Final Fantasy XIV Macros Guide - Learn to make, use and utilize macros in FFXIV

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well hello there and welcome to a Final Fantasy 14 macro guide that I wanted to do months but I wanted to do months ago but hey I did the roll guide so procrastination didn't completely win in this video I'm gonna give you a rundown of do's and don'ts how to make your own macros ways of putting macros together and also off a few of my own well varados macros are a way of combining commands actions and other inputs directly under one button which are light lotion when you're home alone not essential but can definitely improve gameplay let's start with the don'ts of macros try not to macro ability and skill rotations together for combat jobs the reason being is that macros have deleted them and will cause a DPS loss normal skills and abilities work on a global cooldown and the cooldown on average is 2.5 seconds backgrounds themselves work like a q it'll initiate a command in the order you have it listed you can also add a wait period between each command skill or ability however can only be a whole number and each whole number is one second so you can wait two seconds or three seconds but you can't wait 2.5 seconds so the macro will be slow in comparison to you doing it for yourself I'm not your dad and I'm way too lazy to fill out adoption papers so I can't tell you what to do but I'd avoid using these forms of macros and group content if you're doing your own thing solo though go right ahead I can be your cool Uncle for that on the other hand when it comes to crafting jobs you can definitely put a rotation into a macro in fact if you've seen my Final Fantasy 14 websites video you'll know that the lodestone and Final Fantasy 14 macros index have guides and macro lists for that sort of thing it can help you speed up your leveling or help you complete quests a lot easier and far quicker than the time it would take you to decide what fast food joint you want to order from later with the dad talk out of the way let's get into making our own macros and because I'm generous and egotistical I'll start by sharing a tip this is your run-of-the-mill hot barefoot filled with things however one of these things are not like the others and that's this button here this is a macro and you know that because the button has a gold Cog wheel in the top right it may seem mundane and pointless to point out to some but if you have the same icon as one of your other skills that'll stop you getting confused between the two understand good now let's make a macro bring up your system menu click user macros pick a blank spot and start making a macro word of note you'll notice at the top that there are two tabs individual and shared macros you make in the individual tab will only appear in the character you made them up while the share tab will appear on every character you create when making a macro you can give it a title or a name as well as choose a picture the picture is a rather limited but I'll show you a way to expand on the pictures you can use in a bit under all that is where crafting a macro takes place to start this all off I'll go over eight commands you'll probably find yourself using the most first off is slash m error off this is a very simple command you'd place on top of your list the reason you use this is because if you use a macro that has an ability or skill that's on cooldown or cap use for whatever reason it types the error in chat this command stops it from being put into chat and inevitably being spammed taking up your entire chat log second just to get it out of the way as you will use it the most is slash Micon borrow this with an ability name or skill even an item to use its picture as your macro picture it's pretty straightforward command is slash AC this is to use actions you'd follow this command with a skill or action bracketed with quotation marks this uses that skill or action so you'll be using this one a lot also if you struggle to spell the skill correctly you can press Tab while typing into the command box to bring up an index of everything in the game so you can just find the scale or action name click it and it'll place it down for you if you do it this way you won't need to add quotations as clicking the desired term from here adds it for you the fourth command is brackets T this refers to your target so if you use a ground targeting ability that you need to manually place down and activate this will skip the whole choosing a play scenario by instantly using it on a target for reference I use it with Ninja sakuchi to warp to my targets now keep in mind some hitboxes might be weird depending on the boss or mob the fifth command is just the opposite of the last and it's brackets me it works a ground targeting the same way except the targets under you and as an example we use this a white mage's Asylum to pop it right onto my feet so I don't accidentally pop it in the middle of nowhere and cause my parody to White I have a very itchy trigger finger and should not be trusted with big red buttons our sixth command is another form of targeting and it's brackets Mo this means Mouse over so if your mouse is over a party member's character it'll use that ability or skill on them without needing to Target them and the same goes if you're moused over the name of the party list useful if you don't want to lose out on auto targeting an enemy as an example our user with the gun Breakers Aurora ability and I find it very useful as it stops me from forgetting to retarget an enemy I now have memories to repress again our seventh command to share is brackets two or brackets three all the way to bracket 8 this depends on how you have your party sorted as this will cause a skill to Target at a specific party member in the given member slot I'll use my gun breaker as an example again when using a tank shark ability to give amnesty to another player usually a tank you'd have to Target them first with this macro I just click the button and it automatically uses it on whoever's second in my party list I'll use the same idea with my sage for when I join a duty automatically putting Clarity on whoever is second in the party list I even threw in a command to automatically greet everyone in the party chat which is just slash P followed by text because of the party sorting for me when in a raid the second party members a tank so it takes a lot of the guesswork out finally number eight and the most important command brackets weight dot one this can be anything from 1 to 60 because macro commands work as a queue it doesn't automatically wait for you to stop doing the first action in the queue so if you have a string of commands it'll interrupt itself or just not work the way command pauses the queue for a certain amount of seconds chosen by you dot one equals one second and Dot two equals two seconds and so on and so forth until the eventual heat death of the universe you can only wait for a maximum of 60 seconds though and any number you choose higher than 60 will act as if it were 60. so if you type weight.420 it'll still only be 60 seconds on top of that as mentioned at the beginning of the video it only works for whole numbers you can't do a half second or two and a half seconds just full seconds you can stop looking at the window now the boring Parts over let's put this knowledge to use in a super sexy jump change macro the basis of this macro would be my scholar the least super sexy of my healers on account of never leveling it or using it thank you Summoner right to start off we'll have slash hot bear display 7 off followed by slash hop bar display 6 off these just hide my half bear six and seven if you want to know why check out my video on how to get extra hot buyers I'll link it in the description below otherwise you won't need these first two lines the next six lines you do need slash fume motion brackets weight dot one fume is an emote you can use whatever email you want just increase the wait period if the emote animation is longer slash GS change 14 the number depends on where your job is in your gear set list my scholar is number 14. slash HUD layout 4 brackets weight dot one this switches my HUD layout this isn't layout I use I made it for the purpose of this video but for some people who use different Hood layouts for specific roles it may be of use to you the way command is there because the job change does take a second of which then we'll follow that with Slash AC quotation marks summon EOS brackets weight dot three this will summon our pet with ample time to cast slash Battle Stance motion and finally slash Micon quotation mark soul of the scholar item we added item to the end because we're using the scholar Soul Stone as our macro icon it's an item and not an ability if you were using the abilities icon you wouldn't need to add anything else except the mic on and the ability name and when that's all together you get a macro that does all of this switch's job changes our hood and even summons our pet for us so we're now ready to go disappoint a raid group so that covers making a macro I hope all that was useful to you and I explained it clearly if I didn't then hey Pop down to the comments and tell me and for your time here's a few more free macros here's a level sync Macro for when you're a fake farming and you don't want to have to push that level sync button that's often but nowhere it'll sink you for a fate and auto Dismounts you and get you mounted again if you're doing hunt trains and trying to keep up with everyone you can use this follow macro it will auto Target the nearest player and start to follow them if you press it again it'll also Target the next nearest player and follow them keep that hunt train moving while you do something else that's nobody's business but your own here's one for the tanks you can pop on your enmity and taunt abilities and say hi to the party at the same time when you join a dungeon this is basically the same as the Cara dear macro I have on my sage so you can switch out the ability with whatever you need or want it all works the same if you want to hide everything except your chat and hot bars you can use this for more viewing space click it to turn everything off and click it again to turn them all back on again plus you rarely need half of this stuff when you're in a dungeon you can also mute in-game voices background music or even Mount music with these macros the one button mutes and non-mutes them all very handy for when you're sick of hearing the same dungeon voices the background music isn't to your taste and you're listening to your own music or your Mount has really tragic and bad music now these are two separate macros for people who like lots of explosions and but also like to see what's going on in rates and slash battle effect party all and slash battle effect other roll turns all battlefx on to full wild slash battle effect party simple and slash battle effect other simple limits them so you can actually see what the hell is going on and it's all at the handy Touch of a button and finally one you may actually find useful and it's a Sprint macro it's very straightforward basically if you can mount your Mount if you can't Mount you'll Sprint and if you can't Sprint because it's on cooldown or something and you happen to be a bad dancer or machinist you'll use Peloton so you have movement for days and there we go I've been dying Legacy and hopefully those few macros were useful to you in some way or another if they were hit the like button and subscribe to the channel for more if you have any questions suggestions or if you have any macros of your own you'd like to share comment below you'd be helping out everyone in the comments as well as myself if you want to see a whole pile more of the macros I use pop over and watch me stream on Twitch at dying Legacy we do MMOs and things over there and there I'm done the whole video is over take care of yourselves and keep being awesome foreign [Music]
Channel: Dying Legacy
Views: 19,971
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Final Fantasy Online, Final Fantasy 14 Online, Final Fantasy XIV, Final Fantasy Guide, Final Fantasy Hud, Final Fantasy UI, UI, Setup, Layout, User Interface, Collapsing, Hotbar, Final Fantasy, FinalFantasy, XVI, Starter Guide, Complete Guide, FXIV Guide, FF14 Guide, Final Fantasy Beginner, Final Fantasy 14 guide, Final Fantasy XIV Guide, Beginners Guide, Beginner's Guide, Leveling Guide, Character Guide, Macro Guide, FFXIV Guide
Id: sDExbMckm7A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 25sec (685 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 16 2023
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