Cool Way to Change Jobs & Hide Hotbar in FFXIV

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hello some people have been asking how i set up the macro that lets me drop change with a snap and also i've gotten requests for showing how to hide these hot bars on screen so when i press one button on my keyboard that's really easy to access i can hide these two hot bars this is pretty easy to set up and it's a big quality of life change for me so the way the um drop change macro looks is like this so we have the snap followed by the gear change the first thing you're going to need is a macro that lets you hide hot bars on screen and that looks like this slash hot bar display 5 and then brackets on off now that is in the video description just replace this with whatever hot bar you place in that position so you go into your hot layout and then i've dragged hot bar five and six in these locations and then just note which number that is and type that down inside of your macro next up you're going to have to have another hotbar um in this case you can see i have hotbar 4 right here and actually i've just hidden the button that i used to press the macro offscreen i can drag it on screen right here and you can see that's the macro button so whenever i press it it hides these two hot bars now just remember which hot bar this is and then go into your keybinds hot bar and then assign whatever button you want to use for showing and hiding the hot bars [Music] just just keybind that button in this case i use circumflex which is right next to one on my keyboard and i use hotbar 4 for it so you can see it right here to hide the buttons whenever there's no ability or consumable place than them you want to go into character configuration hotbar settings and then hide unassigned slots this now also lets me use hotbar 4 in this location over here some temporary storage so if i need to drop something here i can just drop that over there it's also really useful for the ethercompass for example i just dropped it in this location and i can remove it whenever i don't need it anymore it's really easy once you've created your new hotbar space you can then go into your character screen gear sets and then just hold the left mouse button to drag uh any gear set that you want on screen into your new hotbar that is provided you don't want to use the macro that we're going to discuss in a second with the snap macro after that you can just press your button show and hide this and if you're not going to use snap then that's it now if you want the macro with the snap you're going to have to first of all get the snap e mode off of the mock station that's like 5 or 7 euros i'm not sure but in any case we're annex is pretty happy about me making this video right now the macro looks like this you have slash snap motion weight one so what this will do first of all it will snap motion makes it so the emote doesn't show up in the chat as well so if you're spamming job change you're not spamming the chat as well wait one will make it so the email waits one second before switching from the animation to the job change because that will cause the animation to stop this is also why it doesn't work well with many other emotes the next line is your gear slot or your gear set change and then the number of whatever that gear set is so in this case we want to set this up for astrologian uh we go into character open our gear set list and then we find astrologian and then this right here is the gear set number that we want this is what we put up here and that's also what we put in the next line so we get the icon for the job change so slash micon astrologian class drop that's very important and now you just have to do that whole thing for every single job that you want to change into so for example my botanist looks like this gs change 13 micron botanist class job change 3 warrior and so on and they all look exactly the same and once you have that set up you can just drag your macro from right here wherever you want it and then whenever you click this button now you're gonna snap followed immediately by the job change looks pretty cool i've had many people message me in-game about it so i think a lot of you will like it too so i hope this video helped you out and i'll see you in the next one peace [Music] you
Channel: Jolsn
Views: 112,271
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ffxiv, ffxiv ui guide, ffxiv job change macro, ffxiv jobchange macro, ffxiv snap job change macro, snap, job change, ffxiv snap macro, ffxiv snap emote, ffxiv hide hotbar, ffxiv toggle hotbar, ffxiv toggle ui, ffxiv ui tips
Id: 5bJc78cULNQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 49sec (289 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 05 2022
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