feature ad to Outlook yeah I I like the the suggestion to you know this is long and wordy you know it it reminds me of a Chappelle Show skit where it's like wrap it up B it's like it's popping up so um I'm gonna go back to drafting with co-pilot and um I I I I told it what I wanted it to do here but I want to go to this guy in the lower corner here the generation options when I start to do this we can tell it the tone and we can tell it the length that we want this to uh to take so this is a medium length uh response and then uh it's going to be in casual but we can take some liberties with that let's make it a poem and let's make it medium and um we're going to do something similar to what we did in um uh in the in the the previous one so this one was about you know Jolly Roger Java just launched their winter specials I'm just going to do some copy and paste just for the sake of time all right oops uh hold on control Z yeah I'm on a I'm on a Mac on a Windows so it's it's a whole thing all right so let's go back all right so I want it to I want to make it a palm I want it to be medium uh Jolly Roger Java um has just launched their winter specials um in the voice of a pirate perfect so I want to I want I want to see creatively what it's GNA do this is going to transform marketing [Laughter] forever all right ohy Mi Hardies it's Andy from shy Roger Java oh my gosh um we just launched a winter special said don't you wait so it is it is definitely rhyming uh it's mentioning the the the similar drinks as before it did it in the form of a poem and it took on the voice of a pirate I love it these are these are really fun demos that's awesome now something that's going to be more useful in the real world is um that tone where it says make it a poem they're adding a new feature that's going to be sound like me um I don't specifically know all the details of how it's going to do this but apparently using the Microsoft graph you've got all the data of every email that's in the Microsoft graph that you've you know sent um co-pilot's going to start to understand how you talk do you use a nickname for yourself do you have a similar sign off do you say you know the word dude a lot um it's going to like keep that in mind and it's going to transform its draft to sound more like you instead of more robotic so um that's something that coming hopefully soon uh to the Outlook experience so brief story about that I I've done a demo on this previously and in the process of this someone asked about the sound like me and they're like can you have it assume a different Avatar and I I had to ask Avatar and they're like you know Persona I was like oh can I make it sound like a pirate that's where this actually came from this is part of a live demo of that I that I i' done at one point and that's that's where I learn um my tone but to your point the sound like me is looking at uh are you casual uh in your u in the way that you response are you more professional informal uh what's your tone it's also looking at your word choices and it's looking at are you a long or short writer is doing text analysis that's something that you can do with like almost any AI tool you can give it a sample of your text uh and you could say hey do text analysis on this uh to be able to rewrite and have consistent rewriting around that uh and it's really powerful what it cannot do is assume the tone of your boss or another colleague within your organization can you make it respond uh as a pirate absolutely my act like my CEO it's not gonna do that right this sound like Tony Stark no I'm sorry it's not g to do that Phil wants to train it on his Twitter account oh man so uh that's just uh so here's a you know just a couple of things uh as it relates to crafting uh uh Drafting and coaching now I'm going to go back to previous conversation here um co-pilot checkin this is a message that uh I was working with uh previously so you see there's a thread going on here of all kinds of content and so what I can do is I can say okay I'm replying to this content so now if we look down you can use co-pilot to draft your response yes um that's along with this question somebody was just asking like what about in the context of a longer chain how does it do that this is perfect yep so here we can you know we can summarize um I can draft with co-pilot um and I can just say draft a reply and I'm going to be pretty basic B with that and I'm just going to generate that response so the previous email thank you for following up with specific questions tailored for word excel and PowerPoint and then it's going to say well thank you providing a detailed list and if like we were to scroll down and look at thank you no thank you no thank you sir I have noticed that um it does fall into that that trap um pretty frequently yeah but you can just say draft a reply and it's contextually aware of what happened in in there now um I've seen the joke um where somebody's like hey draft this email with co-pilot and send it to my colleague and the colleague gets in and they're like all right summarize this with co-pilot exactly and then draft a response and then the machines are talking to themselves robot wars yeah so we we don't want to get into into into that pattern but you can see like with just a simple draft this reply we're able to like go back and forth as part of that that conversation um can you show I want to show something like um you're in this this email chain can you go to the uh I I don't know like I don't think you'll be able to do it in your drafts but like when you're on an email in your inbox you'll be able to do the dropdown and say reply with co-pilot and then it will give you suggested replies based off of that where it would say uh so actually like go up to the top there um in your menu bar it looks like the co-pilot icon went away um yeah for some reason it did on on this particular thread let me at least for me maybe because it's it might be because it's a scent item if you had received an email um hopefully you can bring one of those up uh but I know it's your actual environment so be careful yeah give me give me just a second but what I wanted to say is like when you're reading an email you can get a summary you also can click reply with c pilot and it will do recommendations so kind of to your question Abdul about uh you know what about like the understanding of the previous email chain um it's pretty cool because it will give like do do you want to say yes do you want to say no do you want to ask for more information and it will like kind of give you choices so that that way you can be like uh okay politely decline you know um you can kind of tell it like what you want to do about it so you don't really have to like read through the whole thing it will figure out what other actions you may have wanted to do so that's kind of helpful so you're talking about this email here so we're looking for the yeah or can you go just to the the top of the thread I two s items at the top of the thread yeah click like one above that like the very top of the thread yeah this is a item uh go go up to and just click like the whole Banner at the top yeah okay well I think it's just because of our demo but when you're using this in the real world when you receive an email you'll actually get the option to reply with co-pilot and that's where you'll get those recommended suggestions I will show this while I'm here because this is a thread you you see this summary by co-pilot option show up now I use this all the time so this actually is more for um contextual and complex um Communications so generated that summary and you see we're talking about Jolly Roger Java and it tells me which message that those actually came from and so you can show those those specific messages and you can go back to those as part of the the conversation and this will also show I know you can't see my my phone but at the top of Outlook you get that little Sparkle icon again you can do that summary on your phone as well with Outlook mobile and then the last thing that um I want to mention uh here um I'm going to grab this little bit of text right here all right so let me just copy that there's the ask co-pilot but I'm G to copy this now I'm G to move out of Outlook I'm gonna head back to Microsoft 365 chap right over here and I want to get some information um for Jolly Roger Java now that was an email and I just want to see what it's going to pull based off of that so this would be the equivalent of like if you were going and doing a Microsoft search you know and you would get back like you would get back good data right it would tell you like oh you know here's sites that have that word and PowerPoints that have that word but you kind of got to sift through that data um hopefully if it works here you may have to refresh um if it works here what's nice is it's going to give it to you in natural language and it's going to you know it's going to be more readable so that you're not kind of I guess the old school way of searching the way I would describe it is you're starting a hunt where now you got to hunt for what you want it pulls the right stuff but you got to go through it with this like it it's going to bring it more to the Forefront and kind of give you the context like what it is and why it matters and and then give you the references to that stuff if you want to check it out and it's saying that it couldn't find anything for this particular one that email is 30 days old I think we've hit the the limit for this I think there was a limit um there's the chat limit for um based within your retention history but um this one's telling me that it's not able to to find um content even though we know those emails were there it's not able to look for it over here and you can see it looks like it's um it's kind of repeating itself a couple of times when I've done this demo recently this worked really well yeah yeah I I can attest that too I I do a lot of looking around and um trying to find things where it's like I know one key word so I'll just throw that at co-pilot and it it does a good job of finding things that are like oh yeah that's in an email because a lot of times I don't remember if it was in a chat or an email or what and I could do Microsoft search but I'm kind of getting just more in the mindset of like I've got this chat right here it's already like open and in my team's client so um yeah you can kind of use it as a search engine as well yeah uh Dave's got a question about the um when I right clicked it said ask co-pilot um hasn't seen that before so I'm gonna go back and bring that up yeah and you see it's it's um so that's a function of edge that's your edge browser that's offering that it opened up the sidebar um I'm curious we haven't seen co-pilot in Windows yet I'm curious if that will be like a system level rightclick option at that point but um that was coming from his Edge app yeah so another reason to use Edge all right I think this is a uh another good transition Point we've covered um a number of different fun things here as it relates to Outlook um so I think the next transition is we're going to move over to uh office now I think for this one what I want to do demo wise is um we're going to cover kind of word excel PowerPoint in batch um I've got kind of a cool little demo I want to kind of like step through and so we'll cover copilot and workel and we covered the overall General capabilities we covered those in the last session a couple weeks ago yeah so if you want like highlevel what it does um that's a really good one to check out yeah so here we go with the intro for um for this next one got it Andy in this episode of 365 deep Di dive we're going to be talking about co-pilot for word excel and PowerPoint we're going to show you how you can use co-pilot to summarize existing content how you can do synthesis which is to generate new content based off of existing content we're going to show you ways that you can draft and revise content as well and we're going to do this in Word Excel and PowerPoint so it's really powerful to work with copilot whether you're in office for the web or office for the desktop apps now one caveat to be aware of content needs to be in the Microsoft cloud whether it's one drive SharePoint or teams in order for you to be able to reference and maybe reuse it and uh do synthesis along with it and if you don't know what that is synthesis we're going to show you here it's actually pretty cool so I'm going to start off by heading uh in my Microsoft environment I'm actually going to go um I could start from Microsoft 365 home and maybe go to like Word Excel or PowerPoint and work from there if if you start from here and you create new content that content is actually going to be stored in your one drive uh so just a heads up there you could go to Microsoft teams and start and draft new content or you could go to uh SharePoint and you could start and draft new content from there I'll just start here from Microsoft 365 home I'm going to do a new blank Word document so this opens up in office for the web but again you could work with copilot in the desktop apps I just like the Simplicity of working in um office for the web for getting started it minimizes my context switching I can do everything from the web browser but what I'm going to show you here also works on the desktop so right away we're in word now I'm going to zoom in a little bit and notice I haven't written anything down but it's telling me that I can go ahead and start drafting with co-pilot describe what you want to write notes outline co-pilot can help you to generate a draft to get you started this is one of the big selling points in Microsoft it gets you over the blank page I have an idea a thing that I want to talk about let's just get some words on the page and then I can really start critically thinking against that U finessing that document and build out something but you can also reference your content so you don't have to start with a blank page if you have something existing that you want to reference or multiple things that you want to reference you can do that I'm going to start with a blank page so I want to create an outline for um co-pilot for Microsoft 365 specifically M365 chat Microsoft [Music] teams Loop and office and I'm just going to tell it the apps that I want specifically and I wanted to do an outline for this all right so I'm going to generate that now I didn't reference any of any document that I have created already but it says it's pulling things together so we're going to let this start to generate that uh that content now I'll be honest I've done this demo a bunch of times so it's it's going to um be very similar to some other files that I have out there I'm going to rename this file something specific so it's easy for me to reference it in uh in just a moment so you see here it's uh creating a header and some content for each of the different um apps and services and then it's gave an introduction and a conclusion now I would go back and check this for accuracy as I'm doing this though notice everything's highlighted in blue that's because I haven't confirmed that I actually want to keep this yeah I can go back and edit the original prompt I can regenerate The Prompt and I can um um add to it based off of you know what it's pulled up and I can say you know include some specific details and just going back and looking at it high level um use co-pilot to share your screen audio and video that's not a co-pilot capability so check it for accuracy um when you're when you work uh when work with it I'm going to regenerate it um and say um use co-pilot uh specific and I will spell that correctly um capabilities man I need spell check to type so let's refine that draft you can see like it the questioner earlier about it how fast is this going to go it's going pretty fast um you know you're not doing a lot of waiting I find that as you said when you're asking like about something that it kind of has to like go through the graph or through the semantic index and find that takes a little bit of time right it has to do that grounding if you're like generating from scratch it's pretty dang quick so now if anybody else has noticed that speed difference between the type of prompts you're doing full disclaimer as we're doing this every section in here is very very similar it's using that hey co-pilot create and then you know document name or whatever and it's doing that for every single app so this particular um example um you can tell it's a little off the rails so this might be a situation where uh I don't like this I'm going to provide some feedback on it um and I'm just going to say um inaccurate and um repetitive and inaccurate content you got spell check there yeah you know what I'm just gonna send it like [Laughter] that whatever they'll have spell check they'll figure it out so I don't I don't like this I'm just going to trash it and then we're going to start over so let's just go back into co-pilot you see the co-pilot pops up over there mhm yeah there's a little bit inconsistency between the apps as well that like how do you activate co-pilot in Outlook it was having you use the slash command in word it was like use alt something to get it to pop up so a little bit of keyboard shortcuts to remember now as we're as we're looking at this um there is a co-pilot in the command bar at the top and this is this is consistent across word excel and PowerPoint um there are things you can do in the main uh content and then there are things that you can do in the side uh the side panel so this generating some content and you can tell again it's a little off the rails today I've done this demo a bunch and it's actually been way more accurate than what we're seeing here today so that sidebar thing um in the web version at least I haven't tested this in the full apps in the web version you can actually resize that so have you found that out yet Andy people like always talk about like I wish it was bigger or smaller you can actually do that with co-pilot on the web I learned something new I didn't know that I found that out today I saw the cursor change I was like wait a second I could resize that so there you go now you got your money's worth everybody all right let's let's do this one more time and we're gonna say what is Microsoft 365 co-pilot mhm so it be more generic and this is kind of the back and forth um that we work with now we're starting from a blank page uh it's the end of a long week co-pilot might be tired I know I am all right so this is more relevant and this is one of those like Concepts that I see about like how to use AI you know like best practices or whatever you want to call it um is one of the things is to iterate right so like we're seeing Andy use one of the tips and tricks that Microsoft adoption brings out is like don't just take the first thing um try to like try to make it work a little bit harder for you uh so I'm going to let this go one more time and then we're going to transition to a couple other things that are pretty cool so this is generating we just got somebody new and um the how do you turn on co-pilot so co-pilot at the beginning we mentioned the uh requirements it requires a um an E3 or E5 skew uh I believe that's going to lower SKS in the future they announced it ignite um but there's a 300 seat minimum at this time so you do need to be prepared to to um to license 300 people which US is like $109,000 basically um so there is kind of that minimum Microsoft has said you know in generic terms that they're you know they're they're getting ready to you know they want to work more with small and medium businesses to make that you know more accessible than requiring 300 you need 300 it is a skew that it's a standalone you buy M365 co-pilot and it's uh it's MSRP $30 a month per user so once you have that you license your people um it will do a process called building the semantic index the apps will show up in the users's applications when they're licensed and they're kind of off and running at that point so we've done a draft a couple of times where we're creating a document I'm just going to rename this so I know specific uh what it is um there's going to be a specific reference at the end of um of this um that's going to come into play in just a moment now the results here we hit or miss I've had much more success previously that being said sidebar open CoPilot sidebar um I can go in over here and you know let's change something um change the how to use co-pilot section and then we'll see what kind of response it gets but notice as it's doing that we can tell her to write about things change and modify things to summarize the document and ask questions around the uh the document um in this particular case like the summary is really helpful for long documents because it can definitely give you a very short and concise summary of that and then also with long documents asking it specific questions are actually super helpful I'm going to Pivot off of this particular one I'm going to go back to another document that I've actually created uh previously so I'll head back into my files um here's my coffee shop um I've got um here's my fourth coffee newsletter our mission our Market our Revenue model so you see this one is a lot more um um detailed so let's actually go in and I want to ask it in the co-pilot panel um I'm going to ask questions about the uh U the market tell me about the market and it's on the screen we should be able to read that but we want to see the accuracy that's actually coming back so just looking at that 20,000 coffee shops 10 billion in Revenue man I wish uh 85% of the market um grow by 2.8% annually I mean it pretty much pulled that um directly uh from uh from the document so we're going to do um one more thing and I just want to ask at something that's not on um a specific page [Music] um so what about the competitors and I'm going to misspell that and we're going to see the interpretation coming back so we're just kind of going through and pressing the keys and showing you a few different things so we'll let that pull together The Next Step I'm going to show you is we can pivot off of this document and we can do something else that's actually really cool all right so we have uh stiff competition yep rocket boy coffee um hyper warp coffee and express espresso I love that name um and it actually pulled that back so you can see now that we're able to to um ask it questions and pull back content this is super helpful for really large documents there's only 700 words in this one but if this were you know a 30 page document this would actually be real helpful to to enter in against all right so keep mind I'm going to Pivot off of this one we've seen a little bit of word now I want to show you a coup did a 33 page document today and it was able to work with that no problem um I have run into some limit I don't know what the limit is like actually but um I tried like a 250 page like tax law document from like Finland and um it did tell me that it was too large you know to get everything out of it so there is some limit but I don't know exactly what it is somewhere between 30 and 200 something P Pages something for us to track down that's for sure yeah might be something to take away all right I'm gonna go and I'm going to create a PowerPoint presentation um and before I do that I'm just going to grab the link to this document right over here so let me just get the details for this I just want the path for this particular thing all right so I've got that I've got this document let's go and create a new PowerPoint presentation so we'll open up PowerPoint and co-pilot is a panel option right over here hurry up and wait all right so now we're opening up co-pilot and it's going to ask us a few things create a presentation create a presentation from H from a file and then add a slide about I'm GNA skip creating a presentation pretty straightforward here's a prompt create a presentation it'll create a whole bunch of slides I want to create something from something I already have so create a presentation from a file and I just need to paste in um the word document link this is the only thing that frustrates me everywhere else that I reference a file I can basically go in and I can use like co-pilot and I can reference and there's a popup and it allows me to like call the other content you see I can start typing in a name or I can pick from like the dropdown but here in PowerPoint it says you need to paste the link here I wish it did smart look up like it does in in the other parts of the app yeah seems like a consistency thing that hopefully we can see improve all right so now I'm going to go ahead and and send this and it's going to create a presentation for um for that so it's going to look things over it's going to look at the document it's looking for header one two and three it's looking for bullet points underneath that it's looking for paragraph and it's working off for text so this was a document called Jolly Roger Java and so you can see it's creating a slide for like our big idea The Market Outlook uh industry Outlook the market and you know there's going to be a number of slides that it's actually going to create this document is also one that is pirate themed there's a theme to our presentation here um so I'm curious if the images are going to match the theme of the presentation so we'll give this just a second 35% 52 um as it generates it it should create a slide for each one of those bullet points there I didn't count that but it's going to tell us at the end how many um slides that it actually created this is where it's really helpful because I'm reusing content in an intelligent way and also did you guys notice it said adding speaker notes so it also will add speaker notes for you too which is crazy 23 slides yep 23 slides and we're just going to scroll through it created an agenda slide um coffee beans people more coffee beans I'm look Pate it's not exactly the prettiest uh thing you know but uh it it got the job done I think to be honest the actual quality the output leaves a little to be desired compared to like what was shown in the springtime right with the the woman was like planning her her daughter's like graduation party and it was like the most amazing beautiful slides I've ever seen these don't really look like 2023 slides you know so that's something to keep in mind is like it it's got some room to get a little bit we're not any awards for our PowerPoint design presentation but it's a starting point and now we've got presentation designers probably don't have to worry too much right now right but for those of us that are trying to get something quickly created and you know maybe take something existing and turn it into something else this is a huge time saer yeah it's about getting past that blank slide like you said at the very beginning like where do I even start what's the structure it it gets you going you know right and there's also some intelligence built into it I'm highlighting this slide right here notice it inserted a table with the average prices uh and some of the cost information that it pulled from the original document so it's putting that into a table based format which is really helpful it inferred that maybe we want to add some visuals to this to break up the monotony of the text inside of it and so it's a a great starting point now the question that I've had is well this is a blank design can I start from a design um in the web um it uh I haven't had have it work like that but I have had success where from um Let me let me exit out of here check the road desktop I think there's something about that actually all right so I'm on the desktop I haven't created anything new but I'm going to go in and on the desktop I'm going to create a presentation and I'm going to use like a new design for that so I got a design set up for a new presentation and then I'm going to go in from the desktop and I'm going to say well let's create a presentation from an existing file and this one does pull from um it does show the existing so the desktop here is actually a little bit more powerful than the web I've got a theme set out and I'm you know we can you know switch back and forth and and do like all kinds of different themes so I got a default theme that I might be working with but when I go in and I tell co-pilot to create a presentation I'm going to reference the same document and in testing what I've seen that's actually been really um powerful is because I have the the the theme um that I want it's going to reference that as it builds out the new slides so we'll just wait um a moment and it'll generate this so um there is the ability to use your organizations template as well I wanted to bring up the um the Microsoft documentation about how to create a presentation there um if you use organizational asset library in SharePoint so that's a SharePoint that you basically promote to an oal you put your your PowerPoint templates there if you do that then you can say like hey create this template this uh PowerPoint and it's going to use your template um for your organization so that's something I haven't done yet um our organization we're talking about like like getting that going but if you guys are using organizational asset Library you can use that to your advantage so I wanted to point that out real quick see this is looking a little bit little bit better yep yeah so right away um it did keep the theme probably should have done a space pirate theme for for this one yeah can you select it and say make it piratey and see what it does make the theme pirate uh that is one thing slide because you can adjust a single slide right yeah so like this this image so we can tell it actually to change the image to space pirates so we'll give it just a second and this is one of the things that that it can actually do now I can't even tell what's in that background there I mean it changed the entire slide oh yeah that's that's a spaceship that's fantastic go to designer if you will uh open up the designer in PowerPoint and then you might be able to yeah do one of those so you can see it side by side there you go beautiful so the the PowerPoint features are are are pretty cool um just showing you from the desktop but I wanted to get this out there if you start from an existing design it will keep that as you build out the presentation and get you over that um you know that really generic one um you can use co-pilot to change the images in there just highlight the image and tell it to change the image you can also highlight the text and you can tell it to um rewrite um and so you can use that as a way to maybe summarize and condense my results have been kind of mixed in the in the right and I'll be honest with you um I tend to lean on like um M365 chat in the sidebar um I use that and that works a little bit better for me and then I just copy and paste back and forth uh it rewrote uh uh rewrote the text um added it says it added about customer segments and potential Market size and whatnot um yeah but you can see it can rewrite it now you're you can also have it say like add a slide about space Pirate Adventures to Planet Java and it will insert a new slide in your uh uh in your presentation by the time it gets it done you could probably already have the slide inserted yourself um it does you know it can be a little slow um but there we go see and it kept like that that theme of the whole thing like Intergalactic Rivals to establish a coffee shop on planet J like it knows what the slide deck is about you know it's pretty that's pretty cool all right I'm gonna I'm Gonna Save this all right so I'm going to you know I'm going to save this back to my um my coffee shop um space pirate Java all right so I save that back to to the Microsoft cloud all right and then the last thing like you can use the prompts and you can say you know create stuff understand edit and ask you know those are kind of built in summaries and and and asking questions and whatnot um I'm going to close this out I've saved it it's back in the Microsoft cloud and I'm going to go back to uh to like my um my one drive all right and I'm going to go one last time and I'm going to just do a word dock M all right and then when when co-pilot opens up here create an executive summary I'm going to reference ref uh recent files Maybe let me grab that text real quick close this it really is frustrated today all right one last time connectivity issue yeah yeah there we go there we go all right and then what I call that space pirate I think yeah space pirate Java or something yeah go space pirate Java create an executive summary and then go and generate that this is really helpful for like going back and forth I like using this because I can get an idea out of my head into a Word document in an outline then I can go and start building a presentation around it and then I can come back and create a summary or a blog post or technical document about it and going back and forth like this I'm reusing content that I've created and I've modified and I've curated and I can verify the the results but it's going to save me a whole lot of time in going back and forth between the two yeah you're creating a package of deliverables you know yep there's a really good question in the chat here um from Abdul again that was do you know if it can create charts and graphs and flowcharts and things like that I have not tried that uh to be honest uh if you're in Excel it can take table data and it can convert that into a data yeah but uh in PowerPoint no it's it today um to my knowledge it's not capable of converting um graphs and charts and flowcharts based off of that's something when I've done it personally um I use chat GPT premium um I've like used a plugin called I think graph. or something like that or Draw do something so uh I that might be a story of like plugins in the future of like a plugin to create diagrams and stuff um I have to think more on that because that would be really helpful with like architectural diagrams and stuff since you're asking about charts and graphs and stuff um one last thing you can convert content change it to a table to a table yeah nice wonder what it's gonna do with all that data like holy cow the least readable T table ever not not the best selection but like a set of bullet points um it works works really well all right uh last thing um I've got an Excel file here it's an inventory list so let's open that up this is pre-formatted in a uh in a table format so it does work best with the table format um but based off of this I can use co-pilot against this particular table now I didn't dra or use it to create the content this is just the template that was out there but I can use co-pilot against it and it's going to allow me to do things like analyze the data that's there highlight um I've had mixed results with that sort and filter I've had mixed results with that but analyze has been pretty good so we'll analyze the the data um oh so I told it to analyze and then saying well I can analyze something what do you want to do yes insights for the quantity and stock so it's saying well we could do this particular kind of a chart around it go ahead and add that to the sheet and drops it right on top of the the table I've had mixed results with thanks Co pilot let's let's let's let's move this to you know someplace else all right so we'll drop it right here and keep in mind I'm doing this in the in the web and you know drop that in but there's the and stock in the reorder level and it it says that they appear to be highly cor correlated and then it created the chart um around that that's pretty cool I I to be honest I have barely used co-pilot in Excel I'm just not a big Excel user lately um that's pretty nice though that that would take me forever to think of like building that chart um you I know there there's so many people who are way better at Excel than me but let's ask it um which items are flagged for reorder mhm pivot tables is another one that that a co-pilot is really helpful for I always find I always struggle with pivot tables personally um and it's really good at creating pivot tables based off of like natural language so just looking at this we're looking for um flagged items to reorder um and it's telling me items 1 10 11 12 13 14 So based off of the data it wants to add that to to a new sheet said it was added to sheet number four and I'm looking I don't see a sheet number four uh it's probably because you have one called inv list right so was it sheet three or was that something you already did no I guess it just lied to [Laughter] you yeah it seems like uh there might be you know a little bit of finicky Behavior today some of the the finicky Behavior I haven't seen um previously and I've been working with this like you know the Early Access program now for months um some of the nuances that we're we're running into today are not common it could be the connection I'm in a virtual machine it could be internet connection from there to to the service all right so um looking for any other questions in the chat window I haven't seen any you want to jump to whiteboard and loop to kind of going to wrap it up or do you want to like revisit whiteboard and loop Standalone later in December I I would really like to spend a little bit of time in those apps a little bit deeper I feel like they're pretty honestly kind of transformational because like uh they're a modern way of working you know like yeah maybe maybe we revisit I think we're going to do what is it like December 15th or something like that as a our next Friday yeah I think we got one more lined up for um kind of middle end of December so why don't we revisit um modern workplace and co-pilot talk about uh loop and uh whiteboard uh and the co-pilot experience there I think that would be uh one that um I want to devote more time to it and we've had you here for over two hours so I don't I don't know how much longer you all want to go um but I I think that might be one worth revisiting in a in a few weeks you've been driving the whole time that's a lot dude um but I really I really appreciate like you you know like you've done a lot of work to build like a safe little playground right with Jolly Roger uh Java and you know doing all of that so um that that's been really helpful I I hope that it's been good for all of you guys to see not only like what what you can do in the demos that are like perfectly curated but a little bit of like what we're what we're finding is actually useful day today um things like especially in those meetings um asking for Action items uh recapping like a meeting chat from like three days ago that you missed out on stuff like that those are the ones that that are really like value add to me in just like a day-to-day you know course of my work so I hope that it really you know jump started some ideas in your mind uh moving forward as you guys get your hands on co-pilot I I hope a lot more people I'm seeing are are getting their licenses and stuff so it's an exciting time it's it's hard to believe though dude like um it is December 1st today that we're streaming this it is one month it has been one month since co-pilot went live you know and like we we filled way more than two hours of like oh you could do this and oh about this and oh here's the little tip so um there's it's it's kind of insane how much has come out it reminds me of the early days of Microsoft teams when it was like just a persistent chat client and then all of a sudden it was like communities and channels and then all of a sudden there was meetings it it feels like that level of innovation coming out of the space which is tiring but exciting so um but yeah thanks for everybody for hanging out with us this whole time uh even those of you that joined us uh joined us late we do appreciate you being here and yes um the currency of co-pilot is time I would I would agree with that uh co-pilot gives you time back once you kind of learn the nuances of it it is it it really does change your workflow and really give you time back that is that is hug you have to invest time into learning and getting better prompting and stuff like that but it pays itself back very well you know yeah so so we're going to continue down the co-pilot Journey uh we hope you will continue with us as uh as we continue to to revisit it we're learning a lot you know your questions are definitely helping us to continue that um but we appreciate you coming along with us uh like And subscribe we got you know this content going out on our YouTube channels and you know um social media and whatnot ask questions that's what we're here for um we just want to continue to share uh our learnings because I know we're learning a ton and not everybody is you know lucky enough to get their hands on with it so we like trying to be able to um to show that but um I think with that we'll see you again in a few weeks as we revisit co-pilot in the modern workplace and we're going to pick up with Loop and whiteboard and we'll talk about one note uh as well um and if anything changes the next couple weeks cool yeah well we'll see how it goes all right thanks everybody have a great weekend take care we'll see you in the next [Music] [Applause] [Music] one [Music] [Applause] [Music] the
Channel: John Moore
Views: 2,523
Rating: undefined out of 5
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Length: 137min 14sec (8234 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 01 2023
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