Creating A Clean Job Switching UI - FFXIV

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hey everyone this is mike and today i'm going to show you how to make a really clean job switching little ui element and it doesn't really take all that much time now if you've watched any of my previous videos this will probably look somewhat similar to you uh where i have some hot bars that i use to just switch through my different jobs now if you don't know how to do that basically you go to your gear sets and then here you have all of your gear sets ready you can just drag them out of here and place them onto whatever hotbar you desire and you just need to click on it and as you can see it switches your job for you and then of course i had that for all of my jobs already but it takes up a lot of screen space when you do it like this doesn't really look all that nice either so going into end walker i decided i want to clean things up a little bit which is what i'm basically going to be showing you today as to what i did so this is what it looks like right now for me over here on the bottom right i have four buttons and then when i click them i basically get access to these hot bars themselves that i've already set up for if i want to switch through my different jobs and then today i'll show you how to do that as well so let's take on a different hud layout so i can show you what we're gonna do so over here we have our four different hot bars that we're going to be using i have one for my dps classes one for tanks healers and then my crafters and gatherers as well of course you can make your own division on what you prefer yourself and then we're going to be making these into the little buttons that you can see over here so first thing what we're going to be doing in our hud layout is we're all just going to drag them on top of each other so this is of course very simple if you want to change the layout as to what your hot bars look like click on the ui elements over here now you can choose like you want the bar i'm personally using four by three you can induce three by four you can use whatever you want to be honest and then you can just drag them on top of each other oh let me click save first and then that fixes that also if you want to resize them control home on your keyboard will make them bigger until you get the desired size for them so that's the first thing that we need to do we take our hot bars that we're not using i'm going to be using four of them in total for tanks healers dps and then crafters and gatherers throw them on top of each other and then we're basically done with the hud layout thing itself after that we're going to go to user macros and we're going to create four new macros again one for each hotbar all you need to do here is type in hotbar display and then the number of the hotbar that you used i used uh seven eight nine and ten so that is basically the hot bar numbers that i'm going to be putting into these four macros and then all i need to do is quite simply just click on this thing and then this will toggle the hotbar on and off as you can see i just need to click on it and then i get access to these job switching hot bars now another little cool thing that you can do is you can type in slash weight 5 for example and then just copy paste the hot bar display and what this will do is when you click it you get access to your hotbar you can switch through your jobs and then after five seconds the hotbar will automatically hide itself again so basically depends on what you want to do with this do you want to just click on it yourself twice when you're switching like you click you switch you click again or do you just want to click switch and then not care anymore and then the hotbar will just hide itself after five seconds of course can't press any other macros whilst these five seconds are going on but generally you don't really press that many macros when you're just switching through your jobs so that's pretty much a quick video on how to make a very clean looking hotbar like layout when you want to use those to switch your jobs again if you don't know how to do it go to your gear sets over here drag them onto whatever hotbar you want and then create the macros that i showed you before relatively easy to set up doesn't even take five minutes to do as you just saw and uh yeah a pretty cool way to just create some extra real estate while still keeping very handy job switching macros on hand so yeah that's going to do this for me i want to thank you for watching i want to thank my patreons for their support and i'll see you in the next one you
Channel: Ilya Dalamiq
Views: 36,729
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ffxiv, macro, job, swap, easy, clean, UI
Id: xRRZlzJp1tY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 6sec (246 seconds)
Published: Wed May 19 2021
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